blob: cbd3815160706659ae2aaef51a9ef909bc275673 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
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/// @assertion The try statement supports the definition of exception handling
/// code in a structured way.
/// tryStatement:
/// try block (onPart+ finallyPart? | finallyPart)
/// ;
/// onPart:
/// catchPart block |
/// on type catchPart? block
/// ;
/// catchPart:
/// catch ‘(’ identifier (‘, ’ identifier)? ‘)’
/// ;
/// finallyPart:
/// finally block
/// ;
/// A try statement consists of a block statement, followed by at least one of:
/// 1. A set of on-catch clauses, each of which specifies (either explicitly or
/// implicitly) the type of exception object to be handled, one or two
/// exception parameters and a block statement.
/// 2. A finally clause, which consists of a block statement.
/// @description Checks that various valid variations of the try statement do not
/// cause a compile-time error.
/// @author rodionov
main() {
try {
throw "";
on int catch (ok) {}
catch (ok) {}
finally {}
try {
throw "";
on int catch (ok, st) {}
catch (wtvr) {}
finally {}
try {
throw "";
on int catch (ok, st) {}
on String catch (ok, st) {}
try {
try {
throw "";
} finally {}
} catch (ok) {}
try {
throw 1;
on int catch (x) {}
on double catch (x) {}
try {
throw 1;
on int catch (x) {}
on num catch (x) {}
on Object catch (x) {}