blob: 652ba503fd3f4d8411ea465c3754e7c653b6954b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:http/http.dart';
import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart';
import 'package:pubspec_parse/pubspec_parse.dart';
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
import 'util.dart';
import 'version.dart';
class PackageException implements Exception {
final List<PackageExceptionDetails> details;
final String? unsupportedArgument;
PackageException(this.details, {this.unsupportedArgument});
class PackageExceptionDetails {
final String error;
final String? description;
final bool _missingDependency;
const PackageExceptionDetails._(this.error,
{this.description, bool missingDependency = false})
: _missingDependency = missingDependency;
static const noPubspecLock =
PackageExceptionDetails._('`pubspec.lock` does not exist.',
description: 'Run `$appName` in a Dart package directory. '
'Run `dart pub get` first.',
missingDependency: true);
static PackageExceptionDetails missingDep(
String pkgName, VersionConstraint constraint) =>
'You must have a dependency on `$pkgName` in `pubspec.yaml`.',
description: '''
# pubspec.yaml
$pkgName: $constraint''',
missingDependency: true);
String toString() => [error, description].join('\n');
Future _runPubDeps() async {
var result = Process.runSync(dartPath, ['pub', 'deps']);
if (result.exitCode == 65 || result.exitCode == 66) {
throw PackageException(
[PackageExceptionDetails._((result.stderr as String).trim())]);
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
throw ProcessException(
['pub', 'deps'],
class PubspecLock {
final YamlMap? _packages;
static Future<PubspecLock> read() async {
await _runPubDeps();
var pubspecLock =
loadYaml(await File('pubspec.lock').readAsString()) as YamlMap;
var packages = pubspecLock['packages'] as YamlMap?;
return PubspecLock(packages);
List<PackageExceptionDetails> checkPackage(
String pkgName, VersionConstraint constraint,
{String? forArgument, bool requireDirect = true}) {
var issues = <PackageExceptionDetails>[];
var missingDetails =
PackageExceptionDetails.missingDep(pkgName, constraint);
var pkgDataMap =
(_packages == null) ? null : _packages[pkgName] as YamlMap?;
if (pkgDataMap == null) {
} else {
var dependency = pkgDataMap['dependency'] as String?;
if (requireDirect &&
dependency != null &&
!dependency.startsWith('direct ')) {
var source = pkgDataMap['source'] as String?;
if (source == 'hosted') {
// NOTE: pkgDataMap['description'] should be:
// `{url:, name: [pkgName]}`
// If a user is playing around here, they are on their own.
var version = pkgDataMap['version'] as String;
var pkgVersion = Version.parse(version);
if (!constraint.allows(pkgVersion)) {
var error = 'The `$pkgName` version – $pkgVersion – is not '
'within the allowed constraint – $constraint.';
} else {
// NOTE: Intentionally not checking non-hosted dependencies: git, path
// If a user is playing around here, they are on their own.
return issues;
Future<List<PackageExceptionDetails>> _validateBuildDaemonVersion(
PubspecLock pubspecLock) async {
var buildDaemonConstraint = '^4.0.0';
var issues = <PackageExceptionDetails>[];
var buildDaemonIssues = pubspecLock.checkPackage(
requireDirect: false,
// Only warn of build_daemon issues if they have a dependency on the package.
if (buildDaemonIssues.any((issue) => !issue._missingDependency)) {
var info = await _latestPackageInfo();
var issuePreamble =
'This version of webdev does not support the `build_daemon` '
'protocol used by your version of `build_runner`.';
// Check if the newer version supports the `build_daemon` transitive version
// used by their application.
if (info.isNewer &&
.checkPackage('build_daemon', info.buildDaemonConstraint,
requireDirect: false)
.isEmpty) {
'A newer version of webdev is available which supports '
'your version of the `build_daemon`. Please update.'));
} else {
'Please add a dev dependency on `build_daemon` with constraint: '
return issues;
final buildRunnerConstraint = VersionConstraint.parse('^2.4.0');
final buildWebCompilersConstraint = VersionConstraint.parse('^4.0.4');
// Note the minimum versions should never be dev versions as users will not
// get them by default.
Future<void> checkPubspecLock(PubspecLock pubspecLock,
{required bool requireBuildWebCompilers}) async {
var issues = <PackageExceptionDetails>[];
var buildRunnerIssues =
pubspecLock.checkPackage('build_runner', buildRunnerConstraint);
if (requireBuildWebCompilers) {
'build_web_compilers', buildWebCompilersConstraint));
if (buildRunnerIssues.isEmpty) {
issues.addAll(await _validateBuildDaemonVersion(pubspecLock));
if (issues.isNotEmpty) {
throw PackageException(issues);
class _PackageInfo {
final Version? version;
final VersionConstraint buildDaemonConstraint;
final bool isNewer;
_PackageInfo(this.version, this.buildDaemonConstraint, this.isNewer);
/// Returns the package info for the latest webdev release.
Future<_PackageInfo> _latestPackageInfo() async {
var response = await get(Uri.parse(''),
headers: {HttpHeaders.userAgentHeader: 'webdev $packageVersion'});
var responseObj = json.decode(response.body);
var pubspec = Pubspec.fromJson(
responseObj['latest']['pubspec'] as Map<String, dynamic>);
var buildDaemonDependency = pubspec.dependencies['build_daemon'];
// This should never be satisfied.
var buildDaemonConstraint = VersionConstraint.parse('0.0.0');
if (buildDaemonDependency is HostedDependency) {
buildDaemonConstraint = buildDaemonDependency.version;
var currentVersion = Version.parse(packageVersion);
var pubspecVersion = pubspec.version;
var isNewer = (pubspecVersion == null)
? true
: currentVersion.compareTo(pubspecVersion) < 0;
return _PackageInfo(pubspec.version, buildDaemonConstraint, isNewer);