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  1. 50bf268 Add `dwdsLaunch` and `dwdsAttach` events (#2418) by Elliott Brooks · 2 days ago master
  2. 804eb5c Reset DWDS and WebDev after release (#2419) by Elliott Brooks · 2 days ago
  3. 988b03b Prepare webdev for release to version 3.5.0 (#2417) by Elliott Brooks · 3 days ago webdev-v3.5.0
  4. 68513c8 Prepare DWDS for release to version 24.0.0 (#2413) by Elliott Brooks · 3 days ago dwds-v24.0.0
  5. 0b18816 Fix test timeouts related to weak null safety (#2416) by Elliott Brooks · 4 days ago



dwdsA service that proxies between the Chrome debug protocol and the Dart VM service package
frontend_server_clientClient code to start and interact with the frontend_server compiler from the Dart package
webdevA CLI for Dart web development. Provides an easy and consistent set of features for users and tools to build and deploy web applications with package

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