blob: 36e5ad69303b4a6a69bdef6a08091f01ae8a03d2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:vm_service/vm_service.dart';
class DwdsStats {
/// The time when the user starts the debugger.
final DateTime debuggerStart;
var _isDebuggerReady = false;
/// Records and returns whether the debugger became ready.
bool isFirstDebuggerReady() {
final wasReady = _isDebuggerReady;
_isDebuggerReady = true;
return !wasReady;
class DwdsEventKind {
static const String compilerUpdateDependencies =
static const String devtoolsLaunch = 'DEVTOOLS_LAUNCH';
static const String evaluate = 'EVALUATE';
static const String evaluateInFrame = 'EVALUATE_IN_FRAME';
static const String getIsolate = 'GET_ISOLATE';
static const String getScripts = 'GET_SCRIPTS';
static const String getSourceReport = 'GET_SOURCE_REPORT';
static const String debuggerReady = 'DEBUGGER_READY';
static const String getVM = 'GET_VM';
static const String resume = 'RESUME';
class DwdsEvent {
final String type;
final Map<String, dynamic> payload;
DwdsEvent(this.type, this.payload);
DwdsEvent.compilerUpdateDependencies(String entrypoint)
: this(DwdsEventKind.compilerUpdateDependencies, {
'entrypoint': entrypoint,
DwdsEvent.devtoolsLaunch() : this(DwdsEventKind.devtoolsLaunch, {});
DwdsEvent.evaluate(String expression, Response result)
: this(DwdsEventKind.evaluate, {
'expression': expression,
'success': result != null && result is InstanceRef,
if (result != null && result is ErrorRef) 'error': result,
DwdsEvent.evaluateInFrame(String expression, Response result)
: this(DwdsEventKind.evaluateInFrame, {
'expression': expression,
'success': result != null && result is InstanceRef,
if (result != null && result is ErrorRef) 'error': result,
DwdsEvent.getIsolate() : this(DwdsEventKind.getIsolate, {});
DwdsEvent.getScripts() : this(DwdsEventKind.getScripts, {});
DwdsEvent.getVM() : this(DwdsEventKind.getVM, {});
DwdsEvent.resume(String step) : this(DwdsEventKind.resume, {'step': step});
DwdsEvent.getSourceReport() : this(DwdsEventKind.getSourceReport, {});
DwdsEvent.debuggerReady(int elapsedMilliseconds)
: this(DwdsEventKind.debuggerReady, {
'elapsedMilliseconds': elapsedMilliseconds,
void addException(dynamic exception) {
payload['exception'] = exception;
void addElapsedTime(int elapsedMilliseconds) {
payload['elapsedMilliseconds'] = elapsedMilliseconds;
String toString() {
return 'TYPE: $type Payload: $payload';
final _eventController = StreamController<DwdsEvent>.broadcast();
/// Adds an event to the global [eventStream];
void emitEvent(DwdsEvent event) => _eventController.sink.add(event);
/// A global stream of [DwdsEvent]s.
Stream<DwdsEvent> get eventStream =>;