blob: 69735ba11c68a0dbe4cc5c2e330f6980e42fb5a3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Dart Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:async/async.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'shared.dart';
/// Wrapper around the incremental frontend server compiler.
class FrontendServerClient {
final String _entrypoint;
final Process _feServer;
final StreamQueue<String> _feServerStdoutLines;
final bool _verbose;
_ClientState _state;
this._entrypoint, this._feServer, this._feServerStdoutLines,
{bool? verbose})
: _verbose = verbose ?? false,
_state = _ClientState.waitingForFirstCompile {
/// Starts the frontend server.
/// Most arguments directly mirror the command line arguments for the
/// frontend_server (see `pkg/frontend_server/lib/frontend_server.dart` in
/// the sdk). Options are exposed on an as-needed basis.
/// The [entrypoint] and [packagesJson] may be a relative path or any uri
/// supported by the frontend server.
/// The [outputDillPath] determines where the primary output should be, and
/// some targets may output additional files based on that file name (by
/// adding file extensions for instance).
static Future<FrontendServerClient> start(
String entrypoint,
String outputDillPath,
String platformKernel, {
String dartdevcModuleFormat = 'amd',
bool debug = false,
List<String>? enabledExperiments,
bool enableHttpUris = false,
List<String> fileSystemRoots = const [], // For `fileSystemScheme` uris,
String fileSystemScheme =
'org-dartlang-root', // Custom scheme for virtual `fileSystemRoots`.
String? frontendServerPath, // Defaults to the snapshot in the sdk.
String packagesJson = '.dart_tool/package_config.json',
String? sdkRoot, // Defaults to the current SDK root.
String target = 'vm', // The kernel target type.
bool verbose = false, // Verbose logs, including server/client messages
bool printIncrementalDependencies = true,
}) async {
var feServer = await Process.start(Platform.resolvedExecutable, [
if (debug) '--observe',
frontendServerPath ?? _feServerPath,
sdkRoot ?? sdkDir,
if (target == 'dartdevc')
for (var root in fileSystemRoots) '--filesystem-root=$root',
if (enableHttpUris) '--enable-http-uris',
if (verbose) '--verbose',
if (!printIncrementalDependencies) '--no-print-incremental-dependencies',
if (enabledExperiments != null)
for (var experiment in enabledExperiments)
var feServerStdoutLines = StreamQueue(feServer.stdout
.transform(const LineSplitter()));
// The frontend_server doesn't appear to recursively create files, so we
// need to make sure the output dir already exists.
var outputDir = Directory(p.dirname(outputDillPath));
if (!await outputDir.exists()) await outputDir.create();
return FrontendServerClient._(
verbose: verbose,
/// Compiles [_entrypoint], using an incremental recompile if possible.
/// [invalidatedUris] must not be null for all but the very first compile.
/// The frontend server _does not_ do any of its own invalidation.
Future<CompileResult> compile([List<Uri>? invalidatedUris]) async {
String action;
switch (_state) {
case _ClientState.waitingForFirstCompile:
action = 'compile';
case _ClientState.waitingForRecompile:
action = 'recompile';
case _ClientState.waitingForAcceptOrReject:
throw StateError(
'Previous `CompileResult` must be accepted or rejected by '
'calling `accept` or `reject`.');
case _ClientState.compiling:
throw StateError(
'App is already being compiled, you must wait for that to '
'complete and `accept` or `reject` the result before compiling '
case _ClientState.rejecting:
throw StateError('Still waiting for previous `reject` call to finish. '
'You must await that before compiling again.');
_state = _ClientState.compiling;
try {
var command = StringBuffer('$action $_entrypoint');
if (action == 'recompile') {
if (invalidatedUris == null || invalidatedUris.isEmpty) {
throw StateError(
'Subsequent compile invocations must provide a non-empty list '
'of invalidated uris.');
var boundaryKey = generateUuidV4();
command.writeln(' $boundaryKey');
for (var uri in invalidatedUris) {
var state = _CompileState.started;
late String feBoundaryKey;
var newSources = <Uri>{};
var removedSources = <Uri>{};
var compilerOutputLines = <String>[];
var errorCount = 0;
String? outputDillPath;
while (
state != _CompileState.done && await _feServerStdoutLines.hasNext) {
var line = await _nextInputLine();
switch (state) {
case _CompileState.started:
feBoundaryKey = line.substring(line.indexOf(' ') + 1);
state = _CompileState.waitingForKey;
case _CompileState.waitingForKey:
if (line == feBoundaryKey) {
state = _CompileState.gettingSourceDiffs;
} else {
case _CompileState.gettingSourceDiffs:
if (line.startsWith(feBoundaryKey)) {
state = _CompileState.done;
var parts = line.split(' ');
outputDillPath = parts.getRange(1, parts.length - 1).join(' ');
errorCount = int.parse(parts.last);
var diffUri = Uri.parse(line.substring(1));
if (line.startsWith('+')) {
} else if (line.startsWith('-')) {
} else {
throw StateError(
'unrecognized diff line, should start with a + or - but got: $line');
case _CompileState.done:
throw StateError('Unreachable');
return CompileResult._(
dillOutput: outputDillPath,
errorCount: errorCount,
newSources: newSources,
removedSources: removedSources,
compilerOutputLines: compilerOutputLines);
} finally {
_state = _ClientState.waitingForAcceptOrReject;
/// TODO: Document
Future<CompileResult> compileExpression({
required String expression,
required List<String> definitions,
required bool isStatic,
required String klass,
required String libraryUri,
required List<String> typeDefinitions,
}) =>
throw UnimplementedError();
/// TODO: Document
Future<CompileResult> compileExpressionToJs({
required String expression,
required int column,
required Map<String, String> jsFrameValues,
required Map<String, String> jsModules,
required String libraryUri,
required int line,
required String moduleName,
}) =>
throw UnimplementedError();
/// Should be invoked when results of compilation are accepted by the client.
/// Either [accept] or [reject] should be called after every [compile] call.
void accept() {
if (_state != _ClientState.waitingForAcceptOrReject) {
throw StateError(
'Called `accept` but there was no previous compile to accept.');
_state = _ClientState.waitingForRecompile;
/// Should be invoked when results of compilation are rejected by the client.
/// Either [accept] or [reject] should be called after every [compile] call.
/// The result of this call must be awaited before a new [compile] can be
/// done.
Future<void> reject() async {
if (_state != _ClientState.waitingForAcceptOrReject) {
throw StateError(
'Called `reject` but there was no previous compile to reject.');
_state = _ClientState.rejecting;
late String boundaryKey;
var rejectState = _RejectState.started;
while (rejectState != _RejectState.done &&
await _feServerStdoutLines.hasNext) {
var line = await _nextInputLine();
switch (rejectState) {
case _RejectState.started:
if (!line.startsWith('result')) {
throw StateError(
'Expected a line like `result <boundary-key>` after a `reject` '
'command, but got:\n$line');
boundaryKey = line.split(' ').last;
rejectState = _RejectState.waitingForKey;
case _RejectState.waitingForKey:
if (line != boundaryKey) {
throw StateError('Expected exactly `$boundaryKey` but got:\n$line');
rejectState = _RejectState.done;
case _RejectState.done:
throw StateError('Unreachable');
_state = _ClientState.waitingForRecompile;
/// Should be invoked when frontend server compiler should forget what was
/// accepted previously so that next call to [compile] produces complete
/// kernel file.
void reset() {
if (_state == _ClientState.compiling) {
throw StateError(
'Called `reset` during an active compile, you must wait for that to '
'complete first.');
_state = _ClientState.waitingForRecompile;
/// Stop the service gracefully (using the shutdown command)
Future<int> shutdown() async {
var timer = Timer(const Duration(seconds: 1), _feServer.kill);
var exitCode = await _feServer.exitCode;
await _feServerStdoutLines.cancel();
return exitCode;
/// Kills the server forcefully by calling `kill` on the process, and
/// returns the result.
bool kill({ProcessSignal processSignal = ProcessSignal.sigterm}) {
return _feServer.kill(processSignal);
/// Sends [command] to the [_feServer] via stdin, and logs it if [_verbose].
void _sendCommand(String command) {
if (_verbose) {
var lines = const LineSplitter().convert(command);
for (var line in lines) {
print('>> $line');
/// Reads a line from [_feServerStdoutLines] and logs it if [_verbose].
Future<String> _nextInputLine() async {
var line = await;
if (_verbose) print('<< $line');
return line;
/// The result of a compile call.
class CompileResult {
const CompileResult._(
{required this.dillOutput,
required this.compilerOutputLines,
required this.errorCount,
required this.newSources,
required this.removedSources});
/// The produced dill output file, this will either be a full dill file, an
/// incremental dill file, or `null` if no file was produced.
final String? dillOutput;
/// All output from the compiler, typically this would contain errors or
/// warnings.
final Iterable<String> compilerOutputLines;
/// The total count of errors, details should appear in
/// [compilerOutputLines].
final int errorCount;
/// A single file containing all source maps for all JS outputs.
/// Read [jsManifestOutput] for file offsets for each sourcemap.
String? get jsSourceMapsOutput =>
dillOutput == null ? null : '$';
/// A single file containing all JS outputs.
/// Read [jsManifestOutput] for file offsets for each source.
String? get jsSourcesOutput =>
dillOutput == null ? null : '$dillOutput.sources';
/// A JSON manifest containing offsets for the sources and source maps in
/// the [jsSourcesOutput] and [jsSourceMapsOutput] files.
String? get jsManifestOutput =>
dillOutput == null ? null : '$dillOutput.json';
/// All the transitive source dependencies that were added as a part of this
/// compile.
final Iterable<Uri> newSources;
/// All the transitive source dependencies that were removed as a part of
/// this compile.
final Iterable<Uri> removedSources;
/// Internal states for the client.
enum _ClientState {
/// Frontend server interaction states for a `compile` call.
enum _CompileState {
/// Frontend server interaction states for a `reject` call.
enum _RejectState {
final _feServerPath =
p.join(sdkDir, 'bin', 'snapshots', 'frontend_server.dart.snapshot');