blob: c3fc1dbdb87c11b48819b658e01e880e814a9381 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.import 'dart:async';
// @dart = 2.9
import 'package:vm_service/vm_service.dart';
import 'package:webkit_inspection_protocol/webkit_inspection_protocol.dart';
import '../../dwds.dart' show ChromeDebugException;
import '../loaders/strategy.dart';
import '../utilities/domain.dart';
import '../utilities/shared.dart';
import 'inspector.dart';
import 'metadata/class.dart';
/// A hard-coded ClassRef for the Closure class.
final classRefForClosure = classRefFor('dart:core', 'Closure');
/// A hard-coded ClassRef for the String class.
final classRefForString = classRefFor('dart:core', InstanceKind.kString);
/// A hard-coded ClassRef for a (non-existent) class called Unknown.
final classRefForUnknown = classRefFor('dart:core', 'Unknown');
/// Returns a [ClassRef] for the provided library ID and class name.
ClassRef classRefFor(String libraryId, String name) => ClassRef(
id: 'classes|$libraryId|$name',
name: name,
library: LibraryRef(id: libraryId, name: libraryId, uri: libraryId));
/// Keeps track of Dart classes available in the running application.
class ClassHelper extends Domain {
/// Map of class ID to [Class].
final _classes = <String, Class>{};
ClassHelper(AppInspector Function() provider) : super(provider) {
var staticClasses = [
for (var classRef in staticClasses) {
_classes[] = Class(
isAbstract: false,
isConst: false,
library: null,
interfaces: [],
fields: [],
functions: [],
subclasses: [],
traceAllocations: false);
/// Returns the [Class] that corresponds to the provided [objectId].
/// If a corresponding class does not exist it will return null.
Future<Class> forObjectId(String objectId) async {
if (!objectId.startsWith('classes|')) return null;
var clazz = _classes[objectId];
if (clazz != null) return clazz;
var splitId = objectId.split('|');
var libraryId = splitId[1];
if (libraryId == 'null') {
throw UnsupportedError('unknown library: $libraryId');
var libraryRef = await inspector.libraryHelper.libraryRefFor(libraryId);
if (libraryRef == null) {
throw Exception('Could not find library: $libraryId');
var classRef = classRefFor(libraryId, splitId.last);
clazz = await _constructClass(libraryRef, classRef);
if (clazz == null) {
throw Exception('Could not contruct class: $classRef');
return _classes[objectId] = clazz;
/// Constructs a [Class] instance for the provided [LibraryRef] and
/// [ClassRef].
Future<Class> _constructClass(
LibraryRef libraryRef, ClassRef classRef) async {
var rawName ='<').first;
var expression = '''
(function() {
var result = {};
var clazz = library["$rawName"];
var descriptor = {
'dartName': sdkUtils.typeName(clazz)
// TODO(grouma) - we display all inherited methods since we don't provide
// the superClass information. This is technically not correct.
var proto = clazz.prototype;
var methodNames = [];
for (; proto != null; proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(proto)) {
var methods = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(proto);
for (var i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
if (methodNames.indexOf(methods[i]) == -1
&& methods[i] != 'constructor') {
if ( == 'Object') break;
descriptor['methods'] = {};
for (var name of methodNames) {
descriptor['methods'][name] = {
// TODO(jakemac): how can we get actual const info?
"isConst": false,
"isStatic": false,
// TODO(jakemac): static fields once ddc supports them
var fields = sdkUtils.getFields(clazz);
var fieldNames = fields ? Object.keys(fields) : [];
descriptor['fields'] = {};
for (var name of fieldNames) {
var field = fields[name];
var libraryUri = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(fields[name]["type"])
.find(x => x.description == "libraryUri");
descriptor['fields'][name] = {
// TODO(jakemac): how can we get actual const info?
"isConst": false,
"isFinal": field.isFinal,
"isStatic": false,
"classRefName": fields[name]["type"]["name"],
"classRefDartName": sdkUtils.typeName(fields[name]["type"]),
"classRefLibraryId" : field["type"][libraryUri],
return descriptor;
RemoteObject result;
try {
result = await inspector.remoteDebugger.evaluate(
returnByValue: true,
contextId: await inspector.contextId,
} on ExceptionDetails catch (e) {
throw ChromeDebugException(e.json, evalContents: expression);
var classDescriptor = result.value as Map<String, dynamic>;
var methodRefs = <FuncRef>[];
var methodDescriptors = classDescriptor['methods'] as Map<String, dynamic>;
methodDescriptors.forEach((name, descriptor) {
var methodId = 'methods|${}|$name';
id: methodId,
name: name,
owner: classRef,
isConst: descriptor['isConst'] as bool,
isStatic: descriptor['isStatic'] as bool,
// TODO(annagrin): get information about getters and setters from symbols.
implicit: false));
var fieldRefs = <FieldRef>[];
var fieldDescriptors = classDescriptor['fields'] as Map<String, dynamic>;
fieldDescriptors.forEach((name, descriptor) async {
var classMetaData = ClassMetaData(
jsName: descriptor['classRefName'],
libraryId: descriptor['classRefLibraryId'],
dartName: descriptor['classRefDartName']);
name: name,
owner: classRef,
declaredType: InstanceRef(
identityHashCode: createId().hashCode,
id: createId(),
kind: InstanceKind.kType,
classRef: classMetaData.classRef),
isConst: descriptor['isConst'] as bool,
isFinal: descriptor['isFinal'] as bool,
isStatic: descriptor['isStatic'] as bool,
id: createId()));
// TODO: Implement the rest of these
return Class(
isAbstract: false,
isConst: false,
library: libraryRef,
interfaces: [],
fields: fieldRefs,
functions: methodRefs,
subclasses: [],
traceAllocations: false);