blob: 983a4e5c65d19539e24a5e05570d70453f1d5fe8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:browser_launcher/browser_launcher.dart' as browser_launcher;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:webkit_inspection_protocol/webkit_inspection_protocol.dart';
var _currentCompleter = Completer<Chrome>();
/// A class for managing an instance of Chrome.
class Chrome {
final int debugPort;
final browser_launcher.Chrome _chrome;
final ChromeConnection chromeConnection;
) : chromeConnection = _chrome.chromeConnection;
Future<void> close() async {
if (_currentCompleter.isCompleted) _currentCompleter = Completer<Chrome>();
await _chrome.close();
/// Connects to an instance of Chrome with an open debug port.
static Future<Chrome> fromExisting(int port) async => _connect(
Chrome._(port, await browser_launcher.Chrome.fromExisting(port)));
static Future<Chrome> get connectedInstance => _currentCompleter.future;
/// Starts Chrome with the remote debug port enabled.
/// Each url in [urls] will be loaded in a separate tab.
static Future<Chrome> start(List<String> urls, {int port}) async {
String dir;
// Re-using the directory causes flakiness on Windows, so on that platform
// pass null to have it create a directory.
if (!Platform.isWindows) {
dir = path.join(Directory.current.absolute.path, '.dart_tool', 'webdev',
Directory(dir).createSync(recursive: true);
var chrome = await browser_launcher.Chrome.startWithDebugPort(urls,
debugPort: port, userDataDir: dir);
return _connect(Chrome._(chrome.debugPort, chrome));
static Future<Chrome> _connect(Chrome chrome) async {
if (_currentCompleter.isCompleted) {
throw ChromeError('Only one instance of chrome can be started.');
// The connection is lazy. Try a simple call to make sure the provided
// connection is valid.
try {
await chrome._chrome.chromeConnection.getTabs();
} catch (e) {
await chrome.close();
throw ChromeError(
'Unable to connect to Chrome debug port: ${chrome.debugPort}\n $e');
return chrome;
class ChromeError extends Error {
final String details;
String toString() {
return 'ChromeError: $details';