blob: 357e568adc0ddca89f0215b0305eb244fd0f5895 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_descriptor/test_descriptor.dart' as d;
import 'test_utils.dart';
void main() {
test('non-existant commands create errors', () async {
var process = await runWebDev(['monkey']);
await expectLater(
process.stdout, emits('Could not find a command named "monkey".'));
await process.shouldExit(64);
test('passing extra args to build fails with bad usage', () async {
var process = await runWebDev(['build', 'extra', 'args']);
await expectLater(process.stdout,
emits('Arguments were provided that are not supported: "extra args".'));
await process.shouldExit(64);
test('Errors with `build_runner` should not surface `build_daemon` issues',
() async {
await d.file('pubspec.yaml', '''
name: sample
await d
runnerVersion: '1.2.8',
daemonVersion: '0.4.0',
await d.file('.packages', '''
await d.dir('.dart_tool', [d.file('package_config.json', '')]).create();
var process = await runWebDev(['serve'], workingDirectory: d.sandbox);
var output = await;
expect(output, isNot(contains(contains('`build_daemon`'))));
await process.shouldExit(78);
var invalidRanges = <String, List<String>>{
'build_runner': ['0.8.9', '2.0.0'],
'build_web_compilers': ['0.3.5', '3.0.0'],
'build_daemon': ['0.3.0', '0.4.1'],
for (var command in ['build', 'serve', 'daemon']) {
group('`$command` command', () {
group('missing dependency on', () {
test('`build_runner` should fail', () async {
await d.file('pubspec.yaml', '''
name: sample
await d
.file('pubspec.lock', _pubspecLock(runnerVersion: null))
await d.file('.packages', '''
await d
.dir('.dart_tool', [d.file('package_config.json', '')]).create();
var process = await runWebDev([command], workingDirectory: d.sandbox);
await checkProcessStdout(process, [
'webdev could not run for this project.',
'You must have a dependency on `build_runner` in `pubspec.yaml`.'
await process.shouldExit(78);
test('`build_web_compilers` should fail', () async {
await d.file('pubspec.yaml', '''
name: sample
await d
.file('pubspec.lock', _pubspecLock(webCompilersVersion: null))
await d.file('.packages', '''
await d
.dir('.dart_tool', [d.file('package_config.json', '')]).create();
var process = await runWebDev(['serve'], workingDirectory: d.sandbox);
await checkProcessStdout(process, [
'webdev could not run for this project.',
'You must have a dependency on `build_web_compilers` in `pubspec.yaml`.'
await process.shouldExit(78);
'`build_web_compilers` should be ignored with '
'--no-build-web-compilers', () async {
await d.file('pubspec.yaml', '''
name: sample
await d
.file('pubspec.lock', _pubspecLock(webCompilersVersion: null))
await d.file('.packages', '''
await d
.dir('.dart_tool', [d.file('package_config.json', '')]).create();
// Required for webdev to not complain about nothing to serve.
await d.dir('web').create();
var process = await runWebDev(['serve', '--no-build-web-compilers'],
workingDirectory: d.sandbox);
// Fails since this is a fake package
await process.shouldExit(255);
for (var entry in invalidRanges.entries) {
group('with package `${entry.key}`', () {
for (var version in entry.value) {
test('at invalid version `$version` should fail', () async {
var buildRunnerVersion = _supportedBuildRunnerVersion;
var webCompilersVersion = _supportedWebCompilersVersion;
var buildDaemonVersion = _supportedBuildDaemonVersion;
String supportedRange;
switch (entry.key) {
case 'build_runner':
buildRunnerVersion = version;
supportedRange = '>=$_supportedBuildRunnerVersion <2.0.0';
case 'build_web_compilers':
webCompilersVersion = version;
supportedRange = '>=$_supportedWebCompilersVersion <3.0.0';
case 'build_daemon':
buildDaemonVersion = version;
supportedRange = '^0.4.0';
await d.file('pubspec.yaml', '''
name: sample
await d
runnerVersion: buildRunnerVersion,
webCompilersVersion: webCompilersVersion,
daemonVersion: buildDaemonVersion))
await d.file('.packages', '''
await d.dir(
'.dart_tool', [d.file('package_config.json', '')]).create();
var process =
await runWebDev(['serve'], workingDirectory: d.sandbox);
if (entry.key == 'build_daemon') {
await checkProcessStdout(process, [
'webdev could not run for this project.',
'This version of webdev does not support the `build_daemon`'
} else {
await checkProcessStdout(process, [
'webdev could not run for this project.',
// See
// ignore: prefer_adjacent_string_concatenation
'The `${entry.key}` version – $version – ' +
'is not within the allowed constraint – $supportedRange.'
await process.shouldExit(78);
test('no pubspec.yaml', () async {
var process = await runWebDev(['serve'], workingDirectory: d.sandbox);
await checkProcessStdout(process, [
'webdev could not run for this project.',
'Could not find a file named "pubspec.yaml"'
await process.shouldExit(78);
test('pubspec.yaml, no pubspec.lock', () async {
await d.file('pubspec.yaml', '''
name: sample
var process = await runWebDev(['serve'], workingDirectory: d.sandbox);
await checkProcessStdout(process, [
'webdev could not run for this project.',
'No pubspec.lock file found, please run "pub get" first.'
await process.shouldExit(78);
test('should fail if there has been a dependency change', () async {
await d.file('pubspec.lock', _pubspecLock()).create();
await d.file('.packages', '').create();
await d.dir('.dart_tool', [d.file('package_config.json', '')]).create();
// Ensure there is a noticeable delta in the creation times
await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 1100));
await d.file('pubspec.yaml', '''
name: sample
args: ^1.0.0
var process = await runWebDev(['serve'], workingDirectory: d.sandbox);
await checkProcessStdout(process, [
'webdev could not run for this project.',
// See
// ignore: prefer_adjacent_string_concatenation
'The pubspec.yaml file has changed since the pubspec.lock file ' +
'was generated, please run "pub get" again.'
await process.shouldExit(78);
const _supportedBuildRunnerVersion = '1.6.2';
const _supportedWebCompilersVersion = '2.12.0';
const _supportedBuildDaemonVersion = '2.0.0';
String _pubspecLock(
{String runnerVersion = _supportedBuildRunnerVersion,
String webCompilersVersion = _supportedWebCompilersVersion,
String daemonVersion = _supportedBuildDaemonVersion,
List<String> extraPkgs = const []}) {
var buffer = StringBuffer('''
# Copy-pasted from a valid run
if (runnerVersion != null) {
dependency: "direct dev"
name: build_runner
url: ""
source: hosted
version: "$runnerVersion"
if (webCompilersVersion != null) {
dependency: "direct dev"
name: build_web_compilers
url: ""
source: hosted
version: "$webCompilersVersion"
if (daemonVersion != null) {
dependency: "direct transitive"
name: build_daemon
url: ""
source: hosted
version: "$daemonVersion"
for (var pkg in extraPkgs) {
dependency: "direct"
name: $pkg
url: ""
source: hosted
version: "1.0.0"
return buffer.toString();