blob: a69b90a9efd31638c79b7afbe65e31cae194c07c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
library require_reloading_manager;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:js_util';
import 'package:graphs/graphs.dart' as graphs;
import 'package:js/js.dart';
import 'package:js/js_util.dart';
import '../promise.dart';
import '../run_main.dart';
import 'restarter.dart';
/// The last known digests of all the modules in the application.
/// This is updated in place during calls to hotRestart.
Map<String, String> _lastKnownDigests;
external RequireLoader get requireLoader;
external Object Function(String module) get require;
external set dartRunMain(Function() func);
external Function() get dartRunMain;
List<K> keys<K, V>(JsMap<K, V> map) {
return List.from(_jsArrayFrom(map.keys()));
external List _jsArrayFrom(Object any);
external List _jsObjectValues(Object any);
class RequireLoader {
external String get digestsPath;
external JsMap<String, List<String>> get moduleParentsGraph;
external void forceLoadModule(String moduleId, void Function() callback,
void Function(JsError e) onError);
class HotReloadFailedException implements Exception {
final String _s;
String toString() => "HotReloadFailedException: '$_s'";
abstract class JsError {
external String get message;
external String get stack;
abstract class JsMap<K, V> {
external V get(K key);
external Object keys();
/// Handles hot restart reloading for use with the require module system.
class RequireRestarter implements Restarter {
final _moduleOrdering = HashMap<String, int>();
SplayTreeSet<String> _dirtyModules;
var _running = Completer<bool>()..complete();
var count = 0;
RequireRestarter._() {
_dirtyModules = SplayTreeSet(_moduleTopologicalCompare);
Future<bool> restart() async {
var developer = getProperty(require('dart_sdk'), 'developer');
if (callMethod(getProperty(developer, '_extensions'), 'containsKey',
['ext.flutter.disassemble']) as bool) {
await toFuture(callMethod(
developer, 'invokeExtension', ['ext.flutter.disassemble', '{}'])
as Promise<void>);
var newDigests = await _getDigests();
var modulesToLoad = <String>[];
for (var moduleId in newDigests.keys) {
if (!_lastKnownDigests.containsKey(moduleId)) {
print('Error during script reloading, refreshing the page. \n'
'Unable to find an existing digest for module: $moduleId.');
} else if (_lastKnownDigests[moduleId] != newDigests[moduleId]) {
_lastKnownDigests[moduleId] = newDigests[moduleId];
var result = true;
if (modulesToLoad.isNotEmpty) {
result = await _reload(modulesToLoad);
callMethod(getProperty(require('dart_sdk'), 'dart'), 'hotRestart', []);
return result;
List<String> _allModules() => keys(requireLoader.moduleParentsGraph);
Future<Map<String, String>> _getDigests() async {
var request = await HttpRequest.request(requireLoader.digestsPath,
responseType: 'json', method: 'GET');
return (request.response as Map).cast<String, String>();
Future<void> _initialize() async {
_lastKnownDigests = await _getDigests();
List<String> _moduleParents(String module) =>
requireLoader.moduleParentsGraph.get(module)?.cast() ?? [];
int _moduleTopologicalCompare(String module1, String module2) {
var topological = 0;
final order1 = _moduleOrdering[module1];
final order2 = _moduleOrdering[module2];
if (order1 == null || order2 == null) {
var missing = order1 == null ? module1 : module2;
throw HotReloadFailedException(
'Unable to fetch ordering info for module: $missing');
topological =[module2], _moduleOrdering[module1]);
if (topological == 0) {
// If modules are in cycle (same strongly connected component) compare
// their string id, to ensure total ordering for SplayTreeSet uniqueness.
topological = module1.compareTo(module2);
return topological;
/// Returns `true` if the reload was fully handled, `false` if it failed
/// explicitly, or `null` for an unhandled reload.
Future<bool> _reload(List<String> modules) async {
// As function is async, it can potentially be called second time while
// first invocation is still running. In this case just mark as dirty and
// wait until loop from the first call will do the work
if (!_running.isCompleted) return await _running.future;
_running = Completer();
var reloadedModules = 0;
try {
String previousModuleId;
while (_dirtyModules.isNotEmpty) {
var moduleId = _dirtyModules.first;
var parentIds = _moduleParents(moduleId);
// Check if this is the root / bootstrap module.
if (parentIds == null || parentIds.isEmpty) {
// The bootstrap module is not reloaded but we need to update the
// $dartRunMain reference to the newly loaded child module.
var childModule = callMethod(getProperty(require('dart_sdk'), 'dart'),
'getModuleLibraries', [previousModuleId]);
dartRunMain = allowInterop(() {
callMethod(_jsObjectValues(childModule).first, 'main', []);
} else {
await _reloadModule(moduleId);
previousModuleId = moduleId;
print('$reloadedModules module(s) were hot-reloaded.');
} on HotReloadFailedException catch (e) {
print('Error during script reloading. Firing full page reload. $e');
return _running.future;
Future<void> _reloadModule(String moduleId) {
var completer = Completer();
var stackTrace = StackTrace.current;
requireLoader.forceLoadModule(moduleId, allowInterop(() {
allowInterop((e) => completer.completeError(
HotReloadFailedException(e.message), stackTrace)));
return completer.future;
void _reloadPage() {
void _updateGraph() {
var allModules = _allModules();
var stronglyConnectedComponents =
graphs.stronglyConnectedComponents(allModules, _moduleParents);
for (var i = 0; i < stronglyConnectedComponents.length; i++) {
for (var module in stronglyConnectedComponents[i]) {
_moduleOrdering[module] = i;
static Future<RequireRestarter> create() async {
var reloader = RequireRestarter._();
await reloader._initialize();
return reloader;