blob: cd0a8a2c5ea09cb9c8c10dadeb96c0eaef10c9fe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:dwds/src/connections/debug_connection.dart';
import 'package:dwds/src/services/chrome_proxy_service.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:vm_service/vm_service.dart';
import 'package:webkit_inspection_protocol/webkit_inspection_protocol.dart';
import 'fixtures/context.dart';
final context = TestContext(
directory: p.join('..', 'fixtures', '_testPackage'),
entry: p.join('..', 'fixtures', '_testPackage', 'web', 'main.dart'),
path: 'index.html',
pathToServe: 'web');
ChromeProxyService get service =>
WipConnection get tabConnection => context.tabConnection;
void main() {
group('shared context', () {
setUpAll(() async {
await context.setUp(
compilationMode: CompilationMode.frontendServer,
tearDownAll(() async {
await context.tearDown();
group('breakpoint', () {
VM vm;
Isolate isolate;
ScriptList scripts;
ScriptRef mainScript;
Stream<Event> stream;
setUp(() async {
vm = await service.getVM();
isolate = await service.getIsolate(;
scripts = await service.getScripts(;
await service.streamListen('Debug');
stream = service.onEvent('Debug');
mainScript = scripts.scripts
.firstWhere((each) => each.uri.contains('main.dart'));
tearDown(() async {
await service.resume(;
test('set breakpoint', () async {
var line = await context.findBreakpointLine(
'printLocal',, mainScript);
var bp = await service.addBreakpointWithScriptUri(, mainScript.uri, line);
await stream.firstWhere(
(Event event) => event.kind == EventKind.kPauseBreakpoint);
expect(bp, isNotNull);
// Remove breakpoint so it doesn't impact other tests.
await service.removeBreakpoint(,;
test('set breakpoint again', () async {
var line = await context.findBreakpointLine(
'printLocal',, mainScript);
var bp = await service.addBreakpointWithScriptUri(, mainScript.uri, line);
await stream.firstWhere(
(Event event) => event.kind == EventKind.kPauseBreakpoint);
expect(bp, isNotNull);
// Remove breakpoint so it doesn't impact other tests.
await service.removeBreakpoint(,;