blob: 38a55759bb671f6f6c41452e40fb47b3e521ba4d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.import 'dart:async';
// @dart = 2.9
/// A library for WebKit mirror objects and support code. These probably should
/// get migrated into webkit_inspection_protocol over time.
import 'package:webkit_inspection_protocol/webkit_inspection_protocol.dart';
/// Represents a property of an object.
class Property {
final Map<String, dynamic> _map;
RemoteObject _remoteObjectValue;
Map<String, dynamic> get map => _map;
/// The remote object value in unwrapped form.
/// Useful for getting access to properties of particular types of
/// RemoteObject.
Object get rawValue => _map == null ? null : _map['value'];
/// Remote object value in case of primitive values or JSON values (if it was
/// requested). (optional)
RemoteObject get value {
if (_remoteObjectValue != null) return _remoteObjectValue;
if (rawValue == null) return null;
final val = _map['value'];
if (val is RemoteObject) {
_remoteObjectValue = val;
} else {
_remoteObjectValue = RemoteObject(val as Map<String, dynamic>);
return _remoteObjectValue;
/// The name of the property
String get name {
const prefix = 'Symbol(';
var nonSymbol = (rawName.startsWith(prefix))
? rawName.substring(prefix.length, rawName.length - 1)
: rawName;
// Adjust names for late fields:
// '_#MyTestClass#myselfField' -> 'myselfField'
// TODO(annagrin): Use debug symbols to map from dart to JS symbols.
nonSymbol = nonSymbol.split('#').last;
return nonSymbol.split('.').last;
/// The raw name of the property in JS.
/// Will be of the form 'Symbol(_actualName)' for private fields.
String get rawName => _map['name'] as String;
String toString() => '$name $value';