blob: 49ddd55cf9d4765879c47526c59018815514ad35 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
@Timeout(Duration(minutes: 5))
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:io/io.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_descriptor/test_descriptor.dart' as d;
import 'package:test_process/test_process.dart';
import 'package:webdev/src/serve/utils.dart';
import 'package:webdev/src/util.dart';
import 'test_utils.dart';
/// Key: name of file in web directory
/// Value: `null` - exists in both modes
/// `true` - DDC only
/// `false` - dart2js only
const _testItems = <String, bool>{
'main.dart.js': null,
'main.dart.bootstrap.js': true,
'main.ddc.js': true
void main() {
String exampleDirectory;
setUpAll(() async {
exampleDirectory = p.absolute(p.join(p.current, '..', 'example'));
var process = await TestProcess.start(pubPath, ['upgrade'],
workingDirectory: exampleDirectory, environment: getPubEnvironment());
await process.shouldExit(0);
await d.file('.packages', isNotEmpty).validate(exampleDirectory);
await d.file('pubspec.lock', isNotEmpty).validate(exampleDirectory);
test('build should fail if targetting an existing directory', () async {
await d.file('simple thing', 'throw-away').create();
var args = ['build', '-o', 'web:${d.sandbox}'];
var process = await runWebDev(args, workingDirectory: exampleDirectory);
// NOTE: We'd like this to be more useful
// See
await expectLater(
contains('Unable to create merged directory at ${d.sandbox}.')));
await expectLater(
'Choose a different directory or delete the contents of that '
await process.shouldExit(isNot(0));
test('build should allow passing extra arguments to build_runner', () async {
var args = [
var process = await runWebDev(args, workingDirectory: exampleDirectory);
await checkProcessStdout(process, ['Succeeded']);
await process.shouldExit(0);
group('should build with valid configuration', () {
for (var withDDC in [true, false]) {
test(withDDC ? 'DDC' : 'dart2js', () async {
var args = ['build', '-o', 'web:${d.sandbox}'];
if (withDDC) {
var process = await runWebDev(args, workingDirectory: exampleDirectory);
var expectedItems = <Object>['Succeeded'];
await checkProcessStdout(process, expectedItems);
await process.shouldExit(0);
for (var entry in _testItems.entries) {
var shouldExist = (entry.value ?? withDDC) == withDDC;
if (shouldExist) {
await d.file(entry.key, isNotEmpty).validate();
} else {
await d.nothing(entry.key).validate();
group('should serve with valid configuration', () {
for (var withDDC in [true, false]) {
var type = withDDC ? 'DDC' : 'dart2js';
test('using $type', () async {
var openPort = await findUnusedPort();
var args = ['serve', 'web:$openPort'];
if (!withDDC) {
var process = await runWebDev(args, workingDirectory: exampleDirectory);
var hostUrl = 'http://localhost:$openPort';
// Wait for the initial build to finish.
await expectLater(process.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('Succeeded')));
var client = HttpClient();
try {
for (var entry in _testItems.entries) {
var url = Uri.parse('$hostUrl/${entry.key}');
var request = await client.getUrl(url);
var response = await request.close();
var shouldExist = (entry.value ?? withDDC) == withDDC;
expect(response.statusCode, shouldExist ? 200 : 404,
reason: 'Expecting "$url"? $shouldExist');
} finally {
client.close(force: true);
await process.kill();
await process.shouldExit();
group('Should fail with invalid build directories', () {
var invalidServeDirs = ['.', '../', '../foo', 'foo/bar', 'foo/../'];
for (var dir in invalidServeDirs) {
for (var command in ['build', 'serve']) {
test('cannot $command directory: `$dir`', () async {
var args = [
if (command == 'build') '--output=$dir:foo' else dir
var process =
await runWebDev(args, workingDirectory: exampleDirectory);
await expectLater(
'Invalid configuration: Only top level directories under the '
'package can be built')));
await expectLater(process.exitCode, completion(ExitCode.config.code));