blob: aeafed822d20b4633229cd2f2a44cba49a96cc60 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_descriptor/test_descriptor.dart' as d;
import 'package:test_process/test_process.dart';
import 'package:webdev/src/util.dart';
final _webdevBin = p.absolute(p.join('bin', 'webdev.dart'));
Future<TestProcess> _runWebDev(List<String> args, {String workingDirectory}) {
var fullArgs = [_webdevBin]..addAll(args);
return TestProcess.start(dartPath, fullArgs,
workingDirectory: workingDirectory);
void main() {
test('README contains help output', () async {
var process = await _runWebDev([]);
var output = (await process.stdoutStream().join('\n')).trim();
await process.shouldExit(0);
var readme = new File('');
contains('```console\n\$ webdev\n$output\n```'));
test('non-existant commands create errors', () async {
var process = await _runWebDev(['monkey']);
await expectLater(
process.stdout, emits('Could not find a command named "monkey".'));
await process.shouldExit(64);
test('should fail in a package without a build_runner dependency', () async {
// Running on the `webdev` package directory – which has no dependency on
// build runner.
var process = await _runWebDev(['build']);
var output = (await process.stdoutStream().join('\n')).trim();
expect(output, contains(r'''Could not run in the current directory.
A dependency on `build_runner` was not found.'''));
await process.shouldExit(78);
group('should fail when `build_runner` is the wrong version', () {
for (var version in ['0.7.13+1', '0.9.0']) {
test(version, () async {
await d.file('pubspec.yaml', '''
name: sample
await d.file('pubspec.lock', '''
# Copy-pasted from a valid run
dependency: "direct main"
name: build_runner
url: ""
source: hosted
version: "$version"
await d.file('.packages', '''
var process = await _runWebDev(['build'], workingDirectory: d.sandbox);
await expectLater(
process.stdout, emits('Could not run in the current directory.'));
await expectLater(
emits('The `build_runner` version – $version – '
'is not within the supported range – >=0.8.0 <0.9.0.'));
await process.shouldExit(78);
test('no pubspec.yaml', () async {
var process = await _runWebDev(['build'], workingDirectory: d.sandbox);
var output = await process.stdoutStream().join('\n');
expect(output, contains('Could not run in the current directory.'));
expect(output, contains('Could not find a file named "pubspec.yaml"'));
await process.shouldExit(78);
test('pubspec.yaml, no pubspec.lock', () async {
await d.file('pubspec.yaml', '''
name: sample
var process = await _runWebDev(['build'], workingDirectory: d.sandbox);
var output = await process.stdoutStream().join('\n');
expect(output, contains('Could not run in the current directory.'));
contains('No pubspec.lock file found, please run "pub get" first.'));
await process.shouldExit(78);
test('pubspec.yaml, pubspec.lock, no .packages', () async {
await d.file('pubspec.yaml', '''
name: sample
await d.file('pubspec.lock', '''
# Copy-pasted from a valid run
dependency: "direct main"
name: build_runner
url: ""
source: hosted
version: "0.8.0"
var process = await _runWebDev(['build'], workingDirectory: d.sandbox);
var output = await process.stdoutStream().join('\n');
expect(output, contains('Could not run in the current directory.'));
contains('No .packages file found, please run "pub get" first.'));
await process.shouldExit(78);
test('should fail gracefully if there is an isolate error', () async {
await d.file('pubspec.yaml', '''
name: sample
await d.file('pubspec.lock', '''
# Copy-pasted from a valid run
dependency: "direct main"
name: build_runner
url: ""
source: hosted
version: "0.8.0"
await d.file('.packages', '').create();
var process = await _runWebDev(['build'], workingDirectory: d.sandbox);
var output = await process.stdoutStream().join('\n');
expect(output, contains('An unexpected exception has occurred.'));
// The isolate will fail - broken .packages file
expect(output, contains('Unable to spawn isolate'));
await process.shouldExit(70);
test('should fail if there has been a dependency change', () async {
await d.file('pubspec.lock', '''
# Copy-pasted from a valid run
dependency: "direct main"
name: build_runner
url: ""
source: hosted
version: "0.8.0"
await d.file('.packages', '').create();
// Ensure there is a noticeable delta in the creation times
await new Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 500));
await d.file('pubspec.yaml', '''
name: sample
args: ^1.0.0
var process = await _runWebDev(['build'], workingDirectory: d.sandbox);
var output = await process.stdoutStream().join('\n');
expect(output, contains('Could not run in the current directory.'));
'The pubspec.yaml file has changed since the pubspec.lock file '
'was generated, please run "pub get" again.'));
await process.shouldExit(78);
test('should succeed with valid configuration', () async {
var exampleDirectory = p.absolute(p.join(p.current, '..', 'example'));
var process = await TestProcess.start(pubPath, ['get'],
workingDirectory: exampleDirectory, environment: _getPubEnvironment());
await process.shouldExit(0);
await d.file('.packages', isNotEmpty).validate(exampleDirectory);
await d.file('pubspec.lock', isNotEmpty).validate(exampleDirectory);
process = await _runWebDev(['build', '-o', d.sandbox],
workingDirectory: exampleDirectory);
var output = await process.stdoutStream().join('\n');
expect(output, contains(d.sandbox));
expect(output, contains('[INFO] Succeeded'));
await process.shouldExit(0);
await d.file('web/main.dart.js', isNotEmpty).validate();
}, timeout: const Timeout(const Duration(minutes: 5)));
/// Returns an environment map that includes `PUB_ENVIRONMENT`.
/// Maintains any existing values for this environment var.
/// Adds a new value that flags this is a bot/test and not human usage.
Map<String, String> _getPubEnvironment() {
var pubEnvironmentKey = 'PUB_ENVIRONMENT';
var pubEnvironment = Platform.environment[pubEnvironmentKey] ?? '';
if (pubEnvironment.isNotEmpty) {
pubEnvironment = '$pubEnvironment;';
pubEnvironment = '${pubEnvironment}bot.pkg.webdev.test';
var environment = {'PUB_ENVIRONMENT': pubEnvironment};
return environment;