blob: 8055731e263f9957a65f483182c80cc23f63c65a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart';
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
import 'util.dart';
class PackageException implements Exception {
final List<PackageExceptionDetails> details;
class PackageExceptionDetails {
final String error;
final String description;
const PackageExceptionDetails._(this.error, {this.description});
static const noPubspecLock = const PackageExceptionDetails._(
'`pubspec.lock` does not exist.',
'Run `webdev` in a Dart package directory. Run `pub get` first.');
static const noBuildRunnerDep = const PackageExceptionDetails._(
'A dependency on `build_runner` was not found.',
'You must have a dependency on `build_runner` in `pubspec.yaml`. '
'It can be in either `dependencies` or `dev_dependencies`.');
String toString() => [error, description].join('\n');
Future _runPubDeps() async {
var result = Process.runSync(pubPath, ['deps']);
if (result.exitCode == 65 || result.exitCode == 66) {
throw new PackageException._(
[new PackageExceptionDetails._((result.stderr as String).trim())]);
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
throw new ProcessException(
Future checkPubspecLock() async {
await _runPubDeps();
var pubspecLock =
loadYaml(await new File('pubspec.lock').readAsString()) as YamlMap;
var packages = pubspecLock['packages'] as YamlMap;
var issues = <PackageExceptionDetails>[];
var buildRunner = packages['build_runner'] as YamlMap;
if (buildRunner == null) {
} else {
var dependency = buildRunner['dependency'] as String;
if (!dependency.startsWith('direct ')) {
var source = buildRunner['source'] as String;
if (source == 'hosted') {
// NOTE: buildRunner['description'] should be:
// `{url:, name: build_runner}`
// If a user is playing around here, they are on their own.
var version = buildRunner['version'] as String;
var buildRunnerVersion = new Version.parse(version);
if (!supportedBuildRunnerVersionRange.allows(buildRunnerVersion)) {
var error = 'The `build_runner` version – $buildRunnerVersion – is not '
'within the supported range – $supportedBuildRunnerVersionRange.';
issues.add(new PackageExceptionDetails._(error));
} else {
// NOTE: Intentionally not checking non-hosted dependencies: git, path
// If a user is playing around here, they are on their own.
if (issues.isNotEmpty) {
throw new PackageException._(issues);