blob: 1659c5c152a801dbed35881f057d9cc18e27dc92 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
void main() async {
await _updateManifestJson();
/// Adds the Googler extension key, and prefixes the extension name with "DEV".
Future<void> _updateManifestJson() async {
final manifestJson = File('compiled/manifest.json');
final extensionKeyTxt = File('extension_key.txt');
final extensionKey = await extensionKeyTxt.exists()
? await extensionKeyTxt.readAsString()
: null;
return _transformDevFile(manifestJson, (line) {
if (_matchesKey(line: line, key: 'name')) {
return [
oldLine: line,
newKey: 'name',
newValue: '[DEV] Dart Debug Extension',
if (extensionKey != null)
oldLine: line,
newKey: 'key',
newValue: extensionKey,
} else if (_matchesKey(line: line, key: 'default_icon')) {
return [
oldLine: line,
newKey: 'default_icon',
newValue: 'static_assets/dart_dev.png',
} else {
return [line];
Future<void> _transformDevFile(
File devFile,
List<String> Function(String) transformLine,
) async {
final lines = devFile.readAsLinesSync();
final newLines = <String>[];
for (final line in lines) {
final content = newLines.joinWithNewLine();
return devFile.writeAsStringSync(content);
bool _matchesKey({required String line, required String key}) {
return line.trimLeft().startsWith('"$key":');
String _newKeyValue({
required String oldLine,
String? newKey,
String? newValue,
}) {
final lineStart = oldLine.leftPadding();
final key = newKey != null ? '"$newKey": ' : '';
final value = newValue != null ? '"$newValue"' : '';
final lineEnd = oldLine.trim().endsWith(',') ? ',' : '';
return '$lineStart$key$value$lineEnd';
extension LeftPaddingExtension on String {
String leftPadding() {
String padding = '';
int idx = 0;
while (idx < length && this[idx] == ' ') {
padding += ' ';
return padding;
extension JoinExtension on List<String> {
String joinWithNewLine() {
return '${join('\n')}\n';