blob: eb0e4c44568b1ea6c3fcea7c059777f441a33f96 [file] [log] [blame]
name: _webdev_smoke
A test fixture for webdev testing.
This code is for testing that debugger works with weak null safety so we
should not migrate it to null safety. Once Dart 3.0 is released, we should
delete this directory.
# The versions in this pubspec should match the requirements
# defined by webdev. That is the SDK constraint should be the
# same as defined by webdev/pubspec.yaml and the build_runner
# and build_web_compilers constraint should match those defined
# in pubspec.dart.
sdk: '>=2.18.0 <3.0.0'
build_runner: '>=1.6.2 <3.0.0'
build_web_compilers: '>=2.12.0 <4.0.0'