blob: caefd754cb6cd180189d8747c7293a96795195a0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:args/command_runner.dart';
import '../logging.dart';
import '../serve/dev_workflow.dart';
import 'configuration.dart';
import 'shared.dart';
/// Command to run a server for local web development with the build daemon.
class ServeCommand extends Command<int> {
final name = 'serve';
final description = 'Run a local web development server and a file system'
' watcher that rebuilds on changes.';
final argParser = ArgParser(usageLineLength: lineLength)
..addOption(autoOption, help: '''
Automatically performs an action after each build:
restart: Reload modules and re-invoke main (loses current state)
refresh: Performs a full page refresh.
''', allowed: ['restart', 'refresh'])
help: 'Enable the launching of DevTools (Alt + D / Option + D). '
'This also enables --$launchInChromeFlag.')
help: 'Enable the backend for the Dart Debug Extension.')
help: 'Whether or not to inject the client.js script in web apps. This '
'is required for all debugging related features, but may interact '
'poorly with proxy servers or other environments.',
defaultsTo: true)
help: 'Specify which port the Chrome debugger is listening on. '
'If used with $launchInChromeFlag Chrome will be started with the'
' debugger listening on this port.')
help: 'Specify the hostname to serve on.', defaultsTo: 'localhost')
negatable: false,
help: 'Automatically reloads changed modules after each build '
'and restarts your application.\n'
"Can't be used with $liveReloadFlag.",
hide: true)
..addFlag(hotReloadFlag, negatable: false, hide: true)
help: 'Automatically launches your application in Chrome with the '
'debug port open. Use $chromeDebugPortFlag to specify a specific '
'port to attach to an already running chrome instance instead.')
defaultsTo: null,
help: 'Use with $launchInChromeFlag to specify user data directory '
'to pass to chrome. Will start chrome window logged into default '
'profile with enabled extensions. Use `auto` as a value to infer '
'the default directory for the current OS. '
'Note: only supported for Mac OS X and linux platforms.')
negatable: false,
help: 'Automatically refreshes the page after each successful build.\n'
"Can't be used with $hotRestartFlag.",
hide: true)
negatable: false,
help: 'Enables logging for each request to the server.')
'The file location to a TLS Certificate to create an HTTPs server.\n'
'Must be used with $tlsCertKeyFlag.')
help: 'The file location to a TLS Key to create an HTTPs server.\n'
'Must be used with $tlsCertChainFlag.')
ServeCommand() {
addSharedArgs(argParser, releaseDefault: false);
String get invocation => '${super.invocation} [<directory>[:<port>]]...';
Future<int> run() async {
Configuration configuration;
configuration = Configuration.fromArgs(argResults);
var pubspecLock = await readPubspecLock(configuration);
// Forward remaining arguments as Build Options to the Daemon.
// This isn't documented. Should it be advertised?
var buildOptions = buildRunnerArgs(pubspecLock, configuration)
..addAll( => arg.startsWith('-')).toList());
var directoryArgs = => !arg.startsWith('-')).toList();
var targetPorts = parseDirectoryArgs(directoryArgs);
validateLaunchApps(configuration.launchApps, targetPorts.keys);
var workflow =
await DevWorkflow.start(configuration, buildOptions, targetPorts);
await workflow.done;
return 0;