blob: 98331bb369c28124b29bd6a3e77d24754923c792 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
// When run locally this test may require a manifest key. This makes it easy to
// just skip it.
@Timeout(Duration(seconds: 60))
'windows': Skip(''),
import 'package:dwds/src/handlers/injector.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'fixtures/context.dart';
// [For Googlers]
// A whitelisted developer key is needed to run these tests locally.
// Add a developer key to dwds/debug_extension/web/manifest.json.
// Otherwise, you will get 'Error Loading Extension' alert.
// Remove the key before pushing code to GitHub.
// See go/extension-identification.
final context = TestContext();
void main() async {
for (var useSse in [true, false]) {
group(useSse ? 'SSE' : 'WebSockets', () {
group('Without encoding', () {
setUp(() async {
await context.setUp(
enableDebugExtension: true, serveDevTools: true, useSse: useSse);
await context.extensionConnection.sendCommand('Runtime.evaluate', {
'expression': 'fakeClick()',
// Wait for DevTools to actually open.
await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2));
tearDown(() async {
await context.tearDown();
test('can launch DevTools', () async {
var windows = await;
await context.webDriver.driver.switchTo.window(windows.last);
// TODO(grouma): switch back to `fixture.webdriver.title` when
// is fixed.
expect(await context.webDriver.pageSource, contains('Flutter'));
test('can close DevTools and relaunch', () async {
for (var window in await {
await context.webDriver.driver.switchTo.window(window);
if (await context.webDriver.title == 'Dart DevTools') {
await window.close();
// Relaunch DevTools by (fake) clicking the extension.
await context.extensionConnection.sendCommand('Runtime.evaluate', {
'expression': 'fakeClick()',
await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 4));
var windows = await;
await context.webDriver.driver.switchTo.window(windows.last);
expect(await context.webDriver.title, 'Dart DevTools');
group('With encoding', () {
final context = TestContext();
setUp(() async {
await context.setUp(
enableDebugExtension: true,
urlEncoder: (url) async =>
url.endsWith(r'/$debug') ? 'http://some-encoded-url:8081/' : url);
tearDown(() async {
await context.tearDown();
test('uses the encoded URI', () async {
var result = await http.get(Uri.parse(
expect(result.body.contains('dartExtensionUri'), isTrue);
expect(result.body.contains('http://some-encoded-url:8081/'), isTrue);
group('With "any" hostname', () {
final context = TestContext();
final uriPattern = RegExp(r'dartExtensionUri = "([^"]+)";');
setUp(() async {
await context.setUp(enableDebugExtension: true, hostname: 'any');
tearDown(() async {
await context.tearDown();
test('generates an extensionUri with a valid valid hostname', () async {
var result = await http.get(Uri.parse(
expect(result.body.contains('dartExtensionUri'), isTrue);
var extensionUri = Uri.parse(uriPattern.firstMatch(result.body).group(1));
// The hostname should've been mapped from "any" to one of the local
// loopback addresses/IPs.