blob: 4f01bea7e683f091793b07ad7dc1af7986806b3e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
@Timeout(Duration(minutes: 5))
import 'package:dwds/dwds.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:vm_service/vm_service.dart';
import 'fixtures/context.dart';
import 'fixtures/logging.dart';
final context = TestContext(
path: 'append_body/index.html',
void main() {
// set to true for debug logging.
final debug = false;
group('Injected client with live reload', () {
group('and with debugging', () {
setUp(() async {
setCurrentLogWriter(debug: debug);
await context.setUp(
reloadConfiguration: ReloadConfiguration.liveReload,
tearDown(() async {
await context.tearDown();
test('can live reload changes ', () async {
await context.changeInput();
final source = await context.webDriver.pageSource;
// A full reload should clear the state.
expect(source.contains('Hello World!'), isFalse);
expect(source.contains('Gary is awesome!'), isTrue);
group('and without debugging', () {
setUp(() async {
setCurrentLogWriter(debug: debug);
await context.setUp(
reloadConfiguration: ReloadConfiguration.liveReload,
enableDebugging: false,
tearDown(() async {
await context.tearDown();
test('can live reload changes ', () async {
await context.changeInput();
final source = await context.webDriver.pageSource;
// A full reload should clear the state.
expect(source.contains('Hello World!'), isFalse);
expect(source.contains('Gary is awesome!'), isTrue);
group('and without debugging using WebSockets', () {
setUp(() async {
setCurrentLogWriter(debug: debug);
await context.setUp(
reloadConfiguration: ReloadConfiguration.liveReload,
enableDebugging: false,
useSse: false,
tearDown(() async {
await context.tearDown();
test('can live reload changes ', () async {
await context.changeInput();
final source = await context.webDriver.pageSource;
// A full reload should clear the state.
expect(source.contains('Hello World!'), isFalse);
expect(source.contains('Gary is awesome!'), isTrue);
group('Injected client', () {
setUp(() async {
setCurrentLogWriter(debug: debug);
await context.setUp(enableExpressionEvaluation: true);
tearDown(() async {
await context.tearDown();
test('destroys and recreates the isolate during a hot restart', () async {
final client = context.debugConnection.vmService;
await client.streamListen('Isolate');
await context.changeInput();
final eventsDone = expectLater(
expect(await client.callServiceExtension('hotRestart'),
const TypeMatcher<Success>());
await eventsDone;
test('destroys and recreates the isolate during a page refresh', () async {
final client = context.debugConnection.vmService;
await client.streamListen('Isolate');
await context.changeInput();
final eventsDone = expectLater(
await context.webDriver.driver.refresh();
await eventsDone;
test('can hot restart via the service extension', () async {
final client = context.debugConnection.vmService;
await client.streamListen('Isolate');
await context.changeInput();
final eventsDone = expectLater(
expect(await client.callServiceExtension('hotRestart'),
const TypeMatcher<Success>());
await eventsDone;
final source = await context.webDriver.pageSource;
// Main is re-invoked which shouldn't clear the state.
expect(source, contains('Hello World!'));
expect(source, contains('Gary is awesome!'));
test('can send events before and after hot restart', () async {
final client = context.debugConnection.vmService;
await client.streamListen('Isolate');
// The event just before hot restart might never be received,
// but the injected client continues to work and send events
// after hot restart.
final eventsDone = expectLater(
.having((e) => e.extensionRPC, 'service', ''),
var vm = await client.getVM();
var isolateId =;
var isolate = await client.getIsolate(isolateId);
var library = isolate.rootLib.uri;
await client.evaluate(
"registerExtension('', (method, params) {})",
expect(await client.callServiceExtension('hotRestart'),
const TypeMatcher<Success>());
vm = await client.getVM();
isolateId =;
isolate = await client.getIsolate(isolateId);
library = isolate.rootLib.uri;
await client.evaluate(
"registerExtension('', (method, params) {})",
await eventsDone;
final source = await context.webDriver.pageSource;
// Main is re-invoked which shouldn't clear the state.
expect(source, contains('Hello World!'));
test('can refresh the page via the fullReload service extension', () async {
final client = context.debugConnection.vmService;
await client.streamListen('Isolate');
await context.changeInput();
final eventsDone = expectLater(
expect(await client.callServiceExtension('fullReload'), isA<Success>());
await eventsDone;
final source = await context.webDriver.pageSource;
// Should see only the new text
expect(source, isNot(contains('Hello World!')));
expect(source, contains('Gary is awesome!'));
test('can hot restart while paused', () async {
final client = context.debugConnection.vmService;
var vm = await client.getVM();
var isolateId =;
await client.streamListen('Debug');
final stream = client.onEvent('Debug');
final scriptList = await client.getScripts(isolateId);
final main = scriptList.scripts
.firstWhere((script) => script.uri.contains('main.dart'));
final bpLine =
await context.findBreakpointLine('printCount', isolateId, main);
await client.addBreakpoint(isolateId,, bpLine);
await stream
.firstWhere((event) => event.kind == EventKind.kPauseBreakpoint);
await context.changeInput();
await client.callServiceExtension('hotRestart');
final source = await context.webDriver.pageSource;
// Main is re-invoked which shouldn't clear the state.
expect(source.contains('Hello World!'), isTrue);
expect(source.contains('Gary is awesome!'), isTrue);
vm = await client.getVM();
isolateId =;
final isolate = await client.getIsolate(isolateId);
// Previous breakpoint should still exist.
expect(isolate.breakpoints.isNotEmpty, isTrue);
final bp = isolate.breakpoints.first;
// Should pause eventually.
await stream
.firstWhere((event) => event.kind == EventKind.kPauseBreakpoint);
expect(await client.removeBreakpoint(,, isA<Success>());
expect(await client.resume(, isA<Success>());
test('can evaluate expressions after hot restart ', () async {
final client = context.debugConnection.vmService;
var vm = await client.getVM();
var isolateId =;
await client.streamListen('Debug');
final stream = client.onEvent('Debug');
final scriptList = await client.getScripts(isolateId);
final main = scriptList.scripts
.firstWhere((script) => script.uri.contains('main.dart'));
final bpLine =
await context.findBreakpointLine('printCount', isolateId, main);
await client.addBreakpoint(isolateId,, bpLine);
await stream
.firstWhere((event) => event.kind == EventKind.kPauseBreakpoint);
await client.callServiceExtension('hotRestart');
vm = await client.getVM();
isolateId =;
final isolate = await client.getIsolate(isolateId);
final library = isolate.rootLib.uri;
final bp = isolate.breakpoints.first;
// Should pause eventually.
final event = await stream
.firstWhere((event) => event.kind == EventKind.kPauseBreakpoint);
// Expression evaluation while paused on a breakpoint should work.
var result = await client.evaluateInFrame(, event.topFrame.index, 'count');
isA<InstanceRef>().having((instance) => instance.valueAsString,
'valueAsString', greaterThanOrEqualTo('0')));
await client.removeBreakpoint(isolateId,;
await client.resume(isolateId);
// Expression evaluation while running should work.
result = await client.evaluate(isolateId, library, 'true');
(instance) => instance.valueAsString, 'valueAsString', 'true'));
group('Injected client with hot restart', () {
group('and with debugging', () {
setUp(() async {
setCurrentLogWriter(debug: debug);
await context.setUp(
reloadConfiguration: ReloadConfiguration.hotRestart,
tearDown(() async {
await context.tearDown();
test('can hot restart changes ', () async {
await context.changeInput();
final source = await context.webDriver.pageSource;
// Main is re-invoked which shouldn't clear the state.
expect(source.contains('Hello World!'), isTrue);
expect(source.contains('Gary is awesome!'), isTrue);
// The ext.flutter.disassemble callback is invoked and waited for.
contains('start disassemble end disassemble Gary is awesome'));
test('fires isolate create/destroy events during hot restart', () async {
final client = context.debugConnection.vmService;
await client.streamListen('Isolate');
final eventsDone = expectLater(
await context.changeInput();
await eventsDone;
group('and without debugging', () {
setUp(() async {
setCurrentLogWriter(debug: debug);
await context.setUp(
reloadConfiguration: ReloadConfiguration.hotRestart,
enableDebugging: false,
tearDown(() async {
await context.tearDown();
test('can hot restart changes ', () async {
await context.changeInput();
final source = await context.webDriver.pageSource;
// Main is re-invoked which shouldn't clear the state.
expect(source.contains('Hello World!'), isTrue);
expect(source.contains('Gary is awesome!'), isTrue);
// The ext.flutter.disassemble callback is invoked and waited for.
contains('start disassemble end disassemble Gary is awesome'));
TypeMatcher<Event> _hasKind(String kind) =>
isA<Event>().having((e) => e.kind, 'kind', kind);