blob: bb8d5032506071005ad521f94779862a732d4a1e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
@Timeout(Duration(minutes: 5))
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:vm_service/vm_service.dart';
import 'package:webdriver/io.dart';
import 'fixtures/context.dart';
final context = TestContext(
path: 'append_body/index.html',
Future<void> _waitForPageReady(TestContext context) async {
var attempt = 100;
while (attempt-- > 0) {
final content = await context.webDriver.pageSource;
if (content.contains('Hello World!')) return;
await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 100));
throw StateError('Page never initialized');
void main() {
group('Injected client', () {
setUp(() async {
await context.setUp(
serveDevTools: true,
await context.webDriver.driver.keyboard.sendChord([Keyboard.alt, 'd']);
// Wait for DevTools to actually open.
await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2));
tearDown(() async {
await context.tearDown();
test('can launch devtools', () async {
final windows = await;
await context.webDriver.driver.switchTo.window(windows.last);
// TODO(grouma): switch back to `fixture.webdriver.title` when
// is fixed.
expect(await context.webDriver.pageSource, contains('Flutter'));
expect(await context.webDriver.currentUrl, contains('ide=Dwds'));
// TODO(elliette): Re-enable and fix flakes.
}, skip: true);
'can not launch devtools for the same app in multiple tabs',
() async {
final appUrl = await context.webDriver.currentUrl;
// Open a new tab, select it, and navigate to the app
await context.webDriver.driver
.execute("'$appUrl', '_blank');", []);
await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2));
var windows = await;
final oldAppWindow = windows[0];
final newAppWindow = windows[1];
var devToolsWindow = windows[2];
await newAppWindow.setAsActive();
// Wait for the page to be ready before trying to open DevTools again.
await _waitForPageReady(context);
// Try to open devtools and check for the alert.
await context.webDriver.driver.keyboard.sendChord([Keyboard.alt, 'd']);
await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2));
final alert = context.webDriver.driver.switchTo.alert;
expect(alert, isNotNull);
expect(await alert.text,
contains('This app is already being debugged in a different tab'));
await alert.accept();
// Now close the old app and try to re-open devtools.
await oldAppWindow.setAsActive();
await oldAppWindow.close();
await devToolsWindow.setAsActive();
await devToolsWindow.close();
await newAppWindow.setAsActive();
await context.webDriver.driver.keyboard.sendChord([Keyboard.alt, 'd']);
await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2));
windows = await;
devToolsWindow = windows.firstWhere((window) => window != newAppWindow);
await devToolsWindow.setAsActive();
// TODO(grouma): switch back to `fixture.webdriver.title` when
// is fixed.
expect(await context.webDriver.pageSource, contains('Flutter'));
// TODO(elliette): Enable this test once
// is resolved.
skip: true,
test('destroys and recreates the isolate during a page refresh', () async {
// This test is the same as one in reload_test, but runs here when there
// is a connected client (DevTools) since it can behave differently.
final client = context.debugConnection.vmService;
await client.streamListen('Isolate');
await context.changeInput();
final eventsDone = expectLater(
await context.webDriver.driver.refresh();
await eventsDone;
group('Injected client without DevTools', () {
setUp(() async {
await context.setUp(serveDevTools: false);
tearDown(() async {
await context.tearDown();
test('gives a good error if devtools is not served', () async {
// Try to open devtools and check for the alert.
await context.webDriver.driver.keyboard.sendChord([Keyboard.alt, 'd']);
await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2));
final alert = context.webDriver.driver.switchTo.alert;
expect(alert, isNotNull);
expect(await alert.text, contains('--debug'));
await alert.accept();
group('Injected client with debug extension and without DevTools', () {
setUp(() async {
await context.setUp(enableDebugExtension: true, serveDevTools: false);
tearDown(() async {
await context.tearDown();
test('gives a good error if devtools is not served', () async {
// Click on extension
await context.extensionConnection.sendCommand('Runtime.evaluate', {
'expression': 'fakeClick()',
// Try to open devtools and check for the alert.
await context.webDriver.driver.keyboard.sendChord([Keyboard.alt, 'd']);
await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2));
final alert = context.webDriver.driver.switchTo.alert;
expect(alert, isNotNull);
expect(await alert.text, contains('--debug'));
await alert.accept();
}, tags: ['extension'], skip: Platform.isWindows);
TypeMatcher<Event> _hasKind(String kind) =>
isA<Event>().having((e) => e.kind, 'kind', kind);