blob: 157c4f49ebf6276c2ce69e22c09850c73ddc2360 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:async/async.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'remote_debugger.dart';
abstract class ExecutionContext {
/// Returns the context ID that contains the running Dart application.
Future<int> get id;
/// The execution context in which to do remote evaluations.
class RemoteDebuggerExecutionContext extends ExecutionContext {
final RemoteDebugger _remoteDebugger;
final _logger = Logger('RemoteDebuggerExecutionContext');
/// Contexts that may contain a Dart application.
/// Context can be null if an error has occured and we cannot detect
/// and parse the context ID.
late StreamQueue<int> _contexts;
int? _id;
Future<int> get id async {
if (_id != null) return _id!;
_logger.fine('Looking for Dart execution context...');
const timeoutInMs = 100;
while (await _contexts.hasNext
.timeout(const Duration(milliseconds: timeoutInMs), onTimeout: () {
'Timed out finding an execution context after $timeoutInMs ms.');
return false;
})) {
final context = await;
_logger.fine('Checking context id: $context');
try {
final result =
await _remoteDebugger.sendCommand('Runtime.evaluate', params: {
'expression': r'window["$dartAppInstanceId"];',
'contextId': context,
if (result.result?['result']?['value'] != null) {
_logger.fine('Found valid execution context: $context');
_id = context;
} catch (_) {
// Errors may be thrown if we attempt to evaluate in a stale a context.
// Ignore and continue.
_logger.fine('Invalid execution context: $context');
if (_id == null) {
throw StateError('No context with the running Dart application.');
return _id!;
RemoteDebuggerExecutionContext(this._id, this._remoteDebugger) {
final contextController = StreamController<int>();
.eventStream('Runtime.executionContextsCleared', (e) => e)
.listen((_) => _id = null);
_remoteDebugger.eventStream('Runtime.executionContextCreated', (e) {
// Parse and add the context ID to the stream.
// If we cannot detect or parse the context ID, add `null` to the stream
// to indicate an error context - those will be skipped when trying to find
// the dart context, with a warning.
final id = e.params?['context']?['id']?.toString();
final parsedId = id == null ? null : int.parse(id);
if (id == null) {
_logger.warning('Cannot find execution context id: $e');
} else if (parsedId == null) {
_logger.warning('Cannot parse execution context id: $id');
return parsedId;
}).listen((e) {
if (e != null) contextController.add(e);
_contexts = StreamQueue(;