blob: 143aa31721a8ff1999abe4e6f8a84cb7aac259e2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import '../watcher.dart';
import 'custom_watcher_factory.dart';
import 'file_watcher/native.dart';
/// Watches a file and emits [WatchEvent]s when the file has changed.
/// Note that since each watcher only watches a single file, it will only emit
/// [ChangeType.MODIFY] events, except when the file is deleted at which point
/// it will emit a single [ChangeType.REMOVE] event and then close the stream.
/// If the file is deleted and quickly replaced (when a new file is moved in its
/// place, for example) this will emit a [ChangeType.MODIFY] event.
abstract class FileWatcher implements Watcher {
/// Creates a new [FileWatcher] monitoring [file].
/// If a native file watcher is available for this platform, this will use it.
/// Otherwise, it will fall back to a [PollingFileWatcher]. Notably, native
/// file watching is *not* supported on Windows.
/// If [pollingDelay] is passed, it specifies the amount of time the watcher
/// will pause between successive polls of the directory contents. Making this
/// shorter will give more immediate feedback at the expense of doing more IO
/// and higher CPU usage. Defaults to one second. Ignored for non-polling
/// watchers.
factory FileWatcher(String file, {Duration? pollingDelay}) {
var customWatcher =
createCustomFileWatcher(file, pollingDelay: pollingDelay);
if (customWatcher != null) return customWatcher;
// [] doesn't work on Windows, but
// [FileSystemEntity.isWatchSupported] is still true because directory
// watching does work.
if (FileSystemEntity.isWatchSupported && !Platform.isWindows) {
return NativeFileWatcher(file);
return PollingFileWatcher(file, pollingDelay: pollingDelay);