blob: ff25eb74e55b4fe9c603802df8b00e4432a6770e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import '../file_watcher.dart';
import '../resubscribable.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
import '../watch_event.dart';
/// Uses the native file system notifications to watch for filesystem events.
/// Single-file notifications are much simpler than those for multiple files, so
/// this doesn't need to be split out into multiple OS-specific classes.
class NativeFileWatcher extends ResubscribableWatcher implements FileWatcher {
NativeFileWatcher(String path) : super(path, () => _NativeFileWatcher(path));
class _NativeFileWatcher implements FileWatcher, ManuallyClosedWatcher {
final String path;
Stream<WatchEvent> get events =>;
final _eventsController = StreamController<WatchEvent>.broadcast();
bool get isReady => _readyCompleter.isCompleted;
Future get ready => _readyCompleter.future;
final _readyCompleter = Completer();
StreamSubscription _subscription;
_NativeFileWatcher(this.path) {
// We don't need to do any initial set-up, so we're ready immediately after
// being listened to.
void _listen() {
// Batch the events together so that we can dedup them.
_subscription = File(path)
.listen(_onBatch, onError: _eventsController.addError, onDone: _onDone);
void _onBatch(List<FileSystemEvent> batch) {
if (batch.any((event) => event.type == FileSystemEvent.delete)) {
// If the file is deleted, the underlying stream will close. We handle
// emitting our own REMOVE event in [_onDone].
_eventsController.add(WatchEvent(ChangeType.MODIFY, path));
_onDone() async {
var fileExists = await File(path).exists();
// Check for this after checking whether the file exists because it's
// possible that [close] was called between [File.exists] being called and
// it completing.
if (_eventsController.isClosed) return;
if (fileExists) {
// If the file exists now, it was probably removed and quickly replaced;
// this can happen for example when another file is moved on top of it.
// Re-subscribe and report a modify event.
_eventsController.add(WatchEvent(ChangeType.MODIFY, path));
} else {
_eventsController.add(WatchEvent(ChangeType.REMOVE, path));
void close() {
if (_subscription != null) _subscription.cancel();
_subscription = null;