blob: 9b72f0ed6cf0df3fdf00bc1bdd0acef661c69763 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
void sharedTests() {
test("doesn't notify if the file isn't modified", () async {
await startWatcher(path: 'file.txt');
await pumpEventQueue();
await expectRemoveEvent('file.txt');
test('notifies when a file is modified', () async {
await startWatcher(path: 'file.txt');
writeFile('file.txt', contents: 'modified');
await expectModifyEvent('file.txt');
test('notifies when a file is removed', () async {
await startWatcher(path: 'file.txt');
await expectRemoveEvent('file.txt');
test('notifies when a file is modified multiple times', () async {
await startWatcher(path: 'file.txt');
writeFile('file.txt', contents: 'modified');
await expectModifyEvent('file.txt');
writeFile('file.txt', contents: 'modified again');
await expectModifyEvent('file.txt');
test('notifies even if the file contents are unchanged', () async {
await startWatcher(path: 'file.txt');
await expectModifyEvent('file.txt');
test('emits a remove event when the watched file is moved away', () async {
await startWatcher(path: 'file.txt');
renameFile('file.txt', 'new.txt');
await expectRemoveEvent('file.txt');
'emits a modify event when another file is moved on top of the watched '
'file', () async {
await startWatcher(path: 'file.txt');
renameFile('old.txt', 'file.txt');
await expectModifyEvent('file.txt');
// Regression test for a race condition.
test('closes the watcher immediately after deleting the file', () async {
var watcher = createWatcher(path: 'file.txt');
var sub =;
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 10));
await sub.cancel();