blob: b99e9d7b41cafc861afbd307be0e62448bc290cf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import '../watcher.dart';
/// A wrapper for [ManuallyClosedWatcher] that encapsulates support for closing
/// the watcher when it has no subscribers and re-opening it when it's
/// re-subscribed.
/// It's simpler to implement watchers without worrying about this behavior.
/// This class wraps a watcher class which can be written with the simplifying
/// assumption that it can continue emitting events until an explicit `close`
/// method is called, at which point it will cease emitting events entirely. The
/// [ManuallyClosedWatcher] interface is used for these watchers.
/// This would be more cleanly implemented as a function that takes a class and
/// emits a new class, but Dart doesn't support that sort of thing. Instead it
/// takes a factory function that produces instances of the inner class.
abstract class ResubscribableWatcher implements Watcher {
/// The factory function that produces instances of the inner class.
final ManuallyClosedWatcher Function() _factory;
final String path;
Stream<WatchEvent> get events =>;
late StreamController<WatchEvent> _eventsController;
bool get isReady => _readyCompleter.isCompleted;
Future<void> get ready => _readyCompleter.future;
var _readyCompleter = Completer<void>();
/// Creates a new [ResubscribableWatcher] wrapping the watchers
/// emitted by [_factory].
ResubscribableWatcher(this.path, this._factory) {
late ManuallyClosedWatcher watcher;
late StreamSubscription<WatchEvent> subscription;
_eventsController = StreamController<WatchEvent>.broadcast(
onListen: () async {
watcher = _factory();
subscription =,
onError: _eventsController.addError,
onDone: _eventsController.close);
// It's important that we complete the value of [_readyCompleter] at
// the time [onListen] is called, as opposed to the value when
// [watcher.ready] fires. A new completer may be created by that time.
await watcher.ready;
onCancel: () {
// Cancel the subscription before closing the watcher so that the
// watcher's `onDone` event doesn't close [events].
_readyCompleter = Completer();
sync: true);
/// An interface for watchers with an explicit, manual [close] method.
/// See [ResubscribableWatcher].
abstract class ManuallyClosedWatcher implements Watcher {
/// Closes the watcher.
/// Subclasses should close their [events] stream and release any internal
/// resources.
void close();