blob: e44b7f54e11efa94372fbc0db462254db41a6296 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import '../directory_watcher.dart';
import '../constructable_file_system_event.dart';
import '../path_set.dart';
import '../resubscribable.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
import '../watch_event.dart';
/// Uses the FSEvents subsystem to watch for filesystem events.
/// FSEvents has two main idiosyncrasies that this class works around. First, it
/// will occasionally report events that occurred before the filesystem watch
/// was initiated. Second, if multiple events happen to the same file in close
/// succession, it won't report them in the order they occurred. See issue
/// 14373.
/// This also works around issues 16003 and 14849 in the implementation of
/// [].
class MacOSDirectoryWatcher extends ResubscribableWatcher
implements DirectoryWatcher {
String get directory => path;
MacOSDirectoryWatcher(String directory)
: super(directory, () => _MacOSDirectoryWatcher(directory));
class _MacOSDirectoryWatcher
implements DirectoryWatcher, ManuallyClosedWatcher {
String get directory => path;
final String path;
Stream<WatchEvent> get events =>;
final _eventsController = StreamController<WatchEvent>.broadcast();
bool get isReady => _readyCompleter.isCompleted;
Future get ready => _readyCompleter.future;
final _readyCompleter = Completer();
/// The set of files that are known to exist recursively within the watched
/// directory.
/// The state of files on the filesystem is compared against this to determine
/// the real change that occurred when working around issue 14373. This is
/// also used to emit REMOVE events when subdirectories are moved out of the
/// watched directory.
final PathSet _files;
/// The subscription to the stream returned by [].
/// This is separate from [_listSubscriptions] because this stream
/// occasionally needs to be resubscribed in order to work around issue 14849.
StreamSubscription<List<FileSystemEvent>>? _watchSubscription;
/// The subscription to the [Directory.list] call for the initial listing of
/// the directory to determine its initial state.
StreamSubscription<FileSystemEntity>? _initialListSubscription;
/// The subscriptions to [Directory.list] calls for listing the contents of a
/// subdirectory that was moved into the watched directory.
final _listSubscriptions = <StreamSubscription<FileSystemEntity>>{};
/// The timer for tracking how long we wait for an initial batch of bogus
/// events (see issue 14373).
late Timer _bogusEventTimer;
_MacOSDirectoryWatcher(String path)
: path = path,
_files = PathSet(path) {
// Before we're ready to emit events, wait for [_listDir] to complete and
// for enough time to elapse that if bogus events (issue 14373) would be
// emitted, they will be.
// If we do receive a batch of events, [_onBatch] will ensure that these
// futures don't fire and that the directory is re-listed.
Future.wait([_listDir(), _waitForBogusEvents()])
.then((_) => _readyCompleter.complete());
void close() {
_watchSubscription = null;
_initialListSubscription = null;
for (var subscription in _listSubscriptions) {
/// The callback that's run when [] emits a batch of events.
void _onBatch(List<FileSystemEvent> batch) {
// If we get a batch of events before we're ready to begin emitting events,
// it's probable that it's a batch of pre-watcher events (see issue 14373).
// Ignore those events and re-list the directory.
if (!isReady) {
// Cancel the timer because bogus events only occur in the first batch, so
// we can fire [ready] as soon as we're done listing the directory.
_listDir().then((_) => _readyCompleter.complete());
_sortEvents(batch).forEach((path, eventSet) {
var canonicalEvent = _canonicalEvent(eventSet);
var events = canonicalEvent == null
? _eventsBasedOnFileSystem(path)
: [canonicalEvent];
for (var event in events) {
if (event is FileSystemCreateEvent) {
if (!event.isDirectory) {
// If we already know about the file, treat it like a modification.
// This can happen if a file is copied on top of an existing one.
// We'll see an ADD event for the latter file when from the user's
// perspective, the file's contents just changed.
var type =
_files.contains(path) ? ChangeType.MODIFY : ChangeType.ADD;
_emitEvent(type, path);
if (_files.containsDir(path)) continue;
late StreamSubscription<FileSystemEntity> subscription;
subscription = Directory(path).list(recursive: true).listen((entity) {
if (entity is Directory) return;
if (_files.contains(path)) return;
_emitEvent(ChangeType.ADD, entity.path);
}, onError: (Object e, StackTrace stackTrace) {
_emitError(e, stackTrace);
}, onDone: () {
}, cancelOnError: true);
} else if (event is FileSystemModifyEvent) {
_emitEvent(ChangeType.MODIFY, path);
} else {
assert(event is FileSystemDeleteEvent);
for (var removedPath in _files.remove(path)) {
_emitEvent(ChangeType.REMOVE, removedPath);
/// Sort all the events in a batch into sets based on their path.
/// A single input event may result in multiple events in the returned map;
/// for example, a MOVE event becomes a DELETE event for the source and a
/// CREATE event for the destination.
/// The returned events won't contain any [FileSystemMoveEvent]s, nor will it
/// contain any events relating to [path].
Map<String, Set<FileSystemEvent>> _sortEvents(List<FileSystemEvent> batch) {
var eventsForPaths = <String, Set<FileSystemEvent>>{};
// FSEvents can report past events, including events on the root directory
// such as it being created. We want to ignore these. If the directory is
// really deleted, that's handled by [_onDone].
batch = batch.where((event) => event.path != path).toList();
// Events within directories that already have events are superfluous; the
// directory's full contents will be examined anyway, so we ignore such
// events. Emitting them could cause useless or out-of-order events.
var directories = unionAll( {
if (!event.isDirectory) return <String>{};
if (event is FileSystemMoveEvent) {
var destination = event.destination;
if (destination != null) {
return {event.path, destination};
return {event.path};
bool isInModifiedDirectory(String path) =>
directories.any((dir) => path != dir && p.isWithin(dir, path));
void addEvent(String path, FileSystemEvent event) {
if (isInModifiedDirectory(path)) return;
eventsForPaths.putIfAbsent(path, () => <FileSystemEvent>{}).add(event);
for (var event in batch) {
// The Mac OS watcher doesn't emit move events. See issue 14806.
assert(event is! FileSystemMoveEvent);
addEvent(event.path, event);
return eventsForPaths;
/// Returns the canonical event from a batch of events on the same path, if
/// one exists.
/// If [batch] doesn't contain any contradictory events (e.g. DELETE and
/// CREATE, or events with different values for `isDirectory`), this returns a
/// single event that describes what happened to the path in question.
/// If [batch] does contain contradictory events, this returns `null` to
/// indicate that the state of the path on the filesystem should be checked to
/// determine what occurred.
FileSystemEvent? _canonicalEvent(Set<FileSystemEvent> batch) {
// An empty batch indicates that we've learned earlier that the batch is
// contradictory (e.g. because of a move).
if (batch.isEmpty) return null;
var type = batch.first.type;
var isDir = batch.first.isDirectory;
var hadModifyEvent = false;
for (var event in batch.skip(1)) {
// If one event reports that the file is a directory and another event
// doesn't, that's a contradiction.
if (isDir != event.isDirectory) return null;
// Modify events don't contradict either CREATE or REMOVE events. We can
// safely assume the file was modified after a CREATE or before the
// REMOVE; otherwise there will also be a REMOVE or CREATE event
// (respectively) that will be contradictory.
if (event is FileSystemModifyEvent) {
hadModifyEvent = true;
assert(event is FileSystemCreateEvent || event is FileSystemDeleteEvent);
// If we previously thought this was a MODIFY, we now consider it to be a
// CREATE or REMOVE event. This is safe for the same reason as above.
if (type == FileSystemEvent.modify) {
type = event.type;
// A CREATE event contradicts a REMOVE event and vice versa.
assert(type == FileSystemEvent.create || type == FileSystemEvent.delete);
if (type != event.type) return null;
// If we got a CREATE event for a file we already knew about, that comes
// from FSEvents reporting an add that happened prior to the watch
// beginning. If we also received a MODIFY event, we want to report that,
// but not the CREATE.
if (type == FileSystemEvent.create &&
hadModifyEvent &&
_files.contains(batch.first.path)) {
type = FileSystemEvent.modify;
switch (type) {
case FileSystemEvent.create:
// Issue 16003 means that a CREATE event for a directory can indicate
// that the directory was moved and then re-created.
// [_eventsBasedOnFileSystem] will handle this correctly by producing a
// DELETE event followed by a CREATE event if the directory exists.
if (isDir) return null;
return ConstructableFileSystemCreateEvent(batch.first.path, false);
case FileSystemEvent.delete:
return ConstructableFileSystemDeleteEvent(batch.first.path, isDir);
case FileSystemEvent.modify:
return ConstructableFileSystemModifyEvent(
batch.first.path, isDir, false);
throw 'unreachable';
/// Returns one or more events that describe the change between the last known
/// state of [path] and its current state on the filesystem.
/// This returns a list whose order should be reflected in the events emitted
/// to the user, unlike the batched events from []. The
/// returned list may be empty, indicating that no changes occurred to [path]
/// (probably indicating that it was created and then immediately deleted).
List<FileSystemEvent> _eventsBasedOnFileSystem(String path) {
var fileExisted = _files.contains(path);
var dirExisted = _files.containsDir(path);
var fileExists = File(path).existsSync();
var dirExists = Directory(path).existsSync();
var events = <FileSystemEvent>[];
if (fileExisted) {
if (fileExists) {
events.add(ConstructableFileSystemModifyEvent(path, false, false));
} else {
events.add(ConstructableFileSystemDeleteEvent(path, false));
} else if (dirExisted) {
if (dirExists) {
// If we got contradictory events for a directory that used to exist and
// still exists, we need to rescan the whole thing in case it was
// replaced with a different directory.
events.add(ConstructableFileSystemDeleteEvent(path, true));
events.add(ConstructableFileSystemCreateEvent(path, true));
} else {
events.add(ConstructableFileSystemDeleteEvent(path, true));
if (!fileExisted && fileExists) {
events.add(ConstructableFileSystemCreateEvent(path, false));
} else if (!dirExisted && dirExists) {
events.add(ConstructableFileSystemCreateEvent(path, true));
return events;
/// The callback that's run when the [] stream is closed.
void _onDone() {
_watchSubscription = null;
// If the directory still exists and we're still expecting bogus events,
// this is probably issue 14849 rather than a real close event. We should
// just restart the watcher.
if (!isReady && Directory(path).existsSync()) {
// FSEvents can fail to report the contents of the directory being removed
// when the directory itself is removed, so we need to manually mark the
// files as removed.
for (var file in _files.paths) {
_emitEvent(ChangeType.REMOVE, file);
/// Start or restart the underlying [] stream.
void _startWatch() {
// Batch the FSEvent changes together so that we can dedup events.
var innerStream = Directory(path)
.watch(recursive: true)
_watchSubscription = innerStream.listen(_onBatch,
onError: _eventsController.addError, onDone: _onDone);
/// Starts or restarts listing the watched directory to get an initial picture
/// of its state.
Future _listDir() {
var completer = Completer();
var stream = Directory(path).list(recursive: true);
_initialListSubscription = stream.listen((entity) {
if (entity is! Directory) _files.add(entity.path);
}, onError: _emitError, onDone: completer.complete, cancelOnError: true);
return completer.future;
/// Wait 200ms for a batch of bogus events (issue 14373) to come in.
/// 200ms is short in terms of human interaction, but longer than any Mac OS
/// watcher tests take on the bots, so it should be safe to assume that any
/// bogus events will be signaled in that time frame.
Future _waitForBogusEvents() {
var completer = Completer();
_bogusEventTimer = Timer(Duration(milliseconds: 200), completer.complete);
return completer.future;
/// Emit an event with the given [type] and [path].
void _emitEvent(ChangeType type, String path) {
if (!isReady) return;
_eventsController.add(WatchEvent(type, path));
/// Emit an error, then close the watcher.
void _emitError(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
_eventsController.addError(error, stackTrace);