blob: 2a43937b8e2d21c796f22b2ef6d5b33c76891762 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import '../async_queue.dart';
import '../directory_watcher.dart';
import '../resubscribable.dart';
import '../stat.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
import '../watch_event.dart';
/// Periodically polls a directory for changes.
class PollingDirectoryWatcher extends ResubscribableWatcher
implements DirectoryWatcher {
String get directory => path;
/// Creates a new polling watcher monitoring [directory].
/// If [pollingDelay] is passed, it specifies the amount of time the watcher
/// will pause between successive polls of the directory contents. Making this
/// shorter will give more immediate feedback at the expense of doing more IO
/// and higher CPU usage. Defaults to one second.
PollingDirectoryWatcher(String directory, {Duration? pollingDelay})
: super(directory, () {
return _PollingDirectoryWatcher(
directory, pollingDelay ?? Duration(seconds: 1));
class _PollingDirectoryWatcher
implements DirectoryWatcher, ManuallyClosedWatcher {
String get directory => path;
final String path;
Stream<WatchEvent> get events =>;
final _events = StreamController<WatchEvent>.broadcast();
bool get isReady => _ready.isCompleted;
Future<void> get ready => _ready.future;
final _ready = Completer<void>();
/// The amount of time the watcher pauses between successive polls of the
/// directory contents.
final Duration _pollingDelay;
/// The previous modification times of the files in the directory.
/// Used to tell which files have been modified.
final _lastModifieds = <String, DateTime?>{};
/// The subscription used while [directory] is being listed.
/// Will be `null` if a list is not currently happening.
StreamSubscription<FileSystemEntity>? _listSubscription;
/// The queue of files waiting to be processed to see if they have been
/// modified.
/// Processing a file is asynchronous, as is listing the directory, so the
/// queue exists to let each of those proceed at their own rate. The lister
/// will enqueue files as quickly as it can. Meanwhile, files are dequeued
/// and processed sequentially.
late final AsyncQueue<String?> _filesToProcess =
AsyncQueue<String?>(_processFile, onError: (error, stackTrace) {
if (!_events.isClosed) _events.addError(error, stackTrace);
/// The set of files that have been seen in the current directory listing.
/// Used to tell which files have been removed: files that are in
/// [_lastModifieds] but not in here when a poll completes have been removed.
final _polledFiles = <String>{};
_PollingDirectoryWatcher(this.path, this._pollingDelay) {
void close() {
// If we're in the middle of listing the directory, stop.
// Don't process any remaining files.
/// Scans the contents of the directory once to see which files have been
/// added, removed, and modified.
void _poll() {
void endListing() {
_listSubscription = null;
// Null tells the queue consumer that we're done listing.
var stream = Directory(path).list(recursive: true);
_listSubscription = stream.listen((entity) {
if (entity is! File) return;
}, onError: (Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
if (!isDirectoryNotFoundException(error)) {
// It's some unknown error. Pipe it over to the event stream so the
// user can see it.
_events.addError(error, stackTrace);
// When an error occurs, we end the listing normally, which has the
// desired effect of marking all files that were in the directory as
// being removed.
}, onDone: endListing, cancelOnError: true);
/// Processes [file] to determine if it has been modified since the last
/// time it was scanned.
Future<void> _processFile(String? file) async {
// `null` is the sentinel which means the directory listing is complete.
if (file == null) {
await _completePoll();
final modified = await modificationTime(file);
if (_events.isClosed) return;
var lastModified = _lastModifieds[file];
// If its modification time hasn't changed, assume the file is unchanged.
if (lastModified != null && lastModified == modified) {
// The file is still here.
if (_events.isClosed) return;
_lastModifieds[file] = modified;
// Only notify if we're ready to emit events.
if (!isReady) return;
var type = lastModified == null ? ChangeType.ADD : ChangeType.MODIFY;
_events.add(WatchEvent(type, file));
/// After the directory listing is complete, this determines which files were
/// removed and then restarts the next poll.
Future<void> _completePoll() async {
// Any files that were not seen in the last poll but that we have a
// status for must have been removed.
var removedFiles = _lastModifieds.keys.toSet().difference(_polledFiles);
for (var removed in removedFiles) {
if (isReady) _events.add(WatchEvent(ChangeType.REMOVE, removed));
if (!isReady) _ready.complete();
// Wait and then poll again.
await Future.delayed(_pollingDelay);
if (_events.isClosed) return;