blob: b7f81fa968a405fddee8ef2b8fb6e76ac5ef7cf3 [file] [log] [blame]
import '../watcher.dart';
/// Defines a way to create a custom watcher instead of the default ones.
/// This will be used when a [DirectoryWatcher] or [FileWatcher] would be
/// created and will take precedence over the default ones.
abstract class CustomWatcherFactory {
/// Uniquely identify this watcher.
String get id;
/// Tries to create a [DirectoryWatcher] for the provided path.
/// Returns `null` if the path is not supported by this factory.
DirectoryWatcher createDirectoryWatcher(String path, {Duration pollingDelay});
/// Tries to create a [FileWatcher] for the provided path.
/// Returns `null` if the path is not supported by this factory.
FileWatcher createFileWatcher(String path, {Duration pollingDelay});
/// Registers a custom watcher.
/// It's only allowed to register a watcher factory once per [id] and at most
/// one factory should apply to any given file (creating a [Watcher] will fail
/// otherwise).
void registerCustomWatcherFactory(CustomWatcherFactory customFactory) {
if (_customWatcherFactories.containsKey( {
throw ArgumentError('A custom watcher with id `${}` '
'has already been registered');
_customWatcherFactories[] = customFactory;
/// Tries to create a custom [DirectoryWatcher] and returns it.
/// Returns `null` if no custom watcher was applicable and throws a [StateError]
/// if more than one was.
DirectoryWatcher createCustomDirectoryWatcher(String path,
{Duration pollingDelay}) {
DirectoryWatcher customWatcher;
String customFactoryId;
for (var watcherFactory in customWatcherFactories) {
if (customWatcher != null) {
throw StateError('Two `CustomWatcherFactory`s applicable: '
'`$customFactoryId` and `${}` for `$path`');
customWatcher =
watcherFactory.createDirectoryWatcher(path, pollingDelay: pollingDelay);
customFactoryId =;
return customWatcher;
/// Tries to create a custom [FileWatcher] and returns it.
/// Returns `null` if no custom watcher was applicable and throws a [StateError]
/// if more than one was.
FileWatcher createCustomFileWatcher(String path, {Duration pollingDelay}) {
FileWatcher customWatcher;
String customFactoryId;
for (var watcherFactory in customWatcherFactories) {
if (customWatcher != null) {
throw StateError('Two `CustomWatcherFactory`s applicable: '
'`$customFactoryId` and `${}` for `$path`');
customWatcher =
watcherFactory.createFileWatcher(path, pollingDelay: pollingDelay);
customFactoryId =;
return customWatcher;
/// Unregisters a custom watcher and returns it.
/// Returns `null` if the id was never registered.
CustomWatcherFactory unregisterCustomWatcherFactory(String id) =>
Iterable<CustomWatcherFactory> get customWatcherFactories =>
final _customWatcherFactories = <String, CustomWatcherFactory>{};