blob: 3a623a0b8bb4ca9bfe35e55c0ca9f16eb2c04917 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:file/memory.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:unified_analytics/src/constants.dart';
import 'package:unified_analytics/src/enums.dart';
import 'package:unified_analytics/src/utils.dart';
import 'package:unified_analytics/unified_analytics.dart';
void main() {
late MemoryFileSystem fs;
late Directory home;
late Directory dartToolDirectory;
late File clientIdFile;
late File sessionFile;
late File configFile;
late File logFile;
late File dismissedSurveyFile;
const homeDirName = 'home';
const initialTool = DashTool.flutterTool;
const secondTool = DashTool.dartTool;
const toolsMessageVersion = 1;
const toolsMessage = 'toolsMessage';
const flutterChannel = 'flutterChannel';
const flutterVersion = 'flutterVersion';
const dartVersion = 'dartVersion';
const platform = DevicePlatform.macos;
final testEvent = Event.hotReloadTime(timeMs: 50);
setUp(() {
// Setup the filesystem with the home directory
final fsStyle =
io.Platform.isWindows ? : FileSystemStyle.posix;
fs = MemoryFileSystem.test(style: fsStyle);
home =;
dartToolDirectory = home.childDirectory(kDartToolDirectoryName);
// The 3 files that should have been generated
clientIdFile = home
sessionFile =
configFile =
logFile =
dismissedSurveyFile = home
test('Confirm workflow for first run', () {
final firstAnalytics = Analytics.fake(
tool: initialTool,
homeDirectory: home,
flutterChannel: flutterChannel,
toolsMessageVersion: toolsMessageVersion,
toolsMessage: toolsMessage,
flutterVersion: flutterVersion,
dartVersion: dartVersion,
fs: fs,
platform: platform,
expect(firstAnalytics.shouldShowMessage, true);
expect(firstAnalytics.okToSend, false);
expect(firstAnalytics.shouldShowMessage, false);
expect(firstAnalytics.okToSend, false,
reason: 'On the first run, we should not be ok '
'to send any events, even if the user accepts');
test('Confirm workflow for updated tools message version + new tool', () {
// Helper function to check the state of the instance
void checkAnalyticsInstance(Analytics instance) {
expect(instance.shouldShowMessage, true);
expect(instance.okToSend, false);
expect(instance.shouldShowMessage, false);
expect(instance.okToSend, false,
reason: 'On the first run, we should not be ok '
'to send any events, even if the user accepts');
final firstAnalytics = Analytics.fake(
tool: initialTool,
homeDirectory: home,
flutterChannel: flutterChannel,
toolsMessageVersion: toolsMessageVersion,
toolsMessage: toolsMessage,
flutterVersion: flutterVersion,
dartVersion: dartVersion,
fs: fs,
platform: platform,
// Instance where we increment the version of the message
final secondAnalytics = Analytics.fake(
tool: initialTool,
homeDirectory: home,
flutterChannel: flutterChannel,
toolsMessageVersion: toolsMessageVersion + 1, // Incrementing version
toolsMessage: toolsMessage,
flutterVersion: flutterVersion,
dartVersion: dartVersion,
fs: fs,
platform: platform,
// Running the same checks for the second instance, it should
// behave the same as if it was a first run
// Instance for a different tool with the incremented version
final thirdAnalytics = Analytics.fake(
tool: secondTool, // Different tool
homeDirectory: home,
flutterChannel: flutterChannel,
toolsMessageVersion: toolsMessageVersion + 1, // Incrementing version
toolsMessage: toolsMessage,
flutterVersion: flutterVersion,
dartVersion: dartVersion,
fs: fs,
platform: platform,
// The instance with a new tool getting onboarded should be
// treated the same as the 2 previous instances
test('Confirm workflow for checking tools into the config file', () {
final firstAnalytics = Analytics.fake(
tool: initialTool,
homeDirectory: home,
flutterChannel: flutterChannel,
toolsMessageVersion: toolsMessageVersion,
toolsMessage: toolsMessage,
flutterVersion: flutterVersion,
dartVersion: dartVersion,
fs: fs,
platform: platform,
// Host of assertions to ensure all required artifacts
// are created
expect(dartToolDirectory.existsSync(), true,
reason: 'The directory should have been created');
expect(clientIdFile.existsSync(), true,
reason: 'The $kClientIdFileName file was not found');
expect(sessionFile.existsSync(), true,
reason: 'The $kSessionFileName file was not found');
expect(configFile.existsSync(), true,
reason: 'The $kConfigFileName was not found');
expect(logFile.existsSync(), true,
reason: 'The $kLogFileName file was not found');
expect(dismissedSurveyFile.existsSync(), true,
reason: 'The $dismissedSurveyFile file was not found');
reason: 'There should only be 5 files in the $kDartToolDirectoryName '
expect(configFile.readAsStringSync(), kConfigString);
expect(firstAnalytics.shouldShowMessage, true);
// Attempting to send a message with this instance should be
// blocked because it has not invoked `clientShowedMessage()`
// and it is the first run
// Even after invoking the method, it should be prevented from
// sending a message because it is the first time the tool was
// run in this instance
expect(logFile.readAsLinesSync().length, 0);
// Attempt to send two events, both should be blocked because it is
// part of the first instance
expect(logFile.readAsLinesSync().length, 0);
// Creating a second analytics instance from the same tool now should
// allow for events to be sent
final secondAnalytics = Analytics.fake(
tool: initialTool,
homeDirectory: home,
flutterChannel: flutterChannel,
toolsMessageVersion: toolsMessageVersion,
toolsMessage: toolsMessage,
flutterVersion: flutterVersion,
dartVersion: dartVersion,
fs: fs,
platform: platform,
expect(secondAnalytics.shouldShowMessage, false);
expect(logFile.readAsLinesSync().length, 1,
reason: 'Events will be blocked until invoking method '
'ensuring client has seen message');
expect(logFile.readAsLinesSync().length, 3);
// Next, we will want to confirm that the message should be showing when
// a new analytics instance has been created with a newer version for
// message that should be shown
// In this case, it should be treated as a new tool being added for the
// first time and all events should be blocked
// Delete the log file to reset the counter of events sent
final thirdAnalytics = Analytics.fake(
tool: initialTool,
homeDirectory: home,
flutterChannel: flutterChannel,
toolsMessageVersion: toolsMessageVersion + 1, // Incrementing version
toolsMessage: toolsMessage,
flutterVersion: flutterVersion,
dartVersion: dartVersion,
fs: fs,
platform: platform,
expect(logFile.existsSync(), true,
reason: 'The $kLogFileName file was not found');
expect(thirdAnalytics.shouldShowMessage, true,
reason: 'New version number should require showing message');
expect(logFile.readAsLinesSync().length, 0);
// Attempt to send two events, both should be blocked because it is
// part of the third instance which has a new version for the consent
// message which will be treated as a new tool being onboarded
expect(logFile.readAsLinesSync().length, 0);
// The fourth instance of the analytics class with the consent message
// version incremented should now be able to send messages
final fourthAnalytics = Analytics.fake(
tool: initialTool,
homeDirectory: home,
flutterChannel: flutterChannel,
toolsMessageVersion: toolsMessageVersion + 1, // Incrementing version
toolsMessage: toolsMessage,
flutterVersion: flutterVersion,
dartVersion: dartVersion,
fs: fs,
platform: platform,
expect(fourthAnalytics.shouldShowMessage, false);
expect(logFile.readAsLinesSync().length, 1,
reason: 'Events will be blocked until invoking method '
'ensuring client has seen message');
expect(logFile.readAsLinesSync().length, 3);
test('Disable second instance if first one did not show message', () {
final firstAnalytics = Analytics.fake(
tool: initialTool,
homeDirectory: home,
flutterChannel: flutterChannel,
toolsMessageVersion: toolsMessageVersion,
toolsMessage: toolsMessage,
flutterVersion: flutterVersion,
dartVersion: dartVersion,
fs: fs,
platform: platform,
expect(firstAnalytics.shouldShowMessage, true);
final secondAnalytics = Analytics.fake(
tool: initialTool,
homeDirectory: home,
flutterChannel: flutterChannel,
toolsMessageVersion: toolsMessageVersion,
toolsMessage: toolsMessage,
flutterVersion: flutterVersion,
dartVersion: dartVersion,
fs: fs,
platform: platform,
expect(secondAnalytics.shouldShowMessage, true);
final thirdAnalytics = Analytics.fake(
tool: initialTool,
homeDirectory: home,
flutterChannel: flutterChannel,
toolsMessageVersion: toolsMessageVersion,
toolsMessage: toolsMessage,
flutterVersion: flutterVersion,
dartVersion: dartVersion,
fs: fs,
platform: platform,
expect(thirdAnalytics.shouldShowMessage, false);
test('Passing large version number gets logged in config', () {
final firstVersion = toolsMessageVersion + 3;
final secondAnalytics = Analytics.fake(
tool: secondTool,
homeDirectory: home,
flutterChannel: flutterChannel,
toolsMessageVersion: firstVersion,
toolsMessage: toolsMessage,
flutterVersion: 'Flutter 3.6.0-7.0.pre.47',
dartVersion: 'Dart 2.19.0',
fs: fs,
platform: platform,
// Create a new instane of the secondTool with an even
// bigger version
final secondVersion = firstVersion + 3;
final thirdAnalytics = Analytics.fake(
tool: secondTool,
homeDirectory: home,
flutterChannel: flutterChannel,
toolsMessageVersion: secondVersion,
toolsMessage: toolsMessage,
flutterVersion: 'Flutter 3.6.0-7.0.pre.47',
dartVersion: 'Dart 2.19.0',
fs: fs,
platform: platform,
// After invoking this method, it will get updated
// in the config with the next version