blob: d1a8bc0717811840f3faf10d4aaee74fbf92f7d7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:clock/clock.dart';
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'constants.dart';
import 'event.dart';
import 'initializer.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
class UserProperty {
final String? flutterChannel;
final String host;
final String? flutterVersion;
final String dartVersion;
final String tool;
final String hostOsVersion;
final String locale;
final String? clientIde;
final String? enabledFeatures;
final File sessionFile;
/// Contains instances of [Event.analyticsException] that were encountered
/// during a workflow and will be sent to GA4 for collection.
final Set<Event> errorSet = {};
int? _sessionId;
/// This class is intended to capture all of the user's
/// metadata when the class gets initialized as well as collecting
/// session data to send in the json payload to Google Analytics.
required this.flutterChannel,
required this.flutterVersion,
required this.dartVersion,
required this.tool,
required this.hostOsVersion,
required this.locale,
required this.clientIde,
required this.enabledFeatures,
required this.sessionFile,
/// This will use the data parsed from the
/// session file in the dart-tool directory
/// to get the session id if the last ping was within
/// [kSessionDurationMinutes].
/// If time since last ping exceeds the duration, then the file
/// will be updated with a new session id and that will be returned.
/// Note, the file will always be updated when calling this method
/// because the last ping variable will always need to be persisted.
int? getSessionId() {
final now =;
// Convert the epoch time from the last ping into datetime and check if we
// are within the kSessionDurationMinutes.
final lastPingDateTime = sessionFile.lastModifiedSync();
if (now.difference(lastPingDateTime).inMinutes > kSessionDurationMinutes) {
// Update the session file with the latest session id
_sessionId = now.millisecondsSinceEpoch;
writeSessionContents(sessionFile: sessionFile);
} else {
// Update the last modified timestamp with the current timestamp so that
// we can use it for the next _lastPing calculation
return _sessionId;
/// This method will take the data in this class and convert it into
/// a Map that is suitable for the POST request schema.
/// This will call the [UserProperty] object's [UserProperty.getSessionId]
/// method which will update the session file and get a new session id
/// if necessary.
Map<String, Map<String, Object?>> preparePayload() {
return <String, Map<String, Object?>>{
for (MapEntry<String, Object?> entry in _toMap().entries)
entry.key: <String, Object?>{'value': entry.value}
String toString() {
return jsonEncode(_toMap());
/// This will go to the session file within the dart-tool
/// directory and fetch the latest data from the session file to update
/// the class's variables. If the session file is malformed, a new
/// session file will be recreated.
/// This allows the session data in this class to always be up
/// to date incase another tool is also calling this package and
/// making updates to the session file.
void _refreshSessionData() {
/// Using a nested function here to reduce verbosity
void parseContents() {
final sessionFileContents = sessionFile.readAsStringSync();
final sessionObj =
jsonDecode(sessionFileContents) as Map<String, Object?>;
_sessionId = sessionObj['session_id'] as int;
try {
// Failing to parse the contents will result in the current timestamp
// being used as the session id and will get used to recreate the file
} on FormatException catch (err) {
final now = createSessionFile(sessionFile: sessionFile);
workflow: 'UserProperty._refreshSessionData',
error: err.runtimeType.toString(),
description: 'message: ${err.message}\nsource: ${err.source}',
// Fallback to setting the session id as the current time
_sessionId = now.millisecondsSinceEpoch;
} on FileSystemException catch (err) {
final now = createSessionFile(sessionFile: sessionFile);
workflow: 'UserProperty._refreshSessionData',
error: err.runtimeType.toString(),
description: err.osError?.toString(),
// Fallback to setting the session id as the current time
_sessionId = now.millisecondsSinceEpoch;
/// Convert the data stored in this class into a map while also
/// getting the latest session id using the [UserProperty] class.
Map<String, Object?> _toMap() => <String, Object?>{
'session_id': getSessionId(),
'flutter_channel': flutterChannel,
'host': host,
'flutter_version': flutterVersion,
'dart_version': dartVersion,
'analytics_pkg_version': kPackageVersion,
'tool': tool,
'local_time': formatDateTime(,
'host_os_version': hostOsVersion,
'locale': locale,
'client_ide': clientIde,
'enabled_features': enabledFeatures,