blob: cff96ce0fa41e8b3c0b01f260f9b0834a17598dd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:clock/clock.dart';
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:file/memory.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:unified_analytics/src/constants.dart';
import 'package:unified_analytics/src/enums.dart';
import 'package:unified_analytics/src/survey_handler.dart';
import 'package:unified_analytics/unified_analytics.dart';
/// This example code is intended to only be used as guidance for
/// clients using this package. Clients using this package should avoid
/// the use of the [Analytics.fake] static method.
/// It was used in this example file so that the real [FileSystem] was swapped
/// out for a [MemoryFileSystem] so that repeated runs of this script yield
/// the same results.
void main() async {
late final MemoryFileSystem fs;
late final Analytics analytics;
late final Directory home;
// We need to initialize with a fake clock since the surveys have
// a period of time they are valid for
await withClock(Clock.fixed(DateTime(2023, 3, 3, 12, 0)), () async {
// Use a memory file system to repeatedly run this example
// file with the test instance
fs = MemoryFileSystem(style: FileSystemStyle.posix);
home ='home');
// The purpose of `initialAnalytics` is so that the tool is able to
// send events after its first run; this instance won't be used below
// ignore: invalid_use_of_visible_for_testing_member
final initialAnalytics = Analytics.fake(
tool: DashTool.flutterTool,
homeDirectory: home,
dartVersion: 'dartVersion',
fs: fs,
platform: DevicePlatform.macos,
// The below command allows `DashTool.flutterTool` to send telemetry
// ignore: invalid_use_of_visible_for_testing_member
analytics = Analytics.fake(
tool: DashTool.flutterTool,
homeDirectory: home,
dartVersion: 'dartVersion',
fs: fs,
platform: DevicePlatform.macos,
surveyHandler: FakeSurveyHandler.fromList(
dismissedSurveyFile: fs.file(p.join(
initializedSurveys: [
uniqueId: 'uniqueId',
startDate: DateTime(2023, 1, 1),
endDate: DateTime(2023, 5, 31),
description: 'description',
snoozeForMinutes: 10,
samplingRate: 1.0,
excludeDashToolList: [],
conditionList: [],
buttonList: [
buttonText: 'View Survey',
action: 'accept',
promptRemainsVisible: false,
url: '',
buttonText: 'More Info',
action: 'snooze',
promptRemainsVisible: true,
url: '',
buttonText: 'Dismiss Survey',
action: 'dismiss',
promptRemainsVisible: false,
// Each client of this package will be able to fetch all of
// the available surveys with the below method
// Sample rate will be applied automatically; it also won't
// fetch any surveys in the snooze period or if they have
// been dismissed
final surveyList = await analytics.fetchAvailableSurveys();
assert(surveyList.length == 1);
// Grab the first and only survey to simulate displaying it to a user
final survey = surveyList.first;
print('Simulating displaying the survey with a print below:');
print('Survey id: ${survey.uniqueId}\n');
// Immediately after displaying the survey, the method below
// should be run so that no other clients using this tool will show
// it at the same time
// It will "snoozed" when the below is run as well as reported to
// Google Analytics 4 that this survey was shown
// Get the file where this is persisted to show it getting updated
final persistedSurveyFile = home
print('The contents of the json file '
'after invoking `analytics.surveyShown(survey);`');
// Change the index below to decide which button to simulate pressing
// 0 - accept
// 1 - snooze
// 2 - dismiss
final selectedButtonIndex = 1;
assert([0, 1, 2].contains(selectedButtonIndex));
// Get the survey button by index that will need to be passed along with
// the survey to simulate an interaction with the survey
final selectedSurveyButton = survey.buttonList[selectedButtonIndex];
print('The simulated button pressed was: '
'"${selectedSurveyButton.buttonText}" '
'(action = ${selectedSurveyButton.action})\n');
// The below method will handle whatever action the button
survey: survey,
surveyButton: selectedSurveyButton,
// Conditional to check if there is a URl to route to
if (selectedSurveyButton.url != null) {
print('***This button also has a survey URL link '
'to route to at "${selectedSurveyButton.url}"***\n');
// Conditional to check what simulating a popup to stay up
if (selectedSurveyButton.promptRemainsVisible) {
print('***This button has its promptRemainsVisible field set to `true` '
'so this simulates what seeing a pop up again would look like***\n');
print('The contents of the json file '
'after invoking '
'`analytics.surveyInteracted(survey: survey, '
'surveyButton: selectedSurveyButton);`');
// Demonstrating that the survey doesn't get returned again
print('Attempting to fetch surveys again will result in an empty list');
print(await analytics.fetchAvailableSurveys());