blob: a1f494a6ee49c39def7698b73957bb8cd52b2ef2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:file/memory.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:unified_analytics/src/constants.dart';
import 'package:unified_analytics/src/enums.dart';
import 'package:unified_analytics/src/utils.dart';
import 'package:unified_analytics/unified_analytics.dart';
void main() {
late FakeAnalytics analytics;
late Directory homeDirectory;
late FileSystem fs;
late File logFile;
final testEvent = Event.hotReloadTime(timeMs: 10);
setUp(() {
fs = MemoryFileSystem.test(style: FileSystemStyle.posix);
homeDirectory ='home');
logFile = fs.file(p.join(
// Create the initialization analytics instance to onboard the tool
final initializationAnalytics = Analytics.test(
tool: DashTool.flutterTool,
homeDirectory: homeDirectory,
measurementId: 'measurementId',
apiSecret: 'apiSecret',
dartVersion: 'dartVersion',
fs: fs,
platform: DevicePlatform.macos,
// This instance is free to send events since the instance above
// has confirmed that the client has shown the message
analytics = Analytics.test(
tool: DashTool.flutterTool,
homeDirectory: homeDirectory,
measurementId: 'measurementId',
apiSecret: 'apiSecret',
dartVersion: 'dartVersion',
fs: fs,
platform: DevicePlatform.macos,
) as FakeAnalytics;
test('Ensure that log file is created', () {
expect(logFile.existsSync(), true);
test('LogFileStats is null before events are sent', () {
expect(analytics.logFileStats(), isNull);
test('LogFileStats returns valid response after sent events', () async {
final countOfEventsToSend = 10;
for (var i = 0; i < countOfEventsToSend; i++) {
expect(analytics.logFileStats(), isNotNull);
expect(logFile.readAsLinesSync().length, countOfEventsToSend);
expect(analytics.logFileStats()!.recordCount, countOfEventsToSend);
test('The only record in the log file is malformed', () {
// Write invalid json for the only log record
expect(logFile.readAsLinesSync().length, 1);
final logFileStats = analytics.logFileStats();
expect(logFileStats, isNull,
reason: 'Null should be returned since only '
'one record is in there and it is malformed');
workflow: 'LogFileStats.logFileStats',
error: 'FormatException',
description: 'message: Unexpected character\nsource: {{',
test('The first record is malformed, but rest are valid', () async {
// Write invalid json for the only log record
final countOfEventsToSend = 10;
for (var i = 0; i < countOfEventsToSend; i++) {
expect(logFile.readAsLinesSync().length, countOfEventsToSend + 1);
final logFileStats = analytics.logFileStats();
expect(logFileStats, isNotNull);
expect(logFileStats!.recordCount, countOfEventsToSend);
test('Several records are malformed', () async {
final countOfMalformedRecords = 4;
for (var i = 0; i < countOfMalformedRecords; i++) {
final currentContents = logFile.readAsStringSync();
final countOfEventsToSend = 10;
for (var i = 0; i < countOfEventsToSend; i++) {
countOfEventsToSend + countOfMalformedRecords);
final logFileStats = analytics.logFileStats();
countOfEventsToSend + countOfMalformedRecords + 1,
'There should have been on error event sent when getting stats');
expect(logFileStats, isNotNull);
expect(logFileStats!.recordCount, countOfEventsToSend);
test('Valid json but invalid keys', () {
// The second line here is missing the "events" top level
// key which should cause an error for that record only
// Important to note that this won't actually cause a FormatException
// like the other malformed records, instead the LogItem.fromRecord
// constructor will return null if all the keys are not available
final contents = '''
{"client_id":"ffcea97b-db5e-4c66-98c2-3942de4fac40","events":[{"name":"hot_reload_time","params":{"timeMs":136}}],"user_properties":{"session_id":{"value":1699385899950},"flutter_channel":{"value":"ey-test-channel"},"host":{"value":"macOS"},"flutter_version":{"value":"Flutter 3.6.0-7.0.pre.47"},"dart_version":{"value":"Dart 2.19.0"},"analytics_pkg_version":{"value":"5.2.0"},"tool":{"value":"flutter-tool"},"local_time":{"value":"2023-11-07 15:37:26.685761 -0500"},"host_os_version":{"value":"Version 14.1 (Build 23B74)"},"locale":{"value":"en"},"client_ide":{"value":"VSCode"}}}
{"client_id":"ffcea97b-db5e-4c66-98c2-3942de4fac40","WRONG_EVENT_KEY":[{"name":"hot_reload_time","params":{"timeMs":136}}],"user_properties":{"session_id":{"value":1699385899950},"flutter_channel":{"value":"ey-test-channel"},"host":{"value":"macOS"},"flutter_version":{"value":"Flutter 3.6.0-7.0.pre.47"},"dart_version":{"value":"Dart 2.19.0"},"analytics_pkg_version":{"value":"5.2.0"},"tool":{"value":"flutter-tool"},"local_time":{"value":"2023-11-07 15:37:26.685761 -0500"},"host_os_version":{"value":"Version 14.1 (Build 23B74)"},"locale":{"value":"en"},"client_ide":{"value":"VSCode"}}}
{"client_id":"ffcea97b-db5e-4c66-98c2-3942de4fac40","events":[{"name":"hot_reload_time","params":{"timeMs":136}}],"user_properties":{"session_id":{"value":1699385899950},"flutter_channel":{"value":"ey-test-channel"},"host":{"value":"macOS"},"flutter_version":{"value":"Flutter 3.6.0-7.0.pre.47"},"dart_version":{"value":"Dart 2.19.0"},"analytics_pkg_version":{"value":"5.2.0"},"tool":{"value":"flutter-tool"},"local_time":{"value":"2023-11-07 15:37:26.685761 -0500"},"host_os_version":{"value":"Version 14.1 (Build 23B74)"},"locale":{"value":"en"},"client_ide":{"value":"VSCode"}}}
final logFileStats = analytics.logFileStats();
expect(logFile.readAsLinesSync().length, 3);
expect(logFileStats, isNotNull);
expect(logFileStats!.recordCount, 2);
test('Malformed record gets phased out after several events', () async {
// Write invalid json for the only log record
// Send the max number of events minus two so that we have
// one malformed record on top of the logs and the rest
// are valid log records
// We need to account for the event that is sent when
// calling [logFileStats()] fails and sends an instance
// of [Event.analyticsException]
final recordsToSendInitially = kLogFileLength - 2;
for (var i = 0; i < recordsToSendInitially; i++) {
final logFileStats = analytics.logFileStats();
expect(analytics.sentEvents.last.eventName, DashEvent.analyticsException,
reason: 'Calling for the stats should have caused an error');
expect(logFile.readAsLinesSync().length, kLogFileLength);
expect(logFileStats, isNotNull);
expect(logFileStats!.recordCount, recordsToSendInitially,
reason: 'The first record should be malformed');
expect(logFile.readAsLinesSync()[0].trim(), '{{');
// Sending one more event should flush out the malformed record
final secondLogFileStats = analytics.logFileStats();
expect(analytics.sentEvents.last, testEvent);
expect(secondLogFileStats, isNotNull);
expect(secondLogFileStats!.recordCount, kLogFileLength);
expect(logFile.readAsLinesSync()[0].trim(), isNot('{{'));
test('Catching cast errors for each log record silently', () async {
// Write a json array to the log file which will cause
// a cast error when parsing each line
logFile.writeAsStringSync('[{}, 1, 2, 3]\n');
final logFileStats = analytics.logFileStats();
expect(logFileStats, isNull);
// Ensure it will work as expected after writing correct logs
final countOfEventsToSend = 10;
for (var i = 0; i < countOfEventsToSend; i++) {
final secondLogFileStats = analytics.logFileStats();
expect(secondLogFileStats, isNotNull);
expect(secondLogFileStats!.recordCount, countOfEventsToSend + 1,
reason: 'Plus one for the error event that is sent '
'from the first logFileStats call');
'truncateStringToLength returns same string when '
'max length greater than string length', () {
final testString = 'Version 14.1 (Build 23B74)';
final maxLength = 100;
expect(testString.length < maxLength, true);
String runTruncateString() => truncateStringToLength(testString, maxLength);
expect(runTruncateString, returnsNormally);
final newString = runTruncateString();
expect(newString, testString);
'truncateStringToLength returns truncated string when '
'max length less than string length', () {
final testString = 'Version 14.1 (Build 23B74)';
final maxLength = 10;
expect(testString.length > maxLength, true);
String runTruncateString() => truncateStringToLength(testString, maxLength);
expect(runTruncateString, returnsNormally);
final newString = runTruncateString();
expect(newString.length, maxLength);
expect(newString, 'Version 14');
test('truncateStringToLength handle errors for invalid max length', () {
final testString = 'Version 14.1 (Build 23B74)';
var maxLength = 0;
String runTruncateString() => truncateStringToLength(testString, maxLength);
expect(runTruncateString, throwsArgumentError);
maxLength = -1;
expect(runTruncateString, throwsArgumentError);
test('truncateStringToLength same string when max length is the same', () {
final testString = 'Version 14.1 (Build 23B74)';
final maxLength = testString.length;
String runTruncateString() => truncateStringToLength(testString, maxLength);
expect(runTruncateString, returnsNormally);
final newString = runTruncateString();
expect(newString.length, maxLength);
expect(newString, testString);