blob: bc02454fc394f20884d6096ded701f77967fe1a5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:async/async.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart';
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/group.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/invoker.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/runtime.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
import '../util/io.dart';
import 'compiler_selection.dart';
import 'configuration.dart';
import 'hack_register_platform.dart';
import 'load_exception.dart';
import 'load_suite.dart';
import 'parse_metadata.dart';
import 'platform.dart';
import 'plugin/customizable_platform.dart';
import 'plugin/environment.dart';
import 'runner_suite.dart';
import 'suite.dart';
import 'vm/platform.dart';
/// A class for finding test files and loading them into a runnable form.
class Loader {
/// The test runner configuration.
final _config = Configuration.current;
/// All suites that have been created by the loader.
final _suites = <RunnerSuite>{};
/// Memoizers for platform plugins, indexed by the runtimes they support.
final _platformPlugins = <Runtime, AsyncMemoizer<PlatformPlugin>>{};
/// The functions to use to load [_platformPlugins].
/// These are passed to the plugins' async memoizers when a plugin is needed.
final _platformCallbacks = <Runtime, FutureOr<PlatformPlugin> Function()>{};
/// A map of all runtimes registered in [_platformCallbacks], indexed by
/// their string identifiers.
final _runtimesByIdentifier = <String, Runtime>{};
/// The user-provided settings for runtimes, as a list of settings that will
/// be merged together using [CustomizablePlatform.mergePlatformSettings].
final _runtimeSettings = <Runtime, List<YamlMap>>{};
/// The user-provided settings for runtimes.
final _parsedRuntimeSettings = <Runtime, Object>{};
/// All plaforms supported by this [Loader].
List<Runtime> get allRuntimes => List.unmodifiable(_platformCallbacks.keys);
/// The runtime variables supported by this loader, in addition the default
/// variables that are always supported.
Iterable<String> get _runtimeVariables => => runtime.identifier);
/// Creates a new loader that loads tests on platforms defined in
/// [Configuration.current].
Loader() {
platformCallbacks.forEach((runtime, plugin) {
_registerPlatformPlugin([runtime], plugin);
/// Registers a [PlatformPlugin] for [runtimes].
void _registerPlatformPlugin(
Iterable<Runtime> runtimes, FutureOr<PlatformPlugin> Function() plugin) {
var memoizer = AsyncMemoizer<PlatformPlugin>();
for (var runtime in runtimes) {
_platformPlugins[runtime] = memoizer;
_platformCallbacks[runtime] = plugin;
_runtimesByIdentifier[runtime.identifier] = runtime;
/// Registers user-defined runtimes from [Configuration.defineRuntimes].
void _registerCustomRuntimes() {
for (var customRuntime in _config.defineRuntimes.values) {
if (_runtimesByIdentifier.containsKey(customRuntime.identifier)) {
throw SourceSpanFormatException(
'The platform "${customRuntime.identifier}" already exists. '
'Use override_platforms to override it.'),
var parent = _runtimesByIdentifier[customRuntime.parent];
if (parent == null) {
throw SourceSpanFormatException(
'Unknown platform.', customRuntime.parentSpan);
var runtime = parent.extend(, customRuntime.identifier);
_platformPlugins[runtime] = _platformPlugins[parent]!;
_platformCallbacks[runtime] = _platformCallbacks[parent]!;
_runtimesByIdentifier[runtime.identifier] = runtime;
_runtimeSettings[runtime] = [customRuntime.settings];
/// Registers users' runtime settings from [Configuration.overrideRuntimes].
void _registerRuntimeOverrides() {
for (var settings in _config.overrideRuntimes.values) {
var runtime = _runtimesByIdentifier[settings.identifier];
.putIfAbsent(runtime!, () => [])
/// Returns the [Runtime] registered with this loader that's identified
/// by [identifier], or `null` if none can be found.
Runtime? findRuntime(String identifier) => _runtimesByIdentifier[identifier];
/// Loads all test suites in [dir] according to [suiteConfig].
/// This will load tests from files that match the global configuration's
/// filename glob. Any tests that fail to load will be emitted as
/// [LoadException]s.
/// This emits [LoadSuite]s that must then be run to emit the actual
/// [RunnerSuite]s defined in the file.
Stream<LoadSuite> loadDir(String dir, SuiteConfiguration suiteConfig) {
return StreamGroup.merge(
Directory(dir).listSync(recursive: true).map((entry) {
if (entry is! File || !_config.filename.matches(p.basename(entry.path))) {
return const Stream.empty();
return loadFile(entry.path, suiteConfig);
/// Loads a test suite from the file at [path] according to [suiteConfig].
/// This emits [LoadSuite]s that must then be run to emit the actual
/// [RunnerSuite]s defined in the file.
/// This will emit a [LoadException] if the file fails to load.
Stream<LoadSuite> loadFile(
String path, SuiteConfiguration suiteConfig) async* {
try {
suiteConfig = suiteConfig.merge(SuiteConfiguration.fromMetadata(
path, File(path).readAsStringSync(), _runtimeVariables.toSet())));
} on ArgumentError catch (_) {
// Ignore the analyzer's error, since its formatting is much worse than
// the VM's or dart2js's.
} on FormatException catch (error, stackTrace) {
yield LoadSuite.forLoadException(LoadException(path, error), suiteConfig,
stackTrace: stackTrace);
if (_config.excludeTags.evaluate(suiteConfig.metadata.tags.contains)) {
if (_config.pubServeUrl != null && !p.isWithin('test', path)) {
yield LoadSuite.forLoadException(
path, 'When using "pub serve", all test files must be in test/.'),
for (var runtimeName in suiteConfig.runtimes) {
var runtime = findRuntime(runtimeName);
if (runtime == null) {
throw ArgumentError.value(runtimeName, 'platform', 'Unknown platform');
final compilers = {
for (var selection
in suiteConfig.compilerSelections ?? <CompilerSelection>[])
if (runtime.supportedCompilers.contains(selection.compiler) &&
(selection.platformSelector == null ||
.evaluate(currentPlatform(runtime, selection.compiler))))
if (compilers.isEmpty) compilers.add(runtime.defaultCompiler);
for (var compiler in compilers) {
var platform = currentPlatform(runtime, compiler);
if (!suiteConfig.metadata.testOn.evaluate(platform)) continue;
var platformConfig = suiteConfig.forPlatform(platform);
// Don't load a skipped suite.
if (platformConfig.metadata.skip && !platformConfig.runSkipped) {
yield LoadSuite.forSuite(RunnerSuite(
const PluginEnvironment(),
Group.root([LocalTest('(suite)', platformConfig.metadata, () {})],
metadata: platformConfig.metadata),
path: path));
yield LoadSuite('loading $path', platformConfig, platform, () async {
var memo = _platformPlugins[platform.runtime]!;
var retriesLeft = suiteConfig.metadata.retry;
while (true) {
try {
var plugin =
await memo.runOnce(_platformCallbacks[platform.runtime]!);
_customizePlatform(plugin, platform.runtime);
var suite = await plugin.load(path, platform, platformConfig,
{'platformVariables': _runtimeVariables.toList()});
if (suite != null) _suites.add(suite);
return suite;
} on Object catch (error, stackTrace) {
if (retriesLeft > 0) {
print('Retrying load of $path in 1s ($retriesLeft remaining)');
await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1));
if (error is LoadException) {
await Future<void>.error(LoadException(path, error), stackTrace);
return null;
}, path: path);
/// Passes user-defined settings to [plugin] if necessary.
void _customizePlatform(PlatformPlugin plugin, Runtime runtime) {
var parsed = _parsedRuntimeSettings[runtime];
if (parsed != null) {
(plugin as CustomizablePlatform).customizePlatform(runtime, parsed);
var settings = _runtimeSettings[runtime];
if (settings == null) return;
if (plugin is CustomizablePlatform) {
parsed = settings
plugin.customizePlatform(runtime, parsed);
_parsedRuntimeSettings[runtime] = parsed;
} else {
String identifier;
SourceSpan span;
if (runtime.isChild) {
identifier = runtime.parent!.identifier;
span = _config.defineRuntimes[runtime.identifier]!.parentSpan;
} else {
identifier = runtime.identifier;
span = _config.overrideRuntimes[runtime.identifier]!.identifierSpan;
throw SourceSpanFormatException(
'The "$identifier" platform can\'t be customized.', span);
Future closeEphemeral() async {
await Future.wait( async {
if (!memo.hasRun) return;
await (await memo.future).closeEphemeral();
/// Closes the loader and releases all resources allocated by it.
Future close() => _closeMemo.runOnce(() async {
await Future.wait([
Future.wait( async {
if (!memo.hasRun) return;
await (await memo.future).close();
Future.wait( => suite.close()))
final _closeMemo = AsyncMemoizer<void>();