blob: f2b77da40ecd6dea7f818ce1d1f8546473a84438 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:shelf/shelf.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'expectation.dart';
/// A [Handler] that handles requests as specified by [expect] and
/// [expectAnything].
class ShelfTestHandler {
/// The description used in debugging output for this handler.
final String description;
/// Whether to log each request to [printOnFailure].
final bool _log;
/// The zone in which this handler was created.
final Zone _zone;
/// The queue of expected requests to this handler.
final _expectations = Queue<Expectation>();
/// Creates a new handler that handles requests using handlers provided by
/// [expect] and [expectAnything].
/// If [log] is `true` (the default), this prints all requests using
/// [printOnFailure].
/// The [description] is used in debugging output for this handler. It
/// defaults to "ShelfTestHandler".
ShelfTestHandler({bool log = true, String? description})
: _log = log,
description = description ?? 'ShelfTestHandler',
_zone = Zone.current;
/// Expects that a single HTTP request with the given [method] and [path] will
/// be made to `this`.
/// The [path] should be root-relative; that is, it shuld start with "/".
/// When a matching request is made, [handler] is used to handle that request.
/// If this and/or [expectAnything] are called multiple times, the requests
/// are expected to occur in the same order.
void expect(String method, String path, Handler handler) {
_expectations.add(Expectation(method, path, handler));
/// Expects that a single HTTP request will be made to `this`.
/// When a request is made, [handler] is used to handle that request.
/// If this and/or [expect] are called multiple times, the requests are
/// expected to occur in the same order.
void expectAnything(Handler handler) {
/// The implementation of [Handler].
FutureOr<Response> call(Request request) async {
var requestInfo = '${request.method} /${request.url}';
if (_log) printOnFailure('[$description] $requestInfo');
try {
if (_expectations.isEmpty) {
throw TestFailure(
'$description received unexpected request $requestInfo.');
var expectation = _expectations.removeFirst();
if ((expectation.method != null &&
expectation.method != request.method) ||
(expectation.path != '/${request.url.path}' &&
expectation.path != null)) {
var message = '$description received unexpected request $requestInfo.';
if (expectation.method != null) {
message += '\nExpected ${expectation.method} ${expectation.path}.';
throw TestFailure(message);
return await expectation.handler(request);
} on HijackException catch (_) {
} catch (error, stackTrace) {
_zone.handleUncaughtError(error, stackTrace);
// We can't return null here, the handler type doesn't allow it.
return Response.internalServerError(body: '$error');