blob: 720d3c3ef3c3ce387fd666dc23d21fcd65e484cb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import 'dart:collection' show UnmodifiableMapView;
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:http_methods/http_methods.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart' show sealed;
import 'package:shelf/shelf.dart';
import 'router_entry.dart' show RouterEntry;
/// Get a URL parameter captured by the [Router].
@Deprecated('Use Request.params instead')
String params(Request request, String name) {
final value = request.params[name];
if (value == null) {
throw Exception('no such parameter $name');
return value;
final _emptyParams = UnmodifiableMapView(<String, String>{});
extension RouterParams on Request {
/// Get URL parameters captured by the [Router].
/// **Example**
/// ```dart
/// final app = Router();
/// app.get('/hello/<name>', (Request request) {
/// final name = request.params['name'];
/// return Response.ok('Hello $name');
/// });
/// ```
/// If no parameters are captured this returns an empty map.
/// The returned map is unmodifiable.
Map<String, String> get params {
final p = context['shelf_router/params'];
if (p is Map<String, String>) {
return UnmodifiableMapView(p);
return _emptyParams;
/// Middleware to remove body from request.
final _removeBody = createMiddleware(responseHandler: (r) {
if (r.headers.containsKey('content-length')) {
r = r.change(headers: {'content-length': '0'});
return r.change(body: <int>[]);
/// A shelf [Router] routes requests to handlers based on HTTP verb and route
/// pattern.
/// ```dart
/// import 'package:shelf_router/shelf_router.dart';
/// import 'package:shelf/shelf.dart';
/// import 'package:shelf/shelf_io.dart' as io;
/// var app = Router();
/// // Route pattern parameters can be specified <paramName>
/// app.get('/users/<userName>/whoami', (Request request) async {
/// // The matched values can be read with params(request, param)
/// var userName = request.params['userName'];
/// return Response.ok('You are ${userName}');
/// });
/// // The matched value can also be taken as parameter, if the handler given
/// // doesn't implement Handler, it's assumed to take all parameters in the
/// // order they appear in the route pattern.
/// app.get('/users/<userName>/say-hello', (Request request, String userName) async {
/// assert(userName == request.params['userName']);
/// return Response.ok('Hello ${userName}');
/// });
/// // It is possible to have multiple parameters, and if desired a custom
/// // regular expression can be specified with <paramName|REGEXP>, where
/// // REGEXP is a regular expression (leaving out ^ and $).
/// // If no regular expression is specified `[^/]+` will be used.
/// app.get('/users/<userName>/messages/<msgId|\d+>', (Request request) async {
/// var msgId = int.parse(request.params['msgId']!);
/// return Response.ok(message.getById(msgId));
/// });
/// var server = await io.serve(app, 'localhost', 8080);
/// ```
/// If multiple routes match the same request, the handler for the first
/// route is called.
/// If no route matches a request, a [Response.notFound] will be returned
/// instead. The default matcher can be overridden with the `notFoundHandler`
/// constructor parameter.
class Router {
final List<RouterEntry> _routes = [];
final Handler _notFoundHandler;
/// Creates a new [Router] routing requests to handlers.
/// The [notFoundHandler] will be invoked for requests where no matching route
/// was found. By default, a simple [Response.notFound] will be used instead.
Router({Handler notFoundHandler = _defaultNotFound})
: _notFoundHandler = notFoundHandler;
/// Add [handler] for [verb] requests to [route].
/// If [verb] is `GET` the [handler] will also be called for `HEAD` requests
/// matching [route]. This is because handling `GET` requests without handling
/// `HEAD` is always wrong. To explicitely implement a `HEAD` handler it must
/// be registered before the `GET` handler.
void add(String verb, String route, Function handler) {
if (!isHttpMethod(verb)) {
throw ArgumentError.value(verb, 'verb', 'expected a valid HTTP method');
verb = verb.toUpperCase();
if (verb == 'GET') {
// Handling in a 'GET' request without handling a 'HEAD' request is always
// wrong, thus, we add a default implementation that discards the body.
_routes.add(RouterEntry('HEAD', route, handler, middleware: _removeBody));
_routes.add(RouterEntry(verb, route, handler));
/// Handle all request to [route] using [handler].
void all(String route, Function handler) {
_routes.add(RouterEntry('ALL', route, handler));
/// Mount a handler below a prefix.
/// In this case prefix may not contain any parameters, nor
void mount(String prefix, Handler handler) {
if (!prefix.startsWith('/')) {
throw ArgumentError.value(prefix, 'prefix', 'must start with a slash');
// first slash is always in request.handlerPath
final path = prefix.substring(1);
if (prefix.endsWith('/')) {
all('$prefix<path|[^]*>', (Request request) {
return handler(request.change(path: path));
} else {
all(prefix, (Request request) {
return handler(request.change(path: path));
all('$prefix/<path|[^]*>', (Request request) {
return handler(request.change(path: '$path/'));
/// Route incoming requests to registered handlers.
/// This method allows a Router instance to be a [Handler].
Future<Response> call(Request request) async {
// Note: this is a great place to optimize the implementation by building
// a trie for faster matching... left as an exercise for the reader :)
for (var route in _routes) {
if (route.verb != request.method.toUpperCase() && route.verb != 'ALL') {
var params = route.match('/${request.url.path}');
if (params != null) {
final response = await route.invoke(request, params);
if (response != routeNotFound) {
return response;
return _notFoundHandler(request);
// Handlers for all methods
/// Handle `GET` request to [route] using [handler].
/// If no matching handler for `HEAD` requests is registered, such requests
/// will also be routed to the [handler] registered here.
void get(String route, Function handler) => add('GET', route, handler);
/// Handle `HEAD` request to [route] using [handler].
void head(String route, Function handler) => add('HEAD', route, handler);
/// Handle `POST` request to [route] using [handler].
void post(String route, Function handler) => add('POST', route, handler);
/// Handle `PUT` request to [route] using [handler].
void put(String route, Function handler) => add('PUT', route, handler);
/// Handle `DELETE` request to [route] using [handler].
void delete(String route, Function handler) => add('DELETE', route, handler);
/// Handle `CONNECT` request to [route] using [handler].
void connect(String route, Function handler) =>
add('CONNECT', route, handler);
/// Handle `OPTIONS` request to [route] using [handler].
void options(String route, Function handler) =>
add('OPTIONS', route, handler);
/// Handle `TRACE` request to [route] using [handler].
void trace(String route, Function handler) => add('TRACE', route, handler);
/// Handle `PATCH` request to [route] using [handler].
void patch(String route, Function handler) => add('PATCH', route, handler);
static Response _defaultNotFound(Request request) => routeNotFound;
/// Sentinel [Response] object indicating that no matching route was found.
/// This is the default response value from a [Router] created without a
/// `notFoundHandler`, when no routes matches the incoming request.
/// If the [routeNotFound] object is returned from a [Handler] the [Router]
/// will consider the route _not matched_, and attempt to match other routes.
/// This is useful when mounting nested routers, or when matching a route
/// is conditioned on properties beyond the path of the URL.
/// **Example**
/// ```dart
/// final app = Router();
/// // The pattern for this route will match '/search' and '/search?q=...',
/// // but if request does not have `?q=...', then the handler will return
/// // [Router.routeNotFound] causing the router to attempt further routes.
/// app.get('/search', (Request request) async {
/// if (!request.uri.queryParameters.containsKey('q')) {
/// return Router.routeNotFound;
/// }
/// return Response.ok('TODO: make search results');
/// });
/// // Same pattern as above
/// app.get('/search', (Request request) async {
/// return Response.ok('TODO: return search form');
/// });
/// // Create a single nested router we can mount for handling API requests.
/// final api = Router();
/// api.get('/version', (Request request) => Response.ok('1'));
/// // Mounting router under '/api'
/// app.mount('/api', api);
/// // If a request matches `/api/...` then the routes in the [api] router
/// // will be attempted. However, for a request like `/api/hello` there is
/// // no matching route in the [api] router. Thus, the router will return
/// // [Router.routeNotFound], which will cause matching to continue.
/// // Hence, the catch-all route below will be matched, causing a custom 404
/// // response with message 'nothing found'.
/// // In the pattern below `<anything|.*>` is on the form `<name|regex>`,
/// // thus, this simply creates a URL parameter called `anything` which
/// // matches anything.
/// app.all('/<anything|.*>', (Request request) {
/// return Response.notFound('nothing found');
/// });
/// ```
static final Response routeNotFound = _RouteNotFoundResponse();
/// Extends [Response] to allow it to be used multiple times in the
/// actual content being served.
class _RouteNotFoundResponse extends Response {
static const _message = 'Route not found';
static final _messageBytes = utf8.encode(_message);
_RouteNotFoundResponse() : super.notFound(_message);
Stream<List<int>> read() => Stream<List<int>>.value(_messageBytes);
Response change({
Map<String, /* String | List<String> */ Object?>? headers,
Map<String, Object?>? context,
Object? body,
}) {
return super.change(
headers: headers,
context: context,
body: body ?? _message,