blob: d6d3ae0e1e093bceb7f8ccb8bc264d8708810b9c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:http_parser/http_parser.dart';
import 'message.dart';
import 'util.dart';
/// The response returned by a [Handler].
class Response extends Message {
/// The HTTP status code of the response.
final int statusCode;
/// The date and time after which the response's data should be considered
/// stale.
/// This is parsed from the Expires header in [headers]. If [headers] doesn't
/// have an Expires header, this will be `null`.
DateTime? get expires {
if (_expiresCache != null) return _expiresCache;
if (!headers.containsKey('expires')) return null;
_expiresCache = parseHttpDate(headers['expires']!);
return _expiresCache;
DateTime? _expiresCache;
/// The date and time the source of the response's data was last modified.
/// This is parsed from the Last-Modified header in [headers]. If [headers]
/// doesn't have a Last-Modified header, this will be `null`.
DateTime? get lastModified {
if (_lastModifiedCache != null) return _lastModifiedCache;
if (!headers.containsKey('last-modified')) return null;
_lastModifiedCache = parseHttpDate(headers['last-modified']!);
return _lastModifiedCache;
DateTime? _lastModifiedCache;
/// Constructs a 200 OK response.
/// This indicates that the request has succeeded.
/// {@template shelf_response_body_and_encoding_param}
/// [body] is the response body. It may be either a [String], a [List<int>], a
/// [Stream<List<int>>], or `null` to indicate no body.
/// If the body is a [String], [encoding] is used to encode it to a
/// [Stream<List<int>>]. It defaults to UTF-8. If it's a [String], a
/// [List<int>], or `null`, the Content-Length header is set automatically
/// unless a Transfer-Encoding header is set. Otherwise, it's a
/// [Stream<List<int>>] and no Transfer-Encoding header is set, the adapter
/// will set the Transfer-Encoding header to "chunked" and apply the chunked
/// encoding to the body.
/// If [encoding] is passed, the "encoding" field of the Content-Type header
/// in [headers] will be set appropriately. If there is no existing
/// Content-Type header, it will be set to "application/octet-stream".
/// [headers] must contain values that are either `String` or `List<String>`.
/// An empty list will cause the header to be omitted.
/// {@endtemplate}
Object? body, {
Map<String, /* String | List<String> */ Object>? headers,
Encoding? encoding,
Map<String, Object>? context,
}) : this(200,
body: body, headers: headers, encoding: encoding, context: context);
/// Constructs a 301 Moved Permanently response.
/// This indicates that the requested resource has moved permanently to a new
/// URI. [location] is that URI; it can be either a [String] or a [Uri]. It's
/// automatically set as the Location header in [headers].
/// {@macro shelf_response_body_and_encoding_param}
Object location, {
Object? body,
Map<String, /* String | List<String> */ Object>? headers,
Encoding? encoding,
Map<String, Object>? context,
}) : this._redirect(301, location, body, headers, encoding, context: context);
/// Constructs a 302 Found response.
/// This indicates that the requested resource has moved temporarily to a new
/// URI. [location] is that URI; it can be either a [String] or a [Uri]. It's
/// automatically set as the Location header in [headers].
/// {@macro shelf_response_body_and_encoding_param}
Object location, {
Object? body,
Map<String, /* String | List<String> */ Object>? headers,
Encoding? encoding,
Map<String, Object>? context,
}) : this._redirect(
context: context,
/// Constructs a 303 See Other response.
/// This indicates that the response to the request should be retrieved using
/// a GET request to a new URI. [location] is that URI; it can be either a
/// [String] or a [Uri]. It's automatically set as the Location header in
/// [headers].
/// {@macro shelf_response_body_and_encoding_param}
Object location, {
Object? body,
Map<String, /* String | List<String> */ Object>? headers,
Encoding? encoding,
Map<String, Object>? context,
}) : this._redirect(303, location, body, headers, encoding, context: context);
/// Constructs a helper constructor for redirect responses.
int statusCode,
Object location,
Object? body,
Map<String, /* String | List<String> */ Object>? headers,
Encoding? encoding, {
Map<String, Object>? context,
}) : this(
body: body,
encoding: encoding,
headers: addHeader(headers, 'location', _locationToString(location)),
context: context,
/// Constructs a 304 Not Modified response.
/// This is used to respond to a conditional GET request that provided
/// information used to determine whether the requested resource has changed
/// since the last request. It indicates that the resource has not changed and
/// the old value should be used.
/// [headers] must contain values that are either `String` or `List<String>`.
/// An empty list will cause the header to be omitted.
/// If [headers] contains a value for `content-length` it will be removed.
Map<String, /* String | List<String> */ Object>? headers,
Map<String, Object>? context,
}) : this(
headers: removeHeader(
addHeader(headers, 'date', formatHttpDate(,
context: context,
/// Constructs a 400 Bad Request response.
/// This indicates that the server has received a malformed request.
/// {@macro shelf_response_body_and_encoding_param}
Object? body,
Map<String, /* String | List<String> */ Object>? headers,
Encoding? encoding,
Map<String, Object>? context,
}) : this(
headers: body == null ? _adjustErrorHeaders(headers) : headers,
body: body ?? 'Bad Request',
context: context,
encoding: encoding,
/// Constructs a 401 Unauthorized response.
/// This indicates indicates that the client request has not been completed
/// because it lacks valid authentication credentials.
/// {@macro shelf_response_body_and_encoding_param}
Object? body, {
Map<String, /* String | List<String> */ Object>? headers,
Encoding? encoding,
Map<String, Object>? context,
}) : this(
headers: body == null ? _adjustErrorHeaders(headers) : headers,
body: body ?? 'Unauthorized',
context: context,
encoding: encoding,
/// Constructs a 403 Forbidden response.
/// This indicates that the server is refusing to fulfill the request.
/// {@macro shelf_response_body_and_encoding_param}
Object? body, {
Map<String, /* String | List<String> */ Object>? headers,
Encoding? encoding,
Map<String, Object>? context,
}) : this(
headers: body == null ? _adjustErrorHeaders(headers) : headers,
body: body ?? 'Forbidden',
context: context,
encoding: encoding,
/// Constructs a 404 Not Found response.
/// This indicates that the server didn't find any resource matching the
/// requested URI.
/// {@macro shelf_response_body_and_encoding_param}
Object? body, {
Map<String, /* String | List<String> */ Object>? headers,
Encoding? encoding,
Map<String, Object>? context,
}) : this(
headers: body == null ? _adjustErrorHeaders(headers) : headers,
body: body ?? 'Not Found',
context: context,
encoding: encoding,
/// Constructs a 500 Internal Server Error response.
/// This indicates that the server had an internal error that prevented it
/// from fulfilling the request.
/// {@macro shelf_response_body_and_encoding_param}
Object? body,
Map<String, /* String | List<String> */ Object>? headers,
Encoding? encoding,
Map<String, Object>? context,
}) : this(
headers: body == null ? _adjustErrorHeaders(headers) : headers,
body: body ?? 'Internal Server Error',
context: context,
encoding: encoding,
/// Constructs an HTTP response with the given [statusCode].
/// [statusCode] must be greater than or equal to 100.
/// {@macro shelf_response_body_and_encoding_param}
this.statusCode, {
Object? body,
Map<String, /* String | List<String> */ Object>? headers,
Encoding? encoding,
Map<String, Object>? context,
}) : super(body, encoding: encoding, headers: headers, context: context) {
if (statusCode < 100) {
throw ArgumentError('Invalid status code: $statusCode.');
/// Creates a new [Response] by copying existing values and applying specified
/// changes.
/// New key-value pairs in [context] and [headers] will be added to the copied
/// [Response].
/// If [context] or [headers] includes a key that already exists, the
/// key-value pair will replace the corresponding entry in the copied
/// [Response]. If [context] or [headers] contains a `null` value the
/// corresponding `key` will be removed if it exists, otherwise the `null`
/// value will be ignored.
/// For [headers] a value which is an empty list will also cause the
/// corresponding key to be removed.
/// All other context and header values from the [Response] will be included
/// in the copied [Response] unchanged.
/// [body] is the response body. It may be either a [String], a [List<int>], a
/// [Stream<List<int>>], or `<int>[]` (empty list) to indicate no body.
Response change({
Map<String, /* String | List<String> */ Object?>? headers,
Map<String, Object?>? context,
Object? body,
}) {
final headersAll = updateHeaders(this.headersAll, headers);
final newContext = updateMap(this.context, context);
body ??= extractBody(this);
return Response(
body: body,
headers: headersAll,
context: newContext,
/// Adds content-type information to [headers].
/// Returns a new map without modifying [headers]. This is used to add
/// content-type information when creating a 500 response with a default body.
Map<String, Object> _adjustErrorHeaders(
Map<String, /* String | List<String> */ Object>? headers) {
if (headers == null || headers['content-type'] == null) {
return addHeader(headers, 'content-type', 'text/plain');
final contentTypeValue =
var contentType =
MediaType.parse(contentTypeValue).change(mimeType: 'text/plain');
return addHeader(headers, 'content-type', contentType.toString());
/// Converts [location], which may be a [String] or a [Uri], to a [String].
/// Throws an [ArgumentError] if [location] isn't a [String] or a [Uri].
String _locationToString(Object location) {
if (location is String) return location;
if (location is Uri) return location.toString();
throw ArgumentError(
'Response location must be a String or Uri, was "$location".',