blob: 7be8b3ff515a514221d71261099126ad28652d13 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:http_parser/http_parser.dart';
import 'package:stream_channel/stream_channel.dart';
import 'hijack_exception.dart';
import 'message.dart';
import 'util.dart';
/// An HTTP request to be processed by a Shelf application.
class Request extends Message {
/// The URL path from the current handler to the requested resource, relative
/// to [handlerPath], plus any query parameters.
/// This should be used by handlers for determining which resource to serve,
/// in preference to [requestedUri]. This allows handlers to do the right
/// thing when they're mounted anywhere in the application. Routers should be
/// sure to update this when dispatching to a nested handler, using the
/// `path` parameter to [change].
/// [url]'s path is always relative. It may be empty, if [requestedUri] ends
/// at this handler. [url] will always have the same query parameters as
/// [requestedUri].
/// [handlerPath] and [url]'s path combine to create [requestedUri]'s path.
final Uri url;
/// The HTTP request method, such as "GET" or "POST".
final String method;
/// The URL path to the current handler.
/// This allows a handler to know its location within the URL-space of an
/// application. Routers should be sure to update this when dispatching to a
/// nested handler, using the `path` parameter to [change].
/// [handlerPath] is always a root-relative URL path; that is, it always
/// starts with `/`. It will also end with `/` whenever [url]'s path is
/// non-empty, or if [requestedUri]'s path ends with `/`.
/// [handlerPath] and [url]'s path combine to create [requestedUri]'s path.
final String handlerPath;
/// The HTTP protocol version used in the request, either "1.0" or "1.1".
final String protocolVersion;
/// The original [Uri] for the request.
final Uri requestedUri;
/// The callback wrapper for hijacking this request.
/// This will be `null` if this request can't be hijacked.
final _OnHijack? _onHijack;
/// Whether this request can be hijacked.
/// This will be `false` either if the adapter doesn't support hijacking, or
/// if the request has already been hijacked.
bool get canHijack => _onHijack != null && !_onHijack.called;
/// If this is non-`null` and the requested resource hasn't been modified
/// since this date and time, the server should return a 304 Not Modified
/// response.
/// This is parsed from the If-Modified-Since header in [headers]. If
/// [headers] doesn't have an If-Modified-Since header, this will be `null`.
/// Throws [FormatException], if incoming HTTP request has an invalid
/// If-Modified-Since header.
DateTime? get ifModifiedSince {
if (_ifModifiedSinceCache != null) return _ifModifiedSinceCache;
if (!headers.containsKey('if-modified-since')) return null;
_ifModifiedSinceCache = parseHttpDate(headers['if-modified-since']!);
return _ifModifiedSinceCache;
DateTime? _ifModifiedSinceCache;
/// Creates a new [Request].
/// [handlerPath] must be root-relative. [url]'s path must be fully relative,
/// and it must have the same query parameters as [requestedUri].
/// [handlerPath] and [url]'s path must combine to be the path component of
/// [requestedUri]. If they're not passed, [handlerPath] will default to `/`
/// and [url] to `requestedUri.path` without the initial `/`. If only one is
/// passed, the other will be inferred.
/// [body] is the request body. It may be either a [String], a [List<int>], a
/// [Stream<List<int>>], or `null` to indicate no body. If it's a [String],
/// [encoding] is used to encode it to a [Stream<List<int>>]. The default
/// encoding is UTF-8.
/// If [encoding] is passed, the "encoding" field of the Content-Type header
/// in [headers] will be set appropriately. If there is no existing
/// Content-Type header, it will be set to "application/octet-stream".
/// [headers] must contain values that are either `String` or `List<String>`.
/// An empty list will cause the header to be omitted.
/// The default value for [protocolVersion] is '1.1'.
/// ## `onHijack`
/// [onHijack] allows handlers to take control of the underlying socket for
/// the request. It should be passed by adapters that can provide access to
/// the bidirectional socket underlying the HTTP connection stream.
/// The [onHijack] callback will only be called once per request. It will be
/// passed another callback which takes a byte StreamChannel. [onHijack] must
/// pass the channel for the connection stream to this callback, although it
/// may do so asynchronously.
/// If a request is hijacked, the adapter should expect to receive a
/// [HijackException] from the handler. This is a special exception used to
/// indicate that hijacking has occurred. The adapter should avoid either
/// sending a response or notifying the user of an error if a
/// [HijackException] is caught.
/// An adapter can check whether a request was hijacked using [canHijack],
/// which will be `false` for a hijacked request. The adapter may throw an
/// error if a [HijackException] is received for a non-hijacked request, or if
/// no [HijackException] is received for a hijacked request.
/// See also [hijack].
// TODO(kevmoo) finish documenting the rest of the arguments.
String method,
Uri requestedUri, {
String? protocolVersion,
Map<String, /* String | List<String> */ Object>? headers,
String? handlerPath,
Uri? url,
Object? body,
Encoding? encoding,
Map<String, Object>? context,
void Function(void Function(StreamChannel<List<int>>))? onHijack,
}) : this._(method, requestedUri,
protocolVersion: protocolVersion,
headers: headers,
url: url,
handlerPath: handlerPath,
body: body,
encoding: encoding,
context: context,
onHijack: onHijack == null ? null : _OnHijack(onHijack));
/// This constructor has the same signature as [] except that
/// accepts [onHijack] as [_OnHijack].
/// Any [Request] created by calling [change] will pass [_onHijack] from the
/// source [Request] to ensure that [hijack] can only be called once, even
/// from a changed [Request].
this.requestedUri, {
String? protocolVersion,
Map<String, /* String | List<String> */ Object>? headers,
String? handlerPath,
Uri? url,
Object? body,
Encoding? encoding,
Map<String, Object>? context,
_OnHijack? onHijack,
}) : protocolVersion = protocolVersion ?? '1.1',
url = _computeUrl(requestedUri, handlerPath, url),
handlerPath = _computeHandlerPath(requestedUri, handlerPath, url),
_onHijack = onHijack,
super(body, encoding: encoding, headers: headers, context: context) {
if (method.isEmpty) {
throw ArgumentError.value(method, 'method', 'cannot be empty.');
try {
// Trigger URI parsing methods that may throw format exception (in Request
// constructor or in handlers / routing).
} on FormatException catch (e) {
throw ArgumentError.value(
requestedUri, 'requestedUri', 'URI parsing failed: $e');
if (!requestedUri.isAbsolute) {
throw ArgumentError.value(
requestedUri, 'requestedUri', 'must be an absolute URL.');
if (requestedUri.fragment.isNotEmpty) {
throw ArgumentError.value(
requestedUri, 'requestedUri', 'may not have a fragment.');
// Notice that because relative paths must encode colon (':') as %3A we
// cannot actually combine this.handlerPath and this.url.path, but we can
// compare the pathSegments. In practice exposing this.url.path as a Uri
// and not a String is probably the underlying flaw here.
final handlerPart = Uri(path: this.handlerPath).pathSegments.join('/');
final rest = this.url.pathSegments.join('/');
final join = this.url.path.startsWith('/') ? '/' : '';
final pathSegments = '$handlerPart$join$rest';
if (pathSegments != requestedUri.pathSegments.join('/')) {
throw ArgumentError.value(
'handlerPath "${this.handlerPath}" and url "${this.url}" must '
'combine to equal requestedUri path "${requestedUri.path}".');
/// Creates a new [Request] by copying existing values and applying specified
/// changes.
/// New key-value pairs in [context] and [headers] will be added to the copied
/// [Request]. If [context] or [headers] includes a key that already exists,
/// the key-value pair will replace the corresponding entry in the copied
/// [Request]. If [context] or [headers] contains a `null` value the
/// corresponding `key` will be removed if it exists, otherwise the `null`
/// value will be ignored.
/// For [headers] a value which is an empty list will also cause the
/// corresponding key to be removed.
/// All other context and header values from the [Request] will be
/// included in the copied [Request] unchanged.
/// [body] is the request body. It may be either a [String], a [List<int>], a
/// [Stream<List<int>>], or `null` to indicate no body.
/// [path] is used to update both [handlerPath] and [url]. It's designed for
/// routing middleware, and represents the path from the current handler to
/// the next handler. It must be a prefix of [url]; [handlerPath] becomes
/// `handlerPath + "/" + path`, and [url] becomes relative to that. For
/// example:
/// print(request.handlerPath); // => /static/
/// print(request.url); // => dir/file.html
/// request = request.change(path: "dir");
/// print(request.handlerPath); // => /static/dir/
/// print(request.url); // => file.html
Request change({
Map<String, /* String | List<String> */ Object?>? headers,
Map<String, Object?>? context,
String? path,
Object? body,
}) {
final headersAll = updateHeaders(this.headersAll, headers);
final newContext = updateMap<String, Object>(this.context, context);
body ??= extractBody(this);
var handlerPath = this.handlerPath;
if (path != null) handlerPath += path;
return Request._(method, requestedUri,
protocolVersion: protocolVersion,
headers: headersAll,
handlerPath: handlerPath,
body: body,
context: newContext,
onHijack: _onHijack);
/// Takes control of the underlying request socket.
/// Synchronously, this throws a [HijackException] that indicates to the
/// adapter that it shouldn't emit a response itself. Asynchronously,
/// [callback] is called with a [StreamChannel<List<int>>] that provides
/// access to the underlying request socket.
/// This may only be called when using a Shelf adapter that supports
/// hijacking, such as the `dart:io` adapter. In addition, a given request may
/// only be hijacked once. [canHijack] can be used to detect whether this
/// request can be hijacked.
Never hijack(void Function(StreamChannel<List<int>>) callback) {
if (_onHijack == null) {
throw StateError("This request can't be hijacked.");
throw const HijackException();
/// A callback for [Request.hijack] and tracking of whether it has been called.
class _OnHijack {
final void Function(void Function(StreamChannel<List<int>>)) _callback;
bool called = false;
/// Calls `this`.
/// Throws a [StateError] if `this` has already been called.
void run(void Function(StreamChannel<List<int>>) callback) {
if (called) throw StateError('This request has already been hijacked.');
called = true;
Future.microtask(() => _callback(callback));
/// Computes `url` from the provided [Request] constructor arguments.
/// If [url] is `null`, the value is inferred from [requestedUri] and
/// [handlerPath] if available. Otherwise [url] is returned.
Uri _computeUrl(Uri requestedUri, String? handlerPath, Uri? url) {
if (handlerPath != null &&
handlerPath != requestedUri.path &&
!handlerPath.endsWith('/')) {
handlerPath += '/';
if (url != null) {
if (url.scheme.isNotEmpty || url.hasAuthority || url.fragment.isNotEmpty) {
throw ArgumentError('url "$url" may contain only a path and query '
if (!requestedUri.path.endsWith(url.path)) {
throw ArgumentError('url "$url" must be a suffix of requestedUri '
if (requestedUri.query != url.query) {
throw ArgumentError('url "$url" must have the same query parameters '
'as requestedUri "$requestedUri".');
if (url.path.startsWith('/')) {
throw ArgumentError('url "$url" must be relative.');
var startOfUrl = requestedUri.path.length - url.path.length;
if (url.path.isNotEmpty &&
requestedUri.path.substring(startOfUrl - 1, startOfUrl) != '/') {
throw ArgumentError('url "$url" must be on a path boundary in '
'requestedUri "$requestedUri".');
return url;
} else if (handlerPath != null) {
return Uri(
path: requestedUri.path.substring(handlerPath.length),
query: requestedUri.query);
} else {
// Skip the initial "/".
var path = requestedUri.path.substring(1);
return Uri(path: path, query: requestedUri.query);
/// Computes `handlerPath` from the provided [Request] constructor arguments.
/// If [handlerPath] is `null`, the value is inferred from [requestedUri] and
/// [url] if available. Otherwise [handlerPath] is returned.
String _computeHandlerPath(Uri requestedUri, String? handlerPath, Uri? url) {
if (handlerPath != null &&
handlerPath != requestedUri.path &&
!handlerPath.endsWith('/')) {
handlerPath += '/';
if (handlerPath != null) {
if (!requestedUri.path.startsWith(handlerPath)) {
throw ArgumentError('handlerPath "$handlerPath" must be a prefix of '
'requestedUri path "${requestedUri.path}"');
if (!handlerPath.startsWith('/')) {
throw ArgumentError('handlerPath "$handlerPath" must be root-relative.');
return handlerPath;
} else if (url != null) {
if (url.path.isEmpty) return requestedUri.path;
var index = requestedUri.path.indexOf(url.path);
return requestedUri.path.substring(0, index);
} else {
return '/';