Merge f223d01848651b3903c9b3ebb464d5b4f5dd3bc8 into dev
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/test/spell_checking_list_code.txt b/pkg/front_end/test/spell_checking_list_code.txt
index fd82aa9..d0960b6 100644
--- a/pkg/front_end/test/spell_checking_list_code.txt
+++ b/pkg/front_end/test/spell_checking_list_code.txt
@@ -523,6 +523,7 @@
@@ -1082,6 +1083,7 @@
diff --git a/pkg/kernel/lib/ast.dart b/pkg/kernel/lib/ast.dart
index e535c05..506a255 100644
--- a/pkg/kernel/lib/ast.dart
+++ b/pkg/kernel/lib/ast.dart
@@ -106,15583 +106,19 @@
export 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/type_inference/type_analyzer_operations.dart'
show Variance;
+part 'src/ast/constants.dart';
+part 'src/ast/components.dart';
+part 'src/ast/declarations.dart';
+part 'src/ast/dummies.dart';
+part 'src/ast/expressions.dart';
+part 'src/ast/functions.dart';
+part 'src/ast/helpers.dart';
+part 'src/ast/initializers.dart';
+part 'src/ast/libraries.dart';
+part 'src/ast/members.dart';
+part 'src/ast/misc.dart';
+part 'src/ast/names.dart';
part 'src/ast/patterns.dart';
-/// Any type of node in the IR.
-abstract class Node {
- const Node();
- R accept<R>(Visitor<R> v);
- R accept1<R, A>(Visitor1<R, A> v, A arg);
- void visitChildren(Visitor v);
- /// Returns the textual representation of this node for use in debugging.
- ///
- /// [toString] should only be used for debugging, but should not leak.
- ///
- /// The data is generally bare-bones, but can easily be updated for your
- /// specific debugging needs.
- @override
- String toString();
- /// Returns the textual representation of this node for use in debugging.
- ///
- /// [toStringInternal] should only be used for debugging, but should not leak.
- ///
- /// The data is generally bare-bones, but can easily be updated for your
- /// specific debugging needs.
- ///
- /// This method is called internally by toString methods to create conciser
- /// textual representations.
- String toStringInternal() => toText(defaultAstTextStrategy);
- /// Returns the textual representation of this node for use in debugging.
- ///
- /// Note that this adds some nodes to a static map to ensure consistent
- /// naming, but that it thus also leaks memory. [leakingDebugToString] should
- /// thus only be used for debugging and short-running test tools.
- ///
- /// Synthetic names are cached globally to retain consistency across different
- /// [leakingDebugToString] calls (hence the memory leak).
- String leakingDebugToString() => astToText.debugNodeToString(this);
- String toText(AstTextStrategy strategy) {
- AstPrinter printer = new AstPrinter(strategy);
- toTextInternal(printer);
- return printer.getText();
- }
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer);
-/// A mutable AST node with a parent pointer.
-/// This is anything other than [Name] and [DartType] nodes.
-abstract class TreeNode extends Node {
- static int _hashCounter = 0;
- @override
- final int hashCode = _hashCounter = (_hashCounter + 1) & 0x3fffffff;
- static const int noOffset = -1;
- TreeNode? parent;
- /// Offset in the source file the node comes from.
- ///
- /// Valid values are from 0 and up, or -1 ([noOffset]) if the file offset is
- /// not available (this is the default if none is specifically set).
- ///
- /// This is an index into [Source.text].
- int fileOffset = noOffset;
- /// When the node has more offsets that just [fileOffset], the list of all
- /// offsets.
- List<int>? get fileOffsetsIfMultiple => null;
- @override
- R accept<R>(TreeVisitor<R> v);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(TreeVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v);
- void transformChildren(Transformer v);
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v);
- /// Replaces [child] with [replacement].
- ///
- /// The caller is responsible for ensuring that the AST remains a tree. In
- /// particular, [replacement] should be an orphan or be part of an orphaned
- /// subtree.
- ///
- /// Has no effect if [child] is not actually a child of this node.
- ///
- /// [replacement] must be non-null.
- void replaceChild(TreeNode child, TreeNode replacement) {
- transformChildren(new _ChildReplacer(child, replacement));
- }
- /// Inserts another node in place of this one.
- ///
- /// The caller is responsible for ensuring that the AST remains a tree. In
- /// particular, [replacement] should be an orphan or be part of an orphaned
- /// subtree.
- ///
- /// [replacement] must be non-null.
- void replaceWith(TreeNode replacement) {
- parent!.replaceChild(this, replacement);
- parent = null;
- }
- // TODO(johnniwinther): Make this non-nullable.
- Component? get enclosingComponent => parent?.enclosingComponent;
- /// Returns the best known source location of the given AST node, or `null` if
- /// the node is orphaned.
- ///
- /// This getter is intended for diagnostics and debugging, and should be
- /// avoided in production code.
- Location? get location {
- if (fileOffset == noOffset) return parent?.location;
- return _getLocationInEnclosingFile(fileOffset);
- }
- Location? _getLocationInEnclosingFile(int offset) {
- return parent?._getLocationInEnclosingFile(offset);
- }
-/// An AST node that can be referenced by other nodes.
-/// There is a single [reference] belonging to this node, providing a level of
-/// indirection that is needed during serialization.
-abstract class NamedNode extends TreeNode {
- final Reference reference;
- NamedNode(Reference? reference)
- : this.reference = reference ?? new Reference() {
- this.reference.node = this;
- }
- /// This is an advanced feature.
- ///
- /// See [Component.relink] for a comprehensive description.
- ///
- /// Makes sure the reference in this named node points to itself.
- void _relinkNode() {
- this.reference.node = this;
- }
- /// Computes the canonical names for this node using the [parent] as the
- /// canonical name of the parent node.
- void bindCanonicalNames(CanonicalName parent);
-abstract class FileUriNode extends TreeNode {
- /// The URI of the source file this node was loaded from.
- Uri get fileUri;
- void set fileUri(Uri value);
-abstract class Annotatable extends TreeNode {
- List<Expression> get annotations;
- void addAnnotation(Expression node);
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-enum NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode { Strong, Weak, Invalid }
-class Library extends NamedNode
- implements Annotatable, Comparable<Library>, FileUriNode {
- /// An import path to this library.
- ///
- /// The [Uri] should have the `dart`, `package`, `app`, or `file` scheme.
- ///
- /// If the URI has the `app` scheme, it is relative to the application root.
- Uri importUri;
- /// The URI of the source file this library was loaded from.
- @override
- Uri fileUri;
- Version? _languageVersion;
- Version get languageVersion => _languageVersion ?? defaultLanguageVersion;
- void setLanguageVersion(Version languageVersion) {
- _languageVersion = languageVersion;
- }
- static const int SyntheticFlag = 1 << 0;
- static const int NonNullableByDefaultModeBit1 = 1 << 1;
- static const int NonNullableByDefaultModeBit2 = 1 << 2;
- static const int IsUnsupportedFlag = 1 << 3;
- int flags = 0;
- /// If true, the library is synthetic, for instance library that doesn't
- /// represents an actual file and is created as the result of error recovery.
- bool get isSynthetic => flags & SyntheticFlag != 0;
- void set isSynthetic(bool value) {
- flags = value ? (flags | SyntheticFlag) : (flags & ~SyntheticFlag);
- }
- NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode get nonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode {
- bool bit1 = (flags & NonNullableByDefaultModeBit1) != 0;
- bool bit2 = (flags & NonNullableByDefaultModeBit2) != 0;
- if (!bit1 && !bit2) return NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode.Strong;
- if (bit1 && !bit2) return NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode.Weak;
- if (!bit1 && bit2) return NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode.Invalid;
- throw new StateError("Unused bit-pattern for compilation mode");
- }
- void set nonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode(
- NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode mode) {
- switch (mode) {
- case NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode.Strong:
- flags = (flags & ~NonNullableByDefaultModeBit1) &
- ~NonNullableByDefaultModeBit2;
- break;
- case NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode.Weak:
- flags = (flags | NonNullableByDefaultModeBit1) &
- ~NonNullableByDefaultModeBit2;
- break;
- case NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode.Invalid:
- flags = (flags & ~NonNullableByDefaultModeBit1) |
- NonNullableByDefaultModeBit2;
- break;
- }
- }
- /// If true, the library is not supported through the 'dart.library.*' value
- /// used in conditional imports and `bool.fromEnvironment` constants.
- bool get isUnsupported => flags & IsUnsupportedFlag != 0;
- void set isUnsupported(bool value) {
- flags = value ? (flags | IsUnsupportedFlag) : (flags & ~IsUnsupportedFlag);
- }
- String? name;
- /// Problems in this [Library] encoded as json objects.
- ///
- /// Note that this field can be null, and by convention should be null if the
- /// list is empty.
- List<String>? problemsAsJson;
- @override
- List<Expression> annotations;
- List<LibraryDependency> dependencies;
- /// References to nodes exported by `export` declarations that:
- /// - aren't ambiguous, or
- /// - aren't hidden by local declarations.
- final List<Reference> additionalExports = <Reference>[];
- @informative
- List<LibraryPart> parts;
- List<Typedef> _typedefs;
- List<Class> _classes;
- List<Extension> _extensions;
- List<ExtensionTypeDeclaration> _extensionTypeDeclarations;
- List<Procedure> _procedures;
- List<Field> _fields;
- Library(this.importUri,
- {,
- List<Expression>? annotations,
- List<LibraryDependency>? dependencies,
- List<LibraryPart>? parts,
- List<Typedef>? typedefs,
- List<Class>? classes,
- List<Extension>? extensions,
- List<ExtensionTypeDeclaration>? extensionTypeDeclarations,
- List<Procedure>? procedures,
- List<Field>? fields,
- required this.fileUri,
- Reference? reference})
- : this.annotations = annotations ?? <Expression>[],
- this.dependencies = dependencies ?? <LibraryDependency>[],
- = parts ?? <LibraryPart>[],
- this._typedefs = typedefs ?? <Typedef>[],
- this._classes = classes ?? <Class>[],
- this._extensions = extensions ?? <Extension>[],
- this._extensionTypeDeclarations =
- extensionTypeDeclarations ?? <ExtensionTypeDeclaration>[],
- this._procedures = procedures ?? <Procedure>[],
- this._fields = fields ?? <Field>[],
- super(reference) {
- setParents(this.dependencies, this);
- setParents(, this);
- setParents(this._typedefs, this);
- setParents(this._classes, this);
- setParents(this._extensions, this);
- setParents(this._procedures, this);
- setParents(this._fields, this);
- }
- List<Typedef> get typedefs => _typedefs;
- /// Internal. Should *ONLY* be used from within kernel.
- ///
- /// Used for adding typedefs when reading the dill file.
- void set typedefsInternal(List<Typedef> typedefs) {
- _typedefs = typedefs;
- }
- List<Class> get classes => _classes;
- /// Internal. Should *ONLY* be used from within kernel.
- ///
- /// Used for adding classes when reading the dill file.
- void set classesInternal(List<Class> classes) {
- _classes = classes;
- }
- List<Extension> get extensions => _extensions;
- /// Internal. Should *ONLY* be used from within kernel.
- ///
- /// Used for adding extensions when reading the dill file.
- void set extensionsInternal(List<Extension> extensions) {
- _extensions = extensions;
- }
- List<ExtensionTypeDeclaration> get extensionTypeDeclarations =>
- _extensionTypeDeclarations;
- /// Internal. Should *ONLY* be used from within kernel.
- ///
- /// Used for adding extension type declarations when reading the dill file.
- void set extensionTypeDeclarationsInternal(
- List<ExtensionTypeDeclaration> extensionTypeDeclarations) {
- _extensionTypeDeclarations = extensionTypeDeclarations;
- }
- List<Procedure> get procedures => _procedures;
- /// Internal. Should *ONLY* be used from within kernel.
- ///
- /// Used for adding procedures when reading the dill file.
- void set proceduresInternal(List<Procedure> procedures) {
- _procedures = procedures;
- }
- List<Field> get fields => _fields;
- /// Internal. Should *ONLY* be used from within kernel.
- ///
- /// Used for adding fields when reading the dill file.
- void set fieldsInternal(List<Field> fields) {
- _fields = fields;
- }
- Nullability get nullable => Nullability.nullable;
- Nullability get nonNullable => Nullability.nonNullable;
- /// Returns the top-level fields and procedures defined in this library.
- ///
- /// This getter is for convenience, not efficiency. Consider manually
- /// iterating the members to speed up code in production.
- Iterable<Member> get members =>
- <Iterable<Member>>[fields, procedures].expand((x) => x);
- void forEachMember(void action(Member element)) {
- fields.forEach(action);
- procedures.forEach(action);
- }
- @override
- void addAnnotation(Expression node) {
- node.parent = this;
- annotations.add(node);
- }
- void addClass(Class class_) {
- class_.parent = this;
- classes.add(class_);
- }
- void addExtension(Extension extension) {
- extension.parent = this;
- extensions.add(extension);
- }
- void addExtensionTypeDeclaration(
- ExtensionTypeDeclaration extensionTypeDeclaration) {
- extensionTypeDeclaration.parent = this;
- extensionTypeDeclarations.add(extensionTypeDeclaration);
- }
- void addField(Field field) {
- field.parent = this;
- fields.add(field);
- }
- void addProcedure(Procedure procedure) {
- procedure.parent = this;
- procedures.add(procedure);
- }
- void addTypedef(Typedef typedef_) {
- typedef_.parent = this;
- typedefs.add(typedef_);
- }
- @override
- CanonicalName bindCanonicalNames(CanonicalName parent) {
- return parent.getChildFromUri(importUri)..bindTo(reference);
- }
- /// Computes the canonical name for this library and all its members.
- void ensureCanonicalNames(CanonicalName parent) {
- CanonicalName canonicalName = bindCanonicalNames(parent);
- for (int i = 0; i < typedefs.length; ++i) {
- typedefs[i].bindCanonicalNames(canonicalName);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i) {
- fields[i].bindCanonicalNames(canonicalName);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < procedures.length; ++i) {
- procedures[i].bindCanonicalNames(canonicalName);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < classes.length; ++i) {
- classes[i].ensureCanonicalNames(canonicalName);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < extensions.length; ++i) {
- extensions[i].bindCanonicalNames(canonicalName);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < extensionTypeDeclarations.length; ++i) {
- extensionTypeDeclarations[i].ensureCanonicalNames(canonicalName);
- }
- }
- /// This is an advanced feature. Use of this method should be coordinated
- /// with the kernel team.
- ///
- /// See [Component.relink] for a comprehensive description.
- ///
- /// Makes sure all references in named nodes in this library points to said
- /// named node.
- void relink() {
- _relinkNode();
- for (int i = 0; i < typedefs.length; ++i) {
- Typedef typedef_ = typedefs[i];
- typedef_._relinkNode();
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i) {
- Field field = fields[i];
- field._relinkNode();
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < procedures.length; ++i) {
- Procedure member = procedures[i];
- member._relinkNode();
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < classes.length; ++i) {
- Class class_ = classes[i];
- class_.relink();
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < extensions.length; ++i) {
- Extension extension = extensions[i];
- extension._relinkNode();
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < extensionTypeDeclarations.length; ++i) {
- ExtensionTypeDeclaration extensionTypeDeclaration =
- extensionTypeDeclarations[i];
- extensionTypeDeclaration.relink();
- }
- }
- void addDependency(LibraryDependency node) {
- dependencies.add(node..parent = this);
- }
- void addPart(LibraryPart node) {
- parts.add(node..parent = this);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(TreeVisitor<R> v) => v.visitLibrary(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(TreeVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) => v.visitLibrary(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- visitList(annotations, v);
- visitList(dependencies, v);
- visitList(parts, v);
- visitList(typedefs, v);
- visitList(classes, v);
- visitList(extensions, v);
- visitList(extensionTypeDeclarations, v);
- visitList(procedures, v);
- visitList(fields, v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- v.transformList(annotations, this);
- v.transformList(dependencies, this);
- v.transformList(parts, this);
- v.transformList(typedefs, this);
- v.transformList(classes, this);
- v.transformList(extensions, this);
- v.transformList(extensionTypeDeclarations, this);
- v.transformList(procedures, this);
- v.transformList(fields, this);
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- v.transformExpressionList(annotations, this);
- v.transformLibraryDependencyList(dependencies, this);
- v.transformLibraryPartList(parts, this);
- v.transformTypedefList(typedefs, this);
- v.transformClassList(classes, this);
- v.transformExtensionList(extensions, this);
- v.transformExtensionTypeDeclarationList(extensionTypeDeclarations, this);
- v.transformProcedureList(procedures, this);
- v.transformFieldList(fields, this);
- }
- static int _libraryIdCounter = 0;
- int _libraryId = ++_libraryIdCounter;
- int get libraryIdForTesting => _libraryId;
- @override
- int compareTo(Library other) => _libraryId - other._libraryId;
- /// Returns a possibly synthesized name for this library, consistent with
- /// the names across all [toString] calls.
- @override
- String toString() => libraryNameToString(this);
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write(libraryNameToString(this));
- }
- @override
- Location? _getLocationInEnclosingFile(int offset) {
- return _getLocationInComponent(enclosingComponent, fileUri, offset,
- viaForErrorMessage: "Library");
- }
- @override
- String leakingDebugToString() => astToText.debugLibraryToString(this);
-/// An import or export declaration in a library.
-/// It can represent any of the following forms,
-/// import <url>;
-/// import <url> as <name>;
-/// import <url> deferred as <name>;
-/// export <url>;
-/// optionally with metadata and [Combinators].
-class LibraryDependency extends TreeNode implements Annotatable {
- int flags;
- @override
- final List<Expression> annotations;
- Reference importedLibraryReference;
- /// The name of the import prefix, if any, or `null` if this is not an import
- /// with a prefix.
- ///
- /// Must be non-null for deferred imports, and must be null for exports.
- String? name;
- final List<Combinator> combinators;
- LibraryDependency.deferredImport(Library importedLibrary, String name,
- {List<Combinator>? combinators, List<Expression>? annotations})
- : this.byReference(DeferredFlag, annotations ?? <Expression>[],
- importedLibrary.reference, name, combinators ?? <Combinator>[]);
- LibraryDependency.import(Library importedLibrary,
- {String? name,
- List<Combinator>? combinators,
- List<Expression>? annotations})
- : this.byReference(0, annotations ?? <Expression>[],
- importedLibrary.reference, name, combinators ?? <Combinator>[]);
- LibraryDependency.export(Library importedLibrary,
- {List<Combinator>? combinators, List<Expression>? annotations})
- : this.byReference(ExportFlag, annotations ?? <Expression>[],
- importedLibrary.reference, null, combinators ?? <Combinator>[]);
- LibraryDependency.byReference(this.flags, this.annotations,
- this.importedLibraryReference,, this.combinators) {
- setParents(annotations, this);
- setParents(combinators, this);
- }
- Library get enclosingLibrary => parent as Library;
- Library get targetLibrary => importedLibraryReference.asLibrary;
- static const int ExportFlag = 1 << 0;
- static const int DeferredFlag = 1 << 1;
- bool get isExport => flags & ExportFlag != 0;
- bool get isImport => !isExport;
- bool get isDeferred => flags & DeferredFlag != 0;
- @override
- void addAnnotation(Expression annotation) {
- annotations.add(annotation..parent = this);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(TreeVisitor<R> v) => v.visitLibraryDependency(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(TreeVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitLibraryDependency(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- visitList(annotations, v);
- visitList(combinators, v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- v.transformList(annotations, this);
- v.transformList(combinators, this);
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- v.transformExpressionList(annotations, this);
- v.transformCombinatorList(combinators, this);
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "LibraryDependency(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- if (isExport) {
- printer.write('export ');
- } else {
- printer.write('import ');
- }
- if (isDeferred) {
- printer.write('deferred ');
- }
- printer.writeLibraryReference(importedLibraryReference);
- printer.write(';');
- }
-/// A part declaration in a library.
-/// part <url>;
-/// optionally with metadata.
-class LibraryPart extends TreeNode implements Annotatable {
- @override
- final List<Expression> annotations;
- final String partUri;
- LibraryPart(this.annotations, this.partUri) {
- setParents(annotations, this);
- }
- @override
- void addAnnotation(Expression annotation) {
- annotations.add(annotation..parent = this);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(TreeVisitor<R> v) => v.visitLibraryPart(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(TreeVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) => v.visitLibraryPart(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- visitList(annotations, v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- v.transformList(annotations, this);
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- v.transformExpressionList(annotations, this);
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "LibraryPart(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- // TODO(johnniwinther): Implement this.
- }
-/// A `show` or `hide` clause for an import or export.
-class Combinator extends TreeNode {
- bool isShow;
- final List<String> names;
- Combinator(this.isShow, this.names);
- : isShow = true;
- Combinator.hide(this.names) : isShow = false;
- bool get isHide => !isShow;
- @override
- R accept<R>(TreeVisitor<R> v) => v.visitCombinator(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(TreeVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) => v.visitCombinator(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {}
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {}
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "Combinator(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- // TODO(johnniwinther): Implement this.
- }
-/// Declaration of a type alias.
-class Typedef extends NamedNode
- implements FileUriNode, Annotatable, GenericDeclaration {
- /// The URI of the source file that contains the declaration of this typedef.
- @override
- Uri fileUri;
- @override
- List<Expression> annotations = const <Expression>[];
- String name;
- @override
- final List<TypeParameter> typeParameters;
- // TODO(johnniwinther): Make this non-nullable.
- DartType? type;
- Typedef(, this.type,
- {Reference? reference,
- required this.fileUri,
- List<TypeParameter>? typeParameters,
- List<TypeParameter>? typeParametersOfFunctionType,
- List<VariableDeclaration>? positionalParameters,
- List<VariableDeclaration>? namedParameters})
- : this.typeParameters = typeParameters ?? <TypeParameter>[],
- super(reference) {
- setParents(this.typeParameters, this);
- }
- @override
- void bindCanonicalNames(CanonicalName parent) {
- parent.getChildFromTypedef(this).bindTo(reference);
- }
- Library get enclosingLibrary => parent as Library;
- @override
- R accept<R>(TreeVisitor<R> v) => v.visitTypedef(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(TreeVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) => v.visitTypedef(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- visitList(annotations, v);
- visitList(typeParameters, v);
- type?.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- v.transformList(annotations, this);
- v.transformList(typeParameters, this);
- if (type != null) {
- type = v.visitDartType(type!);
- }
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- v.transformExpressionList(annotations, this);
- v.transformTypeParameterList(typeParameters, this);
- if (type != null) {
- DartType newType = v.visitDartType(type!, dummyDartType);
- if (identical(newType, dummyDartType)) {
- type = null;
- } else {
- type = newType;
- }
- }
- }
- @override
- void addAnnotation(Expression node) {
- if (annotations.isEmpty) {
- annotations = <Expression>[];
- }
- annotations.add(node);
- node.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- Location? _getLocationInEnclosingFile(int offset) {
- return _getLocationInComponent(enclosingComponent, fileUri, offset,
- viaForErrorMessage: "Typedef '$name'");
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "Typedef(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeTypedefName(reference);
- }
-/// List-wrapper that marks the parent-class as dirty if the list is modified.
-/// The idea being, that for non-dirty classes (classes just loaded from dill)
-/// the canonical names has already been calculated, and recalculating them is
-/// not needed. If, however, we change anything, recalculation of the canonical
-/// names can be needed.
-class DirtifyingList<E> extends ListBase<E> {
- final Class dirtifyClass;
- final List<E> wrapped;
- DirtifyingList(this.dirtifyClass, this.wrapped);
- @override
- int get length {
- return wrapped.length;
- }
- @override
- void set length(int length) {
- dirtifyClass.dirty = true;
- wrapped.length = length;
- }
- @override
- E operator [](int index) {
- return wrapped[index];
- }
- @override
- void operator []=(int index, E value) {
- dirtifyClass.dirty = true;
- wrapped[index] = value;
- }
-/// Declaration that can introduce [TypeParameter]s.
-sealed class GenericDeclaration implements TreeNode {
- /// The type parameters introduced by this declaration.
- List<TypeParameter> get typeParameters;
-/// Functions that can introduce [TypeParameter]s.
-sealed class GenericFunction implements GenericDeclaration {
- /// The [FunctionNode] that holds the introduced [typeParameters].
- FunctionNode get function;
-/// Common interface for [Class] and [ExtensionTypeDeclaration].
-sealed class TypeDeclaration
- implements Annotatable, FileUriNode, GenericDeclaration {
- /// The name of the declaration.
- ///
- /// This must be unique within the library.
- String get name;
-/// Declaration of a regular class or a mixin application.
-/// Mixin applications may not contain fields or procedures, as they implicitly
-/// use those from its mixed-in type. However, the IR does not enforce this
-/// rule directly, as doing so can obstruct transformations. It is possible to
-/// transform a mixin application to become a regular class, and vice versa.
-class Class extends NamedNode implements TypeDeclaration {
- /// Start offset of the class in the source file it comes from.
- ///
- /// Note that this includes annotations if any.
- ///
- /// Valid values are from 0 and up, or -1 ([TreeNode.noOffset]) if the file
- /// start offset is not available (this is the default if none is specifically
- /// set).
- int startFileOffset = TreeNode.noOffset;
- /// End offset in the source file it comes from. Valid values are from 0 and
- /// up, or -1 ([TreeNode.noOffset]) if the file end offset is not available
- /// (this is the default if none is specifically set).
- int fileEndOffset = TreeNode.noOffset;
- @override
- List<int>? get fileOffsetsIfMultiple =>
- [fileOffset, startFileOffset, fileEndOffset];
- /// List of metadata annotations on the class.
- ///
- /// This defaults to an immutable empty list. Use [addAnnotation] to add
- /// annotations if needed.
- @override
- List<Expression> annotations = const <Expression>[];
- /// Name of the class.
- ///
- /// Must be non-null and must be unique within the library.
- ///
- /// The name may contain characters that are not valid in a Dart identifier,
- /// in particular, the symbol '&' is used in class names generated for mixin
- /// applications.
- @override
- String name;
- // Must match serialized bit positions.
- static const int FlagAbstract = 1 << 0;
- static const int FlagEnum = 1 << 1;
- static const int FlagAnonymousMixin = 1 << 2;
- static const int FlagEliminatedMixin = 1 << 3;
- static const int FlagMixinDeclaration = 1 << 4;
- static const int FlagHasConstConstructor = 1 << 5;
- static const int FlagMacro = 1 << 6;
- static const int FlagSealed = 1 << 7;
- static const int FlagMixinClass = 1 << 8;
- static const int FlagBase = 1 << 9;
- static const int FlagInterface = 1 << 10;
- static const int FlagFinal = 1 << 11;
- int flags = 0;
- bool get isAbstract => flags & FlagAbstract != 0;
- void set isAbstract(bool value) {
- flags = value ? (flags | FlagAbstract) : (flags & ~FlagAbstract);
- }
- /// Whether this class is an enum.
- bool get isEnum => flags & FlagEnum != 0;
- void set isEnum(bool value) {
- flags = value ? (flags | FlagEnum) : (flags & ~FlagEnum);
- }
- /// Whether this class is a macro class.
- bool get isMacro => flags & FlagMacro != 0;
- void set isMacro(bool value) {
- flags = value ? (flags | FlagMacro) : (flags & ~FlagMacro);
- }
- /// Whether this class is a sealed class.
- bool get isSealed => flags & FlagSealed != 0;
- void set isSealed(bool value) {
- flags = value ? (flags | FlagSealed) : (flags & ~FlagSealed);
- }
- /// Whether this class is a base class.
- bool get isBase => flags & FlagBase != 0;
- void set isBase(bool value) {
- flags = value ? (flags | FlagBase) : (flags & ~FlagBase);
- }
- /// Whether this class is an interface class.
- bool get isInterface => flags & FlagInterface != 0;
- void set isInterface(bool value) {
- flags = value ? (flags | FlagInterface) : (flags & ~FlagInterface);
- }
- /// Whether this class is a final class.
- bool get isFinal => flags & FlagFinal != 0;
- void set isFinal(bool value) {
- flags = value ? (flags | FlagFinal) : (flags & ~FlagFinal);
- }
- /// Whether this class is a synthetic implementation created for each
- /// mixed-in class. For example the following code:
- /// class Z extends A with B, C, D {}
- /// class A {}
- /// class B {}
- /// class C {}
- /// class D {}
- /// ...creates:
- /// abstract class _Z&A&B extends A mixedIn B {}
- /// abstract class _Z&A&B&C extends A&B mixedIn C {}
- /// abstract class _Z&A&B&C&D extends A&B&C mixedIn D {}
- /// class Z extends _Z&A&B&C&D {}
- /// All X&Y classes are marked as synthetic.
- bool get isAnonymousMixin => flags & FlagAnonymousMixin != 0;
- void set isAnonymousMixin(bool value) {
- flags =
- value ? (flags | FlagAnonymousMixin) : (flags & ~FlagAnonymousMixin);
- }
- /// Whether this class was transformed from a mixin application.
- /// In such case, its mixed-in type was pulled into the end of implemented
- /// types list.
- bool get isEliminatedMixin => flags & FlagEliminatedMixin != 0;
- void set isEliminatedMixin(bool value) {
- flags =
- value ? (flags | FlagEliminatedMixin) : (flags & ~FlagEliminatedMixin);
- }
- /// Whether this class is a mixin class.
- ///
- /// The `mixin` modifier was added to the class declaration which allows the
- /// class to be used as a mixin. The class can be mixed in by other classes
- /// outside of its library. Otherwise, classes are not able to be used as a
- /// mixin outside of its library from version 3.0 and later.
- bool get isMixinClass => flags & FlagMixinClass != 0;
- void set isMixinClass(bool value) {
- flags = value ? (flags | FlagMixinClass) : (flags & ~FlagMixinClass);
- }
- /// True if this class was a mixin declaration in Dart.
- ///
- /// Mixins are declared in Dart with the `mixin` keyword. They are compiled
- /// to Kernel classes.
- bool get isMixinDeclaration => flags & FlagMixinDeclaration != 0;
- void set isMixinDeclaration(bool value) {
- flags = value
- ? (flags | FlagMixinDeclaration)
- : (flags & ~FlagMixinDeclaration);
- }
- /// True if this class declares one or more constant constructors.
- bool get hasConstConstructor => flags & FlagHasConstConstructor != 0;
- void set hasConstConstructor(bool value) {
- flags = value
- ? (flags | FlagHasConstConstructor)
- : (flags & ~FlagHasConstConstructor);
- }
- /// If this class is a mixin declaration, this list contains the types from
- /// the `on` clause. Otherwise the list is empty.
- List<Supertype> get onClause => _onClause ??= _computeOnClause();
- List<Supertype> _computeOnClause() {
- List<Supertype> constraints = <Supertype>[];
- // Not a mixin declaration.
- if (!isMixinDeclaration) return constraints;
- // Otherwise we have a left-linear binary tree (subtrees are supertype and
- // mixedInType) of constraints, where all the interior nodes are anonymous
- // mixin applications.
- Supertype? current = supertype;
- while (current != null && current.classNode.isAnonymousMixin) {
- Class currentClass = current.classNode;
- assert(currentClass.implementedTypes.length == 2);
- Substitution substitution = Substitution.fromSupertype(current);
- constraints.add(
- substitution.substituteSupertype(currentClass.implementedTypes[1]));
- current =
- substitution.substituteSupertype(currentClass.implementedTypes[0]);
- }
- return constraints..add(current!);
- }
- /// The URI of the source file this class was loaded from.
- @override
- Uri fileUri;
- @override
- final List<TypeParameter> typeParameters;
- /// The immediate super type, or `null` if this is the root class.
- Supertype? supertype;
- /// The mixed-in type if this is a mixin application, otherwise `null`.
- Supertype? mixedInType;
- /// The types from the `implements` clause.
- List<Supertype> implementedTypes;
- List<Supertype>? _onClause;
- /// Internal. Should *ONLY* be used from within kernel.
- ///
- /// If non-null, the function that will have to be called to fill-out the
- /// content of this class. Note that this should not be called directly
- /// though.
- void Function()? lazyBuilder;
- /// Makes sure the class is loaded, i.e. the fields, procedures etc have been
- /// loaded from the dill. Generally, one should not need to call this as it is
- /// done automatically when accessing the lists.
- void ensureLoaded() {
- void Function()? lazyBuilderLocal = lazyBuilder;
- if (lazyBuilderLocal != null) {
- lazyBuilder = null;
- lazyBuilderLocal();
- }
- }
- List<Field> _fieldsInternal;
- DirtifyingList<Field>? _fieldsView;
- /// Fields declared in the class.
- ///
- /// For mixin applications this should be empty.
- List<Field> get fields {
- ensureLoaded();
- // If already dirty the caller just might as well add stuff directly too.
- if (dirty) return _fieldsInternal;
- return _fieldsView ??= new DirtifyingList(this, _fieldsInternal);
- }
- /// Internal. Should *ONLY* be used from within kernel.
- ///
- /// Used for adding fields when reading the dill file.
- void set fieldsInternal(List<Field> fields) {
- _fieldsInternal = fields;
- _fieldsView = null;
- }
- List<Constructor> _constructorsInternal;
- DirtifyingList<Constructor>? _constructorsView;
- /// Constructors declared in the class.
- List<Constructor> get constructors {
- ensureLoaded();
- // If already dirty the caller just might as well add stuff directly too.
- if (dirty) return _constructorsInternal;
- return _constructorsView ??=
- new DirtifyingList(this, _constructorsInternal);
- }
- /// Internal. Should *ONLY* be used from within kernel.
- ///
- /// Used for adding constructors when reading the dill file.
- void set constructorsInternal(List<Constructor> constructors) {
- _constructorsInternal = constructors;
- _constructorsView = null;
- }
- List<Procedure> _proceduresInternal;
- DirtifyingList<Procedure>? _proceduresView;
- /// Procedures declared in the class.
- ///
- /// For mixin applications this should only contain forwarding stubs.
- List<Procedure> get procedures {
- ensureLoaded();
- // If already dirty the caller just might as well add stuff directly too.
- if (dirty) return _proceduresInternal;
- return _proceduresView ??= new DirtifyingList(this, _proceduresInternal);
- }
- /// Internal. Should *ONLY* be used from within kernel.
- ///
- /// Used for adding procedures when reading the dill file.
- void set proceduresInternal(List<Procedure> procedures) {
- _proceduresInternal = procedures;
- _proceduresView = null;
- }
- Class(
- {required,
- bool isAbstract = false,
- bool isAnonymousMixin = false,
- this.supertype,
- this.mixedInType,
- List<TypeParameter>? typeParameters,
- List<Supertype>? implementedTypes,
- List<Constructor>? constructors,
- List<Procedure>? procedures,
- List<Field>? fields,
- required this.fileUri,
- Reference? reference})
- : this.typeParameters = typeParameters ?? <TypeParameter>[],
- this.implementedTypes = implementedTypes ?? <Supertype>[],
- this._fieldsInternal = fields ?? <Field>[],
- this._constructorsInternal = constructors ?? <Constructor>[],
- this._proceduresInternal = procedures ?? <Procedure>[],
- super(reference) {
- setParents(this.typeParameters, this);
- setParents(this._constructorsInternal, this);
- setParents(this._proceduresInternal, this);
- setParents(this._fieldsInternal, this);
- this.isAbstract = isAbstract;
- this.isAnonymousMixin = isAnonymousMixin;
- }
- @override
- CanonicalName bindCanonicalNames(CanonicalName parent) {
- return parent.getChild(name)..bindTo(reference);
- }
- /// Computes the canonical name for this class and all its members.
- void ensureCanonicalNames(CanonicalName parent) {
- CanonicalName canonicalName = bindCanonicalNames(parent);
- if (!dirty) return;
- for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i) {
- fields[i].bindCanonicalNames(canonicalName);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < procedures.length; ++i) {
- procedures[i].bindCanonicalNames(canonicalName);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < constructors.length; ++i) {
- constructors[i].bindCanonicalNames(canonicalName);
- }
- dirty = false;
- }
- /// This is an advanced feature. Use of this method should be coordinated
- /// with the kernel team.
- ///
- /// See [Component.relink] for a comprehensive description.
- ///
- /// Makes sure all references in named nodes in this class points to said
- /// named node.
- void relink() {
- this.reference.node = this;
- for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i) {
- Field member = fields[i];
- member._relinkNode();
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < procedures.length; ++i) {
- Procedure member = procedures[i];
- member._relinkNode();
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < constructors.length; ++i) {
- Constructor member = constructors[i];
- member._relinkNode();
- }
- dirty = false;
- }
- /// The immediate super class, or `null` if this is the root class.
- Class? get superclass => supertype?.classNode;
- /// The mixed-in class if this is a mixin application, otherwise `null`.
- ///
- /// Note that this may itself be a mixin application. Use [mixin] to get the
- /// class that has the fields and procedures.
- Class? get mixedInClass => mixedInType?.classNode;
- /// The class that declares the field and procedures of this class.
- Class get mixin => mixedInClass?.mixin ?? this;
- bool get isMixinApplication => mixedInType != null;
- String get demangledName {
- if (isAnonymousMixin) return nameAsMixinApplication;
- assert(!name.contains('&'));
- return name;
- }
- String get nameAsMixinApplication {
- assert(isAnonymousMixin);
- return demangleMixinApplicationName(name);
- }
- String get nameAsMixinApplicationSubclass {
- assert(isAnonymousMixin);
- return demangleMixinApplicationSubclassName(name);
- }
- /// Members declared in this class.
- ///
- /// This getter is for convenience, not efficiency. Consider manually
- /// iterating the members to speed up code in production.
- Iterable<Member> get members => <Iterable<Member>>[
- fields,
- constructors,
- procedures,
- ].expand((x) => x);
- void forEachMember(void action(Member element)) {
- fields.forEach(action);
- constructors.forEach(action);
- procedures.forEach(action);
- }
- /// The immediately extended, mixed-in, and implemented types.
- ///
- /// This getter is for convenience, not efficiency. Consider manually
- /// iterating the super types to speed up code in production.
- Iterable<Supertype> get supers => <Iterable<Supertype>>[
- supertype == null ? const [] : [supertype!],
- mixedInType == null ? const [] : [mixedInType!],
- implementedTypes
- ].expand((x) => x);
- /// The library containing this class.
- Library get enclosingLibrary => parent as Library;
- /// Internal. Should *ONLY* be used from within kernel.
- ///
- /// If true we have to compute canonical names for all children of this class.
- /// if false we can skip it.
- bool dirty = true;
- /// Adds a constructor to this class.
- void addConstructor(Constructor constructor) {
- dirty = true;
- constructor.parent = this;
- _constructorsInternal.add(constructor);
- }
- /// Adds a procedure to this class.
- void addProcedure(Procedure procedure) {
- dirty = true;
- procedure.parent = this;
- _proceduresInternal.add(procedure);
- }
- /// Adds a field to this class.
- void addField(Field field) {
- dirty = true;
- field.parent = this;
- _fieldsInternal.add(field);
- }
- @override
- void addAnnotation(Expression node) {
- if (annotations.isEmpty) {
- annotations = <Expression>[];
- }
- annotations.add(node);
- node.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(TreeVisitor<R> v) => v.visitClass(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(TreeVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) => v.visitClass(this, arg);
- R acceptReference<R>(Visitor<R> v) => v.visitClassReference(this);
- Supertype get asRawSupertype {
- return new Supertype(this,
- new List<DartType>.filled(typeParameters.length, const DynamicType()));
- }
- Supertype get asThisSupertype {
- return new Supertype(
- this, getAsTypeArguments(typeParameters, this.enclosingLibrary));
- }
- /// Returns the type of `this` for the class using [coreTypes] for caching.
- InterfaceType getThisType(CoreTypes coreTypes, Nullability nullability) {
- return coreTypes.thisInterfaceType(this, nullability);
- }
- @override
- String toString() => 'Class(${toStringInternal()})';
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeClassName(reference);
- }
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- visitList(annotations, v);
- visitList(typeParameters, v);
- supertype?.accept(v);
- mixedInType?.accept(v);
- visitList(implementedTypes, v);
- visitList(constructors, v);
- visitList(procedures, v);
- visitList(fields, v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- v.transformList(annotations, this);
- v.transformList(typeParameters, this);
- if (supertype != null) {
- supertype = v.visitSupertype(supertype!);
- }
- if (mixedInType != null) {
- mixedInType = v.visitSupertype(mixedInType!);
- }
- v.transformSupertypeList(implementedTypes);
- v.transformList(constructors, this);
- v.transformList(procedures, this);
- v.transformList(fields, this);
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- v.transformExpressionList(annotations, this);
- v.transformTypeParameterList(typeParameters, this);
- if (supertype != null) {
- Supertype newSupertype = v.visitSupertype(supertype!, dummySupertype);
- if (identical(newSupertype, dummySupertype)) {
- supertype = null;
- } else {
- supertype = newSupertype;
- }
- }
- if (mixedInType != null) {
- Supertype newMixedInType = v.visitSupertype(mixedInType!, dummySupertype);
- if (identical(newMixedInType, dummySupertype)) {
- mixedInType = null;
- } else {
- mixedInType = newMixedInType;
- }
- }
- v.transformSupertypeList(implementedTypes);
- v.transformConstructorList(constructors, this);
- v.transformProcedureList(procedures, this);
- v.transformFieldList(fields, this);
- }
- @override
- Location? _getLocationInEnclosingFile(int offset) {
- return _getLocationInComponent(enclosingComponent, fileUri, offset,
- viaForErrorMessage: "Class '$name'");
- }
-/// Declaration of an extension.
-/// The members are converted into top-level procedures and only accessible
-/// by reference in the [Extension] node.
-class Extension extends NamedNode
- implements Annotatable, FileUriNode, GenericDeclaration {
- /// Name of the extension.
- ///
- /// If unnamed, the extension will be given a synthesized name by the
- /// front end.
- String name;
- /// The URI of the source file this class was loaded from.
- @override
- Uri fileUri;
- /// Type parameters declared on the extension.
- @override
- final List<TypeParameter> typeParameters;
- /// The type in the 'on clause' of the extension declaration.
- ///
- /// For instance A in:
- ///
- /// class A {}
- /// extension B on A {}
- ///
- /// The 'on clause' appears also in the experimental feature 'extension
- /// types' as a part of an extension type declaration, for example:
- ///
- /// class A {}
- /// extension type B on A {}
- late DartType onType;
- /// The members declared by the extension.
- ///
- /// The members are converted into top-level members and only accessible
- /// by reference through [ExtensionMemberDescriptor].
- List<ExtensionMemberDescriptor> memberDescriptors;
- @override
- List<Expression> annotations = const <Expression>[];
- // Must match serialized bit positions.
- static const int FlagUnnamedExtension = 1 << 0;
- int flags = 0;
- @override
- void addAnnotation(Expression node) {
- if (annotations.isEmpty) {
- annotations = <Expression>[];
- }
- annotations.add(node);
- node.parent = this;
- }
- Extension(
- {required,
- List<TypeParameter>? typeParameters,
- DartType? onType,
- List<ExtensionMemberDescriptor>? memberDescriptors,
- required this.fileUri,
- Reference? reference})
- : this.typeParameters = typeParameters ?? <TypeParameter>[],
- this.memberDescriptors =
- memberDescriptors ?? <ExtensionMemberDescriptor>[],
- super(reference) {
- setParents(this.typeParameters, this);
- if (onType != null) {
- this.onType = onType;
- }
- }
- @override
- void bindCanonicalNames(CanonicalName parent) {
- parent.getChild(name).bindTo(reference);
- }
- Library get enclosingLibrary => parent as Library;
- bool get isUnnamedExtension {
- return flags & FlagUnnamedExtension != 0;
- }
- void set isUnnamedExtension(bool value) {
- flags = value
- ? (flags | FlagUnnamedExtension)
- : (flags & ~FlagUnnamedExtension);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(TreeVisitor<R> v) => v.visitExtension(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(TreeVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) => v.visitExtension(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- visitList(annotations, v);
- visitList(typeParameters, v);
- onType.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- v.transformList(annotations, this);
- v.transformList(typeParameters, this);
- onType = v.visitDartType(onType);
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- v.transformExpressionList(annotations, this);
- v.transformTypeParameterList(typeParameters, this);
- onType = v.visitDartType(onType, cannotRemoveSentinel);
- }
- @override
- Location? _getLocationInEnclosingFile(int offset) {
- return _getLocationInComponent(enclosingComponent, fileUri, offset,
- viaForErrorMessage: "Extension '$name'");
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "Extension(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeExtensionName(reference);
- }
-enum ExtensionMemberKind {
- Field,
- Method,
- Getter,
- Setter,
- Operator,
-/// Information about an member declaration in an extension.
-class ExtensionMemberDescriptor {
- static const int FlagStatic = 1 << 0; // Must match serialized bit positions.
- /// The name of the extension member.
- ///
- /// The name of the generated top-level member is mangled to ensure
- /// uniqueness. This name is used to lookup an extension method in the
- /// extension itself.
- Name name;
- /// [ExtensionMemberKind] kind of the original member.
- ///
- /// An extension method is converted into a regular top-level method. For
- /// instance:
- ///
- /// class A {
- /// var foo;
- /// }
- /// extension B on A {
- /// get bar =>;
- /// }
- ///
- /// will be converted into
- ///
- /// class A {}
- /// B|get#bar(A #this) =>;
- ///
- /// where `B|get#bar` is the synthesized name of the top-level method and
- /// `#this` is the synthesized parameter that holds represents `this`.
- ///
- ExtensionMemberKind kind;
- int flags = 0;
- /// Reference to the top-level member created for the extension method.
- final Reference memberReference;
- /// Reference to the top-level member created for the extension member tear
- /// off, if any.
- final Reference? tearOffReference;
- ExtensionMemberDescriptor(
- {required,
- required this.kind,
- bool isStatic = false,
- required this.memberReference,
- required this.tearOffReference}) {
- this.isStatic = isStatic;
- }
- /// Return `true` if the extension method was declared as `static`.
- bool get isStatic => flags & FlagStatic != 0;
- void set isStatic(bool value) {
- flags = value ? (flags | FlagStatic) : (flags & ~FlagStatic);
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return 'ExtensionMemberDescriptor($name,$kind,'
- '${memberReference.toStringInternal()},isStatic=${isStatic})';
- }
-/// Declaration of an extension type.
-/// The members are converted into top-level procedures and only accessible
-/// by reference in the [ExtensionTypeDeclaration] node.
-class ExtensionTypeDeclaration extends NamedNode implements TypeDeclaration {
- /// Name of the extension type declaration.
- @override
- String name;
- /// The URI of the source file this class was loaded from.
- @override
- Uri fileUri;
- /// Type parameters declared on the extension.
- @override
- final List<TypeParameter> typeParameters;
- /// The type in the underlying representation of the extension type
- /// declaration.
- ///
- /// For instance A in the extension type declaration B:
- ///
- /// class A {}
- /// extension type B(A it) {}
- ///
- late DartType declaredRepresentationType;
- /// The name of the representation field.
- ///
- /// For instance 'it' in the extension type declaration B:
- ///
- /// class A {}
- /// extension type B(A it) {}
- ///
- /// This name is used for accessing underlying representation from an
- /// extension type. If the name starts with '_' is private wrt. the enclosing
- /// library of the extension type declaration.
- late String representationName;
- /// Abstract procedures that are part of the extension type declaration
- /// interface.
- ///
- /// This includes a getter for the representation field and member signatures
- /// computed as the combined member signature of inherited non-extension type
- /// members.
- List<Procedure> _procedures;
- /// The members declared by the extension type declaration.
- ///
- /// The members are converted into top-level members and only accessible
- /// by reference through [ExtensionTypeMemberDescriptor].
- List<ExtensionTypeMemberDescriptor> memberDescriptors;
- @override
- List<Expression> annotations = const <Expression>[];
- List<TypeDeclarationType> implements;
- int flags = 0;
- @override
- void addAnnotation(Expression node) {
- if (annotations.isEmpty) {
- annotations = <Expression>[];
- }
- annotations.add(node);
- node.parent = this;
- }
- ExtensionTypeDeclaration(
- {required,
- List<TypeParameter>? typeParameters,
- DartType? declaredRepresentationType,
- List<ExtensionTypeMemberDescriptor>? memberDescriptors,
- List<TypeDeclarationType>? implements,
- List<Procedure>? procedures,
- required this.fileUri,
- Reference? reference})
- : this.typeParameters = typeParameters ?? <TypeParameter>[],
- this.memberDescriptors =
- memberDescriptors ?? <ExtensionTypeMemberDescriptor>[],
- this.implements = implements ?? <TypeDeclarationType>[],
- this._procedures = procedures ?? <Procedure>[],
- super(reference) {
- setParents(this.typeParameters, this);
- setParents(this._procedures, this);
- if (declaredRepresentationType != null) {
- this.declaredRepresentationType = declaredRepresentationType;
- }
- }
- @override
- CanonicalName bindCanonicalNames(CanonicalName parent) {
- return parent.getChild(name)..bindTo(reference);
- }
- /// Computes the canonical name for this extension type declarations and all
- /// its members.
- void ensureCanonicalNames(CanonicalName parent) {
- CanonicalName canonicalName = bindCanonicalNames(parent);
- for (int i = 0; i < procedures.length; ++i) {
- procedures[i].bindCanonicalNames(canonicalName);
- }
- }
- Library get enclosingLibrary => parent as Library;
- void addProcedure(Procedure procedure) {
- procedure.parent = this;
- procedures.add(procedure);
- }
- List<Procedure> get procedures => _procedures;
- /// Internal. Should *ONLY* be used from within kernel.
- ///
- /// Used for adding procedures when reading the dill file.
- void set proceduresInternal(List<Procedure> procedures) {
- _procedures = procedures;
- }
- /// This is an advanced feature. Use of this method should be coordinated
- /// with the kernel team.
- ///
- /// See [Component.relink] for a comprehensive description.
- ///
- /// Makes sure all references in named nodes in this extension type
- /// declaration points to said named node.
- void relink() {
- this.reference.node = this;
- for (int i = 0; i < procedures.length; ++i) {
- Procedure member = procedures[i];
- member._relinkNode();
- }
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(TreeVisitor<R> v) => v.visitExtensionTypeDeclaration(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(TreeVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitExtensionTypeDeclaration(this, arg);
- R acceptReference<R>(Visitor<R> v) =>
- v.visitExtensionTypeDeclarationReference(this);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- visitList(annotations, v);
- visitList(typeParameters, v);
- declaredRepresentationType.accept(v);
- visitList(procedures, v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- v.transformList(annotations, this);
- v.transformList(typeParameters, this);
- declaredRepresentationType = v.visitDartType(declaredRepresentationType);
- v.transformList(procedures, this);
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- v.transformExpressionList(annotations, this);
- v.transformTypeParameterList(typeParameters, this);
- declaredRepresentationType =
- v.visitDartType(declaredRepresentationType, cannotRemoveSentinel);
- v.transformProcedureList(procedures, this);
- }
- @override
- Location? _getLocationInEnclosingFile(int offset) {
- return _getLocationInComponent(enclosingComponent, fileUri, offset,
- viaForErrorMessage: "Extension type '$name'");
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "ExtensionTypeDeclaration(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeExtensionTypeDeclarationName(reference);
- }
- /// Returns the inherent nullability of this extension type declaration.
- ///
- /// An extension type declaration is inherently non-nullable if it implements
- /// a non-extension type or a non-nullable extension type declaration.
- Nullability get inherentNullability {
- for (DartType supertype in implements) {
- if (supertype is! ExtensionType) {
- // A supertype that is not an extension type has to be non-nullable and
- // implement `Object` directly or indirectly.
- return Nullability.nonNullable;
- } else if (supertype.extensionTypeDeclaration.inherentNullability !=
- Nullability.undetermined) {
- // If an extension type is non-nullable, it implements `Object` directly
- // or indirectly.
- return Nullability.nonNullable;
- }
- }
- // Direct or indirect implementation of `Objects` isn't found.
- return Nullability.undetermined;
- }
-enum ExtensionTypeMemberKind {
- Constructor,
- Factory,
- Field,
- Method,
- Getter,
- Setter,
- Operator,
- RedirectingFactory,
-/// Information about an member declaration in an extension type declaration.
-class ExtensionTypeMemberDescriptor {
- static const int FlagStatic = 1 << 0; // Must match serialized bit positions.
- /// The name of the extension type declaration member.
- ///
- /// The name of the generated top-level member is mangled to ensure
- /// uniqueness. This name is used to lookup a member in the extension type
- /// declaration itself.
- Name name;
- /// [ExtensionTypeMemberKind] kind of the original member.
- ///
- /// An extension type declaration member is converted into a regular top-level
- /// method. For instance:
- ///
- /// class A {
- /// var foo;
- /// }
- /// extension type B(A it) {
- /// get bar =>;
- /// }
- ///
- /// will be converted into
- ///
- /// class A {}
- /// B|get#bar(A #this) =>;
- ///
- /// where `B|get#bar` is the synthesized name of the top-level method and
- /// `#this` is the synthesized parameter that holds represents `this`.
- ///
- ExtensionTypeMemberKind kind;
- int flags = 0;
- /// Reference to the top-level member created for the extension type
- /// declaration member.
- final Reference memberReference;
- /// Reference to the top-level member created for the extension type
- /// declaration member tear off, if any.
- final Reference? tearOffReference;
- ExtensionTypeMemberDescriptor(
- {required,
- required this.kind,
- bool isStatic = false,
- required this.memberReference,
- required this.tearOffReference}) {
- this.isStatic = isStatic;
- }
- /// Return `true` if the extension type declaration member was declared as
- /// `static`.
- bool get isStatic => flags & FlagStatic != 0;
- void set isStatic(bool value) {
- flags = value ? (flags | FlagStatic) : (flags & ~FlagStatic);
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return 'ExtensionTypeMemberDescriptor($name,$kind,'
- '${memberReference.toStringInternal()},isStatic=${isStatic},'
- '${tearOffReference?.toStringInternal()})';
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sealed class Member extends NamedNode implements Annotatable, FileUriNode {
- /// End offset in the source file it comes from.
- ///
- /// Valid values are from 0 and up, or -1 ([TreeNode.noOffset]) if the file
- /// end offset is not available (this is the default if none is specifically
- /// set).
- int fileEndOffset = TreeNode.noOffset;
- @override
- List<int>? get fileOffsetsIfMultiple => [fileOffset, fileEndOffset];
- /// List of metadata annotations on the member.
- ///
- /// This defaults to an immutable empty list. Use [addAnnotation] to add
- /// annotations if needed.
- @override
- List<Expression> annotations = const <Expression>[];
- Name name;
- /// The URI of the source file this member was loaded from.
- @override
- Uri fileUri;
- /// Flags summarizing the kinds of AST nodes contained in this member, for
- /// speeding up transformations that only affect certain types of nodes.
- ///
- /// See [TransformerFlag] for the meaning of each bit.
- ///
- /// These should not be used for any purpose other than skipping certain
- /// members if it can be determined that no work is needed in there.
- ///
- /// It is valid for these flags to be false positives in rare cases, so
- /// transformers must tolerate the case where a flag is spuriously set.
- ///
- /// This value is not serialized; it is populated by the frontend and the
- /// deserializer.
- //
- // TODO(asgerf): It might be worthwhile to put this on classes as well.
- int transformerFlags = 0;
- Member(, this.fileUri, Reference? reference) : super(reference);
- /// The enclosing [TypeDeclaration] if this member a class member or an
- /// abstract extension type member.
- TypeDeclaration? get enclosingTypeDeclaration =>
- parent is TypeDeclaration ? parent as TypeDeclaration : null;
- /// The enclosing [Class] if this member a class member.
- ///
- /// This includes both declared and inherited members, and both static and
- /// instance members.
- Class? get enclosingClass => parent is Class ? parent as Class : null;
- /// The enclosing [ExtensionTypeDeclaration] if this member an abstract
- /// extension type member.
- ///
- /// This includes abstract getters for representation fields and combined
- /// member signatures from inherited non-extension type members.
- ExtensionTypeDeclaration? get enclosingExtensionTypeDeclaration =>
- parent is ExtensionTypeDeclaration
- ? parent as ExtensionTypeDeclaration
- : null;
- Library get enclosingLibrary {
- TreeNode? parent = this.parent;
- if (parent is Class) {
- return parent.enclosingLibrary;
- } else if (parent is ExtensionTypeDeclaration) {
- return parent.enclosingLibrary;
- }
- return parent as Library;
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(MemberVisitor<R> v);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(MemberVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg);
- R acceptReference<R>(MemberReferenceVisitor<R> v);
- /// Returns true if this is an abstract procedure.
- bool get isAbstract => false;
- /// Returns true if the member has the 'const' modifier.
- bool get isConst;
- /// True if this is a field or non-setter procedure.
- ///
- /// Note that operators and factories return `true`, even though there are
- /// normally no calls to their getter.
- bool get hasGetter;
- /// True if this is a setter or a mutable field.
- bool get hasSetter;
- /// True if this is a non-static field or procedure.
- bool get isInstanceMember;
- /// True if the member has the `external` modifier, implying that the
- /// implementation is provided by the backend, and is not necessarily written
- /// in Dart.
- ///
- /// Members can have this modifier independently of whether the enclosing
- /// library is external.
- bool get isExternal;
- /// If `true` this member is compiled from a member declared in an extension
- /// declaration.
- ///
- /// For instance `field`, `method1` and `method2` in:
- ///
- /// extension A on B {
- /// static var field;
- /// B method1() => this;
- /// static B method2() => new B();
- /// }
- ///
- bool get isExtensionMember;
- /// If `true` this member is compiled from a member declared in an extension
- /// type declaration.
- ///
- /// For instance `field`, `method1` and `method2` in:
- ///
- /// extension type A(B it) {
- /// static var field;
- /// B method1() => this;
- /// static B method2() => new B();
- /// }
- ///
- bool get isExtensionTypeMember;
- /// If `true` this procedure is not part of the interface but only part of the
- /// class members.
- ///
- /// This is `true` for instance for augmented procedures and synthesized
- /// fields added for the late lowering.
- bool get isInternalImplementation => false;
- /// The function signature and body of the procedure or constructor, or `null`
- /// if this is a field.
- FunctionNode? get function => null;
- /// Returns a possibly synthesized name for this member, consistent with
- /// the names used across all [toString] calls.
- @override
- String toString() => toStringInternal();
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeMemberName(reference);
- }
- @override
- void addAnnotation(Expression node) {
- if (annotations.isEmpty) {
- annotations = <Expression>[];
- }
- annotations.add(node);
- node.parent = this;
- }
- /// Returns the type of this member when accessed as a getter.
- ///
- /// For a field, this is the field type. For a getter, this is the return
- /// type. For a method or constructor, this is the tear off type.
- ///
- /// For a setter, this is undefined. Currently, non-nullable `Never` is
- /// returned.
- // TODO(johnniwinther): Should we use `InvalidType` for the undefined cases?
- DartType get getterType;
- /// Returns the type of this member when access as a getter on a super class.
- ///
- /// This is in most cases the same as for [getterType].
- ///
- /// An exception is for forwarding semi stubs:
- ///
- /// class Super {
- /// void method(num a) {}
- /// }
- /// class Class extends Super {
- /// void method(covariant int a);
- /// }
- /// class Subclass extends Class {
- /// void method(int a) {
- /// super.method; // Type `void Function(num)`.
- /// Class().method; // Type `void Function(int)`.
- /// }
- /// }
- ///
- /// Here, `Class.method` is turned into a forwarding semi stub
- ///
- /// void method(covariant num a) => super.method(a);
- ///
- /// with [signatureType] `void Function(int)`. When `Class.method` is used
- /// as the target of a super get, it has getter type `void Function(num)` and
- /// as the target of an instance get, it has getter type `void Function(int)`.
- DartType get superGetterType => getterType;
- /// Returns the type of this member when accessed as a setter.
- ///
- /// For an assignable field, this is the field type. For a setter this is the
- /// parameter type.
- ///
- /// For other members, including unassignable fields, this is undefined.
- /// Currently, non-nullable `Never` is returned.
- // TODO(johnniwinther): Should we use `InvalidType` for the undefined cases?
- DartType get setterType;
- /// Returns the type of this member when access as a setter on a super class.
- ///
- /// This is in most cases the same as for [setterType].
- ///
- /// An exception is for forwarding semi stubs:
- ///
- /// class Super {
- /// void set setter(num a) {}
- /// }
- /// class Class extends Super {
- /// void set setter(covariant int a);
- /// }
- /// class Subclass extends Class {
- /// void set setter(int a) {
- /// super.setter = 0.5; // Valid.
- /// Class().setter = 0.5; // Invalid.
- /// }
- /// }
- ///
- /// Here, `Class.setter` is turned into a forwarding semi stub
- ///
- /// void set setter(covariant num a) => super.setter = a;
- ///
- /// with [signatureType] `void Function(int)`. When `Class.setter` is used
- /// as the target of a super set, it has setter type `num` and as the target
- /// of an instance set, it has setter type `int`.
- DartType get superSetterType => setterType;
- bool get containsSuperCalls {
- return transformerFlags & TransformerFlag.superCalls != 0;
- }
- /// If this member is a member signature, [memberSignatureOrigin] is one of
- /// the non-member signature members from which it was created.
- Member? get memberSignatureOrigin => null;
-/// A field declaration.
-/// The implied getter and setter for the field are not represented explicitly,
-/// but can be made explicit if needed.
-class Field extends Member {
- DartType type; // Not null. Defaults to DynamicType.
- int flags = 0;
- Expression? initializer; // May be null.
- /// Reference used for reading from this field.
- ///
- /// This should be used as the target in [StaticGet], [InstanceGet], and
- /// [SuperPropertyGet].
- final Reference getterReference;
- /// Reference used for writing to this field.
- ///
- /// This should be used as the target in [StaticSet], [InstanceSet], and
- /// [SuperPropertySet].
- final Reference? setterReference;
- @override
- @Deprecated("Use the specific getterReference/setterReference instead")
- Reference get reference => super.reference;
- /// Reference used for initializing this field.
- ///
- /// This should be used as the target in [FieldInitializer] and as the key
- /// in the field values of [InstanceConstant].
- Reference get fieldReference => super.reference;
- Field.mutable(Name name,
- {this.type = const DynamicType(),
- this.initializer,
- bool isCovariantByDeclaration = false,
- bool isFinal = false,
- bool isStatic = false,
- bool isLate = false,
- int transformerFlags = 0,
- required Uri fileUri,
- Reference? fieldReference,
- Reference? getterReference,
- Reference? setterReference})
- : this.getterReference = getterReference ?? new Reference(),
- this.setterReference = setterReference ?? new Reference(),
- super(name, fileUri, fieldReference) {
- this.getterReference.node = this;
- this.setterReference!.node = this;
- initializer?.parent = this;
- this.isCovariantByDeclaration = isCovariantByDeclaration;
- this.isFinal = isFinal;
- this.isStatic = isStatic;
- this.isLate = isLate;
- this.transformerFlags = transformerFlags;
- }
- Field.immutable(Name name,
- {this.type = const DynamicType(),
- this.initializer,
- bool isCovariantByDeclaration = false,
- bool isFinal = false,
- bool isConst = false,
- bool isStatic = false,
- bool isLate = false,
- int transformerFlags = 0,
- required Uri fileUri,
- Reference? fieldReference,
- Reference? getterReference,
- bool isEnumElement = false})
- : this.getterReference = getterReference ?? new Reference(),
- this.setterReference = null,
- super(name, fileUri, fieldReference) {
- this.getterReference.node = this;
- initializer?.parent = this;
- this.isCovariantByDeclaration = isCovariantByDeclaration;
- this.isFinal = isFinal;
- this.isConst = isConst;
- this.isStatic = isStatic;
- this.isLate = isLate;
- this.isEnumElement = isEnumElement;
- this.transformerFlags = transformerFlags;
- }
- @override
- void bindCanonicalNames(CanonicalName parent) {
- parent.getChildFromField(this).bindTo(fieldReference);
- parent.getChildFromFieldGetter(this).bindTo(getterReference);
- if (hasSetter) {
- parent.getChildFromFieldSetter(this).bindTo(setterReference!);
- }
- }
- @override
- void _relinkNode() {
- this.fieldReference.node = this;
- this.getterReference.node = this;
- if (hasSetter) {
- this.setterReference!.node = this;
- }
- }
- static const int FlagFinal = 1 << 0; // Must match serialized bit positions.
- static const int FlagConst = 1 << 1;
- static const int FlagStatic = 1 << 2;
- static const int FlagCovariant = 1 << 3;
- static const int FlagCovariantByClass = 1 << 4;
- static const int FlagLate = 1 << 5;
- static const int FlagExtensionMember = 1 << 6;
- static const int FlagInternalImplementation = 1 << 7;
- static const int FlagEnumElement = 1 << 8;
- static const int FlagExtensionTypeMember = 1 << 9;
- /// Whether the field is declared with the `covariant` keyword.
- bool get isCovariantByDeclaration => flags & FlagCovariant != 0;
- bool get isFinal => flags & FlagFinal != 0;
- @override
- bool get isConst => flags & FlagConst != 0;
- bool get isStatic => flags & FlagStatic != 0;
- @override
- bool get isExtensionMember => flags & FlagExtensionMember != 0;
- @override
- bool get isExtensionTypeMember => flags & FlagExtensionTypeMember != 0;
- /// Indicates whether the implicit setter associated with this field needs to
- /// contain a runtime type check to deal with generic covariance.
- ///
- /// When `true`, runtime checks may need to be performed.
- bool get isCovariantByClass => flags & FlagCovariantByClass != 0;
- /// Whether the field is declared with the `late` keyword.
- bool get isLate => flags & FlagLate != 0;
- /// If `true` this field is not part of the interface but only part of the
- /// class members.
- ///
- /// This is `true` for instance for synthesized fields added for the late
- /// lowering.
- @override
- bool get isInternalImplementation => flags & FlagInternalImplementation != 0;
- /// If `true` this field is an enum element.
- ///
- /// For instance
- ///
- /// enum A {
- /// a, b;
- /// static const A c = A.a;
- /// }
- ///
- /// the fields `a` and `b` are enum elements whereas `c` is a regular field.
- bool get isEnumElement => flags & FlagEnumElement != 0;
- void set isCovariantByDeclaration(bool value) {
- flags = value ? (flags | FlagCovariant) : (flags & ~FlagCovariant);
- }
- void set isFinal(bool value) {
- flags = value ? (flags | FlagFinal) : (flags & ~FlagFinal);
- }
- void set isConst(bool value) {
- flags = value ? (flags | FlagConst) : (flags & ~FlagConst);
- }
- void set isStatic(bool value) {
- flags = value ? (flags | FlagStatic) : (flags & ~FlagStatic);
- }
- void set isExtensionMember(bool value) {
- flags =
- value ? (flags | FlagExtensionMember) : (flags & ~FlagExtensionMember);
- }
- void set isCovariantByClass(bool value) {
- flags = value
- ? (flags | FlagCovariantByClass)
- : (flags & ~FlagCovariantByClass);
- }
- void set isLate(bool value) {
- flags = value ? (flags | FlagLate) : (flags & ~FlagLate);
- }
- void set isInternalImplementation(bool value) {
- flags = value
- ? (flags | FlagInternalImplementation)
- : (flags & ~FlagInternalImplementation);
- }
- void set isEnumElement(bool value) {
- flags = value ? (flags | FlagEnumElement) : (flags & ~FlagEnumElement);
- }
- void set isExtensionTypeMember(bool value) {
- flags = value
- ? (flags | FlagExtensionTypeMember)
- : (flags & ~FlagExtensionTypeMember);
- }
- @override
- bool get isInstanceMember => !isStatic;
- @override
- bool get hasGetter => true;
- @override
- bool get hasSetter => setterReference != null;
- @override
- bool get isExternal => false;
- @override
- R accept<R>(MemberVisitor<R> v) => v.visitField(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(MemberVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) => v.visitField(this, arg);
- @override
- R acceptReference<R>(MemberReferenceVisitor<R> v) =>
- v.visitFieldReference(this);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- visitList(annotations, v);
- type.accept(v);
- name.accept(v);
- initializer?.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- type = v.visitDartType(type);
- v.transformList(annotations, this);
- if (initializer != null) {
- initializer = v.transform(initializer!);
- initializer?.parent = this;
- }
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- type = v.visitDartType(type, null);
- v.transformExpressionList(annotations, this);
- if (initializer != null) {
- initializer = v.transformOrRemoveExpression(initializer!);
- initializer?.parent = this;
- }
- }
- @override
- DartType get getterType => type;
- @override
- DartType get setterType => hasSetter ? type : const NeverType.nonNullable();
- @override
- Location? _getLocationInEnclosingFile(int offset) {
- return _getLocationInComponent(enclosingComponent, fileUri, offset,
- viaForErrorMessage: "Field '$name'");
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeMemberName(fieldReference);
- }
-/// A generative constructor, possibly redirecting.
-/// Note that factory constructors are treated as [Procedure]s.
-/// Constructors do not take type parameters. Type arguments from a constructor
-/// invocation should be matched with the type parameters declared in the class.
-/// For unnamed constructors, the name is an empty string (in a [Name]).
-class Constructor extends Member {
- /// Start offset of the constructor in the source file it comes from.
- ///
- /// Note that this includes annotations if any.
- ///
- /// Valid values are from 0 and up, or -1 ([TreeNode.noOffset]) if the file
- /// start offset is not available (this is the default if none is specifically
- /// set).
- int startFileOffset = TreeNode.noOffset;
- @override
- List<int>? get fileOffsetsIfMultiple =>
- [fileOffset, startFileOffset, fileEndOffset];
- int flags = 0;
- @override
- FunctionNode function;
- List<Initializer> initializers;
- Constructor(this.function,
- {required Name name,
- bool isConst = false,
- bool isExternal = false,
- bool isSynthetic = false,
- List<Initializer>? initializers,
- int transformerFlags = 0,
- required Uri fileUri,
- Reference? reference})
- : this.initializers = initializers ?? <Initializer>[],
- super(name, fileUri, reference) {
- function.parent = this;
- setParents(this.initializers, this);
- this.isConst = isConst;
- this.isExternal = isExternal;
- this.isSynthetic = isSynthetic;
- this.transformerFlags = transformerFlags;
- }
- @override
- void bindCanonicalNames(CanonicalName parent) {
- parent.getChildFromConstructor(this).bindTo(reference);
- }
- @override
- Class get enclosingClass => parent as Class;
- static const int FlagConst = 1 << 0; // Must match serialized bit positions.
- static const int FlagExternal = 1 << 1;
- static const int FlagSynthetic = 1 << 2;
- @override
- bool get isConst => flags & FlagConst != 0;
- @override
- bool get isExternal => flags & FlagExternal != 0;
- /// True if this is a synthetic constructor inserted in a class that
- /// does not otherwise declare any constructors.
- bool get isSynthetic => flags & FlagSynthetic != 0;
- void set isConst(bool value) {
- flags = value ? (flags | FlagConst) : (flags & ~FlagConst);
- }
- void set isExternal(bool value) {
- flags = value ? (flags | FlagExternal) : (flags & ~FlagExternal);
- }
- void set isSynthetic(bool value) {
- flags = value ? (flags | FlagSynthetic) : (flags & ~FlagSynthetic);
- }
- @override
- bool get isInstanceMember => false;
- @override
- bool get hasGetter => false;
- @override
- bool get hasSetter => false;
- @override
- bool get isExtensionMember => false;
- @override
- bool get isExtensionTypeMember => false;
- @override
- R accept<R>(MemberVisitor<R> v) => v.visitConstructor(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(MemberVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitConstructor(this, arg);
- @override
- R acceptReference<R>(MemberReferenceVisitor<R> v) =>
- v.visitConstructorReference(this);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- visitList(annotations, v);
- name.accept(v);
- visitList(initializers, v);
- function.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- v.transformList(annotations, this);
- v.transformList(initializers, this);
- function = v.transform(function);
- function.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- v.transformExpressionList(annotations, this);
- v.transformInitializerList(initializers, this);
- function = v.transform(function);
- function.parent = this;
- }
- // TODO(johnniwinther): Provide the tear off type here.
- @override
- DartType get getterType => const NeverType.nonNullable();
- @override
- DartType get setterType => const NeverType.nonNullable();
- @override
- Location? _getLocationInEnclosingFile(int offset) {
- return _getLocationInComponent(enclosingComponent, fileUri, offset,
- viaForErrorMessage: "Constructor '$name'");
- }
-/// Enum for the semantics of the `Procedure.stubTarget` property.
-enum ProcedureStubKind {
- /// A regular procedure declared in source code.
- ///
- /// The stub target is `null`.
- Regular,
- /// An abstract procedure inserted to add `isCovariantByDeclaration` and
- /// `isCovariantByClass` to parameters for a set of overridden members.
- ///
- /// The stub is inserted when not all of the overridden members agree on
- /// the covariance flags. For instance:
- ///
- /// class A<T> {
- /// void method1(num o) {}
- /// void method2(T o) {}
- /// }
- /// class B {
- /// void method1(covariant int o) {}
- /// void method2(int o) {}
- /// }
- /// class C implements A<int>, B {
- /// // Abstract forwarding stub needed because the parameter is
- /// // covariant in `B.method1` but not in `A.method1`.
- /// void method1(covariant num o);
- /// // Abstract forwarding stub needed because the parameter is a
- /// // generic covariant impl in `A.method2` but not in `B.method2`.
- /// void method2(/*generic-covariant-impl*/ int o);
- /// }
- ///
- /// The stub target is one of the overridden members.
- AbstractForwardingStub,
- /// A concrete procedure inserted to add `isCovariantByDeclaration` and
- /// `isCovariantByClass` checks to parameters before calling the
- /// overridden member in the superclass.
- ///
- /// The stub is inserted when not all of the overridden members agree on
- /// the covariance flags and the overridden super class member does not
- /// have the same covariance flags. For instance:
- ///
- /// class A<T> {
- /// void method1(num o) {}
- /// void method2(T o) {}
- /// }
- /// class B {
- /// void method1(covariant int o) {}
- /// void method2(int o) {}
- /// }
- /// class C extends A<int> implements B {
- /// // Concrete forwarding stub needed because the parameter is
- /// // covariant in `B.method1` but not in `A.method1`.
- /// void method1(covariant num o) => super.method1(o);
- /// // No need for a concrete forwarding stub for `A.method2` because
- /// // it has the right covariance flags already.
- /// }
- ///
- /// The stub target is the called superclass member.
- ConcreteForwardingStub,
- /// A concrete procedure inserted to forward calls to `noSuchMethod` for
- /// an inherited member that it does not implement.
- ///
- /// The stub is inserted when a class implements private members of another
- /// library or declares/inherits a user-defined `noSuchMethod` method. For
- /// instance:
- ///
- /// // lib1:
- /// class A {
- /// void _privateMethod() {}
- /// }
- /// // lib2:
- /// class B implements A {
- /// // Forwarding stub inserted to forward calls to `A._privateMethod`.
- /// void _privateMethod() => noSuchMethod(#_privateMethod, ...);
- /// }
- /// class C {
- /// void method() {}
- /// }
- /// class D implements C {
- /// noSuchMethod(o) { ... }
- /// // Forwarding stub inserted to forward calls to `C.method`.
- /// void method() => noSuchMethod(#method, ...);
- /// }
- ///
- ///
- /// The stub target is `null` if the procedure preexisted as an abstract
- /// procedure. Otherwise the stub target is one of the inherited members.
- NoSuchMethodForwarder,
- /// An abstract procedure inserted to show the combined member signature type
- /// of set of overridden members.
- ///
- /// The stub is inserted when an opt-in member is inherited into an opt-out
- /// library or when NNBD_TOP_MERGE was used to compute the type of a merge
- /// point in an opt-in library. For instance:
- ///
- /// // lib1: opt-in
- /// class A {
- /// int? method1() => null;
- /// void method2(Object? o) {}
- /// }
- /// class B {
- /// dynamic method2(dynamic o);
- /// }
- /// class C implements A, B {
- /// // Member signature inserted for the NNBD_TOP_MERGE type of
- /// // `A.method2` and `B.method2`.
- /// Object? method2(Object? o);
- /// }
- /// // lib2: opt-out
- /// class D extends A {
- /// // Member signature inserted for the LEGACY_ERASURE type of
- /// // `A.method1` and `A.method2` with types `int* Function()`
- /// // and `void Function(Object*)`, respectively.
- /// int method1();
- /// void method2(Object o);
- /// }
- ///
- /// The stub target is one of the overridden members.
- MemberSignature,
- /// An abstract procedure inserted for the application of an abstract mixin
- /// member.
- ///
- /// The stub is inserted when an abstract member is mixed into a mixin
- /// application. For instance:
- ///
- /// class Super {}
- /// abstract class Mixin {
- /// void method();
- /// }
- /// class Class = Super with Mixin
- /// // An abstract mixin stub for `A.method` is added to `Class`
- /// void method();
- /// ;
- ///
- /// This is added to ensure that interface targets are resolved consistently
- /// in face of cloning. For instance, without the abstract mixin stub, this
- /// call:
- ///
- /// method(Class c) => c.method();
- ///
- /// would use `Mixin.method` as its target, but after loading from a VM .dill
- /// (which clones all mixin members) the call would resolve to `Class.method`
- /// instead. By adding the mixin stub to `Class`, all accesses both before
- /// and after .dill will point to `Class.method`.
- ///
- /// The stub target is the mixin member.
- AbstractMixinStub,
- /// A concrete procedure inserted for the application of a concrete mixin
- /// member. The implementation calls the mixin member via a super-call.
- ///
- /// The stub is inserted when a concrete member is mixed into a mixin
- /// application. For instance:
- ///
- /// class Super {}
- /// abstract class Mixin {
- /// void method() {}
- /// }
- /// class Class = Super with Mixin
- /// // A concrete mixin stub for `A.method` is added to `Class` which
- /// // calls `A.method`.
- /// void method() => super.method();
- /// ;
- ///
- /// This is added to ensure that super accesses are resolved correctly, even
- /// in face of cloning. For instance, without the concrete mixin stub, this
- /// super call:
- ///
- /// class Subclass extends Class {
- /// method(Class c) => super.method();
- /// }
- ///
- /// would use `Mixin.method` as its target, which would need to be updated to
- /// match the clone of the mixin member performed for instance by the VM. By
- /// adding the concrete mixin stub to `Class`, all accesses both before and
- /// after cloning will point to `Class.method`.
- ///
- /// The stub target is the called mixin member.
- ConcreteMixinStub,
- /// The representation field of an extension type declaration, encoded as
- /// an abstract getter.
- ///
- /// The stub target is `null`.
- RepresentationField,
-/// A method, getter, setter, index-getter, index-setter, operator overloader,
-/// or factory.
-/// Procedures can have the static, abstract, and/or external modifier, although
-/// only the static and external modifiers may be used together.
-/// For non-static procedures the name is required for dynamic dispatch.
-/// For external procedures the name is required for identifying the external
-/// implementation.
-/// For methods, getters, and setters the name is just as it was declared.
-/// For setters this does not include a trailing `=`.
-/// For index-getters/setters, this is `[]` and `[]=`.
-/// For operators, this is the token for the operator, e.g. `+` or `==`,
-/// except for the unary minus operator, whose name is `unary-`.
-class Procedure extends Member implements GenericFunction {
- /// Start offset of the function in the source file it comes from.
- ///
- /// Note that this includes annotations if any.
- ///
- /// Valid values are from 0 and up, or -1 ([TreeNode.noOffset]) if the file
- /// start offset is not available (this is the default if none is specifically
- /// set).
- int fileStartOffset = TreeNode.noOffset;
- @override
- List<int>? get fileOffsetsIfMultiple =>
- [fileOffset, fileStartOffset, fileEndOffset];
- final ProcedureKind kind;
- int flags = 0;
- @override
- FunctionNode function;
- ProcedureStubKind stubKind;
- Reference? stubTargetReference;
- /// The interface member signature type of this procedure.
- ///
- /// Normally this is derived from the parameter types and return type of
- /// [function]. In rare cases, the interface member signature type is
- /// different from the class member type, in which case the interface member
- /// signature type is stored here.
- ///
- /// For instance
- ///
- /// class Super {
- /// void method(num a) {}
- /// }
- /// class Class extends Super {
- /// void method(covariant int a);
- /// }
- ///
- /// Here the member `Class.method` is turned into a forwarding semi stub to
- /// ensure that arguments passed to `Super.method` are checked as covariant.
- /// Since `Super.method` allows `num` as argument, the inserted covariant
- /// check must be against `num` and not `int`, and the parameter type of the
- /// forwarding semi stub must be changed to `num`. Still, the interface of
- /// `Class` requires that `Class.method` is `void Function(int)`, so for
- /// this, it is stored explicitly as the [signatureType] on the procedure.
- ///
- /// When [signatureType] is null, you can compute the function type with
- /// `function.computeFunctionType(Nullability.nonNullable)`. Alternatively,
- /// you can use [computeSignatureOrFunctionType] that computes the interface
- /// member signature type accounting for the possibility of [signatureType]
- /// being null.
- FunctionType? signatureType;
- Procedure(Name name, ProcedureKind kind, FunctionNode function,
- {bool isAbstract = false,
- bool isStatic = false,
- bool isExternal = false,
- bool isConst = false,
- bool isExtensionMember = false,
- bool isExtensionTypeMember = false,
- bool isSynthetic = false,
- int transformerFlags = 0,
- required Uri fileUri,
- Reference? reference,
- ProcedureStubKind stubKind = ProcedureStubKind.Regular,
- Member? stubTarget})
- : this._byReferenceRenamed(name, kind, function,
- isAbstract: isAbstract,
- isStatic: isStatic,
- isExternal: isExternal,
- isConst: isConst,
- isExtensionMember: isExtensionMember,
- isExtensionTypeMember: isExtensionTypeMember,
- isSynthetic: isSynthetic,
- transformerFlags: transformerFlags,
- fileUri: fileUri,
- reference: reference,
- stubKind: stubKind,
- stubTargetReference:
- getMemberReferenceBasedOnProcedureKind(stubTarget, kind));
- Procedure._byReferenceRenamed(Name name, this.kind, this.function,
- {bool isAbstract = false,
- bool isStatic = false,
- bool isExternal = false,
- bool isConst = false,
- bool isExtensionMember = false,
- bool isExtensionTypeMember = false,
- bool isSynthetic = false,
- int transformerFlags = 0,
- required Uri fileUri,
- Reference? reference,
- this.stubKind = ProcedureStubKind.Regular,
- this.stubTargetReference})
- : super(name, fileUri, reference) {
- function.parent = this;
- this.isAbstract = isAbstract;
- this.isStatic = isStatic;
- this.isExternal = isExternal;
- this.isConst = isConst;
- this.isExtensionMember = isExtensionMember;
- this.isExtensionTypeMember = isExtensionTypeMember;
- this.isSynthetic = isSynthetic;
- setTransformerFlagsWithoutLazyLoading(transformerFlags);
- assert(!(isMemberSignature && stubTargetReference == null),
- "No member signature origin for member signature $this.");
- assert(
- !(memberSignatureOrigin is Procedure &&
- (memberSignatureOrigin as Procedure).isMemberSignature),
- "Member signature origin cannot be a member signature "
- "$memberSignatureOrigin for $this.");
- }
- @override
- List<TypeParameter> get typeParameters => function.typeParameters;
- // The function node's body might be lazily loaded, meaning that this value
- // might not be set correctly yet. Make sure the body is loaded before
- // returning anything.
- @override
- int get transformerFlags {
- function.body;
- return super.transformerFlags;
- }
- // The function node's body might be lazily loaded, meaning that this value
- // might get overwritten later (when the body is read). To avoid that read the
- // body now and only set the value afterwards.
- @override
- void set transformerFlags(int newValue) {
- function.body;
- super.transformerFlags = newValue;
- }
- // This function will set the transformer flags without loading the body.
- // Used when reading the binary. For other cases one should probably use
- // `transformerFlags = value;`.
- void setTransformerFlagsWithoutLazyLoading(int newValue) {
- super.transformerFlags = newValue;
- }
- @override
- void bindCanonicalNames(CanonicalName parent) {
- parent.getChildFromProcedure(this).bindTo(reference);
- }
- static const int FlagStatic = 1 << 0; // Must match serialized bit positions.
- static const int FlagAbstract = 1 << 1;
- static const int FlagExternal = 1 << 2;
- static const int FlagConst = 1 << 3; // Only for external const factories.
- static const int FlagExtensionMember = 1 << 4;
- static const int FlagSynthetic = 1 << 5;
- static const int FlagInternalImplementation = 1 << 6;
- static const int FlagExtensionTypeMember = 1 << 7;
- static const int FlagHasWeakTearoffReferencePragma = 1 << 8;
- bool get isStatic => flags & FlagStatic != 0;
- @override
- bool get isAbstract => flags & FlagAbstract != 0;
- @override
- bool get isExternal => flags & FlagExternal != 0;
- /// True if this has the `const` modifier. This is only possible for external
- /// constant factories, such as `String.fromEnvironment`.
- @override
- bool get isConst => flags & FlagConst != 0;
- /// If set, this flag indicates that this function's implementation exists
- /// solely for the purpose of type checking arguments and forwarding to
- /// [concreteForwardingStubTarget].
- ///
- /// Note that just because this bit is set doesn't mean that the function was
- /// not declared in the source; it's possible that this is a forwarding
- /// semi-stub (see isForwardingSemiStub). To determine whether this function
- /// was present in the source, consult [isSyntheticForwarder].
- bool get isForwardingStub =>
- stubKind == ProcedureStubKind.AbstractForwardingStub ||
- stubKind == ProcedureStubKind.ConcreteForwardingStub;
- /// If set, this flag indicates that although this function is a forwarding
- /// stub, it was present in the original source as an abstract method.
- bool get isForwardingSemiStub => !isSynthetic && isForwardingStub;
- /// If set, this method is a class member added to show the type of an
- /// inherited member.
- ///
- /// This is used when the type of the inherited member cannot be computed
- /// directly from the member(s) in the supertypes. For instance in case of
- /// an nnbd opt-out class inheriting from an nnbd opt-in class; here all nnbd-
- /// aware types are replaced with legacy types in the inherited signature.
- bool get isMemberSignature => stubKind == ProcedureStubKind.MemberSignature;
- // Indicates if this [Procedure] represents a redirecting factory constructor
- // and doesn't have a runnable body.
- bool get isRedirectingFactory {
- return function.redirectingFactoryTarget != null;
- }
- /// If set, this flag indicates that this function was not present in the
- /// source, and it exists solely for the purpose of type checking arguments
- /// and forwarding to [concreteForwardingStubTarget].
- bool get isSyntheticForwarder => isForwardingStub && !isForwardingSemiStub;
- bool get isSynthetic => flags & FlagSynthetic != 0;
- bool get isNoSuchMethodForwarder =>
- stubKind == ProcedureStubKind.NoSuchMethodForwarder;
- /// If `true` this procedure is not part of the interface but only part of the
- /// class members.
- ///
- /// This is `true` for instance for augmented procedures.
- @override
- bool get isInternalImplementation => flags & FlagInternalImplementation != 0;
- void set isInternalImplementation(bool value) {
- flags = value
- ? (flags | FlagInternalImplementation)
- : (flags & ~FlagInternalImplementation);
- }
- @override
- bool get isExtensionMember => flags & FlagExtensionMember != 0;
- @override
- bool get isExtensionTypeMember => flags & FlagExtensionTypeMember != 0;
- void set isStatic(bool value) {
- flags = value ? (flags | FlagStatic) : (flags & ~FlagStatic);
- }
- void set isAbstract(bool value) {
- flags = value ? (flags | FlagAbstract) : (flags & ~FlagAbstract);
- }
- void set isExternal(bool value) {
- flags = value ? (flags | FlagExternal) : (flags & ~FlagExternal);
- }
- void set isConst(bool value) {
- flags = value ? (flags | FlagConst) : (flags & ~FlagConst);
- }
- void set isExtensionMember(bool value) {
- flags =
- value ? (flags | FlagExtensionMember) : (flags & ~FlagExtensionMember);
- }
- void set isExtensionTypeMember(bool value) {
- flags = value
- ? (flags | FlagExtensionTypeMember)
- : (flags & ~FlagExtensionTypeMember);
- }
- void set isSynthetic(bool value) {
- flags = value ? (flags | FlagSynthetic) : (flags & ~FlagSynthetic);
- }
- @override
- bool get isInstanceMember => !isStatic;
- bool get isGetter => kind == ProcedureKind.Getter;
- bool get isSetter => kind == ProcedureKind.Setter;
- bool get isAccessor => isGetter || isSetter;
- @override
- bool get hasGetter => kind != ProcedureKind.Setter;
- @override
- bool get hasSetter => kind == ProcedureKind.Setter;
- bool get isFactory => kind == ProcedureKind.Factory;
- Member? get concreteForwardingStubTarget =>
- stubKind == ProcedureStubKind.ConcreteForwardingStub
- ? stubTargetReference?.asMember
- : null;
- Member? get abstractForwardingStubTarget =>
- stubKind == ProcedureStubKind.AbstractForwardingStub
- ? stubTargetReference?.asMember
- : null;
- Member? get stubTarget => stubTargetReference?.asMember;
- void set stubTarget(Member? target) {
- stubTargetReference = getMemberReferenceBasedOnProcedureKind(target, kind);
- }
- @override
- Member? get memberSignatureOrigin =>
- stubKind == ProcedureStubKind.MemberSignature
- ? stubTargetReference?.asMember
- : null;
- bool get hasWeakTearoffReferencePragma =>
- flags & FlagHasWeakTearoffReferencePragma != 0;
- void set hasWeakTearoffReferencePragma(bool value) {
- flags = value
- ? (flags | FlagHasWeakTearoffReferencePragma)
- : (flags & ~FlagHasWeakTearoffReferencePragma);
- }
- /// Computes the interface member signature type of the procedure.
- ///
- /// In case [signatureType] is set, returns [signatureType]. Otherwise,
- /// computes the function type of the function node.
- FunctionType computeSignatureOrFunctionType() {
- return signatureType ??
- function.computeFunctionType(Nullability.nonNullable);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(MemberVisitor<R> v) => v.visitProcedure(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(MemberVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) => v.visitProcedure(this, arg);
- @override
- R acceptReference<R>(MemberReferenceVisitor<R> v) =>
- v.visitProcedureReference(this);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- visitList(annotations, v);
- name.accept(v);
- function.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- v.transformList(annotations, this);
- function = v.transform(function);
- function.parent = this;
- if (signatureType != null) {
- signatureType = v.visitDartType(signatureType!) as FunctionType;
- }
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- v.transformExpressionList(annotations, this);
- function = v.transform(function);
- function.parent = this;
- if (signatureType != null) {
- DartType newSignatureType =
- v.visitDartType(signatureType!, dummyDartType);
- if (identical(newSignatureType, dummyDartType)) {
- signatureType = null;
- } else {
- signatureType = newSignatureType as FunctionType;
- }
- }
- }
- @override
- DartType get getterType {
- return isGetter
- ? (signatureType?.returnType ?? function.returnType)
- : (signatureType ??
- function.computeFunctionType(enclosingLibrary.nonNullable));
- }
- @override
- DartType get superGetterType {
- return isGetter
- ? function.returnType
- : function.computeFunctionType(enclosingLibrary.nonNullable);
- }
- @override
- DartType get setterType {
- return isSetter
- ? (signatureType?.positionalParameters[0] ??
- function.positionalParameters[0].type)
- : const NeverType.nonNullable();
- }
- @override
- DartType get superSetterType {
- return isSetter
- ? function.positionalParameters[0].type
- : const NeverType.nonNullable();
- }
- @override
- Location? _getLocationInEnclosingFile(int offset) {
- return _getLocationInComponent(enclosingComponent, fileUri, offset,
- viaForErrorMessage: "Procedure '$name'");
- }
-enum ProcedureKind {
- Method,
- Getter,
- Setter,
- Operator,
- Factory,
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-/// Part of an initializer list in a constructor.
-sealed class Initializer extends TreeNode {
- /// True if this is a synthetic constructor initializer.
- @informative
- bool isSynthetic = false;
- @override
- R accept<R>(InitializerVisitor<R> v);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(InitializerVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg);
-abstract class AuxiliaryInitializer extends Initializer {
- @override
- R accept<R>(InitializerVisitor<R> v) => v.visitAuxiliaryInitializer(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(InitializerVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitAuxiliaryInitializer(this, arg);
-/// An initializer with a compile-time error.
-/// Should throw an exception at runtime.
-// DESIGN TODO: The frontend should use this in a lot more cases to catch
-// invalid cases.
-class InvalidInitializer extends Initializer {
- @override
- R accept<R>(InitializerVisitor<R> v) => v.visitInvalidInitializer(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(InitializerVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitInvalidInitializer(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {}
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {}
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "InvalidInitializer(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- // TODO(johnniwinther): Implement this.
- }
-/// A field assignment `field = value` occurring in the initializer list of
-/// a constructor.
-/// This node has nothing to do with declaration-site field initializers; those
-/// are [Expression]s stored in [Field.initializer].
-// TODO: The frontend should check that all final fields are initialized
-// exactly once, and that no fields are assigned twice in the initializer list.
-class FieldInitializer extends Initializer {
- /// Reference to the field being initialized. Not null.
- Reference fieldReference;
- Expression value;
- FieldInitializer(Field field, Expression value)
- : this.byReference(field.fieldReference, value);
- FieldInitializer.byReference(this.fieldReference, this.value) {
- value.parent = this;
- }
- Field get field => fieldReference.asField;
- void set field(Field field) {
- fieldReference = field.fieldReference;
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(InitializerVisitor<R> v) => v.visitFieldInitializer(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(InitializerVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitFieldInitializer(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- field.acceptReference(v);
- value.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- value = v.transform(value);
- value.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- value = v.transform(value);
- value.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "FieldInitializer(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- // TODO(johnniwinther): Implement this.
- }
-/// A super call `super(x,y)` occurring in the initializer list of a
-/// constructor.
-/// There are no type arguments on this call.
-// TODO: The frontend should check that there is no more than one super call.
-// DESIGN TODO: Consider if the frontend should insert type arguments derived
-// from the extends clause.
-class SuperInitializer extends Initializer {
- /// Reference to the constructor being invoked in the super class. Not null.
- Reference targetReference;
- Arguments arguments;
- SuperInitializer(Constructor target, Arguments arguments)
- : this.byReference(
- // Getter vs setter doesn't matter for constructors.
- getNonNullableMemberReferenceGetter(target),
- arguments);
- SuperInitializer.byReference(this.targetReference, this.arguments) {
- arguments.parent = this;
- }
- Constructor get target => targetReference.asConstructor;
- void set target(Constructor target) {
- // Getter vs setter doesn't matter for constructors.
- targetReference = getNonNullableMemberReferenceGetter(target);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(InitializerVisitor<R> v) => v.visitSuperInitializer(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(InitializerVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitSuperInitializer(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- target.acceptReference(v);
- arguments.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- arguments = v.transform(arguments);
- arguments.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- arguments = v.transform(arguments);
- arguments.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "SuperInitializer(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('super');
- if ( {
- printer.write('.');
- printer.write(;
- }
- printer.writeArguments(arguments, includeTypeArguments: false);
- }
-/// A redirecting call `this(x,y)` occurring in the initializer list of
-/// a constructor.
-// TODO: The frontend should check that this is the only initializer and if the
-// constructor has a body or if there is a cycle in the initializer calls.
-class RedirectingInitializer extends Initializer {
- /// Reference to the constructor being invoked in the same class. Not null.
- Reference targetReference;
- Arguments arguments;
- RedirectingInitializer(Constructor target, Arguments arguments)
- : this.byReference(
- // Getter vs setter doesn't matter for constructors.
- getNonNullableMemberReferenceGetter(target),
- arguments);
- RedirectingInitializer.byReference(this.targetReference, this.arguments) {
- arguments.parent = this;
- }
- Constructor get target => targetReference.asConstructor;
- void set target(Constructor target) {
- // Getter vs setter doesn't matter for constructors.
- targetReference = getNonNullableMemberReferenceGetter(target);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(InitializerVisitor<R> v) => v.visitRedirectingInitializer(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(InitializerVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitRedirectingInitializer(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- target.acceptReference(v);
- arguments.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- arguments = v.transform(arguments);
- arguments.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- arguments = v.transform(arguments);
- arguments.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "RedirectingInitializer(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('this');
- if ( {
- printer.write('.');
- printer.write(;
- }
- printer.writeArguments(arguments, includeTypeArguments: false);
- }
-/// Binding of a temporary variable in the initializer list of a constructor.
-/// The variable is in scope for the remainder of the initializer list, but is
-/// not in scope in the constructor body.
-class LocalInitializer extends Initializer {
- VariableDeclaration variable;
- LocalInitializer(this.variable) {
- variable.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(InitializerVisitor<R> v) => v.visitLocalInitializer(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(InitializerVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitLocalInitializer(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- variable.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- variable = v.transform(variable);
- variable.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- variable = v.transform(variable);
- variable.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "LocalInitializer(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- // TODO(johnniwinther): Implement this.
- }
-class AssertInitializer extends Initializer {
- AssertStatement statement;
- AssertInitializer(this.statement) {
- statement.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(InitializerVisitor<R> v) => v.visitAssertInitializer(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(InitializerVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitAssertInitializer(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- statement.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- statement = v.transform(statement);
- statement.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- statement = v.transform(statement);
- statement.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "AssertInitializer(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- statement.toTextInternal(printer);
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-/// A function declares parameters and has a body.
-/// This may occur in a procedure, constructor, function expression, or local
-/// function declaration.
-class FunctionNode extends TreeNode {
- /// End offset in the source file it comes from. Valid values are from 0 and
- /// up, or -1 ([TreeNode.noOffset]) if the file end offset is not available
- /// (this is the default if none is specifically set).
- int fileEndOffset = TreeNode.noOffset;
- @override
- List<int>? get fileOffsetsIfMultiple => [fileOffset, fileEndOffset];
- /// Kernel async marker for the function.
- ///
- /// See also [dartAsyncMarker].
- AsyncMarker asyncMarker;
- /// Dart async marker for the function.
- ///
- /// See also [asyncMarker].
- ///
- /// A Kernel function can represent a Dart function with a different async
- /// marker.
- ///
- /// For example, when async/await is translated away,
- /// a Dart async function might be represented by a Kernel sync function.
- AsyncMarker dartAsyncMarker;
- List<TypeParameter> typeParameters;
- int requiredParameterCount;
- List<VariableDeclaration> positionalParameters;
- List<VariableDeclaration> namedParameters;
- DartType returnType; // Not null.
- Statement? _body;
- /// The emitted value of non-sync functions
- ///
- /// For `async` functions [emittedValueType] is the future value type, that
- /// is, the returned element type. For instance
- ///
- /// Future<Foo> method1() async => new Foo();
- /// FutureOr<Foo> method2() async => new Foo();
- ///
- /// here the return types are `Future<Foo>` and `FutureOr<Foo>` for `method1`
- /// and `method2`, respectively, but the future value type is in both cases
- /// `Foo`.
- ///
- /// For pre-nnbd libraries, this is set to `flatten(T)` of the return type
- /// `T`, which can be seen as the pre-nnbd equivalent of the future value
- /// type.
- ///
- /// For `sync*` functions [emittedValueType] is the type of the element of the
- /// iterable returned by the function.
- ///
- /// For `async*` functions [emittedValueType] is the type of the element of
- /// the stream returned by the function.
- ///
- /// For sync functions (those not marked with one of `async`, `sync*`, or
- /// `async*`) the value of [emittedValueType] is null.
- DartType? emittedValueType;
- /// If the function is a redirecting factory constructor, this holds
- /// the target and type arguments of the redirection.
- RedirectingFactoryTarget? redirectingFactoryTarget;
- void Function()? lazyBuilder;
- void _buildLazy() {
- void Function()? lazyBuilderLocal = lazyBuilder;
- if (lazyBuilderLocal != null) {
- lazyBuilder = null;
- lazyBuilderLocal();
- }
- }
- Statement? get body {
- _buildLazy();
- return _body;
- }
- void set body(Statement? body) {
- _buildLazy();
- _body = body;
- }
- FunctionNode(this._body,
- {List<TypeParameter>? typeParameters,
- List<VariableDeclaration>? positionalParameters,
- List<VariableDeclaration>? namedParameters,
- int? requiredParameterCount,
- this.returnType = const DynamicType(),
- this.asyncMarker = AsyncMarker.Sync,
- AsyncMarker? dartAsyncMarker,
- this.emittedValueType})
- : this.positionalParameters =
- positionalParameters ?? <VariableDeclaration>[],
- this.requiredParameterCount =
- requiredParameterCount ?? positionalParameters?.length ?? 0,
- this.namedParameters = namedParameters ?? <VariableDeclaration>[],
- this.typeParameters = typeParameters ?? <TypeParameter>[],
- this.dartAsyncMarker = dartAsyncMarker ?? asyncMarker {
- setParents(this.typeParameters, this);
- setParents(this.positionalParameters, this);
- setParents(this.namedParameters, this);
- _body?.parent = this;
- }
- static DartType _getTypeOfVariable(VariableDeclaration node) => node.type;
- static NamedType _getNamedTypeOfVariable(VariableDeclaration node,
- [Substitution? substitution]) {
- return new NamedType(
- substitution != null
- ? substitution.substituteType(node.type)
- : node.type,
- isRequired: node.isRequired);
- }
- /// Returns the function type of the node reusing its type parameters.
- ///
- /// This getter works similarly to [functionType], but reuses type parameters
- /// of the function node (or the class enclosing it -- see the comment on
- /// [functionType] about constructors of generic classes) in the result. It
- /// is useful in some contexts, especially when reasoning about the function
- /// type of the enclosing generic function and in combination with
- /// [FunctionType.withoutTypeParameters].
- FunctionType computeThisFunctionType(Nullability nullability,
- {bool reuseTypeParameters = false}) {
- TreeNode? parent = this.parent;
- List<StructuralParameter> structuralParameters;
- List<TypeParameter> typeParametersToCopy = parent is Constructor
- ? parent.enclosingClass.typeParameters
- : typeParameters;
- DartType returnType;
- List<DartType> positionalParameters;
- List<NamedType> namedParameters;
- if (typeParametersToCopy.isEmpty || reuseTypeParameters) {
- structuralParameters = const <StructuralParameter>[];
- returnType = this.returnType;
- List<VariableDeclaration> thisPositionals = this.positionalParameters;
- positionalParameters = List.generate(thisPositionals.length,
- (index) => _getTypeOfVariable(thisPositionals[index]),
- growable: false);
- List<VariableDeclaration> thisNamed = this.namedParameters;
- if (thisNamed.isEmpty) {
- namedParameters = const <NamedType>[];
- } else {
- namedParameters = List.generate(thisNamed.length,
- (index) => _getNamedTypeOfVariable(thisNamed[index]),
- growable: false);
- namedParameters.sort();
- }
- } else {
- // We need create a copy of the list of type parameters, otherwise
- // transformations like erasure don't work.
- FreshStructuralParametersFromTypeParameters freshStructuralParameters =
- getFreshStructuralParametersFromTypeParameters(typeParametersToCopy);
- structuralParameters = freshStructuralParameters.freshTypeParameters;
- Substitution substitution = freshStructuralParameters.substitution;
- returnType = substitution.substituteType(this.returnType);
- List<VariableDeclaration> thisPositionals = this.positionalParameters;
- positionalParameters = List.generate(
- thisPositionals.length,
- (index) => substitution
- .substituteType(_getTypeOfVariable(thisPositionals[index])),
- growable: false);
- List<VariableDeclaration> thisNamed = this.namedParameters;
- if (thisNamed.isEmpty) {
- namedParameters = const <NamedType>[];
- } else {
- namedParameters = List.generate(thisNamed.length,
- (index) => _getNamedTypeOfVariable(thisNamed[index], substitution),
- growable: false);
- namedParameters.sort();
- }
- }
- // TODO(johnniwinther,cstefantsova): Cache the function type here and use
- // [DartType.withDeclaredNullability] to handle the variants.
- return new FunctionType(positionalParameters, returnType, nullability,
- namedParameters: namedParameters,
- typeParameters: structuralParameters,
- requiredParameterCount: requiredParameterCount);
- }
- /// Returns the function type of the function node.
- ///
- /// If the function node describes a generic function, the resulting function
- /// type will be generic. If the function node describes a constructor of a
- /// generic class, the resulting function type will be generic with its type
- /// parameters constructed after those of the class. In both cases, if the
- /// resulting function type is generic, a fresh set of type parameters is used
- /// in it.
- // TODO(johnniwinther,cstefantsova): Merge it with [computeThisFunctionType].
- FunctionType computeFunctionType(Nullability nullability) {
- return computeThisFunctionType(nullability);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(TreeVisitor<R> v) => v.visitFunctionNode(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(TreeVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitFunctionNode(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- visitList(typeParameters, v);
- visitList(positionalParameters, v);
- visitList(namedParameters, v);
- returnType.accept(v);
- emittedValueType?.accept(v);
- redirectingFactoryTarget?.target?.acceptReference(v);
- if (redirectingFactoryTarget?.typeArguments != null) {
- visitList(redirectingFactoryTarget!.typeArguments!, v);
- }
- body?.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- v.transformList(typeParameters, this);
- v.transformList(positionalParameters, this);
- v.transformList(namedParameters, this);
- returnType = v.visitDartType(returnType);
- if (emittedValueType != null) {
- emittedValueType = v.visitDartType(emittedValueType!);
- }
- if (redirectingFactoryTarget?.typeArguments != null) {
- v.transformDartTypeList(redirectingFactoryTarget!.typeArguments!);
- }
- if (body != null) {
- body = v.transform(body!);
- body?.parent = this;
- }
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- v.transformTypeParameterList(typeParameters, this);
- v.transformVariableDeclarationList(positionalParameters, this);
- v.transformVariableDeclarationList(namedParameters, this);
- returnType = v.visitDartType(returnType, cannotRemoveSentinel);
- if (emittedValueType != null) {
- emittedValueType =
- v.visitDartType(emittedValueType!, cannotRemoveSentinel);
- }
- if (redirectingFactoryTarget?.typeArguments != null) {
- v.transformDartTypeList(redirectingFactoryTarget!.typeArguments!);
- }
- if (body != null) {
- body = v.transformOrRemoveStatement(body!);
- body?.parent = this;
- }
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "FunctionNode(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- // TODO(johnniwinther): Implement this.
- }
-enum AsyncMarker {
- // Do not change the order of these, the frontends depend on it.
- Sync,
- SyncStar,
- Async,
- AsyncStar,
-/// The target constructor and passed type arguments of a redirecting factory,
-/// or if erroneous, the message for the error.
-class RedirectingFactoryTarget {
- /// The reference to the target constructor if this is a valid redirecting
- /// factory. `null` otherwise.
- final Reference? targetReference;
- /// The type arguments passed to the target constructor if this is a valid
- /// redirecting factory. `null` otherwise.
- final List<DartType>? typeArguments;
- /// The message for the error, if this is an erroneous redirection. `null`
- /// otherwise.
- final String? errorMessage;
- RedirectingFactoryTarget(Member target, List<DartType> typeArguments)
- : this.byReference(target.reference, typeArguments);
- RedirectingFactoryTarget.byReference(
- Reference this.targetReference, List<DartType> this.typeArguments)
- : errorMessage = null;
- RedirectingFactoryTarget.error(String this.errorMessage)
- : targetReference = null,
- typeArguments = null;
- /// The target constructor if this is a valid redirecting factory. `null`
- /// otherwise.
- Member? get target => targetReference?.asMember;
- /// If `true`, this is an erroneous redirection.
- bool get isError => errorMessage != null;
- @override
- String toString() => 'RedirectingFactoryTarget('
- '${isError ? '$errorMessage' : '$target,$typeArguments'})';
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sealed class Expression extends TreeNode {
- /// Returns the static type of the expression.
- ///
- /// This calls `StaticTypeContext.getExpressionType` which calls
- /// [getStaticTypeInternal] to compute the type of not already cached in
- /// [context].
- DartType getStaticType(StaticTypeContext context) {
- return context.getExpressionType(this);
- }
- /// Computes the static type of this expression.
- ///
- /// This is called by `StaticTypeContext.getExpressionType` if the static
- /// type of this expression is not already cached in [context].
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context);
- /// Returns the static type of the expression as an instantiation of
- /// [superclass].
- ///
- /// Shouldn't be used on code compiled in legacy mode, as this method assumes
- /// the IR is strongly typed.
- ///
- /// This method furthermore assumes that the type of the expression actually
- /// is a subtype of (some instantiation of) the given [superclass].
- /// If this is not the case, either an exception is thrown or the raw type of
- /// [superclass] is returned.
- InterfaceType getStaticTypeAsInstanceOf(
- Class superclass, StaticTypeContext context) {
- // This method assumes the program is correctly typed, so if the superclass
- // is not generic, we can just return its raw type without computing the
- // type of this expression. It also ensures that all types are considered
- // subtypes of Object (not just interface types), and function types are
- // considered subtypes of Function.
- if (superclass.typeParameters.isEmpty) {
- return context.typeEnvironment.coreTypes
- .rawType(superclass, context.nonNullable);
- }
- DartType type = getStaticType(context).nonTypeVariableBound;
- if (type is NullType) {
- return context.typeEnvironment.coreTypes
- .bottomInterfaceType(superclass, context.nullable);
- } else if (type is NeverType) {
- return context.typeEnvironment.coreTypes
- .bottomInterfaceType(superclass, type.nullability);
- }
- if (type is TypeDeclarationType) {
- List<DartType>? upcastTypeArguments = context.typeEnvironment
- .getTypeArgumentsAsInstanceOf(type, superclass);
- if (upcastTypeArguments != null) {
- return new InterfaceType(
- superclass, type.nullability, upcastTypeArguments);
- }
- }
- // The static type of this expression is not a subtype of [superclass]. The
- // means that the static type of this expression is not the same as when
- // the parent [PropertyGet] or [MethodInvocation] was created.
- //
- // For instance when cloning generic mixin methods, the substitution can
- // render some of the code paths as dead code:
- //
- // mixin M<T> {
- // int method(T t) => t is String ? t.length : 0;
- // }
- // class C with M<int> {}
- //
- // The mixin transformation will clone the `M.method` method into the
- // unnamed mixin application for `Object&M<int>` as this:
- //
- // int method(int t) => t is String ? t.length : 0;
- //
- // Now `t.length`, which was originally an access to `String.length` on a
- // receiver of type `T & String`, is an access to `String.length` on `int`.
- // When computing the static type of `t.length` we will try to compute the
- // type of `int` as an instance of `String`, and we do not find it to be
- // an instance of `String`.
- //
- // To resolve this case we compute the type of `t.length` to be the type
- // as if accessed on an unknown subtype `String`.
- return context.typeEnvironment.coreTypes
- .rawType(superclass, context.nonNullable);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg);
- int get precedence => astToText.Precedence.of(this);
- @override
- String toText(AstTextStrategy strategy) {
- AstPrinter printer = new AstPrinter(strategy);
- printer.writeExpression(this);
- return printer.getText();
- }
-/// Abstract subclass of [Expression] that can be used to add [Expression]
-/// subclasses from outside `package:kernel`.
-abstract class AuxiliaryExpression extends Expression {
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitAuxiliaryExpression(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitAuxiliaryExpression(this, arg);
-/// An expression containing compile-time errors.
-/// Should throw a runtime error when evaluated.
-/// The [fileOffset] of an [InvalidExpression] indicates the location in the
-/// tree where the expression occurs, rather than the location of the error.
-class InvalidExpression extends Expression {
- // TODO(johnniwinther): Avoid using `null` as the empty string.
- String? message;
- /// The expression containing the error.
- Expression? expression;
- InvalidExpression(this.message, [this.expression]) {
- expression?.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- getStaticTypeInternal(context);
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- const NeverType.nonNullable();
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitInvalidExpression(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitInvalidExpression(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- expression?.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- if (expression != null) {
- expression = v.transform(expression!);
- expression?.parent = this;
- }
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- if (expression != null) {
- expression = v.transformOrRemoveExpression(expression!);
- expression?.parent = this;
- }
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "InvalidExpression(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('<invalid:');
- printer.write(message ?? '');
- if (expression != null) {
- printer.write(', ');
- printer.writeExpression(expression!);
- }
- printer.write('>');
- }
-/// Read a local variable, a local function, or a function parameter.
-class VariableGet extends Expression {
- VariableDeclaration variable;
- DartType? promotedType; // Null if not promoted.
- VariableGet(this.variable, [this.promotedType]);
- @override
- DartType getStaticType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- getStaticTypeInternal(context);
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) {
- return promotedType ?? variable.type;
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitVariableGet(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitVariableGet(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- promotedType?.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- if (promotedType != null) {
- promotedType = v.visitDartType(promotedType!);
- }
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- if (promotedType != null) {
- DartType newPromotedType = v.visitDartType(promotedType!, dummyDartType);
- if (identical(newPromotedType, dummyDartType)) {
- promotedType = null;
- } else {
- promotedType = newPromotedType;
- }
- }
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "VariableGet(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write(printer.getVariableName(variable));
- if (promotedType != null) {
- printer.write('{');
- printer.writeType(promotedType!);
- printer.write('}');
- }
- }
-/// Assign a local variable or function parameter.
-/// Evaluates to the value of [value].
-class VariableSet extends Expression {
- VariableDeclaration variable;
- Expression value;
- VariableSet(this.variable, this.value) {
- value.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- getStaticTypeInternal(context);
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- value.getStaticType(context);
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitVariableSet(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitVariableSet(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- value.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- value = v.transform(value);
- value.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- value = v.transform(value);
- value.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "VariableSet(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write(printer.getVariableName(variable));
- printer.write(' = ');
- printer.writeExpression(value);
- }
-class RecordIndexGet extends Expression {
- Expression receiver;
- RecordType receiverType;
- final int index;
- RecordIndexGet(this.receiver, this.receiverType, this.index)
- : assert(0 <= index && index < receiverType.positional.length) {
- receiver.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- getStaticTypeInternal(context);
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) {
- assert(index < receiverType.positional.length);
- return receiverType.positional[index];
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitRecordIndexGet(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitRecordIndexGet(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- receiver.accept(v);
- receiverType.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- receiver = v.transform(receiver)..parent = this;
- receiverType = v.visitDartType(receiverType) as RecordType;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- receiver = v.transform(receiver)..parent = this;
- receiverType =
- v.visitDartType(receiverType, cannotRemoveSentinel) as RecordType;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "RecordIndexGet(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeExpression(receiver);
- printer.write(".\$${index + 1}");
- }
-class RecordNameGet extends Expression {
- Expression receiver;
- RecordType receiverType;
- final String name;
- RecordNameGet(this.receiver, this.receiverType,
- : assert(receiverType.named
- .singleWhere((element) => == name)
- .name ==
- name) {
- receiver.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- getStaticTypeInternal(context);
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) {
- DartType? result;
- for (NamedType namedType in receiverType.named) {
- if ( == name) {
- result = namedType.type;
- break;
- }
- }
- assert(result != null);
- return result!;
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitRecordNameGet(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitRecordNameGet(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- receiver.accept(v);
- receiverType.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- receiver = v.transform(receiver)..parent = this;
- receiverType = v.visitDartType(receiverType) as RecordType;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- receiver = v.transform(receiver)..parent = this;
- receiverType =
- v.visitDartType(receiverType, cannotRemoveSentinel) as RecordType;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "RecordNameGet(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeExpression(receiver);
- printer.write(".${name}");
- }
-enum DynamicAccessKind {
- /// An access on a receiver of type dynamic.
- ///
- /// An access of this kind always results in a value of static type dynamic.
- ///
- /// Valid accesses to Object members on receivers of type dynamic are encoded
- /// as an [InstanceInvocation] of kind [InstanceAccessKind.Object].
- Dynamic,
- /// An access on a receiver of type Never.
- ///
- /// An access of this kind always results in a value of static type Never.
- ///
- /// Valid accesses to Object members on receivers of type Never are also
- /// encoded as [DynamicInvocation] of kind [DynamicAccessKind.Never] and _not_
- /// as an [InstanceInvocation] of kind [InstanceAccessKind.Object].
- Never,
- /// An access on a receiver of an invalid type.
- ///
- /// An access of this kind always results in a value of an invalid static
- /// type.
- Invalid,
- /// An access of an unresolved target.
- ///
- /// An access of this kind always results in a value of an invalid static
- /// type.
- Unresolved,
-class DynamicGet extends Expression {
- final DynamicAccessKind kind;
- Expression receiver;
- Name name;
- DynamicGet(this.kind, this.receiver, {
- receiver.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitDynamicGet(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitDynamicGet(this, arg);
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) {
- switch (kind) {
- case DynamicAccessKind.Dynamic:
- return const DynamicType();
- case DynamicAccessKind.Never:
- return const NeverType.nonNullable();
- case DynamicAccessKind.Invalid:
- case DynamicAccessKind.Unresolved:
- return const InvalidType();
- }
- }
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- receiver.accept(v);
- name.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- receiver = v.transform(receiver);
- receiver.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- receiver = v.transform(receiver);
- receiver.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "DynamicGet($kind,${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeExpression(receiver,
- minimumPrecedence: astToText.Precedence.PRIMARY);
- printer.write('.');
- printer.writeName(name);
- }
-/// A property read of an instance getter or field with a statically known
-/// interface target.
-class InstanceGet extends Expression {
- final InstanceAccessKind kind;
- Expression receiver;
- // TODO(johnniwinther): Can we pull this from the [interfaceTarget] instead?
- Name name;
- /// The static type of result of the property read.
- ///
- /// This includes substituted type parameters from the static receiver type.
- ///
- /// For instance
- ///
- /// class A<T> {
- /// T get t;
- /// }
- /// m(A<String> a) {
- /// a.t; // The result type is `String`.
- /// }
- ///
- DartType resultType;
- Reference interfaceTargetReference;
- InstanceGet(InstanceAccessKind kind, Expression receiver, Name name,
- {required Member interfaceTarget, required DartType resultType})
- : this.byReference(kind, receiver, name,
- interfaceTargetReference:
- getNonNullableMemberReferenceGetter(interfaceTarget),
- resultType: resultType);
- InstanceGet.byReference(this.kind, this.receiver,,
- {required this.interfaceTargetReference, required this.resultType}) {
- receiver.parent = this;
- }
- Member get interfaceTarget => interfaceTargetReference.asMember;
- void set interfaceTarget(Member member) {
- interfaceTargetReference = getNonNullableMemberReferenceGetter(member);
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) => resultType;
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitInstanceGet(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitInstanceGet(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- receiver.accept(v);
- interfaceTarget.acceptReference(v);
- name.accept(v);
- resultType.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- receiver = v.transform(receiver);
- receiver.parent = this;
- resultType = v.visitDartType(resultType);
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- receiver = v.transform(receiver);
- receiver.parent = this;
- resultType = v.visitDartType(resultType, cannotRemoveSentinel);
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "InstanceGet($kind,${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeExpression(receiver,
- minimumPrecedence: astToText.Precedence.PRIMARY);
- printer.write('.');
- printer.writeInterfaceMemberName(interfaceTargetReference, name);
- }
-/// A tear-off of the 'call' method on an expression whose static type is
-/// a function type or the type 'Function'.
-class FunctionTearOff extends Expression {
- Expression receiver;
- FunctionTearOff(this.receiver) {
- receiver.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- receiver.getStaticType(context);
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitFunctionTearOff(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitFunctionTearOff(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- receiver.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- receiver = v.transform(receiver);
- receiver.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- receiver = v.transform(receiver);
- receiver.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "FunctionTearOff(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeExpression(receiver,
- minimumPrecedence: astToText.Precedence.PRIMARY);
- printer.write('.');
- printer.writeName(Name.callName);
- }
-/// A tear-off of an instance method with a statically known interface target.
-class InstanceTearOff extends Expression {
- final InstanceAccessKind kind;
- Expression receiver;
- // TODO(johnniwinther): Can we pull this from the [interfaceTarget] instead?
- Name name;
- /// The static type of result of the tear-off.
- ///
- /// This includes substituted type parameters from the static receiver type.
- ///
- /// For instance
- ///
- /// class A<T, S> {
- /// T method<U>(S s, U u) { ... }
- /// }
- /// m(A<String, int> a) {
- /// a.method; // The result type is `String Function<U>(int, U)`.
- /// }
- ///
- DartType resultType;
- Reference interfaceTargetReference;
- InstanceTearOff(InstanceAccessKind kind, Expression receiver, Name name,
- {required Procedure interfaceTarget, required DartType resultType})
- : this.byReference(kind, receiver, name,
- interfaceTargetReference:
- getNonNullableMemberReferenceGetter(interfaceTarget),
- resultType: resultType);
- InstanceTearOff.byReference(this.kind, this.receiver,,
- {required this.interfaceTargetReference, required this.resultType}) {
- receiver.parent = this;
- }
- Procedure get interfaceTarget => interfaceTargetReference.asProcedure;
- void set interfaceTarget(Procedure procedure) {
- interfaceTargetReference = getNonNullableMemberReferenceGetter(procedure);
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) => resultType;
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitInstanceTearOff(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitInstanceTearOff(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- receiver.accept(v);
- interfaceTarget.acceptReference(v);
- name.accept(v);
- resultType.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- receiver = v.transform(receiver);
- receiver.parent = this;
- resultType = v.visitDartType(resultType);
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- receiver = v.transform(receiver);
- receiver.parent = this;
- resultType = v.visitDartType(resultType, cannotRemoveSentinel);
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "InstanceTearOff($kind, ${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeExpression(receiver,
- minimumPrecedence: astToText.Precedence.PRIMARY);
- printer.write('.');
- printer.writeInterfaceMemberName(interfaceTargetReference, name);
- }
-class DynamicSet extends Expression {
- final DynamicAccessKind kind;
- Expression receiver;
- Name name;
- Expression value;
- DynamicSet(this.kind, this.receiver,, this.value) {
- receiver.parent = this;
- value.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- value.getStaticType(context);
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitDynamicSet(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitDynamicSet(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- receiver.accept(v);
- name.accept(v);
- value.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- receiver = v.transform(receiver);
- receiver.parent = this;
- value = v.transform(value);
- value.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- receiver = v.transform(receiver);
- receiver.parent = this;
- value = v.transform(value);
- value.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "DynamicSet($kind,${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeExpression(receiver,
- minimumPrecedence: astToText.Precedence.PRIMARY);
- printer.write('.');
- printer.writeName(name);
- printer.write(' = ');
- printer.writeExpression(value);
- }
-/// An property write of an instance setter or field with a statically known
-/// interface target.
-class InstanceSet extends Expression {
- final InstanceAccessKind kind;
- Expression receiver;
- // TODO(johnniwinther): Can we pull this from the [interfaceTarget] instead?
- Name name;
- Expression value;
- Reference interfaceTargetReference;
- InstanceSet(
- InstanceAccessKind kind, Expression receiver, Name name, Expression value,
- {required Member interfaceTarget})
- : this.byReference(kind, receiver, name, value,
- interfaceTargetReference:
- getNonNullableMemberReferenceSetter(interfaceTarget));
- InstanceSet.byReference(this.kind, this.receiver,, this.value,
- {required this.interfaceTargetReference}) {
- receiver.parent = this;
- value.parent = this;
- }
- Member get interfaceTarget => interfaceTargetReference.asMember;
- void set interfaceTarget(Member member) {
- interfaceTargetReference = getNonNullableMemberReferenceSetter(member);
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- value.getStaticType(context);
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitInstanceSet(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitInstanceSet(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- receiver.accept(v);
- interfaceTarget.acceptReference(v);
- name.accept(v);
- value.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- receiver = v.transform(receiver);
- receiver.parent = this;
- value = v.transform(value);
- value.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- receiver = v.transform(receiver);
- receiver.parent = this;
- value = v.transform(value);
- value.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "InstanceSet(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeExpression(receiver,
- minimumPrecedence: astToText.Precedence.PRIMARY);
- printer.write('.');
- printer.writeInterfaceMemberName(interfaceTargetReference, name);
- printer.write(' = ');
- printer.writeExpression(value);
- }
-/// Expression of form `` occurring in a mixin declaration.
-/// In this setting, the target is looked up on the types in the mixin 'on'
-/// clause and are therefore not necessary the runtime targets of the read. An
-/// [AbstractSuperPropertyGet] must be converted into a [SuperPropertyGet] to
-/// statically bind the target.
-/// For instance
-/// abstract class Interface {
-/// get getter;
-/// }
-/// mixin Mixin on Interface {
-/// get getter {
-/// // This is an [AbstractSuperPropertyGet] with interface target
-/// // `Interface.getter`.
-/// return super.getter;
-/// }
-/// }
-/// class Super implements Interface {
-/// // This is the target when `Mixin` is applied to `Class`.
-/// get getter => 42;
-/// }
-/// class Class extends Super with Mixin {}
-/// This may invoke a getter, read a field, or tear off a method.
-class AbstractSuperPropertyGet extends Expression {
- Name name;
- Reference interfaceTargetReference;
- AbstractSuperPropertyGet(Name name, Member interfaceTarget)
- : this.byReference(
- name, getNonNullableMemberReferenceGetter(interfaceTarget));
- AbstractSuperPropertyGet.byReference(
-, this.interfaceTargetReference);
- Member get interfaceTarget => interfaceTargetReference.asMember;
- void set interfaceTarget(Member member) {
- interfaceTargetReference = getNonNullableMemberReferenceGetter(member);
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) {
- Class declaringClass = interfaceTarget.enclosingClass!;
- if (declaringClass.typeParameters.isEmpty) {
- return interfaceTarget.getterType;
- }
- List<DartType>? receiverArguments = context.typeEnvironment
- .getTypeArgumentsAsInstanceOf(context.thisType!, declaringClass);
- return Substitution.fromPairs(
- declaringClass.typeParameters, receiverArguments!)
- .substituteType(interfaceTarget.getterType);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitAbstractSuperPropertyGet(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitAbstractSuperPropertyGet(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- interfaceTarget.acceptReference(v);
- name.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {}
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {}
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "AbstractSuperPropertyGet(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('super.{abstract}');
- printer.writeInterfaceMemberName(interfaceTargetReference, name);
- }
-/// Expression of form `super.field`.
-/// This may invoke a getter, read a field, or tear off a method.
-class SuperPropertyGet extends Expression {
- Name name;
- Reference interfaceTargetReference;
- SuperPropertyGet(Name name, Member interfaceTarget)
- : this.byReference(
- name, getNonNullableMemberReferenceGetter(interfaceTarget));
- SuperPropertyGet.byReference(, this.interfaceTargetReference);
- Member get interfaceTarget => interfaceTargetReference.asMember;
- void set interfaceTarget(Member member) {
- interfaceTargetReference = getNonNullableMemberReferenceGetter(member);
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) {
- Class declaringClass = interfaceTarget.enclosingClass!;
- if (declaringClass.typeParameters.isEmpty) {
- return interfaceTarget.getterType;
- }
- List<DartType>? receiverArguments = context.typeEnvironment
- .getTypeArgumentsAsInstanceOf(context.thisType!, declaringClass);
- return Substitution.fromPairs(
- declaringClass.typeParameters, receiverArguments!)
- .substituteType(interfaceTarget.getterType);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitSuperPropertyGet(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitSuperPropertyGet(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- interfaceTarget.acceptReference(v);
- name.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {}
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {}
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "SuperPropertyGet(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('super.');
- printer.writeInterfaceMemberName(interfaceTargetReference, name);
- }
-/// Expression of form ` = x` occurring in a mixin declaration.
-/// In this setting, the target is looked up on the types in the mixin 'on'
-/// clause and are therefore not necessary the runtime targets of the
-/// assignment. An [AbstractSuperPropertySet] must be converted into a
-/// [SuperPropertySet] to statically bind the target.
-/// For instance
-/// abstract class Interface {
-/// void set setter(value);
-/// }
-/// mixin Mixin on Interface {
-/// void set setter(value) {
-/// // This is an [AbstractSuperPropertySet] with interface target
-/// // `Interface.setter`.
-/// super.setter = value;
-/// }
-/// }
-/// class Super implements Interface {
-/// // This is the target when `Mixin` is applied to `Class`.
-/// void set setter(value) {}
-/// }
-/// class Class extends Super with Mixin {}
-/// This may invoke a setter or assign a field.
-class AbstractSuperPropertySet extends Expression {
- Name name;
- Expression value;
- Reference interfaceTargetReference;
- AbstractSuperPropertySet(Name name, Expression value, Member interfaceTarget)
- : this.byReference(
- name, value, getNonNullableMemberReferenceSetter(interfaceTarget));
- AbstractSuperPropertySet.byReference(
-, this.value, this.interfaceTargetReference) {
- value.parent = this;
- }
- Member get interfaceTarget => interfaceTargetReference.asMember;
- void set interfaceTarget(Member member) {
- interfaceTargetReference = getNonNullableMemberReferenceSetter(member);
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- value.getStaticType(context);
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitAbstractSuperPropertySet(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitAbstractSuperPropertySet(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- interfaceTarget.acceptReference(v);
- name.accept(v);
- value.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- value = v.transform(value);
- value.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- value = v.transform(value);
- value.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "AbstractSuperPropertySet(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('super.{abstract}');
- printer.writeInterfaceMemberName(interfaceTargetReference, name);
- printer.write(' = ');
- printer.writeExpression(value);
- }
-/// Expression of form `super.field = value`.
-/// This may invoke a setter or assign a field.
-/// Evaluates to the value of [value].
-class SuperPropertySet extends Expression {
- Name name;
- Expression value;
- Reference interfaceTargetReference;
- SuperPropertySet(Name name, Expression value, Member interfaceTarget)
- : this.byReference(
- name, value, getNonNullableMemberReferenceSetter(interfaceTarget));
- SuperPropertySet.byReference(
-, this.value, this.interfaceTargetReference) {
- value.parent = this;
- }
- Member get interfaceTarget => interfaceTargetReference.asMember;
- void set interfaceTarget(Member member) {
- interfaceTargetReference = getNonNullableMemberReferenceSetter(member);
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- value.getStaticType(context);
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitSuperPropertySet(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitSuperPropertySet(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- interfaceTarget.acceptReference(v);
- name.accept(v);
- value.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- value = v.transform(value);
- value.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- value = v.transform(value);
- value.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "SuperPropertySet(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('super.');
- printer.writeInterfaceMemberName(interfaceTargetReference, name);
- printer.write(' = ');
- printer.writeExpression(value);
- }
-/// Read a static field, call a static getter, or tear off a static method.
-class StaticGet extends Expression {
- /// A static field, getter, or method (for tear-off).
- Reference targetReference;
- StaticGet(Member target)
- : assert(target is Field || (target is Procedure && target.isGetter)),
- this.targetReference = getNonNullableMemberReferenceGetter(target);
- StaticGet.byReference(this.targetReference);
- Member get target => targetReference.asMember;
- void set target(Member target) {
- targetReference = getNonNullableMemberReferenceGetter(target);
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- target.getterType;
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitStaticGet(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitStaticGet(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- target.acceptReference(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {}
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {}
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "StaticGet(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeMemberName(targetReference);
- }
-/// Tear-off of a static method.
-class StaticTearOff extends Expression {
- Reference targetReference;
- StaticTearOff(Procedure target)
- : assert(target.isStatic, "Unexpected static tear off target: $target"),
- assert(target.kind == ProcedureKind.Method,
- "Unexpected static tear off target: $target"),
- this.targetReference = getNonNullableMemberReferenceGetter(target);
- StaticTearOff.byReference(this.targetReference);
- Procedure get target => targetReference.asProcedure;
- void set target(Procedure target) {
- targetReference = getNonNullableMemberReferenceGetter(target);
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- target.getterType;
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitStaticTearOff(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitStaticTearOff(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- target.acceptReference(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {}
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {}
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "StaticTearOff(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeMemberName(targetReference);
- }
-/// Assign a static field or call a static setter.
-/// Evaluates to the value of [value].
-class StaticSet extends Expression {
- /// A mutable static field or a static setter.
- Reference targetReference;
- Expression value;
- StaticSet(Member target, Expression value)
- : this.byReference(getNonNullableMemberReferenceSetter(target), value);
- StaticSet.byReference(this.targetReference, this.value) {
- value.parent = this;
- }
- Member get target => targetReference.asMember;
- void set target(Member target) {
- targetReference = getNonNullableMemberReferenceSetter(target);
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- value.getStaticType(context);
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitStaticSet(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitStaticSet(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- target.acceptReference(v);
- value.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- value = v.transform(value);
- value.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- value = v.transform(value);
- value.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "StaticSet(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeMemberName(targetReference);
- printer.write(' = ');
- printer.writeExpression(value);
- }
-/// The arguments to a function call, divided into type arguments,
-/// positional arguments, and named arguments.
-class Arguments extends TreeNode {
- final List<DartType> types;
- final List<Expression> positional;
- List<NamedExpression> named;
- Arguments(this.positional,
- {List<DartType>? types, List<NamedExpression>? named})
- : this.types = types ?? <DartType>[],
- this.named = named ?? <NamedExpression>[] {
- setParents(this.positional, this);
- setParents(this.named, this);
- }
- Arguments.empty()
- : types = <DartType>[],
- positional = <Expression>[],
- named = <NamedExpression>[];
- factory Arguments.forwarded(FunctionNode function, Library library) {
- return new Arguments(
- function.positionalParameters
- .map<Expression>((p) => new VariableGet(p))
- .toList(),
- named: function.namedParameters
- .map((p) => new NamedExpression(!, new VariableGet(p)))
- .toList(),
- types: function.typeParameters
- .map<DartType>((p) =>
- new TypeParameterType.withDefaultNullabilityForLibrary(
- p, library))
- .toList());
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(TreeVisitor<R> v) => v.visitArguments(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(TreeVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) => v.visitArguments(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- visitList(types, v);
- visitList(positional, v);
- visitList(named, v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- v.transformDartTypeList(types);
- v.transformList(positional, this);
- v.transformList(named, this);
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- v.transformDartTypeList(types);
- v.transformExpressionList(positional, this);
- v.transformNamedExpressionList(named, this);
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "Arguments(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- String toText(AstTextStrategy strategy) {
- AstPrinter printer = new AstPrinter(strategy);
- printer.writeArguments(this);
- return printer.getText();
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer, {bool includeTypeArguments = true}) {
- if (includeTypeArguments) {
- printer.writeTypeArguments(types);
- }
- printer.write('(');
- for (int index = 0; index < positional.length; index++) {
- if (index > 0) {
- printer.write(', ');
- }
- printer.writeExpression(positional[index]);
- }
- if (named.isNotEmpty) {
- if (positional.isNotEmpty) {
- printer.write(', ');
- }
- for (int index = 0; index < named.length; index++) {
- if (index > 0) {
- printer.write(', ');
- }
- printer.writeNamedExpression(named[index]);
- }
- }
- printer.write(')');
- }
-/// A named argument, `name: value`.
-class NamedExpression extends TreeNode {
- String name;
- Expression value;
- NamedExpression(, this.value) {
- value.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(TreeVisitor<R> v) => v.visitNamedExpression(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(TreeVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitNamedExpression(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- value.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- value = v.transform(value);
- value.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- value = v.transform(value);
- value.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "NamedExpression(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- String toText(AstTextStrategy strategy) {
- AstPrinter printer = new AstPrinter(strategy);
- toTextInternal(printer);
- return printer.getText();
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write(name);
- printer.write(': ');
- printer.writeExpression(value);
- }
-/// Common super class for [DirectMethodInvocation], [MethodInvocation],
-/// [SuperMethodInvocation], [StaticInvocation], and [ConstructorInvocation].
-abstract class InvocationExpression extends Expression {
- Arguments get arguments;
- /// Name of the invoked method.
- Name get name;
-abstract class InstanceInvocationExpression extends InvocationExpression {
- Expression get receiver;
-class DynamicInvocation extends InstanceInvocationExpression {
- // Must match serialized bit positions.
- static const int FlagImplicitCall = 1 << 0;
- final DynamicAccessKind kind;
- @override
- Expression receiver;
- @override
- Name name;
- @override
- Arguments arguments;
- int flags = 0;
- DynamicInvocation(this.kind, this.receiver,, this.arguments) {
- receiver.parent = this;
- arguments.parent = this;
- }
- /// If `true` this is an implicit call to 'call'. For instance
- ///
- /// method(dynamic d) {
- /// d(); // Implicit call.
- ///; // Explicit call.
- ///
- bool get isImplicitCall => flags & FlagImplicitCall != 0;
- void set isImplicitCall(bool value) {
- flags = value ? (flags | FlagImplicitCall) : (flags & ~FlagImplicitCall);
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) {
- switch (kind) {
- case DynamicAccessKind.Dynamic:
- return const DynamicType();
- case DynamicAccessKind.Never:
- return const NeverType.nonNullable();
- case DynamicAccessKind.Invalid:
- case DynamicAccessKind.Unresolved:
- return const InvalidType();
- }
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitDynamicInvocation(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitDynamicInvocation(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- receiver.accept(v);
- name.accept(v);
- arguments.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- receiver = v.transform(receiver);
- receiver.parent = this;
- arguments = v.transform(arguments);
- arguments.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- receiver = v.transform(receiver);
- receiver.parent = this;
- arguments = v.transform(arguments);
- arguments.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "DynamicInvocation($kind,${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeExpression(receiver,
- minimumPrecedence: astToText.Precedence.PRIMARY);
- if (!isImplicitCall) {
- printer.write('.');
- printer.writeName(name);
- }
- printer.writeArguments(arguments);
- }
-/// Access kind used by [InstanceInvocation], [InstanceGet], [InstanceSet],
-/// and [InstanceTearOff].
-enum InstanceAccessKind {
- /// An access to a member on a static receiver type which is an interface
- /// type.
- ///
- /// In null safe libraries the static receiver type is non-nullable.
- ///
- /// For instance:
- ///
- /// class C { void method() {} }
- /// main() => new C().method();
- ///
- Instance,
- /// An access to a member defined on Object on a static receiver type that
- /// is either a non-interface type or a nullable type.
- ///
- /// For instance:
- ///
- /// test1(String? s) => s.toString();
- /// test1(dynamic s) => s.hashCode;
- ///
- Object,
- /// An access to a method on a static receiver type which is an interface
- /// type which is inapplicable, that is, whose arguments don't match the
- /// required parameter structure.
- ///
- /// This is an error case which is only used on expression nested within
- /// [InvalidExpression]s.
- ///
- /// For instance:
- ///
- /// class C { void method() {} }
- /// main() => new C().method(0); // Too many arguments.
- ///
- Inapplicable,
- /// An access to a non-Object member on a static receiver type which is a
- /// nullable interface type.
- ///
- /// This is an error case which is only used on expression nested within
- /// [InvalidExpression]s.
- ///
- /// For instance:
- ///
- /// class C { void method() {} }
- /// test(C? c) => c.method(0); // 'c' is nullable.
- ///
- Nullable,
-/// An invocation of an instance method with a statically known interface
-/// target.
-class InstanceInvocation extends InstanceInvocationExpression {
- // Must match serialized bit positions.
- static const int FlagInvariant = 1 << 0;
- static const int FlagBoundsSafe = 1 << 1;
- final InstanceAccessKind kind;
- @override
- Expression receiver;
- // TODO(johnniwinther): Can we pull this from the [interfaceTarget] instead?
- @override
- Name name;
- @override
- Arguments arguments;
- int flags = 0;
- /// The static type of the invocation.
- ///
- /// This includes substituted type parameters from the static receiver type
- /// and generic type arguments.
- ///
- /// For instance
- ///
- /// class A<T> {
- /// Map<T, S> map<S>(S s) { ... }
- /// }
- /// m(A<String> a) {
- ///; // The function type is `Map<String, int> Function(int)`.
- /// }
- ///
- FunctionType functionType;
- Reference interfaceTargetReference;
- InstanceInvocation(InstanceAccessKind kind, Expression receiver, Name name,
- Arguments arguments,
- {required Procedure interfaceTarget, required FunctionType functionType})
- : this.byReference(kind, receiver, name, arguments,
- interfaceTargetReference:
- getNonNullableMemberReferenceGetter(interfaceTarget),
- functionType: functionType);
- InstanceInvocation.byReference(
- this.kind, this.receiver,, this.arguments,
- {required this.interfaceTargetReference, required this.functionType})
- : assert(functionType.typeParameters.isEmpty) {
- receiver.parent = this;
- arguments.parent = this;
- }
- Procedure get interfaceTarget => interfaceTargetReference.asProcedure;
- void set interfaceTarget(Procedure target) {
- interfaceTargetReference = getNonNullableMemberReferenceGetter(target);
- }
- /// If `true`, this call is known to be safe wrt. parameter covariance checks.
- ///
- /// This is for instance the case in code patterns like this
- ///
- /// List<int> list = <int>[];
- /// list.add(0);
- ///
- /// where the `list` variable is known to hold a value of the same type as
- /// the static type. In contrast the would not be the case in code patterns
- /// like this
- ///
- /// List<num> list = <double>[];
- /// list.add(0); // Runtime error `int` is not a subtype of `double`.
- ///
- bool get isInvariant => flags & FlagInvariant != 0;
- void set isInvariant(bool value) {
- flags = value ? (flags | FlagInvariant) : (flags & ~FlagInvariant);
- }
- /// If `true`, this call is known to be safe wrt. parameter covariance checks.
- ///
- /// This is for instance the case in code patterns like this
- ///
- /// List list = new List.filled(2, 0);
- /// list[1] = 42;
- ///
- /// where the `list` is known to have a sufficient length for the update
- /// in `list[1] = 42`.
- bool get isBoundsSafe => flags & FlagBoundsSafe != 0;
- void set isBoundsSafe(bool value) {
- flags = value ? (flags | FlagBoundsSafe) : (flags & ~FlagBoundsSafe);
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- functionType.returnType;
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitInstanceInvocation(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitInstanceInvocation(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- receiver.accept(v);
- interfaceTarget.acceptReference(v);
- name.accept(v);
- arguments.accept(v);
- functionType.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- receiver = v.transform(receiver);
- receiver.parent = this;
- arguments = v.transform(arguments);
- arguments.parent = this;
- functionType = v.visitDartType(functionType) as FunctionType;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- receiver = v.transform(receiver);
- receiver.parent = this;
- arguments = v.transform(arguments);
- arguments.parent = this;
- functionType =
- v.visitDartType(functionType, cannotRemoveSentinel) as FunctionType;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "InstanceInvocation($kind, ${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeExpression(receiver,
- minimumPrecedence: astToText.Precedence.PRIMARY);
- printer.write('.');
- printer.writeInterfaceMemberName(interfaceTargetReference, name);
- printer.writeArguments(arguments);
- }
-/// An invocation of an instance getter or field with a statically known
-/// interface target.
-/// This is used only for web backend in order to support invocation of
-/// native properties as functions. This node will be removed when this
-/// invocation style is no longer supported.
-class InstanceGetterInvocation extends InstanceInvocationExpression {
- // Must match serialized bit positions.
- static const int FlagInvariant = 1 << 0;
- static const int FlagBoundsSafe = 1 << 1;
- final InstanceAccessKind kind;
- @override
- Expression receiver;
- @override
- Name name;
- @override
- Arguments arguments;
- int flags = 0;
- /// The static type of the invocation, or `dynamic` is of the type is unknown.
- ///
- /// This includes substituted type parameters from the static receiver type
- /// and generic type arguments.
- ///
- /// For instance
- ///
- /// class A<T> {
- /// Map<T, S> Function<S>(S) get map => ...
- /// dynamic get dyn => ...
- /// }
- /// m(A<String> a) {
- ///; // The function type is `Map<String, int> Function(int)`.
- /// a.dyn(0); // The function type is `null`.
- /// }
- ///
- FunctionType? functionType;
- Reference interfaceTargetReference;
- InstanceGetterInvocation(InstanceAccessKind kind, Expression receiver,
- Name name, Arguments arguments,
- {required Member interfaceTarget, required FunctionType? functionType})
- : this.byReference(kind, receiver, name, arguments,
- interfaceTargetReference:
- getNonNullableMemberReferenceGetter(interfaceTarget),
- functionType: functionType);
- InstanceGetterInvocation.byReference(
- this.kind, this.receiver,, this.arguments,
- {required this.interfaceTargetReference, required this.functionType})
- : assert(functionType == null || functionType.typeParameters.isEmpty) {
- receiver.parent = this;
- arguments.parent = this;
- }
- Member get interfaceTarget => interfaceTargetReference.asMember;
- void set interfaceTarget(Member target) {
- interfaceTargetReference = getNonNullableMemberReferenceGetter(target);
- }
- /// If `true`, this call is known to be safe wrt. parameter covariance checks.
- ///
- /// This is for instance the case in code patterns like this
- ///
- /// List<int> list = <int>[];
- /// list.add(0);
- ///
- /// where the `list` variable is known to hold a value of the same type as
- /// the static type. In contrast the would not be the case in code patterns
- /// like this
- ///
- /// List<num> list = <double>[];
- /// list.add(0); // Runtime error `int` is not a subtype of `double`.
- ///
- bool get isInvariant => flags & FlagInvariant != 0;
- void set isInvariant(bool value) {
- flags = value ? (flags | FlagInvariant) : (flags & ~FlagInvariant);
- }
- /// If `true`, this call is known to be safe wrt. parameter covariance checks.
- ///
- /// This is for instance the case in code patterns like this
- ///
- /// List list = new List.filled(2, 0);
- /// list[1] = 42;
- ///
- /// where the `list` is known to have a sufficient length for the update
- /// in `list[1] = 42`.
- bool get isBoundsSafe => flags & FlagBoundsSafe != 0;
- void set isBoundsSafe(bool value) {
- flags = value ? (flags | FlagBoundsSafe) : (flags & ~FlagBoundsSafe);
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- functionType?.returnType ?? const DynamicType();
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitInstanceGetterInvocation(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitInstanceGetterInvocation(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- receiver.accept(v);
- interfaceTarget.acceptReference(v);
- name.accept(v);
- arguments.accept(v);
- functionType?.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- receiver = v.transform(receiver);
- receiver.parent = this;
- arguments = v.transform(arguments);
- arguments.parent = this;
- if (functionType != null) {
- functionType = v.visitDartType(functionType!) as FunctionType;
- }
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- receiver = v.transform(receiver);
- receiver.parent = this;
- arguments = v.transform(arguments);
- arguments.parent = this;
- if (functionType != null) {
- functionType =
- v.visitDartType(functionType!, cannotRemoveSentinel) as FunctionType;
- }
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "InstanceGetterInvocation($kind, ${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeExpression(receiver,
- minimumPrecedence: astToText.Precedence.PRIMARY);
- printer.write('.');
- printer.writeInterfaceMemberName(interfaceTargetReference, name);
- printer.writeArguments(arguments);
- }
-/// Access kind used by [FunctionInvocation] and [FunctionTearOff].
-enum FunctionAccessKind {
- /// An access to the 'call' method on an expression of static type `Function`.
- ///
- /// For instance
- ///
- /// method(Function f) => f();
- ///
- Function,
- /// An access to the 'call' method on an expression whose static type is a
- /// function type.
- ///
- /// For instance
- ///
- /// method(void Function() f) => f();
- ///
- FunctionType,
- /// An access to the 'call' method on an expression whose static type is a
- /// function type which is inapplicable, that is, whose arguments don't match
- /// the required parameter structure.
- ///
- /// This is an error case which is only used on expression nested within
- /// [InvalidExpression]s.
- ///
- /// For instance:
- ///
- /// test(void Function() f) => f(0); // Too many arguments.
- ///
- Inapplicable,
- /// An access to the 'call' method on an expression whose static type is a
- /// nullable function type or `Function?`.
- ///
- /// This is an error case which is only used on expression nested within
- /// [InvalidExpression]s.
- ///
- /// For instance:
- ///
- /// test(void Function()? f) => f(); // 'f' is nullable.
- ///
- Nullable,
-/// An invocation of the 'call' method on an expression whose static type is
-/// a function type or the type 'Function'.
-class FunctionInvocation extends InstanceInvocationExpression {
- final FunctionAccessKind kind;
- @override
- Expression receiver;
- @override
- Arguments arguments;
- /// The static type of the invocation.
- ///
- /// This is `null` if the static type of the receiver is not a function type
- /// or is not bounded by a function type.
- ///
- /// For instance
- ///
- /// m<T extends Function, S extends int Function()>(T t, S s, Function f) {
- /// X local<X>(X t) => t;
- /// t(); // The function type is `null`.
- /// s(); // The function type is `int Function()`.
- /// f(); // The function type is `null`.
- /// local(0); // The function type is `int Function(int)`.
- /// }
- ///
- FunctionType? functionType;
- FunctionInvocation(this.kind, this.receiver, this.arguments,
- {required this.functionType}) {
- receiver.parent = this;
- arguments.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- Name get name => Name.callName;
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- functionType?.returnType ?? const DynamicType();
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitFunctionInvocation(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitFunctionInvocation(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- receiver.accept(v);
- name.accept(v);
- arguments.accept(v);
- functionType?.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- receiver = v.transform(receiver);
- receiver.parent = this;
- arguments = v.transform(arguments);
- arguments.parent = this;
- FunctionType? type = functionType;
- if (type != null) {
- functionType = v.visitDartType(type) as FunctionType;
- }
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- receiver = v.transform(receiver);
- receiver.parent = this;
- arguments = v.transform(arguments);
- arguments.parent = this;
- FunctionType? type = functionType;
- if (type != null) {
- functionType =
- v.visitDartType(type, cannotRemoveSentinel) as FunctionType;
- }
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "FunctionInvocation(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeExpression(receiver,
- minimumPrecedence: astToText.Precedence.PRIMARY);
- printer.writeArguments(arguments);
- }
-/// An invocation of a local function declaration.
-class LocalFunctionInvocation extends InvocationExpression {
- /// The variable declaration for the function declaration.
- VariableDeclaration variable;
- @override
- Arguments arguments;
- /// The static type of the invocation.
- ///
- /// This might differ from the static type of [variable] for generic
- /// functions.
- ///
- /// For instance
- ///
- /// m() {
- /// T local<T>(T t) => t;
- /// local(0); // The static type is `int Function(int)`.
- /// }
- ///
- FunctionType functionType;
- LocalFunctionInvocation(this.variable, this.arguments,
- {required this.functionType}) {
- arguments.parent = this;
- }
- /// The declaration for the invoked local function.
- FunctionDeclaration get localFunction =>
- variable.parent as FunctionDeclaration;
- @override
- Name get name => Name.callName;
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- functionType.returnType;
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitLocalFunctionInvocation(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitLocalFunctionInvocation(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- arguments.accept(v);
- functionType.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- arguments = v.transform(arguments);
- arguments.parent = this;
- functionType = v.visitDartType(functionType) as FunctionType;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- arguments = v.transform(arguments);
- arguments.parent = this;
- functionType =
- v.visitDartType(functionType, cannotRemoveSentinel) as FunctionType;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "LocalFunctionInvocation(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write(printer.getVariableName(variable));
- printer.writeArguments(arguments);
- }
-/// Nullness test of an expression, that is `e == null`.
-/// This is generated for code like `e1 == e2` where `e1` or `e2` is `null`.
-class EqualsNull extends Expression {
- /// The expression tested for nullness.
- Expression expression;
- EqualsNull(this.expression) {
- expression.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- context.typeEnvironment.coreTypes.boolRawType(context.nonNullable);
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitEqualsNull(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitEqualsNull(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- expression.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- expression = v.transform(expression);
- expression.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- expression = v.transform(expression);
- expression.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "EqualsNull(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeExpression(expression, minimumPrecedence: precedence);
- printer.write(' == null');
- }
-/// A test of equality, that is `e1 == e2`.
-/// This is generated for code like `e1 == e2` where neither `e1` nor `e2` is
-/// `null`.
-class EqualsCall extends Expression {
- Expression left;
- Expression right;
- /// The static type of the invocation.
- ///
- /// This might differ from the static type of [Object.==] for covariant
- /// parameters.
- ///
- /// For instance
- ///
- /// class C<T> {
- /// bool operator(covariant C<T> other) { ... }
- /// }
- /// // The function type is `bool Function(C<num>)`.
- /// method(C<num> a, C<int> b) => a == b;
- ///
- FunctionType functionType;
- Reference interfaceTargetReference;
- EqualsCall(Expression left, Expression right,
- {required FunctionType functionType, required Procedure interfaceTarget})
- : this.byReference(left, right,
- functionType: functionType,
- interfaceTargetReference:
- getNonNullableMemberReferenceGetter(interfaceTarget));
- EqualsCall.byReference(this.left, this.right,
- {required this.functionType, required this.interfaceTargetReference}) {
- left.parent = this;
- right.parent = this;
- }
- Procedure get interfaceTarget => interfaceTargetReference.asProcedure;
- void set interfaceTarget(Procedure target) {
- interfaceTargetReference = getNonNullableMemberReferenceGetter(target);
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) {
- return functionType.returnType;
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitEqualsCall(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitEqualsCall(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- left.accept(v);
- interfaceTarget.acceptReference(v);
- right.accept(v);
- functionType.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- left = v.transform(left);
- left.parent = this;
- right = v.transform(right);
- right.parent = this;
- functionType = v.visitDartType(functionType) as FunctionType;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- left = v.transform(left);
- left.parent = this;
- right = v.transform(right);
- right.parent = this;
- functionType =
- v.visitDartType(functionType, cannotRemoveSentinel) as FunctionType;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "EqualsCall(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- int minimumPrecedence = precedence;
- printer.writeExpression(left, minimumPrecedence: minimumPrecedence);
- printer.write(' == ');
- printer.writeExpression(right, minimumPrecedence: minimumPrecedence + 1);
- }
-/// Expression of form `` occurring in a mixin declaration.
-/// In this setting, the target is looked up on the types in the mixin 'on'
-/// clause and are therefore not necessary the runtime targets of the
-/// invocation. An [AbstractSuperMethodInvocation] must be converted into
-/// a [SuperMethodInvocation] to statically bind the target.
-/// For instance
-/// abstract class Interface {
-/// void method();
-/// }
-/// mixin Mixin on Interface {
-/// void method() {
-/// // This is an [AbstractSuperMethodInvocation] with interface target
-/// // `Interface.method`.
-/// super.method(); // This targets Super.method.
-/// }
-/// }
-/// class Super implements Interface {
-/// // This is the target when `Mixin` is applied to `Class`.
-/// void method() {}
-/// }
-/// class Class extends Super with Mixin {}
-class AbstractSuperMethodInvocation extends InvocationExpression {
- @override
- Name name;
- @override
- Arguments arguments;
- Reference interfaceTargetReference;
- AbstractSuperMethodInvocation(
- Name name, Arguments arguments, Procedure interfaceTarget)
- : this.byReference(
- name,
- arguments,
- // An invocation doesn't refer to the setter.
- getNonNullableMemberReferenceGetter(interfaceTarget));
- AbstractSuperMethodInvocation.byReference(
-, this.arguments, this.interfaceTargetReference) {
- arguments.parent = this;
- }
- Procedure get interfaceTarget => interfaceTargetReference.asProcedure;
- void set interfaceTarget(Procedure target) {
- // An invocation doesn't refer to the setter.
- interfaceTargetReference = getNonNullableMemberReferenceGetter(target);
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) {
- Class superclass = interfaceTarget.enclosingClass!;
- List<DartType>? receiverTypeArguments = context.typeEnvironment
- .getTypeArgumentsAsInstanceOf(context.thisType!, superclass);
- DartType returnType = Substitution.fromPairs(
- superclass.typeParameters, receiverTypeArguments!)
- .substituteType(interfaceTarget.function.returnType);
- return Substitution.fromPairs(
- interfaceTarget.function.typeParameters, arguments.types)
- .substituteType(returnType);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) =>
- v.visitAbstractSuperMethodInvocation(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitAbstractSuperMethodInvocation(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- interfaceTarget.acceptReference(v);
- name.accept(v);
- arguments.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- arguments = v.transform(arguments);
- arguments.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- arguments = v.transform(arguments);
- arguments.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "AbstractSuperMethodInvocation(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('super.{abstract}');
- printer.writeInterfaceMemberName(interfaceTargetReference, name);
- printer.writeArguments(arguments);
- }
-/// Expression of form ``.
-/// The provided arguments might not match the parameters of the target.
-class SuperMethodInvocation extends InvocationExpression {
- @override
- Name name;
- @override
- Arguments arguments;
- Reference interfaceTargetReference;
- SuperMethodInvocation(
- Name name, Arguments arguments, Procedure interfaceTarget)
- : this.byReference(
- name,
- arguments,
- // An invocation doesn't refer to the setter.
- getNonNullableMemberReferenceGetter(interfaceTarget));
- SuperMethodInvocation.byReference(
-, this.arguments, this.interfaceTargetReference) {
- arguments.parent = this;
- }
- Procedure get interfaceTarget => interfaceTargetReference.asProcedure;
- void set interfaceTarget(Procedure target) {
- // An invocation doesn't refer to the setter.
- interfaceTargetReference = getNonNullableMemberReferenceGetter(target);
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) {
- Class superclass = interfaceTarget.enclosingClass!;
- List<DartType>? receiverTypeArguments = context.typeEnvironment
- .getTypeArgumentsAsInstanceOf(context.thisType!, superclass);
- DartType returnType = Substitution.fromPairs(
- superclass.typeParameters, receiverTypeArguments!)
- .substituteType(interfaceTarget.function.returnType);
- return Substitution.fromPairs(
- interfaceTarget.function.typeParameters, arguments.types)
- .substituteType(returnType);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitSuperMethodInvocation(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitSuperMethodInvocation(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- interfaceTarget.acceptReference(v);
- name.accept(v);
- arguments.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- arguments = v.transform(arguments);
- arguments.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- arguments = v.transform(arguments);
- arguments.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "SuperMethodInvocation(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('super.');
- printer.writeInterfaceMemberName(interfaceTargetReference, name);
- printer.writeArguments(arguments);
- }
-/// Expression of form `foo(x)`, or `const foo(x)` if the target is an
-/// external constant factory.
-/// The provided arguments might not match the parameters of the target.
-class StaticInvocation extends InvocationExpression {
- Reference targetReference;
- @override
- Arguments arguments;
- /// True if this is a constant call to an external constant factory.
- bool isConst;
- @override
- Name get name =>;
- StaticInvocation(Procedure target, Arguments arguments,
- {bool isConst = false})
- : this.byReference(
- // An invocation doesn't refer to the setter.
- getNonNullableMemberReferenceGetter(target),
- arguments,
- isConst: isConst);
- StaticInvocation.byReference(this.targetReference, this.arguments,
- {this.isConst = false}) {
- arguments.parent = this;
- }
- Procedure get target => targetReference.asProcedure;
- void set target(Procedure target) {
- // An invocation doesn't refer to the setter.
- targetReference = getNonNullableMemberReferenceGetter(target);
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) {
- return Substitution.fromPairs(
- target.function.typeParameters, arguments.types)
- .substituteType(target.function.returnType);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitStaticInvocation(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitStaticInvocation(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- target.acceptReference(v);
- arguments.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- arguments = v.transform(arguments);
- arguments.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- arguments = v.transform(arguments);
- arguments.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "StaticInvocation(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeMemberName(targetReference);
- printer.writeArguments(arguments);
- }
-/// Expression of form `new Foo(x)` or `const Foo(x)`.
-/// The provided arguments might not match the parameters of the target.
-// DESIGN TODO: Should we pass type arguments in a separate field
-// `classTypeArguments`? They are quite different from type arguments to
-// generic functions.
-class ConstructorInvocation extends InvocationExpression {
- Reference targetReference;
- @override
- Arguments arguments;
- bool isConst;
- @override
- Name get name =>;
- ConstructorInvocation(Constructor target, Arguments arguments,
- {bool isConst = false})
- : this.byReference(
- // A constructor doesn't refer to the setter.
- getNonNullableMemberReferenceGetter(target),
- arguments,
- isConst: isConst);
- ConstructorInvocation.byReference(this.targetReference, this.arguments,
- {this.isConst = false}) {
- arguments.parent = this;
- }
- Constructor get target => targetReference.asConstructor;
- void set target(Constructor target) {
- // A constructor doesn't refer to the setter.
- targetReference = getNonNullableMemberReferenceGetter(target);
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) {
- return arguments.types.isEmpty
- ? context.typeEnvironment.coreTypes
- .rawType(target.enclosingClass, context.nonNullable)
- : new InterfaceType(
- target.enclosingClass, context.nonNullable, arguments.types);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitConstructorInvocation(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitConstructorInvocation(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- target.acceptReference(v);
- arguments.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- arguments = v.transform(arguments);
- arguments.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- arguments = v.transform(arguments);
- arguments.parent = this;
- }
- // TODO(cstefantsova): Change the getter into a method that accepts a
- // CoreTypes.
- InterfaceType get constructedType {
- Class enclosingClass = target.enclosingClass;
- // TODO(cstefantsova): Get raw type from a CoreTypes object if arguments is
- // empty.
- return arguments.types.isEmpty
- ? new InterfaceType(enclosingClass, target.enclosingLibrary.nonNullable,
- const <DartType>[])
- : new InterfaceType(enclosingClass, target.enclosingLibrary.nonNullable,
- arguments.types);
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "ConstructorInvocation(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- if (isConst) {
- printer.write('const ');
- } else {
- printer.write('new ');
- }
- printer.writeClassName(target.enclosingClass.reference);
- printer.writeTypeArguments(arguments.types);
- if ( {
- printer.write('.');
- printer.write(;
- }
- printer.writeArguments(arguments, includeTypeArguments: false);
- }
-/// An explicit type instantiation of a generic function.
-class Instantiation extends Expression {
- Expression expression;
- final List<DartType> typeArguments;
- Instantiation(this.expression, this.typeArguments) {
- expression.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) {
- DartType type = expression.getStaticType(context);
- if (type is FunctionType) {
- return FunctionTypeInstantiator.instantiate(type, typeArguments);
- }
- assert(type is InvalidType || type is NeverType,
- "Unexpected operand type $type for $expression");
- return type;
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitInstantiation(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitInstantiation(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- expression.accept(v);
- visitList(typeArguments, v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- expression = v.transform(expression);
- expression.parent = this;
- v.transformDartTypeList(typeArguments);
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- expression = v.transform(expression);
- expression.parent = this;
- v.transformDartTypeList(typeArguments);
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "Instantiation(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeExpression(expression);
- printer.writeTypeArguments(typeArguments);
- }
-/// Expression of form `!x`.
-/// The `is!` and `!=` operators are desugared into [Not] nodes with `is` and
-/// `==` expressions inside, respectively.
-class Not extends Expression {
- Expression operand;
- Not(this.operand) {
- operand.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- getStaticTypeInternal(context);
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- context.typeEnvironment.coreTypes.boolRawType(context.nonNullable);
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitNot(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) => v.visitNot(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- operand.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- operand = v.transform(operand);
- operand.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- operand = v.transform(operand);
- operand.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "Not(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('!');
- printer.writeExpression(operand,
- minimumPrecedence: astToText.Precedence.PREFIX);
- }
-enum LogicalExpressionOperator { AND, OR }
-String logicalExpressionOperatorToString(LogicalExpressionOperator operator) {
- switch (operator) {
- case LogicalExpressionOperator.AND:
- return "&&";
- case LogicalExpressionOperator.OR:
- return "||";
- }
-/// Expression of form `x && y` or `x || y`
-class LogicalExpression extends Expression {
- Expression left;
- LogicalExpressionOperator operatorEnum; // AND (&&) or OR (||).
- Expression right;
- LogicalExpression(this.left, this.operatorEnum, this.right) {
- left.parent = this;
- right.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- getStaticTypeInternal(context);
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- context.typeEnvironment.coreTypes.boolRawType(context.nonNullable);
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitLogicalExpression(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitLogicalExpression(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- left.accept(v);
- right.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- left = v.transform(left);
- left.parent = this;
- right = v.transform(right);
- right.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- left = v.transform(left);
- left.parent = this;
- right = v.transform(right);
- right.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "LogicalExpression(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- int minimumPrecedence = precedence;
- printer.writeExpression(left, minimumPrecedence: minimumPrecedence);
- printer.write(' ${logicalExpressionOperatorToString(operatorEnum)} ');
- printer.writeExpression(right, minimumPrecedence: minimumPrecedence + 1);
- }
-/// Expression of form `x ? y : z`.
-class ConditionalExpression extends Expression {
- Expression condition;
- Expression then;
- Expression otherwise;
- /// The static type of the expression.
- DartType staticType;
- ConditionalExpression(
- this.condition, this.then, this.otherwise, this.staticType) {
- condition.parent = this;
- then.parent = this;
- otherwise.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- getStaticTypeInternal(context);
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) => staticType;
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitConditionalExpression(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitConditionalExpression(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- condition.accept(v);
- then.accept(v);
- otherwise.accept(v);
- staticType.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- condition = v.transform(condition);
- condition.parent = this;
- then = v.transform(then);
- then.parent = this;
- otherwise = v.transform(otherwise);
- otherwise.parent = this;
- staticType = v.visitDartType(staticType);
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- condition = v.transform(condition);
- condition.parent = this;
- then = v.transform(then);
- then.parent = this;
- otherwise = v.transform(otherwise);
- otherwise.parent = this;
- staticType = v.visitDartType(staticType, cannotRemoveSentinel);
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "ConditionalExpression(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeExpression(condition,
- minimumPrecedence: astToText.Precedence.LOGICAL_OR);
- printer.write(' ?');
- printer.write('{');
- printer.writeType(staticType);
- printer.write('}');
- printer.write(' ');
- printer.writeExpression(then);
- printer.write(' : ');
- printer.writeExpression(otherwise);
- }
-/// Convert expressions to strings and concatenate them. Semantically, calls
-/// `toString` on every argument, checks that a string is returned, and returns
-/// the concatenation of all the strings.
-/// If [expressions] is empty then an empty string is returned.
-/// These arise from string interpolations and adjacent string literals.
-class StringConcatenation extends Expression {
- final List<Expression> expressions;
- StringConcatenation(this.expressions) {
- setParents(expressions, this);
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- getStaticTypeInternal(context);
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- context.typeEnvironment.coreTypes.stringRawType(context.nonNullable);
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitStringConcatenation(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitStringConcatenation(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- visitList(expressions, v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- v.transformList(expressions, this);
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- v.transformExpressionList(expressions, this);
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "StringConcatenation(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('"');
- for (Expression part in expressions) {
- if (part is StringLiteral) {
- printer.write(escapeString(part.value));
- } else {
- printer.write(r'${');
- printer.writeExpression(part);
- printer.write('}');
- }
- }
- printer.write('"');
- }
-/// Concatenate lists into a single list.
-/// If [lists] is empty then an empty list is returned.
-/// These arise from spread and control-flow elements in const list literals.
-/// They are only present before constant evaluation, or within unevaluated
-/// constants in constant expressions.
-class ListConcatenation extends Expression {
- DartType typeArgument;
- final List<Expression> lists;
- ListConcatenation(this.lists, {this.typeArgument = const DynamicType()}) {
- setParents(lists, this);
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- getStaticTypeInternal(context);
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) {
- return context.typeEnvironment.listType(typeArgument, context.nonNullable);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitListConcatenation(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitListConcatenation(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- typeArgument.accept(v);
- visitList(lists, v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- typeArgument = v.visitDartType(typeArgument);
- v.transformList(lists, this);
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- typeArgument = v.visitDartType(typeArgument, cannotRemoveSentinel);
- v.transformExpressionList(lists, this);
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "ListConcatenation(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- bool first = true;
- for (Expression part in lists) {
- if (!first) {
- printer.write(' + ');
- }
- printer.writeExpression(part);
- first = false;
- }
- }
-/// Concatenate sets into a single set.
-/// If [sets] is empty then an empty set is returned.
-/// These arise from spread and control-flow elements in const set literals.
-/// They are only present before constant evaluation, or within unevaluated
-/// constants in constant expressions.
-/// Duplicated values in or across the sets will result in a compile-time error
-/// during constant evaluation.
-class SetConcatenation extends Expression {
- DartType typeArgument;
- final List<Expression> sets;
- SetConcatenation(this.sets, {this.typeArgument = const DynamicType()}) {
- setParents(sets, this);
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- getStaticTypeInternal(context);
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) {
- return context.typeEnvironment.setType(typeArgument, context.nonNullable);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitSetConcatenation(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitSetConcatenation(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- typeArgument.accept(v);
- visitList(sets, v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- typeArgument = v.visitDartType(typeArgument);
- v.transformList(sets, this);
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- typeArgument = v.visitDartType(typeArgument, cannotRemoveSentinel);
- v.transformExpressionList(sets, this);
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "SetConcatenation(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- bool first = true;
- for (Expression part in sets) {
- if (!first) {
- printer.write(' + ');
- }
- printer.writeExpression(part);
- first = false;
- }
- }
-/// Concatenate maps into a single map.
-/// If [maps] is empty then an empty map is returned.
-/// These arise from spread and control-flow elements in const map literals.
-/// They are only present before constant evaluation, or within unevaluated
-/// constants in constant expressions.
-/// Duplicated keys in or across the maps will result in a compile-time error
-/// during constant evaluation.
-class MapConcatenation extends Expression {
- DartType keyType;
- DartType valueType;
- final List<Expression> maps;
- MapConcatenation(this.maps,
- {this.keyType = const DynamicType(),
- this.valueType = const DynamicType()}) {
- setParents(maps, this);
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- getStaticTypeInternal(context);
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) {
- return context.typeEnvironment
- .mapType(keyType, valueType, context.nonNullable);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitMapConcatenation(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitMapConcatenation(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- keyType.accept(v);
- valueType.accept(v);
- visitList(maps, v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- keyType = v.visitDartType(keyType);
- valueType = v.visitDartType(valueType);
- v.transformList(maps, this);
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- keyType = v.visitDartType(keyType, cannotRemoveSentinel);
- valueType = v.visitDartType(valueType, cannotRemoveSentinel);
- v.transformExpressionList(maps, this);
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "MapConcatenation(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- bool first = true;
- for (Expression part in maps) {
- if (!first) {
- printer.write(' + ');
- }
- printer.writeExpression(part);
- first = false;
- }
- }
-/// Create an instance directly from the field values.
-/// These expressions arise from const constructor calls when one or more field
-/// initializing expressions, field initializers, assert initializers or unused
-/// arguments contain unevaluated expressions. They only ever occur within
-/// unevaluated constants in constant expressions.
-class InstanceCreation extends Expression {
- final Reference classReference;
- final List<DartType> typeArguments;
- final Map<Reference, Expression> fieldValues;
- final List<AssertStatement> asserts;
- final List<Expression> unusedArguments;
- InstanceCreation(this.classReference, this.typeArguments, this.fieldValues,
- this.asserts, this.unusedArguments) {
- setParents(fieldValues.values.toList(), this);
- setParents(asserts, this);
- setParents(unusedArguments, this);
- }
- Class get classNode => classReference.asClass;
- @override
- DartType getStaticType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- getStaticTypeInternal(context);
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) {
- return typeArguments.isEmpty
- ? context.typeEnvironment.coreTypes
- .rawType(classNode, context.nonNullable)
- : new InterfaceType(classNode, context.nonNullable, typeArguments);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitInstanceCreation(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitInstanceCreation(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- classReference.asClass.acceptReference(v);
- visitList(typeArguments, v);
- for (final Reference reference in fieldValues.keys) {
- reference.asField.acceptReference(v);
- }
- for (final Expression value in fieldValues.values) {
- value.accept(v);
- }
- visitList(asserts, v);
- visitList(unusedArguments, v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- fieldValues.forEach((Reference fieldRef, Expression value) {
- Expression transformed = v.transform(value);
- if (!identical(value, transformed)) {
- fieldValues[fieldRef] = transformed;
- transformed.parent = this;
- }
- });
- v.transformList(asserts, this);
- v.transformList(unusedArguments, this);
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- fieldValues.forEach((Reference fieldRef, Expression value) {
- Expression transformed = v.transform(value);
- if (!identical(value, transformed)) {
- fieldValues[fieldRef] = transformed;
- transformed.parent = this;
- }
- });
- v.transformList(asserts, this, dummyAssertStatement);
- v.transformExpressionList(unusedArguments, this);
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "InstanceCreation(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeClassName(classReference);
- printer.writeTypeArguments(typeArguments);
- printer.write('{');
- bool first = true;
- fieldValues.forEach((Reference fieldRef, Expression value) {
- if (!first) {
- printer.write(', ');
- }
- printer.writeName(;
- printer.write(': ');
- printer.writeExpression(value);
- first = false;
- });
- for (AssertStatement assert_ in asserts) {
- if (!first) {
- printer.write(', ');
- }
- printer.write('assert(');
- printer.writeExpression(assert_.condition);
- if (assert_.message != null) {
- printer.write(', ');
- printer.writeExpression(assert_.message!);
- }
- printer.write(')');
- first = false;
- }
- for (Expression unusedArgument in unusedArguments) {
- if (!first) {
- printer.write(', ');
- }
- printer.writeExpression(unusedArgument);
- first = false;
- }
- printer.write('}');
- }
-/// A marker indicating that a subexpression originates in a different source
-/// file than the surrounding context.
-/// These expressions arise from inlining of const variables during constant
-/// evaluation. They only ever occur within unevaluated constants in constant
-/// expressions.
-class FileUriExpression extends Expression implements FileUriNode {
- /// The URI of the source file in which the subexpression is located.
- /// Can be different from the file containing the [FileUriExpression].
- @override
- Uri fileUri;
- Expression expression;
- FileUriExpression(this.expression, this.fileUri) {
- expression.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- getStaticTypeInternal(context);
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- expression.getStaticType(context);
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitFileUriExpression(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitFileUriExpression(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- expression.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- expression = v.transform(expression)..parent = this;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- expression = v.transform(expression)..parent = this;
- }
- @override
- Location? _getLocationInEnclosingFile(int offset) {
- return _getLocationInComponent(enclosingComponent, fileUri, offset,
- viaForErrorMessage: "File uri expression");
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "FileUriExpression(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- if (printer.includeAuxiliaryProperties) {
- printer.write('{');
- printer.write(fileUri.toString());
- printer.write('}');
- }
- printer.writeExpression(expression);
- }
-/// Expression of form `x is T`.
-class IsExpression extends Expression {
- Expression operand;
- DartType type;
- IsExpression(this.operand, this.type) {
- operand.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- getStaticTypeInternal(context);
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- context.typeEnvironment.coreTypes.boolRawType(context.nonNullable);
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitIsExpression(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitIsExpression(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- operand.accept(v);
- type.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- operand = v.transform(operand);
- operand.parent = this;
- type = v.visitDartType(type);
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- operand = v.transform(operand);
- operand.parent = this;
- type = v.visitDartType(type, cannotRemoveSentinel);
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "IsExpression(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeExpression(operand,
- minimumPrecedence: astToText.Precedence.BITWISE_OR);
- printer.write(' is ');
- printer.writeType(type);
- }
-/// Expression of form `x as T`.
-class AsExpression extends Expression {
- int flags = 0;
- Expression operand;
- DartType type;
- AsExpression(this.operand, this.type) {
- operand.parent = this;
- }
- // Must match serialized bit positions.
- static const int FlagTypeError = 1 << 0;
- static const int FlagCovarianceCheck = 1 << 1;
- static const int FlagForDynamic = 1 << 2;
- static const int FlagUnchecked = 1 << 3;
- /// If `true`, this test is an implicit down cast.
- ///
- /// If `true` a TypeError should be thrown. If `false` a CastError should be
- /// thrown.
- bool get isTypeError => flags & FlagTypeError != 0;
- void set isTypeError(bool value) {
- flags = value ? (flags | FlagTypeError) : (flags & ~FlagTypeError);
- }
- /// If `true`, this test is needed to ensure soundness of covariant type
- /// variables using in contravariant positions.
- ///
- /// For instance
- ///
- /// class Class<T> {
- /// void Function(T) field;
- /// Class(this.field);
- /// }
- /// main() {
- /// Class<num> c = new Class<int>((int i) {});
- /// void Function<num> field = c.field; // Check needed on `c.field`
- /// field(0.5);
- /// }
- ///
- /// Here a covariant check `c.field as void Function(num)` is needed because
- /// the field could be (and indeed is) not a subtype of the static type of
- /// the expression.
- bool get isCovarianceCheck => flags & FlagCovarianceCheck != 0;
- void set isCovarianceCheck(bool value) {
- flags =
- value ? (flags | FlagCovarianceCheck) : (flags & ~FlagCovarianceCheck);
- }
- /// If `true`, this is an implicit down cast from an expression of type
- /// `dynamic`.
- bool get isForDynamic => flags & FlagForDynamic != 0;
- void set isForDynamic(bool value) {
- flags = value ? (flags | FlagForDynamic) : (flags & ~FlagForDynamic);
- }
- /// If `true`, this test is added to show the known static type of the
- /// expression and should not be performed at runtime.
- ///
- /// This is the case for instance for access to extension type representation
- /// fields on an extension type, where this node shows that the static type
- /// changes from the extension type of the declared representation type.
- ///
- /// This is also the case when a field access undergoes type promotion.
- bool get isUnchecked => flags & FlagUnchecked != 0;
- void set isUnchecked(bool value) {
- flags = value ? (flags | FlagUnchecked) : (flags & ~FlagUnchecked);
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- getStaticTypeInternal(context);
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) => type;
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitAsExpression(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitAsExpression(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- operand.accept(v);
- type.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- operand = v.transform(operand);
- operand.parent = this;
- type = v.visitDartType(type);
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- operand = v.transform(operand);
- operand.parent = this;
- type = v.visitDartType(type, cannotRemoveSentinel);
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "AsExpression(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeExpression(operand,
- minimumPrecedence: astToText.Precedence.BITWISE_OR);
- printer.write(' as');
- if (printer.includeAuxiliaryProperties) {
- List<String> flags = <String>[];
- if (isTypeError) {
- flags.add('TypeError');
- }
- if (isCovarianceCheck) {
- flags.add('CovarianceCheck');
- }
- if (isForDynamic) {
- flags.add('ForDynamic');
- }
- if (flags.isNotEmpty) {
- printer.write('{${flags.join(',')}}');
- }
- }
- printer.write(' ');
- printer.writeType(type);
- }
-/// Null check expression of form `x!`.
-/// This expression was added as part of NNBD and is currently only created when
-/// the 'non-nullable' experimental feature is enabled.
-class NullCheck extends Expression {
- Expression operand;
- NullCheck(this.operand) {
- operand.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) {
- DartType operandType = operand.getStaticType(context);
- return operandType is NullType
- ? const NeverType.nonNullable()
- : operandType.withDeclaredNullability(Nullability.nonNullable);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitNullCheck(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitNullCheck(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- operand.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- operand = v.transform(operand);
- operand.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- operand = v.transform(operand);
- operand.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "NullCheck(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeExpression(operand,
- minimumPrecedence: astToText.Precedence.POSTFIX);
- printer.write('!');
- }
-/// An integer, double, boolean, string, or null constant.
-abstract class BasicLiteral extends Expression {
- Object? get value;
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {}
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {}
-class StringLiteral extends BasicLiteral {
- @override
- String value;
- StringLiteral(this.value);
- @override
- DartType getStaticType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- getStaticTypeInternal(context);
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- context.typeEnvironment.coreTypes.stringRawType(context.nonNullable);
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitStringLiteral(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitStringLiteral(this, arg);
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "StringLiteral(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('"');
- printer.write(escapeString(value));
- printer.write('"');
- }
-class IntLiteral extends BasicLiteral {
- /// Note that this value holds a uint64 value.
- /// E.g. "0x8000000000000000" will be saved as "-9223372036854775808" despite
- /// technically (on some platforms, particularly JavaScript) being positive.
- /// If the number is meant to be negative it will be wrapped in a "unary-".
- @override
- int value;
- IntLiteral(this.value);
- @override
- DartType getStaticType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- getStaticTypeInternal(context);
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- context.typeEnvironment.coreTypes.intRawType(context.nonNullable);
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitIntLiteral(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitIntLiteral(this, arg);
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "IntLiteral(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('$value');
- }
-class DoubleLiteral extends BasicLiteral {
- @override
- double value;
- DoubleLiteral(this.value);
- @override
- DartType getStaticType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- getStaticTypeInternal(context);
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- context.typeEnvironment.coreTypes.doubleRawType(context.nonNullable);
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitDoubleLiteral(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitDoubleLiteral(this, arg);
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "DoubleLiteral(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('$value');
- }
-class BoolLiteral extends BasicLiteral {
- @override
- bool value;
- BoolLiteral(this.value);
- @override
- DartType getStaticType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- getStaticTypeInternal(context);
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- context.typeEnvironment.coreTypes.boolRawType(context.nonNullable);
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitBoolLiteral(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitBoolLiteral(this, arg);
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "BoolLiteral(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('$value');
- }
-class NullLiteral extends BasicLiteral {
- @override
- Object? get value => null;
- @override
- DartType getStaticType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- getStaticTypeInternal(context);
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) => const NullType();
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitNullLiteral(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitNullLiteral(this, arg);
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "NullLiteral(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('null');
- }
-class SymbolLiteral extends Expression {
- String value; // Everything strictly after the '#'.
- SymbolLiteral(this.value);
- @override
- DartType getStaticType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- getStaticTypeInternal(context);
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- context.typeEnvironment.coreTypes.symbolRawType(context.nonNullable);
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitSymbolLiteral(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitSymbolLiteral(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {}
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {}
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "SymbolLiteral(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('#');
- printer.write(value);
- }
-class TypeLiteral extends Expression {
- DartType type;
- TypeLiteral(this.type);
- @override
- DartType getStaticType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- getStaticTypeInternal(context);
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- context.typeEnvironment.coreTypes.typeRawType(context.nonNullable);
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitTypeLiteral(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitTypeLiteral(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- type.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- type = v.visitDartType(type);
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- type = v.visitDartType(type, cannotRemoveSentinel);
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "TypeLiteral(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeType(type);
- }
-class ThisExpression extends Expression {
- @override
- DartType getStaticType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- getStaticTypeInternal(context);
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- context.thisType!;
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitThisExpression(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitThisExpression(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {}
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {}
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "ThisExpression(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('this');
- }
-class Rethrow extends Expression {
- @override
- DartType getStaticType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- getStaticTypeInternal(context);
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- const NeverType.nonNullable();
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitRethrow(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitRethrow(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {}
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {}
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "Rethrow(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('rethrow');
- }
-class Throw extends Expression {
- Expression expression;
- int flags = 0;
- Throw(this.expression) {
- expression.parent = this;
- }
- // Must match serialized bit positions.
- static const int FlagForErrorHandling = 1 << 0;
- /// If `true`, this `throw` is *not* present in the source code but added
- /// to ensure correctness and/or soundness of the generated code.
- ///
- /// This is used for instance in the lowering for handling duplicate writes
- /// to a late final field or for pattern assignments that don't match.
- bool get forErrorHandling => flags & FlagForErrorHandling != 0;
- void set forErrorHandling(bool value) {
- flags = value
- ? (flags | FlagForErrorHandling)
- : (flags & ~FlagForErrorHandling);
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- getStaticTypeInternal(context);
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- const NeverType.nonNullable();
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitThrow(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) => v.visitThrow(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- expression.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- expression = v.transform(expression);
- expression.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- expression = v.transform(expression);
- expression.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "Throw(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('throw ');
- printer.writeExpression(expression);
- }
-class ListLiteral extends Expression {
- bool isConst;
- DartType typeArgument; // Not null, defaults to DynamicType.
- final List<Expression> expressions;
- ListLiteral(this.expressions,
- {this.typeArgument = const DynamicType(), this.isConst = false}) {
- setParents(expressions, this);
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- getStaticTypeInternal(context);
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) {
- return context.typeEnvironment.listType(typeArgument, context.nonNullable);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitListLiteral(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitListLiteral(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- typeArgument.accept(v);
- visitList(expressions, v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- typeArgument = v.visitDartType(typeArgument);
- v.transformList(expressions, this);
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- typeArgument = v.visitDartType(typeArgument, cannotRemoveSentinel);
- v.transformExpressionList(expressions, this);
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "ListLiteral(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- if (isConst) {
- printer.write('const ');
- }
- printer.write('<');
- printer.writeType(typeArgument);
- printer.write('>[');
- printer.writeExpressions(expressions);
- printer.write(']');
- }
-class SetLiteral extends Expression {
- bool isConst;
- DartType typeArgument; // Not null, defaults to DynamicType.
- final List<Expression> expressions;
- SetLiteral(this.expressions,
- {this.typeArgument = const DynamicType(), this.isConst = false}) {
- setParents(expressions, this);
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- getStaticTypeInternal(context);
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) {
- return context.typeEnvironment.setType(typeArgument, context.nonNullable);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitSetLiteral(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitSetLiteral(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- typeArgument.accept(v);
- visitList(expressions, v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- typeArgument = v.visitDartType(typeArgument);
- v.transformList(expressions, this);
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- typeArgument = v.visitDartType(typeArgument, cannotRemoveSentinel);
- v.transformExpressionList(expressions, this);
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "SetLiteral(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- if (isConst) {
- printer.write('const ');
- }
- printer.write('<');
- printer.writeType(typeArgument);
- printer.write('>{');
- printer.writeExpressions(expressions);
- printer.write('}');
- }
-class MapLiteral extends Expression {
- bool isConst;
- DartType keyType; // Not null, defaults to DynamicType.
- DartType valueType; // Not null, defaults to DynamicType.
- final List<MapLiteralEntry> entries;
- MapLiteral(this.entries,
- {this.keyType = const DynamicType(),
- this.valueType = const DynamicType(),
- this.isConst = false}) {
- setParents(entries, this);
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- getStaticTypeInternal(context);
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) {
- return context.typeEnvironment
- .mapType(keyType, valueType, context.nonNullable);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitMapLiteral(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitMapLiteral(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- keyType.accept(v);
- valueType.accept(v);
- visitList(entries, v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- keyType = v.visitDartType(keyType);
- valueType = v.visitDartType(valueType);
- v.transformList(entries, this);
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- keyType = v.visitDartType(keyType, cannotRemoveSentinel);
- valueType = v.visitDartType(valueType, cannotRemoveSentinel);
- v.transformMapEntryList(entries, this);
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "MapLiteral(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- if (isConst) {
- printer.write('const ');
- }
- printer.write('<');
- printer.writeType(keyType);
- printer.write(', ');
- printer.writeType(valueType);
- printer.write('>{');
- for (int index = 0; index < entries.length; index++) {
- if (index > 0) {
- printer.write(', ');
- }
- printer.writeMapEntry(entries[index]);
- }
- printer.write('}');
- }
-class MapLiteralEntry extends TreeNode {
- Expression key;
- Expression value;
- MapLiteralEntry(this.key, this.value) {
- key.parent = this;
- value.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(TreeVisitor<R> v) => v.visitMapLiteralEntry(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(TreeVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitMapLiteralEntry(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- key.accept(v);
- value.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- key = v.transform(key);
- key.parent = this;
- value = v.transform(value);
- value.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- key = v.transform(key);
- key.parent = this;
- value = v.transform(value);
- value.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "MapEntry(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- String toText(AstTextStrategy strategy) {
- AstPrinter printer = new AstPrinter(strategy);
- toTextInternal(printer);
- return printer.getText();
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeExpression(key);
- printer.write(': ');
- printer.writeExpression(value);
- }
-class RecordLiteral extends Expression {
- bool isConst;
- final List<Expression> positional;
- final List<NamedExpression> named;
- RecordType recordType;
- RecordLiteral(this.positional, this.named, this.recordType,
- {this.isConst = false})
- : assert(positional.length == recordType.positional.length &&
- named.length == recordType.named.length &&
- recordType.named
- .map((f) =>
- .toSet()
- .containsAll( =>,
- assert(() {
- // Assert that the named fields are sorted.
- for (int i = 1; i < named.length; i++) {
- if (named[i].name.compareTo(named[i - 1].name) < 0) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }(),
- "Named fields of a RecordLiterals aren't sorted lexicographically: "
- "${ =>", ")}") {
- setParents(positional, this);
- setParents(named, this);
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- getStaticTypeInternal(context);
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) {
- return recordType;
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitRecordLiteral(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitRecordLiteral(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- visitList(positional, v);
- visitList(named, v);
- recordType.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- v.transformList(positional, this);
- v.transformList(named, this);
- recordType = v.visitDartType(recordType) as RecordType;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- v.transformExpressionList(positional, this);
- v.transformNamedExpressionList(named, this);
- recordType =
- v.visitDartType(recordType, cannotRemoveSentinel) as RecordType;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "RecordType(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- if (isConst) {
- printer.write("const ");
- }
- printer.write("(");
- for (int index = 0; index < positional.length; index++) {
- if (index > 0) {
- printer.write(", ");
- }
- printer.writeExpression(positional[index]);
- }
- if (named.isNotEmpty) {
- if (positional.isNotEmpty) {
- printer.write(", ");
- }
- for (int index = 0; index < named.length; index++) {
- if (index > 0) {
- printer.write(", ");
- }
- printer.writeNamedExpression(named[index]);
- }
- }
- printer.write(")");
- }
-/// Expression of form `await x`.
-class AwaitExpression extends Expression {
- Expression operand;
- /// If non-null, the runtime should check whether the value of [operand] is a
- /// subtype of [runtimeCheckType], and if _not_ so, wrap the value in a call
- /// to the `Future.value()` constructor.
- ///
- /// For instance
- ///
- /// FutureOr<Object> future1 = Future<Object?>.value();
- /// var x = await future1; // Check against `Future<Object>`.
- ///
- /// Object object = Future<Object?>.value();
- /// var y = await object; // Check against `Future<Object>`.
- ///
- /// Future<Object?> future2 = Future<Object?>.value();
- /// var z = await future2; // No check.
- ///
- /// This runtime checks is necessary to ensure that we don't evaluate the
- /// await expression to `null` when the static type of the expression is
- /// non-nullable.
- ///
- /// The [runtimeCheckType] is computed as `Future<T>` where `T = flatten(S)`
- /// and `S` is the static type of [operand]. To avoid unnecessary runtime
- /// checks, the [runtimeCheckType] is not set if the static type of the
- /// [operand] is a subtype of `Future<T>`.
- ///
- /// See for further discussion
- /// of which the check is needed.
- DartType? runtimeCheckType;
- AwaitExpression(this.operand) {
- operand.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) {
- return context.typeEnvironment.flatten(operand.getStaticType(context));
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitAwaitExpression(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitAwaitExpression(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- operand.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- operand = v.transform(operand);
- operand.parent = this;
- if (runtimeCheckType != null) {
- runtimeCheckType = v.visitDartType(runtimeCheckType!);
- }
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- operand = v.transform(operand);
- operand.parent = this;
- if (runtimeCheckType != null) {
- runtimeCheckType = v.visitDartType(runtimeCheckType!, null);
- }
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "AwaitExpression(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('await ');
- printer.writeExpression(operand);
- }
-/// Common super-interface for [FunctionExpression] and [FunctionDeclaration].
-abstract class LocalFunction implements GenericFunction {
- @override
- FunctionNode get function;
-/// Expression of form `(x,y) => ...` or `(x,y) { ... }`
-/// The arrow-body form `=> e` is desugared into `return e;`.
-class FunctionExpression extends Expression implements LocalFunction {
- @override
- FunctionNode function;
- FunctionExpression(this.function) {
- function.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- List<TypeParameter> get typeParameters => function.typeParameters;
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) {
- return function.computeFunctionType(context.nonNullable);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitFunctionExpression(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitFunctionExpression(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- function.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- function = v.transform(function);
- function.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- function = v.transform(function);
- function.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "FunctionExpression(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeFunctionNode(function, '');
- }
-class ConstantExpression extends Expression {
- Constant constant;
- DartType type;
- ConstantExpression(this.constant, [this.type = const DynamicType()]);
- @override
- DartType getStaticType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- getStaticTypeInternal(context);
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) => type;
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitConstantExpression(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitConstantExpression(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- constant.acceptReference(v);
- type.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- constant = v.visitConstant(constant);
- type = v.visitDartType(type);
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- constant = v.visitConstant(constant, cannotRemoveSentinel);
- type = v.visitDartType(type, cannotRemoveSentinel);
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "ConstantExpression(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeConstant(constant);
- }
-class FileUriConstantExpression extends ConstantExpression
- implements FileUriNode {
- @override
- Uri fileUri;
- FileUriConstantExpression(Constant constant,
- {DartType type = const DynamicType(), required this.fileUri})
- : super(constant, type);
- @override
- Location? _getLocationInEnclosingFile(int offset) {
- return _getLocationInComponent(enclosingComponent, fileUri, offset,
- viaForErrorMessage: "File uri constant expression");
- }
-/// Synthetic expression of form `let v = x in y`
-class Let extends Expression {
- VariableDeclaration variable; // Must have an initializer.
- Expression body;
- Let(this.variable, this.body) {
- variable.parent = this;
- body.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- getStaticTypeInternal(context);
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- body.getStaticType(context);
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitLet(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) => v.visitLet(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- variable.accept(v);
- body.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- variable = v.transform(variable);
- variable.parent = this;
- body = v.transform(body);
- body.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- variable = v.transform(variable);
- variable.parent = this;
- body = v.transform(body);
- body.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "Let(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('let ');
- printer.writeVariableDeclaration(variable);
- printer.write(' in ');
- printer.writeExpression(body);
- }
-class BlockExpression extends Expression {
- Block body;
- Expression value;
- BlockExpression(this.body, this.value) {
- body.parent = this;
- value.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- getStaticTypeInternal(context);
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- value.getStaticType(context);
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitBlockExpression(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitBlockExpression(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- body.accept(v);
- value.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- body = v.transform(body);
- body.parent = this;
- value = v.transform(value);
- value.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- body = v.transform(body);
- body.parent = this;
- value = v.transform(value);
- value.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "BlockExpression(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('block ');
- printer.writeBlock(body.statements);
- printer.write(' => ');
- printer.writeExpression(value);
- }
-/// Attempt to load the library referred to by a deferred import.
-/// This instruction is concerned with:
-/// - keeping track whether the deferred import is marked as 'loaded'
-/// - keeping track of whether the library code has already been downloaded
-/// - actually downloading and linking the library
-/// Should return a future. The value in this future will be the same value
-/// seen by callers of `loadLibrary` functions.
-/// On backends that link the entire program eagerly, this instruction needs
-/// to mark the deferred import as 'loaded' and return a future.
-class LoadLibrary extends Expression {
- /// Reference to a deferred import in the enclosing library.
- LibraryDependency import;
- LoadLibrary(this.import);
- @override
- DartType getStaticType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- getStaticTypeInternal(context);
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) {
- return context.typeEnvironment
- .futureType(const DynamicType(), context.nonNullable);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitLoadLibrary(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitLoadLibrary(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {}
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {}
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "LoadLibrary(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write(!);
- printer.write('.loadLibrary()');
- }
-/// Checks that the given deferred import has been marked as 'loaded'.
-class CheckLibraryIsLoaded extends Expression {
- /// Reference to a deferred import in the enclosing library.
- LibraryDependency import;
- CheckLibraryIsLoaded(this.import);
- @override
- DartType getStaticType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- getStaticTypeInternal(context);
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) {
- return context.typeEnvironment.coreTypes.objectRawType(context.nonNullable);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitCheckLibraryIsLoaded(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitCheckLibraryIsLoaded(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {}
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {}
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "CheckLibraryIsLoaded(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write(!);
- printer.write('.checkLibraryIsLoaded()');
- }
-/// Tearing off a constructor of a class.
-class ConstructorTearOff extends Expression {
- /// The reference to the constructor being torn off.
- Reference targetReference;
- ConstructorTearOff(Member target)
- : assert(
- target is Constructor || (target is Procedure && target.isFactory),
- "Unexpected constructor tear off target: $target"),
- this.targetReference = getNonNullableMemberReferenceGetter(target);
- ConstructorTearOff.byReference(this.targetReference);
- Member get target => targetReference.asMember;
- FunctionNode get function => target.function!;
- void set target(Member member) {
- assert(member is Constructor ||
- (member is Procedure && member.kind == ProcedureKind.Factory));
- targetReference = getNonNullableMemberReferenceGetter(member);
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) {
- return target.function!.computeFunctionType(Nullability.nonNullable);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitConstructorTearOff(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitConstructorTearOff(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- target.acceptReference(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {}
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {}
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "ConstructorTearOff(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeMemberName(targetReference);
- }
-/// Tearing off a redirecting factory constructor of a class.
-class RedirectingFactoryTearOff extends Expression {
- /// The reference to the redirecting factory constructor being torn off.
- Reference targetReference;
- RedirectingFactoryTearOff(Procedure target)
- : assert(target.isRedirectingFactory),
- this.targetReference = getNonNullableMemberReferenceGetter(target);
- RedirectingFactoryTearOff.byReference(this.targetReference);
- Procedure get target => targetReference.asProcedure;
- void set target(Procedure target) {
- targetReference = getNonNullableMemberReferenceGetter(target);
- }
- FunctionNode get function => target.function;
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) {
- return target.function.computeFunctionType(Nullability.nonNullable);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitRedirectingFactoryTearOff(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitRedirectingFactoryTearOff(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- target.acceptReference(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {}
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {}
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "RedirectingFactoryTearOff(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeMemberName(targetReference);
- }
-class TypedefTearOff extends Expression {
- final List<StructuralParameter> structuralParameters;
- Expression expression;
- final List<DartType> typeArguments;
- TypedefTearOff(
- this.structuralParameters, this.expression, this.typeArguments) {
- expression.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) {
- FreshStructuralParameters freshTypeParameters =
- getFreshStructuralParameters(structuralParameters);
- FunctionType type = expression.getStaticType(context) as FunctionType;
- type = freshTypeParameters.substitute(
- FunctionTypeInstantiator.instantiate(type, typeArguments))
- as FunctionType;
- return new FunctionType(
- type.positionalParameters, type.returnType, type.declaredNullability,
- namedParameters: type.namedParameters,
- typeParameters: freshTypeParameters.freshTypeParameters,
- requiredParameterCount: type.requiredParameterCount);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> v) => v.visitTypedefTearOff(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitTypedefTearOff(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- expression.accept(v);
- visitList(structuralParameters, v);
- visitList(typeArguments, v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- expression = v.transform(expression);
- expression.parent = this;
- v.transformDartTypeList(typeArguments);
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- expression = v.transform(expression);
- expression.parent = this;
- v.transformDartTypeList(typeArguments);
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "TypedefTearOff(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeStructuralParameters(structuralParameters);
- printer.write(".(");
- printer.writeExpression(expression);
- printer.writeTypeArguments(typeArguments);
- printer.write(")");
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sealed class Statement extends TreeNode {
- @override
- R accept<R>(StatementVisitor<R> v);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(StatementVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg);
- @override
- String toText(AstTextStrategy strategy) {
- AstPrinter printer = new AstPrinter(strategy);
- printer.writeStatement(this);
- return printer.getText();
- }
-abstract class AuxiliaryStatement extends Statement {
- @override
- R accept<R>(StatementVisitor<R> v) => v.visitAuxiliaryStatement(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(StatementVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitAuxiliaryStatement(this, arg);
-class ExpressionStatement extends Statement {
- Expression expression;
- // TODO(johnniwinther): Fix this so set value is not lost. We include this
- // getter so offset is consistent before and after serialization.
- // ExpressionStatements are common so serializing the offset could
- // increase serialized size.
- @override
- int get fileOffset => expression.fileOffset;
- ExpressionStatement(this.expression) {
- expression.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(StatementVisitor<R> v) => v.visitExpressionStatement(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(StatementVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitExpressionStatement(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- expression.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- expression = v.transform(expression);
- expression.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- expression = v.transform(expression);
- expression.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "ExpressionStatement(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeExpression(expression);
- printer.write(';');
- }
-class Block extends Statement {
- final List<Statement> statements;
- /// End offset in the source file it comes from. Valid values are from 0 and
- /// up, or -1 ([TreeNode.noOffset]) if the file end offset is not available
- /// (this is the default if none is specifically set).
- int fileEndOffset = TreeNode.noOffset;
- @override
- List<int>? get fileOffsetsIfMultiple => [fileOffset, fileEndOffset];
- Block(this.statements) {
- // Ensure statements is mutable.
- assert(checkListIsMutable(statements, dummyStatement));
- setParents(statements, this);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(StatementVisitor<R> v) => v.visitBlock(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(StatementVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) => v.visitBlock(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- visitList(statements, v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- v.transformList(statements, this);
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- v.transformStatementList(statements, this);
- }
- void addStatement(Statement node) {
- statements.add(node);
- node.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "Block(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeBlock(statements);
- }
-/// A block that is only executed when asserts are enabled.
-/// Sometimes arbitrary statements must be guarded by whether asserts are
-/// enabled. For example, when a subexpression of an assert in async code is
-/// linearized and named, it can produce such a block of statements.
-class AssertBlock extends Statement {
- final List<Statement> statements;
- AssertBlock(this.statements) {
- // Ensure statements is mutable.
- assert(checkListIsMutable(statements, dummyStatement));
- setParents(statements, this);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(StatementVisitor<R> v) => v.visitAssertBlock(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(StatementVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitAssertBlock(this, arg);
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- v.transformList(statements, this);
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- v.transformStatementList(statements, this);
- }
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- visitList(statements, v);
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "AssertBlock(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('assert ');
- printer.writeBlock(statements);
- }
-class EmptyStatement extends Statement {
- @override
- R accept<R>(StatementVisitor<R> v) => v.visitEmptyStatement(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(StatementVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitEmptyStatement(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {}
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {}
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "EmptyStatement(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write(';');
- }
-class AssertStatement extends Statement {
- Expression condition;
- Expression? message; // May be null.
- /// Character offset in the source where the assertion condition begins.
- ///
- /// This is an index into [Source.text].
- int conditionStartOffset;
- /// Character offset in the source where the assertion condition ends.
- ///
- /// This is an index into [Source.text].
- int conditionEndOffset;
- @override
- List<int>? get fileOffsetsIfMultiple =>
- [fileOffset, conditionStartOffset, conditionEndOffset];
- AssertStatement(this.condition,
- {this.message,
- required this.conditionStartOffset,
- required this.conditionEndOffset}) {
- condition.parent = this;
- message?.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(StatementVisitor<R> v) => v.visitAssertStatement(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(StatementVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitAssertStatement(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- condition.accept(v);
- message?.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- condition = v.transform(condition);
- condition.parent = this;
- if (message != null) {
- message = v.transform(message!);
- message?.parent = this;
- }
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- condition = v.transform(condition);
- condition.parent = this;
- if (message != null) {
- message = v.transformOrRemoveExpression(message!);
- message?.parent = this;
- }
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "AssertStatement(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('assert(');
- printer.writeExpression(condition);
- if (message != null) {
- printer.write(', ');
- printer.writeExpression(message!);
- }
- printer.write(');');
- }
-/// A target of a [Break] statement.
-/// The label itself has no name; breaks reference the statement directly.
-/// The frontend does not generate labeled statements without uses.
-class LabeledStatement extends Statement {
- late Statement body;
- LabeledStatement(Statement? body) {
- if (body != null) {
- this.body = body..parent = this;
- }
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(StatementVisitor<R> v) => v.visitLabeledStatement(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(StatementVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitLabeledStatement(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- body.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- body = v.transform(body);
- body.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- body = v.transform(body);
- body.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "LabeledStatement(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write(printer.getLabelName(this));
- printer.write(':');
- printer.newLine();
- printer.writeStatement(body);
- }
-/// Breaks out of an enclosing [LabeledStatement].
-/// Both `break` and `continue` statements are translated into this node.
-/// Example `break` desugaring:
-/// while (x) {
-/// if (y) break;
-/// BODY
-/// }
-/// ==>
-/// L: while (x) {
-/// if (y) break L;
-/// BODY
-/// }
-/// Example `continue` desugaring:
-/// while (x) {
-/// if (y) continue;
-/// BODY
-/// }
-/// ==>
-/// while (x) {
-/// L: {
-/// if (y) break L;
-/// BODY
-/// }
-/// }
-/// Note: Compiler-generated [LabeledStatement]s for [WhileStatement]s and
-/// [ForStatement]s are only generated when needed. If there isn't a `break` or
-/// `continue` in a loop, the kernel for the loop won't have a generated
-/// [LabeledStatement].
-class BreakStatement extends Statement {
- LabeledStatement target;
- BreakStatement(;
- @override
- R accept<R>(StatementVisitor<R> v) => v.visitBreakStatement(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(StatementVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitBreakStatement(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {}
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {}
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "BreakStatement(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('break ');
- printer.write(printer.getLabelName(target));
- printer.write(';');
- }
-/// Common interface for loop statements.
-abstract interface class LoopStatement implements Statement {
- abstract Statement body;
-class WhileStatement extends Statement implements LoopStatement {
- Expression condition;
- @override
- Statement body;
- WhileStatement(this.condition, this.body) {
- condition.parent = this;
- body.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(StatementVisitor<R> v) => v.visitWhileStatement(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(StatementVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitWhileStatement(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- condition.accept(v);
- body.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- condition = v.transform(condition);
- condition.parent = this;
- body = v.transform(body);
- body.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- condition = v.transform(condition);
- condition.parent = this;
- body = v.transform(body);
- body.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "WhileStatement(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('while (');
- printer.writeExpression(condition);
- printer.write(') ');
- printer.writeStatement(body);
- }
-class DoStatement extends Statement implements LoopStatement {
- @override
- Statement body;
- Expression condition;
- DoStatement(this.body, this.condition) {
- body.parent = this;
- condition.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(StatementVisitor<R> v) => v.visitDoStatement(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(StatementVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitDoStatement(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- body.accept(v);
- condition.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- body = v.transform(body);
- body.parent = this;
- condition = v.transform(condition);
- condition.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- body = v.transform(body);
- body.parent = this;
- condition = v.transform(condition);
- condition.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "DoStatement(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('do ');
- printer.writeStatement(body);
- printer.write(' while (');
- printer.writeExpression(condition);
- printer.write(');');
- }
-class ForStatement extends Statement implements LoopStatement {
- final List<VariableDeclaration> variables; // May be empty, but not null.
- Expression? condition; // May be null.
- final List<Expression> updates; // May be empty, but not null.
- @override
- Statement body;
- ForStatement(this.variables, this.condition, this.updates, this.body) {
- setParents(variables, this);
- condition?.parent = this;
- setParents(updates, this);
- body.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(StatementVisitor<R> v) => v.visitForStatement(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(StatementVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitForStatement(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- visitList(variables, v);
- condition?.accept(v);
- visitList(updates, v);
- body.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- v.transformList(variables, this);
- if (condition != null) {
- condition = v.transform(condition!);
- condition?.parent = this;
- }
- v.transformList(updates, this);
- body = v.transform(body);
- body.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- v.transformVariableDeclarationList(variables, this);
- if (condition != null) {
- condition = v.transformOrRemoveExpression(condition!);
- condition?.parent = this;
- }
- v.transformExpressionList(updates, this);
- body = v.transform(body);
- body.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "ForStatement(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('for (');
- for (int index = 0; index < variables.length; index++) {
- if (index > 0) {
- printer.write(', ');
- }
- printer.writeVariableDeclaration(variables[index],
- includeModifiersAndType: index == 0);
- }
- printer.write('; ');
- if (condition != null) {
- printer.writeExpression(condition!);
- }
- printer.write('; ');
- printer.writeExpressions(updates);
- printer.write(') ');
- printer.writeStatement(body);
- }
-class ForInStatement extends Statement implements LoopStatement {
- /// Offset in the source file it comes from.
- ///
- /// Valid values are from 0 and up, or -1 ([TreeNode.noOffset]) if the file
- /// offset is not available (this is the default if none is specifically set).
- int bodyOffset = TreeNode.noOffset;
- @override
- List<int>? get fileOffsetsIfMultiple => [fileOffset, bodyOffset];
- VariableDeclaration variable; // Has no initializer.
- Expression iterable;
- @override
- Statement body;
- bool isAsync; // True if this is an 'await for' loop.
- ForInStatement(this.variable, this.iterable, this.body,
- {this.isAsync = false}) {
- variable.parent = this;
- iterable.parent = this;
- body.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(StatementVisitor<R> v) => v.visitForInStatement(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(StatementVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitForInStatement(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- variable.accept(v);
- iterable.accept(v);
- body.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- variable = v.transform(variable);
- variable.parent = this;
- iterable = v.transform(iterable);
- iterable.parent = this;
- body = v.transform(body);
- body.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- variable = v.transform(variable);
- variable.parent = this;
- iterable = v.transform(iterable);
- iterable.parent = this;
- body = v.transform(body);
- body.parent = this;
- }
- /// Returns the type of the iterator in this for-in statement.
- ///
- /// This calls `StaticTypeContext.getForInIteratorType` which calls
- /// [getStaticTypeInternal] to compute the type of not already cached in
- /// [context].
- DartType getIteratorType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- context.getForInIteratorType(this);
- /// Computes the type of the iterator in this for-in statement.
- ///
- /// This is called by `StaticTypeContext.getForInIteratorType` if the iterator
- /// type of this for-in statement is not already cached in [context].
- DartType getIteratorTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) {
- DartType? iteratorType;
- if (isAsync) {
- InterfaceType streamType = iterable.getStaticTypeAsInstanceOf(
- context.typeEnvironment.coreTypes.streamClass, context);
- iteratorType = new InterfaceType(
- context.typeEnvironment.coreTypes.streamIteratorClass,
- context.nonNullable,
- streamType.typeArguments);
- } else {
- InterfaceType iterableType = iterable.getStaticTypeAsInstanceOf(
- context.typeEnvironment.coreTypes.iterableClass, context);
- Member? member = context.typeEnvironment.hierarchy
- .getInterfaceMember(iterableType.classNode, new Name('iterator'));
- if (member != null) {
- iteratorType = Substitution.fromInterfaceType(iterableType)
- .substituteType(member.getterType);
- }
- }
- return iteratorType ?? const DynamicType();
- }
- /// Returns the type of the element in this for-in statement.
- ///
- /// This calls `StaticTypeContext.getForInElementType` which calls
- /// [getStaticTypeInternal] to compute the type of not already cached in
- /// [context].
- DartType getElementType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- context.getForInElementType(this);
- /// Computes the type of the element in this for-in statement.
- ///
- /// This is called by `StaticTypeContext.getForInElementType` if the element
- /// type of this for-in statement is not already cached in [context].
- DartType getElementTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) {
- DartType iterableType =
- iterable.getStaticType(context).nonTypeVariableBound;
- // TODO(johnniwinther): Update this to use the type of
- // `iterable.iterator.current` if inference is updated accordingly.
- while (iterableType is TypeParameterType) {
- TypeParameterType typeParameterType = iterableType;
- iterableType = typeParameterType.bound;
- }
- if (iterableType is NeverType) {
- return iterableType;
- }
- if (iterableType is InvalidType) {
- return iterableType;
- }
- if (iterableType is! TypeDeclarationType) {
- // TODO(johnniwinther): Change this to an assert once the CFE correctly
- // inserts casts for all invalid iterable types.
- return const InvalidType();
- }
- if (isAsync) {
- List<DartType> typeArguments = context.typeEnvironment
- .getTypeArgumentsAsInstanceOf(
- iterableType, context.typeEnvironment.coreTypes.streamClass)!;
- return typeArguments.single;
- } else {
- List<DartType> typeArguments = context.typeEnvironment
- .getTypeArgumentsAsInstanceOf(
- iterableType, context.typeEnvironment.coreTypes.iterableClass)!;
- return typeArguments.single;
- }
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "ForInStatement(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('for (');
- printer.writeVariableDeclaration(variable);
- printer.write(' in ');
- printer.writeExpression(iterable);
- printer.write(') ');
- printer.writeStatement(body);
- }
-/// Statement of form `switch (e) { case x: ... }`.
-/// Adjacent case clauses have been merged into a single [SwitchCase]. A runtime
-/// exception must be thrown if one [SwitchCase] falls through to another case.
-class SwitchStatement extends Statement {
- Expression expression;
- final List<SwitchCase> cases;
- /// For switches without a default clause, whether all possible values are
- /// covered by a switch case. For switches with a default clause, always
- /// `false`.
- /// Initialized during type inference.
- bool isExplicitlyExhaustive;
- /// The static type of the [expression]
- ///
- /// This is set during inference.
- DartType? expressionTypeInternal;
- SwitchStatement(this.expression, this.cases,
- {this.isExplicitlyExhaustive = false}) {
- expression.parent = this;
- setParents(cases, this);
- }
- /// The static type of the [expression]
- ///
- /// This is set during inference.
- DartType get expressionType {
- assert(expressionTypeInternal != null,
- "Expression type hasn't been computed for $this.");
- return expressionTypeInternal!;
- }
- void set expressionType(DartType value) {
- expressionTypeInternal = value;
- }
- /// Whether the switch has a `default` case.
- bool get hasDefault {
- assert(cases.every((c) => c == cases.last || !c.isDefault));
- return cases.isNotEmpty && cases.last.isDefault;
- }
- /// Whether the switch is guaranteed to hit one of the cases (including the
- /// default case, if present).
- bool get isExhaustive => isExplicitlyExhaustive || hasDefault;
- @override
- R accept<R>(StatementVisitor<R> v) => v.visitSwitchStatement(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(StatementVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitSwitchStatement(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- expression.accept(v);
- visitList(cases, v);
- expressionTypeInternal?.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- expression = v.transform(expression);
- expression.parent = this;
- v.transformList(cases, this);
- if (expressionTypeInternal != null) {
- expressionTypeInternal = v.visitDartType(expressionTypeInternal!);
- }
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- expression = v.transform(expression);
- expression.parent = this;
- v.transformSwitchCaseList(cases, this);
- if (expressionTypeInternal != null) {
- expressionTypeInternal =
- v.visitDartType(expressionTypeInternal!, cannotRemoveSentinel);
- }
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "SwitchStatement(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('switch (');
- printer.writeExpression(expression);
- printer.write(') {');
- printer.incIndentation();
- for (SwitchCase switchCase in cases) {
- printer.newLine();
- printer.writeSwitchCase(switchCase);
- }
- printer.decIndentation();
- printer.newLine();
- printer.write('}');
- }
-/// A group of `case` clauses and/or a `default` clause.
-/// This is a potential target of [ContinueSwitchStatement].
-class SwitchCase extends TreeNode {
- final List<Expression> expressions;
- final List<int> expressionOffsets;
- late Statement body;
- bool isDefault;
- SwitchCase(this.expressions, this.expressionOffsets, Statement? body,
- {this.isDefault = false}) {
- setParents(expressions, this);
- if (body != null) {
- this.body = body..parent = this;
- }
- }
- SwitchCase.defaultCase(Statement? body)
- : isDefault = true,
- expressions = <Expression>[],
- expressionOffsets = <int>[] {
- if (body != null) {
- this.body = body..parent = this;
- }
- }
- @override
- List<int>? get fileOffsetsIfMultiple => [fileOffset, ...expressionOffsets];
- @override
- R accept<R>(TreeVisitor<R> v) => v.visitSwitchCase(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(TreeVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) => v.visitSwitchCase(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- visitList(expressions, v);
- body.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- v.transformList(expressions, this);
- body = v.transform(body);
- body.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- v.transformExpressionList(expressions, this);
- body = v.transform(body);
- body.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "SwitchCase(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- String toText(AstTextStrategy strategy) {
- AstPrinter printer = new AstPrinter(strategy);
- toTextInternal(printer);
- return printer.getText();
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- for (int index = 0; index < expressions.length; index++) {
- if (index > 0) {
- printer.newLine();
- }
- printer.write('case ');
- printer.writeExpression(expressions[index]);
- printer.write(':');
- }
- if (isDefault) {
- if (expressions.isNotEmpty) {
- printer.newLine();
- }
- printer.write('default:');
- }
- printer.incIndentation();
- Statement? block = body;
- if (block is Block) {
- for (Statement statement in block.statements) {
- printer.newLine();
- printer.writeStatement(statement);
- }
- } else {
- printer.write(' ');
- printer.writeStatement(body);
- }
- printer.decIndentation();
- }
-/// Jump to a case in an enclosing switch.
-class ContinueSwitchStatement extends Statement {
- SwitchCase target;
- ContinueSwitchStatement(;
- @override
- R accept<R>(StatementVisitor<R> v) => v.visitContinueSwitchStatement(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(StatementVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitContinueSwitchStatement(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {}
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {}
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "ContinueSwitchStatement(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('continue ');
- printer.write(printer.getSwitchCaseName(target));
- printer.write(';');
- }
-class IfStatement extends Statement {
- Expression condition;
- Statement then;
- Statement? otherwise;
- IfStatement(this.condition, this.then, this.otherwise) {
- condition.parent = this;
- then.parent = this;
- otherwise?.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(StatementVisitor<R> v) => v.visitIfStatement(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(StatementVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitIfStatement(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- condition.accept(v);
- then.accept(v);
- otherwise?.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- condition = v.transform(condition);
- condition.parent = this;
- then = v.transform(then);
- then.parent = this;
- if (otherwise != null) {
- otherwise = v.transform(otherwise!);
- otherwise?.parent = this;
- }
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- condition = v.transform(condition);
- condition.parent = this;
- then = v.transform(then);
- then.parent = this;
- if (otherwise != null) {
- otherwise = v.transformOrRemoveStatement(otherwise!);
- otherwise?.parent = this;
- }
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "IfStatement(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('if (');
- printer.writeExpression(condition);
- printer.write(') ');
- printer.writeStatement(then);
- if (otherwise != null) {
- printer.write(' else ');
- printer.writeStatement(otherwise!);
- }
- }
-class ReturnStatement extends Statement {
- Expression? expression; // May be null.
- ReturnStatement([this.expression]) {
- expression?.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(StatementVisitor<R> v) => v.visitReturnStatement(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(StatementVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitReturnStatement(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- expression?.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- if (expression != null) {
- expression = v.transform(expression!);
- expression?.parent = this;
- }
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- if (expression != null) {
- expression = v.transformOrRemoveExpression(expression!);
- expression?.parent = this;
- }
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "ReturnStatement(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('return');
- if (expression != null) {
- printer.write(' ');
- printer.writeExpression(expression!);
- }
- printer.write(';');
- }
-class TryCatch extends Statement {
- Statement body;
- List<Catch> catches;
- bool isSynthetic;
- TryCatch(this.body, this.catches, {this.isSynthetic = false}) {
- body.parent = this;
- setParents(catches, this);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(StatementVisitor<R> v) => v.visitTryCatch(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(StatementVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitTryCatch(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- body.accept(v);
- visitList(catches, v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- body = v.transform(body);
- body.parent = this;
- v.transformList(catches, this);
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- body = v.transform(body);
- body.parent = this;
- v.transformCatchList(catches, this);
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "TryCatch(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('try ');
- printer.writeStatement(body);
- for (Catch catchClause in catches) {
- printer.write(' ');
- printer.writeCatch(catchClause);
- }
- }
-class Catch extends TreeNode {
- DartType guard; // Not null, defaults to dynamic.
- VariableDeclaration? exception;
- VariableDeclaration? stackTrace;
- Statement body;
- Catch(this.exception, this.body,
- {this.guard = const DynamicType(), this.stackTrace}) {
- exception?.parent = this;
- stackTrace?.parent = this;
- body.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(TreeVisitor<R> v) => v.visitCatch(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(TreeVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) => v.visitCatch(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- guard.accept(v);
- exception?.accept(v);
- stackTrace?.accept(v);
- body.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- guard = v.visitDartType(guard);
- if (exception != null) {
- exception = v.transform(exception!);
- exception?.parent = this;
- }
- if (stackTrace != null) {
- stackTrace = v.transform(stackTrace!);
- stackTrace?.parent = this;
- }
- body = v.transform(body);
- body.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- guard = v.visitDartType(guard, cannotRemoveSentinel);
- if (exception != null) {
- exception = v.transformOrRemoveVariableDeclaration(exception!);
- exception?.parent = this;
- }
- if (stackTrace != null) {
- stackTrace = v.transformOrRemoveVariableDeclaration(stackTrace!);
- stackTrace?.parent = this;
- }
- body = v.transform(body);
- body.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "Catch(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- String toText(AstTextStrategy strategy) {
- AstPrinter printer = new AstPrinter(strategy);
- toTextInternal(printer);
- return printer.getText();
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- bool isImplicitType(DartType type) {
- if (type is DynamicType) {
- return true;
- }
- if (type is InterfaceType &&
- type.classReference.node != null &&
- == 'Object') {
- Uri uri = type.classNode.enclosingLibrary.importUri;
- return uri.isScheme('dart') &&
- uri.path == 'core' &&
- type.nullability == Nullability.nonNullable;
- }
- return false;
- }
- if (exception != null) {
- if (!isImplicitType(guard)) {
- printer.write('on ');
- printer.writeType(guard);
- printer.write(' ');
- }
- printer.write('catch (');
- printer.writeVariableDeclaration(exception!,
- includeModifiersAndType: false);
- if (stackTrace != null) {
- printer.write(', ');
- printer.writeVariableDeclaration(stackTrace!,
- includeModifiersAndType: false);
- }
- printer.write(') ');
- } else {
- printer.write('on ');
- printer.writeType(guard);
- printer.write(' ');
- }
- printer.writeStatement(body);
- }
-class TryFinally extends Statement {
- Statement body;
- Statement finalizer;
- TryFinally(this.body, this.finalizer) {
- body.parent = this;
- finalizer.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(StatementVisitor<R> v) => v.visitTryFinally(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(StatementVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitTryFinally(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- body.accept(v);
- finalizer.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- body = v.transform(body);
- body.parent = this;
- finalizer = v.transform(finalizer);
- finalizer.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- body = v.transform(body);
- body.parent = this;
- finalizer = v.transform(finalizer);
- finalizer.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "TryFinally(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- if (body is! TryCatch) {
- // This is a `try {} catch (e) {} finally {}`. Avoid repeating `try`.
- printer.write('try ');
- }
- printer.writeStatement(body);
- printer.write(' finally ');
- printer.writeStatement(finalizer);
- }
-/// Statement of form `yield x` or `yield* x`.
-class YieldStatement extends Statement {
- Expression expression;
- int flags = 0;
- YieldStatement(this.expression, {bool isYieldStar = false}) {
- expression.parent = this;
- this.isYieldStar = isYieldStar;
- }
- static const int FlagYieldStar = 1 << 0;
- bool get isYieldStar => flags & FlagYieldStar != 0;
- void set isYieldStar(bool value) {
- flags = value ? (flags | FlagYieldStar) : (flags & ~FlagYieldStar);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(StatementVisitor<R> v) => v.visitYieldStatement(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(StatementVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitYieldStatement(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- expression.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- expression = v.transform(expression);
- expression.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- expression = v.transform(expression);
- expression.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "YieldStatement(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('yield');
- if (isYieldStar) {
- printer.write('*');
- }
- printer.write(' ');
- printer.writeExpression(expression);
- printer.write(';');
- }
-/// Declaration of a local variable.
-/// This may occur as a statement, but is also used in several non-statement
-/// contexts, such as in [ForStatement], [Catch], and [FunctionNode].
-/// When this occurs as a statement, it must be a direct child of a [Block].
-// DESIGN TODO: Should we remove the 'final' modifier from variables?
-class VariableDeclaration extends Statement implements Annotatable {
- /// Offset of the equals sign in the source file it comes from.
- ///
- /// Valid values are from 0 and up, or -1 ([TreeNode.noOffset])
- /// if the equals sign offset is not available (e.g. if not initialized)
- /// (this is the default if none is specifically set).
- int fileEqualsOffset = TreeNode.noOffset;
- @override
- List<int>? get fileOffsetsIfMultiple => [fileOffset, fileEqualsOffset];
- /// List of metadata annotations on the variable declaration.
- ///
- /// This defaults to an immutable empty list. Use [addAnnotation] to add
- /// annotations if needed.
- @override
- List<Expression> annotations = const <Expression>[];
- /// The name of the variable or parameter as provided in the source code.
- ///
- /// If this variable is synthesized, for instance the variable of a [Let]
- /// expression, the name can be `null`.
- String? _name;
- int flags = 0;
- DartType type; // Not null, defaults to dynamic.
- /// Offset of the declaration, set and used when writing the binary.
- int binaryOffsetNoTag = -1;
- /// For locals, this is the initial value.
- /// For parameters, this is the default value.
- ///
- /// Should be null in other cases.
- Expression? initializer; // May be null.
- VariableDeclaration(this._name,
- {this.initializer,
- this.type = const DynamicType(),
- int flags = -1,
- bool isFinal = false,
- bool isConst = false,
- bool isInitializingFormal = false,
- bool isCovariantByDeclaration = false,
- bool isLate = false,
- bool isRequired = false,
- bool isLowered = false,
- bool isSynthesized = false,
- bool isHoisted = false,
- bool hasDeclaredInitializer = false,
- bool isWildcard = false}) {
- initializer?.parent = this;
- if (flags != -1) {
- this.flags = flags;
- } else {
- this.isFinal = isFinal;
- this.isConst = isConst;
- this.isInitializingFormal = isInitializingFormal;
- this.isCovariantByDeclaration = isCovariantByDeclaration;
- this.isLate = isLate;
- this.isRequired = isRequired;
- this.isLowered = isLowered;
- this.hasDeclaredInitializer = hasDeclaredInitializer;
- this.isSynthesized = isSynthesized;
- this.isHoisted = isHoisted;
- this.isWildcard = isWildcard;
- }
- assert(_name != null || this.isSynthesized,
- "Only synthesized variables can have no name.");
- }
- /// Creates a synthetic variable with the given expression as initializer.
- VariableDeclaration.forValue(this.initializer,
- {bool isFinal = true,
- bool isConst = false,
- bool isInitializingFormal = false,
- bool isLate = false,
- bool isRequired = false,
- bool isLowered = false,
- this.type = const DynamicType()}) {
- initializer?.parent = this;
- this.isFinal = isFinal;
- this.isConst = isConst;
- this.isInitializingFormal = isInitializingFormal;
- this.isLate = isLate;
- this.isRequired = isRequired;
- this.isLowered = isLowered;
- this.hasDeclaredInitializer = true;
- this.isSynthesized = true;
- }
- /// The name of the variable as provided in the source code.
- ///
- /// The name of a variable can only be omitted if the variable is synthesized.
- /// Otherwise, its name is as provided in the source code.
- String? get name => _name;
- void set name(String? value) {
- assert(value != null || isSynthesized,
- "Only synthesized variables can have no name.");
- _name = value;
- }
- static const int FlagFinal = 1 << 0; // Must match serialized bit positions.
- static const int FlagConst = 1 << 1;
- static const int FlagHasDeclaredInitializer = 1 << 2;
- static const int FlagInitializingFormal = 1 << 3;
- static const int FlagCovariantByClass = 1 << 4;
- static const int FlagLate = 1 << 5;
- static const int FlagRequired = 1 << 6;
- static const int FlagCovariantByDeclaration = 1 << 7;
- static const int FlagLowered = 1 << 8;
- static const int FlagSynthesized = 1 << 9;
- static const int FlagHoisted = 1 << 10;
- static const int FlagWildcard = 1 << 11;
- bool get isFinal => flags & FlagFinal != 0;
- bool get isConst => flags & FlagConst != 0;
- /// Whether the parameter is declared with the `covariant` keyword.
- bool get isCovariantByDeclaration => flags & FlagCovariantByDeclaration != 0;
- /// Whether the variable is declared as an initializing formal parameter of
- /// a constructor.
- @informative
- bool get isInitializingFormal => flags & FlagInitializingFormal != 0;
- /// If this [VariableDeclaration] is a parameter of a method, indicates
- /// whether the method implementation needs to contain a runtime type check to
- /// deal with generic covariance.
- ///
- /// When `true`, runtime checks may need to be performed.
- bool get isCovariantByClass => flags & FlagCovariantByClass != 0;
- /// Whether the variable is declared with the `late` keyword.
- ///
- /// The `late` modifier is only supported on local variables and not on
- /// parameters.
- bool get isLate => flags & FlagLate != 0;
- /// Whether the parameter is declared with the `required` keyword.
- ///
- /// The `required` modifier is only supported on named parameters and not on
- /// positional parameters and local variables.
- bool get isRequired => flags & FlagRequired != 0;
- /// Whether the variable is part of a lowering.
- ///
- /// If a variable is part of a lowering its name may be synthesized so that it
- /// doesn't reflect the name used in the source code and might not have a
- /// one-to-one correspondence with the variable in the source.
- ///
- /// Lowering is used for instance of encoding of 'this' in extension instance
- /// members and encoding of late locals.
- bool get isLowered => flags & FlagLowered != 0;
- /// Whether this variable is synthesized, that is, it is _not_ declared in
- /// the source code.
- ///
- /// The name of a variable can only be omitted if the variable is synthesized.
- /// Otherwise, its name is as provided in the source code.
- bool get isSynthesized => flags & FlagSynthesized != 0;
- /// Whether the declaration of this variable is has been moved to an earlier
- /// source location.
- ///
- /// This is for instance the case for variables declared in a pattern, where
- /// the lowering requires the variable to be declared before the expression
- /// that performs that matching in which its initialization occurs.
- bool get isHoisted => flags & FlagHoisted != 0;
- /// Whether the variable has an initializer, either by declaration or copied
- /// from an original declaration.
- ///
- /// Note that the variable might have a synthesized initializer expression,
- /// so `hasDeclaredInitializer == false` doesn't imply `initializer == null`.
- /// For instance, for duplicate variable names, an invalid expression is set
- /// as the initializer of the second variable.
- bool get hasDeclaredInitializer => flags & FlagHasDeclaredInitializer != 0;
- /// Whether this variable is a wildcard variable.
- ///
- /// Wildcard variables have the name `_`.
- bool get isWildcard => flags & FlagWildcard != 0;
- /// Whether the variable is assignable.
- ///
- /// This is `true` if the variable is neither constant nor final, or if it
- /// is late final without an initializer.
- bool get isAssignable {
- if (isConst) return false;
- if (isFinal) {
- if (isLate) return initializer == null;
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- void set isFinal(bool value) {
- flags = value ? (flags | FlagFinal) : (flags & ~FlagFinal);
- }
- void set isConst(bool value) {
- flags = value ? (flags | FlagConst) : (flags & ~FlagConst);
- }
- void set isCovariantByDeclaration(bool value) {
- flags = value
- ? (flags | FlagCovariantByDeclaration)
- : (flags & ~FlagCovariantByDeclaration);
- }
- @informative
- void set isInitializingFormal(bool value) {
- flags = value
- ? (flags | FlagInitializingFormal)
- : (flags & ~FlagInitializingFormal);
- }
- void set isCovariantByClass(bool value) {
- flags = value
- ? (flags | FlagCovariantByClass)
- : (flags & ~FlagCovariantByClass);
- }
- void set isLate(bool value) {
- flags = value ? (flags | FlagLate) : (flags & ~FlagLate);
- }
- void set isRequired(bool value) {
- flags = value ? (flags | FlagRequired) : (flags & ~FlagRequired);
- }
- void set isLowered(bool value) {
- flags = value ? (flags | FlagLowered) : (flags & ~FlagLowered);
- }
- void set isSynthesized(bool value) {
- assert(
- value || _name != null, "Only synthesized variables can have no name.");
- flags = value ? (flags | FlagSynthesized) : (flags & ~FlagSynthesized);
- }
- void set isHoisted(bool value) {
- flags = value ? (flags | FlagHoisted) : (flags & ~FlagHoisted);
- }
- void set hasDeclaredInitializer(bool value) {
- flags = value
- ? (flags | FlagHasDeclaredInitializer)
- : (flags & ~FlagHasDeclaredInitializer);
- }
- void set isWildcard(bool value) {
- // TODO(kallentu): Change the name to be unique with other wildcard
- // variables.
- flags = value ? (flags | FlagWildcard) : (flags & ~FlagWildcard);
- }
- void clearAnnotations() {
- annotations = const <Expression>[];
- }
- @override
- void addAnnotation(Expression annotation) {
- if (annotations.isEmpty) {
- annotations = <Expression>[];
- }
- annotations.add(annotation..parent = this);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(StatementVisitor<R> v) => v.visitVariableDeclaration(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(StatementVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitVariableDeclaration(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- visitList(annotations, v);
- type.accept(v);
- initializer?.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- v.transformList(annotations, this);
- type = v.visitDartType(type);
- if (initializer != null) {
- initializer = v.transform(initializer!);
- initializer?.parent = this;
- }
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- v.transformExpressionList(annotations, this);
- type = v.visitDartType(type, cannotRemoveSentinel);
- if (initializer != null) {
- initializer = v.transformOrRemoveExpression(initializer!);
- initializer?.parent = this;
- }
- }
- /// Returns a possibly synthesized name for this variable, consistent with
- /// the names used across all [toString] calls.
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "VariableDeclaration(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- String toStringInternal() {
- AstPrinter printer = new AstPrinter(defaultAstTextStrategy);
- printer.writeVariableDeclaration(this, includeInitializer: false);
- return printer.getText();
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeVariableDeclaration(this);
- printer.write(';');
- }
-/// Declaration a local function.
-/// The body of the function may use [variable] as its self-reference.
-class FunctionDeclaration extends Statement implements LocalFunction {
- VariableDeclaration variable; // Is final and has no initializer.
- @override
- FunctionNode function;
- FunctionDeclaration(this.variable, this.function) {
- variable.parent = this;
- function.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- List<TypeParameter> get typeParameters => function.typeParameters;
- @override
- R accept<R>(StatementVisitor<R> v) => v.visitFunctionDeclaration(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(StatementVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitFunctionDeclaration(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- variable.accept(v);
- function.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- variable = v.transform(variable);
- variable.parent = this;
- function = v.transform(function);
- function.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- variable = v.transform(variable);
- variable.parent = this;
- function = v.transform(function);
- function.parent = this;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "FunctionDeclaration(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeFunctionNode(function, printer.getVariableName(variable));
- if (function.body is ReturnStatement) {
- printer.write(';');
- }
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-/// A public name, or a private name qualified by a library.
-/// Names are only used for expressions with dynamic dispatch, as all
-/// statically resolved references are represented in nameless form.
-/// [Name]s are immutable and compare based on structural equality, and they
-/// are not AST nodes.
-/// The [toString] method returns a human-readable string that includes the
-/// library name for private names; uniqueness is not guaranteed.
-abstract class Name extends Node {
- @override
- final int hashCode;
- final String text;
- Reference? get libraryReference;
- Library? get library;
- bool get isPrivate;
- Name._internal(this.hashCode, this.text);
- factory Name(String text, [Library? library]) =>
- new Name.byReference(text, library?.reference);
- factory Name.byReference(String text, Reference? libraryName) {
- /// Use separate subclasses for the public and private case to save memory
- /// for public names.
- if (text.startsWith('_')) {
- assert(libraryName != null);
- return new _PrivateName(text, libraryName!);
- } else {
- return new _PublicName(text);
- }
- }
- @override
- bool operator ==(other) {
- return other is Name && text == other.text && library == other.library;
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(Visitor<R> v) => v.visitName(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(Visitor1<R, A> v, A arg) => v.visitName(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- // DESIGN TODO: Should we visit the library as a library reference?
- }
- /// Returns the textual representation of this node for use in debugging.
- ///
- /// Note that this adds some nodes to a static map to ensure consistent
- /// naming, but that it thus also leaks memory.
- @override
- String leakingDebugToString() => astToText.debugNodeToString(this);
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeName(this);
- }
- /// The name of the `call` method on a function.
- static final Name callName = new _PublicName('call');
- /// The name of the `==` operator.
- static final Name equalsName = new _PublicName('==');
-class _PrivateName extends Name {
- @override
- final Reference libraryReference;
- @override
- bool get isPrivate => true;
- _PrivateName(String text, Reference libraryReference)
- : this.libraryReference = libraryReference,
- super._internal(_computeHashCode(text, libraryReference), text);
- @override
- String toString() => toStringInternal();
- @override
- String toStringInternal() => '$library::$text';
- @override
- Library get library => libraryReference.asLibrary;
- static int _computeHashCode(String name, Reference libraryReference) {
- // TODO(cstefantsova): Factor in [libraryReference] in a non-deterministic
- // way into the result. Note, the previous code here was the following:
- // return 131 * name.hashCode + 17 *
- // libraryReference.asLibrary._libraryId;
- return name.hashCode;
- }
-class _PublicName extends Name {
- @override
- Reference? get libraryReference => null;
- @override
- Library? get library => null;
- @override
- bool get isPrivate => false;
- _PublicName(String text) : super._internal(text.hashCode, text);
- @override
- String toString() => toStringInternal();
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-/// Represents nullability of a type.
-enum Nullability {
- /// Non-legacy types not known to be nullable or non-nullable statically.
- ///
- /// An example of such type is type T in the example below. Note that both
- /// int and int? can be passed in for T, so an attempt to assign null to x is
- /// a compile-time error as well as assigning x to y.
- ///
- /// class A<T extends Object?> {
- /// foo(T x) {
- /// x = null; // Compile-time error.
- /// Object y = x; // Compile-time error.
- /// }
- /// }
- undetermined,
- /// Nullable types are marked with the '?' modifier.
- ///
- /// Null, dynamic, and void are nullable by default.
- nullable,
- /// Non-nullable types are types that aren't marked with the '?' modifier.
- ///
- /// Note that Null, dynamic, and void that are nullable by default. Note also
- /// that some types denoted by a type parameter without the '?' modifier can
- /// be something else rather than non-nullable.
- nonNullable,
- /// Types in opt-out libraries are 'legacy' types.
- ///
- /// They are both subtypes and supertypes of the nullable and non-nullable
- /// versions of the type.
- legacy
-/// A syntax-independent notion of a type.
-/// [DartType]s are not AST nodes and may be shared between different parents.
-/// [DartType] objects should be treated as unmodifiable objects, although
-/// immutability is not enforced for List fields, and [TypeParameter]s are
-/// cyclic structures that are constructed by mutation.
-/// The `==` operator on [DartType]s compare based on type equality, not
-/// object identity.
-sealed class DartType extends Node implements SharedTypeStructure<DartType> {
- const DartType();
- @override
- R accept<R>(DartTypeVisitor<R> v);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(DartTypeVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg);
- @override
- bool operator ==(Object other) => equals(other, null);
- /// The nullability declared on the type.
- ///
- /// For example, the declared nullability of `FutureOr<int?>` is
- /// [Nullability.nonNullable], the declared nullability of `dynamic` is
- /// [Nullability.nullable], the declared nullability of `int*` is
- /// [Nullability.legacy], the declared nullability of the promoted type `X &
- /// int` where `X extends Object?`
- /// is [Nullability.undetermined].
- Nullability get declaredNullability;
- /// The nullability of the type as the property to contain null.
- ///
- /// For example, nullability-as-property of FutureOr<int?> is
- /// [Nullability.nullable], nullability-as-property of dynamic is
- /// [Nullability.nullable], nullability-as-property of int* is
- /// [Nullability.legacy], nullability-as-property of the promoted type `X &
- /// int` where `X extends Object?`
- /// is [Nullability.nonNullable].
- Nullability get nullability;
- @override
- NullabilitySuffix get nullabilitySuffix {
- if (isTypeWithoutNullabilityMarker(this)) {
- return NullabilitySuffix.none;
- } else if (isNullableTypeConstructorApplication(this)) {
- return NullabilitySuffix.question;
- } else {
- assert(isLegacyTypeConstructorApplication(this));
- return;
- }
- }
- /// If this is a typedef type, repeatedly unfolds its type definition until
- /// the root term is not a typedef type, otherwise returns the type itself.
- ///
- /// Will never return a typedef type.
- DartType get unalias => this;
- /// Creates a copy of the type with the given [declaredNullability].
- ///
- /// Some types have fixed nullabilities, such as `dynamic`, `invalid-type`,
- /// `void`, or `bottom`.
- DartType withDeclaredNullability(Nullability declaredNullability);
- /// Creates the type corresponding to this type without null, if possible.
- ///
- /// Note that not all types, for instance `dynamic`, have a corresponding
- /// non-nullable type. For these, the type itself is returned.
- ///
- /// This corresponds to the `NonNull` function of the nnbd specification.
- DartType toNonNull() => computeNonNull(this);
- /// Checks if the type is potentially nullable.
- ///
- /// A type is potentially nullable if it's nullable or if its nullability is
- /// undetermined at compile time.
- bool get isPotentiallyNullable {
- return nullability == Nullability.nullable ||
- nullability == Nullability.undetermined;
- }
- /// Checks if the type is potentially non-nullable.
- ///
- /// A type is potentially non-nullable if it's non-nullable or if its
- /// nullability is undetermined at compile time.
- bool get isPotentiallyNonNullable {
- return nullability == Nullability.nonNullable ||
- nullability == Nullability.undetermined;
- }
- /// Returns the non-type variable bound of this type, taking nullability
- /// into account.
- ///
- /// For instance in
- ///
- /// method<T, S extends Class, U extends S?>()
- ///
- /// the non-type variable bound of `T` is `Object?`, for `S` it is `Class`,
- /// and for `U` it is `Class?`.
- DartType get nonTypeVariableBound;
- /// Returns `true` if members *not* declared on `Object` can be accessed on
- /// a receiver of this type.
- bool get hasNonObjectMemberAccess;
- /// Returns the type with all occurrences of [ExtensionType] replaced by their
- /// representations, transitively. This is the type used at runtime to
- /// represent this type.
- ///
- /// For instance, for these declarations
- ///
- /// extension type ET1(int id) {}
- /// extension type ET2(ET1 id) {}
- /// extension type ET3<T>(T id) {}
- ///
- /// the extension type erasures for `ET1`, `ET2`, `ET3<ET2>` and `List<ET2>`
- /// are `int`, `int`, `int`, `List<int>`, respectively.
- DartType get extensionTypeErasure => computeExtensionTypeErasure(this);
- /// Internal implementation of equality using [assumptions] to handle equality
- /// of type parameters on function types coinductively.
- bool equals(Object other, Assumptions? assumptions);
- @override
- String getDisplayString() => toText(const AstTextStrategy());
- @override
- bool isStructurallyEqualTo(SharedTypeStructure other) {
- // TODO(cstefantsova): Use the actual algorithm for structural equality.
- return this == other;
- }
- /// Returns a textual representation of the this type.
- ///
- /// If [verbose] is `true`, qualified names will include the library name/uri.
- @override
- String toText(AstTextStrategy strategy) {
- AstPrinter printer = new AstPrinter(strategy);
- printer.writeType(this);
- return printer.getText();
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer);
-/// A type which is an instantiation of a [TypeDeclaration].
-sealed class TypeDeclarationType extends DartType {
- /// The [Reference] to the [TypeDeclaration] on which this
- /// [TypeDeclarationType] is built.
- Reference get typeDeclarationReference;
- /// The type arguments used to instantiate this [TypeDeclarationType].
- List<DartType> get typeArguments;
- /// The [TypeDeclaration] on which this [TypeDeclarationType] is built.
- TypeDeclaration get typeDeclaration =>
- typeDeclarationReference.asTypeDeclaration;
-abstract class AuxiliaryType extends DartType {
- const AuxiliaryType();
- @override
- R accept<R>(DartTypeVisitor<R> v) => v.visitAuxiliaryType(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(DartTypeVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitAuxiliaryType(this, arg);
-/// The type arising from invalid type annotations.
-/// Can usually be treated as 'dynamic', but should occasionally be handled
-/// differently, e.g. `x is ERROR` should evaluate to false.
-class InvalidType extends DartType
- implements SharedInvalidTypeStructure<DartType> {
- @override
- final int hashCode = 12345;
- const InvalidType();
- @override
- R accept<R>(DartTypeVisitor<R> v) => v.visitInvalidType(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(DartTypeVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitInvalidType(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
- @override
- DartType get nonTypeVariableBound => this;
- @override
- bool get hasNonObjectMemberAccess => true;
- @override
- bool equals(Object other, Assumptions? assumptions) => other is InvalidType;
- @override
- Nullability get declaredNullability {
- // TODO(johnniwinther,cstefantsova): Consider implementing
- // invalidNullability.
- return Nullability.nullable;
- }
- @override
- Nullability get nullability {
- // TODO(johnniwinther,cstefantsova): Consider implementing
- // invalidNullability.
- return Nullability.nullable;
- }
- @override
- InvalidType withDeclaredNullability(Nullability declaredNullability) => this;
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "InvalidType(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write("<invalid>");
- }
-class DynamicType extends DartType
- implements SharedDynamicTypeStructure<DartType> {
- @override
- final int hashCode = 54321;
- const DynamicType();
- @override
- R accept<R>(DartTypeVisitor<R> v) => v.visitDynamicType(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(DartTypeVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitDynamicType(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
- @override
- DartType get nonTypeVariableBound => this;
- @override
- bool get hasNonObjectMemberAccess => false;
- @override
- bool equals(Object other, Assumptions? assumptions) => other is DynamicType;
- @override
- Nullability get declaredNullability => Nullability.nullable;
- @override
- Nullability get nullability => Nullability.nullable;
- @override
- DynamicType withDeclaredNullability(Nullability declaredNullability) => this;
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "DynamicType(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write("dynamic");
- }
-class VoidType extends DartType implements SharedVoidTypeStructure<DartType> {
- @override
- final int hashCode = 123121;
- const VoidType();
- @override
- R accept<R>(DartTypeVisitor<R> v) => v.visitVoidType(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(DartTypeVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitVoidType(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
- @override
- DartType get nonTypeVariableBound => this;
- @override
- bool get hasNonObjectMemberAccess => false;
- @override
- bool equals(Object other, Assumptions? assumptions) => other is VoidType;
- @override
- Nullability get declaredNullability => Nullability.nullable;
- @override
- Nullability get nullability => Nullability.nullable;
- @override
- VoidType withDeclaredNullability(Nullability declaredNullability) => this;
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "VoidType(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write("void");
- }
-class NeverType extends DartType {
- @override
- final Nullability declaredNullability;
- const NeverType.nullable() : this.internal(Nullability.nullable);
- const NeverType.nonNullable() : this.internal(Nullability.nonNullable);
- const NeverType.legacy() : this.internal(Nullability.legacy);
- const NeverType.internal(this.declaredNullability)
- : assert(declaredNullability != Nullability.undetermined);
- static NeverType fromNullability(Nullability nullability) {
- switch (nullability) {
- case Nullability.nullable:
- return const NeverType.nullable();
- case Nullability.nonNullable:
- return const NeverType.nonNullable();
- case Nullability.legacy:
- return const NeverType.legacy();
- case Nullability.undetermined:
- throw new StateError("Unsupported nullability for 'NeverType': "
- "'${nullability}'");
- }
- }
- @override
- Nullability get nullability => declaredNullability;
- @override
- DartType get nonTypeVariableBound => this;
- @override
- bool get hasNonObjectMemberAccess => switch (declaredNullability) {
- Nullability.undetermined => false,
- Nullability.nullable => false,
- Nullability.nonNullable => true,
- Nullability.legacy => true,
- };
- @override
- int get hashCode {
- return 485786 ^ ((0x33333333 >> nullability.index) ^ 0x33333333);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(DartTypeVisitor<R> v) => v.visitNeverType(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(DartTypeVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitNeverType(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
- @override
- bool equals(Object other, Assumptions? assumptions) =>
- other is NeverType && nullability == other.nullability;
- @override
- NeverType withDeclaredNullability(Nullability declaredNullability) {
- return this.declaredNullability == declaredNullability
- ? this
- : NeverType.fromNullability(declaredNullability);
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "NeverType(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write("Never");
- printer.writeNullability(declaredNullability);
- }
-class NullType extends DartType {
- @override
- final int hashCode = 415324;
- const NullType();
- @override
- R accept<R>(DartTypeVisitor<R> v) => v.visitNullType(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(DartTypeVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) {
- return v.visitNullType(this, arg);
- }
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
- @override
- DartType get nonTypeVariableBound => this;
- @override
- bool get hasNonObjectMemberAccess => false;
- @override
- bool equals(Object other, Assumptions? assumptions) => other is NullType;
- @override
- Nullability get declaredNullability => Nullability.nullable;
- @override
- Nullability get nullability => Nullability.nullable;
- @override
- DartType withDeclaredNullability(Nullability nullability) => this;
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "NullType(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write("Null");
- }
-class InterfaceType extends TypeDeclarationType {
- final Reference classReference;
- @override
- final Nullability declaredNullability;
- @override
- final List<DartType> typeArguments;
- /// The [typeArguments] list must not be modified after this call. If the
- /// list is omitted, 'dynamic' type arguments are filled in.
- InterfaceType(Class classNode, Nullability declaredNullability,
- [List<DartType>? typeArguments])
- : this.byReference(classNode.reference, declaredNullability,
- typeArguments ?? _defaultTypeArguments(classNode));
- InterfaceType.byReference(
- this.classReference, this.declaredNullability, this.typeArguments);
- @override
- Reference get typeDeclarationReference => classReference;
- Class get classNode => classReference.asClass;
- @override
- Nullability get nullability => declaredNullability;
- @override
- bool get hasNonObjectMemberAccess => switch (declaredNullability) {
- Nullability.undetermined => false,
- Nullability.nullable => false,
- Nullability.nonNullable => true,
- Nullability.legacy => true,
- };
- @override
- DartType get nonTypeVariableBound => this;
- static List<DartType> _defaultTypeArguments(Class classNode) {
- if (classNode.typeParameters.length == 0) {
- // Avoid allocating a list in this very common case.
- return const <DartType>[];
- } else {
- return new List<DartType>.filled(
- classNode.typeParameters.length, const DynamicType());
- }
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(DartTypeVisitor<R> v) => v.visitInterfaceType(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(DartTypeVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitInterfaceType(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- classNode.acceptReference(v);
- visitList(typeArguments, v);
- }
- @override
- bool equals(Object other, Assumptions? assumptions) {
- if (identical(this, other)) return true;
- if (other is InterfaceType) {
- if (nullability != other.nullability) return false;
- if (classReference != other.classReference) return false;
- if (typeArguments.length != other.typeArguments.length) return false;
- for (int i = 0; i < typeArguments.length; ++i) {
- if (!typeArguments[i].equals(other.typeArguments[i], assumptions)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- @override
- int get hashCode {
- int hash = 0x3fffffff & classReference.hashCode;
- for (int i = 0; i < typeArguments.length; ++i) {
- hash = 0x3fffffff & (hash * 31 + (hash ^ typeArguments[i].hashCode));
- }
- int nullabilityHash = (0x33333333 >> nullability.index) ^ 0x33333333;
- hash = 0x3fffffff & (hash * 31 + (hash ^ nullabilityHash));
- return hash;
- }
- @override
- InterfaceType withDeclaredNullability(Nullability declaredNullability) {
- return declaredNullability == this.declaredNullability
- ? this
- : new InterfaceType.byReference(
- classReference, declaredNullability, typeArguments);
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "InterfaceType(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeClassName(classReference, forType: true);
- printer.writeTypeArguments(typeArguments);
- printer.writeNullability(declaredNullability);
- }
-/// A possibly generic function type.
-class FunctionType extends DartType
- implements
- SharedFunctionTypeStructure<DartType, StructuralParameter, NamedType> {
- final List<StructuralParameter> typeParameters;
- final int requiredParameterCount;
- final List<DartType> positionalParameters;
- final List<NamedType> namedParameters; // Must be sorted.
- @override
- final Nullability declaredNullability;
- @override
- final DartType returnType;
- @override
- late final int hashCode = _computeHashCode();
- FunctionType(List<DartType> positionalParameters, this.returnType,
- this.declaredNullability,
- {this.namedParameters = const <NamedType>[],
- this.typeParameters = const <StructuralParameter>[],
- int? requiredParameterCount})
- : this.positionalParameters = positionalParameters,
- this.requiredParameterCount =
- requiredParameterCount ?? positionalParameters.length;
- @override
- Nullability get nullability => declaredNullability;
- @override
- DartType get nonTypeVariableBound => this;
- @override
- bool get hasNonObjectMemberAccess => switch (declaredNullability) {
- Nullability.undetermined => false,
- Nullability.nullable => false,
- Nullability.nonNullable => true,
- Nullability.legacy => true,
- };
- @override
- List<DartType> get positionalParameterTypes => positionalParameters;
- @override
- int get requiredPositionalParameterCount => requiredParameterCount;
- @override
- List<NamedType> get sortedNamedParameters => namedParameters;
- @override
- List<StructuralParameter> get typeFormals => typeParameters;
- @override
- R accept<R>(DartTypeVisitor<R> v) => v.visitFunctionType(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(DartTypeVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitFunctionType(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- visitList(typeParameters, v);
- visitList(positionalParameters, v);
- visitList(namedParameters, v);
- returnType.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- bool equals(Object other, Assumptions? assumptions) {
- if (identical(this, other)) {
- return true;
- } else if (other is FunctionType) {
- if (nullability != other.nullability) return false;
- if (typeParameters.length != other.typeParameters.length ||
- requiredParameterCount != other.requiredParameterCount ||
- positionalParameters.length != other.positionalParameters.length ||
- namedParameters.length != other.namedParameters.length) {
- return false;
- }
- if (typeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
- assumptions ??= new Assumptions();
- for (int index = 0; index < typeParameters.length; index++) {
- assumptions.assumeStructuralParameter(
- typeParameters[index], other.typeParameters[index]);
- }
- for (int index = 0; index < typeParameters.length; index++) {
- if (!typeParameters[index]
- .bound
- .equals(other.typeParameters[index].bound, assumptions)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!returnType.equals(other.returnType, assumptions)) {
- return false;
- }
- for (int index = 0; index < positionalParameters.length; index++) {
- if (!positionalParameters[index]
- .equals(other.positionalParameters[index], assumptions)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- for (int index = 0; index < namedParameters.length; index++) {
- if (!namedParameters[index]
- .equals(other.namedParameters[index], assumptions)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- if (typeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
- for (int index = 0; index < typeParameters.length; index++) {
- assumptions!.forgetStructuralParameter(
- typeParameters[index], other.typeParameters[index]);
- }
- }
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- /// Returns a variant of this function type that does not declare any type
- /// parameters.
- ///
- /// Any uses of its type parameters become free variables in the returned
- /// type.
- FunctionType get withoutTypeParameters {
- if (typeParameters.isEmpty) return this;
- return new FunctionType(positionalParameters, returnType, nullability,
- requiredParameterCount: requiredParameterCount,
- namedParameters: namedParameters);
- }
- /// Looks up the type of the named parameter with the given name.
- ///
- /// Returns `null` if there is no named parameter with the given name.
- DartType? getNamedParameter(String name) {
- int lower = 0;
- int upper = namedParameters.length - 1;
- while (lower <= upper) {
- int pivot = (lower + upper) ~/ 2;
- NamedType namedParameter = namedParameters[pivot];
- int comparison = name.compareTo(;
- if (comparison == 0) {
- return namedParameter.type;
- } else if (comparison < 0) {
- upper = pivot - 1;
- } else {
- lower = pivot + 1;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- int _computeHashCode() {
- int hash = 1237;
- hash = 0x3fffffff & (hash * 31 + requiredParameterCount);
- for (int i = 0; i < typeParameters.length; ++i) {
- StructuralParameter parameter = typeParameters[i];
- hash = 0x3fffffff & (hash * 31 + parameter.bound.hashCode);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < positionalParameters.length; ++i) {
- hash = 0x3fffffff & (hash * 31 + positionalParameters[i].hashCode);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < namedParameters.length; ++i) {
- hash = 0x3fffffff & (hash * 31 + namedParameters[i].hashCode);
- }
- hash = 0x3fffffff & (hash * 31 + returnType.hashCode);
- hash = 0x3fffffff & (hash * 31 + nullability.index);
- return hash;
- }
- @override
- FunctionType withDeclaredNullability(Nullability declaredNullability) {
- if (declaredNullability == this.declaredNullability) return this;
- return new FunctionType(
- positionalParameters, returnType, declaredNullability,
- namedParameters: namedParameters,
- typeParameters: typeParameters,
- requiredParameterCount: requiredParameterCount);
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "FunctionType(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeType(returnType);
- printer.write(" Function");
- printer.writeStructuralParameters(typeParameters);
- printer.write("(");
- for (int i = 0; i < positionalParameters.length; i++) {
- if (i > 0) {
- printer.write(", ");
- }
- if (i == requiredParameterCount) {
- printer.write("[");
- }
- printer.writeType(positionalParameters[i]);
- }
- if (requiredParameterCount < positionalParameters.length) {
- printer.write("]");
- }
- if (namedParameters.isNotEmpty) {
- if (positionalParameters.isNotEmpty) {
- printer.write(", ");
- }
- printer.write("{");
- for (int i = 0; i < namedParameters.length; i++) {
- if (i > 0) {
- printer.write(", ");
- }
- printer.writeNamedType(namedParameters[i]);
- }
- printer.write("}");
- }
- printer.write(")");
- printer.writeNullability(declaredNullability);
- }
-/// A use of a [Typedef] as a type.
-/// The underlying type can be extracted using [unalias].
-class TypedefType extends DartType {
- @override
- final Nullability declaredNullability;
- final Reference typedefReference;
- final List<DartType> typeArguments;
- TypedefType(Typedef typedef, Nullability nullability,
- [List<DartType>? typeArguments])
- : this.byReference(typedef.reference, nullability,
- typeArguments ?? const <DartType>[]);
- TypedefType.byReference(
- this.typedefReference, this.declaredNullability, this.typeArguments);
- Typedef get typedefNode => typedefReference.asTypedef;
- // TODO(cstefantsova): Replace with uniteNullabilities(declaredNullability,
- // typedefNode.type.nullability).
- @override
- Nullability get nullability => declaredNullability;
- @override
- DartType get nonTypeVariableBound => unalias.nonTypeVariableBound;
- @override
- bool get hasNonObjectMemberAccess => unalias.hasNonObjectMemberAccess;
- @override
- R accept<R>(DartTypeVisitor<R> v) => v.visitTypedefType(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(DartTypeVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitTypedefType(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- visitList(typeArguments, v);
- v.visitTypedefReference(typedefNode);
- }
- DartType get unaliasOnce {
- DartType result =
- Substitution.fromTypedefType(this).substituteType(typedefNode.type!);
- return result.withDeclaredNullability(combineNullabilitiesForSubstitution(
- inner: result.declaredNullability, outer: nullability));
- }
- @override
- DartType get unalias {
- return unaliasOnce.unalias;
- }
- @override
- bool equals(Object other, Assumptions? assumptions) {
- if (identical(this, other)) {
- return true;
- } else if (other is TypedefType) {
- if (nullability != other.nullability) return false;
- if (typedefReference != other.typedefReference ||
- typeArguments.length != other.typeArguments.length) {
- return false;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < typeArguments.length; ++i) {
- if (!typeArguments[i].equals(other.typeArguments[i], assumptions)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- @override
- int get hashCode {
- int hash = 0x3fffffff & typedefNode.hashCode;
- for (int i = 0; i < typeArguments.length; ++i) {
- hash = 0x3fffffff & (hash * 31 + (hash ^ typeArguments[i].hashCode));
- }
- int nullabilityHash = (0x33333333 >> nullability.index) ^ 0x33333333;
- hash = 0x3fffffff & (hash * 31 + (hash ^ nullabilityHash));
- return hash;
- }
- @override
- TypedefType withDeclaredNullability(Nullability declaredNullability) {
- return declaredNullability == this.declaredNullability
- ? this
- : new TypedefType.byReference(
- typedefReference, declaredNullability, typeArguments);
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "TypedefType(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeTypedefName(typedefReference);
- printer.writeTypeArguments(typeArguments);
- printer.writeNullability(declaredNullability);
- }
-class FutureOrType extends DartType {
- final DartType typeArgument;
- @override
- final Nullability declaredNullability;
- FutureOrType(this.typeArgument, this.declaredNullability);
- @override
- Nullability get nullability {
- return uniteNullabilities(typeArgument.nullability, declaredNullability);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(DartTypeVisitor<R> v) => v.visitFutureOrType(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(DartTypeVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) {
- return v.visitFutureOrType(this, arg);
- }
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- typeArgument.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- DartType get nonTypeVariableBound => this;
- @override
- bool get hasNonObjectMemberAccess => false;
- @override
- bool equals(Object other, Assumptions? assumptions) {
- if (identical(this, other)) return true;
- if (other is FutureOrType) {
- if (declaredNullability != other.declaredNullability) return false;
- if (!typeArgument.equals(other.typeArgument, assumptions)) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- @override
- int get hashCode {
- int hash = 0x12345678;
- hash = 0x3fffffff & (hash * 31 + (hash ^ typeArgument.hashCode));
- int nullabilityHash =
- (0x33333333 >> declaredNullability.index) ^ 0x33333333;
- hash = 0x3fffffff & (hash * 31 + (hash ^ nullabilityHash));
- return hash;
- }
- @override
- FutureOrType withDeclaredNullability(Nullability declaredNullability) {
- return declaredNullability == this.declaredNullability
- ? this
- : new FutureOrType(typeArgument, declaredNullability);
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "FutureOrType(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write("FutureOr<");
- printer.writeType(typeArgument);
- printer.write(">");
- printer.writeNullability(declaredNullability);
- }
-class ExtensionType extends TypeDeclarationType {
- final Reference extensionTypeDeclarationReference;
- @override
- final Nullability declaredNullability;
- @override
- final List<DartType> typeArguments;
- ExtensionType(ExtensionTypeDeclaration extensionTypeDeclaration,
- Nullability declaredNullability, [List<DartType>? typeArguments])
- : this.byReference(
- extensionTypeDeclaration.reference,
- declaredNullability,
- typeArguments ?? _defaultTypeArguments(extensionTypeDeclaration));
- ExtensionType.byReference(this.extensionTypeDeclarationReference,
- this.declaredNullability, this.typeArguments);
- ExtensionTypeDeclaration get extensionTypeDeclaration =>
- extensionTypeDeclarationReference.asExtensionTypeDeclaration;
- @override
- Reference get typeDeclarationReference => extensionTypeDeclarationReference;
- /// Returns the type erasure of this extension type.
- ///
- /// This is the type used at runtime for this type, for instance in is-tests
- /// and as-checks.
- ///
- /// The type erasure is the recursive replacement of extension types by their
- /// type erasures in the declared representation type of
- /// [extensionTypeDeclaration] instantiation with [typeArguments].
- ///
- /// For instance
- ///
- /// extension type E1(int it) {}
- /// extension type E2<X>(X it) {}
- /// extension type E3<T>(E2<List<T>> it) {}
- ///
- /// the type erasure of `E1` is `int`, type erasure of `E2<num>` is `num` and
- /// the type erasure of `E3<String>` is `List<String>`.
- @override
- DartType get extensionTypeErasure => _computeTypeErasure(
- extensionTypeDeclarationReference, typeArguments, declaredNullability);
- @override
- Nullability get nullability {
- return combineNullabilitiesForSubstitution(
- inner: extensionTypeDeclaration.inherentNullability,
- outer: declaredNullability);
- }
- @override
- DartType get nonTypeVariableBound => this;
- @override
- bool get hasNonObjectMemberAccess => switch (declaredNullability) {
- // Undetermined means that the extension type does not implement
- // `Object` but is not explicitly marked as nullable.
- Nullability.undetermined => true,
- Nullability.nullable => false,
- Nullability.nonNullable => true,
- Nullability.legacy => true,
- };
- static List<DartType> _defaultTypeArguments(
- ExtensionTypeDeclaration extensionTypeDeclaration) {
- if (extensionTypeDeclaration.typeParameters.length == 0) {
- // Avoid allocating a list in this very common case.
- return const <DartType>[];
- } else {
- return new List<DartType>.filled(
- extensionTypeDeclaration.typeParameters.length, const DynamicType());
- }
- }
- static DartType _computeTypeErasure(
- Reference extensionTypeDeclarationReference,
- List<DartType> typeArguments,
- Nullability declaredNullability) {
- ExtensionTypeDeclaration extensionTypeDeclaration =
- extensionTypeDeclarationReference.asExtensionTypeDeclaration;
- DartType result = Substitution.fromPairs(
- extensionTypeDeclaration.typeParameters, typeArguments)
- .substituteType(extensionTypeDeclaration.declaredRepresentationType);
- result = result.extensionTypeErasure;
- // The nullability of the extension type affects the nullability of the type
- // erasure only if it was [Nullability.nullable]. In all other cases, that
- // is, [Nullability.nonNullable] or [Nullability.undetermined], it is
- // unrelated to the nullability of the representation type and should be
- // ignored.
- Nullability erasureNullability;
- if (declaredNullability == Nullability.nullable) {
- erasureNullability = combineNullabilitiesForSubstitution(
- inner: result.nullability, outer: declaredNullability);
- } else {
- erasureNullability = result.nullability;
- }
- result = result.withDeclaredNullability(erasureNullability);
- return result;
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(DartTypeVisitor<R> v) {
- return v.visitExtensionType(this);
- }
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(DartTypeVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) {
- return v.visitExtensionType(this, arg);
- }
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- extensionTypeDeclaration.acceptReference(v);
- visitList(typeArguments, v);
- }
- @override
- bool equals(Object other, Assumptions? assumptions) {
- if (identical(this, other)) return true;
- if (other is ExtensionType) {
- if (nullability != other.nullability) return false;
- if (extensionTypeDeclarationReference !=
- other.extensionTypeDeclarationReference) {
- return false;
- }
- if (typeArguments.length != other.typeArguments.length) return false;
- for (int i = 0; i < typeArguments.length; ++i) {
- if (!typeArguments[i].equals(other.typeArguments[i], assumptions)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- @override
- int get hashCode {
- int hash = 0x3fffffff & extensionTypeDeclarationReference.hashCode;
- for (int i = 0; i < typeArguments.length; ++i) {
- hash = 0x3fffffff & (hash * 31 + (hash ^ typeArguments[i].hashCode));
- }
- int nullabilityHash = (0x33333333 >> nullability.index) ^ 0x33333333;
- hash = 0x3fffffff & (hash * 31 + (hash ^ nullabilityHash));
- return hash;
- }
- @override
- ExtensionType withDeclaredNullability(Nullability declaredNullability) {
- return declaredNullability == this.declaredNullability
- ? this
- : new ExtensionType.byReference(extensionTypeDeclarationReference,
- declaredNullability, typeArguments);
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "ExtensionType(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer
- .writeExtensionTypeDeclarationName(extensionTypeDeclarationReference);
- printer.writeTypeArguments(typeArguments);
- printer.writeNullability(declaredNullability);
- }
-/// A named parameter in [FunctionType].
-class NamedType extends Node
- implements
- Comparable<NamedType>,
- SharedNamedTypeStructure<DartType>,
- SharedNamedFunctionParameterStructure<DartType> {
- // Flag used for serialization if [isRequired].
- static const int FlagRequiredNamedType = 1 << 0;
- @override
- final String name;
- @override
- final DartType type;
- @override
- final bool isRequired;
- const NamedType(, this.type, {this.isRequired = false});
- @override
- bool operator ==(Object other) => equals(other, null);
- bool equals(Object other, Assumptions? assumptions) {
- return other is NamedType &&
- name == &&
- isRequired == other.isRequired &&
- type.equals(other.type, assumptions);
- }
- @override
- int get hashCode {
- return name.hashCode * 31 + type.hashCode * 37 + isRequired.hashCode * 41;
- }
- @override
- int compareTo(NamedType other) => name.compareTo(;
- @override
- R accept<R>(Visitor<R> v) => v.visitNamedType(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(Visitor1<R, A> v, A arg) => v.visitNamedType(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- type.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "NamedType(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- String toText(AstTextStrategy strategy) {
- AstPrinter printer = new AstPrinter(strategy);
- printer.writeNamedType(this);
- return printer.getText();
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- if (isRequired) {
- printer.write("required ");
- }
- printer.write(name);
- printer.write(': ');
- printer.writeType(type);
- }
-class IntersectionType extends DartType {
- final TypeParameterType left;
- final DartType right;
- IntersectionType(this.left, this.right) {
- // TODO(cstefantsova): Also assert that [rhs] is a subtype of [lhs.bound].
- Nullability leftNullability = left.nullability;
- Nullability rightNullability = right.nullability;
- assert(
- (leftNullability == Nullability.nonNullable &&
- rightNullability == Nullability.nonNullable) ||
- (leftNullability == Nullability.nonNullable &&
- rightNullability == Nullability.undetermined) ||
- (leftNullability == Nullability.legacy &&
- rightNullability == Nullability.legacy) ||
- (leftNullability == Nullability.undetermined &&
- rightNullability == Nullability.nonNullable) ||
- (leftNullability == Nullability.undetermined &&
- rightNullability == Nullability.nullable) ||
- (leftNullability == Nullability.undetermined &&
- rightNullability == Nullability.undetermined)
- // These are observed in real situations:
- ||
- // pkg/front_end/test/id_tests/type_promotion_test
- // replicated in nnbd_mixed/type_parameter_nullability
- (leftNullability == Nullability.nullable &&
- rightNullability == Nullability.nonNullable) ||
- // pkg/front_end/test/fasta/types/kernel_type_parser_test
- // pkg/front_end/test/fasta/incremental_hello_test
- // pkg/front_end/test/fasta/types/fasta_types_test
- // pkg/front_end/tool/fasta_perf_test
- // nnbd/issue42089
- // replicated in nnbd_mixed/type_parameter_nullability
- (leftNullability == Nullability.nullable &&
- rightNullability == Nullability.nullable) ||
- // pkg/front_end/test/dill_round_trip_test
- // pkg/front_end/test/compile_dart2js_with_no_sdk_test
- // pkg/front_end/test/fasta/types/large_app_benchmark_test
- // pkg/front_end/test/incremental_dart2js_test
- // pkg/front_end/test/read_dill_from_binary_md_test
- // pkg/front_end/test/static_types/static_type_test
- // pkg/front_end/test/split_dill_test
- // pkg/front_end/tool/incremental_perf_test
- // pkg/vm/test/kernel_front_end_test
- // general/promoted_null_aware_access
- // inference/constructors_infer_from_arguments_factory
- // inference/infer_types_on_loop_indices_for_each_loop
- // inference/infer_types_on_loop_indices_for_each_loop_async
- // replicated in nnbd_mixed/type_parameter_nullability
- (leftNullability == Nullability.legacy &&
- rightNullability == Nullability.nonNullable) ||
- // pkg/front_end/test/fasta/incremental_hello_test
- // pkg/front_end/tool/fasta_perf_test
- // replicated in nnbd_mixed/type_parameter_nullability
- (leftNullability == Nullability.nullable &&
- rightNullability == Nullability.undetermined) ||
- // These are only observed in tests and might be artifacts of the
- // tests rather than real situations:
- //
- // pkg/front_end/test/fasta/types/kernel_type_parser_test
- // pkg/front_end/test/fasta/types/fasta_types_test
- (leftNullability == Nullability.legacy &&
- rightNullability == Nullability.nullable) ||
- // pkg/front_end/test/fasta/types/kernel_type_parser_test
- // pkg/front_end/test/fasta/types/fasta_types_test
- (leftNullability == Nullability.nonNullable &&
- rightNullability == Nullability.nullable) ||
- // pkg/front_end/test/fasta/types/kernel_type_parser_test
- // pkg/front_end/test/fasta/types/fasta_types_test
- (leftNullability == Nullability.undetermined &&
- rightNullability == Nullability.legacy) ||
- // pkg/kernel/test/clone_test
- // The legacy nullability is due to RHS being InvalidType.
- (leftNullability == Nullability.nonNullable &&
- rightNullability == Nullability.legacy),
- "Unexpected nullabilities for ${left} & ${right}: "
- "leftNullability = ${leftNullability}, "
- "rightNullability = ${rightNullability}.");
- }
- @override
- DartType get nonTypeVariableBound {
- DartType resolvedTypeParameterType = right.nonTypeVariableBound;
- return resolvedTypeParameterType.withDeclaredNullability(
- combineNullabilitiesForSubstitution(
- inner: resolvedTypeParameterType.declaredNullability,
- outer: declaredNullability));
- }
- @override
- bool get hasNonObjectMemberAccess =>
- nonTypeVariableBound.hasNonObjectMemberAccess;
- @override
- R accept<R>(DartTypeVisitor<R> v) => v.visitIntersectionType(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(DartTypeVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitIntersectionType(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- left.accept(v);
- right.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- bool equals(Object other, Assumptions? assumptions) {
- if (identical(this, other)) {
- return true;
- } else if (other is IntersectionType) {
- return left.equals(other.left, assumptions) &&
- right.equals(other.right, assumptions);
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- @override
- int get hashCode {
- int nullabilityHash = (0x33333333 >> nullability.index) ^ 0x33333333;
- int hash = nullabilityHash;
- hash = 0x3fffffff & (hash * 31 + (hash ^ left.hashCode));
- hash = 0x3fffffff & (hash * 31 + (hash ^ right.hashCode));
- return hash;
- }
- /// Computes the nullability of [IntersectionType] from its parts.
- ///
- /// [nullability] is calculated from [left.nullability] and
- /// [right.nullability].
- ///
- /// In the following program the nullability of `x` is
- /// [Nullability.undetermined] because it's copied from that of `bar`. The
- /// nullability of `y` is [Nullability.nonNullable] because its type is an
- /// intersection type where the LHS is `T` and the RHS is the promoted type
- /// `int`. The nullability of the type of `y` is computed from the
- /// nullabilities of those two types.
- ///
- /// class A<T extends Object?> {
- /// foo(T bar) {
- /// var x = bar;
- /// if (bar is int) {
- /// var y = bar;
- /// }
- /// }
- /// }
- ///
- /// The method combines the nullabilities of [left] and [right] to yield the
- /// nullability of the intersection type.
- @override
- Nullability get nullability {
- // Note that RHS is always a subtype of the bound of the type parameter.
- // The code below implements the rule for the nullability of an
- // intersection type as per the following table:
- //
- // | LHS \ RHS | ! | ? | * | % |
- // |-----------|-----|-----|-----|-----|
- // | ! | ! | + | N/A | ! |
- // | ? | (!) | (?) | N/A | (%) |
- // | * | (*) | + | * | N/A |
- // | % | ! | % | + | % |
- //
- // In the table, LHS corresponds to [lhsNullability] in the code below; RHS
- // corresponds to [rhsNullability]; !, ?, *, and % correspond to
- // nonNullable, nullable, legacy, and undetermined values of the
- // Nullability enum.
- Nullability lhsNullability = left.nullability;
- Nullability rhsNullability = right.nullability;
- assert(
- (lhsNullability == Nullability.nonNullable &&
- rhsNullability == Nullability.nonNullable) ||
- (lhsNullability == Nullability.nonNullable &&
- rhsNullability == Nullability.undetermined) ||
- (lhsNullability == Nullability.legacy &&
- rhsNullability == Nullability.legacy) ||
- (lhsNullability == Nullability.undetermined &&
- rhsNullability == Nullability.nonNullable) ||
- (lhsNullability == Nullability.undetermined &&
- rhsNullability == Nullability.nullable) ||
- (lhsNullability == Nullability.undetermined &&
- rhsNullability == Nullability.undetermined)
- // Apparently these happens as well:
- ||
- // pkg/front_end/test/id_tests/type_promotion_test
- (lhsNullability == Nullability.nullable &&
- rhsNullability == Nullability.nonNullable) ||
- // pkg/front_end/test/fasta/types/kernel_type_parser_test
- // pkg/front_end/test/fasta/incremental_hello_test
- // pkg/front_end/test/fasta/types/fasta_types_test
- // pkg/front_end/tool/fasta_perf_test
- // nnbd/issue42089
- (lhsNullability == Nullability.nullable &&
- rhsNullability == Nullability.nullable) ||
- // pkg/front_end/test/dill_round_trip_test
- // pkg/front_end/test/compile_dart2js_with_no_sdk_test
- // pkg/front_end/test/fasta/types/large_app_benchmark_test
- // pkg/front_end/test/incremental_dart2js_test
- // pkg/front_end/test/read_dill_from_binary_md_test
- // pkg/front_end/test/static_types/static_type_test
- // pkg/front_end/test/split_dill_test
- // pkg/front_end/tool/incremental_perf_test
- // pkg/vm/test/kernel_front_end_test
- // general/promoted_null_aware_access
- // inference/constructors_infer_from_arguments_factory
- // inference/infer_types_on_loop_indices_for_each_loop
- // inference/infer_types_on_loop_indices_for_each_loop_async
- (lhsNullability == Nullability.legacy &&
- rhsNullability == Nullability.nonNullable) ||
- // pkg/front_end/test/fasta/incremental_hello_test
- // pkg/front_end/tool/fasta_perf_test
- // pkg/front_end/test/fasta/incremental_hello_test
- (lhsNullability == Nullability.nullable &&
- rhsNullability == Nullability.undetermined) ||
- // This is created but never observed.
- // (lhsNullability == Nullability.legacy &&
- // rhsNullability == Nullability.nullable) ||
- // pkg/front_end/test/fasta/types/kernel_type_parser_test
- // pkg/front_end/test/fasta/types/fasta_types_test
- (lhsNullability == Nullability.undetermined &&
- rhsNullability == Nullability.legacy) ||
- // pkg/front_end/test/fasta/types/kernel_type_parser_test
- // pkg/front_end/test/fasta/types/fasta_types_test
- (lhsNullability == Nullability.nonNullable &&
- rhsNullability == Nullability.nullable),
- "Unexpected nullabilities for: LHS nullability = $lhsNullability, "
- "RHS nullability = ${rhsNullability}.");
- // Whenever there's N/A in the table, it means that the corresponding
- // combination of the LHS and RHS nullability is not possible when
- // compiling from Dart source files, so we can define it to be whatever is
- // faster and more convenient to implement. The verifier should check that
- // the cases marked as N/A never occur in the output of the CFE.
- //
- // The code below uses the following extension of the table function:
- //
- // | LHS \ RHS | ! | ? | * | % |
- // |-----------|-----|-----|-----|-----|
- // | ! | ! | ! | ! | ! |
- // | ? | (!) | (?) | * | (%) |
- // | * | (*) | * | * | % |
- // | % | ! | % | % | % |
- if (lhsNullability == Nullability.nullable &&
- rhsNullability == Nullability.nonNullable) {
- return Nullability.nonNullable;
- }
- if (lhsNullability == Nullability.nullable &&
- rhsNullability == Nullability.nullable) {
- return Nullability.nullable;
- }
- if (lhsNullability == Nullability.legacy &&
- rhsNullability == Nullability.nonNullable) {
- return Nullability.legacy;
- }
- if (lhsNullability == Nullability.nullable &&
- rhsNullability == Nullability.undetermined) {
- return Nullability.undetermined;
- }
- // Intersection with a non-nullable type always yields a non-nullable type,
- // as it's the most restrictive kind of types.
- if (lhsNullability == Nullability.nonNullable ||
- rhsNullability == Nullability.nonNullable) {
- return Nullability.nonNullable;
- }
- // If the nullability of LHS is 'undetermined', the nullability of the
- // intersection is also 'undetermined' if RHS is 'undetermined' or
- // nullable.
- //
- // Consider the following example:
- //
- // class A<X extends Object?, Y extends X> {
- // foo(X x) {
- // if (x is Y) {
- // x = null; // Compile-time error. Consider X = Y = int.
- // Object a = x; // Compile-time error. Consider X = Y = int?.
- // }
- // if (x is int?) {
- // x = null; // Compile-time error. Consider X = int.
- // Object b = x; // Compile-time error. Consider X = int?.
- // }
- // }
- // }
- if (lhsNullability == Nullability.undetermined ||
- rhsNullability == Nullability.undetermined) {
- return Nullability.undetermined;
- }
- return Nullability.legacy;
- }
- @override
- Nullability get declaredNullability => nullability;
- @override
- IntersectionType withDeclaredNullability(Nullability declaredNullability) {
- if (left.declaredNullability == declaredNullability) {
- return this;
- }
- TypeParameterType newLeft =
- left.withDeclaredNullability(declaredNullability);
- if (identical(newLeft, left)) {
- return this;
- }
- return new IntersectionType(newLeft, right);
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "IntersectionType(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('(');
- printer.writeType(left);
- printer.write(" & ");
- printer.writeType(right);
- printer.write(')');
- printer.writeNullability(nullability);
- }
-/// Reference to a type variable.
-class TypeParameterType extends DartType {
- /// The declared nullability of a type-parameter type.
- @override
- Nullability declaredNullability;
- final TypeParameter parameter;
- TypeParameterType(this.parameter, this.declaredNullability);
- /// Creates a type-parameter type to be used in alpha-renaming.
- ///
- /// The constructed type object is supposed to be used as a value in a
- /// substitution map created to perform an alpha-renaming from parameter
- /// [from] to parameter [to] on a generic type. The resulting type-parameter
- /// type is an occurrence of [to] as a type, but the nullability property is
- /// derived from the bound of [from]. It allows to assign the bound to [to]
- /// after the desired alpha-renaming is performed, which is often the case.
- TypeParameterType.forAlphaRenaming(TypeParameter from, TypeParameter to)
- : this(to, computeNullabilityFromBound(from));
- TypeParameterType.forAlphaRenamingFromStructuralParameters(
- StructuralParameter from, TypeParameter to)
- : this(to, StructuralParameterType.computeNullabilityFromBound(from));
- /// Creates a type-parameter type with default nullability for the library.
- ///
- /// The nullability is computed as if the programmer omitted the modifier. It
- /// means that in the opt-out libraries `Nullability.legacy` will be used, and
- /// in opt-in libraries either `Nullability.nonNullable` or
- /// `Nullability.undetermined` will be used, depending on the nullability of
- /// the bound of [parameter].
- TypeParameterType.withDefaultNullabilityForLibrary(
- this.parameter, Library library)
- : declaredNullability = computeNullabilityFromBound(parameter);
- @override
- DartType get nonTypeVariableBound {
- DartType resolvedTypeParameterType = bound.nonTypeVariableBound;
- return resolvedTypeParameterType.withDeclaredNullability(
- combineNullabilitiesForSubstitution(
- inner: resolvedTypeParameterType.declaredNullability,
- outer: declaredNullability));
- }
- @override
- bool get hasNonObjectMemberAccess =>
- nonTypeVariableBound.hasNonObjectMemberAccess;
- @override
- R accept<R>(DartTypeVisitor<R> v) => v.visitTypeParameterType(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(DartTypeVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitTypeParameterType(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
- @override
- bool equals(Object other, Assumptions? assumptions) {
- if (identical(this, other)) {
- return true;
- } else if (other is TypeParameterType) {
- if (nullability != other.nullability) return false;
- return parameter == other.parameter;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- @override
- int get hashCode {
- int hash = parameter.hashCode;
- int nullabilityHash = (0x33333333 >> nullability.index) ^ 0x33333333;
- hash = 0x3fffffff & (hash * 31 + (hash ^ nullabilityHash));
- return hash;
- }
- /// A quick access to the bound of the parameter.
- DartType get bound => parameter.bound;
- @override
- Nullability get nullability => declaredNullability;
- /// Gets a new [TypeParameterType] with given [declaredNullability].
- @override
- TypeParameterType withDeclaredNullability(Nullability declaredNullability) {
- if (declaredNullability == this.declaredNullability) {
- return this;
- }
- return new TypeParameterType(parameter, declaredNullability);
- }
- /// Gets the nullability of a type-parameter type based on the bound.
- ///
- /// This is a helper function to be used when the bound of the type parameter
- /// is changing or is being set for the first time, and the update on some
- /// type-parameter types is required.
- static Nullability computeNullabilityFromBound(TypeParameter typeParameter) {
- // If the bound is nullable or 'undetermined', both nullable and
- // non-nullable types can be passed in for the type parameter, making the
- // corresponding type parameter types 'undetermined.' Otherwise, the
- // nullability matches that of the bound.
- DartType bound = typeParameter.bound;
- if (identical(bound, TypeParameter.unsetBoundSentinel)) {
- throw new StateError("Can't compute nullability from an absent bound.");
- }
- // If a type parameter's nullability depends on itself, it is deemed
- // 'undetermined'. Currently, it's possible if the type parameter has a
- // possibly nested FutureOr containing that type parameter. If there are
- // other ways for such a dependency to exist, they should be checked here.
- bool nullabilityDependsOnItself = false;
- {
- DartType type = typeParameter.bound;
- while (type is FutureOrType) {
- type = type.typeArgument;
- }
- if (type is TypeParameterType && type.parameter == typeParameter) {
- nullabilityDependsOnItself = true;
- }
- }
- if (nullabilityDependsOnItself) {
- return Nullability.undetermined;
- }
- Nullability boundNullability =
- bound is InvalidType ? Nullability.undetermined : bound.nullability;
- return boundNullability == Nullability.nullable ||
- boundNullability == Nullability.undetermined
- ? Nullability.undetermined
- : boundNullability;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "TypeParameterType(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeTypeParameterName(parameter);
- printer.writeNullability(declaredNullability);
- }
-/// Reference to a structural type variable declared by a [FunctionType]
-class StructuralParameterType extends DartType {
- /// The declared nullability of the structural parameter type.
- @override
- Nullability declaredNullability;
- final StructuralParameter parameter;
- StructuralParameterType(this.parameter, this.declaredNullability);
- /// Creates a structural parameter type to be used in alpha-renaming.
- ///
- /// The constructed type object is supposed to be used as a value in a
- /// substitution map created to perform an alpha-renaming from the parameter
- /// [from] to the parameter [to] on a generic type. The resulting structural
- /// parameter type is an occurrence of [to] as a type, but the nullability
- /// property is derived from the bound of [from].
- ///
- /// A typical use of this constructor is to create a [StructuralParameterType]
- /// referring to [StructuralParameter] [from] that is not fully formed yet and
- /// may miss a bound. In case of alpha renaming it is assumed that nothing but
- /// the identity of the variables change, and the bound of the parameter being
- /// replaced can be used to compute the nullability of the replacement.
- StructuralParameterType.forAlphaRenaming(
- StructuralParameter from, StructuralParameter to)
- : this(to, computeNullabilityFromBound(from));
- StructuralParameterType.forAlphaRenamingFromTypeParameters(
- TypeParameter from, StructuralParameter to)
- : this(to, TypeParameterType.computeNullabilityFromBound(from));
- @override
- DartType get nonTypeVariableBound {
- DartType resolvedTypeParameterType = bound.nonTypeVariableBound;
- return resolvedTypeParameterType.withDeclaredNullability(
- combineNullabilitiesForSubstitution(
- inner: resolvedTypeParameterType.nullability,
- outer: declaredNullability));
- }
- @override
- bool get hasNonObjectMemberAccess =>
- nonTypeVariableBound.hasNonObjectMemberAccess;
- @override
- R accept<R>(DartTypeVisitor<R> v) => v.visitStructuralParameterType(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(DartTypeVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitStructuralParameterType(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
- @override
- bool operator ==(Object other) => equals(other, null);
- @override
- bool equals(Object other, Assumptions? assumptions) {
- if (identical(this, other)) {
- return true;
- } else if (other is StructuralParameterType) {
- if (nullability != other.nullability) return false;
- if (parameter != other.parameter) {
- // Function type parameters are also equal by assumption.
- if (assumptions == null) {
- return false;
- }
- if (!assumptions.isAssumedStructuralParameter(
- parameter, other.parameter)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- @override
- int get hashCode {
- int hash = 0;
- int nullabilityHash = (0x33333333 >> nullability.index) ^ 0x33333333;
- hash = 0x3fffffff & (hash * 31 + (hash ^ nullabilityHash));
- return hash;
- }
- /// A quick access to the bound of the parameter.
- DartType get bound => parameter.bound;
- @override
- Nullability get nullability => declaredNullability;
- /// Gets a new [StructuralParameterType] with given [declaredNullability].
- @override
- StructuralParameterType withDeclaredNullability(
- Nullability declaredNullability) {
- if (declaredNullability == this.declaredNullability) {
- return this;
- }
- return new StructuralParameterType(parameter, declaredNullability);
- }
- /// Gets the nullability of a structural parameter type based on the bound.
- ///
- /// This is a helper function to be used when the bound of the structural
- /// parameter is changing or is being set for the first time, and the update
- /// on some structural parameter types is required.
- static Nullability computeNullabilityFromBound(
- StructuralParameter structuralParameter) {
- // If the bound is nullable or 'undetermined', both nullable and
- // non-nullable types can be passed in for the type parameter, making the
- // corresponding type parameter types 'undetermined.' Otherwise, the
- // nullability matches that of the bound.
- DartType bound = structuralParameter.bound;
- if (identical(bound, StructuralParameter.unsetBoundSentinel)) {
- throw new StateError("Can't compute nullability from an absent bound.");
- }
- // If a type parameter's nullability depends on itself, it is deemed
- // 'undetermined'. Currently, it's possible if the type parameter has a
- // possibly nested FutureOr containing that type parameter. If there are
- // other ways for such a dependency to exist, they should be checked here.
- bool nullabilityDependsOnItself = false;
- {
- DartType type = structuralParameter.bound;
- while (type is FutureOrType) {
- type = type.typeArgument;
- }
- if (type is StructuralParameterType &&
- type.parameter == structuralParameter) {
- nullabilityDependsOnItself = true;
- }
- }
- if (nullabilityDependsOnItself) {
- return Nullability.undetermined;
- }
- Nullability boundNullability =
- bound is InvalidType ? Nullability.undetermined : bound.nullability;
- return boundNullability == Nullability.nullable ||
- boundNullability == Nullability.undetermined
- ? Nullability.undetermined
- : boundNullability;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "StructuralParameterType(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeStructuralParameterName(parameter);
- printer.writeNullability(declaredNullability);
- }
-class RecordType extends DartType
- implements SharedRecordTypeStructure<DartType> {
- final List<DartType> positional;
- final List<NamedType> named;
- @override
- final Nullability declaredNullability;
- RecordType(this.positional, this.named, this.declaredNullability)
- : /*TODO(johnniwinther): Enabled this assert:
- assert(named.length == =>,
- "Named field types must have unique names in a RecordType: "
- "${named}"),*/
- assert(() {
- // Assert that the named field types are sorted.
- for (int i = 1; i < named.length; i++) {
- if (named[i].name.compareTo(named[i - 1].name) < 0) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }(),
- "Named field types aren't sorted lexicographically "
- "in a RecordType: ${named}");
- @override
- List<SharedNamedTypeStructure<DartType>> get namedTypes => named;
- @override
- Nullability get nullability => declaredNullability;
- @override
- DartType get nonTypeVariableBound => this;
- @override
- bool get hasNonObjectMemberAccess => switch (declaredNullability) {
- Nullability.undetermined => false,
- Nullability.nullable => false,
- Nullability.nonNullable => true,
- Nullability.legacy => true,
- };
- @override
- List<DartType> get positionalTypes => positional;
- @override
- R accept<R>(DartTypeVisitor<R> v) {
- return v.visitRecordType(this);
- }
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(DartTypeVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) {
- return v.visitRecordType(this, arg);
- }
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- visitList(positional, v);
- visitList(named, v);
- }
- @override
- bool equals(Object other, Assumptions? assumptions) {
- if (identical(this, other)) {
- return true;
- } else if (other is RecordType) {
- if (nullability != other.nullability) return false;
- if (positional.length != other.positional.length) return false;
- if (named.length != other.named.length) return false;
- for (int index = 0; index < positional.length; index++) {
- if (!positional[index].equals(other.positional[index], assumptions)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- for (int index = 0; index < named.length; index++) {
- if (!named[index].equals(other.named[index], assumptions)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- @override
- int get hashCode {
- int hash = 1237;
- for (int i = 0; i < positional.length; ++i) {
- hash = 0x3fffffff & (hash * 31 + positional[i].hashCode);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < named.length; ++i) {
- hash = 0x3fffffff & (hash * 31 + named[i].hashCode);
- }
- hash = 0x3fffffff & (hash * 31 + nullability.index);
- return hash;
- }
- @override
- RecordType withDeclaredNullability(Nullability declaredNullability) {
- return declaredNullability == this.declaredNullability
- ? this
- : new RecordType(this.positional, this.named, declaredNullability);
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "RecordType(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write("(");
- printer.writeTypes(positional);
- if (named.isNotEmpty) {
- if (positional.isNotEmpty) {
- printer.write(", ");
- }
- printer.write("{");
- for (int i = 0; i < named.length; i++) {
- if (i > 0) {
- printer.write(", ");
- }
- printer.writeType(named[i].type);
- printer.write(' ');
- printer.write(named[i].name);
- }
- printer.write("}");
- }
- printer.write(")");
- }
-/// Declaration of a type variable.
-/// Type parameters declared in a [Class] or [FunctionNode] are part of the AST,
-/// have a parent pointer to its declaring class or function, and will be seen
-/// by tree visitors.
-/// Type parameters declared by a [FunctionType] are orphans and have a `null`
-/// parent pointer. [TypeParameter] objects should not be shared between
-/// different [FunctionType] objects.
-class TypeParameter extends TreeNode implements Annotatable {
- int flags = 0;
- /// List of metadata annotations on the type parameter.
- ///
- /// This defaults to an immutable empty list. Use [addAnnotation] to add
- /// annotations if needed.
- @override
- List<Expression> annotations = const <Expression>[];
- String? name; // Cosmetic name.
- /// Sentinel value used for the [bound] that has not yet been computed. This
- /// is needed to make the [bound] field non-nullable while supporting
- /// recursive bounds.
- static final DartType unsetBoundSentinel = new InvalidType();
- /// The bound on the type variable.
- ///
- /// This is set to [unsetBoundSentinel] temporarily during IR construction.
- /// This is set to the `Object?` for type parameters without an explicit
- /// bound.
- DartType bound;
- /// Sentinel value used for the [defaultType] that has not yet been computed.
- /// This is needed to make the [defaultType] field non-nullable while
- /// supporting recursive bounds for which the default type need to be set
- /// late.
- static final DartType unsetDefaultTypeSentinel = new InvalidType();
- /// The default value of the type variable. It is used to provide the
- /// corresponding missing type argument in type annotations and as the
- /// fall-back type value in type inference at compile time. At run time,
- /// [defaultType] is used by the backends in place of the missing type
- /// argument of a dynamic invocation of a generic function.
- DartType defaultType;
- /// Describes variance of the type parameter w.r.t. declaration on which it is
- /// defined. For classes, if variance is not explicitly set, the type
- /// parameter has legacy covariance defined by [isLegacyCovariant] which
- /// on the lattice is equivalent to [Variance.covariant]. For typedefs, it's
- /// the variance of the type parameters in the type term on the r.h.s. of the
- /// typedef.
- Variance? _variance;
- Variance get variance => _variance ?? Variance.covariant;
- void set variance(Variance? newVariance) => _variance = newVariance;
- bool get isLegacyCovariant => _variance == null;
- static const int legacyCovariantSerializationMarker = 4;
- TypeParameter([, DartType? bound, DartType? defaultType])
- : bound = bound ?? unsetBoundSentinel,
- defaultType = defaultType ?? unsetDefaultTypeSentinel;
- // Must match serialized bit positions.
- static const int FlagCovariantByClass = 1 << 0;
- @Deprecated("Used TypeParameter.declaration instead.")
- @override
- TreeNode? get parent;
- @Deprecated("Used TypeParameter.declaration instead.")
- @override
- void set parent(TreeNode? value);
- // TODO(johnniwinther): Make this non-nullable.
- GenericDeclaration? get declaration {
- // TODO(johnniwinther): Store the declaration directly when [parent] is
- // removed.
- TreeNode? parent = super.parent;
- if (parent is GenericDeclaration) {
- return parent;
- } else if (parent is FunctionNode) {
- return parent.parent as GenericDeclaration;
- }
- assert(
- parent == null,
- "Unexpected type parameter parent node "
- "${parent} (${parent.runtimeType}).");
- return null;
- }
- void set declaration(GenericDeclaration? value) {
- switch (value) {
- case Typedef():
- case Class():
- case Extension():
- case ExtensionTypeDeclaration():
- super.parent = value;
- case Procedure():
- super.parent = value.function;
- case LocalFunction():
- super.parent = value.function;
- case null:
- super.parent = null;
- }
- }
- /// If this [TypeParameter] is a type parameter of a generic method, indicates
- /// whether the method implementation needs to contain a runtime type check to
- /// deal with generic covariance.
- ///
- /// When `true`, runtime checks may need to be performed.
- bool get isCovariantByClass => flags & FlagCovariantByClass != 0;
- void set isCovariantByClass(bool value) {
- flags = value
- ? (flags | FlagCovariantByClass)
- : (flags & ~FlagCovariantByClass);
- }
- @override
- void addAnnotation(Expression annotation) {
- if (annotations.isEmpty) {
- annotations = <Expression>[];
- }
- annotations.add(annotation..parent = this);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(TreeVisitor<R> v) => v.visitTypeParameter(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(TreeVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitTypeParameter(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- visitList(annotations, v);
- bound.accept(v);
- defaultType.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- v.transformList(annotations, this);
- bound = v.visitDartType(bound);
- defaultType = v.visitDartType(defaultType);
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- v.transformExpressionList(annotations, this);
- bound = v.visitDartType(bound, cannotRemoveSentinel);
- defaultType = v.visitDartType(defaultType, cannotRemoveSentinel);
- }
- /// Returns a possibly synthesized name for this type parameter, consistent
- /// with the names used across all [toString] calls.
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "TypeParameter(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeTypeParameterName(this);
- }
-/// Declaration of a type variable by a [FunctionType]
-/// [StructuralParameter] objects should not be shared between different
-/// [FunctionType] objects.
-class StructuralParameter extends Node
- implements SharedTypeParameterStructure<DartType> {
- int flags = 0;
- String? name; // Cosmetic name.
- static const int noOffset = -1;
- /// Offset in the source file it comes from.
- ///
- /// Valid values are from 0 and up, or -1 ([noOffset]) if the file offset is
- /// not available (this is the default if none is specifically set).
- int fileOffset = noOffset;
- Uri? uri;
- /// Sentinel value used for the [bound] that has not yet been computed.
- ///
- /// This is needed to make the [bound] field non-nullable while supporting
- /// recursive bounds.
- static final DartType unsetBoundSentinel = new InvalidType();
- /// The bound on the type variable.
- ///
- /// This is set to [unsetBoundSentinel] temporarily during IR construction.
- /// This is set to the `Object?` for type parameters without an explicit
- /// bound.
- DartType bound;
- /// Sentinel value used for the [defaultType] that has not yet been computed.
- ///
- /// This is needed to make the [defaultType] field non-nullable while
- /// supporting recursive bounds for which the default type need to be set
- /// late.
- static final DartType unsetDefaultTypeSentinel = new InvalidType();
- /// The default value of the type variable.
- ///
- /// It is used to provide the corresponding missing type argument in type
- /// annotations and as the fall-back type value in type inference at compile
- /// time. At run time, [defaultType] is used by the backends in place of the
- /// missing type argument of a dynamic invocation of a generic function.
- DartType defaultType;
- /// Variance of type parameter w.r.t. declaration on which it is defined.
- Variance? _variance;
- @override
- String get displayName => name ?? '<unknown>';
- Variance get variance => _variance ?? Variance.covariant;
- void set variance(Variance? newVariance) => _variance = newVariance;
- bool get isLegacyCovariant => _variance == null;
- static const int legacyCovariantSerializationMarker = 4;
- StructuralParameter([, DartType? bound, DartType? defaultType])
- : bound = bound ?? unsetBoundSentinel,
- defaultType = defaultType ?? unsetDefaultTypeSentinel;
- @override
- R accept<R>(Visitor<R> v) => v.visitStructuralParameter(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(Visitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitStructuralParameter(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- bound.accept(v);
- defaultType.accept(v);
- }
- /// Returns a possibly synthesized name for this type parameter
- ///
- /// Consistent with the names used across all [toString] calls.
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "StructuralParameter(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeStructuralParameterName(this);
- }
-class Supertype extends Node {
- Reference className;
- final List<DartType> typeArguments;
- Supertype(Class classNode, List<DartType> typeArguments)
- : this.byReference(classNode.reference, typeArguments);
- Supertype.byReference(this.className, this.typeArguments);
- Class get classNode => className.asClass;
- @override
- R accept<R>(Visitor<R> v) => v.visitSupertype(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(Visitor1<R, A> v, A arg) => v.visitSupertype(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- classNode.acceptReference(v);
- visitList(typeArguments, v);
- }
- InterfaceType get asInterfaceType {
- return new InterfaceType(
- classNode, classNode.enclosingLibrary.nonNullable, typeArguments);
- }
- @override
- bool operator ==(Object other) {
- if (identical(this, other)) return true;
- if (other is Supertype) {
- if (className != other.className) return false;
- if (typeArguments.length != other.typeArguments.length) return false;
- for (int i = 0; i < typeArguments.length; ++i) {
- if (typeArguments[i] != other.typeArguments[i]) return false;
- }
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- @override
- int get hashCode {
- int hash = 0x3fffffff & className.hashCode;
- for (int i = 0; i < typeArguments.length; ++i) {
- hash = 0x3fffffff & (hash * 31 + (hash ^ typeArguments[i].hashCode));
- }
- return hash;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "Supertype(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeClassName(className, forType: true);
- printer.writeTypeArguments(typeArguments);
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sealed class Constant extends Node {
- /// Calls the `visit*ConstantReference()` method on visitor [v] for all
- /// constants referenced in this constant.
- ///
- /// (Note that a constant can be seen as a DAG (directed acyclic graph) and
- /// not a tree!)
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v);
- /// Calls the `visit*Constant()` method on the visitor [v].
- @override
- R accept<R>(ConstantVisitor<R> v);
- /// Calls the `visit*Constant()` method on the visitor [v].
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ConstantVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg);
- /// Calls the `visit*ConstantReference()` method on the visitor [v].
- R acceptReference<R>(ConstantReferenceVisitor<R> v);
- /// Calls the `visit*ConstantReference()` method on the visitor [v].
- R acceptReference1<R, A>(ConstantReferenceVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg);
- /// The Kernel AST will reference [Constant]s via [ConstantExpression]s. The
- /// constants are not required to be canonicalized, but they have to be deeply
- /// comparable via hashCode/==!
- @override
- int get hashCode;
- @override
- bool operator ==(Object other);
- @override
- String toString() => throw '$runtimeType';
- /// Returns a textual representation of the this constant.
- ///
- /// If [verbose] is `true`, qualified names will include the library name/uri.
- @override
- String toText(AstTextStrategy strategy) {
- AstPrinter printer = new AstPrinter(strategy);
- printer.writeConstant(this);
- return printer.getText();
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer);
- /// Gets the type of this constant.
- DartType getType(StaticTypeContext context);
-abstract class AuxiliaryConstant extends Constant {
- @override
- R accept<R>(ConstantVisitor<R> v) => v.visitAuxiliaryConstant(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ConstantVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitAuxiliaryConstant(this, arg);
- @override
- R acceptReference<R>(ConstantReferenceVisitor<R> v) =>
- v.visitAuxiliaryConstantReference(this);
- @override
- R acceptReference1<R, A>(ConstantReferenceVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitAuxiliaryConstantReference(this, arg);
-sealed class PrimitiveConstant<T> extends Constant {
- final T value;
- PrimitiveConstant(this.value);
- @override
- int get hashCode => value.hashCode;
- @override
- bool operator ==(Object other) =>
- other is PrimitiveConstant<T> && other.value == value;
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('$value');
- }
-class NullConstant extends PrimitiveConstant<Null> {
- NullConstant() : super(null);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
- @override
- R accept<R>(ConstantVisitor<R> v) => v.visitNullConstant(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ConstantVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitNullConstant(this, arg);
- @override
- R acceptReference<R>(ConstantReferenceVisitor<R> v) =>
- v.visitNullConstantReference(this);
- @override
- R acceptReference1<R, A>(ConstantReferenceVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitNullConstantReference(this, arg);
- @override
- DartType getType(StaticTypeContext context) => const NullType();
- @override
- String toString() => 'NullConstant(${toStringInternal()})';
-class BoolConstant extends PrimitiveConstant<bool> {
- BoolConstant(bool value) : super(value);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
- @override
- R accept<R>(ConstantVisitor<R> v) => v.visitBoolConstant(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ConstantVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitBoolConstant(this, arg);
- @override
- R acceptReference<R>(ConstantReferenceVisitor<R> v) =>
- v.visitBoolConstantReference(this);
- @override
- R acceptReference1<R, A>(ConstantReferenceVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitBoolConstantReference(this, arg);
- @override
- DartType getType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- context.typeEnvironment.coreTypes.boolRawType(context.nonNullable);
- @override
- String toString() => 'BoolConstant(${toStringInternal()})';
-/// An integer constant on a non-JS target.
-class IntConstant extends PrimitiveConstant<int> {
- IntConstant(int value) : super(value);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
- @override
- R accept<R>(ConstantVisitor<R> v) => v.visitIntConstant(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ConstantVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitIntConstant(this, arg);
- @override
- R acceptReference<R>(ConstantReferenceVisitor<R> v) =>
- v.visitIntConstantReference(this);
- @override
- R acceptReference1<R, A>(ConstantReferenceVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitIntConstantReference(this, arg);
- @override
- DartType getType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- context.typeEnvironment.coreTypes.intRawType(context.nonNullable);
- @override
- String toString() => 'IntConstant(${toStringInternal()})';
-/// A double constant on a non-JS target or any numeric constant on a JS target.
-class DoubleConstant extends PrimitiveConstant<double> {
- DoubleConstant(double value) : super(value);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
- @override
- R accept<R>(ConstantVisitor<R> v) => v.visitDoubleConstant(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ConstantVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitDoubleConstant(this, arg);
- @override
- R acceptReference<R>(ConstantReferenceVisitor<R> v) =>
- v.visitDoubleConstantReference(this);
- @override
- R acceptReference1<R, A>(ConstantReferenceVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitDoubleConstantReference(this, arg);
- @override
- int get hashCode => value.isNaN ? 199 : super.hashCode;
- @override
- bool operator ==(Object other) =>
- other is DoubleConstant && identical(value, other.value);
- @override
- DartType getType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- context.typeEnvironment.coreTypes.doubleRawType(context.nonNullable);
- @override
- String toString() => 'DoubleConstant(${toStringInternal()})';
-class StringConstant extends PrimitiveConstant<String> {
- StringConstant(String value) : super(value);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
- @override
- R accept<R>(ConstantVisitor<R> v) => v.visitStringConstant(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ConstantVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitStringConstant(this, arg);
- @override
- R acceptReference<R>(ConstantReferenceVisitor<R> v) =>
- v.visitStringConstantReference(this);
- @override
- R acceptReference1<R, A>(ConstantReferenceVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitStringConstantReference(this, arg);
- @override
- DartType getType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- context.typeEnvironment.coreTypes.stringRawType(context.nonNullable);
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('"');
- printer.write(escapeString(value));
- printer.write('"');
- }
- @override
- String toString() => 'StringConstant(${toStringInternal()})';
-class SymbolConstant extends Constant {
- final String name;
- final Reference? libraryReference;
- SymbolConstant(, this.libraryReference);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
- @override
- R accept<R>(ConstantVisitor<R> v) => v.visitSymbolConstant(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ConstantVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitSymbolConstant(this, arg);
- @override
- R acceptReference<R>(ConstantReferenceVisitor<R> v) =>
- v.visitSymbolConstantReference(this);
- @override
- R acceptReference1<R, A>(ConstantReferenceVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitSymbolConstantReference(this, arg);
- @override
- String toString() => 'SymbolConstant(${toStringInternal()})';
- @override
- int get hashCode => _Hash.hash2(name, libraryReference);
- @override
- bool operator ==(Object other) =>
- identical(this, other) ||
- (other is SymbolConstant &&
- == name &&
- other.libraryReference == libraryReference);
- @override
- DartType getType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- context.typeEnvironment.coreTypes.symbolRawType(context.nonNullable);
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('#');
- if (printer.includeAuxiliaryProperties && libraryReference != null) {
- printer.write(libraryNameToString(libraryReference!.asLibrary));
- printer.write('::');
- }
- printer.write(name);
- }
-class MapConstant extends Constant {
- final DartType keyType;
- final DartType valueType;
- final List<ConstantMapEntry> entries;
- MapConstant(this.keyType, this.valueType, this.entries);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- keyType.accept(v);
- valueType.accept(v);
- for (final ConstantMapEntry entry in entries) {
- entry.key.acceptReference(v);
- entry.value.acceptReference(v);
- }
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(ConstantVisitor<R> v) => v.visitMapConstant(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ConstantVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitMapConstant(this, arg);
- @override
- R acceptReference<R>(ConstantReferenceVisitor<R> v) =>
- v.visitMapConstantReference(this);
- @override
- R acceptReference1<R, A>(ConstantReferenceVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitMapConstantReference(this, arg);
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('const <');
- printer.writeType(keyType);
- printer.write(', ');
- printer.writeType(valueType);
- printer.write('>{');
- for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
- if (i > 0) {
- printer.write(', ');
- }
- printer.writeConstantMapEntry(entries[i]);
- }
- printer.write('}');
- }
- @override
- String toString() => 'MapConstant(${toStringInternal()})';
- @override
- late final int hashCode = _Hash.combine2Finish(
- keyType.hashCode, valueType.hashCode, _Hash.combineListHash(entries));
- @override
- bool operator ==(Object other) =>
- identical(this, other) ||
- (other is MapConstant &&
- other.keyType == keyType &&
- other.valueType == valueType &&
- listEquals(other.entries, entries));
- @override
- DartType getType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- context.typeEnvironment.mapType(keyType, valueType, context.nonNullable);
-class ConstantMapEntry {
- final Constant key;
- final Constant value;
- ConstantMapEntry(this.key, this.value);
- @override
- String toString() => 'ConstantMapEntry(${toStringInternal()})';
- @override
- int get hashCode => _Hash.hash2(key, value);
- @override
- bool operator ==(Object other) =>
- other is ConstantMapEntry && other.key == key && other.value == value;
- String toStringInternal() => toText(defaultAstTextStrategy);
- String toText(AstTextStrategy strategy) {
- AstPrinter printer = new AstPrinter(strategy);
- printer.writeConstantMapEntry(this);
- return printer.getText();
- }
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeConstant(key);
- printer.write(': ');
- printer.writeConstant(value);
- }
-class ListConstant extends Constant {
- final DartType typeArgument;
- final List<Constant> entries;
- ListConstant(this.typeArgument, this.entries);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- typeArgument.accept(v);
- for (final Constant constant in entries) {
- constant.acceptReference(v);
- }
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(ConstantVisitor<R> v) => v.visitListConstant(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ConstantVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitListConstant(this, arg);
- @override
- R acceptReference<R>(ConstantReferenceVisitor<R> v) =>
- v.visitListConstantReference(this);
- @override
- R acceptReference1<R, A>(ConstantReferenceVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitListConstantReference(this, arg);
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('const <');
- printer.writeType(typeArgument);
- printer.write('>[');
- for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
- if (i > 0) {
- printer.write(', ');
- }
- printer.writeConstant(entries[i]);
- }
- printer.write(']');
- }
- @override
- String toString() => 'ListConstant(${toStringInternal()})';
- @override
- late final int hashCode = _Hash.combineFinish(
- typeArgument.hashCode, _Hash.combineListHash(entries));
- @override
- bool operator ==(Object other) =>
- identical(this, other) ||
- (other is ListConstant &&
- other.typeArgument == typeArgument &&
- listEquals(other.entries, entries));
- @override
- DartType getType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- context.typeEnvironment.listType(typeArgument, context.nonNullable);
-class SetConstant extends Constant {
- final DartType typeArgument;
- final List<Constant> entries;
- SetConstant(this.typeArgument, this.entries);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- typeArgument.accept(v);
- for (final Constant constant in entries) {
- constant.acceptReference(v);
- }
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(ConstantVisitor<R> v) => v.visitSetConstant(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ConstantVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitSetConstant(this, arg);
- @override
- R acceptReference<R>(ConstantReferenceVisitor<R> v) =>
- v.visitSetConstantReference(this);
- @override
- R acceptReference1<R, A>(ConstantReferenceVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitSetConstantReference(this, arg);
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('const <');
- printer.writeType(typeArgument);
- printer.write('>{');
- for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
- if (i > 0) {
- printer.write(', ');
- }
- printer.writeConstant(entries[i]);
- }
- printer.write('}');
- }
- @override
- String toString() => 'SetConstant(${toStringInternal()})';
- @override
- late final int hashCode = _Hash.combineFinish(
- typeArgument.hashCode, _Hash.combineListHash(entries));
- @override
- bool operator ==(Object other) =>
- identical(this, other) ||
- (other is SetConstant &&
- other.typeArgument == typeArgument &&
- listEquals(other.entries, entries));
- @override
- DartType getType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- context.typeEnvironment.setType(typeArgument, context.nonNullable);
-class RecordConstant extends Constant {
- /// Positional field values.
- final List<Constant> positional;
- /// Named field values, sorted by name.
- final Map<String, Constant> named;
- /// The runtime type of the constant.
- ///
- /// [recordType] is computed from the individual types of the record fields
- /// and reflects runtime type of the record constant, as opposed to the
- /// static type of the expression that defined the constant.
- ///
- /// The following program shows the distinction between the static and the
- /// runtime types of the constant. The static type of the first record in the
- /// invocation of `identical` is `(E, String)`, the static type of the second
- /// — `(int, String)`. The runtime type of both constants is `(int, String)`,
- /// and the assertion condition should be satisfied.
- ///
- /// extension type const E(Object? it) {}
- ///
- /// main() {
- /// const bool check = identical(const (E(1), "foo"), const (1, "foo"));
- /// assert(check);
- /// }
- final RecordType recordType;
- RecordConstant(this.positional, this.named, this.recordType)
- : assert(positional.length == recordType.positional.length &&
- named.length == recordType.named.length &&
- recordType.named
- .map((f) =>
- .toSet()
- .containsAll(named.keys)),
- assert(() {
- // Assert that the named fields are sorted.
- String? previous;
- for (String name in named.keys) {
- if (previous != null && name.compareTo(previous) < 0) {
- return false;
- }
- previous = name;
- }
- return true;
- }(),
- "Named fields of a RecordConstant aren't sorted lexicographically: "
- "${named.keys.join(", ")}");
- RecordConstant.fromTypeContext(
- this.positional, this.named, StaticTypeContext staticTypeContext)
- : recordType = new RecordType([
- for (Constant constant in positional)
- constant.getType(staticTypeContext)
- ], [
- for (var MapEntry(key: name, value: constant) in named.entries)
- new NamedType(name, constant.getType(staticTypeContext))
- ], staticTypeContext.nonNullable);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- recordType.accept(v);
- for (final Constant entry in positional) {
- entry.acceptReference(v);
- }
- for (final Constant entry in named.values) {
- entry.acceptReference(v);
- }
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(ConstantVisitor<R> v) => v.visitRecordConstant(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ConstantVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitRecordConstant(this, arg);
- @override
- R acceptReference<R>(ConstantReferenceVisitor<R> v) =>
- v.visitRecordConstantReference(this);
- @override
- R acceptReference1<R, A>(ConstantReferenceVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitRecordConstantReference(this, arg);
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write("const (");
- String comma = '';
- for (Constant entry in positional) {
- printer.write(comma);
- printer.writeConstant(entry);
- comma = ', ';
- }
- if (named.isNotEmpty) {
- printer.write(comma);
- comma = '';
- printer.write("{");
- for (MapEntry<String, Constant> entry in named.entries) {
- printer.write(comma);
- printer.write(entry.key);
- printer.write(": ");
- printer.writeConstant(entry.value);
- comma = ', ';
- }
- printer.write("}");
- }
- printer.write(")");
- }
- @override
- String toString() => "RecordConstant(${toStringInternal()})";
- @override
- late final int hashCode =
- _Hash.combineMapHashUnordered(named, _Hash.combineListHash(positional));
- @override
- bool operator ==(Object other) =>
- identical(this, other) ||
- (other is RecordConstant &&
- listEquals(other.positional, positional) &&
- mapEquals(other.named, named));
- @override
- DartType getType(StaticTypeContext context) => recordType;
-class InstanceConstant extends Constant {
- final Reference classReference;
- final List<DartType> typeArguments;
- final Map<Reference, Constant> fieldValues;
- InstanceConstant(this.classReference, this.typeArguments, this.fieldValues);
- Class get classNode => classReference.asClass;
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- classReference.asClass.acceptReference(v);
- visitList(typeArguments, v);
- for (final Reference reference in fieldValues.keys) {
- reference.asField.acceptReference(v);
- }
- for (final Constant constant in fieldValues.values) {
- constant.acceptReference(v);
- }
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(ConstantVisitor<R> v) => v.visitInstanceConstant(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ConstantVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitInstanceConstant(this, arg);
- @override
- R acceptReference<R>(ConstantReferenceVisitor<R> v) =>
- v.visitInstanceConstantReference(this);
- @override
- R acceptReference1<R, A>(ConstantReferenceVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitInstanceConstantReference(this, arg);
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('const ');
- printer.writeClassName(classReference);
- printer.writeTypeArguments(typeArguments);
- printer.write('{');
- String comma = '';
- fieldValues.forEach((Reference fieldRef, Constant constant) {
- printer.write(comma);
- printer.writeMemberName(fieldRef);
- printer.write(': ');
- printer.writeConstant(constant);
- comma = ', ';
- });
- printer.write('}');
- }
- @override
- String toString() => 'InstanceConstant(${toStringInternal()})';
- @override
- late final int hashCode = _Hash.combine2Finish(classReference.hashCode,
- listHashCode(typeArguments), _Hash.combineMapHashUnordered(fieldValues));
- @override
- bool operator ==(Object other) {
- return identical(this, other) ||
- (other is InstanceConstant &&
- other.classReference == classReference &&
- listEquals(other.typeArguments, typeArguments) &&
- mapEquals(other.fieldValues, fieldValues));
- }
- @override
- DartType getType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- new InterfaceType(classNode, context.nonNullable, typeArguments);
-class InstantiationConstant extends Constant {
- final Constant tearOffConstant;
- final List<DartType> types;
- InstantiationConstant(this.tearOffConstant, this.types);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- tearOffConstant.acceptReference(v);
- visitList(types, v);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(ConstantVisitor<R> v) => v.visitInstantiationConstant(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ConstantVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitInstantiationConstant(this, arg);
- @override
- R acceptReference<R>(ConstantReferenceVisitor<R> v) =>
- v.visitInstantiationConstantReference(this);
- @override
- R acceptReference1<R, A>(ConstantReferenceVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitInstantiationConstantReference(this, arg);
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeConstant(tearOffConstant);
- printer.writeTypeArguments(types);
- }
- @override
- String toString() => 'InstantiationConstant(${toStringInternal()})';
- @override
- int get hashCode => _Hash.combineFinish(
- tearOffConstant.hashCode, _Hash.combineListHash(types));
- @override
- bool operator ==(Object other) {
- return other is InstantiationConstant &&
- other.tearOffConstant == tearOffConstant &&
- listEquals(other.types, types);
- }
- @override
- DartType getType(StaticTypeContext context) {
- final FunctionType type = tearOffConstant.getType(context) as FunctionType;
- return FunctionTypeInstantiator.instantiate(type, types);
- }
-abstract class TearOffConstant implements Constant {
- Reference get targetReference;
- Member get target;
- FunctionNode get function;
-class StaticTearOffConstant extends Constant implements TearOffConstant {
- @override
- final Reference targetReference;
- StaticTearOffConstant(Procedure target)
- : assert(target.isStatic),
- assert(target.kind == ProcedureKind.Method,
- "Unexpected static tear off target: $target"),
- targetReference = target.reference;
- StaticTearOffConstant.byReference(this.targetReference);
- @override
- Procedure get target => targetReference.asProcedure;
- @override
- FunctionNode get function => target.function;
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- target.acceptReference(v);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(ConstantVisitor<R> v) => v.visitStaticTearOffConstant(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ConstantVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitStaticTearOffConstant(this, arg);
- @override
- R acceptReference<R>(ConstantReferenceVisitor<R> v) =>
- v.visitStaticTearOffConstantReference(this);
- @override
- R acceptReference1<R, A>(ConstantReferenceVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitStaticTearOffConstantReference(this, arg);
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeMemberName(targetReference);
- }
- @override
- String toString() => 'StaticTearOffConstant(${toStringInternal()})';
- @override
- int get hashCode => targetReference.hashCode;
- @override
- bool operator ==(Object other) {
- return other is StaticTearOffConstant &&
- other.targetReference == targetReference;
- }
- @override
- FunctionType getType(StaticTypeContext context) {
- return target.function.computeFunctionType(context.nonNullable);
- }
-class ConstructorTearOffConstant extends Constant implements TearOffConstant {
- @override
- final Reference targetReference;
- ConstructorTearOffConstant(Member target)
- : assert(
- target is Constructor || (target is Procedure && target.isFactory),
- "Unexpected constructor tear off target: $target"),
- this.targetReference = getNonNullableMemberReferenceGetter(target);
- ConstructorTearOffConstant.byReference(this.targetReference);
- @override
- Member get target => targetReference.asMember;
- @override
- FunctionNode get function => target.function!;
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- target.acceptReference(v);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(ConstantVisitor<R> v) => v.visitConstructorTearOffConstant(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ConstantVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitConstructorTearOffConstant(this, arg);
- @override
- R acceptReference<R>(ConstantReferenceVisitor<R> v) =>
- v.visitConstructorTearOffConstantReference(this);
- @override
- R acceptReference1<R, A>(ConstantReferenceVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitConstructorTearOffConstantReference(this, arg);
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeMemberName(targetReference);
- }
- @override
- String toString() => 'ConstructorTearOffConstant(${toStringInternal()})';
- @override
- int get hashCode => targetReference.hashCode;
- @override
- bool operator ==(Object other) {
- return other is ConstructorTearOffConstant &&
- other.targetReference == targetReference;
- }
- @override
- FunctionType getType(StaticTypeContext context) {
- return function.computeFunctionType(context.nonNullable);
- }
-class RedirectingFactoryTearOffConstant extends Constant
- implements TearOffConstant {
- @override
- final Reference targetReference;
- RedirectingFactoryTearOffConstant(Procedure target)
- : assert(target.isRedirectingFactory),
- this.targetReference = getNonNullableMemberReferenceGetter(target);
- RedirectingFactoryTearOffConstant.byReference(this.targetReference);
- @override
- Procedure get target => targetReference.asProcedure;
- @override
- FunctionNode get function => target.function;
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- target.acceptReference(v);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(ConstantVisitor<R> v) =>
- v.visitRedirectingFactoryTearOffConstant(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ConstantVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitRedirectingFactoryTearOffConstant(this, arg);
- @override
- R acceptReference<R>(ConstantReferenceVisitor<R> v) =>
- v.visitRedirectingFactoryTearOffConstantReference(this);
- @override
- R acceptReference1<R, A>(ConstantReferenceVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitRedirectingFactoryTearOffConstantReference(this, arg);
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeMemberName(targetReference);
- }
- @override
- String toString() =>
- 'RedirectingFactoryTearOffConstant(${toStringInternal()})';
- @override
- int get hashCode => targetReference.hashCode;
- @override
- bool operator ==(Object other) {
- return other is RedirectingFactoryTearOffConstant &&
- other.targetReference == targetReference;
- }
- @override
- FunctionType getType(StaticTypeContext context) {
- return function.computeFunctionType(context.nonNullable);
- }
-class TypedefTearOffConstant extends Constant {
- final List<StructuralParameter> parameters;
- final TearOffConstant tearOffConstant;
- final List<DartType> types;
- @override
- late final int hashCode = _computeHashCode();
- TypedefTearOffConstant(this.parameters, this.tearOffConstant, this.types);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- visitList(parameters, v);
- tearOffConstant.acceptReference(v);
- visitList(types, v);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(ConstantVisitor<R> v) => v.visitTypedefTearOffConstant(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ConstantVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitTypedefTearOffConstant(this, arg);
- @override
- R acceptReference<R>(ConstantReferenceVisitor<R> v) =>
- v.visitTypedefTearOffConstantReference(this);
- @override
- R acceptReference1<R, A>(ConstantReferenceVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitTypedefTearOffConstantReference(this, arg);
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeStructuralParameters(parameters);
- printer.writeConstant(tearOffConstant);
- printer.writeTypeArguments(types);
- }
- @override
- String toString() => 'TypedefTearOffConstant(${toStringInternal()})';
- @override
- bool operator ==(Object other) {
- if (other is! TypedefTearOffConstant) return false;
- if (other.tearOffConstant != tearOffConstant) return false;
- if (other.parameters.length != parameters.length) return false;
- if (parameters.isNotEmpty) {
- Assumptions assumptions = new Assumptions();
- for (int index = 0; index < parameters.length; index++) {
- assumptions.assumeStructuralParameter(
- parameters[index], other.parameters[index]);
- }
- for (int index = 0; index < parameters.length; index++) {
- if (!parameters[index]
- .bound
- .equals(other.parameters[index].bound, assumptions)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < types.length; ++i) {
- if (!types[i].equals(other.types[i], assumptions)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- int _computeHashCode() {
- int hash = 1237;
- for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; ++i) {
- StructuralParameter parameter = parameters[i];
- hash = 0x3fffffff & (hash * 31 + parameter.bound.hashCode);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < types.length; ++i) {
- hash = 0x3fffffff & (hash * 31 + types[i].hashCode);
- }
- hash = 0x3fffffff & (hash * 31 + tearOffConstant.hashCode);
- return hash;
- }
- @override
- DartType getType(StaticTypeContext context) {
- FunctionType type = tearOffConstant.getType(context) as FunctionType;
- FreshStructuralParameters freshStructuralParameters =
- getFreshStructuralParameters(parameters);
- type = freshStructuralParameters.substitute(
- FunctionTypeInstantiator.instantiate(type, types)) as FunctionType;
- return new FunctionType(
- type.positionalParameters, type.returnType, type.declaredNullability,
- namedParameters: type.namedParameters,
- typeParameters: freshStructuralParameters.freshTypeParameters,
- requiredParameterCount: type.requiredParameterCount);
- }
-class TypeLiteralConstant extends Constant {
- final DartType type;
- TypeLiteralConstant(this.type);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- type.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(ConstantVisitor<R> v) => v.visitTypeLiteralConstant(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ConstantVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitTypeLiteralConstant(this, arg);
- @override
- R acceptReference<R>(ConstantReferenceVisitor<R> v) =>
- v.visitTypeLiteralConstantReference(this);
- @override
- R acceptReference1<R, A>(ConstantReferenceVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitTypeLiteralConstantReference(this, arg);
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.writeType(type);
- }
- @override
- String toString() => 'TypeLiteralConstant(${toStringInternal()})';
- @override
- int get hashCode => type.hashCode;
- @override
- bool operator ==(Object other) {
- return other is TypeLiteralConstant && other.type == type;
- }
- @override
- DartType getType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- context.typeEnvironment.coreTypes.typeRawType(context.nonNullable);
-class UnevaluatedConstant extends Constant {
- final Expression expression;
- UnevaluatedConstant(this.expression) {
- expression.parent = null;
- }
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- expression.accept(v);
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(ConstantVisitor<R> v) => v.visitUnevaluatedConstant(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(ConstantVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitUnevaluatedConstant(this, arg);
- @override
- R acceptReference<R>(ConstantReferenceVisitor<R> v) =>
- v.visitUnevaluatedConstantReference(this);
- @override
- R acceptReference1<R, A>(ConstantReferenceVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
- v.visitUnevaluatedConstantReference(this, arg);
- @override
- DartType getType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
- expression.getStaticType(context);
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- printer.write('unevaluated{');
- printer.writeExpression(expression);
- printer.write('}');
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "UnevaluatedConstant(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- int get hashCode => expression.hashCode;
- @override
- bool operator ==(Object other) {
- return other is UnevaluatedConstant && other.expression == expression;
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-/// A way to bundle up libraries in a component.
-class Component extends TreeNode {
- final CanonicalName root;
- /// Problems in this [Component] encoded as json objects.
- ///
- /// Note that this field can be null, and by convention should be null if the
- /// list is empty.
- List<String>? problemsAsJson;
- final List<Library> libraries;
- /// Map from a source file URI to a line-starts table and source code.
- /// Given a source file URI and a offset in that file one can translate
- /// it to a line:column position in that file.
- final Map<Uri, Source> uriToSource;
- /// Mapping between string tags and [MetadataRepository] corresponding to
- /// those tags.
- final Map<String, MetadataRepository<dynamic>> metadata =
- <String, MetadataRepository<dynamic>>{};
- /// Reference to the main method in one of the libraries.
- Reference? _mainMethodName;
- Reference? get mainMethodName => _mainMethodName;
- NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode? _mode;
- NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode get mode {
- return _mode ?? NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode.Strong;
- }
- NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode? get modeRaw => _mode;
- Component(
- {CanonicalName? nameRoot,
- List<Library>? libraries,
- Map<Uri, Source>? uriToSource,
- NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode? mode})
- : root = nameRoot ?? new CanonicalName.root(),
- libraries = libraries ?? <Library>[],
- uriToSource = uriToSource ?? <Uri, Source>{},
- _mode = mode {
- adoptChildren();
- }
- void adoptChildren() {
- for (int i = 0; i < libraries.length; ++i) {
- // The libraries are owned by this component, and so are their canonical
- // names if they exist.
- Library library = libraries[i];
- library.parent = this;
- CanonicalName? name = library.reference.canonicalName;
- if (name != null && name.parent != root) {
- root.adoptChild(name);
- }
- }
- }
- void computeCanonicalNames() {
- for (int i = 0; i < libraries.length; ++i) {
- computeCanonicalNamesForLibrary(libraries[i]);
- }
- }
- /// This is an advanced feature. Use of this method should be coordinated
- /// with the kernel team.
- ///
- /// Makes sure all references in named nodes in this component points to said
- /// named node.
- ///
- /// The use case is advanced incremental compilation, where we want to rebuild
- /// a single library and make all other libraries use the new library and the
- /// content therein *while* having the option to go back to pointing (be
- /// "linked") to the old library if the delta is rejected.
- ///
- /// Please note that calling this is a potentially dangerous thing to do,
- /// and that stuff *can* go wrong, and you could end up in a situation where
- /// you point to several versions of "the same" library. Examples:
- /// * If you only relink part (e.g. a class) if your component you can wind
- /// up in an unfortunate situation where if the library (say libA) contains
- /// class 'B' and class 'C', you only replace 'B' (with one in library
- /// 'libAPrime'), everything pointing to 'B' via parent pointers talks
- /// about 'libAPrime', whereas everything pointing to 'C' would still
- /// ultimately point to 'libA'.
- /// * If you relink to a library that doesn't have exactly the same members
- /// as the one you're "linking from" you can wind up in an unfortunate
- /// situation, e.g. if the thing you relink two is missing a static method,
- /// any links to that static method will still point to the old static
- /// method and thus (via parent pointers) to the old library.
- /// * (probably more).
- void relink() {
- for (int i = 0; i < libraries.length; ++i) {
- libraries[i].relink();
- }
- }
- void computeCanonicalNamesForLibrary(Library library) {
- library.ensureCanonicalNames(root);
- }
- void unbindCanonicalNames() {
- // TODO(jensj): Get rid of this.
- for (int i = 0; i < libraries.length; i++) {
- Library lib = libraries[i];
- for (int j = 0; j < lib.classes.length; j++) {
- Class c = lib.classes[j];
- c.dirty = true;
- }
- }
- root.unbindAll();
- }
- Procedure? get mainMethod => mainMethodName?.asProcedure;
- void setMainMethodAndMode(Reference? main, bool overwriteMainIfSet,
- NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode mode) {
- if (_mainMethodName == null || overwriteMainIfSet) {
- _mainMethodName = main;
- }
- _mode = mode;
- }
- @override
- R accept<R>(TreeVisitor<R> v) => v.visitComponent(this);
- @override
- R accept1<R, A>(TreeVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) => v.visitComponent(this, arg);
- @override
- void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
- visitList(libraries, v);
- mainMethod?.acceptReference(v);
- }
- @override
- void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
- v.transformList(libraries, this);
- }
- @override
- void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
- v.transformLibraryList(libraries, this);
- }
- @override
- Component get enclosingComponent => this;
- /// Translates an offset to line and column numbers in the given file.
- Location? getLocation(Uri file, int offset, {String? viaForErrorMessage}) {
- return uriToSource[file]
- ?.getLocation(file, offset, viaForErrorMessage: viaForErrorMessage);
- }
- /// Translates line and column numbers to an offset in the given file.
- ///
- /// Returns offset of the line and column in the file, or -1 if the
- /// source is not available or has no lines.
- /// Throws [RangeError] if line or calculated offset are out of range.
- int getOffset(Uri file, int line, int column) {
- return uriToSource[file]?.getOffset(line, column) ?? -1;
- }
- void addMetadataRepository(MetadataRepository repository) {
- metadata[repository.tag] = repository;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "Component(${toStringInternal()})";
- }
- @override
- void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
- // TODO(johnniwinther): Implement this.
- }
- @override
- String leakingDebugToString() => astToText.debugComponentToString(this);
-/// A tuple with file, line, and column number, for displaying human-readable
-/// locations.
-class Location {
- final Uri file;
- final int line; // 1-based.
- final int column; // 1-based.
- Location(this.file, this.line, this.column);
- @override
- String toString() => '$file:$line:$column';
-abstract class MetadataRepository<T> {
- /// Unique string tag associated with this repository.
- String get tag;
- /// Mutable mapping between nodes and their metadata.
- Map<Node, T> get mapping;
- /// Write [metadata] object corresponding to the given [Node] into
- /// the given [BinarySink].
- ///
- /// Metadata is serialized immediately before serializing [node],
- /// so implementation of this method can use serialization context of
- /// [node]'s parents (such as declared type parameters and variables).
- /// In order to use scope declared by the [node] itself, implementation of
- /// this method can use [BinarySink.enterScope] and [BinarySink.leaveScope]
- /// methods.
- ///
- /// [metadata] must be an object owned by this repository.
- void writeToBinary(T metadata, Node node, BinarySink sink);
- /// Construct a metadata object from its binary payload read from the
- /// given [BinarySource].
- ///
- /// Metadata is deserialized immediately after deserializing [node],
- /// so it can use deserialization context of [node]'s parents.
- /// In order to use scope declared by the [node] itself, implementation of
- /// this method can use [BinarySource.enterScope] and
- /// [BinarySource.leaveScope] methods.
- T readFromBinary(Node node, BinarySource source);
- /// Method to check whether a node can have metadata attached to it
- /// or referenced from the metadata payload.
- ///
- /// Currently due to binary format specifics Catch and MapEntry nodes
- /// can't have metadata attached to them. Also, metadata is not saved on
- /// Block nodes inside BlockExpressions.
- static bool isSupported(Node node) {
- return !(node is MapLiteralEntry ||
- node is Catch ||
- (node is Block && node.parent is BlockExpression));
- }
-abstract class BinarySink {
- void writeByte(int byte);
- void writeUInt32(int value);
- void writeUInt30(int value);
- /// Write List<Byte> into the sink.
- void writeByteList(List<int> bytes);
- void writeNullAllowedCanonicalNameReference(Reference? reference);
- void writeStringReference(String str);
- void writeDartType(DartType type);
- void writeConstantReference(Constant constant);
-abstract class BinarySource {
- int readByte();
- int readUInt30();
- int readUint32();
- /// Read List<Byte> from the source.
- List<int> readByteList();
- CanonicalName? readNullableCanonicalNameReference();
- String readStringReference();
- DartType readDartType();
- Constant readConstantReference();
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void setParents(List<TreeNode> nodes, TreeNode parent) {
- for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) {
- nodes[i].parent = parent;
- }
-void visitList(List<Node> nodes, Visitor visitor) {
- for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) {
- nodes[i].accept(visitor);
- }
-void visitIterable(Iterable<Node> nodes, Visitor visitor) {
- for (Node node in nodes) {
- node.accept(visitor);
- }
-class _ChildReplacer extends Transformer {
- final TreeNode child;
- final TreeNode replacement;
- _ChildReplacer(this.child, this.replacement);
- @override
- TreeNode defaultTreeNode(TreeNode node) {
- if (node == child) {
- return replacement;
- } else {
- return node;
- }
- }
-class Source {
- static final Uint8List _emptySource = new Uint8List(0);
- final List<int>? lineStarts;
- /// A UTF8 encoding of the original source file.
- final Uint8List source;
- final Uri? importUri;
- final Uri? fileUri;
- Set<Reference>? constantCoverageConstructors;
- String? cachedText;
- Source(this.lineStarts, this.source, this.importUri, this.fileUri);
- Source.emptySource(this.lineStarts, this.importUri, this.fileUri)
- : source = _emptySource;
- /// Return the text corresponding to [line] which is a 1-based line
- /// number. The returned line contains no line separators.
- String? getTextLine(int line) {
- List<int>? lineStarts = this.lineStarts;
- if (source.isEmpty || lineStarts == null || lineStarts.isEmpty) {
- return null;
- }
- RangeError.checkValueInInterval(line, 1, lineStarts.length, 'line');
- String cachedText = text;
- // -1 as line numbers start at 1.
- int index = line - 1;
- if (index + 1 == lineStarts.length) {
- // Last line.
- return cachedText.substring(lineStarts[index]);
- } else if (index < lineStarts.length) {
- // We subtract 1 from the next line for two reasons:
- // 1. If the file isn't terminated by a newline, that index is invalid.
- // 2. To remove the newline at the end of the line.
- int endOfLine = lineStarts[index + 1] - 1;
- if (endOfLine > index && cachedText[endOfLine - 1] == "\r") {
- --endOfLine; // Windows line endings.
- }
- return cachedText.substring(lineStarts[index], endOfLine);
- }
- // This shouldn't happen: should have been caught by the range check above.
- throw "Internal error";
- }
- String get text => cachedText ??= utf8.decode(source, allowMalformed: true);
- /// Translates an offset to 1-based line and column numbers in the given file.
- Location getLocation(Uri file, int offset, {String? viaForErrorMessage}) {
- List<int>? lineStarts = this.lineStarts;
- if (lineStarts == null || lineStarts.isEmpty) {
- return new Location(file, TreeNode.noOffset, TreeNode.noOffset);
- }
- if (viaForErrorMessage != null) {
- RangeError.checkValueInInterval(
- offset,
- 0,
- lineStarts.last,
- 'offset',
- 'Asked for out-of-bounds offset for uri "$file" '
- 'via $viaForErrorMessage');
- } else {
- RangeError.checkValueInInterval(offset, 0, lineStarts.last, 'offset',
- 'Asked for out-of-bounds offset for uri "$file"');
- }
- int low = 0, high = lineStarts.length - 1;
- while (low < high) {
- int mid = high - ((high - low) >> 1); // Get middle, rounding up.
- int pivot = lineStarts[mid];
- if (pivot <= offset) {
- low = mid;
- } else {
- high = mid - 1;
- }
- }
- int lineIndex = low;
- int lineStart = lineStarts[lineIndex];
- int lineNumber = 1 + lineIndex;
- int columnNumber = 1 + offset - lineStart;
- return new Location(file, lineNumber, columnNumber);
- }
- /// Translates 1-based line and column numbers to an offset in the given file
- ///
- /// Returns offset of the line and column in the file, or -1 if the source
- /// has no lines.
- /// Throws [RangeError] if line or calculated offset are out of range.
- int getOffset(int line, int column) {
- List<int>? lineStarts = this.lineStarts;
- if (lineStarts == null || lineStarts.isEmpty) {
- return -1;
- }
- RangeError.checkValueInInterval(line, 1, lineStarts.length, 'line');
- int offset = lineStarts[line - 1] + column - 1;
- RangeError.checkValueInInterval(offset, 0, lineStarts.last, 'offset');
- return offset;
- }
-/// Returns the [Reference] object for the given member based on the
-/// ProcedureKind.
-/// Returns `null` if the member is `null`.
-Reference? getMemberReferenceBasedOnProcedureKind(
- Member? member, ProcedureKind kind) {
- if (member == null) return null;
- if (member is Field) {
- if (kind == ProcedureKind.Setter) return member.setterReference!;
- return member.getterReference;
- }
- return member.reference;
-/// Returns the (getter) [Reference] object for the given member.
-/// Returns `null` if the member is `null`.
-/// TODO(jensj): Should it be called NotSetter instead of Getter?
-Reference? getMemberReferenceGetter(Member? member) {
- if (member == null) return null;
- return getNonNullableMemberReferenceGetter(member);
-Reference getNonNullableMemberReferenceGetter(Member member) {
- if (member is Field) return member.getterReference;
- return member.reference;
-Reference getNonNullableMemberReferenceSetter(Member member) {
- if (member is Field) return member.setterReference!;
- return member.reference;
-/// Murmur-inspired hashing, with a fall-back to Jenkins-inspired hashing when
-/// compiled to JavaScript.
-/// A hash function should be constructed of several [combine] calls followed by
-/// a [finish] call.
-class _Hash {
- static const int M = 0x9ddfea08eb382000 + 0xd69;
- static const bool intIs64Bit = (1 << 63) != 0;
- /// Primitive hash combining step.
- static int combine(int value, int hash) {
- if (intIs64Bit) {
- value *= M;
- value ^= _shru(value, 47);
- value *= M;
- hash ^= value;
- hash *= M;
- } else {
- // Fall back to Jenkins-inspired hashing on JavaScript platforms.
- hash = 0x1fffffff & (hash + value);
- hash = 0x1fffffff & (hash + ((0x0007ffff & hash) << 10));
- hash = hash ^ (hash >> 6);
- }
- return hash;
- }
- /// Primitive hash finalization step.
- static int finish(int hash) {
- if (intIs64Bit) {
- hash ^= _shru(hash, 44);
- hash *= M;
- hash ^= _shru(hash, 41);
- } else {
- // Fall back to Jenkins-inspired hashing on JavaScript platforms.
- hash = 0x1fffffff & (hash + ((0x03ffffff & hash) << 3));
- hash = hash ^ (hash >> 11);
- hash = 0x1fffffff & (hash + ((0x00003fff & hash) << 15));
- }
- return hash;
- }
- static int combineFinish(int value, int hash) {
- return finish(combine(value, hash));
- }
- static int combine2(int value1, int value2, int hash) {
- return combine(value2, combine(value1, hash));
- }
- static int combine2Finish(int value1, int value2, int hash) {
- return finish(combine2(value1, value2, hash));
- }
- static int hash2(Object object1, Object? object2) {
- return combine2Finish(object2.hashCode, object2.hashCode, 0);
- }
- static int combineListHash(List<Object> list, [int hash = 1]) {
- for (Object item in list) {
- hash = _Hash.combine(item.hashCode, hash);
- }
- return hash;
- }
- static int combineList(List<int> hashes, int hash) {
- for (int item in hashes) {
- hash = combine(item, hash);
- }
- return hash;
- }
- static int combineMapHashUnordered(Map? map, [int hash = 2]) {
- if (map == null || map.isEmpty) return hash;
- List<int> entryHashes = List.filled(
- map.length,
- // `-1` is used as a dummy default value.
- -1);
- int i = 0;
- for (MapEntry entry in map.entries) {
- entryHashes[i++] = combine(entry.key.hashCode, entry.value.hashCode);
- }
- entryHashes.sort();
- return combineList(entryHashes, hash);
- }
- // TODO(sra): Replace with '>>>'.
- static int _shru(int v, int n) {
- assert(n >= 1);
- assert(intIs64Bit);
- return ((v >> 1) & (0x7fffFFFFffffF000 + 0xFFF)) >> (n - 1);
- }
-int listHashCode(List<Object> list) {
- return _Hash.finish(_Hash.combineListHash(list));
-bool listEquals(List a, List b) {
- if (a.length != b.length) return false;
- for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
- if (a[i] != b[i]) return false;
- }
- return true;
-bool mapEquals(Map a, Map b) {
- if (a.length != b.length) return false;
- for (final Object key in a.keys) {
- if (!b.containsKey(key) || a[key] != b[key]) return false;
- }
- return true;
-/// Annotation describing information which is not part of Dart semantics; in
-/// other words, if this information (or any information it refers to) changes,
-/// static analysis and runtime behavior of the library are unaffected.
-const Null informative = null;
-Location? _getLocationInComponent(Component? component, Uri fileUri, int offset,
- {required String viaForErrorMessage}) {
- if (component != null) {
- return component.getLocation(fileUri, offset,
- viaForErrorMessage: viaForErrorMessage);
- } else {
- return new Location(fileUri, TreeNode.noOffset, TreeNode.noOffset);
- }
-/// Convert the synthetic name of an implicit mixin application class
-/// into a name suitable for user-faced strings.
-/// For example, when compiling "class A extends S with M1, M2", the
-/// two synthetic classes will be named "_A&S&M1" and "_A&S&M1&M2".
-/// This function will return "S with M1" and "S with M1, M2", respectively.
-String demangleMixinApplicationName(String name) {
- List<String> nameParts = name.split('&');
- if (nameParts.length < 2 || name == "&") return name;
- String demangledName = nameParts[1];
- for (int i = 2; i < nameParts.length; i++) {
- demangledName += (i == 2 ? " with " : ", ") + nameParts[i];
- }
- return demangledName;
-/// Extract from the synthetic name of an implicit mixin application class
-/// the name of the final subclass of the mixin application.
-/// For example, when compiling "class A extends S with M1, M2", the
-/// two synthetic classes will be named "_A&S&M1" and "_A&S&M1&M2".
-/// This function will return "A" for both classes.
-String demangleMixinApplicationSubclassName(String name) {
- List<String> nameParts = name.split('&');
- if (nameParts.length < 2) return name;
- assert(nameParts[0].startsWith('_'));
- return nameParts[0].substring(1);
-/// Computes a list of [typeParameters] taken as types.
-List<DartType> getAsTypeArguments(
- List<TypeParameter> typeParameters, Library library) {
- if (typeParameters.isEmpty) return const <DartType>[];
- return new List<DartType>.generate(
- typeParameters.length,
- (int i) => new TypeParameterType.withDefaultNullabilityForLibrary(
- typeParameters[i], library),
- growable: false);
-class Version extends Object {
- final int major;
- final int minor;
- const Version(this.major, this.minor);
- bool operator <(Version other) {
- if (major < other.major) return true;
- if (major > other.major) return false;
- // Major is the same.
- if (minor < other.minor) return true;
- return false;
- }
- bool operator <=(Version other) {
- if (major < other.major) return true;
- if (major > other.major) return false;
- // Major is the same.
- if (minor <= other.minor) return true;
- return false;
- }
- bool operator >(Version other) {
- if (major > other.major) return true;
- if (major < other.major) return false;
- // Major is the same.
- if (minor > other.minor) return true;
- return false;
- }
- bool operator >=(Version other) {
- if (major > other.major) return true;
- if (major < other.major) return false;
- // Major is the same.
- if (minor >= other.minor) return true;
- return false;
- }
- /// Returns this language version as a 'major.minor' text.
- String toText() => '${major}.${minor}';
- @override
- int get hashCode {
- return major.hashCode * 13 + minor.hashCode * 17;
- }
- @override
- bool operator ==(Object other) {
- if (identical(this, other)) return true;
- return other is Version && major == other.major && minor == other.minor;
- }
- @override
- String toString() {
- return "Version(major=$major, minor=$minor)";
- }
-/// Almost const <NamedExpression>[], but not const in an attempt to avoid
-/// polymorphism. See
-final List<NamedExpression> emptyListOfNamedExpression =
- List.filled(0, dummyNamedExpression, growable: false);
-/// Almost const <VariableDeclaration>[], but not const in an attempt to avoid
-/// polymorphism. See
-final List<VariableDeclaration> emptyListOfVariableDeclaration =
- List.filled(0, dummyVariableDeclaration, growable: false);
-/// Almost const <Combinator>[], but not const in an attempt to avoid
-/// polymorphism. See
-final List<Combinator> emptyListOfCombinator =
- List.filled(0, dummyCombinator, growable: false);
-/// Almost const <Expression>[], but not const in an attempt to avoid
-/// polymorphism. See
-final List<Expression> emptyListOfExpression =
- List.filled(0, dummyExpression, growable: false);
-/// Almost const <AssertStatement>[], but not const in an attempt to avoid
-/// polymorphism. See
-final List<AssertStatement> emptyListOfAssertStatement =
- List.filled(0, dummyAssertStatement, growable: false);
-/// Almost const <SwitchCase>[], but not const in an attempt to avoid
-/// polymorphism. See
-final List<SwitchCase> emptyListOfSwitchCase =
- List.filled(0, dummySwitchCase, growable: false);
-/// Almost const <SwitchExpressionCase>[], but not const in an attempt to avoid
-/// polymorphism. See
-final List<SwitchExpressionCase> emptyListOfSwitchExpressionCase =
- List.filled(0, dummySwitchExpressionCase, growable: false);
-/// Almost const <PatternSwitchCase>[], but not const in an attempt to avoid
-/// polymorphism. See
-final List<PatternSwitchCase> emptyListOfPatternSwitchCase =
- List.filled(0, dummyPatternSwitchCase, growable: false);
-/// Almost const <Catch>[], but not const in an attempt to avoid
-/// polymorphism. See
-final List<Catch> emptyListOfCatch =
- List.filled(0, dummyCatch, growable: false);
-/// Almost const <Supertype>[], but not const in an attempt to avoid
-/// polymorphism. See
-final List<Supertype> emptyListOfSupertype =
- List.filled(0, dummySupertype, growable: false);
-/// Almost const <DartType>[], but not const in an attempt to avoid
-/// polymorphism. See
-final List<DartType> emptyListOfDartType =
- List.filled(0, dummyDartType, growable: false);
-/// Almost const <NamedType>[], but not const in an attempt to avoid
-/// polymorphism. See
-final List<NamedType> emptyListOfNamedType =
- List.filled(0, dummyNamedType, growable: false);
-/// Almost const <TypeParameter>[], but not const in an attempt to avoid
-/// polymorphism. See
-final List<TypeParameter> emptyListOfTypeParameter =
- List.filled(0, dummyTypeParameter, growable: false);
-/// Almost const <StructuralParameter>[], but not const in an attempt to
-/// avoid polymorphism. See
-final List<StructuralParameter> emptyListOfStructuralParameter =
- List.filled(0, dummyStructuralParameter, growable: false);
-/// Almost const <Constant>[], but not const in an attempt to avoid
-/// polymorphism. See
-final List<Constant> emptyListOfConstant =
- List.filled(0, dummyConstant, growable: false);
-/// Almost const <String>[], but not const in an attempt to avoid
-/// polymorphism. See
-final List<String> emptyListOfString = List.filled(0, '', growable: false);
-/// Almost const <Typedef>[], but not const in an attempt to avoid
-/// polymorphism. See
-final List<Typedef> emptyListOfTypedef =
- List.filled(0, dummyTypedef, growable: false);
-/// Almost const <Extension>[], but not const in an attempt to avoid
-/// polymorphism. See
-final List<Extension> emptyListOfExtension =
- List.filled(0, dummyExtension, growable: false);
-/// Almost const <ExtensionTypeDeclaration>[], but not const in an attempt to
-/// avoid polymorphism. See
-final List<ExtensionTypeDeclaration> emptyListOfExtensionTypeDeclaration =
- List.filled(0, dummyExtensionTypeDeclaration, growable: false);
-/// Almost const <Field>[], but not const in an attempt to avoid
-/// polymorphism. See
-final List<Field> emptyListOfField =
- List.filled(0, dummyField, growable: false);
-/// Almost const <LibraryPart>[], but not const in an attempt to avoid
-/// polymorphism. See
-final List<LibraryPart> emptyListOfLibraryPart =
- List.filled(0, dummyLibraryPart, growable: false);
-/// Almost const <LibraryDependency>[], but not const in an attempt to avoid
-/// polymorphism. See
-final List<LibraryDependency> emptyListOfLibraryDependency =
- List.filled(0, dummyLibraryDependency, growable: false);
-/// Almost const <Procedure>[], but not const in an attempt to avoid
-/// polymorphism. See
-final List<Procedure> emptyListOfProcedure =
- List.filled(0, dummyProcedure, growable: false);
-/// Almost const <MapLiteralEntry>[], but not const in an attempt to avoid
-/// polymorphism. See
-final List<MapLiteralEntry> emptyListOfMapLiteralEntry =
- List.filled(0, dummyMapLiteralEntry, growable: false);
-/// Almost const <Class>[], but not const in an attempt to avoid
-/// polymorphism. See
-final List<Class> emptyListOfClass =
- List.filled(0, dummyClass, growable: false);
-/// Almost const <ExtensionMemberDescriptor>[], but not const in an attempt to
-/// avoid polymorphism. See
-final List<ExtensionMemberDescriptor> emptyListOfExtensionMemberDescriptor =
- List.filled(0, dummyExtensionMemberDescriptor, growable: false);
-/// Almost const <ExtensionTypeMemberDescriptor>[], but not const in an attempt
-/// to avoid polymorphism. See
-final List<ExtensionTypeMemberDescriptor>
- emptyListOfExtensionTypeMemberDescriptor =
- List.filled(0, dummyExtensionTypeMemberDescriptor, growable: false);
-/// Almost const <TypeDeclarationType>[], but not const in an attempt to avoid
-/// polymorphism. See
-final List<TypeDeclarationType> emptyListOfTypeDeclarationType =
- List.filled(0, dummyExtensionType, growable: false);
-/// Almost const <Constructor>[], but not const in an attempt to avoid
-/// polymorphism. See
-final List<Constructor> emptyListOfConstructor =
- List.filled(0, dummyConstructor, growable: false);
-/// Almost const <Initializer>[], but not const in an attempt to avoid
-/// polymorphism. See
-final List<Initializer> emptyListOfInitializer =
- List.filled(0, dummyInitializer, growable: false);
-/// Non-nullable [DartType] dummy value.
-/// This is used as the removal sentinel in [RemovingTransformer] and can be
-/// used for instance as a dummy initial value for the `List.filled`
-/// constructor.
-final DartType dummyDartType = new DynamicType();
-/// Non-nullable [Supertype] dummy value.
-/// This is used as the removal sentinel in [RemovingTransformer] and can be
-/// used for instance as a dummy initial value for the `List.filled`
-/// constructor.
-final Supertype dummySupertype = new Supertype(dummyClass, const []);
-/// Non-nullable [NamedType] dummy value.
-/// This is used as the removal sentinel in [RemovingTransformer] and can be
-/// used for instance as a dummy initial value for the `List.filled`
-/// constructor.
-final NamedType dummyNamedType =
- new NamedType('', dummyDartType, isRequired: false);
-/// Non-nullable [Uri] dummy value.
-final Uri dummyUri = new Uri(scheme: 'dummy');
-/// Non-nullable [Name] dummy value.
-final Name dummyName = new _PublicName('');
-/// Non-nullable [Reference] dummy value.
-final Reference dummyReference = new Reference();
-/// Non-nullable [Component] dummy value.
-/// This can be used for instance as a dummy initial value for the `List.filled`
-/// constructor.
-final Component dummyComponent = new Component();
-/// Non-nullable [Library] dummy value.
-/// This is used as the removal sentinel in [RemovingTransformer] and can be
-/// used for instance as a dummy initial value for the `List.filled`
-/// constructor.
-final Library dummyLibrary = new Library(dummyUri, fileUri: dummyUri);
-/// Non-nullable [LibraryDependency] dummy value.
-/// This is used as the removal sentinel in [RemovingTransformer] and can be
-/// used for instance as a dummy initial value for the `List.filled`
-/// constructor.
-final LibraryDependency dummyLibraryDependency =
- new LibraryDependency.import(dummyLibrary);
-/// Non-nullable [Combinator] dummy value.
-/// This is used as the removal sentinel in [RemovingTransformer] and can be
-/// used for instance as a dummy initial value for the `List.filled`
-/// constructor.
-final Combinator dummyCombinator = new Combinator(false, const []);
-/// Non-nullable [LibraryPart] dummy value.
-/// This is used as the removal sentinel in [RemovingTransformer] and can be
-/// used for instance as a dummy initial value for the `List.filled`
-/// constructor.
-final LibraryPart dummyLibraryPart = new LibraryPart(const [], '');
-/// Non-nullable [Class] dummy value.
-/// This is used as the removal sentinel in [RemovingTransformer] and can be
-/// used for instance as a dummy initial value for the `List.filled`
-/// constructor.
-final Class dummyClass = new Class(name: '', fileUri: dummyUri);
-/// Non-nullable [Constructor] dummy value.
-/// This is used as the removal sentinel in [RemovingTransformer] and can be
-/// used for instance as a dummy initial value for the `List.filled`
-/// constructor.
-final Constructor dummyConstructor =
- new Constructor(dummyFunctionNode, name: dummyName, fileUri: dummyUri);
-/// Non-nullable [Extension] dummy value.
-/// This is used as the removal sentinel in [RemovingTransformer] and can be
-/// used for instance as a dummy initial value for the `List.filled`
-/// constructor.
-final Extension dummyExtension = new Extension(name: '', fileUri: dummyUri);
-/// Non-nullable [ExtensionMemberDescriptor] dummy value.
-/// This is used as the removal sentinel in [RemovingTransformer] and can be
-/// used for instance as a dummy initial value for the `List.filled`
-/// constructor.
-final ExtensionMemberDescriptor dummyExtensionMemberDescriptor =
- new ExtensionMemberDescriptor(
- name: dummyName,
- kind: ExtensionMemberKind.Getter,
- memberReference: dummyReference,
- tearOffReference: null);
-/// Non-nullable [ExtensionTypeDeclaration] dummy value.
-/// This is used as the removal sentinel in [RemovingTransformer] and can be
-/// used for instance as a dummy initial value for the `List.filled`
-/// constructor.
-final ExtensionTypeDeclaration dummyExtensionTypeDeclaration =
- new ExtensionTypeDeclaration(name: '', fileUri: dummyUri);
-/// Non-nullable [ExtensionTypeMemberDescriptor] dummy value.
-/// This is used as the removal sentinel in [RemovingTransformer] and can be
-/// used for instance as a dummy initial value for the `List.filled`
-/// constructor.
-final ExtensionTypeMemberDescriptor dummyExtensionTypeMemberDescriptor =
- new ExtensionTypeMemberDescriptor(
- name: dummyName,
- kind: ExtensionTypeMemberKind.Getter,
- memberReference: dummyReference,
- tearOffReference: null);
-/// Non-nullable [ExtensionType] dummy value.
-/// This is used as the removal sentinel in [RemovingTransformer] and can be
-/// used for instance as a dummy initial value for the `List.filled`
-/// constructor.
-final ExtensionType dummyExtensionType =
- new ExtensionType(dummyExtensionTypeDeclaration, Nullability.nonNullable);
-/// Non-nullable [Member] dummy value.
-/// This can be used for instance as a dummy initial value for the
-/// `List.filled` constructor.
-final Member dummyMember = new Field.mutable(dummyName, fileUri: dummyUri);
-/// Non-nullable [Procedure] dummy value.
-/// This is used as the removal sentinel in [RemovingTransformer] and can be
-/// used for instance as a dummy initial value for the `List.filled`
-/// constructor.
-final Procedure dummyProcedure = new Procedure(
- dummyName, ProcedureKind.Method, dummyFunctionNode,
- fileUri: dummyUri);
-/// Non-nullable [Field] dummy value.
-/// This is used as the removal sentinel in [RemovingTransformer] and can be
-/// used for instance as a dummy initial value for the `List.filled`
-/// constructor.
-final Field dummyField = new Field.mutable(dummyName, fileUri: dummyUri);
-/// Non-nullable [Typedef] dummy value.
-/// This is used as the removal sentinel in [RemovingTransformer] and can be
-/// used for instance as a dummy initial value for the `List.filled`
-/// constructor.
-final Typedef dummyTypedef = new Typedef('', null, fileUri: dummyUri);
-/// Non-nullable [Initializer] dummy value.
-/// This is used as the removal sentinel in [RemovingTransformer] and can be
-/// used for instance as a dummy initial value for the `List.filled`
-/// constructor.
-final Initializer dummyInitializer = new InvalidInitializer();
-/// Non-nullable [FunctionNode] dummy value.
-/// This is used as the removal sentinel in [RemovingTransformer] and can be
-/// used for instance as a dummy initial value for the `List.filled`
-/// constructor.
-final FunctionNode dummyFunctionNode = new FunctionNode(null);
-/// Non-nullable [Statement] dummy value.
-/// This is used as the removal sentinel in [RemovingTransformer] and can be
-/// used for instance as a dummy initial value for the `List.filled`
-/// constructor.
-final Statement dummyStatement = new EmptyStatement();
-/// Non-nullable [Expression] dummy value.
-/// This is used as the removal sentinel in [RemovingTransformer] and can be
-/// used for instance as a dummy initial value for the `List.filled`
-/// constructor.
-final Expression dummyExpression = new NullLiteral();
-/// Non-nullable [NamedExpression] dummy value.
-/// This is used as the removal sentinel in [RemovingTransformer] and can be
-/// used for instance as a dummy initial value for the `List.filled`
-/// constructor.
-final NamedExpression dummyNamedExpression =
- new NamedExpression('', dummyExpression);
-/// Almost const <Pattern>[], but not const in an attempt to avoid
-/// polymorphism. See
-final List<Pattern> emptyListOfPattern =
- List.filled(0, dummyPattern, growable: false);
-/// Almost const <NamedPattern>[], but not const in an attempt to avoid
-/// polymorphism. See
-final List<NamedPattern> emptyListOfNamedPattern =
- List.filled(0, dummyNamedPattern, growable: false);
-/// Almost const <MapPatternEntry>[], but not const in an attempt to avoid
-/// polymorphism. See
-final List<MapPatternEntry> emptyListOfMapPatternEntry =
- List.filled(0, dummyMapPatternEntry, growable: false);
-/// Non-nullable [VariableDeclaration] dummy value.
-/// This is used as the removal sentinel in [RemovingTransformer] and can be
-/// used for instance as a dummy initial value for the `List.filled`
-/// constructor.
-final VariableDeclaration dummyVariableDeclaration =
- new VariableDeclaration(null, isSynthesized: true);
-/// Non-nullable [TypeParameter] dummy value.
-/// This is used as the removal sentinel in [RemovingTransformer] and can be
-/// used for instance as a dummy initial value for the `List.filled`
-/// constructor.
-final TypeParameter dummyTypeParameter = new TypeParameter();
-/// Non-nullable [StructuralParameter] dummy value.
-/// This is used as the removal sentinel in [RemovingTransformer] and can be
-/// used for instance as a dummy initial value for the `List.filled`
-/// constructor.
-final StructuralParameter dummyStructuralParameter = new StructuralParameter();
-/// Non-nullable [MapLiteralEntry] dummy value.
-/// This is used as the removal sentinel in [RemovingTransformer] and can be
-/// used for instance as a dummy initial value for the `List.filled`
-/// constructor.
-final MapLiteralEntry dummyMapLiteralEntry =
- new MapLiteralEntry(dummyExpression, dummyExpression);
-/// Non-nullable [Arguments] dummy value.
-/// This is used as the removal sentinel in [RemovingTransformer] and can be
-/// used for instance as a dummy initial value for the `List.filled`
-/// constructor.
-final Arguments dummyArguments = new Arguments(const []);
-/// Non-nullable [AssertStatement] dummy value.
-/// This is used as the removal sentinel in [RemovingTransformer] and can be
-/// used for instance as a dummy initial value for the `List.filled`
-/// constructor.
-final AssertStatement dummyAssertStatement = new AssertStatement(
- dummyExpression,
- conditionStartOffset: TreeNode.noOffset,
- conditionEndOffset: TreeNode.noOffset);
-/// Non-nullable [SwitchCase] dummy value.
-/// This is used as the removal sentinel in [RemovingTransformer] and can be
-/// used for instance as a dummy initial value for the `List.filled`
-/// constructor.
-final SwitchCase dummySwitchCase = new SwitchCase.defaultCase(dummyStatement);
-/// Non-nullable [Catch] dummy value.
-/// This is used as the removal sentinel in [RemovingTransformer] and can be
-/// used for instance as a dummy initial value for the `List.filled`
-/// constructor.
-final Catch dummyCatch = new Catch(null, dummyStatement);
-/// Non-nullable [Constant] dummy value.
-/// This is used as the removal sentinel in [RemovingTransformer] and can be
-/// used for instance as a dummy initial value for the `List.filled`
-/// constructor.
-final Constant dummyConstant = new NullConstant();
-/// Non-nullable [LabeledStatement] dummy value.
-/// This is used as the removal sentinel in [RemovingTransformer] and can be
-/// used for instance as a dummy initial value for the `List.filled`
-/// constructor.
-final LabeledStatement dummyLabeledStatement = new LabeledStatement(null);
-/// Of the dummy nodes, some are tree nodes. `TreeNode`s has a parent pointer
-/// and that can be set when the dummy is used. This means that we can leak
-/// through them. This list will (at least as a stopgap) allow us to null-out
-/// the parent pointer when/if needed.
-/// This should manually be kept up to date.
-final List<TreeNode> dummyTreeNodes = [
- dummyComponent,
- dummyLibrary,
- dummyLibraryDependency,
- dummyCombinator,
- dummyLibraryPart,
- dummyClass,
- dummyConstructor,
- dummyExtension,
- dummyMember,
- dummyProcedure,
- dummyField,
- dummyTypedef,
- dummyInitializer,
- dummyFunctionNode,
- dummyStatement,
- dummyExpression,
- dummyNamedExpression,
- dummyVariableDeclaration,
- dummyTypeParameter,
- dummyMapLiteralEntry,
- dummyArguments,
- dummyAssertStatement,
- dummySwitchCase,
- dummyCatch,
- dummyLabeledStatement,
-void clearDummyTreeNodesParentPointer() {
- for (TreeNode treeNode in dummyTreeNodes) {
- treeNode.parent = null;
- }
-/// Sentinel value used to signal that a node cannot be removed through the
-/// [RemovingTransformer].
-const Null cannotRemoveSentinel = null;
-/// Helper that can be used in asserts to check that [list] is mutable by
-/// adding and removing [dummyElement].
-bool checkListIsMutable<E>(List<E> list, E dummyElement) {
- list
- ..add(dummyElement)
- ..removeLast();
- return true;
+part 'src/ast/statements.dart';
+part 'src/ast/typedefs.dart';
+part 'src/ast/types.dart';
diff --git a/pkg/kernel/lib/src/ast/components.dart b/pkg/kernel/lib/src/ast/components.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc0932f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/kernel/lib/src/ast/components.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2024, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+part of '../../ast.dart';
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+/// A way to bundle up libraries in a component.
+class Component extends TreeNode {
+ final CanonicalName root;
+ /// Problems in this [Component] encoded as json objects.
+ ///
+ /// Note that this field can be null, and by convention should be null if the
+ /// list is empty.
+ List<String>? problemsAsJson;
+ final List<Library> libraries;
+ /// Map from a source file URI to a line-starts table and source code.
+ /// Given a source file URI and a offset in that file one can translate
+ /// it to a line:column position in that file.
+ final Map<Uri, Source> uriToSource;
+ /// Mapping between string tags and [MetadataRepository] corresponding to
+ /// those tags.
+ final Map<String, MetadataRepository<dynamic>> metadata =
+ <String, MetadataRepository<dynamic>>{};
+ /// Reference to the main method in one of the libraries.
+ Reference? _mainMethodName;
+ Reference? get mainMethodName => _mainMethodName;
+ NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode? _mode;
+ NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode get mode {
+ return _mode ?? NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode.Strong;
+ }
+ NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode? get modeRaw => _mode;
+ Component(
+ {CanonicalName? nameRoot,
+ List<Library>? libraries,
+ Map<Uri, Source>? uriToSource,
+ NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode? mode})
+ : root = nameRoot ?? new CanonicalName.root(),
+ libraries = libraries ?? <Library>[],
+ uriToSource = uriToSource ?? <Uri, Source>{},
+ _mode = mode {
+ adoptChildren();
+ }
+ void adoptChildren() {
+ for (int i = 0; i < libraries.length; ++i) {
+ // The libraries are owned by this component, and so are their canonical
+ // names if they exist.
+ Library library = libraries[i];
+ library.parent = this;
+ CanonicalName? name = library.reference.canonicalName;
+ if (name != null && name.parent != root) {
+ root.adoptChild(name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void computeCanonicalNames() {
+ for (int i = 0; i < libraries.length; ++i) {
+ computeCanonicalNamesForLibrary(libraries[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ /// This is an advanced feature. Use of this method should be coordinated
+ /// with the kernel team.
+ ///
+ /// Makes sure all references in named nodes in this component points to said
+ /// named node.
+ ///
+ /// The use case is advanced incremental compilation, where we want to rebuild
+ /// a single library and make all other libraries use the new library and the
+ /// content therein *while* having the option to go back to pointing (be
+ /// "linked") to the old library if the delta is rejected.
+ ///
+ /// Please note that calling this is a potentially dangerous thing to do,
+ /// and that stuff *can* go wrong, and you could end up in a situation where
+ /// you point to several versions of "the same" library. Examples:
+ /// * If you only relink part (e.g. a class) if your component you can wind
+ /// up in an unfortunate situation where if the library (say libA) contains
+ /// class 'B' and class 'C', you only replace 'B' (with one in library
+ /// 'libAPrime'), everything pointing to 'B' via parent pointers talks
+ /// about 'libAPrime', whereas everything pointing to 'C' would still
+ /// ultimately point to 'libA'.
+ /// * If you relink to a library that doesn't have exactly the same members
+ /// as the one you're "linking from" you can wind up in an unfortunate
+ /// situation, e.g. if the thing you relink two is missing a static method,
+ /// any links to that static method will still point to the old static
+ /// method and thus (via parent pointers) to the old library.
+ /// * (probably more).
+ void relink() {
+ for (int i = 0; i < libraries.length; ++i) {
+ libraries[i].relink();
+ }
+ }
+ void computeCanonicalNamesForLibrary(Library library) {
+ library.ensureCanonicalNames(root);
+ }
+ void unbindCanonicalNames() {
+ // TODO(jensj): Get rid of this.
+ for (int i = 0; i < libraries.length; i++) {
+ Library lib = libraries[i];
+ for (int j = 0; j < lib.classes.length; j++) {
+ Class c = lib.classes[j];
+ c.dirty = true;
+ }
+ }
+ root.unbindAll();
+ }
+ Procedure? get mainMethod => mainMethodName?.asProcedure;
+ void setMainMethodAndMode(Reference? main, bool overwriteMainIfSet,
+ NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode mode) {
+ if (_mainMethodName == null || overwriteMainIfSet) {
+ _mainMethodName = main;
+ }
+ _mode = mode;
+ }
+ @override
+ R accept<R>(TreeVisitor<R> v) => v.visitComponent(this);
+ @override
+ R accept1<R, A>(TreeVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) => v.visitComponent(this, arg);
+ @override
+ void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
+ visitList(libraries, v);
+ mainMethod?.acceptReference(v);
+ }
+ @override
+ void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
+ v.transformList(libraries, this);
+ }
+ @override
+ void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
+ v.transformLibraryList(libraries, this);
+ }
+ @override
+ Component get enclosingComponent => this;
+ /// Translates an offset to line and column numbers in the given file.
+ Location? getLocation(Uri file, int offset, {String? viaForErrorMessage}) {
+ return uriToSource[file]
+ ?.getLocation(file, offset, viaForErrorMessage: viaForErrorMessage);
+ }
+ /// Translates line and column numbers to an offset in the given file.
+ ///
+ /// Returns offset of the line and column in the file, or -1 if the
+ /// source is not available or has no lines.
+ /// Throws [RangeError] if line or calculated offset are out of range.
+ int getOffset(Uri file, int line, int column) {
+ return uriToSource[file]?.getOffset(line, column) ?? -1;
+ }
+ void addMetadataRepository(MetadataRepository repository) {
+ metadata[repository.tag] = repository;
+ }
+ @override
+ String toString() {
+ return "Component(${toStringInternal()})";
+ }
+ @override
+ void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
+ // TODO(johnniwinther): Implement this.
+ }
+ @override
+ String leakingDebugToString() => astToText.debugComponentToString(this);
+/// A tuple with file, line, and column number, for displaying human-readable
+/// locations.
+class Location {
+ final Uri file;
+ final int line; // 1-based.
+ final int column; // 1-based.
+ Location(this.file, this.line, this.column);
+ @override
+ String toString() => '$file:$line:$column';
+class Source {
+ static final Uint8List _emptySource = new Uint8List(0);
+ final List<int>? lineStarts;
+ /// A UTF8 encoding of the original source file.
+ final Uint8List source;
+ final Uri? importUri;
+ final Uri? fileUri;
+ Set<Reference>? constantCoverageConstructors;
+ String? cachedText;
+ Source(this.lineStarts, this.source, this.importUri, this.fileUri);
+ Source.emptySource(this.lineStarts, this.importUri, this.fileUri)
+ : source = _emptySource;
+ /// Return the text corresponding to [line] which is a 1-based line
+ /// number. The returned line contains no line separators.
+ String? getTextLine(int line) {
+ List<int>? lineStarts = this.lineStarts;
+ if (source.isEmpty || lineStarts == null || lineStarts.isEmpty) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ RangeError.checkValueInInterval(line, 1, lineStarts.length, 'line');
+ String cachedText = text;
+ // -1 as line numbers start at 1.
+ int index = line - 1;
+ if (index + 1 == lineStarts.length) {
+ // Last line.
+ return cachedText.substring(lineStarts[index]);
+ } else if (index < lineStarts.length) {
+ // We subtract 1 from the next line for two reasons:
+ // 1. If the file isn't terminated by a newline, that index is invalid.
+ // 2. To remove the newline at the end of the line.
+ int endOfLine = lineStarts[index + 1] - 1;
+ if (endOfLine > index && cachedText[endOfLine - 1] == "\r") {
+ --endOfLine; // Windows line endings.
+ }
+ return cachedText.substring(lineStarts[index], endOfLine);
+ }
+ // This shouldn't happen: should have been caught by the range check above.
+ throw "Internal error";
+ }
+ String get text => cachedText ??= utf8.decode(source, allowMalformed: true);
+ /// Translates an offset to 1-based line and column numbers in the given file.
+ Location getLocation(Uri file, int offset, {String? viaForErrorMessage}) {
+ List<int>? lineStarts = this.lineStarts;
+ if (lineStarts == null || lineStarts.isEmpty) {
+ return new Location(file, TreeNode.noOffset, TreeNode.noOffset);
+ }
+ if (viaForErrorMessage != null) {
+ RangeError.checkValueInInterval(
+ offset,
+ 0,
+ lineStarts.last,
+ 'offset',
+ 'Asked for out-of-bounds offset for uri "$file" '
+ 'via $viaForErrorMessage');
+ } else {
+ RangeError.checkValueInInterval(offset, 0, lineStarts.last, 'offset',
+ 'Asked for out-of-bounds offset for uri "$file"');
+ }
+ int low = 0, high = lineStarts.length - 1;
+ while (low < high) {
+ int mid = high - ((high - low) >> 1); // Get middle, rounding up.
+ int pivot = lineStarts[mid];
+ if (pivot <= offset) {
+ low = mid;
+ } else {
+ high = mid - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ int lineIndex = low;
+ int lineStart = lineStarts[lineIndex];
+ int lineNumber = 1 + lineIndex;
+ int columnNumber = 1 + offset - lineStart;
+ return new Location(file, lineNumber, columnNumber);
+ }
+ /// Translates 1-based line and column numbers to an offset in the given file
+ ///
+ /// Returns offset of the line and column in the file, or -1 if the source
+ /// has no lines.
+ /// Throws [RangeError] if line or calculated offset are out of range.
+ int getOffset(int line, int column) {
+ List<int>? lineStarts = this.lineStarts;
+ if (lineStarts == null || lineStarts.isEmpty) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ RangeError.checkValueInInterval(line, 1, lineStarts.length, 'line');
+ int offset = lineStarts[line - 1] + column - 1;
+ RangeError.checkValueInInterval(offset, 0, lineStarts.last, 'offset');
+ return offset;
+ }
+abstract class MetadataRepository<T> {
+ /// Unique string tag associated with this repository.
+ String get tag;
+ /// Mutable mapping between nodes and their metadata.
+ Map<Node, T> get mapping;
+ /// Write [metadata] object corresponding to the given [Node] into
+ /// the given [BinarySink].
+ ///
+ /// Metadata is serialized immediately before serializing [node],
+ /// so implementation of this method can use serialization context of
+ /// [node]'s parents (such as declared type parameters and variables).
+ /// In order to use scope declared by the [node] itself, implementation of
+ /// this method can use [BinarySink.enterScope] and [BinarySink.leaveScope]
+ /// methods.
+ ///
+ /// [metadata] must be an object owned by this repository.
+ void writeToBinary(T metadata, Node node, BinarySink sink);
+ /// Construct a metadata object from its binary payload read from the
+ /// given [BinarySource].
+ ///
+ /// Metadata is deserialized immediately after deserializing [node],
+ /// so it can use deserialization context of [node]'s parents.
+ /// In order to use scope declared by the [node] itself, implementation of
+ /// this method can use [BinarySource.enterScope] and
+ /// [BinarySource.leaveScope] methods.
+ T readFromBinary(Node node, BinarySource source);
+ /// Method to check whether a node can have metadata attached to it
+ /// or referenced from the metadata payload.
+ ///
+ /// Currently due to binary format specifics Catch and MapEntry nodes
+ /// can't have metadata attached to them. Also, metadata is not saved on
+ /// Block nodes inside BlockExpressions.
+ static bool isSupported(Node node) {
+ return !(node is MapLiteralEntry ||
+ node is Catch ||
+ (node is Block && node.parent is BlockExpression));
+ }
diff --git a/pkg/kernel/lib/src/ast/constants.dart b/pkg/kernel/lib/src/ast/constants.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f53070a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/kernel/lib/src/ast/constants.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,1170 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2024, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+part of '../../ast.dart';
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sealed class Constant extends Node {
+ /// Calls the `visit*ConstantReference()` method on visitor [v] for all
+ /// constants referenced in this constant.
+ ///
+ /// (Note that a constant can be seen as a DAG (directed acyclic graph) and
+ /// not a tree!)
+ @override
+ void visitChildren(Visitor v);
+ /// Calls the `visit*Constant()` method on the visitor [v].
+ @override
+ R accept<R>(ConstantVisitor<R> v);
+ /// Calls the `visit*Constant()` method on the visitor [v].
+ @override
+ R accept1<R, A>(ConstantVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg);
+ /// Calls the `visit*ConstantReference()` method on the visitor [v].
+ R acceptReference<R>(ConstantReferenceVisitor<R> v);
+ /// Calls the `visit*ConstantReference()` method on the visitor [v].
+ R acceptReference1<R, A>(ConstantReferenceVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg);
+ /// The Kernel AST will reference [Constant]s via [ConstantExpression]s. The
+ /// constants are not required to be canonicalized, but they have to be deeply
+ /// comparable via hashCode/==!
+ @override
+ int get hashCode;
+ @override
+ bool operator ==(Object other);
+ @override
+ String toString() => throw '$runtimeType';
+ /// Returns a textual representation of the this constant.
+ ///
+ /// If [verbose] is `true`, qualified names will include the library name/uri.
+ @override
+ String toText(AstTextStrategy strategy) {
+ AstPrinter printer = new AstPrinter(strategy);
+ printer.writeConstant(this);
+ return printer.getText();
+ }
+ @override
+ void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer);
+ /// Gets the type of this constant.
+ DartType getType(StaticTypeContext context);
+abstract class AuxiliaryConstant extends Constant {
+ @override
+ R accept<R>(ConstantVisitor<R> v) => v.visitAuxiliaryConstant(this);
+ @override
+ R accept1<R, A>(ConstantVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
+ v.visitAuxiliaryConstant(this, arg);
+ @override
+ R acceptReference<R>(ConstantReferenceVisitor<R> v) =>
+ v.visitAuxiliaryConstantReference(this);
+ @override
+ R acceptReference1<R, A>(ConstantReferenceVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
+ v.visitAuxiliaryConstantReference(this, arg);
+sealed class PrimitiveConstant<T> extends Constant {
+ final T value;
+ PrimitiveConstant(this.value);
+ @override
+ int get hashCode => value.hashCode;
+ @override
+ bool operator ==(Object other) =>
+ other is PrimitiveConstant<T> && other.value == value;
+ @override
+ void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
+ printer.write('$value');
+ }
+class NullConstant extends PrimitiveConstant<Null> {
+ NullConstant() : super(null);
+ @override
+ void visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
+ @override
+ R accept<R>(ConstantVisitor<R> v) => v.visitNullConstant(this);
+ @override
+ R accept1<R, A>(ConstantVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
+ v.visitNullConstant(this, arg);
+ @override
+ R acceptReference<R>(ConstantReferenceVisitor<R> v) =>
+ v.visitNullConstantReference(this);
+ @override
+ R acceptReference1<R, A>(ConstantReferenceVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
+ v.visitNullConstantReference(this, arg);
+ @override
+ DartType getType(StaticTypeContext context) => const NullType();
+ @override
+ String toString() => 'NullConstant(${toStringInternal()})';
+class BoolConstant extends PrimitiveConstant<bool> {
+ BoolConstant(bool value) : super(value);
+ @override
+ void visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
+ @override
+ R accept<R>(ConstantVisitor<R> v) => v.visitBoolConstant(this);
+ @override
+ R accept1<R, A>(ConstantVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
+ v.visitBoolConstant(this, arg);
+ @override
+ R acceptReference<R>(ConstantReferenceVisitor<R> v) =>
+ v.visitBoolConstantReference(this);
+ @override
+ R acceptReference1<R, A>(ConstantReferenceVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
+ v.visitBoolConstantReference(this, arg);
+ @override
+ DartType getType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
+ context.typeEnvironment.coreTypes.boolRawType(context.nonNullable);
+ @override
+ String toString() => 'BoolConstant(${toStringInternal()})';
+/// An integer constant on a non-JS target.
+class IntConstant extends PrimitiveConstant<int> {
+ IntConstant(int value) : super(value);
+ @override
+ void visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
+ @override
+ R accept<R>(ConstantVisitor<R> v) => v.visitIntConstant(this);
+ @override
+ R accept1<R, A>(ConstantVisitor1<R, A> v, A arg) =>
+ v.visitIntConstant(this, arg);
+ @override
+ R acceptReference<R>(ConstantReferenceVisitor<R> v) =>
+ v.visitIntConstantReference(this);
+ @override
+ R acceptReference1<R, A>(ConstantReferenceVisit