blob: 469e4c6b5c17c79dfa6b322713c0d2bd05feace1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Problems in library:
// pkg/front_end/testcases/patterns/non_constant_pattern_in_if.dart:43:24: Error: A pattern field in an object pattern must be named.
// Try adding a pattern name or ':' before the pattern.
// if (value case Const(42)) {
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/patterns/non_constant_pattern_in_if.dart:46:29: Error: A pattern field in an object pattern must be named.
// Try adding a pattern name or ':' before the pattern.
// if (value case Const<num>(42)) {
// ^
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
class Const<T extends core::Object? = dynamic> extends core::Object /*hasConstConstructor*/ {
final field self::Const::T% value;
const constructor •(self::Const::T% value) self::Const<self::Const::T%>
: self::Const::value = value, super core::Object::•()
static method main() dynamic {
self::test(42, false);
self::test(core::_GrowableList::_literal1<core::int>(42), true);
self::test(core::_GrowableList::_literal1<core::num>(42), true);
self::test(<core::int, core::String>{42: "foo"}, true);
self::test(<core::num, core::Object>{42: "foo"}, true);
self::test(new self::Const::•<core::int>(42), true);
self::test(new self::Const::•<core::num>(42), true);
self::test(#C2, true);
self::test(#C3, true);
self::test(#C5, true);
self::test(#C6, true);
self::test(#C7, true);
self::test(#C8, true);
static method test(dynamic value, core::bool expected) void {
core::bool matched = false;
final synthesized dynamic #0#0 = value;
if(#0#0 is core::List<dynamic> && #0#0{core::List<dynamic>}.{core::List::length}{core::int} =={core::num::==}{(core::Object) → core::bool} #C9 && #C1 =={core::num::==}{(core::Object) → core::bool} #0#0{core::List<dynamic>}.{core::List::[]}(0){(core::int) → dynamic}) {
matched = true;
final synthesized dynamic #1#0 = value;
if(#1#0 is core::List<core::num> && #1#0{core::List<core::num>}.{core::List::length}{core::int} =={core::num::==}{(core::Object) → core::bool} #C9 && #C1 =={core::num::==}{(core::Object) → core::bool} #1#0{core::List<core::num>}.{core::List::[]}(0){(core::int) → core::num}) {
matched = true;
final synthesized dynamic #2#0 = value;
synthesized dynamic #2#4;
synthesized core::bool #2#4#isSet = false;
if(#2#0 is core::Map<dynamic, dynamic> && (!((#2#4#isSet ?{dynamic} #2#4{dynamic} : let final core::bool #t1 = #2#4#isSet = true in #2#4 = #2#0{core::Map<dynamic, dynamic>}.{core::Map::[]}(#C1){(core::Object?) → dynamic}) == null) || null is dynamic && #2#0{core::Map<dynamic, dynamic>}.{core::Map::containsKey}(#C1){(core::Object?) → core::bool}) && #C4 =={core::String::==}{(core::Object) → core::bool} (#2#4#isSet ?{dynamic} #2#4{dynamic} : let final core::bool #t2 = #2#4#isSet = true in #2#4 = #2#0{core::Map<dynamic, dynamic>}.{core::Map::[]}(#C1){(core::Object?) → dynamic})) {
matched = true;
final synthesized dynamic #3#0 = value;
synthesized core::Object? #3#4;
synthesized core::bool #3#4#isSet = false;
if(#3#0 is core::Map<core::num, core::Object> && (!((#3#4#isSet ?{core::Object?} #3#4{core::Object?} : let final core::bool #t3 = #3#4#isSet = true in #3#4 = #3#0{core::Map<core::num, core::Object>}.{core::Map::[]}(#C1){(core::Object?) → core::Object?}) == null) || null is core::Object && #3#0{core::Map<core::num, core::Object>}.{core::Map::containsKey}(#C1){(core::Object?) → core::bool}) && #C4 =={core::String::==}{(core::Object) → core::bool} (let core::Object? #t4 = #3#4#isSet ?{core::Object?} #3#4{core::Object?} : let final core::bool #t5 = #3#4#isSet = true in #3#4 = #3#0{core::Map<core::num, core::Object>}.{core::Map::[]}(#C1){(core::Object?) → core::Object?} in #t4 == null ?{core::Object} #t4 as{Unchecked} core::Object : #t4{core::Object})) {
matched = true;
final synthesized dynamic #4#0 = value;
if(#4#0 is self::Const<dynamic>) {
matched = true;
final synthesized dynamic #5#0 = value;
if(#5#0 is self::Const<core::num>) {
matched = true;
if(!(matched =={core::Object::==}{(core::Object) core::bool} expected)) {
core::print("FAIL: ${value} ${matched ?{core::String} "matched" : "didn't match"}");
constants {
#C1 = 42
#C2 = <core::int>[#C1]
#C3 = <core::num>[#C1]
#C4 = "foo"
#C5 = <core::int, core::String>{#C1:#C4}
#C6 = <core::num, core::Object>{#C1:#C4}
#C7 = self::Const<core::int> {value:#C1}
#C8 = self::Const<core::num> {value:#C1}
#C9 = 1
Extra constant evaluation status:
Evaluated: IsExpression @ org-dartlang-testcase:///non_constant_pattern_in_if.dart:37:21 -> BoolConstant(true)
Evaluated: LogicalExpression @ org-dartlang-testcase:///non_constant_pattern_in_if.dart:40:34 -> BoolConstant(false)
Extra constant evaluation: evaluated: 125, effectively constant: 2
Constructor coverage from constants:
- Const. (from org-dartlang-testcase:///non_constant_pattern_in_if.dart:8:9)
- Object. (from org-dartlang-sdk:///sdk/lib/core/object.dart)