blob: c437931ac7704865bcf37afa909a6bd8373926f0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
group("kernel-service") {
if (dart_snapshot_kind == "app-jit") {
deps = [ ":copy_kernel-service_snapshot" ]
} else {
deps = [ ":kernel_service_dill" ]
application_snapshot("kernel-service_snapshot") {
main_dart = "../../pkg/vm/bin/kernel_service.dart"
training_args = [
# Force triple-slashes both on Windows and otherwise.
# Becomes e.g. file:///full/path/to/file and "file:///C:/full/path/to/file.
# Without the ', "/"' part, on Linux it would get four slashes.
"file:///" + rebase_path("../../pkg/vm/bin/kernel_service.dart", "/"),
output = "$root_gen_dir/kernel-service.dart.snapshot"
copy("copy_kernel-service_snapshot") {
deps = [ ":kernel-service_snapshot" ]
sources = [ "$root_gen_dir/kernel-service.dart.snapshot" ]
outputs = [ "$root_out_dir/kernel-service.dart.snapshot" ]
create_timestamp_file("frontend_server_files_stamp") {
path = rebase_path("../../pkg/frontend_server/lib")
output = "$target_gen_dir/frontend_server_files.stamp"
create_timestamp_file("ddc_files_stamp") {
path = rebase_path("../../pkg/dev_compiler/lib")
output = "$target_gen_dir/ddc_files.stamp"
application_snapshot("frontend_server") {
main_dart = "../../pkg/frontend_server/bin/frontend_server_starter.dart"
deps = [
sdk_root = rebase_path("$root_out_dir")
training_args = [
output = "$root_out_dir/frontend_server.dart.snapshot"
aot_snapshot("frontend_server_aot") {
main_dart = "../../pkg/frontend_server/bin/frontend_server_starter.dart"
name = "frontend_server_aot"
output = "$root_out_dir/frontend_server_aot.dart.snapshot"
# dartaotruntime has dart_product_config applied to it, so it is built in
# product mode in both release and product builds, and is only built in debug
# mode in debug builds. The following line ensures that the dartaotruntime and
# frontend_server_aot snapshot in an SDK build are always compatible with
# each other.
force_product_mode = !dart_debug
template("kernel_service_dill") {
prebuilt_dart_action("kernel_service" + target_name + "_dill") {
deps = [
kernel_service_script = "../../pkg/vm/bin/kernel_service.dart"
gen_kernel_script = "../../pkg/vm/bin/gen_kernel.dart"
inputs = [
output = "$root_gen_dir/kernel_service" + invoker.target_name + ".dill"
outputs = [ output ]
depfile = "$root_gen_dir/kernel_service" + invoker.target_name + "_dill.d"
vm_args = [
"--depfile=" + rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir),
"--depfile_output_filename=" + rebase_path(output, root_build_dir),
# Ensure gen_kernel.dart will use this SDK hash when consuming/producing
# kernel.
script = gen_kernel_script
scheme = "org-dartlang-kernel-service"
args =
invoker.extra_args + [
# Ensure the compiled kernel-service will use this SDK hash when
# consuming/producing kernel.
"--packages=" + scheme + ":///.dart_tool/package_config.json",
"--platform=" + rebase_path("$root_out_dir/vm_platform_strong.dill",
"--filesystem-root=" + rebase_path("../../"),
"--filesystem-scheme=" + scheme,
"--output=" + rebase_path(output, root_build_dir),
args += [ scheme + ":///pkg/vm/bin/kernel_service.dart" ]
kernel_service_dill("") {
extra_args = []