blob: bc01047be4ec548ea5e0e9d941ff6f8793fb7e0e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2024, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// VMOptions=--deterministic --optimization-counter-threshold=50
import 'dart:ffi';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
void main() {
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
final class Coordinate extends Struct {
factory Coordinate({double? x, double? y}) {
final result = Struct.create<Coordinate>();
if (x != null) result.x = x;
if (y != null) result.y = y;
return result;
factory Coordinate.fromTypedList(TypedData typedList, [int offset = 0]) {
return Struct.create<Coordinate>(typedList, offset);
external double x;
external double y;
void testStructAllocateDart() {
final c1 = Coordinate()
..x = 10.0
..y = 20.0;
Expect.equals(10.0, c1.x);
Expect.equals(20.0, c1.y);
final typedList = Float64List(2);
typedList[0] = 30.0;
typedList[1] = 40.0;
final c2 = Coordinate.fromTypedList(typedList);
Expect.equals(30.0, c2.x);
Expect.equals(40.0, c2.y);
final c3 = Coordinate(x: 50.0, y: 60);
Expect.equals(50.0, c3.x);
Expect.equals(60.0, c3.y);
final class SomeStruct extends Struct {
external double x;
external double y;
void testUseCreateDirectly() {
final c1 = Struct.create<SomeStruct>()
..x = 10.0
..y = 20.0;
Expect.equals(10.0, c1.x);
Expect.equals(20.0, c1.y);
void testOffsets() {
const length = 100;
final typedList = Float64List(length * 2);
for (int i = 0; i < length * 2; i++) {
typedList[i] = i.toDouble();
final size = sizeOf<Coordinate>();
var structs = [
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
i * size ~/ typedList.elementSizeInBytes,
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Expect.approxEquals(structs[i].x, 2 * i);
Expect.approxEquals(structs[i].y, 2 * i + 1);
void testOutOfBounds() {
final typedList = Uint8List(3 * sizeOf<Double>());
final c1 = Coordinate.fromTypedList(typedList)
..x = 4
..y = 6;
final view = Uint8List.view(typedList.buffer, 16);
Expect.equals(8, view.lengthInBytes);
Expect.throws<RangeError>(() {
..x = 6
..y = 8;
Expect.throws<RangeError>(() {
Coordinate.fromTypedList(typedList, 16)
..x = 6
..y = 8;
Expect.throws<RangeError>(() {
// Negative offsets are not allowed. One should access the ByteBuffer to
// apply a negative offset if this is wanted.
Coordinate.fromTypedList(view, -1)
..x = 6
..y = 8;
Expect.approxEquals(c1.x, 4);
Expect.approxEquals(c1.y, 6);
final class MyUnion extends Union {
external int a;
external double b;
/// Allocates a new [TypedData] of size `sizeOf<MyUnion>()` and wraps it in
/// [MyUnion].
factory MyUnion.a(int a) {
return Union.create<MyUnion>()..a = a;
/// Allocates a new [TypedData] of size `sizeOf<MyUnion>()` and wraps it in
/// [MyUnion].
factory MyUnion.b(double b) {
return Union.create<MyUnion>()..b = b;
/// Constructs a [MyUnion] view on [typedList].
factory MyUnion.fromTypedData(TypedData typedList) {
return Union.create<MyUnion>(typedList);
final class MyUnion2 extends Union {
external int a;
external double b;
void testUnion() {
final myUnion = MyUnion.a(123);
Expect.equals(123, myUnion.a);
Expect.approxEquals(1.723597111119525e-43, myUnion.b);
final myUnion2 = Union.create<MyUnion2>()..a = 123;
Expect.equals(123, myUnion2.a);
Expect.approxEquals(1.723597111119525e-43, myUnion2.b);