blob: 67f9a76f35c406e2037b86b5588804e0b07f0b8e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Invokes infer_native_assets_yaml_isolate_spawnuri_helper.dart with
// `Isolate.spawn` with an explicitly passed package_config.json path and
// passing the helper as data uri rather than a path to the source file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'helpers.dart';
Future<void> main(List<String> args, Object? message) async {
await invokeHelper();
const helperName = 'infer_native_assets_yaml_isolate_spawnuri_3_helper.dart';
final helperSourceuri = Platform.script.resolve(helperName);
final packageMetaUri = Platform.script.resolve('../../../pkg/meta');
/// Add an unused import to see that we're using actually the package config.
final emptyPackageConfig = '''{
"configVersion": 2,
"packages": [
"name": "meta",
"rootUri": "$packageMetaUri",
"packageUri": "lib/",
"languageVersion": "2.12"
"generated": "${}",
"generator": "test"
Future<void> invokeHelper() async {
print('invoke helper');
await withTempDir((tempUri) async {
final helperContents = await File.fromUri(helperSourceuri).readAsString();
final helperContentsDataUri = Uri.dataFromString(helperContents);
await createTestFiles(tempUri, helperContentsDataUri);
final dartToolsUri = tempUri.resolve('.dart_tool/');
final packageConfigUri = dartToolsUri.resolve('package_config.json');
final receivePort = ReceivePort();
await Isolate.spawnUri(
packageConfig: packageConfigUri,
final result = (await receivePort.first);
if (result != 49) {
throw "Unexpected result: $result.";
print('invoke helper done');
Future<void> createTestFiles(Uri tempUri, Uri helperContentsDataUri) async {
final dartToolsUri = tempUri.resolve('.dart_tool/');
await Directory.fromUri(dartToolsUri).create();
final packageConfigUri = dartToolsUri.resolve('package_config.json');
await File.fromUri(packageConfigUri).writeAsString(emptyPackageConfig);
final nativeAssetsYaml = createNativeAssetYaml(
asset: helperContentsDataUri.toString(),
assetMapping: [
final nativeAssetsUri = dartToolsUri.resolve('native_assets.yaml');
await File.fromUri(nativeAssetsUri).writeAsString(nativeAssetsYaml);
print('File native_assets.yaml written to $nativeAssetsUri.');