blob: 6f50cf58e64ff02e60fe4bae816421a51e5330e9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:ffi';
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
import "package:ffi/ffi.dart";
main(List<String> arguments) {
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
testStoreLoad() {
final p = calloc<Int8>(2);
p.value = 10;
Expect.equals(10, p.value);
p[1] = 20;
Expect.equals(20, p[1]);
if (sizeOf<IntPtr>() == 4) {
// Test round tripping.
Expect.equals(20, p.elementAt(0x100000001).value);
Expect.equals(20, p[0x100000001]);
// Test negative index.
final pUseNegative = p.elementAt(1);
Expect.equals(10, pUseNegative[-1]);
// Test negative index using operators
final pUseNegative1 = p + 1;
Expect.equals(10, pUseNegative1[-1]);
final p1 = calloc<Double>(2);
p1.value = 10.0;
Expect.approxEquals(10.0, p1.value);
p1[1] = 20.0;
Expect.approxEquals(20.0, p1[1]);;
final p2 = calloc<Pointer<Int8>>(2);
p2.value = p;
Expect.equals(p, p2.value);
p2[1] = p;
Expect.equals(p, p2[1]);;;
final p3 = calloc<Foo>();
Foo foo = p3.ref;
foo.a = 1;
Expect.equals(1, foo.a);;
final p4 = calloc<Foo>(2);
Foo src = p4[1];
src.a = 2;
p4.ref = src;
Foo dst = p4.ref;
Expect.equals(2, dst.a);;
testReifiedGeneric() {
final p = calloc<Pointer<Int8>>();
Pointer<Pointer<NativeType>> p2 = p;
Expect.isTrue(p2.value is Pointer<Int8>);;
testCompoundLoadAndStore() {
final foos = calloc<Foo>(10);
final reference = foos.ref..a = 10;
for (var i = 1; i < 9; i++) {
foos[i] = reference;
Expect.isTrue(foos[i].a == 10);
foos.elementAt(i).ref = reference;
Expect.isTrue(foos.elementAt(i).ref.a == 10);
for (var i = 1; i < 9; i++) {
foos[i] = reference;
Expect.isTrue(foos[i].a == 10);
(foos + i).ref = reference;
Expect.isTrue((foos + i).ref.a == 10);
final bars = calloc<Bar>(10);
bars[0].foo = reference;
for (var i = 1; i < 9; i++) {
bars[i] = bars[0];
Expect.isTrue(bars.elementAt(i) == 10);
Expect.isTrue((bars + i) == 10);
final class Foo extends Struct {
external int a;
final class Bar extends Union {
external Foo foo;
external int baz;