blob: 6c9146f59adda98282404155af7ee2e3424b452a [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Updates DEPS to the latest co19 CIPD package.
set -e
set -x
if [ ! -e tests/co19 ]; then
echo "$0: error: Run this script at the root of the Dart SDK" >&2
exit 1
# Find the latest co19 commit.
rm -rf tests/co19/src.git
git clone tests/co19/src.git
OLD=$(gclient getdep --var=co19_rev)
NEW=$(cd $CO19 && git fetch origin && git rev-parse origin/master)
git fetch origin
git branch cl-co19-roll-co19-to-$NEW origin/main
git checkout cl-co19-roll-co19-to-$NEW
# Update DEPS:
gclient setdep --var=co19_rev=$NEW
# Make a nice commit. Don't include the '#' character to avoid referencing Dart
# SDK issues.
git commit DEPS -m \
"$(printf "[co19] Roll co19 to $NEW\n\n" \
&& cd $CO19 \
&& git log --date='format:%Y-%m-%d' --pretty='format:%ad %ae %s' $OLD..$NEW \
| sed 's/\#/dart-lang\/co19\#/g')"
rm -rf tests/co19/src.git
GIT_EDITOR=true git cl upload
ISSUE=$(git config --get$NEW.gerritissue)
git cl web