blob: 01033c39d8de4de431b2f046899140d651fe2f0f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.ffi;
/// [NativeType]'s subtypes represent a native type in C.
/// Not all [NativeType]'s subtypes are constructible in the Dart code. The
/// non-constructable subtypes serve purely as markers in type signatures.
abstract final class NativeType {}
/// A [NativeType] with a known size.
/// Sized native types can be used in [sizeOf] and [].
abstract final class SizedNativeType implements NativeType {}
/// [Opaque]'s subtypes represent opaque types in C.
/// [Opaque]'s subtypes are not constructible in the Dart code and serve purely
/// as markers in type signatures.
abstract base class Opaque implements NativeType {}
/// [_NativeInteger]'s subtypes represent a native integer in C.
/// [_NativeInteger]'s subtypes are not constructible in the Dart code and serve
/// purely as markers in type signatures.
abstract final class _NativeInteger implements SizedNativeType {}
/// [_NativeDouble]'s subtypes represent a native float or double in C.
/// [_NativeDouble]'s subtypes are not constructible in the Dart code and serve
/// purely as markers in type signatures.
abstract final class _NativeDouble implements SizedNativeType {}
/// Represents a native signed 8 bit integer in C.
/// [Int8] is not constructible in the Dart code and serves purely as marker in
/// type signatures.
final class Int8 implements _NativeInteger {
const Int8();
/// Represents a native signed 16 bit integer in C.
/// [Int16] is not constructible in the Dart code and serves purely as marker in
/// type signatures.
final class Int16 implements _NativeInteger {
const Int16();
/// Represents a native signed 32 bit integer in C.
/// [Int32] is not constructible in the Dart code and serves purely as marker in
/// type signatures.
final class Int32 implements _NativeInteger {
const Int32();
/// Represents a native signed 64 bit integer in C.
/// [Int64] is not constructible in the Dart code and serves purely as marker in
/// type signatures.
final class Int64 implements _NativeInteger {
const Int64();
/// Represents a native unsigned 8 bit integer in C.
/// [Uint8] is not constructible in the Dart code and serves purely as marker in
/// type signatures.
final class Uint8 implements _NativeInteger {
const Uint8();
/// Represents a native unsigned 16 bit integer in C.
/// [Uint16] is not constructible in the Dart code and serves purely as marker
/// in type signatures.
final class Uint16 implements _NativeInteger {
const Uint16();
/// Represents a native unsigned 32 bit integer in C.
/// [Uint32] is not constructible in the Dart code and serves purely as marker
/// in type signatures.
final class Uint32 implements _NativeInteger {
const Uint32();
/// Represents a native unsigned 64 bit integer in C.
/// [Uint64] is not constructible in the Dart code and serves purely as marker
/// in type signatures.
final class Uint64 implements _NativeInteger {
const Uint64();
/// Represents a native 32 bit float in C.
/// [Float] is not constructible in the Dart code and serves purely as marker
/// in type signatures.
final class Float implements _NativeDouble {
const Float();
/// Represents a native 64 bit double in C.
/// [Double] is not constructible in the Dart code and serves purely as marker
/// in type signatures.
final class Double implements _NativeDouble {
const Double();
/// Represents a native bool in C.
/// [Bool] is not constructible in the Dart code and serves purely as marker
/// in type signatures.
final class Bool implements SizedNativeType {
const Bool();
/// Represents a void type in C.
/// [Void] is not constructible in the Dart code and serves purely as marker in
/// type signatures.
abstract final class Void implements NativeType {}
/// Represents `Dart_Handle` from `dart_api.h` in C.
/// [Handle] is not constructible in the Dart code and serves purely as marker
/// in type signatures.
/// If [Handle] is part of the native signature of a [Native] external function
/// or [NativeFunctionPointer.asFunction], an API handle scope is created for
/// the duration of the FFI call. For more information on API scopes, refer to
/// the documentation on `Dart_EnterScope` in `dart_api.h`.
abstract final class Handle implements NativeType {}
/// Represents a function type in C.
/// The return type and argument types in [T] must be a subtype of [NativeType].
/// [NativeFunction] is not constructible in the Dart code and serves purely as
/// marker in type signatures.
abstract final class NativeFunction<T extends Function> implements NativeType {}
/// The types of variadic arguments passed in C.
/// The signatures in [NativeFunction] need to specify the exact types of each
/// actual argument used in FFI calls.
/// For example take calling `printf` in C.
/// ```c
/// int printf(const char *format, ...);
/// void call_printf() {
/// int a = 4;
/// double b = 5.5;
/// const char* format = "...";
/// printf(format, a, b);
/// }
/// ```
/// To call `printf` directly from Dart with those two argument types, define
/// the native type as follows:
/// ```dart
/// /// `int printf(const char *format, ...)` with `int` and `double` as
/// /// varargs.
/// typedef NativePrintfIntDouble =
/// Int Function(Pointer<Char>, VarArgs<(Int, Double)>);
/// ```
/// Note the record type inside the `VarArgs` type argument.
/// If only a single variadic argument is passed, the record type must
/// contain a trailing comma:
/// ```dart continued
/// /// `int printf(const char *format, ...)` with only `int` as varargs.
/// typedef NativePrintfInt = Int Function(Pointer<Char>, VarArgs<(Int,)>);
/// ```
/// When a variadic function is called with different variadic argument types,
/// multiple bindings need to be created.
/// To avoid doing multiple [DynamicLibrary.lookup]s for the same symbol, the
/// pointer to the symbol can be cast:
/// ```dart continued
/// final dylib = DynamicLibrary.executable();
/// final printfPointer = dylib.lookup('printf');
/// final void Function(Pointer<Char>, int, double) printfIntDouble =
/// printfPointer.cast<NativeFunction<NativePrintfIntDouble>>().asFunction();
/// final void Function(Pointer<Char>, int) printfInt =
/// printfPointer.cast<NativeFunction<NativePrintfInt>>().asFunction();
/// ```
/// If no variadic argument is passed, the `VarArgs` must be passed with an
/// empty record type:
/// ```dart
/// /// `int printf(const char *format, ...)` with no varargs.
/// typedef NativePrintfNoVarArgs = Int Function(Pointer<Char>, VarArgs<()>);
/// ```
/// [VarArgs] must be the last parameter.
/// [VarArgs] is not constructible in the Dart code and serves purely as marker
/// in type signatures.
abstract final class VarArgs<T extends Record> implements NativeType {}