blob: 667857b01afb616c092efecc69e73f923e0de362 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/globals.h" // Needed here to get TARGET_ARCH_ARM.
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM)
#include "vm/instructions.h"
#include "vm/instructions_arm.h"
#include "vm/constants.h"
#include "vm/cpu.h"
#include "vm/object.h"
#include "vm/object_store.h"
#include "vm/reverse_pc_lookup_cache.h"
namespace dart {
static bool IsBranchLinkScratch(Register reg) {
// See Assembler::BranchLink
return FLAG_precompiled_mode ? reg == LINK_REGISTER : reg == CODE_REG;
CallPattern::CallPattern(uword pc, const Code& code)
: object_pool_(ObjectPool::Handle(code.GetObjectPool())),
target_code_pool_index_(-1) {
// Last instruction: blx lr.
ASSERT(*(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(pc) - 1) == 0xe12fff3e);
Register reg;
InstructionPattern::DecodeLoadWordFromPool(pc - 2 * Instr::kInstrSize, &reg,
ICCallPattern::ICCallPattern(uword pc, const Code& code)
: object_pool_(ObjectPool::Handle(code.GetObjectPool())),
data_pool_index_(-1) {
// Last instruction: blx lr.
ASSERT(*(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(pc) - 1) == 0xe12fff3e);
Register reg;
uword data_load_end = InstructionPattern::DecodeLoadWordFromPool(
pc - 2 * Instr::kInstrSize, &reg, &target_pool_index_);
InstructionPattern::DecodeLoadWordFromPool(data_load_end, &reg,
ASSERT(reg == R9);
NativeCallPattern::NativeCallPattern(uword pc, const Code& code)
: object_pool_(ObjectPool::Handle(code.GetObjectPool())),
target_code_pool_index_(-1) {
// Last instruction: blx lr.
ASSERT(*(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(end_) - 1) == 0xe12fff3e);
Register reg;
uword native_function_load_end = InstructionPattern::DecodeLoadWordFromPool(
end_ - 2 * Instr::kInstrSize, &reg, &target_code_pool_index_);
InstructionPattern::DecodeLoadWordFromPool(native_function_load_end, &reg,
ASSERT(reg == R9);
CodePtr NativeCallPattern::target() const {
return static_cast<CodePtr>(object_pool_.ObjectAt(target_code_pool_index_));
void NativeCallPattern::set_target(const Code& new_target) const {
object_pool_.SetObjectAt(target_code_pool_index_, new_target);
// No need to flush the instruction cache, since the code is not modified.
NativeFunction NativeCallPattern::native_function() const {
return reinterpret_cast<NativeFunction>(
void NativeCallPattern::set_native_function(NativeFunction func) const {
// Decodes a load sequence ending at 'end' (the last instruction of the load
// sequence is the instruction before the one at end). Returns a pointer to
// the first instruction in the sequence. Returns the register being loaded
// and the loaded immediate value in the output parameters 'reg' and 'value'
// respectively.
uword InstructionPattern::DecodeLoadWordImmediate(uword end,
Register* reg,
intptr_t* value) {
uword start = end - Instr::kInstrSize;
int32_t instr = Instr::At(start)->InstructionBits();
intptr_t imm = 0;
if ((instr & 0xfff00000) == 0xe3400000) { // movt reg, #imm_hi
imm |= (instr & 0xf0000) << 12;
imm |= (instr & 0xfff) << 16;
start -= Instr::kInstrSize;
instr = Instr::At(start)->InstructionBits();
ASSERT((instr & 0xfff00000) == 0xe3000000); // movw reg, #imm_lo
imm |= (instr & 0xf0000) >> 4;
imm |= instr & 0xfff;
*reg = static_cast<Register>((instr & 0xf000) >> 12);
*value = imm;
return start;
void InstructionPattern::EncodeLoadWordImmediate(uword end,
Register reg,
intptr_t value) {
uint16_t low16 = value & 0xffff;
uint16_t high16 = (value >> 16) & 0xffff;
// movw reg, #imm_lo
uint32_t movw_instr = 0xe3000000;
movw_instr |= (low16 >> 12) << 16;
movw_instr |= (reg << 12);
movw_instr |= (low16 & 0xfff);
// movt reg, #imm_hi
uint32_t movt_instr = 0xe3400000;
movt_instr |= (high16 >> 12) << 16;
movt_instr |= (reg << 12);
movt_instr |= (high16 & 0xfff);
uint32_t* cursor = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(end);
*(--cursor) = movt_instr;
*(--cursor) = movw_instr;
#if defined(DEBUG)
Register decoded_reg;
intptr_t decoded_value;
DecodeLoadWordImmediate(end, &decoded_reg, &decoded_value);
ASSERT(reg == decoded_reg);
ASSERT(value == decoded_value);
static bool IsLoadWithOffset(int32_t instr,
Register base,
intptr_t* offset,
Register* dst) {
if ((instr & 0xffff0000) == (0xe5900000 | (base << 16))) {
// ldr reg, [base, #+offset]
*offset = instr & 0xfff;
*dst = static_cast<Register>((instr & 0xf000) >> 12);
return true;
return false;
// Decodes a load sequence ending at 'end' (the last instruction of the load
// sequence is the instruction before the one at end). Returns a pointer to
// the first instruction in the sequence. Returns the register being loaded
// and the index in the pool being read from in the output parameters 'reg'
// and 'index' respectively.
uword InstructionPattern::DecodeLoadWordFromPool(uword end,
Register* reg,
intptr_t* index) {
uword start = end - Instr::kInstrSize;
int32_t instr = Instr::At(start)->InstructionBits();
intptr_t offset = 0;
if (IsLoadWithOffset(instr, PP, &offset, reg)) {
// ldr reg, [PP, #+offset]
} else {
ASSERT((instr & 0xfff00000) == 0xe5900000); // ldr reg, [reg, #+offset]
offset = instr & 0xfff;
start -= Instr::kInstrSize;
instr = Instr::At(start)->InstructionBits();
if ((instr & 0xffff0000) == (0xe2850000 | (PP << 16))) {
// add reg, pp, operand
const intptr_t rot = (instr & 0xf00) >> 7;
const intptr_t imm8 = instr & 0xff;
offset += (imm8 >> rot) | (imm8 << (32 - rot));
*reg = static_cast<Register>((instr & 0xf000) >> 12);
} else {
ASSERT((instr & 0xffff0000) == (0xe0800000 | (PP << 16)));
// add reg, pp, reg
intptr_t value = 0;
start = DecodeLoadWordImmediate(start, reg, &value);
offset += value;
*index = ObjectPool::IndexFromOffset(offset);
return start;
bool DecodeLoadObjectFromPoolOrThread(uword pc, const Code& code, Object* obj) {
int32_t instr = Instr::At(pc)->InstructionBits();
intptr_t offset;
Register dst;
if (IsLoadWithOffset(instr, PP, &offset, &dst)) {
intptr_t index = ObjectPool::IndexFromOffset(offset);
return ObjectAtPoolIndex(code, index, obj);
} else if (IsLoadWithOffset(instr, THR, &offset, &dst)) {
return Thread::ObjectAtOffset(offset, obj);
// TODO(rmacnak): Sequence for loads beyond 12 bits.
return false;
CodePtr CallPattern::TargetCode() const {
return static_cast<CodePtr>(object_pool_.ObjectAt(target_code_pool_index_));
void CallPattern::SetTargetCode(const Code& target_code) const {
object_pool_.SetObjectAt(target_code_pool_index_, target_code);
ObjectPtr ICCallPattern::Data() const {
return object_pool_.ObjectAt(data_pool_index_);
void ICCallPattern::SetData(const Object& data) const {
ASSERT(data.IsArray() || data.IsICData() || data.IsMegamorphicCache());
object_pool_.SetObjectAt(data_pool_index_, data);
CodePtr ICCallPattern::TargetCode() const {
return static_cast<CodePtr>(object_pool_.ObjectAt(target_pool_index_));
void ICCallPattern::SetTargetCode(const Code& target_code) const {
object_pool_.SetObjectAt(target_pool_index_, target_code);
const ObjectPool& object_pool)
: object_pool_(object_pool), data_pool_index_(-1), target_pool_index_(-1) {}
ObjectPtr SwitchableCallPatternBase::data() const {
return object_pool_.ObjectAt(data_pool_index_);
void SwitchableCallPatternBase::SetData(const Object& data) const {
object_pool_.SetObjectAt(data_pool_index_, data);
SwitchableCallPattern::SwitchableCallPattern(uword pc, const Code& code)
: SwitchableCallPatternBase(ObjectPool::Handle(code.GetObjectPool())) {
// Last instruction: blx lr.
ASSERT(*(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(pc) - 1) == 0xe12fff3e);
Register reg;
uword data_load_end = InstructionPattern::DecodeLoadWordFromPool(
pc - Instr::kInstrSize, &reg, &data_pool_index_);
ASSERT(reg == R9);
InstructionPattern::DecodeLoadWordFromPool(data_load_end - Instr::kInstrSize,
&reg, &target_pool_index_);
uword SwitchableCallPattern::target_entry() const {
return Code::Handle(Code::RawCast(object_pool_.ObjectAt(target_pool_index_)))
void SwitchableCallPattern::SetTarget(const Code& target) const {
object_pool_.SetObjectAt(target_pool_index_, target);
BareSwitchableCallPattern::BareSwitchableCallPattern(uword pc)
: SwitchableCallPatternBase(ObjectPool::Handle(
IsolateGroup::Current()->object_store()->global_object_pool())) {
// Last instruction: blx lr.
ASSERT(*(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(pc) - 1) == 0xe12fff3e);
Register reg;
uword data_load_end = InstructionPattern::DecodeLoadWordFromPool(
pc - Instr::kInstrSize, &reg, &data_pool_index_);
ASSERT(reg == R9);
InstructionPattern::DecodeLoadWordFromPool(data_load_end, &reg,
uword BareSwitchableCallPattern::target_entry() const {
return object_pool_.RawValueAt(target_pool_index_);
void BareSwitchableCallPattern::SetTarget(const Code& target) const {
ASSERT(object_pool_.TypeAt(target_pool_index_) ==
ReturnPattern::ReturnPattern(uword pc) : pc_(pc) {}
bool ReturnPattern::IsValid() const {
Instr* bx_lr = Instr::At(pc_);
const int32_t B4 = 1 << 4;
const int32_t B21 = 1 << 21;
const int32_t B24 = 1 << 24;
int32_t instruction = (static_cast<int32_t>(AL) << kConditionShift) | B24 |
B21 | (0xfff << 8) | B4 |
(LINK_REGISTER.code << kRmShift);
return bx_lr->InstructionBits() == instruction;
bool PcRelativeCallPattern::IsValid() const {
// bl.<cond> <offset>
const uint32_t word = *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(pc_);
const uint32_t branch = 0x05;
const uword type = ((word >> kTypeShift) & ((1 << kTypeBits) - 1));
const uword link = ((word >> kLinkShift) & ((1 << kLinkBits) - 1));
return type == branch && link == 1;
bool PcRelativeTailCallPattern::IsValid() const {
// b.<cond> <offset>
const uint32_t word = *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(pc_);
const uint32_t branch = 0x05;
const uword type = ((word >> kTypeShift) & ((1 << kTypeBits) - 1));
const uword link = ((word >> kLinkShift) & ((1 << kLinkBits) - 1));
return type == branch && link == 0;
void PcRelativeTrampolineJumpPattern::Initialize() {
uint32_t* add_pc =
reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(pattern_start_ + 2 * Instr::kInstrSize);
*add_pc = kAddPcEncoding;
int32_t PcRelativeTrampolineJumpPattern::distance() {
const uword end = pattern_start_ + 2 * Instr::kInstrSize;
Register reg;
intptr_t value;
InstructionPattern::DecodeLoadWordImmediate(end, &reg, &value);
value -= kDistanceOffset;
ASSERT(reg == TMP);
return value;
return 0;
void PcRelativeTrampolineJumpPattern::set_distance(int32_t distance) {
const uword end = pattern_start_ + 2 * Instr::kInstrSize;
InstructionPattern::EncodeLoadWordImmediate(end, TMP,
distance + kDistanceOffset);
bool PcRelativeTrampolineJumpPattern::IsValid() const {
const uword end = pattern_start_ + 2 * Instr::kInstrSize;
Register reg;
intptr_t value;
InstructionPattern::DecodeLoadWordImmediate(end, &reg, &value);
uint32_t* add_pc =
reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(pattern_start_ + 2 * Instr::kInstrSize);
return reg == TMP && *add_pc == kAddPcEncoding;
return false;
intptr_t TypeTestingStubCallPattern::GetSubtypeTestCachePoolIndex() {
// Calls to the type testing stubs look like:
// ldr R9, ...
// ldr Rn, [PP+idx]
// blx R9
// or
// ldr Rn, [PP+idx]
// blx pc+<offset>
// where Rn = TypeTestABI::kSubtypeTestCacheReg.
// Ensure the caller of the type testing stub (whose return address is [pc_])
// branched via `blx R9` or a pc-relative call.
uword pc = pc_ - Instr::kInstrSize;
const uint32_t blx_r9 = 0xe12fff39;
if (*reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(pc) != blx_r9) {
PcRelativeCallPattern pattern(pc);
const uword load_instr_end = pc;
Register reg;
intptr_t pool_index = -1;
InstructionPattern::DecodeLoadWordFromPool(load_instr_end, &reg, &pool_index);
ASSERT_EQUAL(reg, TypeTestABI::kSubtypeTestCacheReg);
return pool_index;
} // namespace dart
#endif // defined TARGET_ARCH_ARM