blob: fcd14058b6aa33ce873031a0080d9b228ec54e24 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library kernel.ast_from_binary;
import 'dart:developer';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import '../ast.dart';
import '../transformations/flags.dart';
import 'tag.dart';
const int $_ = 95;
class ParseError {
final String? filename;
final int byteIndex;
final String message;
final String path;
{required this.filename, required this.byteIndex, required this.path});
String toString() => '$filename:$byteIndex: $message at $path';
class InvalidKernelVersionError {
final String? filename;
final int version;
InvalidKernelVersionError(this.filename, this.version);
String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.write('Unexpected Kernel Format Version ${version} '
'(expected ${Tag.BinaryFormatVersion})');
if (filename != null) {
sb.write(' when reading $filename.');
return '$sb';
class InvalidKernelSdkVersionError {
final String version;
String toString() {
return 'Unexpected Kernel SDK Version ${version} '
'(expected ${expectedSdkHash}).';
class CompilationModeError {
final String message;
String toString() => "CompilationModeError[$message]";
class _ComponentIndex {
static const int numberOfFixedFields = 12;
final int binaryOffsetForSourceTable;
final int binaryOffsetForCanonicalNames;
final int binaryOffsetForMetadataPayloads;
final int binaryOffsetForMetadataMappings;
final int binaryOffsetForStringTable;
final int binaryOffsetForConstantTable;
final int binaryOffsetForConstantTableIndex;
final int binaryOffsetForStartOfComponentIndex;
final int mainMethodReference;
final NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode compiledMode;
final List<int> libraryOffsets;
final int libraryCount;
final int componentFileSizeInBytes;
{required this.binaryOffsetForSourceTable,
required this.binaryOffsetForCanonicalNames,
required this.binaryOffsetForMetadataPayloads,
required this.binaryOffsetForMetadataMappings,
required this.binaryOffsetForStringTable,
required this.binaryOffsetForConstantTable,
required this.binaryOffsetForConstantTableIndex,
required this.binaryOffsetForStartOfComponentIndex,
required this.mainMethodReference,
required this.compiledMode,
required this.libraryOffsets,
required this.libraryCount,
required this.componentFileSizeInBytes});
class SubComponentView {
final List<Library> libraries;
final int componentStartOffset;
final int componentFileSize;
this.libraries, this.componentStartOffset, this.componentFileSize);
/// [StringInterner] allows Strings created from the binary to be shared with
/// other components.
/// The [StringInterner] is an optional parameter to [BinaryBuilder], so sharing
/// should not be required for correctness, and an implementation of
/// [StringInterner] method may be partial (sometimes not finding an existing
/// object) or trivial (returning the argument).
abstract class StringInterner {
/// Returns a string with the same contents as [string].
String internString(String string);
/// Helper used to trigger the read of a late variable in asserts.
bool _lateIsInitialized(dynamic value) {
return true;
class BinaryBuilder {
final List<VariableDeclaration> variableStack = <VariableDeclaration>[];
final List<LabeledStatement> labelStack = <LabeledStatement>[];
int labelStackBase = 0;
int switchCaseStackBase = 0;
final List<SwitchCase> switchCaseStack = <SwitchCase>[];
final List< /* TypeParameter | StructuralParameter */ Object>
typeParameterStack = <Object>[];
final String? filename;
final List<int> _bytes;
int _byteOffset = 0;
List<String> _stringTable = const [];
late Map<int, Name?> _nameCache;
List<Uri> _sourceUriTable = const [];
List<Constant> _constantTable = const <Constant>[];
late List<CanonicalName> _linkTable;
/// Advanced use only. Coordinate with the kernel team.
List<CanonicalName> get linkTable => _linkTable;
late Map<int, DartType?> _cachedSimpleInterfaceTypes;
List<FunctionType?> _voidFunctionFunctionTypesCache = [
int _transformerFlags = 0;
Library? _currentLibrary;
int _componentStartOffset = 0;
NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode? compilationMode;
// If something goes wrong, this list should indicate what library,
// class, and member was being built.
List<String> debugPath = <String>[];
final bool alwaysCreateNewNamedNodes;
/// If binary contains metadata section with payloads referencing other nodes
/// such Kernel binary can't be read lazily because metadata cross references
/// will not be resolved correctly.
bool _disableLazyReading = false;
/// If binary contains metadata section with payloads referencing other nodes
/// such Kernel binary can't be read lazily because metadata cross references
/// will not be resolved correctly.
bool _disableLazyClassReading = false;
/// [stringInterner] (optional) may be used to allow components to share
/// instances of [String] that have the same contents.
final StringInterner? stringInterner;
/// When creating lists that *might* be growable, use this boolean as the
/// setting to pass to `growable` so the dill can be loaded in a more compact
/// manner if the caller knows that the growability isn't needed.
final bool useGrowableLists;
/// Note that [disableLazyClassReading] is incompatible
/// with checkCanonicalNames on readComponent.
bool disableLazyReading = false,
bool disableLazyClassReading = false,
bool? alwaysCreateNewNamedNodes,
this.useGrowableLists = true})
: _disableLazyReading = disableLazyReading,
_disableLazyClassReading = disableLazyReading ||
disableLazyClassReading ||
// Disable lazy class reading when forcing the creation of new named
// nodes as it is a logical "relink" to the new version (overwriting
// the old one) - which doesn't play well with lazy loading class
// content as old loaded references will then potentially still
// point to the old content until the new class has been lazy
// loaded.
(alwaysCreateNewNamedNodes == true),
this.alwaysCreateNewNamedNodes = alwaysCreateNewNamedNodes ?? false;
Never fail(String message) {
throw ParseError(message,
byteIndex: _byteOffset, filename: filename, path: debugPath.join('::'));
int get byteOffset => _byteOffset;
int readByte() => _bytes[_byteOffset++];
int peekByte() => _bytes[_byteOffset];
int readUInt30() {
int byte = readByte();
if (byte & 0x80 == 0) {
// 0xxxxxxx
return byte;
} else if (byte & 0x40 == 0) {
// 10xxxxxx
return ((byte & 0x3F) << 8) | readByte();
} else {
// 11xxxxxx
return ((byte & 0x3F) << 24) |
(readByte() << 16) |
(readByte() << 8) |
int readUint32() {
return (readByte() << 24) |
(readByte() << 16) |
(readByte() << 8) |
final Float64List _doubleBuffer = new Float64List(1);
Uint8List? _doubleBufferUint8;
double readDouble() {
Uint8List doubleBufferUint8 =
_doubleBufferUint8 ??= _doubleBuffer.buffer.asUint8List();
doubleBufferUint8[0] = readByte();
doubleBufferUint8[1] = readByte();
doubleBufferUint8[2] = readByte();
doubleBufferUint8[3] = readByte();
doubleBufferUint8[4] = readByte();
doubleBufferUint8[5] = readByte();
doubleBufferUint8[6] = readByte();
doubleBufferUint8[7] = readByte();
return _doubleBuffer[0];
Uint8List readBytes(int length) {
Uint8List bytes = new Uint8List(length);
bytes.setRange(0, bytes.length, _bytes, _byteOffset);
_byteOffset += bytes.length;
return bytes;
Uint8List readByteList() {
return readBytes(readUInt30());
Uint8List readOrViewByteList() {
int length = readUInt30();
List<int> source = _bytes;
if (source is Uint8List) {
Uint8List view =
source.buffer.asUint8List(source.offsetInBytes + _byteOffset, length);
_byteOffset += length;
return view;
return readBytes(length);
String readString() {
return readStringEntry(readUInt30());
String readStringEntry(int numBytes) {
String string = _readStringEntry(numBytes);
if (stringInterner == null) return string;
return stringInterner!.internString(string);
String _readStringEntry(int numBytes) {
int start = _byteOffset;
int end = start + numBytes;
_byteOffset = end;
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
if (_bytes[i] > 127) {
return _decodeWtf8(start, end);
return new String.fromCharCodes(_bytes, start, end);
String _decodeWtf8(int start, int end) {
// WTF-8 decoder that trusts its input, meaning that the correctness of
// the code depends on the bytes from start to end being valid and
// complete WTF-8. Instead of masking off the control bits from every
// byte, it simply xor's the byte values together at their appropriate
// bit shifts, and then xor's out all of the control bits at once.
Uint16List charCodes = new Uint16List(end - start);
int i = start;
int j = 0;
while (i < end) {
int byte = _bytes[i++];
if (byte < 0x80) {
charCodes[j++] = byte;
} else if (byte < 0xE0) {
// Two-byte sequence (11-bit unicode value).
int byte2 = _bytes[i++];
int value = (byte << 6) ^ byte2 ^ 0x3080;
assert(value >= 0x80 && value < 0x800);
charCodes[j++] = value;
} else if (byte < 0xF0) {
// Three-byte sequence (16-bit unicode value).
int byte2 = _bytes[i++];
int byte3 = _bytes[i++];
int value = (byte << 12) ^ (byte2 << 6) ^ byte3 ^ 0xE2080;
assert(value >= 0x800 && value < 0x10000);
charCodes[j++] = value;
} else {
// Four-byte sequence (non-BMP unicode value).
int byte2 = _bytes[i++];
int byte3 = _bytes[i++];
int byte4 = _bytes[i++];
int value =
(byte << 18) ^ (byte2 << 12) ^ (byte3 << 6) ^ byte4 ^ 0x3C82080;
assert(value >= 0x10000 && value < 0x110000);
charCodes[j++] = 0xD7C0 + (value >> 10);
charCodes[j++] = 0xDC00 + (value & 0x3FF);
assert(i == end);
return new String.fromCharCodes(charCodes, 0, j);
/// Read metadataMappings section from the binary.
void _readMetadataMappings(
Component component, int binaryOffsetForMetadataPayloads) {
// Default reader ignores metadata section entirely.
/// Reads metadata for the given [node].
T _associateMetadata<T extends Node>(T node, int nodeOffset) {
// Default reader ignores metadata section entirely.
return node;
void readStringTable() {
// Read the table of end offsets.
int length = readUInt30();
List<int> endOffsets =
new List<int>.generate(length, (_) => readUInt30(), growable: false);
// Read the WTF-8 encoded strings.
int startOffset = 0;
// Reset name cache here to make any index into it always
// be about the corresponding string table entry.
_nameCache = {};
_stringTable = new List<String>.generate(length, (int index) {
String result = readStringEntry(endOffsets[index] - startOffset);
startOffset = endOffsets[index];
return result;
}, growable: false);
void readConstantTable() {
final int length = readUInt30();
// Because of "back-references" (e.g. the 10th constant referencing the 3rd
// constant) we can't use List.generate.
_constantTable =
new List<Constant>.filled(length, dummyConstant, growable: false);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
_constantTable[i] = readConstantTableEntry();
Constant readConstantTableEntry() {
final int constantTag = readByte();
switch (constantTag) {
case ConstantTag.NullConstant:
return _readNullConstant();
case ConstantTag.BoolConstant:
return _readBoolConstant();
case ConstantTag.IntConstant:
return _readIntConstant();
case ConstantTag.DoubleConstant:
return _readDoubleConstant();
case ConstantTag.StringConstant:
return _readStringConstant();
case ConstantTag.SymbolConstant:
return _readSymbolConstant();
case ConstantTag.MapConstant:
return _readMapConstant();
case ConstantTag.ListConstant:
return _readListConstant();
case ConstantTag.SetConstant:
return _readSetConstant();
case ConstantTag.RecordConstant:
return _readRecordConstant();
case ConstantTag.InstanceConstant:
return _readInstanceConstant();
case ConstantTag.InstantiationConstant:
return _readInstantiationConstant();
case ConstantTag.TypedefTearOffConstant:
return _readTypedefTearOffConstant();
case ConstantTag.StaticTearOffConstant:
return _readStaticTearOffConstant();
case ConstantTag.ConstructorTearOffConstant:
return _readConstructorTearOffConstant();
case ConstantTag.RedirectingFactoryTearOffConstant:
return _readRedirectingFactoryTearOffConstant();
case ConstantTag.TypeLiteralConstant:
return _readTypeLiteralConstant();
case ConstantTag.UnevaluatedConstant:
return _readUnevaluatedConstant();
throw fail('unexpected constant tag: $constantTag');
Constant _readNullConstant() {
return new NullConstant();
Constant _readBoolConstant() {
return new BoolConstant(readByte() == 1);
Constant _readIntConstant() {
return new IntConstant((readExpression() as IntLiteral).value);
Constant _readDoubleConstant() {
return new DoubleConstant(readDouble());
Constant _readStringConstant() {
return new StringConstant(readStringReference());
Constant _readSymbolConstant() {
Reference? libraryReference = readNullableLibraryReference();
return new SymbolConstant(readStringReference(), libraryReference);
Constant _readMapConstant() {
final DartType keyType = readDartType();
final DartType valueType = readDartType();
final int length = readUInt30();
final List<ConstantMapEntry> entries =
new List<ConstantMapEntry>.generate(length, (_) {
final Constant key = readConstantReference();
final Constant value = readConstantReference();
return new ConstantMapEntry(key, value);
}, growable: useGrowableLists);
return new MapConstant(keyType, valueType, entries);
Constant _readListConstant() {
final DartType typeArgument = readDartType();
List<Constant> entries = _readConstantReferenceList();
return new ListConstant(typeArgument, entries);
Constant _readSetConstant() {
final DartType typeArgument = readDartType();
List<Constant> entries = _readConstantReferenceList();
return new SetConstant(typeArgument, entries);
Constant _readRecordConstant() {
List<Constant> positional = _readConstantReferenceList();
final int namedLength = readUInt30();
final List<MapEntry<String, Constant>> named =
new List<MapEntry<String, Constant>>.generate(namedLength, (_) {
final String name = readStringReference();
final Constant value = readConstantReference();
return new MapEntry<String, Constant>(name, value);
}, growable: useGrowableLists);
final RecordType recordType = readDartType() as RecordType;
return new RecordConstant(
positional, new Map<String, Constant>.fromEntries(named), recordType);
Constant _readInstanceConstant() {
final Reference classReference = readNonNullClassReference();
final List<DartType> typeArguments = readDartTypeList();
final int fieldValueCount = readUInt30();
final Map<Reference, Constant> fieldValues = <Reference, Constant>{};
for (int i = 0; i < fieldValueCount; i++) {
final Reference fieldRef = readNonNullCanonicalNameReference().reference;
final Constant constant = readConstantReference();
fieldValues[fieldRef] = constant;
return new InstanceConstant(classReference, typeArguments, fieldValues);
Constant _readInstantiationConstant() {
final Constant tearOffConstant = readConstantReference();
final List<DartType> types = readDartTypeList();
return new InstantiationConstant(tearOffConstant, types);
Constant _readTypedefTearOffConstant() {
final List<StructuralParameter> parameters =
final TearOffConstant tearOffConstant =
readConstantReference() as TearOffConstant;
final List<DartType> types = readDartTypeList();
typeParameterStack.length -= parameters.length;
return new TypedefTearOffConstant(parameters, tearOffConstant, types);
Constant _readStaticTearOffConstant() {
final Reference reference = readNonNullCanonicalNameReference().reference;
return new StaticTearOffConstant.byReference(reference);
Constant _readConstructorTearOffConstant() {
final Reference reference = readNonNullCanonicalNameReference().reference;
return new ConstructorTearOffConstant.byReference(reference);
Constant _readRedirectingFactoryTearOffConstant() {
final Reference reference = readNonNullCanonicalNameReference().reference;
return new RedirectingFactoryTearOffConstant.byReference(reference);
Constant _readTypeLiteralConstant() {
final DartType type = readDartType();
return new TypeLiteralConstant(type);
Constant _readUnevaluatedConstant() {
final Expression expression = readExpression();
return new UnevaluatedConstant(expression);
Constant readConstantReference() {
final int index = readUInt30();
Constant constant = _constantTable[index];
assert(!identical(constant, dummyConstant),
"No constant found at index $index.");
return constant;
List<Constant> _readConstantReferenceList() {
final int length = readUInt30();
if (!useGrowableLists && length == 0) {
// When lists don't have to be growable anyway, we might as well use an
// almost constant one for the empty list.
return emptyListOfConstant;
return new List<Constant>.generate(length, (_) => readConstantReference(),
growable: useGrowableLists);
Uri readUriReference() {
return _sourceUriTable[readUInt30()];
String readStringReference() {
return _stringTable[readUInt30()];
List<String> readStringReferenceList() {
int length = readUInt30();
if (!useGrowableLists && length == 0) {
// When lists don't have to be growable anyway, we might as well use an
// almost constant one for the empty list.
return emptyListOfString;
return new List<String>.generate(length, (_) => readStringReference(),
growable: useGrowableLists);
String? readStringOrNullIfEmpty() {
String string = readStringReference();
return string.isEmpty ? null : string;
bool readAndCheckOptionTag() {
int tag = readByte();
if (tag == Tag.Nothing) {
return false;
} else if (tag == Tag.Something) {
return true;
} else {
throw fail('unexpected option tag: $tag');
List<Expression> readAnnotationList([TreeNode? parent]) {
int length = readUInt30();
if (length == 0) return const <Expression>[];
return new List<Expression>.generate(
length, (_) => readExpression()..parent = parent,
growable: useGrowableLists);
void readLinkTable(CanonicalName linkRoot) {
int length = readUInt30();
_linkTable = new List<CanonicalName>.filled(
// Use [linkRoot] as a dummy default value.
growable: false);
// Reset simple interface type cache here to make any index into it always
// be about the corresponding link table entry.
_cachedSimpleInterfaceTypes = {};
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
int biasedParentIndex = readUInt30();
String name = readStringReference();
CanonicalName parent =
biasedParentIndex == 0 ? linkRoot : _linkTable[biasedParentIndex - 1];
_linkTable[i] = parent.getChild(name);
List<int> _indexComponents() {
int savedByteOffset = _byteOffset;
_byteOffset = _bytes.length - 4;
List<int> index = <int>[];
while (_byteOffset > 0) {
int size = readUint32();
if (size <= 0) {
throw fail("invalid size '$size' reported at offset $byteOffset");
int start = _byteOffset - size;
if (start < 0) {
throw fail("indicated size does not match file size");
_byteOffset = start - 4;
_byteOffset = savedByteOffset;
return new List.of(index.reversed);
void _checkEmptyInput() {
if (_bytes.length == 0) throw new StateError("Empty input given.");
void _readAndVerifySdkHash() {
final String sdkHash = ascii.decode(readBytes(sdkHashLength));
if (!isValidSdkHash(sdkHash)) {
throw InvalidKernelSdkVersionError(sdkHash);
/// Splits the input into views of the sub-components.
/// Note that the result will not have the libraries filled out.
static List<SubComponentView> index(Uint8List bytes) {
BinaryBuilder bb = new BinaryBuilder(bytes);
bb._verifyComponentInitialBytes(resetOffset: true);
List<int> componentFileSizes = bb._indexComponents();
int componentFileIndex = 0;
List<SubComponentView> views = [];
while (bb._byteOffset < bb._bytes.length) {
int componentStartOffset = bb._byteOffset;
int componentFileSize = componentFileSizes[componentFileIndex];
bb._verifyComponentInitialBytes(resetOffset: true);
views.add(new SubComponentView(
const [], componentStartOffset, componentFileSize));
bb._byteOffset = componentStartOffset + componentFileSize;
return views;
/// Deserializes a kernel component and stores it in [component].
/// When linking with a non-empty component, canonical names must have been
/// computed ahead of time.
/// The input bytes may contain multiple files concatenated.
/// If [createView] is true, returns a list of [SubComponentView] - one for
/// each concatenated dill - each of which knowing where in the combined dill
/// it came from. If [createView] is false null will be returned.
List<SubComponentView>? readComponent(Component component,
{bool checkCanonicalNames = false, bool createView = false}) {
return Timeline.timeSync<List<SubComponentView>?>(
"BinaryBuilder.readComponent", () {
_verifyComponentInitialBytes(resetOffset: true);
List<int> componentFileSizes = _indexComponents();
if (componentFileSizes.length > 1) {
_disableLazyReading = true;
_disableLazyClassReading = true;
int componentFileIndex = 0;
List<SubComponentView>? views;
if (createView) {
views = <SubComponentView>[];
while (_byteOffset < _bytes.length) {
SubComponentView? view = _readOneComponent(
component, componentFileSizes[componentFileIndex],
createView: createView);
if (createView) {
if (checkCanonicalNames) {
return views;
/// Deserializes the source and stores it in [component].
/// Note that the _coverage_ normally included in the source in the
/// uri-to-source mapping is _not_ included.
/// The input bytes may contain multiple files concatenated.
void readComponentSource(Component component) {
List<int> componentFileSizes = _indexComponents();
if (componentFileSizes.length > 1) {
_disableLazyReading = true;
_disableLazyClassReading = true;
int componentFileIndex = 0;
while (_byteOffset < _bytes.length) {
component, componentFileSizes[componentFileIndex]);
/// Reads a single component file from the input and loads it into
/// [component], overwriting and reusing any existing data in the component.
/// When linking with a non-empty component, canonical names must have been
/// computed ahead of time.
/// This should *only* be used when there is a reason to not allow
/// concatenated files.
void readSingleFileComponent(Component component,
{bool checkCanonicalNames = false}) {
List<int> componentFileSizes = _indexComponents();
if (componentFileSizes.isEmpty) throw fail("invalid component data");
_readOneComponent(component, componentFileSizes[0]);
if (_byteOffset < _bytes.length) {
if (_byteOffset + 3 < _bytes.length) {
int magic = readUint32();
if (magic == Tag.ComponentFile) {
throw 'Concatenated component file given when a single component '
'was expected.';
throw 'Unrecognized bytes following component data';
if (checkCanonicalNames) {
_ComponentIndex _readComponentIndex(int componentFileSize) {
int savedByteIndex = _byteOffset;
// There are two fields: file size and library count.
_byteOffset = _componentStartOffset + componentFileSize - (2) * 4;
int libraryCount = readUint32();
// Library offsets are used for start and end offsets, so there is one extra
// element that this the end offset of the last library
List<int> libraryOffsets = new List<int>.filled(
libraryCount + 1,
// Use `-1` as a dummy default value.
growable: false);
int componentFileSizeInBytes = readUint32();
if (componentFileSizeInBytes != componentFileSize) {
throw "Malformed binary: This component file's component index indicates "
"that the file size should be $componentFileSize but other component "
"indexes has indicated that the size should be "
// Skip to the start of the index.
_byteOffset -=
((libraryCount + 1) + _ComponentIndex.numberOfFixedFields) * 4;
// Now read the component index.
int binaryOffsetForSourceTable = _componentStartOffset + readUint32();
int binaryOffsetForConstantTable = _componentStartOffset + readUint32();
int binaryOffsetForConstantTableIndex =
_componentStartOffset + readUint32();
int binaryOffsetForCanonicalNames = _componentStartOffset + readUint32();
int binaryOffsetForMetadataPayloads = _componentStartOffset + readUint32();
int binaryOffsetForMetadataMappings = _componentStartOffset + readUint32();
int binaryOffsetForStringTable = _componentStartOffset + readUint32();
int binaryOffsetForStartOfComponentIndex =
_componentStartOffset + readUint32();
int mainMethodReference = readUint32();
NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode compiledMode =
for (int i = 0; i < libraryCount + 1; ++i) {
libraryOffsets[i] = _componentStartOffset + readUint32();
_byteOffset = savedByteIndex;
return new _ComponentIndex(
libraryCount: libraryCount,
libraryOffsets: libraryOffsets,
componentFileSizeInBytes: componentFileSizeInBytes,
binaryOffsetForSourceTable: binaryOffsetForSourceTable,
binaryOffsetForCanonicalNames: binaryOffsetForCanonicalNames,
binaryOffsetForMetadataPayloads: binaryOffsetForMetadataPayloads,
binaryOffsetForMetadataMappings: binaryOffsetForMetadataMappings,
binaryOffsetForStringTable: binaryOffsetForStringTable,
binaryOffsetForConstantTable: binaryOffsetForConstantTable,
binaryOffsetForConstantTableIndex: binaryOffsetForConstantTableIndex,
mainMethodReference: mainMethodReference,
compiledMode: compiledMode);
void _readOneComponentSource(Component component, int componentFileSize) {
_componentStartOffset = _byteOffset;
_verifyComponentInitialBytes(resetOffset: false);
// Read component index from the end of this ComponentFiles serialized data.
_ComponentIndex index = _readComponentIndex(componentFileSize);
_byteOffset = index.binaryOffsetForSourceTable;
Map<Uri, Source> uriToSource = readUriToSource(readCoverage: false);
_mergeUriToSource(component.uriToSource, uriToSource);
_byteOffset = _componentStartOffset + componentFileSize;
/// Verify the initial bytes could correspond to a valid component.
/// * Checks we have non-empty input.
/// * Verifies that the magic number is correct.
/// * Verifies the binary format version.
/// * Verifies the sdk hash.
/// If [resetOffset] is true the [_byteOffset] will be reset to match what it
/// was before this method was called. If false it will be so we read passed
/// the sdk hash.
void _verifyComponentInitialBytes({required bool resetOffset}) {
// Check that we have a .dill file and it has the correct version before
// we start decoding it. Otherwise we will fail for cryptic reasons.
int offset = _byteOffset;
int magic = readUint32();
if (magic != Tag.ComponentFile) {
throw ArgumentError('Not a .dill file (wrong magic number).');
int version = readUint32();
if (version != Tag.BinaryFormatVersion) {
throw InvalidKernelVersionError(filename, version);
if (resetOffset) {
_byteOffset = offset;
SubComponentView? _readOneComponent(
Component component, int componentFileSize,
{bool createView = false}) {
_componentStartOffset = _byteOffset;
_verifyComponentInitialBytes(resetOffset: false);
List<String>? problemsAsJson = readListOfStrings();
if (problemsAsJson != null) {
component.problemsAsJson ??= <String>[];
// Read component index from the end of this ComponentFiles serialized data.
_ComponentIndex index = _readComponentIndex(componentFileSize);
if (compilationMode == null) {
compilationMode = component.modeRaw;
compilationMode =
mergeCompilationModeOrThrow(compilationMode, index.compiledMode);
_byteOffset = index.binaryOffsetForStringTable;
_byteOffset = index.binaryOffsetForCanonicalNames;
// TODO(alexmarkov): reverse metadata mappings and read forwards
_byteOffset = index.binaryOffsetForStringTable; // Read backwards.
_readMetadataMappings(component, index.binaryOffsetForMetadataPayloads);
_associateMetadata(component, _componentStartOffset);
_byteOffset = index.binaryOffsetForSourceTable;
Map<Uri, Source> uriToSource = readUriToSource(readCoverage: true);
_mergeUriToSource(component.uriToSource, uriToSource);
_byteOffset = index.binaryOffsetForConstantTable;
// We don't need the constant table index on the dart side.
int numberOfLibraries = index.libraryCount;
SubComponentView? result;
if (createView) {
result = new SubComponentView(
new List<Library>.generate(numberOfLibraries, (int i) {
_byteOffset = index.libraryOffsets[i];
return readLibrary(component, index.libraryOffsets[i + 1]);
}, growable: false),
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfLibraries; ++i) {
_byteOffset = index.libraryOffsets[i];
readLibrary(component, index.libraryOffsets[i + 1]);
Reference? mainMethod =
component.setMainMethodAndMode(mainMethod, false, compilationMode!);
_byteOffset = _componentStartOffset + componentFileSize;
return result;
/// Read a list of strings. If the list is empty, [null] is returned.
List<String>? readListOfStrings() {
int length = readUInt30();
if (length == 0) return null;
return new List<String>.generate(length, (_) => readString(),
growable: useGrowableLists);
/// Read the uri-to-source part of the binary.
/// Note that this can include coverage, but that it is only included if
/// [readCoverage] is true, otherwise coverage will be skipped. Note also that
/// if [readCoverage] is true, references are read and that the link table
/// thus has to be read first.
Map<Uri, Source> readUriToSource({required bool readCoverage}) {
assert(!readCoverage || (readCoverage && _lateIsInitialized(_linkTable)));
int length = readUint32();
// Read data.
_sourceUriTable = new List<Uri>.filled(length, dummyUri, growable: false);
Map<Uri, Source> uriToSource = <Uri, Source>{};
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
String uriString = readString();
Uri uri = Uri.parse(uriString);
_sourceUriTable[i] = uri;
Uint8List sourceCode = readOrViewByteList();
int lineCount = readUInt30();
List<int> lineStarts = new List<int>.filled(
// Use `-1` as a dummy default value.
growable: false);
int previousLineStart = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < lineCount; ++j) {
int lineStart = readUInt30() + previousLineStart;
lineStarts[j] = lineStart;
previousLineStart = lineStart;
String importUriString = readString();
Uri importUri = Uri.parse(importUriString);
Set<Reference>? coverageConstructors;
int constructorCoverageCount = readUInt30();
if (constructorCoverageCount > 0) {
if (readCoverage) {
coverageConstructors = new Set<Reference>();
for (int j = 0; j < constructorCoverageCount; ++j) {
} else {
for (int j = 0; j < constructorCoverageCount; ++j) {
uriToSource[uri] = new Source(lineStarts, sourceCode, importUri, uri)
..constantCoverageConstructors = coverageConstructors;
// Read index.
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
return uriToSource;
// Add everything from [src] into [dst], but don't overwrite a non-empty
// source with an empty source. Empty sources may be introduced by
// synthetic, copy-down implementations such as mixin applications or
// noSuchMethod forwarders.
void _mergeUriToSource(Map<Uri, Source> dst, Map<Uri, Source> src) {
if (dst.isEmpty) {
// Fast path for the common case of one component per binary.
} else {
src.forEach((Uri key, Source value) {
Source? originalDestinationSource = dst[key];
Source? mergeFrom;
Source mergeTo;
if (value.source.isNotEmpty || originalDestinationSource == null) {
dst[key] = value;
mergeFrom = originalDestinationSource;
mergeTo = value;
} else {
mergeFrom = value;
mergeTo = originalDestinationSource;
// TODO(jensj): Find out what the right thing to do is --- it probably
// depends on what we do if read the same library twice - do we merge or
// do we overwrite, and should we even support such a thing?
// Merge coverage. Note that mergeFrom might be null.
if (mergeTo.constantCoverageConstructors == null) {
mergeTo.constantCoverageConstructors =
} else if (mergeFrom?.constantCoverageConstructors == null) {
// Nothing to do.
} else {
// Both are non-null: Merge.
void skipCanonicalNameReference() {
CanonicalName? readNullableCanonicalNameReference() {
int index = readUInt30();
if (index == 0) return null;
return _linkTable[index - 1];
CanonicalName readNonNullCanonicalNameReference() {
CanonicalName? canonicalName = readNullableCanonicalNameReference();
if (canonicalName == null) {
throw new StateError('No canonical name found.');
return canonicalName;
CanonicalName? getNullableCanonicalNameReferenceFromInt(int index) {
if (index == 0) return null;
return _linkTable[index - 1];
Reference? readNullableLibraryReference() {
CanonicalName? canonicalName = readNullableCanonicalNameReference();
return canonicalName?.reference;
Reference readNonNullLibraryReference() {
CanonicalName? canonicalName = readNullableCanonicalNameReference();
if (canonicalName != null) return canonicalName.reference;
throw 'Expected a library reference to be valid but was `null`.';
LibraryDependency readLibraryDependencyReference() {
int index = readUInt30();
return _currentLibrary!.dependencies[index];
Reference readNonNullClassReference() {
CanonicalName? name = readNullableCanonicalNameReference();
if (name == null) {
throw 'Expected a class reference to be valid but was `null`.';
return name.reference;
Reference readNonNullExtensionTypeDeclarationReference() {
CanonicalName? name = readNullableCanonicalNameReference();
if (name == null) {
throw 'Expected an extension type declaration reference to be valid but '
'was `null`.';
return name.reference;
void skipMemberReference() {
Reference? readNullableMemberReference() {
CanonicalName? name = readNullableCanonicalNameReference();
return name?.reference;
Reference readNonNullMemberReference() {
CanonicalName? name = readNullableCanonicalNameReference();
if (name == null) {
throw 'Expected a member reference to be valid but was `null`.';
return name.reference;
Reference readNonNullInstanceMemberReference() {
Reference reference = readNonNullMemberReference();
readNullableMemberReference(); // Skip origin
return reference;
Reference? getNullableMemberReferenceFromInt(int index) {
return getNullableCanonicalNameReferenceFromInt(index)?.reference;
Reference readNonNullTypedefReference() {
return readNonNullCanonicalNameReference().reference;
Name readName() {
final int stringReference = readUInt30();
assert(stringReference < (1 << 30));
final String text = _stringTable[stringReference];
final bool isPrivate = text.isNotEmpty && text.codeUnitAt(0) == $_;
final int libraryReferenceIndex;
final int nameCacheIndex;
if (isPrivate) {
// "Raw" reference index of 0 means null which we don't allow.
libraryReferenceIndex = readUInt30();
if (libraryReferenceIndex == 0) {
throw 'Expected a library reference to be valid but was `null`.';
// Check cache using the upper bits for the library reference.
nameCacheIndex = stringReference | ((libraryReferenceIndex) << 30);
} else {
// the 0 will be unused but we need to assign it.
libraryReferenceIndex = 0;
nameCacheIndex = stringReference;
final Name? cached = _nameCache[nameCacheIndex];
if (cached != null) {
return cached;
// Not in cache. Create it and cache it.
final Name name;
if (isPrivate) {
// libraryReferenceIndex was checked to be > 0 so we get a canonical name.
final CanonicalName canonicalName =
final Reference libraryReference = canonicalName.reference;
name = new Name.byReference(text, libraryReference);
} else {
name = new Name(text);
_nameCache[nameCacheIndex] = name;
return name;
Library readLibrary(Component component, int endOffset) {
// Read index.
int savedByteOffset = _byteOffset;
// There is a field for the procedure count.
_byteOffset = endOffset - (1) * 4;
int procedureCount = readUint32();
// There is a field for the procedure count, that number + 1 (for the end)
// offsets, and then the class count (i.e. procedure count + 3 fields).
_byteOffset = endOffset - (procedureCount + 3) * 4;
int classCount = readUint32();
List<int> procedureOffsets = new List<int>.generate(
procedureCount + 1, (int index) => _componentStartOffset + readUint32(),
growable: false);
// There is a field for the procedure count, that number + 1 (for the end)
// offsets, then the class count and that number + 1 (for the end) offsets.
// (i.e. procedure count + class count + 4 fields).
_byteOffset = endOffset - (procedureCount + classCount + 4) * 4;
List<int> classOffsets = new List<int>.generate(
classCount + 1, (int index) => _componentStartOffset + readUint32(),
growable: false);
_byteOffset = savedByteOffset;
int flags = readByte();
int languageVersionMajor = readUInt30();
int languageVersionMinor = readUInt30();
CanonicalName canonicalName = readNonNullCanonicalNameReference();
Reference reference = canonicalName.reference;
Library? library = reference.node as Library?;
String? name = readStringOrNullIfEmpty();
// TODO(jensj): We currently save (almost the same) uri twice.
Uri fileUri = readUriReference();
if (alwaysCreateNewNamedNodes) {
library = null;
if (library == null) {
library = new Library(Uri.parse(,
reference: reference, fileUri: fileUri);
component.libraries.add(library..parent = component);
_currentLibrary = library;
List<String>? problemsAsJson = readListOfStrings();
library.flags = flags;
new Version(languageVersionMajor, languageVersionMinor)); = name;
library.fileUri = fileUri;
library.problemsAsJson = problemsAsJson;
compilationMode, library.nonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode) ==
"Cannot load ${library.nonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode} "
"into component with mode $compilationMode");
assert(() {
debugPath.add(library!.name ?? library.importUri.toString());
return true;
library.annotations = readAnnotationList(library);
_readClassList(library, classOffsets);
library.fieldsInternal = _readFieldList(library);
library.proceduresInternal = _readProcedureList(library, procedureOffsets);
assert(((_) => true)(debugPath.removeLast()));
_currentLibrary = null;
return library;
void _readTypedefList(Library library) {
int length = readUInt30();
if (!useGrowableLists && length == 0) {
// When lists don't have to be growable anyway, we might as well use an
// almost constant one for the empty list.
library.typedefsInternal = emptyListOfTypedef;
} else {
library.typedefsInternal = new List<Typedef>.generate(
length, (int index) => readTypedef()..parent = library,
growable: useGrowableLists);
void _readClassList(Library library, List<int> classOffsets) {
int length = readUInt30();
if (!useGrowableLists && length == 0) {
// When lists don't have to be growable anyway, we might as well use an
// almost constant one for the empty list.
library.classesInternal = emptyListOfClass;
} else {
library.classesInternal = new List<Class>.generate(length, (int index) {
_byteOffset = classOffsets[index];
return readClass(classOffsets[index + 1])..parent = library;
}, growable: useGrowableLists);
_byteOffset = classOffsets.last;
void _readExtensionList(Library library) {
int length = readUInt30();
if (!useGrowableLists && length == 0) {
// When lists don't have to be growable anyway, we might as well use an
// almost constant one for the empty list.
library.extensionsInternal = emptyListOfExtension;
} else {
library.extensionsInternal = new List<Extension>.generate(
length, (int index) => readExtension()..parent = library,
growable: useGrowableLists);
void _readExtensionTypeDeclarationList(Library library) {
int length = readUInt30();
if (!useGrowableLists && length == 0) {
// When lists don't have to be growable anyway, we might as well use an
// almost constant one for the empty list.
library.extensionTypeDeclarationsInternal =
} else {
library.extensionTypeDeclarationsInternal =
new List<ExtensionTypeDeclaration>.generate(length,
(int index) => readExtensionTypeDeclaration()..parent = library,
growable: useGrowableLists);
List<Field> _readFieldList(TreeNode parent) {
int length = readUInt30();
if (!useGrowableLists && length == 0) {
// When lists don't have to be growable anyway, we might as well use an
// almost constant one for the empty list.
return emptyListOfField;
return new List<Field>.generate(
length, (int index) => readField()..parent = parent,
growable: useGrowableLists);
List<Procedure> _readProcedureList(
TreeNode parent, List<int> procedureOffsets) {
int length = readUInt30();
if (!useGrowableLists && length == 0) {
// When lists don't have to be growable anyway, we might as well use an
// almost constant one for the empty list.
return emptyListOfProcedure;
List<Procedure> list = new List<Procedure>.generate(length, (int index) {
_byteOffset = procedureOffsets[index];
return readProcedure(procedureOffsets[index + 1])..parent = parent;
}, growable: useGrowableLists);
_byteOffset = procedureOffsets.last;
return list;
List<Procedure> _readProcedureListWithoutOffsets(TreeNode parent) {
int length = readUInt30();
if (!useGrowableLists && length == 0) {
// When lists don't have to be growable anyway, we might as well use an
// almost constant one for the empty list.
return emptyListOfProcedure;
List<Procedure> list = new List<Procedure>.generate(length, (int index) {
return readProcedure(/* no end offset = */ -1)..parent = parent;
}, growable: useGrowableLists);
return list;
void _readLibraryDependencies(Library library) {
int length = readUInt30();
if (!useGrowableLists && length == 0) {
// When lists don't have to be growable anyway, we might as well use an
// almost constant one for the empty list.
library.dependencies = emptyListOfLibraryDependency;
} else {
library.dependencies = new List<LibraryDependency>.generate(
length, (int index) => readLibraryDependency()..parent = library,
growable: useGrowableLists);
LibraryDependency readLibraryDependency() {
int fileOffset = readOffset();
int flags = readByte();
List<Expression> annotations = readExpressionList();
Reference targetLibrary = readNonNullLibraryReference();
String? prefixName = readStringOrNullIfEmpty();
List<Combinator> names = readCombinatorList();
return new LibraryDependency.byReference(
flags, annotations, targetLibrary, prefixName, names)
..fileOffset = fileOffset;
void _readAdditionalExports(Library library) {
int numExportedReference = readUInt30();
if (numExportedReference != 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < numExportedReference; i++) {
CanonicalName exportedName = readNonNullCanonicalNameReference();
Reference reference = exportedName.reference;
Combinator readCombinator() {
bool isShow = readByte() == 1;
List<String> names = readStringReferenceList();
return new Combinator(isShow, names);
List<Combinator> readCombinatorList() {
int length = readUInt30();
if (!useGrowableLists && length == 0) {
// When lists don't have to be growable anyway, we might as well use an
// almost constant one for the empty list.
return emptyListOfCombinator;
return new List<Combinator>.generate(length, (_) => readCombinator(),
growable: useGrowableLists);
void _readLibraryParts(Library library) {
int length = readUInt30();
if (!useGrowableLists && length == 0) {
// When lists don't have to be growable anyway, we might as well use an
// almost constant one for the empty list. = emptyListOfLibraryPart;
} else { = new List<LibraryPart>.generate(
length, (int index) => readLibraryPart()..parent = library,
growable: useGrowableLists);
LibraryPart readLibraryPart() {
List<Expression> annotations = readExpressionList();
String partUri = readStringReference();
return new LibraryPart(annotations, partUri);
Typedef readTypedef() {
CanonicalName canonicalName = readNonNullCanonicalNameReference();
Reference reference = canonicalName.reference;
Typedef? node = reference.node as Typedef?;
if (alwaysCreateNewNamedNodes) {
node = null;
Uri fileUri = readUriReference();
int fileOffset = readOffset();
String name = readStringReference();
if (node == null) {
node = new Typedef(name, null, reference: reference, fileUri: fileUri);
node.annotations = readAnnotationList(node);
readAndPushTypeParameterList(node.typeParameters, node);
DartType type = readDartType();
typeParameterStack.length = 0;
variableStack.length = 0;
node.fileOffset = fileOffset; = name;
node.fileUri = fileUri;
node.type = type;
return node;
Class readClass(int endOffset) {
int tag = readByte();
assert(tag == Tag.Class);
// Read index.
int savedByteOffset = _byteOffset;
// There is a field for the procedure count.
_byteOffset = endOffset - (1) * 4;
int procedureCount = readUint32();
// There is a field for the procedure count, that number + 1 (for the end)
// offsets (i.e. procedure count + 2 fields).
_byteOffset = endOffset - (procedureCount + 2) * 4;
List<int> procedureOffsets = new List<int>.generate(
procedureCount + 1, (_) => _componentStartOffset + readUint32(),
growable: false);
_byteOffset = savedByteOffset;
CanonicalName canonicalName = readNonNullCanonicalNameReference();
Reference reference = canonicalName.reference;
Class? node = reference.node as Class?;
if (alwaysCreateNewNamedNodes) {
node = null;
Uri fileUri = readUriReference();
int startFileOffset = readOffset();
int fileOffset = readOffset();
int fileEndOffset = readOffset();
int flags = readUInt30();
String name = readStringReference();
if (node == null) {
node = new Class(name: name, reference: reference, fileUri: fileUri)
..dirty = false;
node.startFileOffset = startFileOffset;
node.fileOffset = fileOffset;
node.fileEndOffset = fileEndOffset;
node.flags = flags;
List<Expression> annotations = readAnnotationList(node);
assert(() {
return true;
assert(typeParameterStack.length == 0);
readAndPushTypeParameterList(node.typeParameters, node);
Supertype? supertype = readSupertypeOption();
Supertype? mixedInType = readSupertypeOption();
node.implementedTypes = readSupertypeList();
if (_disableLazyClassReading) {
readClassPartialContent(node, procedureOffsets);
} else {
_setLazyLoadClass(node, procedureOffsets);
typeParameterStack.length = 0;
assert(() {
return true;
}()); = name;
node.fileUri = fileUri;
node.annotations = annotations;
node.supertype = supertype;
node.mixedInType = mixedInType;
_byteOffset = endOffset;
return node;
Extension readExtension() {
int tag = readByte();
assert(tag == Tag.Extension);
CanonicalName canonicalName = readNonNullCanonicalNameReference();
Reference reference = canonicalName.reference;
Extension? node = reference.node as Extension?;
if (alwaysCreateNewNamedNodes) {
node = null;
String name = readStringReference();
assert(() {
return true;
List<Expression> annotations = readAnnotationList();
Uri fileUri = readUriReference();
if (node == null) {
node = new Extension(name: name, reference: reference, fileUri: fileUri);
node.annotations = annotations;
setParents(annotations, node);
node.fileOffset = readOffset();
node.flags = readByte();
readAndPushTypeParameterList(node.typeParameters, node);
DartType onType = readDartType();
typeParameterStack.length = 0; = name;
node.fileUri = fileUri;
node.onType = onType;
node.memberDescriptors = _readExtensionMemberDescriptorList();
return node;
List<ExtensionMemberDescriptor> _readExtensionMemberDescriptorList() {
int length = readUInt30();
if (!useGrowableLists && length == 0) {
// When lists don't have to be growable anyway, we might as well use a
// constant one for the empty list.
return emptyListOfExtensionMemberDescriptor;
return new List<ExtensionMemberDescriptor>.generate(
length, (_) => _readExtensionMemberDescriptor(),
growable: useGrowableLists);
ExtensionMemberDescriptor _readExtensionMemberDescriptor() {
Name name = readName();
int kind = readByte();
int flags = readByte();
CanonicalName memberName = readNonNullCanonicalNameReference();
CanonicalName? tearOffName = readNullableCanonicalNameReference();
return new ExtensionMemberDescriptor(
name: name,
kind: ExtensionMemberKind.values[kind],
memberReference: memberName.reference,
tearOffReference: tearOffName?.reference)
..flags = flags;
ExtensionTypeDeclaration readExtensionTypeDeclaration() {
int tag = readByte();
assert(tag == Tag.ExtensionTypeDeclaration, "Unexpected tag $tag");
CanonicalName canonicalName = readNonNullCanonicalNameReference();
Reference reference = canonicalName.reference;
ExtensionTypeDeclaration? node =
reference.node as ExtensionTypeDeclaration?;
if (alwaysCreateNewNamedNodes) {
node = null;
String name = readStringReference();
assert(() {
return true;
List<Expression> annotations = readAnnotationList();
Uri fileUri = readUriReference();
if (node == null) {
node = new ExtensionTypeDeclaration(
name: name, reference: reference, fileUri: fileUri);
node.annotations = annotations;
setParents(annotations, node);
node.fileOffset = readOffset();
node.flags = readByte();
readAndPushTypeParameterList(node.typeParameters, node);
DartType representationType = readDartType();
String representationName = readStringReference();
List<TypeDeclarationType> implements =
node.proceduresInternal = _readProcedureListWithoutOffsets(node);
typeParameterStack.length = 0; = name;
node.fileUri = fileUri;
node.declaredRepresentationType = representationType;
node.representationName = representationName;
node.implements = implements;
node.memberDescriptors = _readExtensionTypeMemberDescriptorList();
return node;
List<TypeDeclarationType> _readExtensionTypeDeclarationImplementsList() {
int length = readUInt30();
if (!useGrowableLists && length == 0) {
// When lists don't have to be growable anyway, we might as well use a
// constant one for the empty list.
return emptyListOfTypeDeclarationType;
return new List<TypeDeclarationType>.generate(
length, (_) => readDartType() as TypeDeclarationType,
growable: useGrowableLists);
List<ExtensionTypeMemberDescriptor> _readExtensionTypeMemberDescriptorList() {
int length = readUInt30();
if (!useGrowableLists && length == 0) {
// When lists don't have to be growable anyway, we might as well use a
// constant one for the empty list.
return emptyListOfExtensionTypeMemberDescriptor;
return new List<ExtensionTypeMemberDescriptor>.generate(
length, (_) => _readExtensionTypeMemberDescriptor(),
growable: useGrowableLists);
ExtensionTypeMemberDescriptor _readExtensionTypeMemberDescriptor() {
Name name = readName();
int kind = readByte();
int flags = readByte();
CanonicalName memberName = readNonNullCanonicalNameReference();
CanonicalName? tearOffName = readNullableCanonicalNameReference();
return new ExtensionTypeMemberDescriptor(
name: name,
kind: ExtensionTypeMemberKind.values[kind],
memberReference: memberName.reference,
tearOffReference: tearOffName?.reference)
..flags = flags;
/// Reads the partial content of a class, namely fields, procedures,
/// constructors and redirecting factory constructors.
void readClassPartialContent(Class node, List<int> procedureOffsets) {
node.fieldsInternal = _readFieldList(node);
node.proceduresInternal = _readProcedureList(node, procedureOffsets);
void _readConstructorList(Class node) {
int length = readUInt30();
if (!useGrowableLists && length == 0) {
// When lists don't have to be growable anyway, we might as well use a
// constant one for the empty list.
node.constructorsInternal = emptyListOfConstructor;
} else {
node.constructorsInternal = new List<Constructor>.generate(
length, (int index) => readConstructor()..parent = node,
growable: useGrowableLists);
/// Set the lazyBuilder on the class so it can be lazy loaded in the future.
void _setLazyLoadClass(Class node, List<int> procedureOffsets) {
final int savedByteOffset = _byteOffset;
final int componentStartOffset = _componentStartOffset;
final Library? currentLibrary = _currentLibrary;
node.lazyBuilder = () {
_byteOffset = savedByteOffset;
_currentLibrary = currentLibrary;
_componentStartOffset = componentStartOffset;
readClassPartialContent(node, procedureOffsets);
typeParameterStack.length = 0;
int getAndResetTransformerFlags() {
int flags = _transformerFlags;
_transformerFlags = 0;
return flags;
/// Adds the given flag to the current [Member.transformerFlags].
void addTransformerFlag(int flags) {
_transformerFlags |= flags;
Field readField() {
int tag = readByte();
assert(tag == Tag.Field);
CanonicalName fieldCanonicalName = readNonNullCanonicalNameReference();
Reference fieldReference = fieldCanonicalName.reference;
CanonicalName getterCanonicalName = readNonNullCanonicalNameReference();
Reference getterReference = getterCanonicalName.reference;
CanonicalName? setterCanonicalName = readNullableCanonicalNameReference();
Reference? setterReference = setterCanonicalName?.reference;
Field? node = fieldReference.node as Field?;
if (alwaysCreateNewNamedNodes) {
node = null;
Uri fileUri = readUriReference();
int fileOffset = readOffset();
int fileEndOffset = readOffset();
int flags = readUInt30();
Name name = readName();
if (node == null) {
if (setterReference != null) {
node = new Field.mutable(name,
fieldReference: fieldReference,
getterReference: getterReference,
setterReference: setterReference,
fileUri: fileUri);
} else {
node = new Field.immutable(name,
fieldReference: fieldReference,
getterReference: getterReference,
fileUri: fileUri);
List<Expression> annotations = readAnnotationList(node);
assert(() {
return true;
DartType type = readDartType();
Expression? initializer = readExpressionOption();
int transformerFlags = getAndResetTransformerFlags();
assert(((_) => true)(debugPath.removeLast()));
node.fileOffset = fileOffset;
node.fileEndOffset = fileEndOffset;
node.flags = flags; = name;
node.fileUri = fileUri;
node.annotations = annotations;
node.type = type;
node.initializer = initializer;
node.initializer?.parent = node;
node.transformerFlags = transformerFlags;
return node;
Constructor readConstructor() {
int tag = readByte();
assert(tag == Tag.Constructor);
CanonicalName canonicalName = readNonNullCanonicalNameReference();
Reference reference = canonicalName.reference;
Constructor? node = reference.node as Constructor?;
if (alwaysCreateNewNamedNodes) {
node = null;
Uri fileUri = readUriReference();
int startFileOffset = readOffset();
int fileOffset = readOffset();
int fileEndOffset = readOffset();
int flags = readByte();
Name name = readName();
List<Expression> annotations = readAnnotationList();
assert(() {
return true;
FunctionNode function = readFunctionNode();
if (node == null) {
node = new Constructor(function,
reference: reference, name: name, fileUri: fileUri);
variableStack.length = 0;
int transformerFlags = getAndResetTransformerFlags();
assert(((_) => true)(debugPath.removeLast()));
node.startFileOffset = startFileOffset;
node.fileOffset = fileOffset;
node.fileEndOffset = fileEndOffset;
node.flags = flags; = name;
node.fileUri = fileUri;
node.annotations = annotations;
setParents(annotations, node);
node.function = function..parent = node;
node.transformerFlags = transformerFlags;
return node;
Procedure readProcedure(int endOffset) {
int tag = readByte();
assert(tag == Tag.Procedure);
CanonicalName canonicalName = readNonNullCanonicalNameReference();
Reference reference = canonicalName.reference;
Procedure? node;
if (!alwaysCreateNewNamedNodes) {
node = reference.node as Procedure?;
Uri fileUri = readUriReference();
int startFileOffset = readOffset();
int fileOffset = readOffset();
int fileEndOffset = readOffset();
int kindIndex = readByte();
ProcedureKind kind = ProcedureKind.values[kindIndex];
ProcedureStubKind stubKind = ProcedureStubKind.values[readByte()];
int flags = readUInt30();
Name name = readName();
List<Expression> annotations = readAnnotationList();
assert(() {
return true;
int functionNodeSize = endOffset - _byteOffset;
// Read small factories and extension type declaration procedures
// (where `endOffset == -1`) up front. Postpone everything else.
bool readFunctionNodeNow = endOffset == -1 ||
(kind == ProcedureKind.Factory && functionNodeSize <= 50) ||
Reference? stubTargetReference = readNullableMemberReference();
FunctionType? signatureType = readDartTypeOption() as FunctionType?;
FunctionNode function = readFunctionNode(
lazyLoadBody: !readFunctionNodeNow, outerEndOffset: endOffset);
if (node == null) {
node = new Procedure(name, kind, function,
reference: reference, fileUri: fileUri);
} else {
assert(node.kind == kind);
int transformerFlags = getAndResetTransformerFlags();
assert(((_) => true)(debugPath.removeLast()));
node.fileStartOffset = startFileOffset;
node.fileOffset = fileOffset;
node.fileEndOffset = fileEndOffset;
node.flags = flags; = name;
node.fileUri = fileUri;
node.annotations = annotations;
setParents(annotations, node);
node.function = function..parent = node;
node.stubKind = stubKind;
node.stubTargetReference = stubTargetReference;
node.signatureType = signatureType;
assert((node.stubKind == ProcedureStubKind.ConcreteForwardingStub &&
node.stubTargetReference != null) ||
!(node.isForwardingStub && node.function.body != null));
assert(!(node.isMemberSignature && node.stubTargetReference == null),
"No member signature origin for member signature $node.");
return node;
void _readInitializers(Constructor constructor) {
int length = readUInt30();
if (!useGrowableLists && length == 0) {
// When lists don't have to be growable anyway, we might as well use a
// constant one for the empty list.
constructor.initializers = emptyListOfInitializer;
} else {
constructor.initializers = new List<Initializer>.generate(
length, (int index) => readInitializer()..parent = constructor,
growable: useGrowableLists);
Initializer readInitializer() {
int tag = readByte();
bool isSynthetic = readByte() == 1;
switch (tag) {
// 52.71% (43.80% - 59.02%).
case Tag.FieldInitializer:
return _readFieldInitializer(isSynthetic);
// 42.01% (28.38% - 55.93%)
case Tag.SuperInitializer:
return _readSuperInitializer(isSynthetic);
// 4.69% (0.00% - 16.00%).
case Tag.AssertInitializer:
return _readAssertInitializer();
// The rest is < 2% on average in sampled dills.
case Tag.InvalidInitializer:
return _readInvalidInitializer();
case Tag.RedirectingInitializer:
return _readRedirectingInitializer();
case Tag.LocalInitializer:
return _readLocalInitializer();
throw fail('unexpected initializer tag: $tag');
Initializer _readInvalidInitializer() {
return new InvalidInitializer();
Initializer _readFieldInitializer(bool isSynthetic) {
int offset = readOffset();
Reference reference = readNonNullMemberReference();
Expression value = readExpression();
return new FieldInitializer.byReference(reference, value)
..isSynthetic = isSynthetic
..fileOffset = offset;
Initializer _readSuperInitializer(bool isSynthetic) {
int offset = readOffset();
Reference reference = readNonNullMemberReference();
Arguments arguments = readArguments();
return new SuperInitializer.byReference(reference, arguments)
..isSynthetic = isSynthetic
..fileOffset = offset;
Initializer _readRedirectingInitializer() {
int offset = readOffset();
return new RedirectingInitializer.byReference(
readNonNullMemberReference(), readArguments())
..fileOffset = offset;
Initializer _readLocalInitializer() {
return new LocalInitializer(readAndPushVariableDeclaration());
Initializer _readAssertInitializer() {
return new AssertInitializer(readStatement() as AssertStatement);
FunctionNode readFunctionNode(
{bool lazyLoadBody = false, int outerEndOffset = -1}) {
int tag = readByte();
assert(tag == Tag.FunctionNode);
int offset = readOffset();
int endOffset = readOffset();
AsyncMarker asyncMarker = AsyncMarker.values[readByte()];
AsyncMarker dartAsyncMarker = AsyncMarker.values[readByte()];
int typeParameterStackHeight = typeParameterStack.length;
List<TypeParameter> typeParameters = readAndPushTypeParameterList();
readUInt30(); // total parameter count.
int requiredParameterCount = readUInt30();
int variableStackHeight = variableStack.length;
List<VariableDeclaration> positional = readAndPushVariableDeclarationList();
List<VariableDeclaration> named = readAndPushVariableDeclarationList();
DartType returnType = readDartType();
DartType? futureValueType = readDartTypeOption();
RedirectingFactoryTarget? redirectingFactoryTarget;
if (readAndCheckOptionTag()) {
Reference? targetReference = readNullableMemberReference();
List<DartType>? typeArguments;
if (readAndCheckOptionTag()) {
typeArguments = readDartTypeList();
if (readAndCheckOptionTag()) {
assert(targetReference == null && typeArguments == null);
String errorMessage = readStringReference();
redirectingFactoryTarget =
new RedirectingFactoryTarget.error(errorMessage);
} else {
assert(targetReference != null && typeArguments != null);
redirectingFactoryTarget = new RedirectingFactoryTarget.byReference(
targetReference!, typeArguments!);
int oldLabelStackBase = labelStackBase;
int oldSwitchCaseStackBase = switchCaseStackBase;
if (lazyLoadBody && outerEndOffset > 0) {
lazyLoadBody = outerEndOffset - _byteOffset >
2; // e.g. outline has Tag.Something and Tag.EmptyStatement
Statement? body;
if (!lazyLoadBody) {
labelStackBase = labelStack.length;
switchCaseStackBase = switchCaseStack.length;
body = readStatementOption();
FunctionNode result = new FunctionNode(body,
typeParameters: typeParameters,
requiredParameterCount: requiredParameterCount,
positionalParameters: positional,
namedParameters: named,
returnType: returnType,
asyncMarker: asyncMarker,
dartAsyncMarker: dartAsyncMarker,
emittedValueType: futureValueType)
..fileOffset = offset
..fileEndOffset = endOffset
..redirectingFactoryTarget = redirectingFactoryTarget;
if (lazyLoadBody) {
_setLazyLoadFunction(result, oldLabelStackBase, oldSwitchCaseStackBase,
labelStackBase = oldLabelStackBase;
switchCaseStackBase = oldSwitchCaseStackBase;
variableStack.length = variableStackHeight;
typeParameterStack.length = typeParameterStackHeight;
return result;
void _setLazyLoadFunction(FunctionNode result, int oldLabelStackBase,
int oldSwitchCaseStackBase, int variableStackHeight) {
final int savedByteOffset = _byteOffset;
final int componentStartOffset = _componentStartOffset;
final List<TypeParameter> typeParameters =
final List<VariableDeclaration> variables = variableStack.toList();
final Library currentLibrary = _currentLibrary!;
result.lazyBuilder = () {
_byteOffset = savedByteOffset;
_currentLibrary = currentLibrary;
_componentStartOffset = componentStartOffset;
result.body = readStatementOption();
result.body?.parent = result;
labelStackBase = oldLabelStackBase;
switchCaseStackBase = oldSwitchCaseStackBase;
variableStack.length = variableStackHeight;
TreeNode? parent = result.parent;
if (parent is Procedure) {
parent.transformerFlags |= getAndResetTransformerFlags();
void pushVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration variable) {
void pushVariableDeclarations(List<VariableDeclaration> variables) {
VariableDeclaration readVariableReference() {
readUInt30(); // offset of the variable declaration in the binary.
return _readVariableReferenceInternal();
VariableDeclaration _readVariableReferenceInternal() {
int index = readUInt30();
if (index >= variableStack.length) {
throw fail('Unexpected variable index: $index. '
'Current variable count: ${variableStack.length}.');
return variableStack[index];
LogicalExpressionOperator logicalOperatorToEnum(int index) {
switch (index) {
case 0:
return LogicalExpressionOperator.AND;
case 1:
return LogicalExpressionOperator.OR;
throw fail('unexpected logical operator index: $index');
List<Expression> readExpressionList() {
int length = readUInt30();
if (!useGrowableLists && length == 0) {
// When lists don't have to be growable anyway, we might as well use a
// constant one for the empty list.
return emptyListOfExpression;
return new List<Expression>.generate(length, (_) => readExpression(),
growable: useGrowableLists);
Expression? readExpressionOption() {
return readAndCheckOptionTag() ? readExpression() : null;
Expression readExpression() {
int tagByte = readByte();
int tag = tagByte & Tag.SpecializedTagHighBits == Tag.SpecializedTagHighBits
? (tagByte & Tag.SpecializedTagMask)
: tagByte;
switch (tag) {
// 18.57% (13.56% - 23.28%).
case Tag.SpecializedVariableGet:
return _readSpecializedVariableGet(tagByte);
// 12.02% (9.14% - 14.14%).
case Tag.InstanceGet:
return _readInstanceGet();
// 10.61% (6.82% - 14.13%).
case Tag.ThisExpression:
return _readThisLiteral();
// 10.19% (6.51% - 15.46%).
case Tag.ConstantExpression:
return _readConstantExpression();
// 9.95% (5.96% - 13.10%).
case Tag.InstanceInvocation:
return _readInstanceInvocation();
// 6.20% (2.67% - 12.88%)
case Tag.StringLiteral:
return _readStringLiteral();
// 4.30% (1.89% - 5.58%).
case Tag.VariableGet:
return _readVariableGet();
// 3.94% (2.48% - 6.29%).
case Tag.StaticInvocation:
return _readStaticInvocation();
// 2.95% (1.58% - 5.31%).
case Tag.SpecializedIntLiteral:
return _readSpecializedIntLiteral(tagByte);
// 2.92% (1.76% - 5.21%).
case Tag.ConstructorInvocation:
return _readConstructorInvocation();
// The rest is < 2% on average in sampled dills.
case Tag.LoadLibrary:
return _readLoadLibrary();
case Tag.CheckLibraryIsLoaded:
return _readCheckLibraryIsLoaded();
case Tag.InvalidExpression:
return _readInvalidExpression();
case Tag.VariableSet:
return _readVariableSet();
case Tag.SpecializedVariableSet:
return _readSpecializedVariableSet(tagByte);
case Tag.InstanceTearOff:
return _readInstanceTearOff();
case Tag.DynamicGet:
return _readDynamicGet();
case Tag.RecordIndexGet:
return _readRecordIndexGet();
case Tag.RecordNameGet:
return _readRecordNameGet();
case Tag.InstanceSet:
return _readInstanceSet();
case Tag.DynamicSet:
return _readDynamicSet();
case Tag.AbstractSuperPropertyGet:
return _readAbstractSuperPropertyGet();
case Tag.AbstractSuperPropertySet:
return _readAbstractSuperPropertySet();
case Tag.SuperPropertyGet:
return _readSuperPropertyGet();
case Tag.SuperPropertySet:
return _readSuperPropertySet();
case Tag.StaticGet:
return _readStaticGet();
case Tag.StaticTearOff:
return _readStaticTearOff();
case Tag.StaticSet:
return _readStaticSet();
case Tag.ConstructorTearOff:
return _readConstructorTearOff();
case Tag.TypedefTearOff:
return _readTypedefTearOff();
case Tag.RedirectingFactoryTearOff:
return _readRedirectingFactoryTearOff();
case Tag.InstanceGetterInvocation:
return _readInstanceGetterInvocation();
case Tag.DynamicInvocation:
return _readDynamicInvocation();
case Tag.FunctionInvocation:
return _readFunctionInvocation();
case Tag.FunctionTearOff:
return _readFunctionTearOff();
case Tag.LocalFunctionInvocation:
return _readLocalFunctionInvocation();
case Tag.EqualsNull:
return _readEqualsNull();
case Tag.EqualsCall:
return _readEqualsCall();
case Tag.AbstractSuperMethodInvocation:
return _readAbstractSuperMethodInvocation();
case Tag.SuperMethodInvocation:
return _readSuperMethodInvocation();
case Tag.ConstStaticInvocation:
return _readConstStaticInvocation();
case Tag.ConstConstructorInvocation:
return _readConstConstructorInvocation();
case Tag.Not:
return _readNot();
case Tag.NullCheck:
return _readNullCheck();
case Tag.LogicalExpression:
return _readLogicalExpression();
case Tag.ConditionalExpression:
return _readConditionalExpression();
case Tag.StringConcatenation:
return _readStringConcatenation();
case Tag.ListConcatenation:
return _readListConcatenation();
case Tag.SetConcatenation:
return _readSetConcatenation();
case Tag.MapConcatenation:
return _readMapConcatenation();
case Tag.InstanceCreation:
return _readInstanceCreation();
case Tag.FileUriExpression:
return _readFileUriExpression();
case Tag.IsExpression:
return _readIsExpression();
case Tag.AsExpression:
return _readAsExpression();
case Tag.PositiveIntLiteral:
return _readPositiveIntLiteral();
case Tag.NegativeIntLiteral:
return _readNegativeIntLiteral();
case Tag.BigIntLiteral:
return _readBigIntLiteral();
case Tag.DoubleLiteral:
return _readDoubleLiteral();
case Tag.TrueLiteral:
return _readTrueLiteral();
case Tag.FalseLiteral:
return _readFalseLiteral();
case Tag.NullLiteral:
return _readNullLiteral();
case Tag.SymbolLiteral:
return _readSymbolLiteral();
case Tag.TypeLiteral:
return _readTypeLiteral();
case Tag.Rethrow:
return _readRethrow();
case Tag.Throw:
return _readThrow();
case Tag.ListLiteral:
return _readListLiteral();
case Tag.ConstListLiteral:
return _readConstListLiteral();
case Tag.SetLiteral:
return _readSetLiteral();
case Tag.ConstSetLiteral:
return _readConstSetLiteral();
case Tag.MapLiteral:
return _readMapLiteral();
case Tag.ConstMapLiteral:
return _readConstMapLiteral();
case Tag.RecordLiteral:
return _readRecordLiteral();
case Tag.ConstRecordLiteral:
return _readConstRecordLiteral();
case Tag.AwaitExpression:
return _readAwaitExpression();
case Tag.FunctionExpression:
return _readFunctionExpression();
case Tag.Let:
return _readLet();
case Tag.BlockExpression:
return _readBlockExpression();
case Tag.Instantiation:
return _readInstantiation();
case Tag.SwitchExpression:
return _readSwitchExpression();
case Tag.PatternAssignment:
return _readPatternAssignment();
case Tag.FileUriConstantExpression:
return _readFileUriConstantExpression();
throw fail('unexpected expression tag: $tag');
Expression _readLoadLibrary() {
int offset = readOffset();
return new LoadLibrary(readLibraryDependencyReference())
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readCheckLibraryIsLoaded() {
int offset = readOffset();
return new CheckLibraryIsLoaded(readLibraryDependencyReference())
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readInvalidExpression() {
int offset = readOffset();
return new InvalidExpression(
readStringOrNullIfEmpty(), readExpressionOption())
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readVariableGet() {
int offset = readOffset();
return new VariableGet(readVariableReference(), readDartTypeOption())
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readSpecializedVariableGet(int tagByte) {
int index = tagByte & Tag.SpecializedPayloadMask;
int offset = readOffset();
readUInt30(); // offset of the variable declaration in the binary.
return new VariableGet(variableStack[index])..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readVariableSet() {
int offset = readOffset();
return new VariableSet(readVariableReference(), readExpression())
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readSpecializedVariableSet(int tagByte) {
int index = tagByte & Tag.SpecializedPayloadMask;
int offset = readOffset();
readUInt30(); // offset of the variable declaration in the binary.
return new VariableSet(variableStack[index], readExpression())
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readInstanceGet() {
InstanceAccessKind kind = InstanceAccessKind.values[readByte()];
int offset = readOffset();
return new InstanceGet.byReference(kind, readExpression(), readName(),
resultType: readDartType(),
interfaceTargetReference: readNonNullInstanceMemberReference())
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readInstanceTearOff() {
InstanceAccessKind kind = InstanceAccessKind.values[readByte()];
int offset = readOffset();
return new InstanceTearOff.byReference(kind, readExpression(), readName(),
resultType: readDartType(),
interfaceTargetReference: readNonNullInstanceMemberReference())
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readDynamicGet() {
DynamicAccessKind kind = DynamicAccessKind.values[readByte()];
int offset = readOffset();
return new DynamicGet(kind, readExpression(), readName())
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readRecordIndexGet() {
int offset = readOffset();
Expression receiver = readExpression();
RecordType receiverType = readDartType() as RecordType;
int index = readUInt30();
return RecordIndexGet(receiver, receiverType, index)..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readRecordNameGet() {
int offset = readOffset();
Expression receiver = readExpression();
RecordType receiverType = readDartType() as RecordType;
String name = readStringReference();
return RecordNameGet(receiver, receiverType, name)..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readInstanceSet() {
InstanceAccessKind kind = InstanceAccessKind.values[readByte()];
int offset = readOffset();
return new InstanceSet.byReference(
kind, readExpression(), readName(), readExpression(),
interfaceTargetReference: readNonNullInstanceMemberReference())
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readDynamicSet() {
DynamicAccessKind kind = DynamicAccessKind.values[readByte()];
int offset = readOffset();
return new DynamicSet(kind, readExpression(), readName(), readExpression())
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readAbstractSuperPropertyGet() {
int offset = readOffset();
return new AbstractSuperPropertyGet.byReference(
readName(), readNonNullInstanceMemberReference())
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readAbstractSuperPropertySet() {
int offset = readOffset();
return new AbstractSuperPropertySet.byReference(
readName(), readExpression(), readNonNullInstanceMemberReference())
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readSuperPropertyGet() {
int offset = readOffset();
return new SuperPropertyGet.byReference(
readName(), readNonNullInstanceMemberReference())
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readSuperPropertySet() {
int offset = readOffset();
return new SuperPropertySet.byReference(
readName(), readExpression(), readNonNullInstanceMemberReference())
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readStaticGet() {
int offset = readOffset();
return new StaticGet.byReference(readNonNullMemberReference())
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readConstructorTearOff() {
int offset = readOffset();
Reference constructorReference = readNonNullMemberReference();
return new ConstructorTearOff.byReference(constructorReference)
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readTypedefTearOff() {
int offset = readOffset();
List<StructuralParameter> structuralParameters =
Expression expression = readExpression();
List<DartType> typeArguments = readDartTypeList();
typeParameterStack.length -= structuralParameters.length;
return new TypedefTearOff(structuralParameters, expression, typeArguments)
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readRedirectingFactoryTearOff() {
int offset = readOffset();
Reference constructorReference = readNonNullMemberReference();
return new RedirectingFactoryTearOff.byReference(constructorReference)
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readStaticTearOff() {
int offset = readOffset();
return new StaticTearOff.byReference(readNonNullMemberReference())
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readStaticSet() {
int offset = readOffset();
return new StaticSet.byReference(
readNonNullMemberReference(), readExpression())
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readInstanceInvocation() {
InstanceAccessKind kind = InstanceAccessKind.values[readByte()];
int flags = readByte();
int offset = readOffset();
return new InstanceInvocation.byReference(
kind, readExpression(), readName(), readArguments(),
functionType: readDartType() as FunctionType,
interfaceTargetReference: readNonNullInstanceMemberReference())
..fileOffset = offset
..flags = flags;
Expression _readInstanceGetterInvocation() {
InstanceAccessKind kind = InstanceAccessKind.values[readByte()];
int flags = readByte();
int offset = readOffset();
Expression receiver = readExpression();
Name name = readName();
Arguments arguments = readArguments();
DartType functionType = readDartType();
// `const DynamicType()` is used to encode a missing function type.
assert(functionType is FunctionType || functionType is DynamicType,
"Unexpected function type $functionType for InstanceGetterInvocation");
Reference interfaceTargetReference = readNonNullInstanceMemberReference();
return new InstanceGetterInvocation.byReference(
kind, receiver, name, arguments,
functionType: functionType is FunctionType ? functionType : null,
interfaceTargetReference: interfaceTargetReference)
..fileOffset = offset
..flags = flags;
Expression _readDynamicInvocation() {
DynamicAccessKind kind = DynamicAccessKind.values[readByte()];
int flags = readByte();
int offset = readOffset();
return new DynamicInvocation(
kind, readExpression(), readName(), readArguments())
..fileOffset = offset
..flags = flags;
Expression _readFunctionInvocation() {
FunctionAccessKind kind = FunctionAccessKind.values[readByte()];
int offset = readOffset();
Expression receiver = readExpression();
Arguments arguments = readArguments();
DartType functionType = readDartType();
// `const DynamicType()` is used to encode a missing function type.
assert(functionType is FunctionType || functionType is DynamicType,
"Unexpected function type $functionType for FunctionInvocation");
return new FunctionInvocation(kind, receiver, arguments,
functionType: functionType is FunctionType ? functionType : null)
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readFunctionTearOff() {
int offset = readOffset();
return new FunctionTearOff(readExpression())..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readLocalFunctionInvocation() {
int offset = readOffset();
VariableDeclaration variable = readVariableReference();
return new LocalFunctionInvocation(variable, readArguments(),
functionType: readDartType() as FunctionType)
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readEqualsNull() {
int offset = readOffset();
return new EqualsNull(readExpression())..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readEqualsCall() {
int offset = readOffset();
return new EqualsCall.byReference(readExpression(), readExpression(),
functionType: readDartType() as FunctionType,
interfaceTargetReference: readNonNullInstanceMemberReference())
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readAbstractSuperMethodInvocation() {
int offset = readOffset();
return new AbstractSuperMethodInvocation.byReference(
readName(), readArguments(), readNonNullInstanceMemberReference())
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readSuperMethodInvocation() {
int offset = readOffset();
return new SuperMethodInvocation.byReference(
readName(), readArguments(), readNonNullInstanceMemberReference())
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readStaticInvocation() {
int offset = readOffset();
return new StaticInvocation.byReference(
readNonNullMemberReference(), readArguments(),
isConst: false)
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readConstStaticInvocation() {
int offset = readOffset();
return new StaticInvocation.byReference(
readNonNullMemberReference(), readArguments(),
isConst: true)
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readConstructorInvocation() {
int offset = readOffset();
return new ConstructorInvocation.byReference(
readNonNullMemberReference(), readArguments(),
isConst: false)
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readConstConstructorInvocation() {
int offset = readOffset();
return new ConstructorInvocation.byReference(
readNonNullMemberReference(), readArguments(),
isConst: true)
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readNot() {
int offset = readOffset();
return new Not(readExpression())..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readNullCheck() {
int offset = readOffset();
return new NullCheck(readExpression())..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readLogicalExpression() {
int offset = readOffset();
return new LogicalExpression(
readExpression(), logicalOperatorToEnum(readByte()), readExpression())
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readConditionalExpression() {
int offset = readOffset();
return new ConditionalExpression(
// TODO(johnniwinther): Change this to use `readDartType`.
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readStringConcatenation() {
int offset = readOffset();
return new StringConcatenation(readExpressionList())..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readListConcatenation() {
int offset = readOffset();
DartType typeArgument = readDartType();
return new ListConcatenation(readExpressionList(),
typeArgument: typeArgument)
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readSetConcatenation() {
int offset = readOffset();
DartType typeArgument = readDartType();
return new SetConcatenation(readExpressionList(),
typeArgument: typeArgument)
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readMapConcatenation() {
int offset = readOffset();
DartType keyType = readDartType();
DartType valueType = readDartType();
return new MapConcatenation(readExpressionList(),
keyType: keyType, valueType: valueType)
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readInstanceCreation() {
int offset = readOffset();
Reference classReference = readNonNullClassReference();
List<DartType> typeArguments = readDartTypeList();
int fieldValueCount = readUInt30();
Map<Reference, Expression> fieldValues = <Reference, Expression>{};
for (int i = 0; i < fieldValueCount; i++) {
final Reference fieldRef = readNonNullCanonicalNameReference().reference;
final Expression value = readExpression();
fieldValues[fieldRef] = value;
int assertCount = readUInt30();
List<AssertStatement> asserts;
if (!useGrowableLists && assertCount == 0) {
// When lists don't have to be growable anyway, we might as well use an
// almost constant one for the empty list.
asserts = emptyListOfAssertStatement;
} else {
asserts = new List<AssertStatement>.generate(
assertCount, (_) => readStatement() as AssertStatement,
growable: false);
List<Expression> unusedArguments = readExpressionList();
return new InstanceCreation(
classReference, typeArguments, fieldValues, asserts, unusedArguments)
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readFileUriExpression() {
Uri fileUri = readUriReference();
int offset = readOffset();
return new FileUriExpression(readExpression(), fileUri)
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readIsExpression() {
int offset = readOffset();
return new IsExpression(readExpression(), readDartType())
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readAsExpression() {
int offset = readOffset();
int flags = readByte();
return new AsExpression(readExpression(), readDartType())
..fileOffset = offset
..flags = flags;
Expression _readStringLiteral() {
int offset = readOffset();
return new StringLiteral(readStringReference())..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readSpecializedIntLiteral(int tagByte) {
int biasedValue = tagByte & Tag.SpecializedPayloadMask;
return new IntLiteral(biasedValue - Tag.SpecializedIntLiteralBias)
..fileOffset = readOffset();
Expression _readPositiveIntLiteral() {
int offset = readOffset();
int value = readUInt30();
return new IntLiteral(value)..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readNegativeIntLiteral() {
int offset = readOffset();
int value = -readUInt30();
return new IntLiteral(value)..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readBigIntLiteral() {
int offset = readOffset();
int value = int.parse(readStringReference());
return new IntLiteral(value)..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readDoubleLiteral() {
int offset = readOffset();
double value = readDouble();
return new DoubleLiteral(value)..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readTrueLiteral() {
return new BoolLiteral(true)..fileOffset = readOffset();
Expression _readFalseLiteral() {
return new BoolLiteral(false)..fileOffset = readOffset();
Expression _readNullLiteral() {
return new NullLiteral()..fileOffset = readOffset();
Expression _readSymbolLiteral() {
int offset = readOffset();
String value = readStringReference();
return new SymbolLiteral(value)..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readTypeLiteral() {
int offset = readOffset();
return new TypeLiteral(readDartType())..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readThisLiteral() {
return new ThisExpression()..fileOffset = readOffset();
Expression _readRethrow() {
int offset = readOffset();
return new Rethrow()..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readThrow() {
int offset = readOffset();
int flags = readByte();
return new Throw(readExpression())
..fileOffset = offset
..flags = flags;
Expression _readListLiteral() {
int offset = readOffset();
DartType typeArgument = readDartType();
return new ListLiteral(readExpressionList(),
typeArgument: typeArgument, isConst: false)
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readConstListLiteral() {
int offset = readOffset();
DartType typeArgument = readDartType();
return new ListLiteral(readExpressionList(),
typeArgument: typeArgument, isConst: true)
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readSetLiteral() {
int offset = readOffset();
DartType typeArgument = readDartType();
return new SetLiteral(readExpressionList(),
typeArgument: typeArgument, isConst: false)
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readConstSetLiteral() {
int offset = readOffset();
DartType typeArgument = readDartType();
return new SetLiteral(readExpressionList(),
typeArgument: typeArgument, isConst: true)
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readMapLiteral() {
int offset = readOffset();
DartType keyType = readDartType();
DartType valueType = readDartType();
return new MapLiteral(readMapLiteralEntryList(),
keyType: keyType, valueType: valueType, isConst: false)
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readConstMapLiteral() {
int offset = readOffset();
DartType keyType = readDartType();
DartType valueType = readDartType();
return new MapLiteral(readMapLiteralEntryList(),
keyType: keyType, valueType: valueType, isConst: true)
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readRecordLiteral() {
int offset = readOffset();
List<Expression> positional = readExpressionList();
List<NamedExpression> named = readNamedExpressionList();
RecordType recordType = readDartType() as RecordType;
return new RecordLiteral(positional, named, recordType, isConst: false)
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readConstRecordLiteral() {
int offset = readOffset();
List<Expression> positional = readExpressionList();
List<NamedExpression> named = readNamedExpressionList();
RecordType recordType = readDartType() as RecordType;
return new RecordLiteral(positional, named, recordType, isConst: true)
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readAwaitExpression() {
int offset = readOffset();
return new AwaitExpression(readExpression())
..fileOffset = offset
..runtimeCheckType = readDartTypeOption();
Expression _readFunctionExpression() {
int offset = readOffset();
return new FunctionExpression(readFunctionNode())..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readLet() {
int offset = readOffset();
VariableDeclaration variable = readVariableDeclaration();
int stackHeight = variableStack.length;
Expression body = readExpression();
variableStack.length = stackHeight;
return new Let(variable, body)..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readBlockExpression() {
int offset = readOffset();
int stackHeight = variableStack.length;
List<Statement> statements = readStatementListAlwaysGrowable();
Expression value = readExpression();
variableStack.length = stackHeight;
return new BlockExpression(new Block(statements), value)
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readInstantiation() {
int offset = readOffset();
Expression expression = readExpression();
List<DartType> typeArguments = readDartTypeList();
return new Instantiation(expression, typeArguments)..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readConstantExpression() {
int offset = readOffset();
DartType type = readDartType();
Constant constant = readConstantReference();
return new ConstantExpression(constant, type)..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _readFileUriConstantExpression() {
int offset = readOffset();
Uri fileUri = readUriReference();
DartType type = readDartType();
Constant constant = readConstantReference();
return new FileUriConstantExpression(constant, type: type, fileUri: fileUri)
..fileOffset = offset;
List<MapLiteralEntry> readMapLiteralEntryList() {
int length = readUInt30();
if (!useGrowableLists && length == 0) {
// When lists don't have to be growable anyway, we might as well use an
// almost constant one for the empty list.
return emptyListOfMapLiteralEntry;
return new List<MapLiteralEntry>.generate(length, (_) => readMapEntry(),
growable: useGrowableLists);
MapLiteralEntry readMapEntry() {
return new MapLiteralEntry(readExpression(), readExpression());
Pattern _readPattern() {
int tag = readByte();
switch (tag) {
case Tag.AndPattern:
return _readAndPattern();
case Tag.AssignedVariablePattern:
return _readAssignedVariablePattern();
case Tag.CastPattern:
return _readCastPattern();
case Tag.ConstantPattern:
return _readConstantPattern();
case Tag.InvalidPattern:
return _readInvalidPattern();
case Tag.ListPattern:
return _readListPattern();
case Tag.MapPattern:
return _readMapPattern();
case Tag.NamedPattern:
return _readNamedPattern();
case Tag.NullAssertPattern:
return _readNullAssertPattern();
case Tag.NullCheckPattern:
return _readNullCheckPattern();
case Tag.ObjectPattern:
return _readObjectPattern();
case Tag.OrPattern:
return _readOrPattern();
case Tag.RecordPattern:
return _readRecordPattern();
case Tag.RelationalPattern:
return _readRelationalPattern();
case Tag.RestPattern:
return _readRestPattern();
case Tag.VariablePattern:
return _readVariablePattern();
case Tag.WildcardPattern:
return _readWildcardPattern();
throw fail('unexpected pattern tag: $tag');
Pattern? _readOptionalPattern() {
return readAndCheckOptionTag() ? _readPattern() : null;
List<Pattern> _readPatternList() {
int length = readUInt30();
if (!useGrowableLists && length == 0) {
// When lists don't have to be growable anyway, we might as well use an
// almost constant one for the empty list.
return emptyListOfPattern;
return new List<Pattern>.generate(length, (_) => _readPattern(),
growable: useGrowableLists);
List<NamedPattern> _readNamedPatternList() {
int length = readUInt30();
if (!useGrowableLists && length == 0) {
// When lists don't have to be growable anyway, we might as well use an
// almost constant one for the empty list.
return emptyListOfNamedPattern;
return new List<NamedPattern>.generate(
length, (_) => _readPattern() as NamedPattern,
growable: useGrowableLists);
List<VariableDeclaration> _readVariableReferenceList() {
int length = readUInt30();
if (!useGrowableLists && length == 0) {
// When lists don't have to be growable anyway, we might as well use an
// almost constant one for the empty list.
return emptyListOfVariableDeclaration;
return new List<VariableDeclaration>.generate(
length, (_) => readVariableReference(),
growable: useGrowableLists);
List<MapPatternEntry> _readMapPatternEntryList() {
int length = readUInt30();
if (!useGrowableLists && length == 0) {
// When lists don't have to be growable anyway, we might as well use an
// almost constant one for the empty list.
return emptyListOfMapPatternEntry;
return new List<MapPatternEntry>.generate(
length, (_) => _readMapPatternEntry(),
growable: useGrowableLists);
AndPattern _readAndPattern() {
int fileOffset = readOffset();
return new AndPattern(_readPattern(), _readPattern())
..fileOffset = fileOffset;
AssignedVariablePattern _readAssignedVariablePattern() {
int fileOffset = readOffset();
VariableDeclaration variable = readVariableReference();
DartType? matchedType = readDartTypeOption();
bool needsCheck = readByte() == 1;
return AssignedVariablePattern(variable)
..fileOffset = fileOffset
..matchedValueType = matchedType
..needsCast = needsCheck;
CastPattern _readCastPattern() {
int fileOffset = readOffset();
return new CastPattern(_readPattern(), readDartType())
..fileOffset = fileOffset;
ConstantPattern _readConstantPattern() {
int fileOffset = readOffset();
Expression expression = readExpression();
DartType? expressionType = readDartTypeOption();
Reference? equalsTargetReference = readNullableMemberReference();
FunctionType? equalsType = readDartTypeOption() as FunctionType?;
return new ConstantPattern(expression)
..expressionType = expressionType
..equalsTargetReference = equalsTargetReference
..equalsType = equalsType
..fileOffset = fileOffset;
InvalidPattern _readInvalidPattern() {
int fileOffset = readOffset();
Expression invalidExpression = readExpression();
List<VariableDeclaration> declaredVariables =
return InvalidPattern(invalidExpression,
declaredVariables: declaredVariables)
..fileOffset = fileOffset;
ListPattern _readListPattern() {
int fileOffset = readOffset();
DartType? typeArgument = readDartTypeOption();
List<Pattern> patterns = _readPatternList();
DartType? requiredType = readDartTypeOption();
DartType? matchedValueType = readDartTypeOption();
int flags = readByte();
bool needsCheck = flags & 0x1 != 0;
bool hasRestPattern = flags & 0x2 != 0;
DartType? lookupType = readDartTypeOption();
Reference? lengthTargetReference = readNullableMemberReference();
DartType? lengthType = readDartTypeOption();
Reference? lengthCheckTargetReference = readNullableMemberReference();
FunctionType? lengthCheckType = readDartTypeOption() as FunctionType?;
Reference? sublistTargetReference = readNullableMemberReference();
FunctionType? sublistType = readDartTypeOption() as FunctionType?;
Reference? minusTargetReference = readNullableMemberReference();
FunctionType? minusType = readDartTypeOption() as FunctionType?;
Reference? indexGetTargetReference = readNullableMemberReference();
FunctionType? indexGetType = readDartTypeOption() as FunctionType?;
return new ListPattern(typeArgument, patterns)
..requiredType = requiredType
..matchedValueType = matchedValueType
..needsCheck = needsCheck
..lookupType = lookupType
..hasRestPattern = hasRestPattern
..lengthTargetReference = lengthTargetReference
..lengthType = lengthType
..lengthCheckTargetReference = lengthCheckTargetReference
..lengthCheckType = lengthCheckType
..sublistTargetReference = sublistTargetReference
..sublistType = sublistType
..minusTargetReference = minusTargetReference
..minusType = minusType
..indexGetTargetReference = indexGetTargetReference
..indexGetType = indexGetType
..fileOffset = fileOffset;
MapPattern _readMapPattern() {
int fileOffset = readOffset();
DartType? keyType = readDartTypeOption();
DartType? valueType = readDartTypeOption();
List<MapPatternEntry> entries = _readMapPatternEntryList();
DartType? requiredType = readDartTypeOption();
DartType? matchedValueType = readDartTypeOption();
int flags = readByte();
bool needsCheck = flags & 0x1 != 0;
DartType? lookupType = readDartTypeOption();
Reference? containsKeyTargetReference = readNullableMemberReference();
FunctionType? containsKeyType = readDartTypeOption() as FunctionType?;
Reference? indexGetTargetReference = readNullableMemberReference();
FunctionType? indexGetType = readDartTypeOption() as FunctionType?;
return new MapPattern(keyType, valueType, entries)
..requiredType = requiredType
..matchedValueType = matchedValueType
..needsCheck = needsCheck
..lookupType = lookupType
..containsKeyTargetReference = containsKeyTargetReference
..containsKeyType = containsKeyType
..indexGetTargetReference = indexGetTargetReference
..indexGetType = indexGetType
..fileOffset = fileOffset;
NamedPattern _readNamedPattern() {
int fileOffset = readOffset();
String name = readStringReference();
Pattern pattern = _readPattern();
Name fieldName = readName();
ObjectAccessKind accessKind = ObjectAccessKind.values[readByte()];
Reference? targetReference = readNullableMemberReference();
DartType? resultType = readDartTypeOption();
RecordType? recordType = readDartTypeOption() as RecordType?;
int recordFieldIndex = readUInt30();
FunctionType? functionType = readDartTypeOption() as FunctionType?;
List<DartType>? typeArguments;
if (readAndCheckOptionTag()) {
typeArguments = readDartTypeList();
return new NamedPattern(name, pattern)
..fieldName = fieldName
..accessKind = accessKind
..targetReference = targetReference
..resultType = resultType
..recordType = recordType
..recordFieldIndex = recordFieldIndex
..functionType = functionType
..typeArguments = typeArguments
..fileOffset = fileOffset;
NullAssertPattern _readNullAssertPattern() {
int fileOffset = readOffset();
Pattern pattern = _readPattern();
return new NullAssertPattern(pattern)..fileOffset = fileOffset;
NullCheckPattern _readNullCheckPattern() {
int fileOffset = readOffset();
Pattern pattern = _readPattern();
return new NullCheckPattern(pattern)..fileOffset = fileOffset;
ObjectPattern _readObjectPattern() {
int fileOffset = readOffset();
DartType type = readDartType();
List<NamedPattern> fields = _readNamedPatternList();
DartType? matchedType = readDartTypeOption();
bool needsCheck = readByte() == 1;
DartType? objectType = readDartTypeOption();
return new ObjectPattern(type, fields)
..matchedValueType = matchedType
..needsCheck = needsCheck
..lookupType = objectType
..fileOffset = fileOffset;
OrPattern _readOrPattern() {
int fileOffset = readOffset();
Pattern left = _readPattern();
Pattern right = _readPattern();
List<VariableDeclaration> orPatternJointVariables =
return new OrPattern(left, right,
orPatternJointVariables: orPatternJointVariables)
..fileOffset = fileOffset;
RecordPattern _readRecordPattern() {
int fileOffset = readOffset();
List<Pattern> patterns = _readPatternList();
RecordType? type = readDartTypeOption() as RecordType?;
DartType? matchedType = readDartTypeOption();
bool needsCheck = readByte() == 1;
RecordType? recordType = readDartTypeOption() as RecordType?;
return new RecordPattern(patterns)
..requiredType = type
..matchedValueType = matchedType
..needsCheck = needsCheck
..lookupType = recordType
..fileOffset = fileOffset;
RelationalPattern _readRelationalPattern() {
int fileOffset = readOffset();
RelationalPatternKind kind = RelationalPatternKind.values[readByte()];
Expression expression = readExpression();
DartType? expressionType = readDartTypeOption();
DartType? matchedType = readDartTypeOption();
RelationalAccessKind accessKind = RelationalAccessKind.values[readByte()];
Name name = readName();
Reference? targetReference = readNullableMemberReference();
List<DartType>? typeArguments;
if (readAndCheckOptionTag()) {
typeArguments = readDartTypeList();
FunctionType? functionType = readDartTypeOption() as FunctionType?;
return new RelationalPattern(kind, expression)
..expressionType = expressionType
..matchedValueType = matchedType
..accessKind = accessKind = name
..targetReference = targetReference
..typeArguments = typeArguments
..functionType = functionType
..fileOffset = fileOffset;
RestPattern _readRestPattern() {
int fileOffset = readOffset();
Pattern? subPattern = _readOptionalPattern();
return new RestPattern(subPattern)..fileOffset = fileOffset;
VariablePattern _readVariablePattern() {
int fileOffset = readOffset();
DartType? type = readDartTypeOption();
VariableDeclaration variable = readVariableDeclaration();
DartType? matchedType = readDartTypeOption();
return new VariablePattern(type, variable)
..matchedValueType = matchedType
..fileOffset = fileOffset;
WildcardPattern _readWildcardPattern() {
int fileOffset = readOffset();
DartType? type = readDartTypeOption();
return new WildcardPattern(type)..fileOffset = fileOffset;
MapPatternEntry _readMapPatternEntry() {
int tag = readByte();
switch (tag) {
case Tag.MapPatternEntry:
int fileOffset = readOffset();
Expression key = readExpression();
Pattern value = _readPattern();
DartType? keyType = readDartTypeOption();
return new MapPatternEntry(key, value)
..keyType = keyType
..fileOffset = fileOffset;
case Tag.MapPatternRestEntry:
int fileOffset = readOffset();
return new MapPatternRestEntry()..fileOffset = fileOffset;
throw fail('unexpected pattern tag: $tag');
SwitchExpression _readSwitchExpression() {
int fileOffset = readOffset();
Expression expression = readExpression();
DartType? expressionType = readDartTypeOption();
List<SwitchExpressionCase> cases = _readSwitchExpressionCaseList();
DartType? staticType = readDartTypeOption();
return new SwitchExpression(expression, cases)
..expressionType = expressionType
..staticType = staticType
..fileOffset = fileOffset;
List<SwitchExpressionCase> _readSwitchExpressionCaseList() {
int length = readUInt30();
if (!useGrowableLists && length == 0) {
// When lists don't have to be growable anyway, we might as well use an
// almost constant one for the empty list.
return emptyListOfSwitchExpressionCase;
return new List<SwitchExpressionCase>.generate(
length, (_) => _readSwitchExpressionCase(),
growable: useGrowableLists);
SwitchExpressionCase _readSwitchExpressionCase() {
int fileOffset = readOffset();
PatternGuard patternGuard = _readPatternGuard();
Expression expression = readExpression();
return new SwitchExpressionCase(patternGuard, expression)
..fileOffset = fileOffset;
PatternGuard _readPatternGuard() {
int fileOffset = readOffset();
Pattern pattern = _readPattern();
Expression? guard = readExpressionOption();
return new PatternGuard(pattern, guard)..fileOffset = fileOffset;
IfCaseStatement _readIfCaseStatement() {
int fileOffset = readOffset();
Expression expression = readExpression();
PatternGuard patternGuard = _readPatternGuard();
Statement then = readStatement();
Statement? otherwise = readStatementOption();
DartType? matchedValueType = readDartTypeOption();
return new IfCaseStatement(expression, patternGuard, then, otherwise)
..matchedValueType = matchedValueType
..fileOffset = fileOffset;
PatternAssignment _readPatternAssignment() {
int fileOffset = readOffset();
Pattern pattern = _readPattern();
Expression expression = readExpression();
DartType? matchedValueType = readDartTypeOption();
return new PatternAssignment(pattern, expression)
..matchedValueType = matchedValueType
..fileOffset = fileOffset;
PatternVariableDeclaration _readPatternVariableDeclaration() {
int fileOffset = readOffset();
Pattern pattern = _readPattern();
Expression expression = readExpression();
bool isFinal = readByte() == 1;
DartType? matchedValueType = readDartTypeOption();
return new PatternVariableDeclaration(pattern, expression, isFinal: isFinal)
..matchedValueType = matchedValueType
..fileOffset = fileOffset;
PatternSwitchStatement _readPatternSwitchStatement() {
int fileOffset = readOffset();
Expression expression = readExpression();
DartType? expressionType = readDartTypeOption();
int count = readUInt30();
List<PatternSwitchCase> cases;
if (!useGrowableLists && count == 0) {
// When lists don't have to be growable anyway, we might as well use an
// almost constant one for the empty list.
cases = emptyListOfPatternSwitchCase;
} else {
cases = new List<PatternSwitchCase>.generate(
(_) => new PatternSwitchCase([], [], dummyStatement,
isDefault: false,
hasLabel: false,
jointVariables: [],
jointVariableFirstUseOffsets: null),
growable: useGrowableLists);
for (int i = 0; i < cases.length; ++i) {
switchCaseStack.length -= count;
return new PatternSwitchStatement(expression, cases)
..expressionTypeInternal = expressionType
..fileOffset = fileOffset;
void _readPatternSwitchCaseInto(PatternSwitchCase caseNode) {
int variableCount = readUInt30();
for (int i = 0; i < variableCount; ++i) {
caseNode.jointVariables.add(readVariableDeclaration()..parent = caseNode);
int caseCount = readUInt30();
for (int i = 0; i < caseCount; ++i) {
caseNode.patternGuards.add(_readPatternGuard()..parent = caseNode);
int flags = readByte();
caseNode.isDefault = (flags & 0x1) != 0;
caseNode.hasLabel = (flags & 0x2) != 0;
caseNode.body = readStatement()..parent = caseNode;
List<Statement> readStatementListAlwaysGrowable() {
int length = readUInt30();
return new List<Statement>.generate(length, (_) => readStatement(),
growable: true);
Statement? readStatementOrNullIfEmpty() {
Statement node = readStatement();
if (node is EmptyStatement) {
return null;
} else {
return node;
Statement? readStatementOption() {
return readAndCheckOptionTag() ? readStatement() : null;
Statement readStatement() {
int tag = readByte();
switch (tag) {
// 23.90% (14.98% - 41.04%).
case Tag.ReturnStatement:
return _readReturnStatement();
// 22.74% (15.27% - 32.36%).
case Tag.ExpressionStatement:
return _readExpressionStatement();
// 21.29% (17.70% - 25.00%).
case Tag.Block:
return _readBlock();
// 9.62% (6.92% - 12.64%).
case Tag.VariableDeclaration:
return _readVariableDeclaration();
// 9.28% (6.69% - 11.18%).
case Tag.EmptyStatement:
return _readEmptyStatement();
// 9.06% (6.03% - 11.58%).
case Tag.IfStatement:
return _readIfStatement();
// The rest is < 2% on average in sampled dills.
case Tag.AssertBlock:
return _readAssertBlock();
case Tag.AssertStatement:
return _readAssertStatement();
case Tag.LabeledStatement:
return _readLabeledStatement();
case Tag.BreakStatement:
return _readBreakStatement();
case Tag.WhileStatement:
return _readWhileStatement();
case Tag.DoStatement:
return _readDoStatement();
case Tag.ForStatement:
return _readForStatement();
case Tag.ForInStatement:
case Tag.AsyncForInStatement:
return _readForInStatement(tag);
case Tag.SwitchStatement:
return _readSwitchStatement();
case Tag.ContinueSwitchStatement:
return _readContinueSwitchStatement();
case Tag.TryCatch:
return _readTryCatch();
case Tag.TryFinally:
return _readTryFinally();
case Tag.YieldStatement:
return _readYieldStatement();
case Tag.FunctionDeclaration:
return _readFunctionDeclaration();
case Tag.IfCaseStatement:
return _readIfCaseStatement();
case Tag.PatternVariableDeclaration:
return _readPatternVariableDeclaration();
case Tag.PatternSwitchStatement:
return _readPatternSwitchStatement();
throw fail('unexpected statement tag: $tag');
Statement _readExpressionStatement() {
return new ExpressionStatement(readExpression());
Statement _readEmptyStatement() {
return new EmptyStatement();
Statement _readAssertStatement() {
return new AssertStatement(readExpression(),
conditionStartOffset: readOffset(),
conditionEndOffset: readOffset(),
message: readExpressionOption());
Statement _readLabeledStatement() {
LabeledStatement label = new LabeledStatement(null);
int offset = readOffset();
label.fileOffset = offset;
label.body = readStatement()..parent = label;
return label;
Statement _readBreakStatement() {
int offset = readOffset();
int index = readUInt30();
return new BreakStatement(labelStack[labelStackBase + index])
..fileOffset = offset;
Statement _readWhileStatement() {
int offset = readOffset();
return new WhileStatement(readExpression(), readStatement())
..fileOffset = offset;
Statement _readDoStatement() {
int offset = readOffset();
return new DoStatement(readStatement(), readExpression())
..fileOffset = offset;
Statement _readForStatement() {
int variableStackHeight = variableStack.length;
int offset = readOffset();
List<VariableDeclaration> variables = readAndPushVariableDeclarationList();
Expression? condition = readExpressionOption();
List<Expression> updates = readExpressionList();
Statement body = readStatement();
variableStack.length = variableStackHeight;
return new ForStatement(variables, condition, updates, body)
..fileOffset = offset;
Statement _readForInStatement(int tag) {
bool isAsync = tag == Tag.AsyncForInStatement;
int variableStackHeight = variableStack.length;
int offset = readOffset();
int bodyOffset = readOffset();
VariableDeclaration variable = readAndPushVariableDeclaration();
Expression iterable = readExpression();
Statement body = readStatement();
variableStack.length = variableStackHeight;
return new ForInStatement(variable, iterable, body, isAsync: isAsync)
..fileOffset = offset
..bodyOffset = bodyOffset;
Statement _readSwitchStatement() {
int offset = readOffset();
bool isExplicitlyExhaustive = readByte() == 1;
Expression expression = readExpression();
DartType? expressionType = readDartTypeOption();
int count = readUInt30();
List<SwitchCase> cases;
if (!useGrowableLists && count == 0) {
// When lists don't have to be growable anyway, we might as well use an
// almost constant one for the empty list.
cases = emptyListOfSwitchCase;
} else {
cases = new List<SwitchCase>.generate(
(_) => new SwitchCase(<Expression>[], <int>[], dummyStatement,
isDefault: false),
growable: useGrowableLists);
for (int i = 0; i < cases.length; ++i) {
switchCaseStack.length -= count;
return new SwitchStatement(expression, cases,
isExplicitlyExhaustive: isExplicitlyExhaustive)
..expressionTypeInternal = expressionType
..fileOffset = offset;
Statement _readContinueSwitchStatement() {
int offset = readOffset();
int index = readUInt30();
return new ContinueSwitchStatement(
switchCaseStack[switchCaseStackBase + index])
..fileOffset = offset;
Statement _readIfStatement() {
int offset = readOffset();
return new IfStatement(
readExpression(), readStatement(), readStatementOrNullIfEmpty())
..fileOffset = offset;
Statement _readReturnStatement() {
int offset = readOffset();
return new ReturnStatement(readExpressionOption())..fileOffset = offset;
Statement _readTryCatch() {
int offset = readOffset();
Statement body = readStatement();
int flags = readByte();
return new TryCatch(body, readCatchList(), isSynthetic: flags & 2 == 2)
..fileOffset = offset;
Statement _readTryFinally() {
int offset = readOffset();
return new TryFinally(readStatement(), readStatement())
..fileOffset = offset;
Statement _readYieldStatement() {
int offset = readOffset();
int flags = readByte();
return new YieldStatement(readExpression(),
isYieldStar: flags & YieldStatement.FlagYieldStar != 0)
..fileOffset = offset;
Statement _readVariableDeclaration() {
VariableDeclaration variable = readVariableDeclaration();
variableStack.add(variable); // Will be popped by the enclosing scope.
return variable;
Statement _readFunctionDeclaration() {
int offset = readOffset();
VariableDeclaration variable = readVariableDeclaration();
variableStack.add(variable); // Will be popped by the enclosing scope.
return new FunctionDeclaration(variable, readFunctionNode())
..fileOffset = offset;
void _readSwitchCaseInto(SwitchCase caseNode) {
int offset = readOffset();
caseNode.fileOffset = offset;
int length = readUInt30();
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
caseNode.expressions.add(readExpression()..parent = caseNode);
caseNode.isDefault = readByte() == 1;
caseNode.body = readStatement()..parent = caseNode;
List<Catch> readCatchList() {
int length = readUInt30();
if (!useGrowableLists && length == 0) {
// When lists don't have to be growable anyway, we might as well use an
// almost constant one for the empty list.
return emptyListOfCatch;
return new List<Catch>.generate(length, (_) => readCatch(),
growable: useGrowableLists);
Catch readCatch() {
int variableStackHeight = variableStack.length;
int offset = readOffset();
DartType guard = readDartType();
VariableDeclaration? exception = readAndPushVariableDeclarationOption();
VariableDeclaration? stackTrace = readAndPushVariableDeclarationOption();
Statement body = readStatement();
variableStack.length = variableStackHeight;
return new Catch(exception, body, guard: guard, stackTrace: stackTrace)
..fileOffset = offset;
Block _readBlock() {
int stackHeight = variableStack.length;
int offset = readOffset();
int endOffset = readOffset();
List<Statement> body = readStatementListAlwaysGrowable();
variableStack.length = stackHeight;
return new Block(body)
..fileOffset = offset
..fileEndOffset = endOffset;
AssertBlock _readAssertBlock() {
int stackHeight = variableStack.length;
List<Statement> body = readStatementListAlwaysGrowable();
variableStack.length = stackHeight;
return new AssertBlock(body);
Supertype readSupertype() {
InterfaceType type = readDartType(forSupertype: true) as InterfaceType;
type.nullability == _currentLibrary!.nonNullable,
"In serialized form supertypes should have Nullability.legacy if they "
"are in a library that is opted out of the NNBD feature. If they are "
"in an opted-in library, they should have Nullability.nonNullable.");
return new Supertype.byReference(type.classReference, type.typeArguments);
Supertype? readSupertypeOption() {
return readAndCheckOptionTag() ? readSupertype() : null;
List<Supertype> readSupertypeList([List<Supertype>? result]) {
int length = readUInt30();
if (!useGrowableLists && length == 0) {
// When lists don't have to be growable anyway, we might as well use an
// almost constant one for the empty list.
return emptyListOfSupertype;
if (result != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
return result;
} else {
return new List<Supertype>.generate(length, (_) => readSupertype(),
growable: useGrowableLists);
List<DartType> readDartTypeList() {
int length = readUInt30();
if (!useGrowableLists && length == 0) {
// When lists don't have to be growable anyway, we might as well use an
// almost constant one for the empty list.
return emptyListOfDartType;
return new List<DartType>.generate(length, (_) => readDartType(),
growable: useGrowableLists);
List<NamedType> readNamedTypeList() {
int length = readUInt30();
if (!useGrowableLists && length == 0) {
// When lists don't have to be growable anyway, we might as well use a
// constant one for the empty list.
return emptyListOfNamedType;
return new List<NamedType>.generate(length, (_) => readNamedType(),
growable: useGrowableLists);
NamedType readNamedType() {
String name = readStringReference();
DartType type = readDartType();
int flags = readByte();
return new NamedType(name, type,
isRequired: (flags & NamedType.FlagRequiredNamedType) != 0);
DartType? readDartTypeOption() {
return readAndCheckOptionTag() ? readDartType() : null;
DartType readDartType({bool forSupertype = false}) {
int tag = readByte();
switch (tag) {
// 67.66% (59.53% - 77.94%).
case Tag.SimpleInterfaceType:
return _readSimpleInterfaceType(forSupertype);
// 11.64% (9.11% - 15.49%).
case Tag.SimpleFunctionType:
return _readSimpleFunctionType();
// 7.33% (5.11% - 8.76%).
case Tag.InterfaceType:
return _readInterfaceType();
// 5.84% (4.13% - 8.86%).
case Tag.VoidType:
return _readVoidType();
// 3.64% (1.20% - 7.55%).
case Tag.TypeParameterType:
return _readTypeParameterType();
// 2.75% (1.03% - 4.13%).
case Tag.DynamicType:
return _readDynamicType();
// The rest is < 2% on average in sampled dills.
case Tag.TypedefType:
return _readTypedefType();
case Tag.InvalidType:
return _readInvalidType();
case Tag.NeverType:
return _readNeverType();
case Tag.NullType:
return _readNullType();
case Tag.ExtensionType:
return _readExtensionType();
case Tag.FunctionType:
return _readFunctionType();
case Tag.IntersectionType:
return _readIntersectionType();
case Tag.RecordType:
return _readRecordType();
case Tag.FutureOrType:
return _readFutureOrType();
throw fail('unexpected dart type tag: $tag');
DartType _readTypedefType() {
int nullabilityIndex = readByte();
return new TypedefType.byReference(readNonNullTypedefReference(),
Nullability.values[nullabilityIndex], readDartTypeList());
DartType _readInvalidType() {
return const InvalidType();
DartType _readDynamicType() {
return const DynamicType();
DartType _readVoidType() {
return const VoidType();
DartType _readNeverType() {
int nullabilityIndex = readByte();
return NeverType.fromNullability(Nullability.values[nullabilityIndex]);
DartType _readNullType() {
return const NullType();
DartType _readInterfaceType() {
int nullabilityIndex = readByte();
Reference reference = readNonNullClassReference();
List<DartType> typeArguments = readDartTypeList();
return new InterfaceType.byReference(
reference, Nullability.values[nullabilityIndex], typeArguments);
DartType _readSimpleInterfaceType(bool forSupertype) {
final int nullabilityIndex = readByte();
final int classReferenceIndex = readUInt30();
final CanonicalName? canonicalName =
if (canonicalName == null) {
throw 'Expected a class reference to be valid but was `null`.';
// Check cache.
final int cacheIndex =
(classReferenceIndex - 1) * Nullability.values.length +
final DartType? cached = _cachedSimpleInterfaceTypes[cacheIndex];
if (cached != null) {
return cached;
// Not in cache.
final Reference classReference = canonicalName.reference;
final DartType result = new InterfaceType.byReference(classReference,
Nullability.values[nullabilityIndex], const <DartType>[]);
_cachedSimpleInterfaceTypes[cacheIndex] = result;
return result;
DartType _readFutureOrType() {
int nullabilityIndex = readByte();
DartType typeArgument = readDartType();
return new FutureOrType(typeArgument, Nullability.values[nullabilityIndex]);
DartType _readExtensionType() {
int nullabilityIndex = readByte();
Reference reference = readNonNullExtensionTypeDeclarationReference();
List<DartType> typeArguments = readDartTypeList();
readDartType(); // Read type erasure.
return new ExtensionType.byReference(
reference, Nullability.values[nullabilityIndex], typeArguments);
DartType _readFunctionType() {
int typeParameterStackHeight = typeParameterStack.length;
int nullabilityIndex = readByte();
List<StructuralParameter> typeParameters =
int requiredParameterCount = readUInt30();
int totalParameterCount = readUInt30();
List<DartType> positional = readDartTypeList();
List<NamedType> named = readNamedTypeList();
assert(positional.length + named.length == totalParameterCount);
DartType returnType = readDartType();
typeParameterStack.length = typeParameterStackHeight;
return new FunctionType(
positional, returnType, Nullability.values[nullabilityIndex],
typeParameters: typeParameters,
requiredParameterCount: requiredParameterCount,
namedParameters: named);
DartType _readSimpleFunctionType() {
int nullabilityIndex = readByte();
List<DartType> positional = readDartTypeList();
DartType returnType = readDartType();
if (positional.isEmpty && returnType is VoidType) {
// "FunctionType(void Function())" with different nullabilities.
_voidFunctionFunctionTypesCache.length == Nullability.values.length);
FunctionType? cached = _voidFunctionFunctionTypesCache[nullabilityIndex];
if (cached != null) {
return cached;
FunctionType result = new FunctionType(
const [], const VoidType(), Nullability.values[nullabilityIndex]);
_voidFunctionFunctionTypesCache[nullabilityIndex] = result;
return result;
return new FunctionType(
positional, returnType, Nullability.values[nullabilityIndex]);
DartType _readTypeParameterType() {
int declaredNullabilityIndex = readByte();
int index = readUInt30();
Object typeParameter = typeParameterStack[index];
if (typeParameter is TypeParameter) {
return new TypeParameterType(
typeParameter, Nullability.values[declaredNullabilityIndex]);
} else {
typeParameter as StructuralParameter;
return new StructuralParameterType(
typeParameter, Nullability.values[declaredNullabilityIndex]);
DartType _readIntersectionType() {
TypeParameterType left = readDartType() as TypeParameterType;
DartType right = readDartType();
return new IntersectionType(left, right);
DartType _readRecordType() {
int nullabilityIndex = readByte();
List<DartType> positional = readDartTypeList();
List<NamedType> named = readNamedTypeList();
return new RecordType(
positional, named, Nullability.values[nullabilityIndex]);
List<TypeParameter> readAndPushTypeParameterList(
[List<TypeParameter>? list, GenericDeclaration? declaration]) {
int length = readUInt30();
if (length == 0) {
if (list != null) return list;
if (useGrowableLists) {
return <TypeParameter>[];
} else {
return emptyListOfTypeParameter;
if (list == null) {
list = new List<TypeParameter>.generate(length,
(_) => new TypeParameter(null, null)..declaration = declaration,
growable: useGrowableLists);
} else if (list.length != length) {
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
list.add(new TypeParameter(null, null)..declaration = declaration);
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) {
return list;
List<StructuralParameter> readAndPushStructuralParameterList(
[List<StructuralParameter>? list]) {
int length = readUInt30();
if (length == 0) {
if (list != null) return list;
if (useGrowableLists) {
return <StructuralParameter>[];
} else {
return emptyListOfStructuralParameter;
if (list == null) {
list = new List<StructuralParameter>.generate(
length, (_) => new StructuralParameter(null, null),
growable: useGrowableLists);
} else if (list.length != length) {
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
list.add(new StructuralParameter(null, null));
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) {
return list;
void readTypeParameter(TypeParameter node) {
node.flags = readByte();
node.annotations = readAnnotationList(node);
int variance = readByte();
if (variance == TypeParameter.legacyCovariantSerializationMarker) {
node.variance = null;
} else {
node.variance = new Variance.fromEncoding(variance);
} = readStringOrNullIfEmpty();
node.bound = readDartType();
node.defaultType = readDartType();
void readStructuralParameter(StructuralParameter node) {
node.flags = readByte();
// For now, [StructuralParameter] objects are encoded as
// [TypeParameter] objects, to preserve compatibility with the binary format
// consumers.
// TODO(cstefantsova): Eventually remove the annotations from the binary
// encoding of [StructuralParameter] objects.
int variance = readByte();
if (variance == TypeParameter.legacyCovariantSerializationMarker) {
node.variance = null;
} else {
node.variance = new Variance.fromEncoding(variance);
} = readStringOrNullIfEmpty();
node.bound = readDartType();
node.defaultType = readDartType();
Arguments readArguments() {
int numArguments = readUInt30();
List<DartType> typeArguments = readDartTypeList();
List<Expression> positional = readExpressionList();
List<NamedExpression> named = readNamedExpressionList();
assert(numArguments == positional.length + named.length);
return new Arguments(positional, types: typeArguments, named: named);
List<NamedExpression> readNamedExpressionList() {
int length = readUInt30();
if (!useGrowableLists && length == 0) {
// When lists don't have to be growable anyway, we might as well use an
// almost-constant one for the empty list.
return emptyListOfNamedExpression;
return new List<NamedExpression>.generate(
length, (_) => readNamedExpression(),
growable: useGrowableLists);
NamedExpression readNamedExpression() {
return new NamedExpression(readStringReference(), readExpression());
List<VariableDeclaration> readAndPushVariableDeclarationList() {
int length = readUInt30();
if (!useGrowableLists && length == 0) {
// When lists don't have to be growable anyway, we might as well use an
// almost constant one for the empty list.
return emptyListOfVariableDeclaration;
return new List<VariableDeclaration>.generate(
length, (_) => readAndPushVariableDeclaration(),
growable: useGrowableLists);
VariableDeclaration? readAndPushVariableDeclarationOption() {
return readAndCheckOptionTag() ? readAndPushVariableDeclaration() : null;
VariableDeclaration readAndPushVariableDeclaration() {
VariableDeclaration variable = readVariableDeclaration();
return variable;
VariableDeclaration readVariableDeclaration() {
int offset = readOffset();
int fileEqualsOffset = readOffset();
// The [VariableDeclaration] instance is not created at this point yet,
// so `null` is temporarily set as the parent of the annotation nodes.
List<Expression> annotations = readAnnotationList(null);
int flags = readUInt30();
VariableDeclaration node = new VariableDeclaration(
type: readDartType(),
initializer: readExpressionOption(),
flags: flags)
..fileOffset = offset
..fileEqualsOffset = fileEqualsOffset;
if (annotations.isNotEmpty) {
for (int i = 0; i < annotations.length; ++i) {
Expression annotation = annotations[i];
annotation.parent = node;
node.annotations = annotations;
return node;
int readOffset() {
// Offset is saved as unsigned,
// but actually ranges from -1 and up (thus the -1)
return readUInt30() - 1;
class BinaryBuilderWithMetadata extends BinaryBuilder implements BinarySource {
/// List of metadata subsections that have corresponding [MetadataRepository]
/// and are awaiting to be parsed and attached to nodes.
List<_MetadataSubsection>? _subsections;
BinaryBuilderWithMetadata(List<int> bytes,
{String? filename,
bool disableLazyReading = false,
bool disableLazyClassReading = false,
bool? alwaysCreateNewNamedNodes})
: super(bytes,
filename: filename,
disableLazyReading: disableLazyReading,
disableLazyClassReading: disableLazyClassReading,
alwaysCreateNewNamedNodes: alwaysCreateNewNamedNodes);
void _readMetadataMappings(
Component component, int binaryOffsetForMetadataPayloads) {
// At the beginning of this function _byteOffset points right past
// metadataMappings to string table.
// Read the length of metadataMappings.
_byteOffset -= 4;
final int subSectionCount = readUint32();
int endOffset = _byteOffset - 4; // End offset of the current subsection.
for (int i = 0; i < subSectionCount; i++) {
// RList<Pair<UInt32, UInt32>> nodeOffsetToMetadataOffset
_byteOffset = endOffset - 4;
final int mappingLength = readUint32();
final int mappingStart = (endOffset - 4) - 4 * 2 * mappingLength;
_byteOffset = mappingStart - 4;
// UInt32 tag (fixed size StringReference)
final String tag = _stringTable[readUint32()];
final MetadataRepository<dynamic>? repository = component.metadata[tag];
if (repository != null) {
// Read nodeOffsetToMetadataOffset mapping.
final Map<int, int> mapping = <int, int>{};
_byteOffset = mappingStart;
for (int j = 0; j < mappingLength; j++) {
final int nodeOffset = readUint32();
final int metadataOffset =
binaryOffsetForMetadataPayloads + readUint32();
mapping[nodeOffset] = metadataOffset;
(_subsections ??= <_MetadataSubsection>[])
.add(new _MetadataSubsection(repository, mapping));
// Start of the subsection and the end of the previous one.
endOffset = mappingStart - 4;
Object _readMetadata(Node node, MetadataRepository repository, int offset) {
final int savedOffset = _byteOffset;
_byteOffset = offset;
final Object metadata = repository.readFromBinary(node, this);
_byteOffset = savedOffset;
return metadata;
T _associateMetadata<T extends Node>(T node, int nodeOffset) {
if (_subsections == null) {
return node;
for (_MetadataSubsection subsection in _subsections!) {
// First check if there is any metadata associated with this node.
final int? metadataOffset = subsection.mapping[nodeOffset];
if (metadataOffset != null) {
subsection.repository.mapping[node] =
_readMetadata(node, subsection.repository, metadataOffset);
return node;
DartType readDartType({bool forSupertype = false}) {
final int nodeOffset = _byteOffset;
final DartType result = super.readDartType(forSupertype: forSupertype);
return _associateMetadata(result, nodeOffset);
Library readLibrary(Component component, int endOffset) {
final int nodeOffset = _byteOffset;
final Library result = super.readLibrary(component, endOffset);
return _associateMetadata(result, nodeOffset);
Typedef readTypedef() {
final int nodeOffset = _byteOffset;
final Typedef result = super.readTypedef();
return _associateMetadata(result, nodeOffset);
Class readClass(int endOffset) {
final int nodeOffset = _byteOffset;
final Class result = super.readClass(endOffset);
return _associateMetadata(result, nodeOffset);
Extension readExtension() {
final int nodeOffset = _byteOffset;
final Extension result = super.readExtension();
return _associateMetadata(result, nodeOffset);
ExtensionTypeDeclaration readExtensionTypeDeclaration() {
final int nodeOffset = _byteOffset;
final ExtensionTypeDeclaration result =
return _associateMetadata(result, nodeOffset);
Field readField() {
final int nodeOffset = _byteOffset;
final Field result = super.readField();
return _associateMetadata(result, nodeOffset);
Constructor readConstructor() {
final int nodeOffset = _byteOffset;
final Constructor result = super.readConstructor();
return _associateMetadata(result, nodeOffset);
Procedure readProcedure(int endOffset) {
final int nodeOffset = _byteOffset;
final Procedure result = super.readProcedure(endOffset);
return _associateMetadata(result, nodeOffset);
Initializer readInitializer() {
final int nodeOffset = _byteOffset;
final Initializer result = super.readInitializer();
return _associateMetadata(result, nodeOffset);
FunctionNode readFunctionNode(
{bool lazyLoadBody = false, int outerEndOffset = -1}) {
final int nodeOffset = _byteOffset;
final FunctionNode result = super.readFunctionNode(
lazyLoadBody: lazyLoadBody, outerEndOffset: outerEndOffset);
return _associateMetadata(result, nodeOffset);
Expression readExpression() {
final int nodeOffset = _byteOffset;
final Expression result = super.readExpression();
return _associateMetadata(result, nodeOffset);
Arguments readArguments() {
final int nodeOffset = _byteOffset;
final Arguments result = super.readArguments();
return _associateMetadata(result, nodeOffset);
NamedExpression readNamedExpression() {
final int nodeOffset = _byteOffset;
final NamedExpression result = super.readNamedExpression();
return _associateMetadata(result, nodeOffset);
VariableDeclaration readVariableDeclaration() {
final int nodeOffset = _byteOffset;
final VariableDeclaration result = super.readVariableDeclaration();
return _associateMetadata(result, nodeOffset);
Statement readStatement() {
final int nodeOffset = _byteOffset;
final Statement result = super.readStatement();
return _associateMetadata(result, nodeOffset);
Combinator readCombinator() {
final int nodeOffset = _byteOffset;
final Combinator result = super.readCombinator();
return _associateMetadata(result, nodeOffset);
LibraryDependency readLibraryDependency() {
final int nodeOffset = _byteOffset;
final LibraryDependency result = super.readLibraryDependency();
return _associateMetadata(result, nodeOffset);
LibraryPart readLibraryPart() {
final int nodeOffset = _byteOffset;
final LibraryPart result = super.readLibraryPart();
return _associateMetadata(result, nodeOffset);
void _readSwitchCaseInto(SwitchCase caseNode) {
_associateMetadata(caseNode, _byteOffset);
void readTypeParameter(TypeParameter param) {
_associateMetadata(param, _byteOffset);
Supertype readSupertype() {
final int nodeOffset = _byteOffset;
InterfaceType type =
super.readDartType(forSupertype: true) as InterfaceType;
return _associateMetadata(
new Supertype.byReference(type.classReference, type.typeArguments),
Name readName() {
final int nodeOffset = _byteOffset;
final Name result = super.readName();
return _associateMetadata(result, nodeOffset);
/// Deserialized MetadataMapping corresponding to the given metadata repository.
class _MetadataSubsection {
/// [MetadataRepository] that can read this subsection.
final MetadataRepository repository;
/// Deserialized mapping from node offsets to metadata offsets.
final Map<int, int> mapping;
_MetadataSubsection(this.repository, this.mapping);
/// Merges two compilation modes or throws if they are not compatible.
NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode mergeCompilationModeOrThrow(
NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode? a, NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode b) {
if (a == null || a == b) {
return b;
// If something is invalid, it should always merge as invalid.
if (a == NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode.Invalid) {
return a;
if (b == NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode.Invalid) {
return b;
if (a == NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode.Agnostic) {
return b;
if (b == NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode.Agnostic) {
// Keep as-is.
return a;
// Mixed mode where agnostic isn't involved.
throw new CompilationModeError("Mixed compilation mode found: $a and $b");