
Merge commit 'd690a0c7c4353e83e25423d05d5685e7c767efa1' into dev
diff --git a/.dart_tool/package_config.json b/.dart_tool/package_config.json
index af00b66..9a6403f 100644
--- a/.dart_tool/package_config.json
+++ b/.dart_tool/package_config.json
@@ -263,6 +263,11 @@
       "packageUri": ".nonexisting/"
+      "name": "front_end_nonfunction_type_aliases",
+      "rootUri": "../pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases",
+      "packageUri": ".nonexisting/"
+    },
+    {
       "name": "frontend_server",
       "rootUri": "../pkg/frontend_server",
       "packageUri": "lib/",
diff --git a/DEPS b/DEPS
index 1f170d2..3b96c94 100644
--- a/DEPS
+++ b/DEPS
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
   "usage_tag": "3.4.0",
   "watcher_rev": "0.9.7+14",
   "web_components_rev": "8f57dac273412a7172c8ade6f361b407e2e4ed02",
-  "web_socket_channel_tag": "1.0.15",
+  "web_socket_channel_tag": "1.1.0",
   "WebCore_rev": "fb11e887f77919450e497344da570d780e078bc8",
   "yaml_tag": "2.2.0",
   "zlib_rev": "c44fb7248079cc3d5563b14b3f758aee60d6b415",
diff --git a/pkg/_fe_analyzer_shared/lib/src/flow_analysis/flow_analysis.dart b/pkg/_fe_analyzer_shared/lib/src/flow_analysis/flow_analysis.dart
index 2df4e4a..b073f3b 100644
--- a/pkg/_fe_analyzer_shared/lib/src/flow_analysis/flow_analysis.dart
+++ b/pkg/_fe_analyzer_shared/lib/src/flow_analysis/flow_analysis.dart
@@ -1793,27 +1793,60 @@
     // supertype of writtenType and a proper subtype of the currently-promoted
     // type).  If at any point we find an exact match, we take it immediately.
     Type currentlyPromotedType = promotedTypes?.last;
+    List<Type> result;
     List<Type> candidates = null;
-    for (int i = 0; i < tested.length; i++) {
-      Type type = tested[i];
+    void handleTypeOfInterest(Type type) {
+      // The written type must be a subtype of the type.
       if (!typeOperations.isSubtypeOf(writtenType, type)) {
-        // Can't promote to this type; the type written is not a subtype of
-        // it.
-      } else if (currentlyPromotedType != null &&
-          !typeOperations.isSubtypeOf(type, currentlyPromotedType)) {
-        // Can't promote to this type; it's less specific than the currently
-        // promoted type.
-      } else if (currentlyPromotedType != null &&
-          typeOperations.isSameType(type, currentlyPromotedType)) {
-        // Can't promote to this type; it's the same as the currently
-        // promoted type.
-      } else if (typeOperations.isSameType(type, writtenType)) {
-        // This is precisely the type we want to promote to; take it.
-        return _addToPromotedTypes(promotedTypes, writtenType);
-      } else {
-        (candidates ??= []).add(type);
+        return;
+      }
+      // Must be more specific that the currently promoted type.
+      if (currentlyPromotedType != null) {
+        if (typeOperations.isSameType(type, currentlyPromotedType)) {
+          return;
+        }
+        if (!typeOperations.isSubtypeOf(type, currentlyPromotedType)) {
+          return;
+        }
+      }
+      // This is precisely the type we want to promote to; take it.
+      if (typeOperations.isSameType(type, writtenType)) {
+        result = _addToPromotedTypes(promotedTypes, writtenType);
+      }
+      if (candidates == null) {
+        candidates = [type];
+        return;
+      }
+      // Add only unique candidates.
+      if (!_typeListContains(typeOperations, candidates, type)) {
+        candidates.add(type);
+        return;
+    for (int i = 0; i < tested.length; i++) {
+      Type type = tested[i];
+      handleTypeOfInterest(type);
+      if (result != null) {
+        return result;
+      }
+      var typeNonNull = typeOperations.promoteToNonNull(type);
+      if (!typeOperations.isSameType(typeNonNull, type)) {
+        handleTypeOfInterest(typeNonNull);
+        if (result != null) {
+          return result;
+        }
+      }
+    }
     if (candidates != null) {
       // Figure out if we have a unique promotion candidate that's a subtype
       // of all the others.
diff --git a/pkg/_fe_analyzer_shared/test/flow_analysis/flow_analysis_test.dart b/pkg/_fe_analyzer_shared/test/flow_analysis/flow_analysis_test.dart
index 9b759b1..fc831aa 100644
--- a/pkg/_fe_analyzer_shared/test/flow_analysis/flow_analysis_test.dart
+++ b/pkg/_fe_analyzer_shared/test/flow_analysis/flow_analysis_test.dart
@@ -1855,7 +1855,7 @@
         expect(s2.reachable, true);
         expect(s2.variableInfo, {
           objectQVar: _matchVariableModel(
-              chain: ['num?'],
+              chain: ['num?', 'num'],
               ofInterest: ['num?', 'int'],
               assigned: true,
               unassigned: false)
@@ -1930,6 +1930,50 @@
         expect(s2.variableInfo, same(s1.variableInfo));
+      group('Promotes to NonNull of a type of interest', () {
+        test('when promoted', () {
+          var h = _Harness();
+          var s1 = FlowModel<_Var, _Type>(true)
+              .declare(objectQVar, true)
+              .tryPromote(h, objectQVar, _Type('int?'))
+              .ifTrue;
+          expect(s1.variableInfo, {
+            objectQVar: _matchVariableModel(
+              chain: ['int?'],
+              ofInterest: ['int?'],
+            ),
+          });
+          var s2 = s1.write(objectQVar, _Type('int'), h);
+          expect(s2.variableInfo, {
+            objectQVar: _matchVariableModel(
+              chain: ['int?', 'int'],
+              ofInterest: ['int?'],
+            ),
+          });
+        });
+        test('when not promoted', () {
+          var h = _Harness();
+          var s1 = FlowModel<_Var, _Type>(true)
+              .declare(objectQVar, true)
+              .tryPromote(h, objectQVar, _Type('int?'))
+              .ifFalse;
+          expect(s1.variableInfo, {
+            objectQVar: _matchVariableModel(
+              chain: null,
+              ofInterest: ['int?'],
+            ),
+          });
+          var s2 = s1.write(objectQVar, _Type('int'), h);
+          expect(s2.variableInfo, {
+            objectQVar: _matchVariableModel(
+              chain: ['int'],
+              ofInterest: ['int?'],
+            ),
+          });
+        });
+      });
       test('Promotes to type of interest when not previously promoted', () {
         var h = _Harness();
         var s1 = FlowModel<_Var, _Type>(true)
@@ -1964,84 +2008,156 @@
-      test('Multiple candidate types of interest; choose most specific (first)',
-          () {
-        var h = _Harness();
-        var s1 = FlowModel<_Var, _Type>(true)
-            .declare(objectQVar, true)
-            .tryPromote(h, objectQVar, _Type('int?'))
-            .ifFalse
-            .tryPromote(h, objectQVar, _Type('num?'))
-            .ifFalse;
-        expect(s1.variableInfo, {
-          objectQVar:
-              _matchVariableModel(chain: null, ofInterest: ['num?', 'int?'])
-        });
-        var s2 = s1.write(objectQVar, _Type('int'), h);
-        expect(s2.variableInfo, {
-          objectQVar:
-              _matchVariableModel(chain: ['int?'], ofInterest: ['num?', 'int?'])
-        });
-      });
+      group('Multiple candidate types of interest', () {
+        group('; choose most specific', () {
+          _Harness h;
-      test(
-          'Multiple candidate types of interest; choose most specific (second)',
-          () {
-        var h = _Harness();
-        var s1 = FlowModel<_Var, _Type>(true)
-            .declare(objectQVar, true)
-            .tryPromote(h, objectQVar, _Type('num?'))
-            .ifFalse
-            .tryPromote(h, objectQVar, _Type('int?'))
-            .ifFalse;
-        expect(s1.variableInfo, {
-          objectQVar:
-              _matchVariableModel(chain: null, ofInterest: ['num?', 'int?'])
-        });
-        var s2 = s1.write(objectQVar, _Type('int'), h);
-        expect(s2.variableInfo, {
-          objectQVar:
-              _matchVariableModel(chain: ['int?'], ofInterest: ['num?', 'int?'])
-        });
-      });
+          setUp(() {
+            h = _Harness();
-      test('Multiple candidate types of interest; ambiguous', () {
-        var h = _Harness();
-        var s1 = FlowModel<_Var, _Type>(true)
-            .declare(objectQVar, true)
-            .tryPromote(h, objectQVar, _Type('num?'))
-            .ifFalse
-            .tryPromote(h, objectQVar, _Type('num*'))
-            .ifFalse;
-        expect(s1.variableInfo, {
-          objectQVar:
-              _matchVariableModel(chain: null, ofInterest: ['num?', 'num*'])
-        });
-        var s2 = s1.write(objectQVar, _Type('int'), h);
-        // It's ambiguous whether to promote to num? or num*, so we don't
-        // promote.
-        expect(s2, same(s1));
-      });
+            // class A {}
+            // class B extends A {}
+            // class C extends B {}
+            h.addSubtype(_Type('A'), _Type('Object?'), true);
+            h.addSubtype(_Type('A'), _Type('A?'), true);
+            h.addSubtype(_Type('A'), _Type('B?'), false);
+            h.addSubtype(_Type('A?'), _Type('Object?'), true);
+            h.addSubtype(_Type('A?'), _Type('A'), false);
+            h.addSubtype(_Type('A?'), _Type('B?'), false);
+            h.addSubtype(_Type('B'), _Type('A'), true);
+            h.addSubtype(_Type('B'), _Type('A?'), true);
+            h.addSubtype(_Type('B'), _Type('B?'), true);
+            h.addSubtype(_Type('B?'), _Type('Object?'), true);
+            h.addSubtype(_Type('B?'), _Type('A'), false);
+            h.addSubtype(_Type('B?'), _Type('A?'), true);
+            h.addSubtype(_Type('B?'), _Type('B'), false);
+            h.addSubtype(_Type('C'), _Type('A'), true);
+            h.addSubtype(_Type('C'), _Type('A?'), true);
+            h.addSubtype(_Type('C'), _Type('B'), true);
+            h.addSubtype(_Type('C'), _Type('B?'), true);
+          });
-      test('Multiple candidate types of interest; ambiguous but exact match',
-          () {
-        var h = _Harness();
-        var s1 = FlowModel<_Var, _Type>(true)
-            .declare(objectQVar, true)
-            .tryPromote(h, objectQVar, _Type('num?'))
-            .ifFalse
-            .tryPromote(h, objectQVar, _Type('num*'))
-            .ifFalse;
-        expect(s1.variableInfo, {
-          objectQVar:
-              _matchVariableModel(chain: null, ofInterest: ['num?', 'num*'])
+          test('; first', () {
+            var x = _Var('x', _Type('Object?'));
+            var s1 = FlowModel<_Var, _Type>(true)
+                .declare(x, true)
+                .tryPromote(h, x, _Type('B?'))
+                .ifFalse
+                .tryPromote(h, x, _Type('A?'))
+                .ifFalse;
+            expect(s1.variableInfo, {
+              x: _matchVariableModel(
+                chain: null,
+                ofInterest: ['A?', 'B?'],
+              ),
+            });
+            var s2 = s1.write(x, _Type('C'), h);
+            expect(s2.variableInfo, {
+              x: _matchVariableModel(
+                chain: ['B'],
+                ofInterest: ['A?', 'B?'],
+              ),
+            });
+          });
+          test('; second', () {
+            var x = _Var('x', _Type('Object?'));
+            var s1 = FlowModel<_Var, _Type>(true)
+                .declare(x, true)
+                .tryPromote(h, x, _Type('A?'))
+                .ifFalse
+                .tryPromote(h, x, _Type('B?'))
+                .ifFalse;
+            expect(s1.variableInfo, {
+              x: _matchVariableModel(
+                chain: null,
+                ofInterest: ['A?', 'B?'],
+              ),
+            });
+            var s2 = s1.write(x, _Type('C'), h);
+            expect(s2.variableInfo, {
+              x: _matchVariableModel(
+                chain: ['B'],
+                ofInterest: ['A?', 'B?'],
+              ),
+            });
+          });
+          test('; nullable and non-nullable', () {
+            var x = _Var('x', _Type('Object?'));
+            var s1 = FlowModel<_Var, _Type>(true)
+                .declare(x, true)
+                .tryPromote(h, x, _Type('A'))
+                .ifFalse
+                .tryPromote(h, x, _Type('A?'))
+                .ifFalse;
+            expect(s1.variableInfo, {
+              x: _matchVariableModel(
+                chain: null,
+                ofInterest: ['A', 'A?'],
+              ),
+            });
+            var s2 = s1.write(x, _Type('B'), h);
+            expect(s2.variableInfo, {
+              x: _matchVariableModel(
+                chain: ['A'],
+                ofInterest: ['A', 'A?'],
+              ),
+            });
+          });
-        var s2 = s1.write(objectQVar, _Type('num?'), h);
-        // It's ambiguous whether to promote to num? or num*, but since the
-        // written type is exactly num?, we use that.
-        expect(s2.variableInfo, {
-          objectQVar:
-              _matchVariableModel(chain: ['num?'], ofInterest: ['num?', 'num*'])
+        group('; ambiguous', () {
+          test('; no promotion', () {
+            var h = _Harness();
+            var s1 = FlowModel<_Var, _Type>(true)
+                .declare(objectQVar, true)
+                .tryPromote(h, objectQVar, _Type('num?'))
+                .ifFalse
+                .tryPromote(h, objectQVar, _Type('num*'))
+                .ifFalse;
+            expect(s1.variableInfo, {
+              objectQVar: _matchVariableModel(
+                chain: null,
+                ofInterest: ['num?', 'num*'],
+              ),
+            });
+            var s2 = s1.write(objectQVar, _Type('int'), h);
+            // It's ambiguous whether to promote to num? or num*, so we don't
+            // promote.
+            expect(s2, same(s1));
+          });
+        });
+        test('exact match', () {
+          var h = _Harness();
+          var s1 = FlowModel<_Var, _Type>(true)
+              .declare(objectQVar, true)
+              .tryPromote(h, objectQVar, _Type('num?'))
+              .ifFalse
+              .tryPromote(h, objectQVar, _Type('num*'))
+              .ifFalse;
+          expect(s1.variableInfo, {
+            objectQVar: _matchVariableModel(
+              chain: null,
+              ofInterest: ['num?', 'num*'],
+            ),
+          });
+          var s2 = s1.write(objectQVar, _Type('num?'), h);
+          // It's ambiguous whether to promote to num? or num*, but since the
+          // written type is exactly num?, we use that.
+          expect(s2.variableInfo, {
+            objectQVar: _matchVariableModel(
+              chain: ['num?'],
+              ofInterest: ['num?', 'num*'],
+            ),
+          });
@@ -2899,18 +3015,21 @@
     'int <: Object?': true,
     'int <: String': false,
     'int? <: int': false,
+    'int? <: num': false,
     'int? <: num?': true,
     'int? <: Object?': true,
     'num <: int': false,
     'num <: Iterable': false,
     'num <: List': false,
     'num <: num?': true,
+    'num <: num*': true,
     'num <: Object': true,
     'num <: Object?': true,
     'num? <: int?': false,
     'num? <: num': false,
     'num? <: num*': true,
     'num? <: Object?': true,
+    'num* <: num': true,
     'num* <: num?': true,
     'num* <: Object?': true,
     'Iterable <: int': false,
diff --git a/pkg/_fe_analyzer_shared/test/flow_analysis/type_promotion/data/assignment_promoted.dart b/pkg/_fe_analyzer_shared/test/flow_analysis/type_promotion/data/assignment_promoted.dart
index 051be11..b691511 100644
--- a/pkg/_fe_analyzer_shared/test/flow_analysis/type_promotion/data/assignment_promoted.dart
+++ b/pkg/_fe_analyzer_shared/test/flow_analysis/type_promotion/data/assignment_promoted.dart
@@ -16,6 +16,15 @@
   /*int*/ x;
+typeOfInterest_is_nullable(Object? x) {
+  if (x is int?) {
+  } else {
+    x = 1;
+    /*int*/ x;
+  }
+  x;
 typeOfInterest_isNot(Object x) {
   if (x is! int) {
     x = 1;
@@ -24,6 +33,14 @@
   /*int*/ x;
+typeOfInterest_isNot_nullable(Object? x) {
+  if (x is! int?) {
+    x = 1;
+    /*int*/ x;
+  }
+  x;
 notATypeOfInterest_nullability(Object? x) {
   x = 1;
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/cider/completion.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/cider/completion.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0655cf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/cider/completion.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+import 'dart:async';
+import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol_server.dart';
+import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/completion_core.dart';
+import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/completion_performance.dart';
+import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/completion_manager.dart';
+import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/local_library_contributor.dart';
+import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart' show LibraryElement;
+import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/performance_logger.dart';
+import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/micro/resolve_file.dart';
+import 'package:analyzer/src/dartdoc/dartdoc_directive_info.dart';
+import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart';
+/// The cache that can be reuse for across multiple completion request.
+/// It contains data that is relatively small, and does not include for
+/// example types and elements.
+class CiderCompletionCache {
+  final Map<String, _CiderImportedLibrarySuggestions> _importedLibraries = {};
+class CiderCompletionComputer {
+  final PerformanceLog _logger;
+  final CiderCompletionCache _cache;
+  final FileResolver _fileResolver;
+  DartCompletionRequestImpl _dartCompletionRequest;
+  CiderCompletionComputer(this._logger, this._cache, this._fileResolver);
+  Future<List<CompletionSuggestion>> compute(String path, int offset) async {
+    var resolvedUnit = _fileResolver.resolve(path);
+    var completionRequest = CompletionRequestImpl(
+      resolvedUnit,
+      offset,
+      false,
+      CompletionPerformance(),
+    );
+    var dartdocDirectiveInfo = DartdocDirectiveInfo();
+    var suggestions = await _logger.runAsync('Compute suggestions', () async {
+      var includedElementKinds = <ElementKind>{};
+      var includedElementNames = <String>{};
+      var includedSuggestionRelevanceTags = <IncludedSuggestionRelevanceTag>[];
+      var manager = DartCompletionManager(
+        dartdocDirectiveInfo: dartdocDirectiveInfo,
+        includedElementKinds: includedElementKinds,
+        includedElementNames: includedElementNames,
+        includedSuggestionRelevanceTags: includedSuggestionRelevanceTags,
+      );
+      return await manager.computeSuggestions(completionRequest);
+    });
+    _dartCompletionRequest = await DartCompletionRequestImpl.from(
+      completionRequest,
+      dartdocDirectiveInfo,
+    );
+'Add imported suggestions', () {
+      suggestions.addAll(
+        _importedLibrariesSuggestions(
+          resolvedUnit.libraryElement,
+        ),
+      );
+    });
+    return suggestions;
+  }
+  /// Return suggestions from libraries imported into the [target].
+  ///
+  /// TODO(scheglov) Implement show / hide combinators.
+  /// TODO(scheglov) Implement prefixes.
+  List<CompletionSuggestion> _importedLibrariesSuggestions(
+    LibraryElement target,
+  ) {
+    var suggestions = <CompletionSuggestion>[];
+    for (var importedLibrary in target.importedLibraries) {
+      var importedSuggestions = _importedLibrarySuggestions(importedLibrary);
+      suggestions.addAll(importedSuggestions);
+    }
+    return suggestions;
+  }
+  /// Return cached, or compute unprefixed suggestions for all elements
+  /// exported from the library.
+  List<CompletionSuggestion> _importedLibrarySuggestions(
+    LibraryElement element,
+  ) {
+    var path = element.source.fullName;
+    var signature = _fileResolver.getLibraryLinkedSignature(path);
+    var cacheEntry = _cache._importedLibraries[path];
+    if (cacheEntry == null || cacheEntry.signature != signature) {
+      var suggestions = _librarySuggestions(element);
+      cacheEntry = _CiderImportedLibrarySuggestions(
+        signature,
+        suggestions,
+      );
+      _cache._importedLibraries[path] = cacheEntry;
+    }
+    return cacheEntry.suggestions;
+  }
+  /// Compute all unprefixed suggestions for all elements exported from
+  /// the library.
+  List<CompletionSuggestion> _librarySuggestions(LibraryElement element) {
+    var visitor = LibraryElementSuggestionBuilder(_dartCompletionRequest, '');
+    var exportMap = element.exportNamespace.definedNames;
+    for (var definedElement in exportMap.values) {
+      definedElement.accept(visitor);
+    }
+    return visitor.suggestions;
+  }
+class CiderCompletionResult {
+  final List<CompletionSuggestion> suggestions;
+  CiderCompletionResult(this.suggestions);
+class _CiderImportedLibrarySuggestions {
+  final String signature;
+  final List<CompletionSuggestion> suggestions;
+  _CiderImportedLibrarySuggestions(this.signature, this.suggestions);
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/domains/execution/completion.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/domains/execution/completion.dart
index 5839530..55439af 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/domains/execution/completion.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/domains/execution/completion.dart
@@ -84,7 +84,9 @@
       targetResult = await analysisDriver.getResult(contextPath);
-    CompletionContributor contributor = DartCompletionManager();
+    CompletionContributor contributor = DartCompletionManager(
+        // dartdocDirectiveInfo: server.getDartdocDirectiveInfoFor(targetResult)
+        );
     var request = CompletionRequestImpl(
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/edit/nnbd_migration/info_builder.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/edit/nnbd_migration/info_builder.dart
index 692059e..69506b5 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/edit/nnbd_migration/info_builder.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/edit/nnbd_migration/info_builder.dart
@@ -185,6 +185,13 @@
         edits.add(_removeHint('Remove /*!*/ hint'));
         edits.add(_changeHint('Change to /*?*/ hint', '/*?*/'));
+      case NullabilityFixKind.nullAwarenessUnnecessaryInStrongMode:
+      case NullabilityFixKind.conditionTrueInStrongMode:
+      case NullabilityFixKind.conditionFalseInStrongMode:
+        // We don't offer any edits around weak-only code.
+        // TODO(paulberry): offer edits to delete the code that would be dead in
+        // strong mode (
+        break;
     return edits;
@@ -324,19 +331,30 @@
         if (description != null) {
           var explanation = description.appliedMessage;
           var kind = description.kind;
-          if (edit.isInformative) {
-            regions.add(RegionInfo(RegionType.informative, offset,
-                replacement.length, lineNumber, explanation, kind, isCounted,
-                edits: edits, traces: traces));
-          } else if (edit.isInsertion) {
-            regions.add(RegionInfo(RegionType.add, offset, replacement.length,
-                lineNumber, explanation, kind, isCounted,
-                edits: edits, traces: traces));
+          if (edit.isInsertion) {
+            regions.add(RegionInfo(
+                edit.isInformative ? RegionType.informative : RegionType.add,
+                offset,
+                replacement.length,
+                lineNumber,
+                explanation,
+                kind,
+                isCounted,
+                edits: edits,
+                traces: traces));
           } else if (edit.isDeletion) {
-            regions.add(RegionInfo(RegionType.remove, offset, length,
-                lineNumber, explanation, kind, isCounted,
-                edits: edits, traces: traces));
+            regions.add(RegionInfo(
+                edit.isInformative ? RegionType.informative : RegionType.remove,
+                offset,
+                length,
+                lineNumber,
+                explanation,
+                kind,
+                isCounted,
+                edits: edits,
+                traces: traces));
           } else if (edit.isReplacement) {
+            assert(!edit.isInformative);
             regions.add(RegionInfo(RegionType.remove, offset, length,
                 lineNumber, explanation, kind, isCounted,
                 edits: edits, traces: traces));
@@ -373,7 +391,7 @@
         codeReference == null
             ? null
-            : NavigationTarget(codeReference.path, codeReference.column,
+            : NavigationTarget(codeReference.path, codeReference.offset,
                 codeReference.line, length));
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/edit/nnbd_migration/migration_info.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/edit/nnbd_migration/migration_info.dart
index e563269..adb8601 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/edit/nnbd_migration/migration_info.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/edit/nnbd_migration/migration_info.dart
@@ -286,7 +286,9 @@
         if (region.offset < offset) {
           return region;
-        // TODO: adjust traces
+        // TODO: perhaps this should be handled by offset mapper instead, since
+        // offset mapper handles navigation, edits, and traces, and this is the
+        // odd ball out.
         return RegionInfo(
             region.offset + length,
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/edit/nnbd_migration/unit_renderer.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/edit/nnbd_migration/unit_renderer.dart
index 4ec259f..080d2c1 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/edit/nnbd_migration/unit_renderer.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/edit/nnbd_migration/unit_renderer.dart
@@ -24,6 +24,9 @@
   static const List<NullabilityFixKind> kindPriorityOrder = [
+    NullabilityFixKind.conditionTrueInStrongMode,
+    NullabilityFixKind.conditionFalseInStrongMode,
+    NullabilityFixKind.nullAwarenessUnnecessaryInStrongMode,
@@ -67,7 +70,7 @@
   /// Returns the list of edits, as JSON.
   Map<String, List<EditListItem>> _computeEditList() {
     var editListsByKind = <NullabilityFixKind, List<EditListItem>>{};
-    for (var region in unitInfo.fixRegions) {
+    for (var region in unitInfo.regions) {
       var kind = region.kind;
       if (kind != null && region.isCounted) {
         (editListsByKind[kind] ??= []).add(EditListItem(
@@ -240,11 +243,14 @@
   String _headerForKind(NullabilityFixKind kind, int count) {
     var s = count == 1 ? '' : 's';
+    var es = count == 1 ? '' : 'es';
     switch (kind) {
       case NullabilityFixKind.addLateDueToHint:
         return '$count late hint$s converted to late keyword$s';
       case NullabilityFixKind.addRequired:
         return '$count required keyword$s added';
+      case NullabilityFixKind.addType:
+        return '$count type$s added';
       case NullabilityFixKind.downcastExpression:
         return '$count downcast$s added';
       case NullabilityFixKind.otherCastExpression:
@@ -253,17 +259,22 @@
         return '$count null check$s added';
       case NullabilityFixKind.checkExpressionDueToHint:
         return '$count null check hint$s converted to null check$s';
-      case NullabilityFixKind.addType:
-        return '$count type$s added';
+      case NullabilityFixKind.conditionTrueInStrongMode:
+        return '$count condition$s will be true in strong checking mode';
+        break;
+      case NullabilityFixKind.conditionFalseInStrongMode:
+        return '$count condition$s will be false in strong checking mode';
+        break;
       case NullabilityFixKind.makeTypeNullable:
         return '$count type$s made nullable';
       case NullabilityFixKind.makeTypeNullableDueToHint:
         return '$count nullability hint$s converted to ?$s';
+      case NullabilityFixKind.nullAwarenessUnnecessaryInStrongMode:
+        return '$count null-aware access$es will be unnecessary in strong '
+            'checking mode';
       case NullabilityFixKind.removeAs:
         return '$count cast$s now unnecessary';
       case NullabilityFixKind.removeDeadCode:
-        // TODO(paulberry): when we change to not removing dead code, change
-        // this description string.
         return '$count dead code removal$s';
       case NullabilityFixKind.removeLanguageVersionComment:
         return '$count language version comment$s removed';
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/edit/preview/preview_site.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/edit/preview/preview_site.dart
index 3cebbbf..96941ce 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/edit/preview/preview_site.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/edit/preview/preview_site.dart
@@ -200,6 +200,9 @@
     // Perform a full check that no files have changed before touching the disk.
     for (final fileEdit in edits) {
       final file = pathMapper.provider.getFile(fileEdit.file);
+      if (!file.path.endsWith('.dart')) {
+        continue;
+      }
       var code = file.exists ? file.readAsStringSync() : '';
       if (!unitInfoMap[file.path].hadDiskContent(code)) {
         throw StateError('${file.path} has changed, rerun migration to apply.');
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/lsp/handlers/handler_completion.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/lsp/handlers/handler_completion.dart
index bee5664..04f7092 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/lsp/handlers/handler_completion.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/lsp/handlers/handler_completion.dart
@@ -148,6 +148,8 @@
     try {
       CompletionContributor contributor = DartCompletionManager(
+        dartdocDirectiveInfo:
+            server.getDartdocDirectiveInfoFor(completionRequest.result),
         includedElementKinds: includedElementKinds,
         includedElementNames: includedElementNames,
         includedSuggestionRelevanceTags: includedSuggestionRelevanceTags,
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/provisional/completion/dart/completion_dart.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/provisional/completion/dart/completion_dart.dart
index ebb6ea1..cf04772 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/provisional/completion/dart/completion_dart.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/provisional/completion/dart/completion_dart.dart
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/provisional/completion/completion_core.dart';
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/feature_computer.dart';
+import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/suggestion_builder.dart';
 import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/features.dart';
 import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
 import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
@@ -23,8 +24,10 @@
 abstract class DartCompletionContributor {
   /// Return a [Future] that completes with a list of suggestions
   /// for the given completion [request].
+  // TODO(brianwilkerson) When all of the suggestions are being built using the
+  //  builder, change the return type to `Future<void>`.
   Future<List<CompletionSuggestion>> computeSuggestions(
-      DartCompletionRequest request);
+      DartCompletionRequest request, SuggestionBuilder builder);
 /// The information about a requested list of completions within a Dart file.
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/arglist_contributor.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/arglist_contributor.dart
index ca9e826..29c8cda 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/arglist_contributor.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/arglist_contributor.dart
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol_server.dart'
     hide Element, ElementKind;
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/provisional/completion/dart/completion_dart.dart';
+import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/suggestion_builder.dart';
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/utilities.dart';
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/utilities/flutter.dart';
 import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
@@ -33,7 +34,7 @@
   Future<List<CompletionSuggestion>> computeSuggestions(
-      DartCompletionRequest request) async {
+      DartCompletionRequest request, SuggestionBuilder builder) async {
     var executable =;
     if (executable == null) {
       return const <CompletionSuggestion>[];
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/combinator_contributor.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/combinator_contributor.dart
index 6220845..da7524d 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/combinator_contributor.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/combinator_contributor.dart
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 class CombinatorContributor extends DartCompletionContributor {
   Future<List<CompletionSuggestion>> computeSuggestions(
-      DartCompletionRequest request) async {
+      DartCompletionRequest request, SuggestionBuilder builder) async {
     var node =;
     if (node is! Combinator) {
       return const <CompletionSuggestion>[];
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/completion_manager.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/completion_manager.dart
index c70981b..8a72ce7 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/completion_manager.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/completion_manager.dart
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/named_constructor_contributor.dart';
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/override_contributor.dart';
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/static_member_contributor.dart';
+import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/suggestion_builder.dart';
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/type_member_contributor.dart';
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/uri_contributor.dart';
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/variable_name_contributor.dart';
@@ -122,6 +123,7 @@
     // Request Dart specific completions from each contributor
     var suggestionMap = <String, CompletionSuggestion>{};
     var constructorMap = <String, List<String>>{};
+    var builder = SuggestionBuilder(dartRequest);
     var contributors = <DartCompletionContributor>[
@@ -150,39 +152,48 @@
+    void addSuggestionToMap(CompletionSuggestion newSuggestion) {
+      // TODO(brianwilkerson) After all contributors are using SuggestionBuilder
+      //  move this logic into SuggestionBuilder.
+      var key = newSuggestion.completion;
+      // Append parenthesis for constructors to disambiguate from classes.
+      if (_isConstructor(newSuggestion)) {
+        key += '()';
+        var className = _getConstructorClassName(newSuggestion);
+        _ensureList(constructorMap, className).add(key);
+      }
+      // Local declarations hide both the class and its constructors.
+      if (!_isClass(newSuggestion)) {
+        var constructorKeys = constructorMap[key];
+        constructorKeys?.forEach(suggestionMap.remove);
+      }
+      var oldSuggestion = suggestionMap[key];
+      if (oldSuggestion == null ||
+          oldSuggestion.relevance < newSuggestion.relevance) {
+        suggestionMap[key] = newSuggestion;
+      }
+    }
     try {
       for (var contributor in contributors) {
         var contributorTag =
             'DartCompletionManager - ${contributor.runtimeType}';
         var contributorSuggestions =
-            await contributor.computeSuggestions(dartRequest);
+            await contributor.computeSuggestions(dartRequest, builder);
         for (var newSuggestion in contributorSuggestions) {
-          var key = newSuggestion.completion;
-          // Append parenthesis for constructors to disambiguate from classes.
-          if (_isConstructor(newSuggestion)) {
-            key += '()';
-            var className = _getConstructorClassName(newSuggestion);
-            _ensureList(constructorMap, className).add(key);
-          }
-          // Local declarations hide both the class and its constructors.
-          if (!_isClass(newSuggestion)) {
-            var constructorKeys = constructorMap[key];
-            constructorKeys?.forEach(suggestionMap.remove);
-          }
-          var oldSuggestion = suggestionMap[key];
-          if (oldSuggestion == null ||
-              oldSuggestion.relevance < newSuggestion.relevance) {
-            suggestionMap[key] = newSuggestion;
-          }
+          addSuggestionToMap(newSuggestion);
+      for (var newSuggestion in builder.suggestions) {
+        addSuggestionToMap(newSuggestion);
+      }
     } on InconsistentAnalysisException {
       // The state of the code being analyzed has changed, so results are likely
       // to be inconsistent. Just abort the operation.
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/extension_member_contributor.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/extension_member_contributor.dart
index 8a4ead8..19d6d70 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/extension_member_contributor.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/extension_member_contributor.dart
@@ -20,11 +20,11 @@
 /// A contributor that produces suggestions based on the members of an
 /// extension.
 class ExtensionMemberContributor extends DartCompletionContributor {
-  MemberSuggestionBuilder builder;
+  MemberSuggestionBuilder memberBuilder;
   Future<List<CompletionSuggestion>> computeSuggestions(
-      DartCompletionRequest request) async {
+      DartCompletionRequest request, SuggestionBuilder builder) async {
     var containingLibrary = request.libraryElement;
     // Gracefully degrade if the library could not be determined, such as with a
     // detached part file or source change.
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
       return const <CompletionSuggestion>[];
-    builder = MemberSuggestionBuilder(request);
+    memberBuilder = MemberSuggestionBuilder(request);
     // Recompute the target because resolution might have changed it.
     var expression = request.dotTarget;
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
             for (var type in types) {
               double inheritanceDistance;
               if (request.useNewRelevance) {
-                inheritanceDistance = builder.request.featureComputer
+                inheritanceDistance = memberBuilder.request.featureComputer
                         extendedType.element, type.element);
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
-      return builder.suggestions.toList();
+      return memberBuilder.suggestions.toList();
     if (expression.isSynthetic) {
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
       _addExtensionMembers(containingLibrary, type);
-    return builder.suggestions.toList();
+    return memberBuilder.suggestions.toList();
   void _addExtensionMembers(LibraryElement containingLibrary, DartType type) {
@@ -108,8 +108,8 @@
           _resolveExtendedType(containingLibrary, extension, type);
       if (extendedType != null && typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(type, extendedType)) {
         double inheritanceDistance;
-        if (builder.request.useNewRelevance) {
-          inheritanceDistance = builder.request.featureComputer
+        if (memberBuilder.request.useNewRelevance) {
+          inheritanceDistance = memberBuilder.request.featureComputer
               .inheritanceDistanceFeature(type.element, extendedType.element);
         // TODO(brianwilkerson) We might want to apply the substitution to the
@@ -123,13 +123,13 @@
       ExtensionElement extension, double inheritanceDistance) {
     for (var method in extension.methods) {
       if (!method.isStatic) {
-        builder.addSuggestionForMethod(
+        memberBuilder.addSuggestionForMethod(
             method: method, inheritanceDistance: inheritanceDistance);
     for (var accessor in extension.accessors) {
       if (!accessor.isStatic) {
-        builder.addSuggestionForAccessor(
+        memberBuilder.addSuggestionForAccessor(
             accessor: accessor, inheritanceDistance: inheritanceDistance);
@@ -137,11 +137,11 @@
   void _addTypeMembers(InterfaceType type, double inheritanceDistance) {
     for (var method in type.methods) {
-      builder.addSuggestionForMethod(
+      memberBuilder.addSuggestionForMethod(
           method: method, inheritanceDistance: inheritanceDistance);
     for (var accessor in type.accessors) {
-      builder.addSuggestionForAccessor(
+      memberBuilder.addSuggestionForAccessor(
           accessor: accessor, inheritanceDistance: inheritanceDistance);
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/field_formal_contributor.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/field_formal_contributor.dart
index aa8c9a4..f82ddfb 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/field_formal_contributor.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/field_formal_contributor.dart
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 class FieldFormalContributor extends DartCompletionContributor {
   Future<List<CompletionSuggestion>> computeSuggestions(
-      DartCompletionRequest request) async {
+      DartCompletionRequest request, SuggestionBuilder builder) async {
     var node =;
     if (node is! FieldFormalParameter) {
       return const <CompletionSuggestion>[];
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/imported_reference_contributor.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/imported_reference_contributor.dart
index 972878a..15aad2a 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/imported_reference_contributor.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/imported_reference_contributor.dart
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/provisional/completion/dart/completion_dart.dart';
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/local_library_contributor.dart';
+import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/suggestion_builder.dart'
+    show SuggestionBuilder;
 import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart';
 import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart' as protocol;
@@ -15,7 +17,7 @@
 class ImportedReferenceContributor extends DartCompletionContributor {
   Future<List<CompletionSuggestion>> computeSuggestions(
-      DartCompletionRequest request) async {
+      DartCompletionRequest request, SuggestionBuilder builder) async {
     if (!request.includeIdentifiers) {
       return const <CompletionSuggestion>[];
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/inherited_reference_contributor.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/inherited_reference_contributor.dart
index 28242f3..7be25c6 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/inherited_reference_contributor.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/inherited_reference_contributor.dart
@@ -21,14 +21,14 @@
 /// via an implicit target of `this`.
 class InheritedReferenceContributor extends DartCompletionContributor {
   /// The builder used to build the suggestions.
-  MemberSuggestionBuilder builder;
+  MemberSuggestionBuilder memberBuilder;
   /// The kind of suggestion to make.
   CompletionSuggestionKind kind;
   Future<List<CompletionSuggestion>> computeSuggestions(
-      DartCompletionRequest request) async {
+      DartCompletionRequest request, SuggestionBuilder builder) async {
     if (!request.includeIdentifiers) {
       return const <CompletionSuggestion>[];
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
     var classOrMixin = member.parent;
     if (classOrMixin is ClassOrMixinDeclaration &&
         classOrMixin.declaredElement != null) {
-      builder = MemberSuggestionBuilder(request);
+      memberBuilder = MemberSuggestionBuilder(request);
       return _computeSuggestionsForClass(classOrMixin.declaredElement, request);
     return const <CompletionSuggestion>[];
@@ -54,12 +54,12 @@
       for (var accessor in type.accessors) {
         if (accessor.isGetter) {
           if (opType.includeReturnValueSuggestions) {
-            builder.addSuggestionForAccessor(
+            memberBuilder.addSuggestionForAccessor(
                 accessor: accessor, inheritanceDistance: inheritanceDistance);
         } else {
           if (opType.includeVoidReturnSuggestions) {
-            builder.addSuggestionForAccessor(
+            memberBuilder.addSuggestionForAccessor(
                 accessor: accessor, inheritanceDistance: inheritanceDistance);
@@ -67,20 +67,20 @@
     for (var method in type.methods) {
       if (method.returnType == null) {
-        builder.addSuggestionForMethod(
+        memberBuilder.addSuggestionForMethod(
             method: method,
             inheritanceDistance: inheritanceDistance,
             kind: kind);
       } else if (!method.returnType.isVoid) {
         if (opType.includeReturnValueSuggestions) {
-          builder.addSuggestionForMethod(
+          memberBuilder.addSuggestionForMethod(
               method: method,
               inheritanceDistance: inheritanceDistance,
               kind: kind);
       } else {
         if (opType.includeVoidReturnSuggestions) {
-          var suggestion = builder.addSuggestionForMethod(
+          var suggestion = memberBuilder.addSuggestionForMethod(
               method: method,
               inheritanceDistance: inheritanceDistance,
               kind: kind);
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
       _addSuggestionsForType(type, request, inheritanceDistance,
           isFunctionalArgument: isFunctionalArgument);
-    return builder.suggestions.toList();
+    return memberBuilder.suggestions.toList();
   /// Return the class member containing the target or `null` if the target is
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/keyword_contributor.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/keyword_contributor.dart
index 886dffa..bbe61ce 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/keyword_contributor.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/keyword_contributor.dart
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/provisional/completion/dart/completion_dart.dart';
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/completion_manager.dart';
+import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/suggestion_builder.dart';
 import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/features.dart';
 import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
 import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
@@ -28,7 +29,7 @@
 class KeywordContributor extends DartCompletionContributor {
   Future<List<CompletionSuggestion>> computeSuggestions(
-      DartCompletionRequest request) async {
+      DartCompletionRequest request, SuggestionBuilder builder) async {
     var suggestions = <CompletionSuggestion>[];
     // Don't suggest anything right after double or integer literals.
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/label_contributor.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/label_contributor.dart
index 4d4940e..fb3b718 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/label_contributor.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/label_contributor.dart
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/provisional/completion/dart/completion_dart.dart';
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/completion_manager.dart'
     show DartCompletionRequestImpl;
+import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/suggestion_builder.dart';
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/utilities.dart';
 import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
 import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart' as protocol
@@ -22,7 +23,7 @@
 class LabelContributor extends DartCompletionContributor {
   Future<List<CompletionSuggestion>> computeSuggestions(
-      DartCompletionRequest request) async {
+      DartCompletionRequest request, SuggestionBuilder builder) async {
     var optype = (request as DartCompletionRequestImpl).opType;
     // Collect suggestions from the specific child [AstNode] that contains
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/library_member_contributor.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/library_member_contributor.dart
index 8735a3b..24e45fc 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/library_member_contributor.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/library_member_contributor.dart
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 class LibraryMemberContributor extends DartCompletionContributor {
   Future<List<CompletionSuggestion>> computeSuggestions(
-      DartCompletionRequest request) async {
+      DartCompletionRequest request, SuggestionBuilder builder) async {
     // Determine if the target looks like a library prefix.
     var targetId = request.dotTarget;
     if (targetId is SimpleIdentifier && ! {
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/library_prefix_contributor.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/library_prefix_contributor.dart
index e41db25..c837cb4 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/library_prefix_contributor.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/library_prefix_contributor.dart
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 class LibraryPrefixContributor extends DartCompletionContributor {
   Future<List<CompletionSuggestion>> computeSuggestions(
-      DartCompletionRequest request) async {
+      DartCompletionRequest request, SuggestionBuilder builder) async {
     if (!request.includeIdentifiers) {
       return const <CompletionSuggestion>[];
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/local_constructor_contributor.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/local_constructor_contributor.dart
index 76944901..81d91a5 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/local_constructor_contributor.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/local_constructor_contributor.dart
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 class LocalConstructorContributor extends DartCompletionContributor {
   Future<List<CompletionSuggestion>> computeSuggestions(
-      DartCompletionRequest request) async {
+      DartCompletionRequest request, SuggestionBuilder builder) async {
     var optype = (request as DartCompletionRequestImpl).opType;
     // Collect suggestions from the specific child [AstNode] that contains
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/local_library_contributor.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/local_library_contributor.dart
index d463c27..2f2f80c 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/local_library_contributor.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/local_library_contributor.dart
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/provisional/completion/dart/completion_dart.dart';
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/feature_computer.dart';
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/suggestion_builder.dart'
-    show createSuggestion, ElementSuggestionBuilder;
+    show createSuggestion, ElementSuggestionBuilder, SuggestionBuilder;
 import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/features.dart';
 import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
 import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/nullability_suffix.dart';
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 /// the source in which the completions are being requested.
 class LibraryElementSuggestionBuilder extends GeneralizingElementVisitor
     with ElementSuggestionBuilder {
+  @override
   final DartCompletionRequest request;
   final OpType optype;
@@ -301,7 +302,7 @@
 class LocalLibraryContributor extends DartCompletionContributor {
   Future<List<CompletionSuggestion>> computeSuggestions(
-      DartCompletionRequest request) async {
+      DartCompletionRequest request, SuggestionBuilder builder) async {
     if (!request.includeIdentifiers) {
       return const <CompletionSuggestion>[];
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/local_reference_contributor.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/local_reference_contributor.dart
index 1dc2aee..5681497 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/local_reference_contributor.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/local_reference_contributor.dart
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
     show CompletionSuggestion, CompletionSuggestionKind, Location;
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/provisional/completion/dart/completion_dart.dart';
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/feature_computer.dart';
+import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/suggestion_builder.dart';
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/utilities.dart';
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/utilities/strings.dart';
 import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/features.dart';
@@ -30,7 +31,7 @@
 class LocalReferenceContributor extends DartCompletionContributor {
   Future<List<CompletionSuggestion>> computeSuggestions(
-      DartCompletionRequest request) async {
+      DartCompletionRequest request, SuggestionBuilder builder) async {
     var opType = request.opType;
     var node =;
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/named_constructor_contributor.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/named_constructor_contributor.dart
index 56cb00e..3472d5d 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/named_constructor_contributor.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/named_constructor_contributor.dart
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 class NamedConstructorContributor extends DartCompletionContributor {
   Future<List<CompletionSuggestion>> computeSuggestions(
-      DartCompletionRequest request) async {
+      DartCompletionRequest request, SuggestionBuilder builder) async {
     var node =;
     var libraryElement = request.libraryElement;
     if (libraryElement == null) {
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/override_contributor.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/override_contributor.dart
index bfecf44..28c0d6f 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/override_contributor.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/override_contributor.dart
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol_server.dart' as protocol
     hide CompletionSuggestion, CompletionSuggestionKind;
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/provisional/completion/dart/completion_dart.dart';
+import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/suggestion_builder.dart';
 import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/features.dart';
 import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
 import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
@@ -24,7 +25,7 @@
 class OverrideContributor implements DartCompletionContributor {
   Future<List<CompletionSuggestion>> computeSuggestions(
-      DartCompletionRequest request) async {
+      DartCompletionRequest request, SuggestionBuilder builder) async {
     var targetId = _getTargetId(;
     if (targetId == null) {
       return const <CompletionSuggestion>[];
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/static_member_contributor.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/static_member_contributor.dart
index a82924b..9f9f584 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/static_member_contributor.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/static_member_contributor.dart
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 class StaticMemberContributor extends DartCompletionContributor {
   Future<List<CompletionSuggestion>> computeSuggestions(
-      DartCompletionRequest request) async {
+      DartCompletionRequest request, SuggestionBuilder builder) async {
     var targetId = request.dotTarget;
     if (targetId is Identifier && ! {
       var elem = targetId.staticElement;
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/suggestion_builder.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/suggestion_builder.dart
index 9d05145..bdf356d 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/suggestion_builder.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/suggestion_builder.dart
@@ -543,3 +543,17 @@
     return toRelevance(score, Relevance.member);
+/// An object used to build a list of suggestions in response to a single
+/// completion request.
+class SuggestionBuilder {
+  /// The completion request for which suggestions are being built.
+  final DartCompletionRequest request;
+  /// A collection of completion suggestions.
+  final List<CompletionSuggestion> suggestions = <CompletionSuggestion>[];
+  /// Initialize a newly created suggestion builder to build suggestions for the
+  /// given [request].
+  SuggestionBuilder(this.request);
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/type_member_contributor.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/type_member_contributor.dart
index e43b3bf..6852927 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/type_member_contributor.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/type_member_contributor.dart
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 class TypeMemberContributor extends DartCompletionContributor {
   Future<List<CompletionSuggestion>> computeSuggestions(
-      DartCompletionRequest request) async {
+      DartCompletionRequest request, SuggestionBuilder builder) async {
     var containingLibrary = request.libraryElement;
     // Gracefully degrade if the library could not be determined, such as with a
     // detached part file or source change.
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/uri_contributor.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/uri_contributor.dart
index 245e9d6..cc6bad1 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/uri_contributor.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/uri_contributor.dart
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol_server.dart'
     show CompletionSuggestion, CompletionSuggestionKind;
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/provisional/completion/dart/completion_dart.dart';
+import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/suggestion_builder.dart';
 import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
 import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart';
 import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
@@ -25,7 +26,7 @@
   Future<List<CompletionSuggestion>> computeSuggestions(
-      DartCompletionRequest request) async {
+      DartCompletionRequest request, SuggestionBuilder builder) async {
     var builder = _UriSuggestionBuilder(request);;
     return builder.suggestions;
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/variable_name_contributor.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/variable_name_contributor.dart
index a0ee964..b40435c 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/variable_name_contributor.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/variable_name_contributor.dart
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol_server.dart'
     show CompletionSuggestion, CompletionSuggestionKind;
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/provisional/completion/dart/completion_dart.dart';
+import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/suggestion_builder.dart';
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/name_suggestion.dart';
 import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
 import 'package:analyzer_plugin/src/utilities/completion/completion_target.dart';
@@ -16,7 +17,7 @@
 class VariableNameContributor extends DartCompletionContributor {
   Future<List<CompletionSuggestion>> computeSuggestions(
-      DartCompletionRequest request) async {
+      DartCompletionRequest request, SuggestionBuilder builder) async {
     var opType = request.opType;
     // Collect suggestions from the specific child [AstNode] that contains
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/correction/dart/remove_question_mark.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/correction/dart/remove_question_mark.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c14f141
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/correction/dart/remove_question_mark.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/dart/abstract_producer.dart';
+import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/fix.dart';
+import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
+import 'package:analyzer_plugin/utilities/change_builder/change_builder_dart.dart';
+import 'package:analyzer_plugin/utilities/fixes/fixes.dart';
+import 'package:analyzer_plugin/utilities/range_factory.dart';
+class RemoveQuestionMark extends CorrectionProducer {
+  @override
+  FixKind get fixKind => DartFixKind.REMOVE_QUESTION_MARK;
+  @override
+  Future<void> compute(DartChangeBuilder builder) async {
+    if (node is! SimpleIdentifier || node.parent is! TypeName) {
+      return;
+    }
+    var typeName = node.parent as TypeName;
+    var questionMark = typeName.question;
+    if (questionMark == null) {
+      return;
+    }
+    await builder.addFileEdit(file, (DartFileEditBuilder builder) {
+      builder.addDeletion(range.token(questionMark));
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/correction/fix.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/correction/fix.dart
index 51a755e..07bf305 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/correction/fix.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/correction/fix.dart
@@ -354,6 +354,8 @@
       'Remove parentheses in getter invocation');
+  static const REMOVE_QUESTION_MARK =
+      FixKind('dart.fix.remove.questionMark', 50, "Remove the '?'");
   static const REMOVE_THIS_EXPRESSION =
       FixKind('dart.fix.remove.thisExpression', 50, 'Remove this expression');
   static const REMOVE_TYPE_ANNOTATION =
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/correction/fix_internal.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/correction/fix_internal.dart
index 1965a45..56b9ab1 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/correction/fix_internal.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/correction/fix_internal.dart
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/dart/inline_typedef.dart';
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/dart/remove_dead_if_null.dart';
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/dart/remove_if_null_operator.dart';
+import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/dart/remove_question_mark.dart';
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/dart/remove_unused.dart';
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/dart/remove_unused_local_variable.dart';
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/dart/replace_with_eight_digit_hex.dart';
@@ -4499,12 +4500,24 @@
     var errorCode = error.errorCode;
-    if (errorCode == HintCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT) {
+    if (errorCode == HintCode.NULLABLE_TYPE_IN_CATCH_CLAUSE) {
+      await compute(RemoveQuestionMark());
+    } else if (errorCode == HintCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT) {
       await compute(RemoveUnusedElement());
     } else if (errorCode == HintCode.UNUSED_FIELD) {
       await compute(RemoveUnusedField());
     } else if (errorCode == HintCode.UNUSED_LOCAL_VARIABLE) {
       await compute(RemoveUnusedLocalVariable());
+    } else if (errorCode ==
+        CompileTimeErrorCode.NULLABLE_TYPE_IN_EXTENDS_CLAUSE) {
+      await compute(RemoveQuestionMark());
+    } else if (errorCode ==
+      await compute(RemoveQuestionMark());
+    } else if (errorCode == CompileTimeErrorCode.NULLABLE_TYPE_IN_ON_CLAUSE) {
+      await compute(RemoveQuestionMark());
+    } else if (errorCode == CompileTimeErrorCode.NULLABLE_TYPE_IN_WITH_CLAUSE) {
+      await compute(RemoveQuestionMark());
     } else if (errorCode == StaticWarningCode.ARGUMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE) {
       await compute(WrapInText());
     } else if (errorCode == StaticWarningCode.DEAD_NULL_AWARE_EXPRESSION) {
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/test/services/completion/dart/completion_contributor_util.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/test/services/completion/dart/completion_contributor_util.dart
index 82556d2..cd6b0a1 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/test/services/completion/dart/completion_contributor_util.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/test/services/completion/dart/completion_contributor_util.dart
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/completion_performance.dart';
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/completion_manager.dart'
     show DartCompletionManager, DartCompletionRequestImpl;
+import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/suggestion_builder.dart';
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/utilities.dart';
 import 'package:analyzer/src/dartdoc/dartdoc_directive_info.dart';
 import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/parser.dart' as analyzer;
@@ -53,7 +54,9 @@
   Future<List<CompletionSuggestion>> computeContributedSuggestions(
       DartCompletionRequest request) async {
-    return contributor.computeSuggestions(request);
+    var builder = SuggestionBuilder(request);
+    var suggestions = await contributor.computeSuggestions(request, builder);
+    return [...suggestions, ...builder.suggestions];
   DartCompletionContributor createContributor();
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/edit/fix/dartfix_listener_test.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/edit/fix/dartfix_listener_test.dart
index 09382eb..a904622 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/edit/fix/dartfix_listener_test.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/edit/fix/dartfix_listener_test.dart
@@ -23,11 +23,11 @@
   void test_clear_clears_edits() {
-        "Example",
+        'Example',
-        SourceChange("foo")
+        SourceChange('foo')
           ..edits = [
-            SourceFileEdit("foo", 2, edits: [SourceEdit(0, 0, "foo")])
+            SourceFileEdit('foo', 2, edits: [SourceEdit(0, 0, 'foo')])
     expect(listener.sourceChange.edits, hasLength(1));
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/edit/nnbd_migration/info_builder_test.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/edit/nnbd_migration/info_builder_test.dart
index 17cb33b..06f77f0 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/edit/nnbd_migration/info_builder_test.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/edit/nnbd_migration/info_builder_test.dart
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/edit/nnbd_migration/migration_info.dart';
 import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/results.dart';
 import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
-import 'package:analyzer/source/line_info.dart';
 import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
 import 'package:nnbd_migration/nnbd_migration.dart';
 import 'package:test/test.dart';
@@ -251,18 +250,6 @@
     return true;
-  void assertTraceEntry(UnitInfo unit, TraceEntryInfo entryInfo,
-      String function, int offset, Object descriptionMatcher) {
-    assert(offset >= 0);
-    var lineInfo = LineInfo.fromContent(unit.content);
-    var expectedLocation = lineInfo.getLocation(offset);
-    expect(, unit.path);
-    expect(, expectedLocation.lineNumber);
-    expect(, expectedLocation.columnNumber);
-    expect(entryInfo.function, function);
-    expect(entryInfo.description, descriptionMatcher);
-  }
   List<RegionInfo> getNonInformativeRegions(List<RegionInfo> regions) {
     return regions
         .where((region) =>
@@ -293,6 +280,68 @@
             replacement: ''));
+  Future<void> test_conditionFalseInStrongMode() async {
+    var unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
+int f(String s) {
+  if (s == null) {
+    return 0;
+  } else {
+    return s.length;
+  }
+''', migratedContent: '''
+int  f(String  s) {
+  if (s == null /* == false */) {
+    return 0;
+  } else {
+    return s.length;
+  }
+''', warnOnWeakCode: true);
+    var insertedComment = '/* == false */';
+    var insertedCommentOffset = unit.content.indexOf(insertedComment);
+    var region = unit.regions
+        .where((region) => region.offset == insertedCommentOffset)
+        .single;
+    assertRegion(
+        region: region,
+        length: insertedComment.length,
+        explanation: 'Condition will always be false in strong checking mode',
+        kind: NullabilityFixKind.conditionFalseInStrongMode,
+        edits: isEmpty);
+  }
+  Future<void> test_conditionTrueInStrongMode() async {
+    var unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
+int f(String s) {
+  if (s != null) {
+    return s.length;
+  } else {
+    return 0;
+  }
+''', migratedContent: '''
+int  f(String  s) {
+  if (s != null /* == true */) {
+    return s.length;
+  } else {
+    return 0;
+  }
+''', warnOnWeakCode: true);
+    var insertedComment = '/* == true */';
+    var insertedCommentOffset = unit.content.indexOf(insertedComment);
+    var region = unit.regions
+        .where((region) => region.offset == insertedCommentOffset)
+        .single;
+    assertRegion(
+        region: region,
+        length: insertedComment.length,
+        explanation: 'Condition will always be true in strong checking mode',
+        kind: NullabilityFixKind.conditionTrueInStrongMode,
+        edits: isEmpty);
+  }
   Future<void> test_discardCondition() async {
     var unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
 void g(int i) {
@@ -418,13 +467,11 @@
       for (var trace in region.traces)
         trace.description: trace.entries[0].target.offset
-    // Note: +1's below are because trace offsets are actually column numbers.
     expect(traceDescriptionToOffset, {
-      'Nullability reason': content.indexOf('List<int/*?*/>/*?*/') + 1,
-      'Non-nullability reason': content.indexOf('List<int/*!*/>/*!*/') + 1,
-      'Nullability reason for type argument 0': content.indexOf('int/*?*/') + 1,
-      'Non-nullability reason for type argument 0':
-          content.indexOf('int/*!*/') + 1
+      'Nullability reason': content.indexOf('List<int/*?*/>/*?*/'),
+      'Non-nullability reason': content.indexOf('List<int/*!*/>/*!*/'),
+      'Nullability reason for type argument 0': content.indexOf('int/*?*/'),
+      'Non-nullability reason for type argument 0': content.indexOf('int/*!*/')
@@ -565,6 +612,25 @@
         kind: NullabilityFixKind.checkExpression);
+  void test_nullAwarenessUnnecessaryInStrongMode() async {
+    var unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
+int f(String s) => s?.length;
+''', migratedContent: '''
+int  f(String  s) => s?.length;
+''', warnOnWeakCode: true);
+    var question = '?';
+    var questionOffset = unit.content.indexOf(question);
+    var region =
+        unit.regions.where((region) => region.offset == questionOffset).single;
+    assertRegion(
+        region: region,
+        length: question.length,
+        explanation:
+            'Null-aware access will be unnecessary in strong checking mode',
+        kind: NullabilityFixKind.nullAwarenessUnnecessaryInStrongMode,
+        edits: isEmpty);
+  }
   Future<void> test_nullCheck_dueToHint() async {
     var content = 'int f(int/*?*/ x) => x/*!*/;';
     var migratedContent = 'int  f(int/*?*/ x) => x/*!*/;';
@@ -838,17 +904,12 @@
     var entries = trace.entries;
     expect(entries, hasLength(2));
     // Entry 0 is the nullability of the type of i.
-    // TODO(paulberry): -1 is a bug.
-    assertTraceEntry(unit, entries[0], 'f',
-        unit.content.indexOf('int/*?*/') - 1, contains('parameter 0 of f'));
+    assertTraceEntry(unit, entries[0], 'f', unit.content.indexOf('int/*?*/'),
+        contains('parameter 0 of f'));
     // Entry 1 is the edge from always to the type of i.
     // TODO(paulberry): this edge provides no additional useful information and
     // shouldn't be included in the trace.
-    assertTraceEntry(
-        unit,
-        entries[1],
-        'f',
-        unit.content.indexOf('int/*?*/') - 1,
+    assertTraceEntry(unit, entries[1], 'f', unit.content.indexOf('int/*?*/'),
         'explicitly hinted to be nullable');
@@ -916,9 +977,8 @@
     var trace = region.traces.single;
     expect(trace.description, 'Reason');
     expect(trace.entries, hasLength(1));
-    // TODO(paulberry): -1 is a bug.
     assertTraceEntry(unit, trace.entries.single, 'f',
-        unit.content.indexOf('i/*!*/') - 1, 'Null check hint');
+        unit.content.indexOf('i/*!*/'), 'Null check hint');
   Future<void> test_trace_substitutionNode() async {
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/edit/nnbd_migration/nnbd_migration_test_base.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/edit/nnbd_migration/nnbd_migration_test_base.dart
index d8a281a..6591ced 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/edit/nnbd_migration/nnbd_migration_test_base.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/edit/nnbd_migration/nnbd_migration_test_base.dart
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/edit/nnbd_migration/migration_info.dart';
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/edit/nnbd_migration/offset_mapper.dart';
 import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/results.dart';
+import 'package:analyzer/source/line_info.dart';
 import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
 import 'package:nnbd_migration/nnbd_migration.dart';
 import 'package:test/test.dart';
@@ -54,6 +55,8 @@
     if (offset != null) {
       expect(region.offset, offset);
       expect(region.length, length ?? 1);
+    } else if (length != null) {
+      expect(region.length, length);
     expect(region.kind, kind);
     expect(region.edits, edits);
@@ -91,13 +94,28 @@
         kind: kind);
+  void assertTraceEntry(UnitInfo unit, TraceEntryInfo entryInfo,
+      String function, int offset, Object descriptionMatcher) {
+    assert(offset >= 0);
+    var lineInfo = LineInfo.fromContent(unit.content);
+    var expectedLocation = lineInfo.getLocation(offset);
+    expect(, unit.path);
+    expect(, expectedLocation.lineNumber);
+    expect(, offset);
+    expect(entryInfo.function, function);
+    expect(entryInfo.description, descriptionMatcher);
+  }
   /// Uses the InfoBuilder to build information for [testFile].
   /// The information is stored in [infos].
-  Future<void> buildInfo({bool removeViaComments = true}) async {
+  Future<void> buildInfo(
+      {bool removeViaComments = true, bool warnOnWeakCode = false}) async {
     var includedRoot = resourceProvider.pathContext.dirname(testFile);
     await _buildMigrationInfo([testFile],
-        includedRoot: includedRoot, removeViaComments: removeViaComments);
+        includedRoot: includedRoot,
+        removeViaComments: removeViaComments,
+        warnOnWeakCode: warnOnWeakCode);
   /// Uses the InfoBuilder to build information for a single test file.
@@ -105,9 +123,12 @@
   /// Asserts that [originalContent] is migrated to [migratedContent]. Returns
   /// the singular UnitInfo which was built.
   Future<UnitInfo> buildInfoForSingleTestFile(String originalContent,
-      {@required String migratedContent, bool removeViaComments = true}) async {
+      {@required String migratedContent,
+      bool removeViaComments = true,
+      bool warnOnWeakCode = false}) async {
-    await buildInfo(removeViaComments: removeViaComments);
+    await buildInfo(
+        removeViaComments: removeViaComments, warnOnWeakCode: warnOnWeakCode);
     // Ignore info for dart:core.
     var filteredInfos = [
       for (var info in infos) if (!info.path.contains('core.dart')) info
@@ -141,7 +162,9 @@
   /// Uses the InfoBuilder to build information for files at [testPaths], which
   /// should all share a common parent directory, [includedRoot].
   Future<void> _buildMigrationInfo(List<String> testPaths,
-      {String includedRoot, bool removeViaComments = true}) async {
+      {String includedRoot,
+      bool removeViaComments = true,
+      bool warnOnWeakCode = false}) async {
     // Compute the analysis results.
     server.setAnalysisRoots('0', [includedRoot], [], {});
     // Run the migration engine.
@@ -151,7 +174,8 @@
     var migration = NullabilityMigration(adapter,
         permissive: false,
         instrumentation: instrumentationListener,
-        removeViaComments: removeViaComments);
+        removeViaComments: removeViaComments,
+        warnOnWeakCode: warnOnWeakCode);
     Future<void> _forEachPath(
         void Function(ResolvedUnitResult) callback) async {
       for (var testPath in testPaths) {
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/edit/nnbd_migration/unit_renderer_test.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/edit/nnbd_migration/unit_renderer_test.dart
index 5ab9abf..0e7bd9a 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/edit/nnbd_migration/unit_renderer_test.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/edit/nnbd_migration/unit_renderer_test.dart
@@ -36,6 +36,60 @@
     return contents;
+  void test_conditionFalseInStrongMode() async {
+    await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
+int f(String s) {
+  if (s == null) {
+    return 0;
+  } else {
+    return s.length;
+  }
+''', migratedContent: '''
+int  f(String  s) {
+  if (s == null /* == false */) {
+    return 0;
+  } else {
+    return s.length;
+  }
+''', warnOnWeakCode: true);
+    var output = renderUnits()[0];
+    expect(
+        _stripDataAttributes(output.regions),
+        contains(
+            '<span class="region informative-region">/* == false */</span>'));
+    expect(output.edits.keys,
+        contains('1 condition will be false in strong checking mode'));
+  }
+  void test_conditionTrueInStrongMode() async {
+    await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
+int f(String s) {
+  if (s != null) {
+    return s.length;
+  } else {
+    return 0;
+  }
+''', migratedContent: '''
+int  f(String  s) {
+  if (s != null /* == true */) {
+    return s.length;
+  } else {
+    return 0;
+  }
+''', warnOnWeakCode: true);
+    var output = renderUnits()[0];
+    expect(
+        _stripDataAttributes(output.regions),
+        contains(
+            '<span class="region informative-region">/* == true */</span>'));
+    expect(output.edits.keys,
+        contains('1 condition will be true in strong checking mode'));
+  }
   Future<void> test_editList_containsCount() async {
     await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
 int a = null;
@@ -207,6 +261,21 @@
             r'<span id="o13">a</span> = null;'));
+  void test_nullAwarenessUnnecessaryInStrongMode() async {
+    await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
+int f(String s) => s?.length;
+''', migratedContent: '''
+int  f(String  s) => s?.length;
+''', warnOnWeakCode: true);
+    var output = renderUnits()[0];
+    expect(_stripDataAttributes(output.regions),
+        contains('s<span class="region informative-region">?</span>.length'));
+    expect(
+        output.edits.keys,
+        contains(
+            '1 null-aware access will be unnecessary in strong checking mode'));
+  }
   Future<void> test_outputContains_addedType() async {
     await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
 void f() {
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/edit/preview/preview_site_test.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/edit/preview/preview_site_test.dart
index bc66122..fd1d4b0 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/edit/preview/preview_site_test.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/edit/preview/preview_site_test.dart
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 class PreviewSiteTest with ResourceProviderMixin, PreviewSiteTestMixin {
+  @override
   Future<void> performEdit(String path, int offset, String replacement) {
     final pathUri = Uri.file(path).path;
     return site
@@ -47,6 +48,33 @@
+  void test_apply_regress41391() async {
+    final path = convertPath('/test.dart');
+    final file = getFile(path);
+    final analysisOptionsPath = convertPath('/analysis_options.yaml');
+    final analysisOptions = getFile(analysisOptionsPath);
+    analysisOptions.writeAsStringSync('analyzer:');
+    final content = 'void main() {}';
+    file.writeAsStringSync(content);
+    site.unitInfoMap[path] = UnitInfo(path)..diskContent = content;
+    // Add a source change for analysis_options, which has no UnitInfo.
+    dartfixListener.addSourceChange(
+        'enable experiment',
+        Location(analysisOptionsPath, 9, 0, 1, 9),
+        SourceChange('enable experiment', edits: [
+          SourceFileEdit(analysisOptionsPath, 0, edits: [
+            SourceEdit(9, 0, '\n  enable-experiment:\n  - non-nullable')
+          ])
+        ]));
+    // This should not crash.
+    site.performApply();
+    expect(analysisOptions.readAsStringSync(), '''
+  enable-experiment:
+  - non-nullable''');
+    expect(state.hasBeenApplied, true);
+  }
   void test_applyChangesEmpty() {
     final file = getFile('/test.dart');
     file.writeAsStringSync('void main() {}');
@@ -221,6 +249,11 @@
         targets: targets,
         offset: unitInfo.content.indexOf('y'),
         offsetMapper: unitInfo.offsetMapper);
+    var trace = unitInfo.regions[1].traces[0];
+    assertTraceEntry(unitInfo, trace.entries[0], null,
+        unitInfo.content.indexOf('int/*?*/? y'), contains('explicit type'));
+    assertTraceEntry(unitInfo, trace.entries[1], 'y',
+        unitInfo.content.indexOf('= x;') + '= '.length, contains('data flow'));
     expect(state.hasBeenApplied, false);
     expect(state.needsRerun, true);
     expect(reranPaths, null);
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/services/correction/fix/remove_question_mark_test.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/services/correction/fix/remove_question_mark_test.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..428f1d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/services/correction/fix/remove_question_mark_test.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/fix.dart';
+import 'package:analyzer_plugin/utilities/fixes/fixes.dart';
+import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
+import 'fix_processor.dart';
+void main() {
+  defineReflectiveSuite(() {
+    defineReflectiveTests(RemoveQuestionMarkTest);
+  });
+class RemoveQuestionMarkTest extends FixProcessorTest {
+  @override
+  FixKind get kind => DartFixKind.REMOVE_QUESTION_MARK;
+  @override
+  void setUp() {
+    super.setUp();
+    createAnalysisOptionsFile(experiments: ['non-nullable']);
+  }
+  Future<void> test_catchClause() async {
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+class A {}
+void f() {
+  try {
+  } on A? {
+  }
+    await assertHasFix('''
+class A {}
+void f() {
+  try {
+  } on A {
+  }
+  }
+  Future<void> test_extendsClause() async {
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+class A {}
+class B extends A? {}
+    await assertHasFix('''
+class A {}
+class B extends A {}
+  }
+  Future<void> test_implementsClause() async {
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+class A {}
+class B implements A? {}
+    await assertHasFix('''
+class A {}
+class B implements A {}
+  }
+  Future<void> test_onClause_class() async {
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+class A {}
+mixin B on A? {}
+    await assertHasFix('''
+class A {}
+mixin B on A {}
+  }
+  Future<void> test_withClause_class() async {
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+class A {}
+class B with A? {}
+    await assertHasFix('''
+class A {}
+class B with A {}
+  }
+  Future<void> test_withClause_mixin() async {
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+mixin A {}
+class B with A? {}
+    await assertHasFix('''
+mixin A {}
+class B with A {}
+  }
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/services/correction/fix/test_all.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/services/correction/fix/test_all.dart
index af23d15..843263f 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/services/correction/fix/test_all.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/services/correction/fix/test_all.dart
@@ -111,6 +111,7 @@
     as remove_parameters_in_getter_declaration;
 import 'remove_parentheses_in_getter_invocation_test.dart'
     as remove_parentheses_in_getter_invocation;
+import 'remove_question_mark_test.dart' as remove_question_mark;
 import 'remove_this_expression_test.dart' as remove_this_expression;
 import 'remove_type_annotation_test.dart' as remove_type_annotation;
 import 'remove_type_arguments_test.dart' as remove_type_arguments;
@@ -252,6 +253,7 @@
+    remove_question_mark.main();
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/tool/completion_metrics/relevance_metrics.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/tool/completion_metrics/relevance_metrics.dart
index 7c0157d..21ff025 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/tool/completion_metrics/relevance_metrics.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/tool/completion_metrics/relevance_metrics.dart
@@ -138,6 +138,10 @@
   /// A table mapping counter names to counts.
   Map<String, int> simpleCounts = {};
+  /// A table mapping the length of identifiers to the number of identifiers
+  /// found of that length.
+  Map<int, int> identifierLengths = {};
   /// A table mapping distances from an identifier to the nearest previous token
   /// with the same lexeme to the number of times that distance was found.
   Map<int, int> tokenDistances = {};
@@ -189,6 +193,11 @@
     contextMap[key] = (contextMap[key] ?? 0) + 1;
+  /// Record that an identifier of the given [length] was found.
+  void recordIdentifierOfLength(int length) {
+    identifierLengths[length] = (identifierLengths[length] ?? 0) + 1;
+  }
   /// Record information about the distance between recurring tokens.
   void recordTokenStream(int distance) {
     tokenDistances[distance] = (tokenDistances[distance] ?? 0) + 1;
@@ -1243,6 +1252,12 @@
+  void visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) {
+    data.recordIdentifierOfLength(;
+    super.visitSimpleIdentifier(node);
+  }
+  @override
   void visitSimpleStringLiteral(SimpleStringLiteral node) {
     // There are no completions.
@@ -2013,21 +2028,22 @@
-    sink.writeln('');
+    sink.writeln();
     _writeCounts(sink, data.simpleCounts);
-    sink.writeln('');
+    sink.writeln();
     _writeSideBySide(sink, [data.byTokenType, data.byElementKind],
         ['Token Types', 'Element Kinds']);
-    sink.writeln('');
+    sink.writeln();
     sink.writeln('Type relationships');
     _writeSideBySide(sink, [first, whole], ['First Token', 'Whole Expression']);
     _writeContextMap(sink, rest);
-    sink.writeln('');
+    sink.writeln();
     sink.writeln('Structural indicators');
     _writeContextMap(sink, data.byDistance);
-    sink.writeln('');
+    sink.writeln();
     sink.writeln('Distance to member (left) by depth of target class (top)');
     _writeMatrix(sink, data.distanceByDepthMap);
+    _writeIdentifierLengths(sink, data.identifierLengths);
     _writeTokenData(sink, data.tokenDistances);
@@ -2218,6 +2234,14 @@
+  /// Write information about the [lengths] of identifiers to the given [sink].
+  void _writeIdentifierLengths(StringSink sink, Map<int, int> lengths) {
+    sink.writeln();
+    var column = _convertMap('identifier lengths', lengths);
+    var table = _convertColumnsToRows([column]).toList();
+    _writeTable(sink, table);
+  }
   /// Write the given [matrix] to the [sink]. The keys of the outer map will be
   /// the row titles; the keys of the inner map will be the column titles.
   void _writeMatrix(StringSink sink, Map<int, Map<int, int>> matrix) {
@@ -2310,7 +2334,7 @@
       secondColumn.add('  $percent%: $i');
-    sink.writeln('');
+    sink.writeln();
     sink.writeln('Token stream analysis');
     var table = _convertColumnsToRows([firstColumn, secondColumn]).toList();
     _writeTable(sink, table);
diff --git a/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/dart/error/hint_codes.dart b/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/dart/error/hint_codes.dart
index 3128a5d..0890f77 100644
--- a/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/dart/error/hint_codes.dart
+++ b/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/dart/error/hint_codes.dart
@@ -1306,9 +1306,43 @@
           "as an operand of a logical operator.");
-   * If it is not allowed to throw a nullable expression, there is not
-   * need to catch it.
+   * No parameters.
+  // #### Description
+  //
+  // The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the type following `on` in a
+  // catch clause is a nullable type. It isn't valid to specify a nullable type
+  // because it isn't possible to catch `null` (because it's a runtime error to
+  // throw `null`).
+  //
+  // #### Example
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because the exception type is
+  // specified to allow `null` when `null` can't be thrown:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // void f() {
+  //   try {
+  //     // ...
+  //   } on [!FormatException?!] {
+  //   }
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // #### Common fixes
+  //
+  // Remove the question mark from the type:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // void f() {
+  //   try {
+  //     // ...
+  //   } on FormatException {
+  //   }
+  // }
+  // ```
   static const HintCode NULLABLE_TYPE_IN_CATCH_CLAUSE = HintCode(
       "A potentially nullable type can't be used in an 'on' clause because it "
@@ -2238,6 +2272,61 @@
    * No parameters.
+  // #### Description
+  //
+  // The analyzer produces this diagnostic when it finds an equality comparison
+  // (either `==` or `!=`) with one operand of `null` and the other operand
+  // can't be `null`. Such comparisons are always either `true` or `false`, so
+  // they serve no purpose.
+  //
+  // #### Example
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` can never be
+  // `null`, so the comparison always evaluates to `true`:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // void f(int x) {
+  //   if (x [!!= null!]) {
+  //     print(x);
+  //   }
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` can never be
+  // `null`, so the comparison always evaluates to `false`:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // void f(int x) {
+  //   if (x [!== null!]) {
+  //     throw ArgumentError("x can't be null");
+  //   }
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // #### Common fixes
+  //
+  // If the other operand should be able to be `null`, then change the type of
+  // the operand:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // void f(int? x) {
+  //   if (x != null) {
+  //     print(x);
+  //   }
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // If the other operand really can't be `null`, then remove the condition:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // void f(int x) {
+  //   print(x);
+  // }
+  // ```
diff --git a/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/dart/micro/library_graph.dart b/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/dart/micro/library_graph.dart
index 8875b3e..e0d05e7 100644
--- a/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/dart/micro/library_graph.dart
+++ b/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/dart/micro/library_graph.dart
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
     show DependencyWalker, Node;
 import 'package:analyzer/src/summary2/informative_data.dart';
 import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
+import 'package:convert/convert.dart';
 /// Ensure that the [FileState.libraryCycle] for the [file] and anything it
 /// depends on is computed.
@@ -430,6 +431,10 @@
+  String get signatureStr {
+    return hex.encode(signature);
+  }
   String toString() {
     return '[' + libraries.join(', ') + ']';
diff --git a/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/dart/micro/resolve_file.dart b/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/dart/micro/resolve_file.dart
index 1ce64a5..57506b2 100644
--- a/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/dart/micro/resolve_file.dart
+++ b/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/dart/micro/resolve_file.dart
@@ -82,7 +82,9 @@
     return'Get errors for $path', () {
-      var fileContext = _createFileContext(path);
+      var fileContext ='Get file $path', () {
+        return _createFileContext(path);
+      });
       var file = fileContext.file;
       var errorsSignatureBuilder = ApiSignature();
@@ -125,11 +127,21 @@
+  String getLibraryLinkedSignature(String path) {
+    _throwIfNotAbsoluteNormalizedPath(path);
+    var fileContext = _createFileContext(path);
+    var file = fileContext.file;
+    return file.libraryCycle.signatureStr;
+  }
   ResolvedUnitResult resolve(String path) {
     return'Resolve $path', () {
-      var fileContext = _createFileContext(path);
+      var fileContext ='Get file $path', () {
+        return _createFileContext(path);
+      });
       var file = fileContext.file;
@@ -258,10 +270,7 @@
-    var file ='Get file $path', () {
-      return fsState.getFileForPath(path);
-    });
+    var file = fsState.getFileForPath(path);
     return _FileContext(analysisOptions, file);
diff --git a/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/dart/resolver/resolution_visitor.dart b/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/dart/resolver/resolution_visitor.dart
index 7382c03..4340e9d 100644
--- a/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/dart/resolver/resolution_visitor.dart
+++ b/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/dart/resolver/resolution_visitor.dart
@@ -181,8 +181,10 @@
         element.isFinal = true;
         if (exceptionTypeNode == null) {
           element.hasImplicitType = true;
-          element.type = _dynamicType;
-          exceptionNode.staticType = _dynamicType;
+          var type =
+              _isNonNullableByDefault ? _typeProvider.objectType : _dynamicType;
+          element.type = type;
+          exceptionNode.staticType = type;
         } else {
           element.type = exceptionTypeNode.type;
           exceptionNode.staticType = exceptionTypeNode.type;
diff --git a/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/error/codes.dart b/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/error/codes.dart
index 1f1150b..8212c01 100644
--- a/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/error/codes.dart
+++ b/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/error/codes.dart
@@ -483,16 +483,88 @@
               "Try marking the function body with either 'async' or 'async*'.");
-   * It is an error if the body of a method, function, getter, or function
-   * expression with a potentially non-nullable return type may completely
-   * normally.
+   * No parameters.
+  // #### Description
+  //
+  // The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a method or function has a
+  // return type that's <a href=”#potentially-non-nullable”>potentially
+  // non-nullable</a> but would implicitly return `null` if control reached the
+  // end of the function.
+  //
+  // #### Example
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because the method `m` has an
+  // implicit return of `null` inserted at the end of the method, but the method
+  // is declared to not return `null`:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // class C {
+  //   int [!m!](int t) {
+  //     print(t);
+  //   }
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because the method `m` has an
+  // implicit return of `null` inserted at the end of the method, but because
+  // the class `C` can be instantiated with a non-nullable type argument, the
+  // method is effectively declared to not return `null`:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // class C<T> {
+  //   T [!m!](T t) {
+  //     print(t);
+  //   }
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // #### Common fixes
+  //
+  // If there's a reasonable value that can be returned, then add a return
+  // statement at the end of the method:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // class C<T> {
+  //   T m(T t) {
+  //     print(t);
+  //     return t;
+  //   }
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // If the method won't reach the implicit return, then add a throw at the end
+  // of the method:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // class C<T> {
+  //   T m(T t) {
+  //     print(t);
+  //     throw '';
+  //   }
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // If the method intentionally returns `null` at the end, then change the
+  // return type so that it's valid to return `null`:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // class C<T> {
+  //   T? m(T t) {
+  //     print(t);
+  //   }
+  // }
+  // ```
   static const CompileTimeErrorCode BODY_MIGHT_COMPLETE_NORMALLY =
-          "The body might complete normally, which would cause 'null' to be "
-              "returned, but the return type is a potentially "
-              "non-nullable type.",
+          "The body might complete normally, causing 'null' to be returned, "
+              "but the return type is a potentially non-nullable type.",
               "Try adding either a return or a throw statement at the end.");
@@ -625,11 +697,59 @@
           "The switch case expression type '{0}' can't override the == "
-  /// Given a switch statement which switches over an expression `e` of type
-  /// `T`, where the cases are dispatched based on expressions `e0` ... `ek`:
-  ///
-  /// It is an error if any of the `ei` evaluate to a value whose static type
-  /// is not a subtype of `T`.
+  /**
+   * Parameters:
+   * 0: the type of the case expression
+   * 1: the type of the switch expression
+   */
+  // #### Description
+  //
+  // The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the expression following `case`
+  // in a switch statement has a static type that isn't a subtype of the static
+  // type of the expression following `switch`.
+  //
+  // #### Example
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because `1` is an `int`, which
+  // isn't a subtype of `String` (the type of `s`):
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // void f(String s) {
+  //   switch (s) {
+  //     case [!1!]:
+  //       break;
+  //   }
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // #### Common fixes
+  //
+  // If the value of the case expression is wrong, then change the case
+  // expression so that it has the required type:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // void f(String s) {
+  //   switch (s) {
+  //     case '1':
+  //       break;
+  //   }
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // If the value of the case expression is correct, then change the switch
+  // expression to have the required type:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // void f(int s) {
+  //   switch (s) {
+  //     case 1:
+  //       break;
+  //   }
+  // }
+  // ```
   static const CompileTimeErrorCode
@@ -1348,12 +1468,53 @@
           "A continue label resolves to switch, must be loop or switch member");
-   * It is an error to call the default `List` constructor.
+   * No parameters.
+  // #### Description
+  //
+  // The analyzer produces this diagnostic when it finds a use of the default
+  // constructor for the class `List` in code that has opted in to null safety.
+  //
+  // #### Example
+  //
+  // Assuming the following code is opted in to null safety, it produces this
+  // diagnostic because it uses the default `List` constructor:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // var l = [!List<int>!]();
+  // ```
+  //
+  // #### Common fixes
+  //
+  // If no initial size is provided, then convert the code to use a list
+  // literal:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // var l = <int>[];
+  // ```
+  //
+  // If an initial size needs to be provided and there is a single reasonable
+  // initial value for the elements, then use `List.filled`:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // var l = List.filled(3, 0);
+  // ```
+  //
+  // If an initial size needs to be provided but each element needs to be
+  // computed, then use `List.generate`:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // var l = List.generate(3, (i) => i);
+  // ```
   static const CompileTimeErrorCode DEFAULT_LIST_CONSTRUCTOR =
-          "It is an error to call the default List constructor.",
-          correction: "Try using 'List.filled' or 'List.generate'.");
+          "Calling the default 'List' constructor causes an error.",
+          correction: "Try using a list literal, 'List.filled' or "
+              "'List.generate'.");
    * 6.2.1 Required Formals: By means of a function signature that names the
@@ -1427,17 +1588,46 @@
-   * It is a compile time error to read a local variable marked `late` when the
-   * variable is definitely unassigned. This includes all forms of reads,
-   * including implicit reads via the composite assignment operators as well
-   * as pre and post-fix operators.
-   *
    * Parameters:
    * 0: the name of the variable that is invalid
+  // #### Description
+  //
+  // The analyzer produces this diagnostic when
+  // [definite assignment](
+  // analysis shows that a local variable that's marked as `late` is read before
+  // being assigned.
+  //
+  // #### Example
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` was not assigned a
+  // value before being read:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // void f(bool b) {
+  //   late int x;
+  //   print([!x!]);
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // #### Common fixes
+  //
+  // Assign a value to the variable before reading from it:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // void f(bool b) {
+  //   late int x;
+  //   x = b ? 1 : 0;
+  //   print(x);
+  // }
+  // ```
-          "The late local variable '{0}' is definitely unassigned.",
+      CompileTimeErrorCode(
+          "The late local variable '{0}' is definitely unassigned at this "
+              "point.",
               "Ensure that it is assigned on necessary execution paths.");
@@ -1730,18 +1920,61 @@
           "The library '{0}' is internal and can't be exported.");
-   * It is an error for an opted-in library to re-export symbols which are
-   * defined in a legacy library.
-   *
    * Parameters:
    * 0: the name of a symbol defined in a legacy library
+  // #### Description
+  //
+  // The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a library that was opted in to
+  // null safety exports another library, and the exported library is opted out
+  // of null safety.
+  //
+  // #### Example
+  //
+  // Given a library that is opted out of null safety:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %uri="lib/optedOut.dart"
+  // // @dart = 2.9
+  // String s;
+  // ```
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because it's exporting symbols
+  // from an opted-out library:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // export [!'optedOut.dart'!];
+  //
+  // class C {}
+  // ```
+  //
+  // #### Common fixes
+  //
+  // If you're able to do so, migrate the exported library so that it doesn't
+  // need to opt out:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // String? s;
+  // ```
+  //
+  // If you can't migrate the library, then remove the export:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // class C {}
+  // ```
+  //
+  // If the exported library (the one that is opted out) itself exports an
+  // opted-in library, then it's valid for your library to indirectly export the
+  // symbols from the opted-in library. You can do so by adding a hide
+  // combinator to the export directive in your library that hides all of the
+  // names declared in the opted-out library.
   static const CompileTimeErrorCode EXPORT_LEGACY_SYMBOL = CompileTimeErrorCode(
       "The symbol '{0}' is defined in a legacy library, and can't be "
           "re-exported from a non-nullable by default library.",
-      correction: "Use show / hide combinators to avoid exporting these"
-          "symbols, or migrate the legacy library.");
+      correction: "Try removing the export or migrating the legacy library.");
    * 14.2 Exports: It is a compile-time error if the compilation unit found at
@@ -3549,63 +3782,104 @@
    * No parameters.
-  /* #### Description
+  // #### Description
-  // The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an optional parameter doesn't
-  // have a default value, but has a
-  // <a href=”#potentially-non-nullable”>potentially non-nullable</a> type.
-  // Optional parameters that have no explicit default value have an implicit
-  // default value of `null`. If the type of the parameter doesn't allow the
-  // parameter to have a value of null, then the implicit default value is not
-  // valid.
+  // The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an optional parameter, whether
+  // positional or named, has a <a href=”#potentially-non-nullable”>potentially
+  // non-nullable</a> type and doesn't specify a default value. Optional
+  // parameters that have no explicit default value have an implicit default
+  // value of `null`. If the type of the parameter doesn't allow the parameter
+  // to have a value of `null`, then the implicit default value isn't valid.
-  // #### Examples
+  // #### Example
-  // The following code generates this diagnostic:
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` can't be `null`,
+  // and no non-`null` default value is specified:
   // ```dart
-  // void log({String [!message!]}) {}
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // void f([int [!x!]]) {}
+  // ```
+  //
+  // As does this:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // void g({int [!x!]}) {}
   // ```
   // #### Common fixes
-  // If the parameter can have the value `null`, then add a question mark after
-  // the type annotation:
+  // If you want to use `null` to indicate that no value was provided, then you
+  // need to make the type nullable:
   // ```dart
-  // void log({String? message}) {}
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // void f([int? x]) {}
+  // void g({int? x}) {}
   // ```
   // If the parameter can't be null, then either provide a default value:
   // ```dart
-  // void log({String message = ''}) {}
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // void f([int x = 1]) {}
+  // void g({int x = 2}) {}
   // ```
-  // or add the `required` modifier to the parameter:
+  // or make the parameter a required parameter:
   // ```dart
-  // void log({required String message}) {}
-  // ``` */
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // void f(int x) {}
+  // void g({required int x}) {}
+  // ```
   static const CompileTimeErrorCode MISSING_DEFAULT_VALUE_FOR_PARAMETER =
           "The parameter '{0}' can't have a value of 'null' because of its "
-              "type, so it must either be a required parameter or have a "
-              "default value.",
+              "type, and no non-null default value is provided.",
               "Try adding either a default value or the 'required' modifier.");
-   * It is an error if a named parameter that is marked as being required is
-   * not bound to an argument at a call site.
-   *
    * Parameters:
    * 0: the name of the parameter
+  // #### Description
+  //
+  // The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an invocation of a function is
+  // missing a required named parameter.
+  //
+  // #### Example
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because the invocation of `f`
+  // doesn't include a value for the required named parameter `end`:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // void f(int start, {required int end}) {}
+  // void g() {
+  //   [!f!](3);
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // #### Common fixes
+  //
+  // Add a named argument corresponding to the missing required parameter:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // void f(int start, {required int end}) {}
+  // void g() {
+  //   f(3, end: 5);
+  // }
+  // ```
   static const CompileTimeErrorCode MISSING_REQUIRED_ARGUMENT =
-      CompileTimeErrorCode('MISSING_REQUIRED_ARGUMENT',
-          "The named parameter '{0}' is required but was not provided.",
+      CompileTimeErrorCode(
+          "The named parameter '{0}' is required, but there's no corresponding "
+              "argument.",
           correction: "Try adding the required argument.");
@@ -4378,22 +4652,135 @@
       "Factory bodies can't use 'async', 'async*', or 'sync*'.");
-   * It is an error if a potentially non-nullable local variable which has no
-   * initializer expression and is not marked `late` is used before it is
-   * definitely assigned.
-   *
    * Parameters:
    * 0: the name of the variable that is invalid
+  // #### Description
+  //
+  // The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a local variable is referenced
+  // and has all these characteristics:
+  // - Has a type that's <a href=”#potentially-non-nullable”>potentially
+  //   non-nullable</a>.
+  // - Doesn't have an initializer.
+  // - Isn't marked as `late`.
+  // - The analyzer can't prove that the local variable will be assigned before
+  //   the reference based on the specification of
+  //   [definite assignment](
+  //
+  // #### Example
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` can't have a value
+  // of `null`, but is referenced before a value was assigned to it:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // String f() {
+  //   int x;
+  //   return [!x!].toString();
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because the assignment to `x`
+  // might not be executed, so it might have a value of `null`:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // int g(bool b) {
+  //   int x;
+  //   if (b) {
+  //     x = 1;
+  //   }
+  //   return [!x!] * 2;
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because the analyzer can't
+  // prove, based on definite assignment analysis, that `x` won't be referenced
+  // without having a value assigned to it:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // int h(bool b) {
+  //   int x;
+  //   if (b) {
+  //     x = 1;
+  //   }
+  //   if (b) {
+  //     return [!x!] * 2;
+  //   }
+  //   return 0;
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // #### Common fixes
+  //
+  // If `null` is a valid value, then make the variable nullable:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // String f() {
+  //   int? x;
+  //   return x!.toString();
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // If `null` isn’t a valid value, and there's a reasonable default value, then
+  // add an initializer:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // int g(bool b) {
+  //   int x = 2;
+  //   if (b) {
+  //     x = 1;
+  //   }
+  //   return x * 2;
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // Otherwise, ensure that a value was assigned on every possible code path
+  // before the value is accessed:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // int g(bool b) {
+  //   int x;
+  //   if (b) {
+  //     x = 1;
+  //   } else {
+  //     x = 2;
+  //   }
+  //   return x * 2;
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // You can also mark the variable as `late`, which removes the diagnostic, but
+  // if the variable isn't assigned a value before it's accessed, then it
+  // results in an exception being thrown at runtime. This approach should only
+  // be used if you're sure that the variable will always be assigned, even
+  // though the analyzer can't prove it based on definite assignment analysis.
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // int h(bool b) {
+  //   late int x;
+  //   if (b) {
+  //     x = 1;
+  //   }
+  //   if (b) {
+  //     return x * 2;
+  //   }
+  //   return 0;
+  // }
+  // ```
   static const CompileTimeErrorCode
           "The non-nullable local variable '{0}' must be assigned before it "
               "can be used.",
-          correction: "Try giving it an initializer expression, "
-              "or ensure that it is assigned on every execution path, "
-              "or mark it 'late'.");
+          correction: "Try giving it an initializer expression, or ensure that "
+              "it's assigned on every execution path.");
    * Parameters:
@@ -4439,14 +4826,82 @@
-   * It is an error if an instance field with potentially non-nullable type has
-   * no initializer expression and is not initialized in a constructor via an
-   * initializing formal or an initializer list entry, unless the field is
-   * marked with the `late` modifier.
-   *
    * Parameters:
    * 0: the name of the field that is not initialized
+  // #### Description
+  //
+  // The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a field is declared and has all
+  // these characteristics:
+  // - Has a type that's <a href=”#potentially-non-nullable”>potentially
+  //   non-nullable</a>
+  // - Doesn't have an initializer
+  // - Isn't marked as `late`
+  //
+  // #### Example
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` is implicitly
+  // initialized to `null` when it isn't allowed to be `null`:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // class C {
+  //   int [!x!];
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // Similarly, the following code produces this diagnostic because `x` is
+  // implicitly initialized to `null`, when it isn't allowed to be `null`, by
+  // one of the constructors, even though it's initialized by other
+  // constructors:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // class C {
+  //   int x;
+  //
+  //   C(this.x);
+  //
+  //   [!C!].n();
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // #### Common fixes
+  //
+  // If there's a reasonable default value for the field that’s the same for all
+  // instances, then add an initializer expression:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // class C {
+  //   int x = 0;
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // If the value of the field should be provided when an instance is created,
+  // then add a constructor that sets the value of the field or update an
+  // existing constructor:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // class C {
+  //   int x;
+  //
+  //   C(this.x);
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // You can also mark the field as `late`, which removes the diagnostic, but if
+  // the field isn't assigned a value before it's accessed, then it results in
+  // an exception being thrown at runtime. This approach should only be used if
+  // you're sure that the field will always be assigned before it's referenced.
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // class C {
+  //   late int x;
+  // }
+  // ```
   static const CompileTimeErrorCode
@@ -4456,11 +4911,6 @@
               "or mark it 'late'.");
-   * It is an error if an instance field with potentially non-nullable type has
-   * no initializer expression and is not initialized in a constructor via an
-   * initializing formal or an initializer list entry, unless the field is
-   * marked with the `late` modifier.
-   *
    * Parameters:
    * 0: the name of the field that is not initialized
@@ -4475,12 +4925,66 @@
               "or mark it 'late'.");
-   * It is an error if a static field or top-level variable with potentially
-   * non-nullable type has no initializer expression.
-   *
    * Parameters:
    * 0: the name of the variable that is invalid
+  // #### Description
+  //
+  // The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a static field or top-level
+  // variable has a type that's non-nullable and doesn't have an initializer.
+  // Fields and variables that don't have an initializer are normally
+  // initialized to `null`, but the type of the field or variable doesn't allow
+  // it to be set to `null`, so an explicit initializer must be provided.
+  //
+  // #### Example
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because the field `f` can't be
+  // initialized to `null`:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // class C {
+  //   static int [!f!];
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // Similarly, the following code produces this diagnostic because the
+  // top-level variable `v` can't be initialized to `null`:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // int [!v!];
+  // ```
+  //
+  // #### Common fixes
+  //
+  // If the field or variable can't be initialized to `null`, then add an
+  // initializer that sets it to a non-null value:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // class C {
+  //   static int f = 0;
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // If the field or variable should be initialized to `null`, then change the
+  // type to be nullable:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // int? v;
+  // ```
+  //
+  // If the field or variable can't be initialized in the declaration but will
+  // always be initialized before it's referenced, then mark it as being `late`:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // class C {
+  //   static late int f;
+  // }
+  // ```
   static const CompileTimeErrorCode NOT_INITIALIZED_NON_NULLABLE_VARIABLE =
           "The non-nullable variable '{0}' must be initialized.",
@@ -4549,6 +5053,9 @@
       'NOT_MAP_SPREAD', "Spread elements in map literals must implement 'Map'.",
       hasPublishedDocs: true);
+  /**
+   * No parameters.
+   */
   static const CompileTimeErrorCode NOT_NULL_AWARE_NULL_SPREAD =
@@ -4558,61 +5065,162 @@
    * No parameters.
-  /* #### Description
+  // #### Description
   // The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a class declaration uses an
-  // extends clause to specify a superclass, and the type that's specified is a
-  // nullable type.
+  // extends clause to specify a superclass, and the superclass is followed by a
+  // `?`.
-  // The reason the supertype is a _type_ rather than a class name is to allow
-  // you to control the signatures of the members to be inherited from the
-  // supertype, such as by specifying type arguments. However, the nullability
-  // of a type doesn't change the signatures of any members, so there isn't any
-  // reason to allow the nullability to be specified when used in the extends
-  // clause.
+  // It isn't valid to specify a nullable superclass because doing so would have
+  // no meaning; it wouldn't change either the interface or implementation being
+  // inherited by the class containing the extends clause.
-  // #### Examples
+  // Note, however, that it _is_ valid to use a nullable type as a type argument
+  // to the superclass, such as `class A extends B<C?> {}`.
-  // The following code generates this diagnostic:
+  // #### Example
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because `A?` is a nullable
+  // type, and nullable types can't be used in an extends clause:
   // ```dart
-  // class Invalid extends [!Duration?!] {}
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // class A {}
+  // class B extends [!A?!] {}
   // ```
   // #### Common fixes
-  // The most common fix is to remove the question mark:
+  // Remove the question mark from the type:
   // ```dart
-  // class Invalid extends Duration {}
-  // ``` */
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // class A {}
+  // class B extends A {}
+  // ```
   static const CompileTimeErrorCode NULLABLE_TYPE_IN_EXTENDS_CLAUSE =
           "A class can't extend a nullable type.",
           correction: "Try removing the question mark.");
-   * It is a compile-time error for a class to extend, implement, or mixin a
-   * type of the form T? for any T.
+   * No parameters.
+  // #### Description
+  //
+  // The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a class or mixin declaration has
+  // an implements clause, and an interface is followed by a `?`.
+  //
+  // It isn't valid to specify a nullable interface because doing so would have
+  // no meaning; it wouldn't change the interface being inherited by the class
+  // containing the implements clause.
+  //
+  // Note, however, that it _is_ valid to use a nullable type as a type argument
+  // to the interface, such as `class A implements B<C?> {}`.
+  //
+  //
+  // #### Example
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because `A?` is a nullable
+  // type, and nullable types can't be used in an implements clause:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // class A {}
+  // class B implements [!A?!] {}
+  // ```
+  //
+  // #### Common fixes
+  //
+  // Remove the question mark from the type:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // class A {}
+  // class B implements A {}
+  // ```
   static const CompileTimeErrorCode NULLABLE_TYPE_IN_IMPLEMENTS_CLAUSE =
           "A class or mixin can't implement a nullable type.",
           correction: "Try removing the question mark.");
-   * It is a compile-time error for a class to extend, implement, or mixin a
-   * type of the form T? for any T.
+   * No parameters.
+  // #### Description
+  //
+  // The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a mixin declaration uses an on
+  // clause to specify a superclass constraint, and the class that's specified
+  // is followed by a `?`.
+  //
+  // It isn't valid to specify a nullable superclass constraint because doing so
+  // would have no meaning; it wouldn't change the interface being depended on
+  // by the mixin containing the on clause.
+  //
+  // Note, however, that it _is_ valid to use a nullable type as a type argument
+  // to the superclass constraint, such as `mixin A on B<C?> {}`.
+  //
+  //
+  // #### Example
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because `A?` is a nullable type
+  // and nullable types can't be used in an on clause:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // class C {}
+  // mixin M on [!C?!] {}
+  // ```
+  //
+  // #### Common fixes
+  //
+  // Remove the question mark from the type:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // class C {}
+  // mixin M on C {}
+  // ```
   static const CompileTimeErrorCode NULLABLE_TYPE_IN_ON_CLAUSE =
           "A mixin can't have a nullable type as a superclass constraint.",
           correction: "Try removing the question mark.");
-   * It is a compile-time error for a class to extend, implement, or mixin a
-   * type of the form T? for any T.
+   * No parameters.
+  // #### Description
+  //
+  // The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a class or mixin declaration has
+  // a with clause, and a mixin is followed by a `?`.
+  //
+  // It isn't valid to specify a nullable mixin because doing so would have no
+  // meaning; it wouldn't change either the interface or implementation being
+  // inherited by the class containing the with clause.
+  //
+  // Note, however, that it _is_ valid to use a nullable type as a type argument
+  // to the mixin, such as `class A with B<C?> {}`.
+  //
+  // #### Example
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because `A?` is a nullable
+  // type, and nullable types can't be used in a with clause:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // mixin M {}
+  // class C with [!M?!] {}
+  // ```
+  //
+  // #### Common fixes
+  //
+  // Remove the question mark from the type:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // mixin M {}
+  // class C with M {}
+  // ```
   static const CompileTimeErrorCode NULLABLE_TYPE_IN_WITH_CLAUSE =
           "A class or mixin can't mix in a nullable type.",
@@ -5158,12 +5766,40 @@
           correction: "Try adding 'break', or 'return', etc.");
-   * It is an error if the static type of `e` in the expression `throw e` is
-   * not assignable to `Object`.
+   * Parameters:
+   * 0: the type that can't be thrown
+  // #### Description
+  //
+  // The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the type of the expression in a
+  // throw expression is not assignable to `Object`. It’s not valid to throw
+  // `null`, so it isn't valid to use an expression that might evaluate to
+  // `null`.
+  //
+  // #### Example
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because `s` might be `null`:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // void f(String? s) {
+  //   throw [!s!];
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // #### Common fixes
+  //
+  // Add an explicit null check to the expression:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // void f(String? s) {
+  //   throw s!;
+  // }
+  // ```
   static const CompileTimeErrorCode THROW_OF_INVALID_TYPE = CompileTimeErrorCode(
-      "The type '{0}' of the thrown expression must be assignable to Object.");
+      "The type '{0}' of the thrown expression must be assignable to 'Object'.");
    * Parameters:
@@ -7758,15 +8394,90 @@
-   * It is a warning to use null aware operators '??' or '??=' on an
-   * expression of type `T` if `T` is strictly non-nullable.
-   *
    * No parameters.
+  // #### Description
+  //
+  // The analyzer produces this diagnostic in two cases.
+  //
+  // The first is when the left operand of an `??` operator can't be `null`.
+  // The right operand is only evaluated if the left operand has the value
+  // `null`, and because the left operand can't be `null`, the right operand is
+  // never evaluated.
+  //
+  // The second is when the left-hand side of an assignment using the `??=`
+  // operator can't be `null`. The right-hand side is only evaluated if the
+  // left-hand side has the value `null`, and because the left-hand side can't
+  // be `null`, the right-hand side is never evaluated.
+  //
+  // #### Example
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` can't be `null`:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // int f(int x) {
+  //   return x ?? [!0!];
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because `f` can't be `null`:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // class C {
+  //   int f = -1;
+  //
+  //   void m(int x) {
+  //     f ??= [!x!];
+  //   }
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // #### Common fixes
+  //
+  // If the diagnostic is reported for an `??` operator, then remove the `??`
+  // operator and the right operand:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // int f(int x) {
+  //   return x;
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // If the diagnostic is reported for an assignment, and the assignment isn't
+  // needed, then remove the assignment:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // class C {
+  //   int f = -1;
+  //
+  //   void m(int x) {
+  //   }
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // If the assignment is needed, but should be based on a different condition,
+  // then rewrite the code to use `=` and the different condition:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // class C {
+  //   int f = -1;
+  //
+  //   void m(int x) {
+  //     if (f < 0) {
+  //       f = x;
+  //     }
+  //   }
+  // }
+  // ```
   static const StaticWarningCode DEAD_NULL_AWARE_EXPRESSION = StaticWarningCode(
       "The left operand can't be null, so the right operand is never executed.",
-      correction: "Try removing the right operand.",
+      correction: "Try removing the operator and the right operand.",
       errorSeverity: ErrorSeverity.WARNING);
@@ -8130,6 +8841,45 @@
    * 0: The null-aware operator that is invalid
    * 1: The non-null-aware operator that can replace the invalid operator
+  // #### Description
+  //
+  // The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a null-aware operator (`?.`,
+  // `?..`, `?[`, `?..[`, or `...?`) is used on a target that's known to be
+  // non-nullable.
+  //
+  // #### Example
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because `s` can't be `null`:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // int? getLength(String s) {
+  //   return s[!?.!]length;
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because `a` can't be `null`:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // var a = [];
+  // var b = [[!...?!]a];
+  // ```
+  //
+  // #### Common fixes
+  //
+  // Replace the null-aware operator with a non-null-aware equivalent, such as
+  // replacing '?.' with  '.':
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // int getLength(String s) {
+  //   return s.length;
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // (Note that the return type was also changed to be non-nullable, which might
+  // not be appropriate in some cases.)
   static const StaticWarningCode INVALID_NULL_AWARE_OPERATOR =
@@ -8170,24 +8920,40 @@
           errorSeverity: ErrorSeverity.WARNING);
-   * For the purposes of experimenting with potential non-null type semantics.
-   *
-   * Whereas [UNCHECKED_USE_OF_NULLABLE] refers to using a value of type T? as
-   * if it were a T, this refers to using a value of type [Null] itself. These
-   * occur at many of the same times ([Null] is a potentially nullable type) but
-   * it indicates a different type of programmer error and has different
-   * corrections.
-   *
    * No parameters.
-  static const StaticWarningCode INVALID_USE_OF_NULL_VALUE =
-      StaticWarningCodeWithUniqueName(
-          "This expression is invalid as it will always be null.",
-          correction:
-              "Try changing the type, or casting, to a more useful type like "
-              "dynamic.");
+  // #### Description
+  //
+  // The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an expression whose value will
+  // always be `null` is dererenced.
+  //
+  // #### Example
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` will always be
+  // `null`:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // int f(Null x) {
+  //   return [!x!].length;
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // #### Common fixes
+  //
+  // If the value is allowed to be something other than `null`, then change the
+  // type of the expression:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // int f(String? x) {
+  //   return x!.length;
+  // }
+  // ```
+  static const StaticWarningCode INVALID_USE_OF_NULL_VALUE = StaticWarningCode(
+      "An expression whose value is always 'null' can't be dereferenced.",
+      correction: "Try changing the type of the expression.");
    * Parameters:
@@ -9133,29 +9899,111 @@
-   * For the purposes of experimenting with potential non-null type semantics.
-   *
    * No parameters.
+  // #### Description
+  //
+  // The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an expression whose type is
+  // <a href=”#potentially-non-nullable”>potentially non-nullable</a> is
+  // dereferenced without first verifying that the value isn't `null`.
+  //
+  // #### Example
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because `s` can be `null` at
+  // the point where it's referenced:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // void f(String? s) {
+  //   if ([!s!].length > 3) {
+  //     // ...
+  //   }
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // #### Common fixes
+  //
+  // If the value really can be `null`, then add a test to ensure that members
+  // are only accessed when the value isn't `null`:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // void f(String? s) {
+  //   if (s != null && s.length > 3) {
+  //     // ...
+  //   }
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // If the expression is a variable and the value should never be `null`, then
+  // change the type of the variable to be non-nullable:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // void f(String s) {
+  //   if (s.length > 3) {
+  //     // ...
+  //   }
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // If you believe that the value of the expression should never be `null`, but
+  // you can't change the type of the variable, and you're willing to risk
+  // having an exception thrown at runtime if you're wrong, then you can assert
+  // that the value isn't null:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // void f(String? s) {
+  //   if (s!.length > 3) {
+  //     // ...
+  //   }
+  // }
+  // ```
   static const StaticWarningCode UNCHECKED_USE_OF_NULLABLE_VALUE =
-      StaticWarningCodeWithUniqueName(
+      StaticWarningCode(
-          "The expression is nullable and must be null-checked before it can "
-              "be used.",
+          "An expression whose value can be 'null' must be null-checked before "
+              "it can be dereferenced.",
-              "Try checking that the value isn't null before using it.");
+              "Try checking that the value isn't 'null' before dereferencing "
+              "it.");
-   * When the '!' operator is used on a value that we know to be non-null,
-   * it is unnecessary.
+   * No parameters.
+  // #### Description
+  //
+  // The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the operand of the `!` operator
+  // can't be `null`.
+  //
+  // #### Example
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` can't be `null`:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // int f(int x) {
+  //   return x[!!!];
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // #### Common fixes
+  //
+  // Remove the null check operator (`!`):
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // int f(int x) {
+  //   return x;
+  // }
+  // ```
   static const StaticWarningCode UNNECESSARY_NON_NULL_ASSERTION =
-          "The '!' will have no effect because the target expression cannot be"
+          "The '!' will have no effect because the target expression can't be"
               " null.",
-          correction: "Try removing the '!' operator here.",
+          correction: "Try removing the '!' operator.",
           errorSeverity: ErrorSeverity.WARNING);
diff --git a/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/test_utilities/mock_sdk.dart b/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/test_utilities/mock_sdk.dart
index c91c0d1..8571632 100644
--- a/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/test_utilities/mock_sdk.dart
+++ b/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/test_utilities/mock_sdk.dart
@@ -27,11 +27,11 @@
 part 'stream.dart';
 abstract class Future<T> {
-  factory Future(computation()) {
+  factory Future(FutureOr<T> computation()) {
     throw 0;
-  factory Future.delayed(Duration duration, [T computation()?]) {
+  factory Future.delayed(Duration duration, [FutureOr<T> computation()?]) {
     throw 0;
@@ -251,6 +251,10 @@
 void print(Object? object) {}
+class ArgumentError extends Error {
+  ArgumentError([message]);
 abstract class bool extends Object {
   external const factory bool.fromEnvironment(String name,
       {bool defaultValue: false});
diff --git a/pkg/analyzer/test/src/dart/resolution/try_statement_test.dart b/pkg/analyzer/test/src/dart/resolution/try_statement_test.dart
index 6f5c306..2b544e6 100644
--- a/pkg/analyzer/test/src/dart/resolution/try_statement_test.dart
+++ b/pkg/analyzer/test/src/dart/resolution/try_statement_test.dart
@@ -5,15 +5,21 @@
 import 'package:test/test.dart';
 import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
+import '../constant/potentially_constant_test.dart';
 import 'driver_resolution.dart';
 main() {
   defineReflectiveSuite(() {
+    defineReflectiveTests(TryStatementNullSafetyTest);
+class TryStatementNullSafetyTest extends TryStatementTest
+    with WithNullSafetyMixin {}
 class TryStatementTest extends DriverResolutionTest {
   test_catch_withoutType() async {
     await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
@@ -26,7 +32,10 @@
     var e = findElement.localVar('e');
     expect(e.isFinal, isTrue);
-    assertTypeDynamic(e.type);
+    assertType(
+      e.type,
+      typeStringByNullability(nullable: 'Object', legacy: 'dynamic'),
+    );
     var st = findElement.localVar('st');
     expect(st.isFinal, isTrue);
diff --git a/pkg/analyzer/test/verify_diagnostics_test.dart b/pkg/analyzer/test/verify_diagnostics_test.dart
index 97dd440..5cd6fd9 100644
--- a/pkg/analyzer/test/verify_diagnostics_test.dart
+++ b/pkg/analyzer/test/verify_diagnostics_test.dart
@@ -49,8 +49,14 @@
     // Needs to be able to specify two expected diagnostics.
+    // Produces two diagnostics when it should only produce one.
+    'StaticWarningCode.INVALID_USE_OF_NULL_VALUE',
+  /// The prefix used on directive lines to specify the experiments that should
+  /// be enabled for a snippet.
+  static const String experimentsPrefix = '%experiments=';
   /// The prefix used on directive lines to indicate the uri of an auxiliary
   /// file that is needed for testing purposes.
   static const String uriDirectivePrefix = '%uri="';
@@ -130,19 +136,19 @@
     return docs;
-  _SnippetData _extractSnippetData(
-      String snippet, bool errorRequired, Map<String, String> auxiliaryFiles) {
+  _SnippetData _extractSnippetData(String snippet, bool errorRequired,
+      Map<String, String> auxiliaryFiles, List<String> experiments) {
     int rangeStart = snippet.indexOf(errorRangeStart);
     if (rangeStart < 0) {
       if (errorRequired) {
         _reportProblem('No error range in example');
-      return _SnippetData(snippet, -1, 0, auxiliaryFiles);
+      return _SnippetData(snippet, -1, 0, auxiliaryFiles, experiments);
     int rangeEnd = snippet.indexOf(errorRangeEnd, rangeStart + 1);
     if (rangeEnd < 0) {
       _reportProblem('No end of error range in example');
-      return _SnippetData(snippet, -1, 0, auxiliaryFiles);
+      return _SnippetData(snippet, -1, 0, auxiliaryFiles, experiments);
     } else if (snippet.indexOf(errorRangeStart, rangeEnd) > 0) {
       _reportProblem('More than one error range in example');
@@ -152,33 +158,43 @@
             snippet.substring(rangeEnd + errorRangeEnd.length),
         rangeEnd - rangeStart - 2,
-        auxiliaryFiles);
+        auxiliaryFiles,
+        experiments);
   /// Extract the snippets of Dart code between the start (inclusive) and end
   /// (exclusive) indexes.
   List<_SnippetData> _extractSnippets(
       List<String> lines, int start, int end, bool errorRequired) {
-    List<_SnippetData> snippets = [];
-    Map<String, String> auxiliaryFiles = <String, String>{};
-    int currentStart = -1;
-    for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
-      String line = lines[i];
+    var snippets = <_SnippetData>[];
+    var auxiliaryFiles = <String, String>{};
+    List<String> experiments;
+    var currentStart = -1;
+    for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
+      var line = lines[i];
       if (line == '```') {
         if (currentStart < 0) {
           _reportProblem('Snippet without file type on line $i.');
           return snippets;
-        String secondLine = lines[currentStart + 1];
+        var secondLine = lines[currentStart + 1];
         if (secondLine.startsWith(uriDirectivePrefix)) {
-          String name = secondLine.substring(
+          var name = secondLine.substring(
               uriDirectivePrefix.length, secondLine.length - 1);
-          String content = lines.sublist(currentStart + 2, i).join('\n');
+          var content = lines.sublist(currentStart + 2, i).join('\n');
           auxiliaryFiles[name] = content;
         } else if (lines[currentStart] == '```dart') {
-          String content = lines.sublist(currentStart + 1, i).join('\n');
-          snippets
-              .add(_extractSnippetData(content, errorRequired, auxiliaryFiles));
+          if (secondLine.startsWith(experimentsPrefix)) {
+            experiments = secondLine
+                .substring(experimentsPrefix.length)
+                .split(',')
+                .map((e) => e.trim())
+                .toList();
+            currentStart++;
+          }
+          var content = lines.sublist(currentStart + 1, i).join('\n');
+          snippets.add(_extractSnippetData(
+              content, errorRequired, auxiliaryFiles, experiments));
           auxiliaryFiles = <String, String>{};
         currentStart = -1;
@@ -246,6 +262,9 @@
             if (docs != null) {
               VariableDeclaration variable = member.fields.variables[0];
               codeName = _extractCodeName(variable);
+              if (codeName == 'NULLABLE_TYPE_IN_CATCH_CLAUSE') {
+      ;
+              }
               variableName = '$className.${}';
               if (unverifiedDocs.contains(variableName)) {
@@ -366,8 +385,10 @@
   final int offset;
   final int length;
   final Map<String, String> auxiliaryFiles;
+  final List<String> experiments;
-  _SnippetData(this.content, this.offset, this.length, this.auxiliaryFiles);
+  _SnippetData(this.content, this.offset, this.length, this.auxiliaryFiles,
+      this.experiments);
 /// A test class that creates an environment suitable for analyzing the
@@ -381,9 +402,8 @@
   /// Initialize a newly created test to test the given [snippet].
   _SnippetTest(this.snippet) {
-    analysisOptions.contextFeatures = FeatureSet.fromEnableFlags(
-      ['extension-methods'],
-    );
+    analysisOptions.contextFeatures =
+        FeatureSet.fromEnableFlags(snippet.experiments ?? []);
     String pubspecContent = snippet.auxiliaryFiles['pubspec.yaml'];
     if (pubspecContent != null) {
       for (String line in pubspecContent.split('\n')) {
diff --git a/pkg/analyzer/tool/diagnostics/ b/pkg/analyzer/tool/diagnostics/
index bd24cb1..4ac0e53 100644
--- a/pkg/analyzer/tool/diagnostics/
+++ b/pkg/analyzer/tool/diagnostics/
@@ -57,6 +57,22 @@
+### Potentially non-nullable
+A type is _potentially non-nullable_ if it's either explicitly non-nullable or
+if it's a type parameter.
+A type is explicitly non-nullable if it is a type name that is not followed by a
+question mark. Note that there are a few types that are always nullable, such as
+`Null` and `dynamic`, and that `FutureOr` is only non-nullable if it is not
+followed by a question mark _and_ the type argument is non-nullable (such as
+Type parameters are potentially non-nullable because the actual runtime type
+(the type specified as a type argument) might be non-nullable. For example,
+given a declaration of `class C<T> {}`, the type `C` could be used with a
+non-nullable type argument as in `C<int>`.
 ## Diagnostics
 The analyzer produces the following diagnostics for code that
@@ -557,6 +573,82 @@
 Rewrite the code so that there isn't an assignment to a method.
+### body_might_complete_normally
+_The body might complete normally, causing 'null' to be returned, but the return
+type is a potentially non-nullable type._
+#### Description
+The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a method or function has a
+return type that's <a href=”#potentially-non-nullable”>potentially
+non-nullable</a> but would implicitly return `null` if control reached the
+end of the function.
+#### Example
+The following code produces this diagnostic because the method `m` has an
+implicit return of `null` inserted at the end of the method, but the method
+is declared to not return `null`:
+{% prettify dart %}
+class C {
+  int [!m!](int t) {
+    print(t);
+  }
+{% endprettify %}
+The following code produces this diagnostic because the method `m` has an
+implicit return of `null` inserted at the end of the method, but because
+the class `C` can be instantiated with a non-nullable type argument, the
+method is effectively declared to not return `null`:
+{% prettify dart %}
+class C<T> {
+  T [!m!](T t) {
+    print(t);
+  }
+{% endprettify %}
+#### Common fixes
+If there's a reasonable value that can be returned, then add a return
+statement at the end of the method:
+{% prettify dart %}
+class C<T> {
+  T m(T t) {
+    print(t);
+    return t;
+  }
+{% endprettify %}
+If the method won't reach the implicit return, then add a throw at the end
+of the method:
+{% prettify dart %}
+class C<T> {
+  T m(T t) {
+    print(t);
+    throw '';
+  }
+{% endprettify %}
+If the method intentionally returns `null` at the end, then change the
+return type so that it's valid to return `null`:
+{% prettify dart %}
+class C<T> {
+  T? m(T t) {
+    print(t);
+  }
+{% endprettify %}
 ### built_in_identifier_as_extension_name
 _The built-in identifier '{0}' can't be used as an extension name._
@@ -648,6 +740,57 @@
 {% endprettify %}
+### case_expression_type_is_not_switch_expression_subtype
+_The switch case expression type '{0}' must be a subtype of the switch
+expression type '{1}'._
+#### Description
+The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the expression following `case`
+in a switch statement has a static type that isn't a subtype of the static
+type of the expression following `switch`.
+#### Example
+The following code produces this diagnostic because `1` is an `int`, which
+isn't a subtype of `String` (the type of `s`):
+{% prettify dart %}
+void f(String s) {
+  switch (s) {
+    case [!1!]:
+      break;
+  }
+{% endprettify %}
+#### Common fixes
+If the value of the case expression is wrong, then change the case
+expression so that it has the required type:
+{% prettify dart %}
+void f(String s) {
+  switch (s) {
+    case '1':
+      break;
+  }
+{% endprettify %}
+If the value of the case expression is correct, then change the switch
+expression to have the required type:
+{% prettify dart %}
+void f(int s) {
+  switch (s) {
+    case 1:
+      break;
+  }
+{% endprettify %}
 ### cast_to_non_type
 _The name '{0}' isn't a type, so it can't be used in an 'as' expression._
@@ -1156,6 +1299,160 @@
 {% endprettify %}
+### dead_null_aware_expression
+_The left operand can't be null, so the right operand is never executed._
+#### Description
+The analyzer produces this diagnostic in two cases.
+The first is when the left operand of an `??` operator can't be `null`.
+The right operand is only evaluated if the left operand has the value
+`null`, and because the left operand can't be `null`, the right operand is
+never evaluated.
+The second is when the left-hand side of an assignment using the `??=`
+operator can't be `null`. The right-hand side is only evaluated if the
+left-hand side has the value `null`, and because the left-hand side can't
+be `null`, the right-hand side is never evaluated.
+#### Example
+The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` can't be `null`:
+{% prettify dart %}
+int f(int x) {
+  return x ?? [!0!];
+{% endprettify %}
+The following code produces this diagnostic because `f` can't be `null`:
+{% prettify dart %}
+class C {
+  int f = -1;
+  void m(int x) {
+    f ??= [!x!];
+  }
+{% endprettify %}
+#### Common fixes
+If the diagnostic is reported for an `??` operator, then remove the `??`
+operator and the right operand:
+{% prettify dart %}
+int f(int x) {
+  return x;
+{% endprettify %}
+If the diagnostic is reported for an assignment, and the assignment isn't
+needed, then remove the assignment:
+{% prettify dart %}
+class C {
+  int f = -1;
+  void m(int x) {
+  }
+{% endprettify %}
+If the assignment is needed, but should be based on a different condition,
+then rewrite the code to use `=` and the different condition:
+{% prettify dart %}
+class C {
+  int f = -1;
+  void m(int x) {
+    if (f < 0) {
+      f = x;
+    }
+  }
+{% endprettify %}
+### default_list_constructor
+_Calling the default 'List' constructor causes an error._
+#### Description
+The analyzer produces this diagnostic when it finds a use of the default
+constructor for the class `List` in code that has opted in to null safety.
+#### Example
+Assuming the following code is opted in to null safety, it produces this
+diagnostic because it uses the default `List` constructor:
+{% prettify dart %}
+var l = [!List<int>!]();
+{% endprettify %}
+#### Common fixes
+If no initial size is provided, then convert the code to use a list
+{% prettify dart %}
+var l = <int>[];
+{% endprettify %}
+If an initial size needs to be provided and there is a single reasonable
+initial value for the elements, then use `List.filled`:
+{% prettify dart %}
+var l = List.filled(3, 0);
+{% endprettify %}
+If an initial size needs to be provided but each element needs to be
+computed, then use `List.generate`:
+{% prettify dart %}
+var l = List.generate(3, (i) => i);
+{% endprettify %}
+### definitely_unassigned_late_local_variable
+_The late local variable '{0}' is definitely unassigned at this point._
+#### Description
+The analyzer produces this diagnostic when
+[definite assignment](
+analysis shows that a local variable that's marked as `late` is read before
+being assigned.
+#### Example
+The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` was not assigned a
+value before being read:
+{% prettify dart %}
+void f(bool b) {
+  late int x;
+  print([!x!]);
+{% endprettify %}
+#### Common fixes
+Assign a value to the variable before reading from it:
+{% prettify dart %}
+void f(bool b) {
+  late int x;
+  x = b ? 1 : 0;
+  print(x);
+{% endprettify %}
 ### deprecated_member_use
 _'{0}' is deprecated and shouldn't be used._
@@ -1468,6 +1765,56 @@
 of which entry to remove might affect the order in which keys and values
 are returned by an iterator.
+### export_legacy_symbol
+_The symbol '{0}' is defined in a legacy library, and can't be re-exported from
+a non-nullable by default library._
+#### Description
+The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a library that was opted in to
+null safety exports another library, and the exported library is opted out
+of null safety.
+#### Example
+Given a library that is opted out of null safety:
+{% prettify dart %}
+// @dart = 2.9
+String s;
+{% endprettify %}
+The following code produces this diagnostic because it's exporting symbols
+from an opted-out library:
+{% prettify dart %}
+export [!'optedOut.dart'!];
+class C {}
+{% endprettify %}
+#### Common fixes
+If you're able to do so, migrate the exported library so that it doesn't
+need to opt out:
+{% prettify dart %}
+String? s;
+{% endprettify %}
+If you can't migrate the library, then remove the export:
+{% prettify dart %}
+class C {}
+{% endprettify %}
+If the exported library (the one that is opted out) itself exports an
+opted-in library, then it's valid for your library to indirectly export the
+symbols from the opted-in library. You can do so by adding a hide
+combinator to the export directive in your library that hides all of the
+names declared in the opted-out library.
 ### expression_in_map
 _Expressions can't be used in a map literal._
@@ -2749,6 +3096,48 @@
 var x;
 {% endprettify %}
+### invalid_null_aware_operator
+_The target expression can't be null, so the null-aware operator '{0}' can't be
+#### Description
+The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a null-aware operator (`?.`,
+`?..`, `?[`, `?..[`, or `...?`) is used on a target that's known to be
+#### Example
+The following code produces this diagnostic because `s` can't be `null`:
+{% prettify dart %}
+int? getLength(String s) {
+  return s[!?.!]length;
+{% endprettify %}
+The following code produces this diagnostic because `a` can't be `null`:
+{% prettify dart %}
+var a = [];
+var b = [[!...?!]a];
+{% endprettify %}
+#### Common fixes
+Replace the null-aware operator with a non-null-aware equivalent, such as
+replacing '?.' with  '.':
+{% prettify dart %}
+int getLength(String s) {
+  return s.length;
+{% endprettify %}
+(Note that the return type was also changed to be non-nullable, which might
+not be appropriate in some cases.)
 ### invalid_override
 _'{1}.{0}' ('{2}') isn't a valid override of '{3}.{0}' ('{4}')._
@@ -2897,6 +3286,37 @@
 {% endprettify %}
+### invalid_use_of_null_value
+_An expression whose value is always 'null' can't be dereferenced._
+#### Description
+The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an expression whose value will
+always be `null` is dererenced.
+#### Example
+The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` will always be
+{% prettify dart %}
+int f(Null x) {
+  return [!x!].length;
+{% endprettify %}
+#### Common fixes
+If the value is allowed to be something other than `null`, then change the
+type of the expression:
+{% prettify dart %}
+int f(String? x) {
+  return x!.length;
+{% endprettify %}
 ### invalid_visibility_annotation
 _The member '{0}' is annotated with '{1}', but this annotation is only
@@ -3205,6 +3625,59 @@
 var m = <String, int>{'a' : 2};
 {% endprettify %}
+### missing_default_value_for_parameter
+_The parameter '{0}' can't have a value of 'null' because of its type, and no
+non-null default value is provided._
+#### Description
+The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an optional parameter, whether
+positional or named, has a <a href=”#potentially-non-nullable”>potentially
+non-nullable</a> type and doesn't specify a default value. Optional
+parameters that have no explicit default value have an implicit default
+value of `null`. If the type of the parameter doesn't allow the parameter
+to have a value of `null`, then the implicit default value isn't valid.
+#### Example
+The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` can't be `null`,
+and no non-`null` default value is specified:
+{% prettify dart %}
+void f([int [!x!]]) {}
+{% endprettify %}
+As does this:
+{% prettify dart %}
+void g({int [!x!]}) {}
+{% endprettify %}
+#### Common fixes
+If you want to use `null` to indicate that no value was provided, then you
+need to make the type nullable:
+{% prettify dart %}
+void f([int? x]) {}
+void g({int? x}) {}
+{% endprettify %}
+If the parameter can't be null, then either provide a default value:
+{% prettify dart %}
+void f([int x = 1]) {}
+void g({int x = 2}) {}
+{% endprettify %}
+or make the parameter a required parameter:
+{% prettify dart %}
+void f(int x) {}
+void g({required int x}) {}
+{% endprettify %}
 ### missing_enum_constant_in_switch
 _Missing case clause for '{0}'._
@@ -3267,6 +3740,38 @@
 {% endprettify %}
+### missing_required_argument
+_The named parameter '{0}' is required, but there's no corresponding argument._
+#### Description
+The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an invocation of a function is
+missing a required named parameter.
+#### Example
+The following code produces this diagnostic because the invocation of `f`
+doesn't include a value for the required named parameter `end`:
+{% prettify dart %}
+void f(int start, {required int end}) {}
+void g() {
+  [!f!](3);
+{% endprettify %}
+#### Common fixes
+Add a named argument corresponding to the missing required parameter:
+{% prettify dart %}
+void f(int start, {required int end}) {}
+void g() {
+  f(3, end: 5);
+{% endprettify %}
 ### missing_required_param
 _The parameter '{0}' is required._
@@ -4159,6 +4664,122 @@
 {% endprettify %}
+### not_assigned_potentially_non_nullable_local_variable
+_The non-nullable local variable '{0}' must be assigned before it can be used._
+#### Description
+The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a local variable is referenced
+and has all these characteristics:
+- Has a type that's <a href=”#potentially-non-nullable”>potentially
+  non-nullable</a>.
+- Doesn't have an initializer.
+- Isn't marked as `late`.
+- The analyzer can't prove that the local variable will be assigned before
+  the reference based on the specification of
+  [definite assignment](
+#### Example
+The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` can't have a value
+of `null`, but is referenced before a value was assigned to it:
+{% prettify dart %}
+String f() {
+  int x;
+  return [!x!].toString();
+{% endprettify %}
+The following code produces this diagnostic because the assignment to `x`
+might not be executed, so it might have a value of `null`:
+{% prettify dart %}
+int g(bool b) {
+  int x;
+  if (b) {
+    x = 1;
+  }
+  return [!x!] * 2;
+{% endprettify %}
+The following code produces this diagnostic because the analyzer can't
+prove, based on definite assignment analysis, that `x` won't be referenced
+without having a value assigned to it:
+{% prettify dart %}
+int h(bool b) {
+  int x;
+  if (b) {
+    x = 1;
+  }
+  if (b) {
+    return [!x!] * 2;
+  }
+  return 0;
+{% endprettify %}
+#### Common fixes
+If `null` is a valid value, then make the variable nullable:
+{% prettify dart %}
+String f() {
+  int? x;
+  return x!.toString();
+{% endprettify %}
+If `null` isn’t a valid value, and there's a reasonable default value, then
+add an initializer:
+{% prettify dart %}
+int g(bool b) {
+  int x = 2;
+  if (b) {
+    x = 1;
+  }
+  return x * 2;
+{% endprettify %}
+Otherwise, ensure that a value was assigned on every possible code path
+before the value is accessed:
+{% prettify dart %}
+int g(bool b) {
+  int x;
+  if (b) {
+    x = 1;
+  } else {
+    x = 2;
+  }
+  return x * 2;
+{% endprettify %}
+You can also mark the variable as `late`, which removes the diagnostic, but
+if the variable isn't assigned a value before it's accessed, then it
+results in an exception being thrown at runtime. This approach should only
+be used if you're sure that the variable will always be assigned, even
+though the analyzer can't prove it based on definite assignment analysis.
+{% prettify dart %}
+int h(bool b) {
+  late int x;
+  if (b) {
+    x = 1;
+  }
+  if (b) {
+    return x * 2;
+  }
+  return 0;
+{% endprettify %}
 ### not_a_type
 _{0} isn't a type._
@@ -4214,6 +4835,138 @@
 {% endprettify %}
+### not_initialized_non_nullable_instance_field
+_Non-nullable instance field '{0}' must be initialized._
+_Non-nullable instance field '{0}' must be initialized._
+#### Description
+The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a field is declared and has all
+these characteristics:
+- Has a type that's <a href=”#potentially-non-nullable”>potentially
+  non-nullable</a>
+- Doesn't have an initializer
+- Isn't marked as `late`
+#### Example
+The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` is implicitly
+initialized to `null` when it isn't allowed to be `null`:
+{% prettify dart %}
+class C {
+  int [!x!];
+{% endprettify %}
+Similarly, the following code produces this diagnostic because `x` is
+implicitly initialized to `null`, when it isn't allowed to be `null`, by
+one of the constructors, even though it's initialized by other
+{% prettify dart %}
+class C {
+  int x;
+  C(this.x);
+  [!C!].n();
+{% endprettify %}
+#### Common fixes
+If there's a reasonable default value for the field that’s the same for all
+instances, then add an initializer expression:
+{% prettify dart %}
+class C {
+  int x = 0;
+{% endprettify %}
+If the value of the field should be provided when an instance is created,
+then add a constructor that sets the value of the field or update an
+existing constructor:
+{% prettify dart %}
+class C {
+  int x;
+  C(this.x);
+{% endprettify %}
+You can also mark the field as `late`, which removes the diagnostic, but if
+the field isn't assigned a value before it's accessed, then it results in
+an exception being thrown at runtime. This approach should only be used if
+you're sure that the field will always be assigned before it's referenced.
+{% prettify dart %}
+class C {
+  late int x;
+{% endprettify %}
+### not_initialized_non_nullable_variable
+_The non-nullable variable '{0}' must be initialized._
+#### Description
+The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a static field or top-level
+variable has a type that's non-nullable and doesn't have an initializer.
+Fields and variables that don't have an initializer are normally
+initialized to `null`, but the type of the field or variable doesn't allow
+it to be set to `null`, so an explicit initializer must be provided.
+#### Example
+The following code produces this diagnostic because the field `f` can't be
+initialized to `null`:
+{% prettify dart %}
+class C {
+  static int [!f!];
+{% endprettify %}
+Similarly, the following code produces this diagnostic because the
+top-level variable `v` can't be initialized to `null`:
+{% prettify dart %}
+int [!v!];
+{% endprettify %}
+#### Common fixes
+If the field or variable can't be initialized to `null`, then add an
+initializer that sets it to a non-null value:
+{% prettify dart %}
+class C {
+  static int f = 0;
+{% endprettify %}
+If the field or variable should be initialized to `null`, then change the
+type to be nullable:
+{% prettify dart %}
+int? v;
+{% endprettify %}
+If the field or variable can't be initialized in the declaration but will
+always be initialized before it's referenced, then mark it as being `late`:
+{% prettify dart %}
+class C {
+  static late int f;
+{% endprettify %}
 ### not_iterable_spread
 _Spread elements in list or set literals must implement 'Iterable'._
@@ -4311,6 +5064,189 @@
 var x;
 {% endprettify %}
+### nullable_type_in_catch_clause
+_A potentially nullable type can't be used in an 'on' clause because it isn't
+valid to throw a nullable expression._
+#### Description
+The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the type following `on` in a
+catch clause is a nullable type. It isn't valid to specify a nullable type
+because it isn't possible to catch `null` (because it's a runtime error to
+throw `null`).
+#### Example
+The following code produces this diagnostic because the exception type is
+specified to allow `null` when `null` can't be thrown:
+{% prettify dart %}
+void f() {
+  try {
+    // ...
+  } on [!FormatException?!] {
+  }
+{% endprettify %}
+#### Common fixes
+Remove the question mark from the type:
+{% prettify dart %}
+void f() {
+  try {
+    // ...
+  } on FormatException {
+  }
+{% endprettify %}
+### nullable_type_in_extends_clause
+_A class can't extend a nullable type._
+#### Description
+The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a class declaration uses an
+extends clause to specify a superclass, and the superclass is followed by a
+It isn't valid to specify a nullable superclass because doing so would have
+no meaning; it wouldn't change either the interface or implementation being
+inherited by the class containing the extends clause.
+Note, however, that it _is_ valid to use a nullable type as a type argument
+to the superclass, such as `class A extends B<C?> {}`.
+#### Example
+The following code produces this diagnostic because `A?` is a nullable
+type, and nullable types can't be used in an extends clause:
+{% prettify dart %}
+class A {}
+class B extends [!A?!] {}
+{% endprettify %}
+#### Common fixes
+Remove the question mark from the type:
+{% prettify dart %}
+class A {}
+class B extends A {}
+{% endprettify %}
+### nullable_type_in_implements_clause
+_A class or mixin can't implement a nullable type._
+#### Description
+The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a class or mixin declaration has
+an implements clause, and an interface is followed by a `?`.
+It isn't valid to specify a nullable interface because doing so would have
+no meaning; it wouldn't change the interface being inherited by the class
+containing the implements clause.
+Note, however, that it _is_ valid to use a nullable type as a type argument
+to the interface, such as `class A implements B<C?> {}`.
+#### Example
+The following code produces this diagnostic because `A?` is a nullable
+type, and nullable types can't be used in an implements clause:
+{% prettify dart %}
+class A {}
+class B implements [!A?!] {}
+{% endprettify %}
+#### Common fixes
+Remove the question mark from the type:
+{% prettify dart %}
+class A {}
+class B implements A {}
+{% endprettify %}
+### nullable_type_in_on_clause
+_A mixin can't have a nullable type as a superclass constraint._
+#### Description
+The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a mixin declaration uses an on
+clause to specify a superclass constraint, and the class that's specified
+is followed by a `?`.
+It isn't valid to specify a nullable superclass constraint because doing so
+would have no meaning; it wouldn't change the interface being depended on
+by the mixin containing the on clause.
+Note, however, that it _is_ valid to use a nullable type as a type argument
+to the superclass constraint, such as `mixin A on B<C?> {}`.
+#### Example
+The following code produces this diagnostic because `A?` is a nullable type
+and nullable types can't be used in an on clause:
+{% prettify dart %}
+class C {}
+mixin M on [!C?!] {}
+{% endprettify %}
+#### Common fixes
+Remove the question mark from the type:
+{% prettify dart %}
+class C {}
+mixin M on C {}
+{% endprettify %}
+### nullable_type_in_with_clause
+_A class or mixin can't mix in a nullable type._
+#### Description
+The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a class or mixin declaration has
+a with clause, and a mixin is followed by a `?`.
+It isn't valid to specify a nullable mixin because doing so would have no
+meaning; it wouldn't change either the interface or implementation being
+inherited by the class containing the with clause.
+Note, however, that it _is_ valid to use a nullable type as a type argument
+to the mixin, such as `class A with B<C?> {}`.
+#### Example
+The following code produces this diagnostic because `A?` is a nullable
+type, and nullable types can't be used in a with clause:
+{% prettify dart %}
+mixin M {}
+class C with [!M?!] {}
+{% endprettify %}
+#### Common fixes
+Remove the question mark from the type:
+{% prettify dart %}
+mixin M {}
+class C with M {}
+{% endprettify %}
 ### override_on_non_overriding_member
 _The field doesn't override an inherited getter or setter._
@@ -5295,6 +6231,37 @@
 Rewrite the code to not use `super`.
+### throw_of_invalid_type
+_The type '{0}' of the thrown expression must be assignable to 'Object'._
+#### Description
+The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the type of the expression in a
+throw expression is not assignable to `Object`. It’s not valid to throw
+`null`, so it isn't valid to use an expression that might evaluate to
+#### Example
+The following code produces this diagnostic because `s` might be `null`:
+{% prettify dart %}
+void f(String? s) {
+  throw [!s!];
+{% endprettify %}
+#### Common fixes
+Add an explicit null check to the expression:
+{% prettify dart %}
+void f(String? s) {
+  throw s!;
+{% endprettify %}
 ### type_argument_not_matching_bounds
 _'{0}' doesn't extend '{1}'._
@@ -5359,6 +6326,67 @@
 {% endprettify %}
+### unchecked_use_of_nullable_value
+_An expression whose value can be 'null' must be null-checked before it can be
+#### Description
+The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an expression whose type is
+<a href=”#potentially-non-nullable”>potentially non-nullable</a> is
+dereferenced without first verifying that the value isn't `null`.
+#### Example
+The following code produces this diagnostic because `s` can be `null` at
+the point where it's referenced:
+{% prettify dart %}
+void f(String? s) {
+  if ([!s!].length > 3) {
+    // ...
+  }
+{% endprettify %}
+#### Common fixes
+If the value really can be `null`, then add a test to ensure that members
+are only accessed when the value isn't `null`:
+{% prettify dart %}
+void f(String? s) {
+  if (s != null && s.length > 3) {
+    // ...
+  }
+{% endprettify %}
+If the expression is a variable and the value should never be `null`, then
+change the type of the variable to be non-nullable:
+{% prettify dart %}
+void f(String s) {
+  if (s.length > 3) {
+    // ...
+  }
+{% endprettify %}
+If you believe that the value of the expression should never be `null`, but
+you can't change the type of the variable, and you're willing to risk
+having an exception thrown at runtime if you're wrong, then you can assert
+that the value isn't null:
+{% prettify dart %}
+void f(String? s) {
+  if (s!.length > 3) {
+    // ...
+  }
+{% endprettify %}
 ### undefined_annotation
 _Undefined name '{0}' used as an annotation._
@@ -6212,6 +7240,93 @@
 {% endprettify %}
+### unnecessary_non_null_assertion
+_The '!' will have no effect because the target expression can't be null._
+#### Description
+The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the operand of the `!` operator
+can't be `null`.
+#### Example
+The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` can't be `null`:
+{% prettify dart %}
+int f(int x) {
+  return x[!!!];
+{% endprettify %}
+#### Common fixes
+Remove the null check operator (`!`):
+{% prettify dart %}
+int f(int x) {
+  return x;
+{% endprettify %}
+### unnecessary_null_comparison
+_The operand can't be null, so the condition is always false._
+_The operand can't be null, so the condition is always true._
+#### Description
+The analyzer produces this diagnostic when it finds an equality comparison
+(either `==` or `!=`) with one operand of `null` and the other operand
+can't be `null`. Such comparisons are always either `true` or `false`, so
+they serve no purpose.
+#### Example
+The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` can never be
+`null`, so the comparison always evaluates to `true`:
+{% prettify dart %}
+void f(int x) {
+  if (x [!!= null!]) {
+    print(x);
+  }
+{% endprettify %}
+The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` can never be
+`null`, so the comparison always evaluates to `false`:
+{% prettify dart %}
+void f(int x) {
+  if (x [!== null!]) {
+    throw ArgumentError("x can't be null");
+  }
+{% endprettify %}
+#### Common fixes
+If the other operand should be able to be `null`, then change the type of
+the operand:
+{% prettify dart %}
+void f(int? x) {
+  if (x != null) {
+    print(x);
+  }
+{% endprettify %}
+If the other operand really can't be `null`, then remove the condition:
+{% prettify dart %}
+void f(int x) {
+  print(x);
+{% endprettify %}
 ### unqualified_reference_to_static_member_of_extended_type
 _Static members from the extended type or one of its superclasses must be
diff --git a/pkg/analyzer/tool/diagnostics/generate.dart b/pkg/analyzer/tool/diagnostics/generate.dart
index dbb0f84..61ea2d7 100644
--- a/pkg/analyzer/tool/diagnostics/generate.dart
+++ b/pkg/analyzer/tool/diagnostics/generate.dart
@@ -429,13 +429,23 @@
-//### Potentially non-nullable
-//A type is _potentially non-nullable_ if it's either explicitly non-nullable or
-//if it's a type parameter. The latter case is included because the actual runtime
-//type might be non-nullable.
+### Potentially non-nullable
+A type is _potentially non-nullable_ if it's either explicitly non-nullable or
+if it's a type parameter.
+A type is explicitly non-nullable if it is a type name that is not followed by a
+question mark. Note that there are a few types that are always nullable, such as
+`Null` and `dynamic`, and that `FutureOr` is only non-nullable if it is not
+followed by a question mark _and_ the type argument is non-nullable (such as
+Type parameters are potentially non-nullable because the actual runtime type
+(the type specified as a type argument) might be non-nullable. For example,
+given a declaration of `class C<T> {}`, the type `C` could be used with a
+non-nullable type argument as in `C<int>`.
   /// Write the header of the file.
diff --git a/pkg/compiler/lib/src/common_elements.dart b/pkg/compiler/lib/src/common_elements.dart
index 925f3d8..80b1a65 100644
--- a/pkg/compiler/lib/src/common_elements.dart
+++ b/pkg/compiler/lib/src/common_elements.dart
@@ -520,13 +520,23 @@
   FunctionEntity get specializedIsTop;
   FunctionEntity get specializedAsTop;
   FunctionEntity get specializedIsBool;
+  FunctionEntity get specializedAsBool;
+  FunctionEntity get specializedAsBoolLegacy;
   FunctionEntity get specializedAsBoolNullable;
+  FunctionEntity get specializedAsDouble;
+  FunctionEntity get specializedAsDoubleLegacy;
   FunctionEntity get specializedAsDoubleNullable;
   FunctionEntity get specializedIsInt;
+  FunctionEntity get specializedAsInt;
+  FunctionEntity get specializedAsIntLegacy;
   FunctionEntity get specializedAsIntNullable;
   FunctionEntity get specializedIsNum;
+  FunctionEntity get specializedAsNum;
+  FunctionEntity get specializedAsNumLegacy;
   FunctionEntity get specializedAsNumNullable;
   FunctionEntity get specializedIsString;
+  FunctionEntity get specializedAsString;
+  FunctionEntity get specializedAsStringLegacy;
   FunctionEntity get specializedAsStringNullable;
   FunctionEntity get instantiatedGenericFunctionTypeNewRti;
@@ -2004,33 +2014,62 @@
   FunctionEntity get specializedIsBool => _findRtiFunction('_isBool');
-  FunctionEntity get specializedAsBoolNullable =>
-      _findRtiFunction('_asBoolNullable');
+  FunctionEntity get specializedAsBool => _findRtiFunction('_asBool');
+  @override
+  FunctionEntity get specializedAsBoolLegacy => _findRtiFunction('_asBoolS');
+  @override
+  FunctionEntity get specializedAsBoolNullable => _findRtiFunction('_asBoolQ');
+  @override
+  FunctionEntity get specializedAsDouble => _findRtiFunction('_asDouble');
+  @override
+  FunctionEntity get specializedAsDoubleLegacy =>
+      _findRtiFunction('_asDoubleS');
   FunctionEntity get specializedAsDoubleNullable =>
-      _findRtiFunction('_asDoubleNullable');
+      _findRtiFunction('_asDoubleQ');
   FunctionEntity get specializedIsInt => _findRtiFunction('_isInt');
-  FunctionEntity get specializedAsIntNullable =>
-      _findRtiFunction('_asIntNullable');
+  FunctionEntity get specializedAsInt => _findRtiFunction('_asInt');
+  @override
+  FunctionEntity get specializedAsIntLegacy => _findRtiFunction('_asIntS');
+  @override
+  FunctionEntity get specializedAsIntNullable => _findRtiFunction('_asIntQ');
   FunctionEntity get specializedIsNum => _findRtiFunction('_isNum');
-  FunctionEntity get specializedAsNumNullable =>
-      _findRtiFunction('_asNumNullable');
+  FunctionEntity get specializedAsNum => _findRtiFunction('_asNum');
+  @override
+  FunctionEntity get specializedAsNumLegacy => _findRtiFunction('_asNumS');
+  @override
+  FunctionEntity get specializedAsNumNullable => _findRtiFunction('_asNumQ');
   FunctionEntity get specializedIsString => _findRtiFunction('_isString');
+  FunctionEntity get specializedAsString => _findRtiFunction('_asString');
+  @override
+  FunctionEntity get specializedAsStringLegacy =>
+      _findRtiFunction('_asStringS');
+  @override
   FunctionEntity get specializedAsStringNullable =>
-      _findRtiFunction('_asStringNullable');
+      _findRtiFunction('_asStringQ');
   FunctionEntity get instantiatedGenericFunctionTypeNewRti =>
diff --git a/pkg/compiler/lib/src/diagnostics/messages.dart b/pkg/compiler/lib/src/diagnostics/messages.dart
index 644e4cb..d757f43 100644
--- a/pkg/compiler/lib/src/diagnostics/messages.dart
+++ b/pkg/compiler/lib/src/diagnostics/messages.dart
@@ -663,6 +663,8 @@
   final CompilerOptions _options;
   bool get terse => _options?.terseDiagnostics ?? false;
   bool get _printLegacyStars => _options?.printLegacyStars ?? false;
+  bool get _useNullSafety => _options?.useNullSafety ?? true;
+  bool get _useLegacySubtyping => _options?.useLegacySubtyping ?? false;
   String message;
   Message(this.template, this.arguments, this._options) {
@@ -712,7 +714,10 @@
   String convertToString(value) {
     if (value is DartType) {
-      value = value.toStructuredText(printLegacyStars: _printLegacyStars);
+      value = value.toStructuredText(
+          printLegacyStars: _printLegacyStars,
+          useNullSafety: _useNullSafety,
+          useLegacySubtyping: _useLegacySubtyping);
     } else if (value is ConstantValue) {
       value = value.toDartText();
     } else {
diff --git a/pkg/compiler/lib/src/elements/types.dart b/pkg/compiler/lib/src/elements/types.dart
index 9cf992b..7b56319 100644
--- a/pkg/compiler/lib/src/elements/types.dart
+++ b/pkg/compiler/lib/src/elements/types.dart
@@ -130,8 +130,13 @@
   String toString() => toStructuredText();
-  String toStructuredText({bool printLegacyStars = true}) =>
-      _DartTypeToStringVisitor(printLegacyStars).run(this);
+  String toStructuredText(
+          {bool printLegacyStars = true,
+          bool useNullSafety = true,
+          bool useLegacySubtyping = false}) =>
+      _DartTypeToStringVisitor(
+              printLegacyStars, useNullSafety, useLegacySubtyping)
+          .run(this);
 /// Pairs of [FunctionTypeVariable]s that are currently assumed to be
@@ -1502,13 +1507,16 @@
 class _DartTypeToStringVisitor extends DartTypeVisitor<void, void> {
   final bool _printLegacyStars;
+  final bool _useNullSafety;
+  final bool _useLegacySubtyping;
   final List _fragments = []; // Strings and _DeferredNames
   bool _lastIsIdentifier = false;
   List<FunctionTypeVariable> _boundVariables;
   Map<FunctionTypeVariable, _DeferredName> _variableToName;
   Set<FunctionType> _genericFunctions;
-  _DartTypeToStringVisitor(this._printLegacyStars);
+  _DartTypeToStringVisitor(
+      this._printLegacyStars, this._useNullSafety, this._useLegacySubtyping);
   String run(DartType type) {
@@ -1660,9 +1668,10 @@
         needsComma = _comma(needsComma);
         DartType bound = typeVariable.bound;
-        if (!bound.isObject) {
+        if (!bound._isTop(_useNullSafety) &&
+            (!_useLegacySubtyping || !bound.isObject)) {
           _token(' extends ');
-          _visit(typeVariable.bound);
+          _visit(bound);
diff --git a/pkg/compiler/lib/src/js_backend/backend_impact.dart b/pkg/compiler/lib/src/js_backend/backend_impact.dart
index 7d50038..d22ce35 100644
--- a/pkg/compiler/lib/src/js_backend/backend_impact.dart
+++ b/pkg/compiler/lib/src/js_backend/backend_impact.dart
@@ -820,14 +820,24 @@
           // Specialized checks.
+          _commonElements.specializedAsBool,
+          _commonElements.specializedAsBoolLegacy,
           // no specializedIsDouble.
+          _commonElements.specializedAsDouble,
+          _commonElements.specializedAsDoubleLegacy,
+          _commonElements.specializedAsInt,
+          _commonElements.specializedAsIntLegacy,
+          _commonElements.specializedAsNum,
+          _commonElements.specializedAsNumLegacy,
+          _commonElements.specializedAsString,
+          _commonElements.specializedAsStringLegacy,
diff --git a/pkg/compiler/lib/src/js_backend/specialized_checks.dart b/pkg/compiler/lib/src/js_backend/specialized_checks.dart
index 8651bf2..ca83fd1 100644
--- a/pkg/compiler/lib/src/js_backend/specialized_checks.dart
+++ b/pkg/compiler/lib/src/js_backend/specialized_checks.dart
@@ -98,48 +98,76 @@
     return null;
-  static MemberEntity findAsCheck(
-      DartType dartType, JCommonElements commonElements) {
+  static MemberEntity findAsCheck(DartType dartType,
+      JCommonElements commonElements, bool useLegacySubtyping) {
     if (dartType is InterfaceType) {
       if (dartType.typeArguments.isNotEmpty) return null;
-      return _findAsCheck(dartType.element, commonElements, isNullable: true);
+      return _findAsCheck(dartType.element, commonElements,
+          nullable: false, legacy: useLegacySubtyping);
+    }
+    if (dartType is LegacyType) {
+      DartType baseType = dartType.baseType;
+      if (baseType is InterfaceType && baseType.typeArguments.isEmpty) {
+        return _findAsCheck(baseType.element, commonElements,
+            nullable: false, legacy: true);
+      }
+      return null;
+    }
+    if (dartType is NullableType) {
+      DartType baseType = dartType.baseType;
+      if (baseType is InterfaceType && baseType.typeArguments.isEmpty) {
+        return _findAsCheck(baseType.element, commonElements,
+            nullable: true, legacy: false);
+      }
+      return null;
     return null;
+  /// Finds the method that implements the specialized check for a simple type.
+  /// The specialized method will report a TypeError that includes a reported
+  /// type.
+  ///
+  /// [nullable]: Find specialization for `element?`.
+  /// [legacy]: Find specialization for non-nullable `element?` but with legacy
+  /// semantics (accepting null).
+  ///
+  ///     element   options                           reported  accepts
+  ///                                                 type      null
+  ///
+  ///     String    nullable: true   legacy: ---      String?   yes
+  ///     String    nullable: false  legacy: true     String    yes
+  ///     String    nullable: false  legacy: false    String    no
+  ///
   static MemberEntity _findAsCheck(
       ClassEntity element, JCommonElements commonElements,
-      {bool isNullable}) {
+      {bool nullable, bool legacy}) {
     if (element == commonElements.jsStringClass ||
         element == commonElements.stringClass) {
-      if (isNullable) {
-        return commonElements.specializedAsStringNullable;
-      }
-      return null;
+      if (legacy) return commonElements.specializedAsStringLegacy;
+      if (nullable) return commonElements.specializedAsStringNullable;
+      return commonElements.specializedAsString;
     if (element == commonElements.jsBoolClass ||
         element == commonElements.boolClass) {
-      if (isNullable) {
-        return commonElements.specializedAsBoolNullable;
-      }
-      return null;
+      if (legacy) return commonElements.specializedAsBoolLegacy;
+      if (nullable) return commonElements.specializedAsBoolNullable;
+      return commonElements.specializedAsBool;
     if (element == commonElements.jsDoubleClass ||
         element == commonElements.doubleClass) {
-      if (isNullable) {
-        return commonElements.specializedAsDoubleNullable;
-      }
-      return null;
+      if (legacy) return commonElements.specializedAsDoubleLegacy;
+      if (nullable) return commonElements.specializedAsDoubleNullable;
+      return commonElements.specializedAsDouble;
     if (element == commonElements.jsNumberClass ||
         element == commonElements.numClass) {
-      if (isNullable) {
-        return commonElements.specializedAsNumNullable;
-      }
-      return null;
+      if (legacy) return commonElements.specializedAsNumLegacy;
+      if (nullable) return commonElements.specializedAsNumNullable;
+      return commonElements.specializedAsNum;
     if (element == commonElements.jsIntClass ||
@@ -147,10 +175,9 @@
         element == commonElements.jsUInt32Class ||
         element == commonElements.jsUInt31Class ||
         element == commonElements.jsPositiveIntClass) {
-      if (isNullable) {
-        return commonElements.specializedAsIntNullable;
-      }
-      return null;
+      if (legacy) return commonElements.specializedAsIntLegacy;
+      if (nullable) return commonElements.specializedAsIntNullable;
+      return commonElements.specializedAsInt;
     return null;
diff --git a/pkg/compiler/lib/src/ssa/optimize.dart b/pkg/compiler/lib/src/ssa/optimize.dart
index 1efc55b..6b65f2a 100644
--- a/pkg/compiler/lib/src/ssa/optimize.dart
+++ b/pkg/compiler/lib/src/ssa/optimize.dart
@@ -2133,8 +2133,8 @@
     if (typeInput is HLoadType) {
       TypeExpressionRecipe recipe = typeInput.typeExpression;
       DartType dartType = recipe.type;
-      MemberEntity specializedCheck =
-          SpecializedChecks.findAsCheck(dartType, _closedWorld.commonElements);
+      MemberEntity specializedCheck = SpecializedChecks.findAsCheck(
+          dartType, _closedWorld.commonElements, _options.useLegacySubtyping);
       if (specializedCheck != null) {
         AbstractValueWithPrecision checkedType =
             _abstractValueDomain.createFromStaticType(dartType, nullable: true);
diff --git a/pkg/dds/lib/dds.dart b/pkg/dds/lib/dds.dart
index d2bb5ea..03ced9f 100644
--- a/pkg/dds/lib/dds.dart
+++ b/pkg/dds/lib/dds.dart
@@ -7,15 +7,24 @@
 library dds;
 import 'dart:async';
+import 'dart:convert';
 import 'dart:io';
+import 'dart:typed_data';
+import 'package:async/async.dart';
+import 'package:json_rpc_2/json_rpc_2.dart' as json_rpc;
+import 'package:pedantic/pedantic.dart';
 import 'package:shelf/shelf.dart';
 import 'package:shelf/shelf_io.dart' as io;
 import 'package:shelf_proxy/shelf_proxy.dart';
 import 'package:shelf_web_socket/shelf_web_socket.dart';
+import 'package:stream_channel/stream_channel.dart';
 import 'package:web_socket_channel/web_socket_channel.dart';
+part 'src/binary_compatible_peer.dart';
+part 'src/client.dart';
 part 'src/dds_impl.dart';
+part 'src/stream_manager.dart';
 /// An intermediary between a Dart VM service and its clients that offers
 /// additional functionality on top of the standard VM service protocol.
diff --git a/pkg/dds/lib/src/binary_compatible_peer.dart b/pkg/dds/lib/src/binary_compatible_peer.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c5b83b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/dds/lib/src/binary_compatible_peer.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+part of dds;
+/// Adds support for binary events send from the VM service, which are not part
+/// of the official JSON RPC 2.0 specification.
+/// A binary event from the VM service has the form:
+/// ```
+/// type BinaryEvent {
+///  dataOffset : uint32,
+///  metadata : uint8[dataOffset-4],
+///  data : uint8[],
+/// }
+/// ```
+/// where `metadata` is the JSON body of the event.
+/// [_BinaryCompatiblePeer] assumes that only stream events can contain a
+/// binary payload (e.g., clients cannot send a `BinaryEvent` to the VM service).
+class _BinaryCompatiblePeer extends json_rpc.Peer {
+  _BinaryCompatiblePeer(WebSocketChannel ws, _StreamManager streamManager)
+      : super(
+          ws.transform<String>(
+            StreamChannelTransformer(
+              StreamTransformer<dynamic, String>.fromHandlers(
+                  handleData: (data, EventSink<String> sink) =>
+                      _transformStream(streamManager, data, sink)),
+              StreamSinkTransformer<String, dynamic>.fromHandlers(
+                handleData: (String data, EventSink<dynamic> sink) {
+                  sink.add(data);
+                },
+              ),
+            ),
+          ),
+        );
+  static void _transformStream(
+      _StreamManager streamManager, dynamic data, EventSink<String> sink) {
+    if (data is String) {
+      // Non-binary messages come in as Strings. Simply forward to the sink.
+      sink.add(data);
+    } else if (data is Uint8List) {
+      // Only binary events will result in `data` being of type Uint8List. We
+      // need to manually forward them here.
+      final bytesView =
+          ByteData.view(data.buffer, data.offsetInBytes, data.lengthInBytes);
+      const metadataOffset = 4;
+      final dataOffset = bytesView.getUint32(0, Endian.little);
+      final metadataLength = dataOffset - metadataOffset;
+      final metadata = Utf8Decoder().convert(new Uint8List.view(
+          bytesView.buffer,
+          bytesView.offsetInBytes + metadataOffset,
+          metadataLength));
+      final decodedMetadata = json.decode(metadata);
+      streamManager.streamNotify(decodedMetadata['params']['streamId'], data);
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/pkg/dds/lib/src/client.dart b/pkg/dds/lib/src/client.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11dac82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/dds/lib/src/client.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+part of dds;
+/// Representation of a single DDS client which manages the connection and
+/// DDS request intercepting / forwarding.
+class _DartDevelopmentServiceClient {
+  _DartDevelopmentServiceClient(
+    json_rpc.Peer vmServicePeer,
+  ) : _vmServicePeer = vmServicePeer {
+    _clientPeer = json_rpc.Peer(ws.cast<String>());
+    _registerJsonRpcMethods();
+  }
+  /// Start receiving JSON RPC requests from the client.
+  ///
+  /// Returned future completes when the peer is closed.
+  Future<void> listen() => _clientPeer.listen().then(
+        (_) => dds.streamManager.clientDisconnect(this),
+      );
+  /// Close the connection to the client.
+  Future<void> close() async {
+    // Cleanup the JSON RPC server for this connection if DDS has shutdown.
+    await _clientPeer.close();
+  }
+  /// Send a JSON RPC notification to the client.
+  void sendNotification(String method, [dynamic parameters]) async {
+    if (_clientPeer.isClosed) {
+      return;
+    }
+    _clientPeer.sendNotification(method, parameters);
+  }
+  /// Registers handlers for JSON RPC methods which need to be intercepted by
+  /// DDS as well as fallback request forwarder.
+  void _registerJsonRpcMethods() {
+    _clientPeer.registerMethod('streamListen', (parameters) async {
+      final streamId = parameters['streamId'].asString;
+      await dds.streamManager.streamListen(this, streamId);
+      return _success;
+    });
+    _clientPeer.registerMethod('streamCancel', (parameters) async {
+      final streamId = parameters['streamId'].asString;
+      await dds.streamManager.streamCancel(this, streamId);
+      return _success;
+    });
+    // Unless otherwise specified, the request is forwarded to the VM service.
+    _clientPeer.registerFallback((parameters) async =>
+        await _vmServicePeer.sendRequest(parameters.method, parameters.asMap));
+  }
+  static const _success = <String, dynamic>{
+    'type': 'Success',
+  };
+  final _DartDevelopmentService dds;
+  final json_rpc.Peer _vmServicePeer;
+  final WebSocketChannel ws;
+  json_rpc.Peer _clientPeer;
diff --git a/pkg/dds/lib/src/dds_impl.dart b/pkg/dds/lib/src/dds_impl.dart
index 37f019a..fb2bf74 100644
--- a/pkg/dds/lib/src/dds_impl.dart
+++ b/pkg/dds/lib/src/dds_impl.dart
@@ -5,12 +5,20 @@
 part of dds;
 class _DartDevelopmentService implements DartDevelopmentService {
-  _DartDevelopmentService(this._remoteVmServiceUri, this._uri);
+  _DartDevelopmentService(this._remoteVmServiceUri, this._uri) {
+    _streamManager = _StreamManager(this);
+  }
   Future<void> startService() async {
     // Establish the connection to the VM service.
-    _vmServiceSocket = await WebSocket.connect(remoteVmServiceWsUri.toString());
-    _vmServiceStream = _vmServiceSocket.asBroadcastStream();
+    _vmServiceSocket = WebSocketChannel.connect(remoteVmServiceWsUri);
+    _vmServiceClient = _BinaryCompatiblePeer(_vmServiceSocket, _streamManager);
+    // Setup the JSON RPC client with the VM service.
+    unawaited(_vmServiceClient.listen());
+    // Setup stream event handling.
+    streamManager.listen();
     // Once we have a connection to the VM service, we're ready to spawn the intermediary.
     await _startDDSServer();
@@ -28,8 +36,20 @@
   /// Stop accepting requests after gracefully handling existing requests.
   Future<void> shutdown() async {
+    // Don't accept anymore HTTP requests.
     await _server.close();
-    await _vmServiceSocket.close();
+    // Close all incoming websocket connections.
+    final futures = <Future>[];
+    for (final client in _clients) {
+      futures.add(client.close());
+    }
+    await Future.wait(futures);
+    // Close connection to VM service.
+    await _vmServiceSocket.sink.close();
+    _done.complete();
   // Attempt to upgrade HTTP requests to a websocket before processing them as
@@ -38,16 +58,18 @@
   Cascade _handlers() => Cascade().add(_webSocketHandler()).add(_httpHandler());
   Handler _webSocketHandler() => webSocketHandler((WebSocketChannel ws) {
-        // TODO(bkonyi): actually process requests instead of blindly forwarding them.
-        _vmServiceStream.listen(
-          (event) => ws.sink.add(event),
-          onDone: () => ws.sink.close(),
+        final client = _DartDevelopmentServiceClient(
+          this,
+          ws,
+          _vmServiceClient,
- => _vmServiceSocket.add(event));
+        _clients.add(client);
+        client.listen().then((_) => _clients.remove(client));
   Handler _httpHandler() {
-    // TODO(bkonyi): actually process requests instead of blindly forwarding them.
+    // DDS doesn't support any HTTP requests itself, so we just forward all of
+    // them to the VM service.
     final cascade = Cascade().add(proxyHandler(remoteVmServiceUri));
     return cascade.handler;
@@ -79,7 +101,15 @@
   bool get isRunning => _uri != null;
-  WebSocket _vmServiceSocket;
-  Stream _vmServiceStream;
+  Future<void> get done => _done.future;
+  Completer _done = Completer<void>();
+  _StreamManager get streamManager => _streamManager;
+  _StreamManager _streamManager;
+  final List<_DartDevelopmentServiceClient> _clients = [];
+  json_rpc.Peer _vmServiceClient;
+  WebSocketChannel _vmServiceSocket;
   HttpServer _server;
diff --git a/pkg/dds/lib/src/stream_manager.dart b/pkg/dds/lib/src/stream_manager.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..318cc39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/dds/lib/src/stream_manager.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+part of dds;
+class _StreamManager {
+  _StreamManager(;
+  /// Send `streamNotify` notifications to clients subscribed to `streamId`.
+  ///
+  /// If `data` is of type `Uint8List`, the notification is assumed to be a
+  /// binary event and is forwarded directly over the subscriber's websocket.
+  /// Otherwise, the event is sent via the JSON RPC client.
+  void streamNotify(String streamId, data) {
+    if (streamListeners.containsKey(streamId)) {
+      final listeners = streamListeners[streamId];
+      final isBinaryData = data is Uint8List;
+      for (final listener in listeners) {
+        if (isBinaryData) {
+        } else {
+          listener.sendNotification('streamNotify', data);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /// Start listening for `streamNotify` events from the VM service and forward
+  /// them to the clients which have subscribed to the stream.
+  void listen() => dds._vmServiceClient.registerMethod(
+        'streamNotify',
+        (parameters) {
+          final streamId = parameters['streamId'].asString;
+          streamNotify(streamId, parameters.value);
+        },
+      );
+  /// Subscribes `client` to a stream.
+  ///
+  /// If `client` is the first client to listen to `stream`, DDS will send a
+  /// `streamListen` request for `stream` to the VM service.
+  Future<void> streamListen(
+    _DartDevelopmentServiceClient client,
+    String stream,
+  ) async {
+    assert(stream != null && stream.isNotEmpty);
+    if (!streamListeners.containsKey(stream)) {
+      // This will return an RPC exception if the stream doesn't exist. This
+      // will throw and the exception will be forwarded to the client.
+      final result = await dds._vmServiceClient.sendRequest('streamListen', {
+        'streamId': stream,
+      });
+      assert(result['type'] == 'Success');
+      streamListeners[stream] = <_DartDevelopmentServiceClient>[];
+    }
+    if (streamListeners[stream].contains(client)) {
+      throw kStreamAlreadySubscribedException;
+    }
+    streamListeners[stream].add(client);
+  }
+  /// Unsubscribes `client` from a stream.
+  ///
+  /// If `client` is the last client to unsubscribe from `stream`, DDS will
+  /// send a `streamCancel` request for `stream` to the VM service.
+  Future<void> streamCancel(
+    _DartDevelopmentServiceClient client,
+    String stream,
+  ) async {
+    assert(stream != null && stream.isNotEmpty);
+    final listeners = streamListeners[stream];
+    if (listeners == null || !listeners.contains(client)) {
+      throw kStreamNotSubscribedException;
+    }
+    listeners.remove(client);
+    if (listeners.isEmpty) {
+      streamListeners.remove(stream);
+      final result = await dds._vmServiceClient.sendRequest('streamCancel', {
+        'streamId': stream,
+      });
+      assert(result['type'] == 'Success');
+    } else {
+      streamListeners[stream] = listeners;
+    }
+  }
+  /// Cleanup stream subscriptions for `client` when it has disconnected.
+  void clientDisconnect(_DartDevelopmentServiceClient client) {
+    for (final streamId in streamListeners.keys.toList()) {
+      streamCancel(client, streamId);
+    }
+  }
+  // These error codes must be kept in sync with those in vm/json_stream.h and
+  // vmservice.dart.
+  static const kStreamAlreadySubscribed = 103;
+  static const kStreamNotSubscribed = 104;
+  // Keep these messages in sync with the VM service.
+  static final kStreamAlreadySubscribedException = json_rpc.RpcException(
+    kStreamAlreadySubscribed,
+    'Stream already subscribed',
+  );
+  static final kStreamNotSubscribedException = json_rpc.RpcException(
+    kStreamNotSubscribed,
+    'Stream not subscribed',
+  );
+  final _DartDevelopmentService dds;
+  final streamListeners = <String, List<_DartDevelopmentServiceClient>>{};
diff --git a/pkg/dds/pubspec.yaml b/pkg/dds/pubspec.yaml
index 8734df5..9dbb70e 100644
--- a/pkg/dds/pubspec.yaml
+++ b/pkg/dds/pubspec.yaml
@@ -11,13 +11,15 @@
   sdk: '>=2.6.0 <3.0.0'
+  async: ^2.4.1
   json_rpc_2: ^2.1.0
+  pedantic: ^1.7.0
   shelf: ^0.7.5
   shelf_proxy: ^0.1.0+7
   shelf_web_socket: ^0.2.3
+  stream_channel: ^2.0.0
   web_socket_channel: ^1.1.0
-  pedantic: ^1.7.0
   test: ^1.0.0
   vm_service: ^4.0.0
diff --git a/pkg/dev_compiler/lib/src/kernel/compiler.dart b/pkg/dev_compiler/lib/src/kernel/compiler.dart
index 584850a..39e6830 100644
--- a/pkg/dev_compiler/lib/src/kernel/compiler.dart
+++ b/pkg/dev_compiler/lib/src/kernel/compiler.dart
@@ -2748,35 +2748,28 @@
       helperCall = 'gFnType(#)';
-      /// Whether the type parameter [t] has an explicit bound, like
-      /// `<T extends C>`, `<T extends Object>` or `<T extends dynamic>`.
+      /// Returns `true` when the type parameter [t] has a `Object*` bound
+      /// either implicit `<T>` or explicit `<T extends Object>` written in a
+      /// legacy library.
-      /// In contrast, a type parameter like `<T>` has an implicit bound.
-      /// Implicit bounds are a bit unusual, in that `Object` is used as the
-      /// bound for checking, but `dynamic` is filled in as the default value.
-      ///
-      /// Kernel represents `<T>` as `<T extends Object = dynamic>`. We can find
-      /// explicit bounds by looking for anything *except* that.
-      bool typeParameterHasExplicitBound(TypeParameter t) =>
-          t.bound != _types.coreTypes.objectLegacyRawType ||
-          t.defaultType != const DynamicType();
+      /// Note: Kernel represents these differently in the default values.
+      /// `<T extends Object* = dynamic>` vs `<T extends Object* = Object*>` but
+      /// at runtime we treat both as having a default value of dynamic as it is
+      /// correct for the cases that appear more frequently.
+      bool typeParameterHasLegacyTopBound(TypeParameter t) =>
+          t.bound == _types.coreTypes.objectLegacyRawType;
-      // If any explicit bounds were passed, emit them.
-      if (typeFormals.any(typeParameterHasExplicitBound)) {
+      // Avoid emitting these bounds when possible and interpret the empty
+      // bounds at runtime to mean all bounds are `Object*`.
+      // TODO(nshahan) Revisit this representation when more libraries have
+      // migrated to null safety.
+      if (!typeFormals.every(typeParameterHasLegacyTopBound)) {
         /// Emits the bound of the type parameter [t] for use in runtime
-        /// checking and the default value (e.g. for dynamic class).
+        /// checking.
-        /// For most type parameters we can use [TypeParameter.bound]. However,
-        /// for *implicit* bounds such as `<T>` (represented in Kernel as
-        /// `<T extends Object = dynamic>`) we need to emit `dynamic` so we use
-        /// the correct default value at runtime.
-        ///
-        /// Because `dynamic` and `Object` are both top types, they'll behave
-        /// identically for the purposes of type checks.
+        /// Default values e.g. dynamic get replaced at runtime.
         js_ast.Expression emitTypeParameterBound(TypeParameter t) =>
-            typeParameterHasExplicitBound(t)
-                ? _emitType(t.bound)
-                : visitDynamicType(const DynamicType());
+            _emitType(t.bound);
         var bounds =;
diff --git a/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/dart2js_nnbd_sdk_error_golden.txt b/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/dart2js_nnbd_sdk_error_golden.txt
index 1140c53..51310b9 100644
--- a/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/dart2js_nnbd_sdk_error_golden.txt
+++ b/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/dart2js_nnbd_sdk_error_golden.txt
@@ -8,3 +8,4 @@
 ERROR|STATIC_TYPE_WARNING|UNDEFINED_OPERATOR|lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/interceptors.dart|1656|17|1|The operator '&' isn't defined for the type 'JSInt'.
 ERROR|STATIC_TYPE_WARNING|UNDEFINED_OPERATOR|lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/interceptors.dart|1661|18|1|The operator '&' isn't defined for the type 'JSInt'.
 ERROR|STATIC_TYPE_WARNING|UNDEFINED_OPERATOR|lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/interceptors.dart|1661|44|1|The operator '&' isn't defined for the type 'JSInt'.
+ERROR|STATIC_WARNING|ARGUMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE|lib/io/io.dart|6334|51|12|The argument type 'Object' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'String'.
diff --git a/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/dartdevc_nnbd_sdk_error_golden.txt b/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/dartdevc_nnbd_sdk_error_golden.txt
index 80acd97..b093430 100644
--- a/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/dartdevc_nnbd_sdk_error_golden.txt
+++ b/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/dartdevc_nnbd_sdk_error_golden.txt
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 ERROR|COMPILE_TIME_ERROR|CONST_CONSTRUCTOR_THROWS_EXCEPTION|lib/core/core.dart|7902|5|97|Const constructors can't throw exceptions.
 ERROR|COMPILE_TIME_ERROR|CONST_CONSTRUCTOR_THROWS_EXCEPTION|lib/core/core.dart|940|5|95|Const constructors can't throw exceptions.
 ERROR|COMPILE_TIME_ERROR|CONST_CONSTRUCTOR_THROWS_EXCEPTION|lib/core/core.dart|973|5|94|Const constructors can't throw exceptions.
+ERROR|STATIC_WARNING|ARGUMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE|lib/io/io.dart|6334|51|12|The argument type 'Object' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'String'.
 ERROR|SYNTACTIC_ERROR|CONST_FACTORY|lib/core/core.dart|3714|3|5|Only redirecting factory constructors can be declared to be 'const'.
 ERROR|SYNTACTIC_ERROR|CONST_FACTORY|lib/core/core.dart|7900|3|5|Only redirecting factory constructors can be declared to be 'const'.
 ERROR|SYNTACTIC_ERROR|CONST_FACTORY|lib/core/core.dart|938|3|5|Only redirecting factory constructors can be declared to be 'const'.
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/lib/src/fasta/builder/type_alias_builder.dart b/pkg/front_end/lib/src/fasta/builder/type_alias_builder.dart
index a852f46..7b26757 100644
--- a/pkg/front_end/lib/src/fasta/builder/type_alias_builder.dart
+++ b/pkg/front_end/lib/src/fasta/builder/type_alias_builder.dart
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
   bool get fromDill => false;
   Typedef build(SourceLibraryBuilder libraryBuilder) {
-    typedef..type ??= buildThisType(libraryBuilder);
+    typedef..type ??= buildThisType();
     TypeBuilder type = this.type;
     if (type is FunctionTypeBuilder) {
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
     return result;
-  DartType buildThisType(LibraryBuilder library) {
+  DartType buildThisType() {
     if (thisType != null) {
       if (identical(thisType, cyclicTypeAliasMarker)) {
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@
   /// [arguments] have already been built.
   DartType buildTypesWithBuiltArguments(LibraryBuilder library,
       Nullability nullability, List<DartType> arguments) {
-    DartType thisType = buildThisType(library);
+    DartType thisType = buildThisType();
     if (const DynamicType() == thisType) return thisType;
     Nullability adjustedNullability =
         isNullAlias ? Nullability.nullable : nullability;
@@ -248,26 +248,32 @@
   DartType buildType(LibraryBuilder library,
       NullabilityBuilder nullabilityBuilder, List<TypeBuilder> arguments,
       [bool notInstanceContext]) {
-    DartType thisType = buildThisType(library);
+    DartType thisType = buildThisType();
     if (thisType is InvalidType) return thisType;
     // TODO(dmitryas): Remove the following comment when FutureOr has its own
     // encoding and isn't represented as an InterfaceType.
     // The following won't work if the right-hand side of the typedef is a
     // FutureOr.
-    Nullability rhsNullability = thisType.nullability;
+    Nullability nullability;
+    if (isNullAlias) {
+      // Null is always nullable.
+      nullability = Nullability.nullable;
+    } else if (!parent.isNonNullableByDefault ||
+        !library.isNonNullableByDefault) {
+      // The typedef is defined or used in an opt-out library so the nullability
+      // is based on the use site alone.
+      nullability =;
+    } else {
+      nullability = uniteNullabilities(
+          thisType.nullability,;
+    }
     if (typedef.typeParameters.isEmpty && arguments == null) {
-      Nullability nullability = isNullAlias
-          ? Nullability.nullable
-          :;
-      return thisType
-          .withNullability(uniteNullabilities(rhsNullability, nullability));
+      return thisType.withNullability(nullability);
     // Otherwise, substitute.
     return buildTypesWithBuiltArguments(
-        library,
-        uniteNullabilities(rhsNullability,,
-        buildTypeArguments(library, arguments));
+        library, nullability, buildTypeArguments(library, arguments));
   TypeDeclarationBuilder _cachedUnaliasedDeclaration;
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/lib/src/fasta/dill/dill_type_alias_builder.dart b/pkg/front_end/lib/src/fasta/dill/dill_type_alias_builder.dart
index f13acd1..6a06914 100644
--- a/pkg/front_end/lib/src/fasta/dill/dill_type_alias_builder.dart
+++ b/pkg/front_end/lib/src/fasta/dill/dill_type_alias_builder.dart
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
-  DartType buildThisType(LibraryBuilder library) {
+  DartType buildThisType() {
     return thisType ??= typedef.type;
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/lib/src/fasta/incremental_compiler.dart b/pkg/front_end/lib/src/fasta/incremental_compiler.dart
index 10b6ee9..db832ad 100644
--- a/pkg/front_end/lib/src/fasta/incremental_compiler.dart
+++ b/pkg/front_end/lib/src/fasta/incremental_compiler.dart
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
+        CompilationModeError,
@@ -1010,7 +1011,8 @@
             if (e is InvalidKernelVersionError ||
                 e is PackageChangedError ||
-                e is CanonicalNameSdkError) {
+                e is CanonicalNameSdkError ||
+                e is CompilationModeError) {
               // Don't report any warning.
             } else {
               Uri gzInitializedFrom;
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/test/incremental_load_from_invalid_dill_test.dart b/pkg/front_end/test/incremental_load_from_invalid_dill_test.dart
index ccd1823..62d6624 100644
--- a/pkg/front_end/test/incremental_load_from_invalid_dill_test.dart
+++ b/pkg/front_end/test/incremental_load_from_invalid_dill_test.dart
@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@
 import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/kernel/utils.dart' show serializeComponent;
-import 'package:kernel/kernel.dart' show Component, Library;
+import 'package:kernel/kernel.dart'
+    show Component, Library, NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode;
 import 'incremental_load_from_dill_suite.dart' show getOptions;
@@ -236,6 +237,38 @@
     // Should be ok (for now), but we shouldn't actually initialize from dill.
     await compileExpectOk(false, entryPoint);
+    // Try to initialize from a dill which contains mixed compilation modes:
+    // Should be ok, but we shouldn't actually initialize from dill.
+    List<int> mixedPart1;
+    {
+      compiler = new IncrementalCompiler(
+          new CompilerContext(
+              new ProcessedOptions(options: options, inputs: [helper2File])),
+          null);
+      Component c = await compiler.computeDelta();
+      c.setMainMethodAndMode(
+          null, false, NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode.Disabled);
+      mixedPart1 = serializeComponent(c);
+    }
+    List<int> mixedPart2;
+    {
+      compiler = new IncrementalCompiler(
+          new CompilerContext(
+              new ProcessedOptions(options: options, inputs: [helperFile])),
+          null);
+      Component c = await compiler.computeDelta();
+      c.setMainMethodAndMode(
+          null, false, NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode.Strong);
+      mixedPart2 = serializeComponent(c);
+    }
+    List<int> mixed = [];
+    mixed.addAll(mixedPart1);
+    mixed.addAll(mixedPart2);
+    fs.entityForUri(initializeFrom).writeAsBytesSync(mixed);
+    await compileExpectOk(false, entryPoint);
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/test/spell_checking_list_tests.txt b/pkg/front_end/test/spell_checking_list_tests.txt
index 44f1f77..95a7bb3 100644
--- a/pkg/front_end/test/spell_checking_list_tests.txt
+++ b/pkg/front_end/test/spell_checking_list_tests.txt
@@ -276,6 +276,9 @@
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/test/utils/kernel_chain.dart b/pkg/front_end/test/utils/kernel_chain.dart
index 643ffcb..1f77cd2 100644
--- a/pkg/front_end/test/utils/kernel_chain.dart
+++ b/pkg/front_end/test/utils/kernel_chain.dart
@@ -318,7 +318,8 @@
     return await CompilerContext.runWithOptions(options,
         (compilerContext) async {
-      TextSerializationVerifier verifier = new TextSerializationVerifier();
+      TextSerializationVerifier verifier =
+          new TextSerializationVerifier(root: component.root);
       for (Library library in component.libraries) {
         if (library.importUri.scheme != "dart" &&
             library.importUri.scheme != "package") {
@@ -329,13 +330,11 @@
         LocatedMessage message;
         if (failure is TextSerializationFailure) {
           message = templateUnspecified
-              .withArguments(
-                  "Failed to serialize a node: ${failure.message.isNotEmpty}")
+              .withArguments("Failed to serialize a node: ${failure.message}")
               .withLocation(failure.uri, failure.offset, 1);
         } else if (failure is TextDeserializationFailure) {
           message = templateUnspecified
-              .withArguments(
-                  "Failed to deserialize a node: ${failure.message.isNotEmpty}")
+              .withArguments("Failed to deserialize a node: ${failure.message}")
               .withLocation(failure.uri, failure.offset, 1);
         } else if (failure is TextRoundTripFailure) {
           String formattedInitial =
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496.dart b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93d3769
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+import "issue41496_lib.dart";
+LegacyFoo f1;
+class C {
+  static LegacyFoo f2;
+main() {
+  new C();
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496.dart.outline.expect b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496.dart.outline.expect
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de2e711
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496.dart.outline.expect
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
+// Problems in library:
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496.dart:7:11: Error: Field 'f1' should be initialized because its type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+// LegacyFoo f1;
+//           ^^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496.dart:10:20: Error: Field 'f2' should be initialized because its type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+//   static LegacyFoo f2;
+//                    ^^
+import self as self;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41496_lib.dart";
+class C extends core::Object {
+  static field () → void f2;
+  synthetic constructor •() → self::C
+    ;
+static field () → void f1;
+static method main() → dynamic
+  ;
+library opted_out_lib;
+import self as self2;
+typedef LegacyFoo = () →* void;
+static method test(() →* void f) → dynamic
+  ;
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496.dart.strong.expect b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496.dart.strong.expect
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a1bc313
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496.dart.strong.expect
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
+// Problems in library:
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496.dart:7:11: Error: Field 'f1' should be initialized because its type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+// LegacyFoo f1;
+//           ^^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496.dart:10:20: Error: Field 'f2' should be initialized because its type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+//   static LegacyFoo f2;
+//                    ^^
+import self as self;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41496_lib.dart";
+class C extends core::Object {
+  static field () → void f2 = null;
+  synthetic constructor •() → self::C
+    : super core::Object::•()
+    ;
+static field () → void f1;
+static method main() → dynamic {
+  new self::C::•();
+library opted_out_lib;
+import self as self2;
+typedef LegacyFoo = () →* void;
+static method test(() →* void f) → dynamic {}
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496.dart.strong.transformed.expect b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496.dart.strong.transformed.expect
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a1bc313
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496.dart.strong.transformed.expect
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
+// Problems in library:
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496.dart:7:11: Error: Field 'f1' should be initialized because its type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+// LegacyFoo f1;
+//           ^^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496.dart:10:20: Error: Field 'f2' should be initialized because its type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+//   static LegacyFoo f2;
+//                    ^^
+import self as self;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41496_lib.dart";
+class C extends core::Object {
+  static field () → void f2 = null;
+  synthetic constructor •() → self::C
+    : super core::Object::•()
+    ;
+static field () → void f1;
+static method main() → dynamic {
+  new self::C::•();
+library opted_out_lib;
+import self as self2;
+typedef LegacyFoo = () →* void;
+static method test(() →* void f) → dynamic {}
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496.dart.weak.expect b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496.dart.weak.expect
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a1bc313
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496.dart.weak.expect
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
+// Problems in library:
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496.dart:7:11: Error: Field 'f1' should be initialized because its type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+// LegacyFoo f1;
+//           ^^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496.dart:10:20: Error: Field 'f2' should be initialized because its type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+//   static LegacyFoo f2;
+//                    ^^
+import self as self;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41496_lib.dart";
+class C extends core::Object {
+  static field () → void f2 = null;
+  synthetic constructor •() → self::C
+    : super core::Object::•()
+    ;
+static field () → void f1;
+static method main() → dynamic {
+  new self::C::•();
+library opted_out_lib;
+import self as self2;
+typedef LegacyFoo = () →* void;
+static method test(() →* void f) → dynamic {}
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496.dart.weak.transformed.expect b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496.dart.weak.transformed.expect
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a1bc313
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496.dart.weak.transformed.expect
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
+// Problems in library:
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496.dart:7:11: Error: Field 'f1' should be initialized because its type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+// LegacyFoo f1;
+//           ^^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496.dart:10:20: Error: Field 'f2' should be initialized because its type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+//   static LegacyFoo f2;
+//                    ^^
+import self as self;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41496_lib.dart";
+class C extends core::Object {
+  static field () → void f2 = null;
+  synthetic constructor •() → self::C
+    : super core::Object::•()
+    ;
+static field () → void f1;
+static method main() → dynamic {
+  new self::C::•();
+library opted_out_lib;
+import self as self2;
+typedef LegacyFoo = () →* void;
+static method test(() →* void f) → dynamic {}
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496_lib.dart b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496_lib.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8950f0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496_lib.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// @dart=2.6
+library opted_out_lib;
+typedef void LegacyFoo();
+test(LegacyFoo f) {}
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496b.dart b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496b.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4bafd01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496b.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// @dart=2.6
+library opted_out_lib;
+import 'issue41496b_lib.dart' as opt_in;
+typedef void LegacyFoo();
+test(LegacyFoo f) {}
+main() {
+  opt_in.main();
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496b.dart.outline.expect b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496b.dart.outline.expect
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e596933
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496b.dart.outline.expect
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+library opted_out_lib;
+import self as self;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41496b_lib.dart" as opt_in;
+typedef LegacyFoo = () →* void;
+static method test(() →* void f) → dynamic
+  ;
+static method main() → dynamic
+  ;
+library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
+// Problems in library:
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496b_lib.dart:7:11: Error: Field 'f1' should be initialized because its type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+// LegacyFoo f1;
+//           ^^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496b_lib.dart:10:20: Error: Field 'f2' should be initialized because its type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+//   static LegacyFoo f2;
+//                    ^^
+import self as self2;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41496b.dart";
+class C extends core::Object {
+  static field () → void f2;
+  synthetic constructor •() → self2::C
+    ;
+static field () → void f1;
+static method main() → dynamic
+  ;
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496b.dart.strong.expect b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496b.dart.strong.expect
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b70a566
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496b.dart.strong.expect
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+library opted_out_lib;
+import self as self;
+import "issue41496b_lib.dart" as iss;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41496b_lib.dart" as opt_in;
+typedef LegacyFoo = () →* void;
+static method test(() →* void f) → dynamic {}
+static method main() → dynamic {
+  iss::main();
+library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
+// Problems in library:
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496b_lib.dart:7:11: Error: Field 'f1' should be initialized because its type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+// LegacyFoo f1;
+//           ^^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496b_lib.dart:10:20: Error: Field 'f2' should be initialized because its type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+//   static LegacyFoo f2;
+//                    ^^
+import self as iss;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41496b.dart";
+class C extends core::Object {
+  static field () → void f2 = null;
+  synthetic constructor •() → iss::C
+    : super core::Object::•()
+    ;
+static field () → void f1;
+static method main() → dynamic {
+  new iss::C::•();
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496b.dart.strong.transformed.expect b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496b.dart.strong.transformed.expect
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b70a566
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496b.dart.strong.transformed.expect
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+library opted_out_lib;
+import self as self;
+import "issue41496b_lib.dart" as iss;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41496b_lib.dart" as opt_in;
+typedef LegacyFoo = () →* void;
+static method test(() →* void f) → dynamic {}
+static method main() → dynamic {
+  iss::main();
+library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
+// Problems in library:
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496b_lib.dart:7:11: Error: Field 'f1' should be initialized because its type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+// LegacyFoo f1;
+//           ^^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496b_lib.dart:10:20: Error: Field 'f2' should be initialized because its type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+//   static LegacyFoo f2;
+//                    ^^
+import self as iss;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41496b.dart";
+class C extends core::Object {
+  static field () → void f2 = null;
+  synthetic constructor •() → iss::C
+    : super core::Object::•()
+    ;
+static field () → void f1;
+static method main() → dynamic {
+  new iss::C::•();
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496b.dart.weak.expect b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496b.dart.weak.expect
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b70a566
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496b.dart.weak.expect
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+library opted_out_lib;
+import self as self;
+import "issue41496b_lib.dart" as iss;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41496b_lib.dart" as opt_in;
+typedef LegacyFoo = () →* void;
+static method test(() →* void f) → dynamic {}
+static method main() → dynamic {
+  iss::main();
+library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
+// Problems in library:
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496b_lib.dart:7:11: Error: Field 'f1' should be initialized because its type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+// LegacyFoo f1;
+//           ^^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496b_lib.dart:10:20: Error: Field 'f2' should be initialized because its type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+//   static LegacyFoo f2;
+//                    ^^
+import self as iss;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41496b.dart";
+class C extends core::Object {
+  static field () → void f2 = null;
+  synthetic constructor •() → iss::C
+    : super core::Object::•()
+    ;
+static field () → void f1;
+static method main() → dynamic {
+  new iss::C::•();
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496b.dart.weak.transformed.expect b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496b.dart.weak.transformed.expect
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b70a566
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496b.dart.weak.transformed.expect
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+library opted_out_lib;
+import self as self;
+import "issue41496b_lib.dart" as iss;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41496b_lib.dart" as opt_in;
+typedef LegacyFoo = () →* void;
+static method test(() →* void f) → dynamic {}
+static method main() → dynamic {
+  iss::main();
+library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
+// Problems in library:
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496b_lib.dart:7:11: Error: Field 'f1' should be initialized because its type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+// LegacyFoo f1;
+//           ^^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496b_lib.dart:10:20: Error: Field 'f2' should be initialized because its type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+//   static LegacyFoo f2;
+//                    ^^
+import self as iss;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41496b.dart";
+class C extends core::Object {
+  static field () → void f2 = null;
+  synthetic constructor •() → iss::C
+    : super core::Object::•()
+    ;
+static field () → void f1;
+static method main() → dynamic {
+  new iss::C::•();
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496b_lib.dart b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496b_lib.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06bf01a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41496b_lib.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+import "issue41496b.dart";
+LegacyFoo f1;
+class C {
+  static LegacyFoo f2;
+main() {
+  new C();
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6c1130
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+import "issue41498_lib.dart";
+class C {
+  static void test() {
+    LegacyFoo f;
+    f.toString(); // error
+  }
+  void test2() {
+    LegacyFoo f;
+    f.toString(); // error
+  }
+test() {
+  LegacyFoo f;
+  f.toString(); // error
+  Function foo = () {
+    LegacyFoo f;
+    f.toString(); // error
+  };
+  C.test();
+  new C().test2();
+main() {}
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart.outline.expect b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart.outline.expect
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4fdb09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart.outline.expect
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
+import self as self;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41498_lib.dart";
+class C extends core::Object {
+  synthetic constructor •() → self::C
+    ;
+  static method test() → void
+    ;
+  method test2() → void
+    ;
+static method test() → dynamic
+  ;
+static method main() → dynamic
+  ;
+library opted_out_lib;
+import self as self2;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+typedef LegacyFoo = () →* void;
+class C extends core::Object {
+  synthetic constructor •() → self2::C*
+    ;
+  static method test() → void
+    ;
+  method test2() → void
+    ;
+static method test() → dynamic
+  ;
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart.strong.expect b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart.strong.expect
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2f0faa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart.strong.expect
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
+// Problems in library:
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart:11:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+//     f.toString(); // error
+//     ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart:17:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+//     f.toString(); // error
+//     ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart:24:3: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+//   f.toString(); // error
+//   ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart:29:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+//     f.toString(); // error
+//     ^
+import self as self;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41498_lib.dart";
+class C extends core::Object {
+  synthetic constructor •() → self::C
+    : super core::Object::•()
+    ;
+  static method test() → void {
+    () → void f;
+    (let final<BottomType> #t1 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart:11:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+    f.toString(); // error
+    ^" in f).{core::Object::toString}();
+  }
+  method test2() → void {
+    () → void f;
+    (let final<BottomType> #t2 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart:17:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+    f.toString(); // error
+    ^" in f).{core::Object::toString}();
+  }
+static method test() → dynamic {
+  () → void f;
+  (let final<BottomType> #t3 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart:24:3: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+  f.toString(); // error
+  ^" in f).{core::Object::toString}();
+  core::Function foo = () → core::Null? {
+    () → void f;
+    (let final<BottomType> #t4 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart:29:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+    f.toString(); // error
+    ^" in f).{core::Object::toString}();
+  };
+  self::C::test();
+  new self::C::•().{self::C::test2}();
+static method main() → dynamic {}
+library opted_out_lib;
+import self as self2;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+typedef LegacyFoo = () →* void;
+class C extends core::Object {
+  synthetic constructor •() → self2::C*
+    : super core::Object::•()
+    ;
+  static method test() → void {
+    () →* void f;
+    f.{core::Object::toString}();
+  }
+  method test2() → void {
+    () →* void f;
+    f.{core::Object::toString}();
+  }
+static method test() → dynamic {
+  () →* void f;
+  f.{core::Object::toString}();
+  core::Function* foo = () → core::Null? {
+    () →* void f;
+    f.{core::Object::toString}();
+  };
+  self2::C::test();
+  new self2::C::•().{self2::C::test2}();
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart.strong.transformed.expect b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart.strong.transformed.expect
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2f0faa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart.strong.transformed.expect
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
+// Problems in library:
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart:11:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+//     f.toString(); // error
+//     ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart:17:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+//     f.toString(); // error
+//     ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart:24:3: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+//   f.toString(); // error
+//   ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart:29:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+//     f.toString(); // error
+//     ^
+import self as self;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41498_lib.dart";
+class C extends core::Object {
+  synthetic constructor •() → self::C
+    : super core::Object::•()
+    ;
+  static method test() → void {
+    () → void f;
+    (let final<BottomType> #t1 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart:11:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+    f.toString(); // error
+    ^" in f).{core::Object::toString}();
+  }
+  method test2() → void {
+    () → void f;
+    (let final<BottomType> #t2 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart:17:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+    f.toString(); // error
+    ^" in f).{core::Object::toString}();
+  }
+static method test() → dynamic {
+  () → void f;
+  (let final<BottomType> #t3 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart:24:3: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+  f.toString(); // error
+  ^" in f).{core::Object::toString}();
+  core::Function foo = () → core::Null? {
+    () → void f;
+    (let final<BottomType> #t4 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart:29:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+    f.toString(); // error
+    ^" in f).{core::Object::toString}();
+  };
+  self::C::test();
+  new self::C::•().{self::C::test2}();
+static method main() → dynamic {}
+library opted_out_lib;
+import self as self2;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+typedef LegacyFoo = () →* void;
+class C extends core::Object {
+  synthetic constructor •() → self2::C*
+    : super core::Object::•()
+    ;
+  static method test() → void {
+    () →* void f;
+    f.{core::Object::toString}();
+  }
+  method test2() → void {
+    () →* void f;
+    f.{core::Object::toString}();
+  }
+static method test() → dynamic {
+  () →* void f;
+  f.{core::Object::toString}();
+  core::Function* foo = () → core::Null? {
+    () →* void f;
+    f.{core::Object::toString}();
+  };
+  self2::C::test();
+  new self2::C::•().{self2::C::test2}();
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart.weak.expect b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart.weak.expect
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2f0faa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart.weak.expect
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
+// Problems in library:
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart:11:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+//     f.toString(); // error
+//     ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart:17:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+//     f.toString(); // error
+//     ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart:24:3: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+//   f.toString(); // error
+//   ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart:29:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+//     f.toString(); // error
+//     ^
+import self as self;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41498_lib.dart";
+class C extends core::Object {
+  synthetic constructor •() → self::C
+    : super core::Object::•()
+    ;
+  static method test() → void {
+    () → void f;
+    (let final<BottomType> #t1 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart:11:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+    f.toString(); // error
+    ^" in f).{core::Object::toString}();
+  }
+  method test2() → void {
+    () → void f;
+    (let final<BottomType> #t2 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart:17:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+    f.toString(); // error
+    ^" in f).{core::Object::toString}();
+  }
+static method test() → dynamic {
+  () → void f;
+  (let final<BottomType> #t3 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart:24:3: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+  f.toString(); // error
+  ^" in f).{core::Object::toString}();
+  core::Function foo = () → core::Null? {
+    () → void f;
+    (let final<BottomType> #t4 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart:29:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+    f.toString(); // error
+    ^" in f).{core::Object::toString}();
+  };
+  self::C::test();
+  new self::C::•().{self::C::test2}();
+static method main() → dynamic {}
+library opted_out_lib;
+import self as self2;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+typedef LegacyFoo = () →* void;
+class C extends core::Object {
+  synthetic constructor •() → self2::C*
+    : super core::Object::•()
+    ;
+  static method test() → void {
+    () →* void f;
+    f.{core::Object::toString}();
+  }
+  method test2() → void {
+    () →* void f;
+    f.{core::Object::toString}();
+  }
+static method test() → dynamic {
+  () →* void f;
+  f.{core::Object::toString}();
+  core::Function* foo = () → core::Null? {
+    () →* void f;
+    f.{core::Object::toString}();
+  };
+  self2::C::test();
+  new self2::C::•().{self2::C::test2}();
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart.weak.transformed.expect b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart.weak.transformed.expect
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2f0faa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart.weak.transformed.expect
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
+// Problems in library:
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart:11:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+//     f.toString(); // error
+//     ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart:17:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+//     f.toString(); // error
+//     ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart:24:3: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+//   f.toString(); // error
+//   ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart:29:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+//     f.toString(); // error
+//     ^
+import self as self;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41498_lib.dart";
+class C extends core::Object {
+  synthetic constructor •() → self::C
+    : super core::Object::•()
+    ;
+  static method test() → void {
+    () → void f;
+    (let final<BottomType> #t1 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart:11:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+    f.toString(); // error
+    ^" in f).{core::Object::toString}();
+  }
+  method test2() → void {
+    () → void f;
+    (let final<BottomType> #t2 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart:17:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+    f.toString(); // error
+    ^" in f).{core::Object::toString}();
+  }
+static method test() → dynamic {
+  () → void f;
+  (let final<BottomType> #t3 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart:24:3: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+  f.toString(); // error
+  ^" in f).{core::Object::toString}();
+  core::Function foo = () → core::Null? {
+    () → void f;
+    (let final<BottomType> #t4 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498.dart:29:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+    f.toString(); // error
+    ^" in f).{core::Object::toString}();
+  };
+  self::C::test();
+  new self::C::•().{self::C::test2}();
+static method main() → dynamic {}
+library opted_out_lib;
+import self as self2;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+typedef LegacyFoo = () →* void;
+class C extends core::Object {
+  synthetic constructor •() → self2::C*
+    : super core::Object::•()
+    ;
+  static method test() → void {
+    () →* void f;
+    f.{core::Object::toString}();
+  }
+  method test2() → void {
+    () →* void f;
+    f.{core::Object::toString}();
+  }
+static method test() → dynamic {
+  () →* void f;
+  f.{core::Object::toString}();
+  core::Function* foo = () → core::Null? {
+    () →* void f;
+    f.{core::Object::toString}();
+  };
+  self2::C::test();
+  new self2::C::•().{self2::C::test2}();
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498_lib.dart b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498_lib.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d4a423
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498_lib.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// @dart=2.6
+library opted_out_lib;
+typedef void LegacyFoo();
+class C {
+  static void test() {
+    LegacyFoo f;
+    f.toString(); // ok
+  }
+  void test2() {
+    LegacyFoo f;
+    f.toString(); // ok
+  }
+test() {
+  LegacyFoo f;
+  f.toString(); // ok
+  Function foo = () {
+    LegacyFoo f;
+    f.toString(); // ok
+  };
+  C.test();
+  new C().test2();
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b.dart b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a6a49c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// @dart=2.6
+library opted_out_lib;
+import 'issue41498b_lib.dart' as opt_in;
+typedef void LegacyFoo();
+class C {
+  static void test() {
+    LegacyFoo f;
+    f.toString(); // ok
+  }
+  void test2() {
+    LegacyFoo f;
+    f.toString(); // ok
+  }
+test() {
+  LegacyFoo f;
+  f.toString(); // ok
+  Function foo = () {
+    LegacyFoo f;
+    f.toString(); // ok
+  };
+  C.test();
+  new C().test2();
+main() {
+  opt_in.main();
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b.dart.outline.expect b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b.dart.outline.expect
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86599c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b.dart.outline.expect
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+library opted_out_lib;
+import self as self;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41498b_lib.dart" as opt_in;
+typedef LegacyFoo = () →* void;
+class C extends core::Object {
+  synthetic constructor •() → self::C*
+    ;
+  static method test() → void
+    ;
+  method test2() → void
+    ;
+static method test() → dynamic
+  ;
+static method main() → dynamic
+  ;
+library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
+import self as self2;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41498b.dart";
+class C extends core::Object {
+  synthetic constructor •() → self2::C
+    ;
+  static method test() → void
+    ;
+  method test2() → void
+    ;
+static method test() → dynamic
+  ;
+static method main() → dynamic
+  ;
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b.dart.strong.expect b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b.dart.strong.expect
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d86cf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b.dart.strong.expect
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+library opted_out_lib;
+import self as self;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+import "issue41498b_lib.dart" as iss;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41498b_lib.dart" as opt_in;
+typedef LegacyFoo = () →* void;
+class C extends core::Object {
+  synthetic constructor •() → self::C*
+    : super core::Object::•()
+    ;
+  static method test() → void {
+    () →* void f;
+    f.{core::Object::toString}();
+  }
+  method test2() → void {
+    () →* void f;
+    f.{core::Object::toString}();
+  }
+static method test() → dynamic {
+  () →* void f;
+  f.{core::Object::toString}();
+  core::Function* foo = () → core::Null? {
+    () →* void f;
+    f.{core::Object::toString}();
+  };
+  self::C::test();
+  new self::C::•().{self::C::test2}();
+static method main() → dynamic {
+  iss::main();
+library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
+// Problems in library:
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b_lib.dart:11:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+//     f.toString(); // error
+//     ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b_lib.dart:17:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+//     f.toString(); // error
+//     ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b_lib.dart:24:3: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+//   f.toString(); // error
+//   ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b_lib.dart:29:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+//     f.toString(); // error
+//     ^
+import self as iss;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41498b.dart";
+class C extends core::Object {
+  synthetic constructor •() → iss::C
+    : super core::Object::•()
+    ;
+  static method test() → void {
+    () → void f;
+    (let final<BottomType> #t1 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b_lib.dart:11:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+    f.toString(); // error
+    ^" in f).{core::Object::toString}();
+  }
+  method test2() → void {
+    () → void f;
+    (let final<BottomType> #t2 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b_lib.dart:17:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+    f.toString(); // error
+    ^" in f).{core::Object::toString}();
+  }
+static method test() → dynamic {
+  () → void f;
+  (let final<BottomType> #t3 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b_lib.dart:24:3: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+  f.toString(); // error
+  ^" in f).{core::Object::toString}();
+  core::Function foo = () → core::Null? {
+    () → void f;
+    (let final<BottomType> #t4 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b_lib.dart:29:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+    f.toString(); // error
+    ^" in f).{core::Object::toString}();
+  };
+  iss::C::test();
+  new iss::C::•().{iss::C::test2}();
+static method main() → dynamic {}
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b.dart.strong.transformed.expect b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b.dart.strong.transformed.expect
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d86cf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b.dart.strong.transformed.expect
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+library opted_out_lib;
+import self as self;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+import "issue41498b_lib.dart" as iss;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41498b_lib.dart" as opt_in;
+typedef LegacyFoo = () →* void;
+class C extends core::Object {
+  synthetic constructor •() → self::C*
+    : super core::Object::•()
+    ;
+  static method test() → void {
+    () →* void f;
+    f.{core::Object::toString}();
+  }
+  method test2() → void {
+    () →* void f;
+    f.{core::Object::toString}();
+  }
+static method test() → dynamic {
+  () →* void f;
+  f.{core::Object::toString}();
+  core::Function* foo = () → core::Null? {
+    () →* void f;
+    f.{core::Object::toString}();
+  };
+  self::C::test();
+  new self::C::•().{self::C::test2}();
+static method main() → dynamic {
+  iss::main();
+library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
+// Problems in library:
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b_lib.dart:11:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+//     f.toString(); // error
+//     ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b_lib.dart:17:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+//     f.toString(); // error
+//     ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b_lib.dart:24:3: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+//   f.toString(); // error
+//   ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b_lib.dart:29:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+//     f.toString(); // error
+//     ^
+import self as iss;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41498b.dart";
+class C extends core::Object {
+  synthetic constructor •() → iss::C
+    : super core::Object::•()
+    ;
+  static method test() → void {
+    () → void f;
+    (let final<BottomType> #t1 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b_lib.dart:11:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+    f.toString(); // error
+    ^" in f).{core::Object::toString}();
+  }
+  method test2() → void {
+    () → void f;
+    (let final<BottomType> #t2 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b_lib.dart:17:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+    f.toString(); // error
+    ^" in f).{core::Object::toString}();
+  }
+static method test() → dynamic {
+  () → void f;
+  (let final<BottomType> #t3 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b_lib.dart:24:3: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+  f.toString(); // error
+  ^" in f).{core::Object::toString}();
+  core::Function foo = () → core::Null? {
+    () → void f;
+    (let final<BottomType> #t4 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b_lib.dart:29:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+    f.toString(); // error
+    ^" in f).{core::Object::toString}();
+  };
+  iss::C::test();
+  new iss::C::•().{iss::C::test2}();
+static method main() → dynamic {}
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b.dart.weak.expect b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b.dart.weak.expect
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d86cf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b.dart.weak.expect
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+library opted_out_lib;
+import self as self;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+import "issue41498b_lib.dart" as iss;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41498b_lib.dart" as opt_in;
+typedef LegacyFoo = () →* void;
+class C extends core::Object {
+  synthetic constructor •() → self::C*
+    : super core::Object::•()
+    ;
+  static method test() → void {
+    () →* void f;
+    f.{core::Object::toString}();
+  }
+  method test2() → void {
+    () →* void f;
+    f.{core::Object::toString}();
+  }
+static method test() → dynamic {
+  () →* void f;
+  f.{core::Object::toString}();
+  core::Function* foo = () → core::Null? {
+    () →* void f;
+    f.{core::Object::toString}();
+  };
+  self::C::test();
+  new self::C::•().{self::C::test2}();
+static method main() → dynamic {
+  iss::main();
+library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
+// Problems in library:
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b_lib.dart:11:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+//     f.toString(); // error
+//     ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b_lib.dart:17:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+//     f.toString(); // error
+//     ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b_lib.dart:24:3: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+//   f.toString(); // error
+//   ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b_lib.dart:29:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+//     f.toString(); // error
+//     ^
+import self as iss;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41498b.dart";
+class C extends core::Object {
+  synthetic constructor •() → iss::C
+    : super core::Object::•()
+    ;
+  static method test() → void {
+    () → void f;
+    (let final<BottomType> #t1 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b_lib.dart:11:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+    f.toString(); // error
+    ^" in f).{core::Object::toString}();
+  }
+  method test2() → void {
+    () → void f;
+    (let final<BottomType> #t2 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b_lib.dart:17:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+    f.toString(); // error
+    ^" in f).{core::Object::toString}();
+  }
+static method test() → dynamic {
+  () → void f;
+  (let final<BottomType> #t3 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b_lib.dart:24:3: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+  f.toString(); // error
+  ^" in f).{core::Object::toString}();
+  core::Function foo = () → core::Null? {
+    () → void f;
+    (let final<BottomType> #t4 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b_lib.dart:29:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+    f.toString(); // error
+    ^" in f).{core::Object::toString}();
+  };
+  iss::C::test();
+  new iss::C::•().{iss::C::test2}();
+static method main() → dynamic {}
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b.dart.weak.transformed.expect b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b.dart.weak.transformed.expect
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d86cf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b.dart.weak.transformed.expect
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+library opted_out_lib;
+import self as self;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+import "issue41498b_lib.dart" as iss;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41498b_lib.dart" as opt_in;
+typedef LegacyFoo = () →* void;
+class C extends core::Object {
+  synthetic constructor •() → self::C*
+    : super core::Object::•()
+    ;
+  static method test() → void {
+    () →* void f;
+    f.{core::Object::toString}();
+  }
+  method test2() → void {
+    () →* void f;
+    f.{core::Object::toString}();
+  }
+static method test() → dynamic {
+  () →* void f;
+  f.{core::Object::toString}();
+  core::Function* foo = () → core::Null? {
+    () →* void f;
+    f.{core::Object::toString}();
+  };
+  self::C::test();
+  new self::C::•().{self::C::test2}();
+static method main() → dynamic {
+  iss::main();
+library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
+// Problems in library:
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b_lib.dart:11:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+//     f.toString(); // error
+//     ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b_lib.dart:17:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+//     f.toString(); // error
+//     ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b_lib.dart:24:3: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+//   f.toString(); // error
+//   ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b_lib.dart:29:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+//     f.toString(); // error
+//     ^
+import self as iss;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41498b.dart";
+class C extends core::Object {
+  synthetic constructor •() → iss::C
+    : super core::Object::•()
+    ;
+  static method test() → void {
+    () → void f;
+    (let final<BottomType> #t1 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b_lib.dart:11:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+    f.toString(); // error
+    ^" in f).{core::Object::toString}();
+  }
+  method test2() → void {
+    () → void f;
+    (let final<BottomType> #t2 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b_lib.dart:17:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+    f.toString(); // error
+    ^" in f).{core::Object::toString}();
+  }
+static method test() → dynamic {
+  () → void f;
+  (let final<BottomType> #t3 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b_lib.dart:24:3: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+  f.toString(); // error
+  ^" in f).{core::Object::toString}();
+  core::Function foo = () → core::Null? {
+    () → void f;
+    (let final<BottomType> #t4 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b_lib.dart:29:5: Error: Non-nullable variable 'f' must be assigned before it can be used.
+    f.toString(); // error
+    ^" in f).{core::Object::toString}();
+  };
+  iss::C::test();
+  new iss::C::•().{iss::C::test2}();
+static method main() → dynamic {}
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b_lib.dart b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b_lib.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba3e746
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41498b_lib.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+import "issue41498b.dart";
+class C {
+  static void test() {
+    LegacyFoo f;
+    f.toString(); // error
+  }
+  void test2() {
+    LegacyFoo f;
+    f.toString(); // error
+  }
+test() {
+  LegacyFoo f;
+  f.toString(); // error
+  Function foo = () {
+    LegacyFoo f;
+    f.toString(); // error
+  };
+  C.test();
+  new C().test2();
+main() {}
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60fac65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+import "issue41499_lib.dart";
+class C {
+  static LegacyFoo sTest() {}
+  LegacyFoo mTest() {}
+  LegacyFoo get gTest {}
+LegacyFoo test() {}
+main() {}
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart.outline.expect b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart.outline.expect
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b8ad7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart.outline.expect
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
+import self as self;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41499_lib.dart";
+class C extends core::Object {
+  synthetic constructor •() → self::C
+    ;
+  static method sTest() → () → void
+    ;
+  method mTest() → () → void
+    ;
+  get gTest() → () → void
+    ;
+static method test() → () → void
+  ;
+static method main() → dynamic
+  ;
+import self as self2;
+typedef LegacyFoo = () →* void;
+static method test(() →* void f) → dynamic
+  ;
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart.strong.expect b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart.strong.expect
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e55976c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart.strong.expect
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
+// Problems in library:
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart:8:20: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+//   static LegacyFoo sTest() {}
+//                    ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart:10:13: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+//   LegacyFoo mTest() {}
+//             ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart:12:17: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+//   LegacyFoo get gTest {}
+//                 ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart:15:11: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+// LegacyFoo test() {}
+//           ^
+import self as self;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41499_lib.dart";
+class C extends core::Object {
+  synthetic constructor •() → self::C
+    : super core::Object::•()
+    ;
+  static method sTest() → () → void {
+    return let final<BottomType> #t1 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart:8:20: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+  static LegacyFoo sTest() {}
+                   ^" in null;
+  }
+  method mTest() → () → void {
+    return let final<BottomType> #t2 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart:10:13: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+  LegacyFoo mTest() {}
+            ^" in null;
+  }
+  get gTest() → () → void {
+    return let final<BottomType> #t3 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart:12:17: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+  LegacyFoo get gTest {}
+                ^" in null;
+  }
+static method test() → () → void {
+  return let final<BottomType> #t4 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart:15:11: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+LegacyFoo test() {}
+          ^" in null;
+static method main() → dynamic {}
+import self as self2;
+typedef LegacyFoo = () →* void;
+static method test(() →* void f) → dynamic {}
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart.strong.transformed.expect b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart.strong.transformed.expect
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e55976c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart.strong.transformed.expect
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
+// Problems in library:
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart:8:20: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+//   static LegacyFoo sTest() {}
+//                    ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart:10:13: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+//   LegacyFoo mTest() {}
+//             ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart:12:17: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+//   LegacyFoo get gTest {}
+//                 ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart:15:11: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+// LegacyFoo test() {}
+//           ^
+import self as self;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41499_lib.dart";
+class C extends core::Object {
+  synthetic constructor •() → self::C
+    : super core::Object::•()
+    ;
+  static method sTest() → () → void {
+    return let final<BottomType> #t1 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart:8:20: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+  static LegacyFoo sTest() {}
+                   ^" in null;
+  }
+  method mTest() → () → void {
+    return let final<BottomType> #t2 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart:10:13: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+  LegacyFoo mTest() {}
+            ^" in null;
+  }
+  get gTest() → () → void {
+    return let final<BottomType> #t3 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart:12:17: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+  LegacyFoo get gTest {}
+                ^" in null;
+  }
+static method test() → () → void {
+  return let final<BottomType> #t4 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart:15:11: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+LegacyFoo test() {}
+          ^" in null;
+static method main() → dynamic {}
+import self as self2;
+typedef LegacyFoo = () →* void;
+static method test(() →* void f) → dynamic {}
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart.weak.expect b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart.weak.expect
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e55976c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart.weak.expect
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
+// Problems in library:
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart:8:20: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+//   static LegacyFoo sTest() {}
+//                    ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart:10:13: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+//   LegacyFoo mTest() {}
+//             ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart:12:17: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+//   LegacyFoo get gTest {}
+//                 ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart:15:11: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+// LegacyFoo test() {}
+//           ^
+import self as self;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41499_lib.dart";
+class C extends core::Object {
+  synthetic constructor •() → self::C
+    : super core::Object::•()
+    ;
+  static method sTest() → () → void {
+    return let final<BottomType> #t1 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart:8:20: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+  static LegacyFoo sTest() {}
+                   ^" in null;
+  }
+  method mTest() → () → void {
+    return let final<BottomType> #t2 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart:10:13: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+  LegacyFoo mTest() {}
+            ^" in null;
+  }
+  get gTest() → () → void {
+    return let final<BottomType> #t3 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart:12:17: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+  LegacyFoo get gTest {}
+                ^" in null;
+  }
+static method test() → () → void {
+  return let final<BottomType> #t4 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart:15:11: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+LegacyFoo test() {}
+          ^" in null;
+static method main() → dynamic {}
+import self as self2;
+typedef LegacyFoo = () →* void;
+static method test(() →* void f) → dynamic {}
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart.weak.transformed.expect b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart.weak.transformed.expect
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e55976c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart.weak.transformed.expect
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
+// Problems in library:
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart:8:20: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+//   static LegacyFoo sTest() {}
+//                    ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart:10:13: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+//   LegacyFoo mTest() {}
+//             ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart:12:17: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+//   LegacyFoo get gTest {}
+//                 ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart:15:11: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+// LegacyFoo test() {}
+//           ^
+import self as self;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41499_lib.dart";
+class C extends core::Object {
+  synthetic constructor •() → self::C
+    : super core::Object::•()
+    ;
+  static method sTest() → () → void {
+    return let final<BottomType> #t1 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart:8:20: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+  static LegacyFoo sTest() {}
+                   ^" in null;
+  }
+  method mTest() → () → void {
+    return let final<BottomType> #t2 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart:10:13: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+  LegacyFoo mTest() {}
+            ^" in null;
+  }
+  get gTest() → () → void {
+    return let final<BottomType> #t3 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart:12:17: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+  LegacyFoo get gTest {}
+                ^" in null;
+  }
+static method test() → () → void {
+  return let final<BottomType> #t4 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499.dart:15:11: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+LegacyFoo test() {}
+          ^" in null;
+static method main() → dynamic {}
+import self as self2;
+typedef LegacyFoo = () →* void;
+static method test(() →* void f) → dynamic {}
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499_lib.dart b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499_lib.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae38a19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499_lib.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// @dart=2.6
+typedef void LegacyFoo();
+test(LegacyFoo f) {}
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b.dart b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e03840c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// @dart=2.6
+import 'issue41499b_lib.dart' as opt_in;
+typedef void LegacyFoo();
+test(LegacyFoo f) {}
+main() {}
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b.dart.outline.expect b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b.dart.outline.expect
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd70ad6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b.dart.outline.expect
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+import self as self;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41499b_lib.dart" as opt_in;
+typedef LegacyFoo = () →* void;
+static method test(() →* void f) → dynamic
+  ;
+static method main() → dynamic
+  ;
+library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
+import self as self2;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41499b.dart";
+class C extends core::Object {
+  synthetic constructor •() → self2::C
+    ;
+  static method sTest() → () → void
+    ;
+  method mTest() → () → void
+    ;
+  get gTest() → () → void
+    ;
+static method test() → () → void
+  ;
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b.dart.strong.expect b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b.dart.strong.expect
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06d4715
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b.dart.strong.expect
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+import self as self;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41499b_lib.dart" as opt_in;
+typedef LegacyFoo = () →* void;
+static method test(() →* void f) → dynamic {}
+static method main() → dynamic {}
+library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
+// Problems in library:
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b_lib.dart:8:20: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+//   static LegacyFoo sTest() {}
+//                    ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b_lib.dart:10:13: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+//   LegacyFoo mTest() {}
+//             ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b_lib.dart:12:17: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+//   LegacyFoo get gTest {}
+//                 ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b_lib.dart:15:11: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+// LegacyFoo test() {}
+//           ^
+import self as self2;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41499b.dart";
+class C extends core::Object {
+  synthetic constructor •() → self2::C
+    : super core::Object::•()
+    ;
+  static method sTest() → () → void {
+    return let final<BottomType> #t1 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b_lib.dart:8:20: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+  static LegacyFoo sTest() {}
+                   ^" in null;
+  }
+  method mTest() → () → void {
+    return let final<BottomType> #t2 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b_lib.dart:10:13: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+  LegacyFoo mTest() {}
+            ^" in null;
+  }
+  get gTest() → () → void {
+    return let final<BottomType> #t3 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b_lib.dart:12:17: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+  LegacyFoo get gTest {}
+                ^" in null;
+  }
+static method test() → () → void {
+  return let final<BottomType> #t4 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b_lib.dart:15:11: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+LegacyFoo test() {}
+          ^" in null;
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b.dart.strong.transformed.expect b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b.dart.strong.transformed.expect
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06d4715
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b.dart.strong.transformed.expect
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+import self as self;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41499b_lib.dart" as opt_in;
+typedef LegacyFoo = () →* void;
+static method test(() →* void f) → dynamic {}
+static method main() → dynamic {}
+library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
+// Problems in library:
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b_lib.dart:8:20: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+//   static LegacyFoo sTest() {}
+//                    ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b_lib.dart:10:13: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+//   LegacyFoo mTest() {}
+//             ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b_lib.dart:12:17: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+//   LegacyFoo get gTest {}
+//                 ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b_lib.dart:15:11: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+// LegacyFoo test() {}
+//           ^
+import self as self2;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41499b.dart";
+class C extends core::Object {
+  synthetic constructor •() → self2::C
+    : super core::Object::•()
+    ;
+  static method sTest() → () → void {
+    return let final<BottomType> #t1 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b_lib.dart:8:20: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+  static LegacyFoo sTest() {}
+                   ^" in null;
+  }
+  method mTest() → () → void {
+    return let final<BottomType> #t2 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b_lib.dart:10:13: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+  LegacyFoo mTest() {}
+            ^" in null;
+  }
+  get gTest() → () → void {
+    return let final<BottomType> #t3 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b_lib.dart:12:17: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+  LegacyFoo get gTest {}
+                ^" in null;
+  }
+static method test() → () → void {
+  return let final<BottomType> #t4 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b_lib.dart:15:11: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+LegacyFoo test() {}
+          ^" in null;
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b.dart.weak.expect b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b.dart.weak.expect
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06d4715
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b.dart.weak.expect
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+import self as self;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41499b_lib.dart" as opt_in;
+typedef LegacyFoo = () →* void;
+static method test(() →* void f) → dynamic {}
+static method main() → dynamic {}
+library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
+// Problems in library:
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b_lib.dart:8:20: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+//   static LegacyFoo sTest() {}
+//                    ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b_lib.dart:10:13: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+//   LegacyFoo mTest() {}
+//             ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b_lib.dart:12:17: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+//   LegacyFoo get gTest {}
+//                 ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b_lib.dart:15:11: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+// LegacyFoo test() {}
+//           ^
+import self as self2;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41499b.dart";
+class C extends core::Object {
+  synthetic constructor •() → self2::C
+    : super core::Object::•()
+    ;
+  static method sTest() → () → void {
+    return let final<BottomType> #t1 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b_lib.dart:8:20: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+  static LegacyFoo sTest() {}
+                   ^" in null;
+  }
+  method mTest() → () → void {
+    return let final<BottomType> #t2 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b_lib.dart:10:13: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+  LegacyFoo mTest() {}
+            ^" in null;
+  }
+  get gTest() → () → void {
+    return let final<BottomType> #t3 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b_lib.dart:12:17: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+  LegacyFoo get gTest {}
+                ^" in null;
+  }
+static method test() → () → void {
+  return let final<BottomType> #t4 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b_lib.dart:15:11: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+LegacyFoo test() {}
+          ^" in null;
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b.dart.weak.transformed.expect b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b.dart.weak.transformed.expect
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06d4715
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b.dart.weak.transformed.expect
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+import self as self;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41499b_lib.dart" as opt_in;
+typedef LegacyFoo = () →* void;
+static method test(() →* void f) → dynamic {}
+static method main() → dynamic {}
+library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
+// Problems in library:
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b_lib.dart:8:20: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+//   static LegacyFoo sTest() {}
+//                    ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b_lib.dart:10:13: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+//   LegacyFoo mTest() {}
+//             ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b_lib.dart:12:17: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+//   LegacyFoo get gTest {}
+//                 ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b_lib.dart:15:11: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+// LegacyFoo test() {}
+//           ^
+import self as self2;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41499b.dart";
+class C extends core::Object {
+  synthetic constructor •() → self2::C
+    : super core::Object::•()
+    ;
+  static method sTest() → () → void {
+    return let final<BottomType> #t1 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b_lib.dart:8:20: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+  static LegacyFoo sTest() {}
+                   ^" in null;
+  }
+  method mTest() → () → void {
+    return let final<BottomType> #t2 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b_lib.dart:10:13: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+  LegacyFoo mTest() {}
+            ^" in null;
+  }
+  get gTest() → () → void {
+    return let final<BottomType> #t3 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b_lib.dart:12:17: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+  LegacyFoo get gTest {}
+                ^" in null;
+  }
+static method test() → () → void {
+  return let final<BottomType> #t4 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b_lib.dart:15:11: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'void Function()' doesn't allow null.
+LegacyFoo test() {}
+          ^" in null;
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b_lib.dart b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b_lib.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e205c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/issue41499b_lib.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+import "issue41499b.dart";
+class C {
+  static LegacyFoo sTest() {}
+  LegacyFoo mTest() {}
+  LegacyFoo get gTest {}
+LegacyFoo test() {}
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501.dart b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b00978
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+import 'dart:async';
+import 'issue41501_lib.dart';
+typedef AAliasNonNullable = A;
+typedef AAliasNullable = A?;
+test() {
+  FutureOr<AAlias> foLegacyNonNullable = null; // error
+  FutureOr<AAlias?> foLegacyNullable = null; // ok
+  FutureOr<AAliasNonNullable> foNonNullable = null; // error
+  FutureOr<AAliasNullable> foNullable = null; // ok
+  FutureOr<AAliasNonNullable?> foNonNullableNullable = null; // ok
+  FutureOr<AAliasNullable?> foNullableNullable = null; // ok
+main() {}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501.dart.outline.expect b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501.dart.outline.expect
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f9a293
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501.dart.outline.expect
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
+import self as self;
+import "issue41501_lib.dart" as opt;
+import "dart:async";
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41501_lib.dart";
+typedef AAliasNonNullable = opt::A;
+typedef AAliasNullable = opt::A?;
+static method test() → dynamic
+  ;
+static method main() → dynamic
+  ;
+library opted_out_lib;
+import self as opt;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+import "dart:async";
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41501.dart";
+typedef AAlias = opt::A*;
+class A extends core::Object {
+  synthetic constructor •() → opt::A*
+    ;
+static method test() → dynamic
+  ;
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501.dart.strong.expect b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501.dart.strong.expect
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d57a3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501.dart.strong.expect
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
+// Problems in library:
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501.dart:13:42: Error: A value of type 'Null?' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'FutureOr<A>'.
+//  - 'FutureOr' is from 'dart:async'.
+//  - 'A' is from 'pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501_lib.dart'.
+//   FutureOr<AAlias> foLegacyNonNullable = null; // error
+//                                          ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501.dart:15:47: Error: A value of type 'Null?' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'FutureOr<A>'.
+//  - 'FutureOr' is from 'dart:async'.
+//  - 'A' is from 'pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501_lib.dart'.
+//   FutureOr<AAliasNonNullable> foNonNullable = null; // error
+//                                               ^
+import self as self;
+import "issue41501_lib.dart" as opt;
+import "dart:async" as asy;
+import "dart:async";
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41501_lib.dart";
+typedef AAliasNonNullable = opt::A;
+typedef AAliasNullable = opt::A?;
+static method test() → dynamic {
+  asy::FutureOr<opt::A> foLegacyNonNullable = let final<BottomType> #t1 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501.dart:13:42: Error: A value of type 'Null?' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'FutureOr<A>'.
+ - 'FutureOr' is from 'dart:async'.
+ - 'A' is from 'pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501_lib.dart'.
+  FutureOr<AAlias> foLegacyNonNullable = null; // error
+                                         ^" in null as{TypeError,ForNonNullableByDefault} asy::FutureOr<opt::A>;
+  asy::FutureOr<opt::A?> foLegacyNullable = null;
+  asy::FutureOr<opt::A> foNonNullable = let final<BottomType> #t2 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501.dart:15:47: Error: A value of type 'Null?' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'FutureOr<A>'.
+ - 'FutureOr' is from 'dart:async'.
+ - 'A' is from 'pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501_lib.dart'.
+  FutureOr<AAliasNonNullable> foNonNullable = null; // error
+                                              ^" in null as{TypeError,ForNonNullableByDefault} asy::FutureOr<opt::A>;
+  asy::FutureOr<opt::A?> foNullable = null;
+  asy::FutureOr<opt::A?> foNonNullableNullable = null;
+  asy::FutureOr<opt::A?> foNullableNullable = null;
+static method main() → dynamic {}
+library opted_out_lib;
+import self as opt;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+import "dart:async" as asy;
+import "dart:async";
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41501.dart";
+typedef AAlias = opt::A*;
+class A extends core::Object {
+  synthetic constructor •() → opt::A*
+    : super core::Object::•()
+    ;
+static method test() → dynamic {
+  asy::FutureOr<opt::A*>* foLegacy = null;
+  asy::FutureOr<opt::A*>* foNonNullable = null;
+  asy::FutureOr<opt::A*>* foNullable = null;
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501.dart.strong.transformed.expect b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501.dart.strong.transformed.expect
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d57a3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501.dart.strong.transformed.expect
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
+// Problems in library:
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501.dart:13:42: Error: A value of type 'Null?' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'FutureOr<A>'.
+//  - 'FutureOr' is from 'dart:async'.
+//  - 'A' is from 'pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501_lib.dart'.
+//   FutureOr<AAlias> foLegacyNonNullable = null; // error
+//                                          ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501.dart:15:47: Error: A value of type 'Null?' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'FutureOr<A>'.
+//  - 'FutureOr' is from 'dart:async'.
+//  - 'A' is from 'pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501_lib.dart'.
+//   FutureOr<AAliasNonNullable> foNonNullable = null; // error
+//                                               ^
+import self as self;
+import "issue41501_lib.dart" as opt;
+import "dart:async" as asy;
+import "dart:async";
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41501_lib.dart";
+typedef AAliasNonNullable = opt::A;
+typedef AAliasNullable = opt::A?;
+static method test() → dynamic {
+  asy::FutureOr<opt::A> foLegacyNonNullable = let final<BottomType> #t1 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501.dart:13:42: Error: A value of type 'Null?' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'FutureOr<A>'.
+ - 'FutureOr' is from 'dart:async'.
+ - 'A' is from 'pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501_lib.dart'.
+  FutureOr<AAlias> foLegacyNonNullable = null; // error
+                                         ^" in null as{TypeError,ForNonNullableByDefault} asy::FutureOr<opt::A>;
+  asy::FutureOr<opt::A?> foLegacyNullable = null;
+  asy::FutureOr<opt::A> foNonNullable = let final<BottomType> #t2 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501.dart:15:47: Error: A value of type 'Null?' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'FutureOr<A>'.
+ - 'FutureOr' is from 'dart:async'.
+ - 'A' is from 'pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501_lib.dart'.
+  FutureOr<AAliasNonNullable> foNonNullable = null; // error
+                                              ^" in null as{TypeError,ForNonNullableByDefault} asy::FutureOr<opt::A>;
+  asy::FutureOr<opt::A?> foNullable = null;
+  asy::FutureOr<opt::A?> foNonNullableNullable = null;
+  asy::FutureOr<opt::A?> foNullableNullable = null;
+static method main() → dynamic {}
+library opted_out_lib;
+import self as opt;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+import "dart:async" as asy;
+import "dart:async";
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41501.dart";
+typedef AAlias = opt::A*;
+class A extends core::Object {
+  synthetic constructor •() → opt::A*
+    : super core::Object::•()
+    ;
+static method test() → dynamic {
+  asy::FutureOr<opt::A*>* foLegacy = null;
+  asy::FutureOr<opt::A*>* foNonNullable = null;
+  asy::FutureOr<opt::A*>* foNullable = null;
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501.dart.weak.expect b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501.dart.weak.expect
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d57a3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501.dart.weak.expect
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
+// Problems in library:
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501.dart:13:42: Error: A value of type 'Null?' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'FutureOr<A>'.
+//  - 'FutureOr' is from 'dart:async'.
+//  - 'A' is from 'pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501_lib.dart'.
+//   FutureOr<AAlias> foLegacyNonNullable = null; // error
+//                                          ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501.dart:15:47: Error: A value of type 'Null?' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'FutureOr<A>'.
+//  - 'FutureOr' is from 'dart:async'.
+//  - 'A' is from 'pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501_lib.dart'.
+//   FutureOr<AAliasNonNullable> foNonNullable = null; // error
+//                                               ^
+import self as self;
+import "issue41501_lib.dart" as opt;
+import "dart:async" as asy;
+import "dart:async";
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41501_lib.dart";
+typedef AAliasNonNullable = opt::A;
+typedef AAliasNullable = opt::A?;
+static method test() → dynamic {
+  asy::FutureOr<opt::A> foLegacyNonNullable = let final<BottomType> #t1 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501.dart:13:42: Error: A value of type 'Null?' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'FutureOr<A>'.
+ - 'FutureOr' is from 'dart:async'.
+ - 'A' is from 'pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501_lib.dart'.
+  FutureOr<AAlias> foLegacyNonNullable = null; // error
+                                         ^" in null as{TypeError,ForNonNullableByDefault} asy::FutureOr<opt::A>;
+  asy::FutureOr<opt::A?> foLegacyNullable = null;
+  asy::FutureOr<opt::A> foNonNullable = let final<BottomType> #t2 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501.dart:15:47: Error: A value of type 'Null?' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'FutureOr<A>'.
+ - 'FutureOr' is from 'dart:async'.
+ - 'A' is from 'pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501_lib.dart'.
+  FutureOr<AAliasNonNullable> foNonNullable = null; // error
+                                              ^" in null as{TypeError,ForNonNullableByDefault} asy::FutureOr<opt::A>;
+  asy::FutureOr<opt::A?> foNullable = null;
+  asy::FutureOr<opt::A?> foNonNullableNullable = null;
+  asy::FutureOr<opt::A?> foNullableNullable = null;
+static method main() → dynamic {}
+library opted_out_lib;
+import self as opt;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+import "dart:async" as asy;
+import "dart:async";
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41501.dart";
+typedef AAlias = opt::A*;
+class A extends core::Object {
+  synthetic constructor •() → opt::A*
+    : super core::Object::•()
+    ;
+static method test() → dynamic {
+  asy::FutureOr<opt::A*>* foLegacy = null;
+  asy::FutureOr<opt::A*>* foNonNullable = null;
+  asy::FutureOr<opt::A*>* foNullable = null;
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501.dart.weak.transformed.expect b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501.dart.weak.transformed.expect
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d57a3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501.dart.weak.transformed.expect
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
+// Problems in library:
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501.dart:13:42: Error: A value of type 'Null?' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'FutureOr<A>'.
+//  - 'FutureOr' is from 'dart:async'.
+//  - 'A' is from 'pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501_lib.dart'.
+//   FutureOr<AAlias> foLegacyNonNullable = null; // error
+//                                          ^
+// pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501.dart:15:47: Error: A value of type 'Null?' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'FutureOr<A>'.
+//  - 'FutureOr' is from 'dart:async'.
+//  - 'A' is from 'pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501_lib.dart'.
+//   FutureOr<AAliasNonNullable> foNonNullable = null; // error
+//                                               ^
+import self as self;
+import "issue41501_lib.dart" as opt;
+import "dart:async" as asy;
+import "dart:async";
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41501_lib.dart";
+typedef AAliasNonNullable = opt::A;
+typedef AAliasNullable = opt::A?;
+static method test() → dynamic {
+  asy::FutureOr<opt::A> foLegacyNonNullable = let final<BottomType> #t1 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501.dart:13:42: Error: A value of type 'Null?' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'FutureOr<A>'.
+ - 'FutureOr' is from 'dart:async'.
+ - 'A' is from 'pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501_lib.dart'.
+  FutureOr<AAlias> foLegacyNonNullable = null; // error
+                                         ^" in null as{TypeError,ForNonNullableByDefault} asy::FutureOr<opt::A>;
+  asy::FutureOr<opt::A?> foLegacyNullable = null;
+  asy::FutureOr<opt::A> foNonNullable = let final<BottomType> #t2 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501.dart:15:47: Error: A value of type 'Null?' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'FutureOr<A>'.
+ - 'FutureOr' is from 'dart:async'.
+ - 'A' is from 'pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501_lib.dart'.
+  FutureOr<AAliasNonNullable> foNonNullable = null; // error
+                                              ^" in null as{TypeError,ForNonNullableByDefault} asy::FutureOr<opt::A>;
+  asy::FutureOr<opt::A?> foNullable = null;
+  asy::FutureOr<opt::A?> foNonNullableNullable = null;
+  asy::FutureOr<opt::A?> foNullableNullable = null;
+static method main() → dynamic {}
+library opted_out_lib;
+import self as opt;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+import "dart:async" as asy;
+import "dart:async";
+import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue41501.dart";
+typedef AAlias = opt::A*;
+class A extends core::Object {
+  synthetic constructor •() → opt::A*
+    : super core::Object::•()
+    ;
+static method test() → dynamic {
+  asy::FutureOr<opt::A*>* foLegacy = null;
+  asy::FutureOr<opt::A*>* foNonNullable = null;
+  asy::FutureOr<opt::A*>* foNullable = null;
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501_lib.dart b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501_lib.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09e20d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501_lib.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// @dart=2.6
+library opted_out_lib;
+import 'dart:async';
+import 'issue41501.dart';
+class A {}
+typedef AAlias = A;
+test() {
+  FutureOr<AAlias> foLegacy = null; // ok
+  FutureOr<AAliasNonNullable> foNonNullable = null; // ok
+  FutureOr<AAliasNullable> foNullable = null; // ok
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/test.options b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/test.options
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7c1048
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/test.options
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/text_serialization.status b/pkg/front_end/testcases/text_serialization.status
index f800f49..64d249d 100644
--- a/pkg/front_end/testcases/text_serialization.status
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/text_serialization.status
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@
 extensions/extension_constructor: TextSerializationFailure
 extensions/extension_field_with_type_parameter_usage: TextSerializationFailure
 extensions/extension_methods: TextSerializationFailure
-extensions/extension_setter_error: TypeCheckError
 extensions/extension_setter: TextSerializationFailure
+extensions/extension_setter_error: TypeCheckError
 extensions/generic_function_in_generic_extension: TextSerializationFailure
 extensions/getter_setter_conflict: TextSerializationFailure
 extensions/if_null: TextSerializationFailure
@@ -44,15 +44,14 @@
 extensions/implicit_this: TextSerializationFailure
 extensions/import_via_prefix: TextSerializationFailure
 extensions/index: TextSerializationFailure
-extensions/instance_access_of_static: TextSerializationFailure
 extensions/instance_access: TextSerializationFailure
+extensions/instance_access_of_static: TextSerializationFailure
 extensions/instance_members: TextSerializationFailure
 extensions/instance_tearoff: TextSerializationFailure
 extensions/internal_resolution: TextSerializationFailure
 extensions/invalid_explicit_access: TextSerializationFailure
 extensions/invalid_explicit_static_access: TextSerializationFailure
 extensions/issue38600: TextSerializationFailure
-extensions/issue38712: TextSerializationFailure
 extensions/issue38713: TextSerializationFailure
 extensions/issue38745: TextSerializationFailure
 extensions/issue38750: TextSerializationFailure
@@ -73,24 +72,343 @@
 extensions/operators: TextSerializationFailure
 extensions/other_kinds: TextSerializationFailure
 extensions/private_members: TextSerializationFailure
-extensions/static_access_of_instance: TextSerializationFailure
 extensions/static_access: TextSerializationFailure
+extensions/static_access_of_instance: TextSerializationFailure
 extensions/tear_offs: TextSerializationFailure
 extensions/type_variables: TextSerializationFailure
 extensions/unnamed_extensions: TextSerializationFailure
 extensions/use_this: TextSerializationFailure
+general/DeltaBlue: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/abstract_members: TypeCheckError
+general/abstract_overrides_concrete_with_no_such_method: TextSerializationFailure
+general/accessors: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
+general/all_variances: TextSerializationFailure
+general/ambiguous_exports: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError # Expected, this file exports two main methods.
+general/annotation_on_enum_values: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/annotation_top: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/annotation_typedef_formals: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/annotation_typedef_formals_resolution: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/annotation_variable_declaration: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/argument: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/arithmetic: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/arrow_function: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/assign_to_initializing_formal: TextSerializationFailure
+general/async_function: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/async_nested: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/await_complex: TextSerializationFailure
+general/await_in_cascade: TextSerializationFailure
+general/await_in_non_async: RuntimeError
+general/await_in_non_async: TextSerializationFailure
+general/bad_setter_abstract: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/bad_store: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/bad_type_variable_uses_in_supertypes: TextSerializationFailure
+general/bounds_check_depends_on_inference: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/bug21938: TypeCheckError
+general/bug30695: TypeCheckError
+general/bug31124: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError # Test has no main method (and we shouldn't add one).
+general/bug32414a: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/bug32414b: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/bug32426: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/bug32629: TextSerializationFailure
+general/bug32866: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/bug33099: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/bug33196: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/bug33206: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/bug33298: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/bug34511: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/bug35470: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/bug37476: TextSerializationFailure
+general/call: TypeCheckError
+general/candidate_found: TypeCheckError
+general/cascade: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
+general/casts: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/check_deferred_allocation: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/check_deferred_as_check: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/check_deferred_before_args2: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/check_deferred_before_args: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/check_deferred_before_call: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/check_deferred_before_write: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/check_deferred_is_check: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/check_deferred_read: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/check_deferred_read_static_field: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/check_deferred_read_type: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/check_deferred_static_method_call: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/check_deferred_type_declaration: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/circularity-via-initializing-formal: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/classes: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/clone_function_type: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/closure: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/co19_language_metadata_syntax_t04: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/complex_class_hierarchy: TextSerializationFailure
+general/compound_binary_implicit_as: TextSerializationFailure
+general/const_redirect_to_nonconst: TextSerializationFailure
+general/constant_truncate: TextSerializationFailure
+general/constructor_const_inference: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/constructor_cycle: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/constructor_function_types: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/constructor_initializer_invalid: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError # Fails execution after recovery
+general/continue_inference_after_error: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/continue_inference_after_error_lib: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/control_flow_collection: TextSerializationFailure
+general/control_flow_collection_inference: TextSerializationFailure
+general/covariant_equals: TextSerializationFailure
+general/covariant_generic: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
+general/covariant_parameter_in_superclass_of_mixin_application: TextSerializationFailure
+general/cycles: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/default_values: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/deferred_lib: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/deferred_type_annotation: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/demote_closure_types: TextSerializationFailure
+general/duplicated_bad_prefix: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/duplicated_bad_prefix_lib1: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/duplicated_bad_prefix_lib2: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/duplicated_declarations: TypeCheckError
+general/duplicated_declarations_lib: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/duplicated_declarations_part: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/duplicated_field_initializer: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
+general/duplicated_named_args_3: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/error_locations/error_location_01: TextSerializationFailure
+general/error_locations/error_location_02: TextSerializationFailure
+general/error_locations/error_location_03: TextSerializationFailure
+general/error_locations/error_location_04: TextSerializationFailure
+general/error_locations/error_location_05: TextSerializationFailure
+general/error_locations/error_location_06: TextSerializationFailure
+general/error_recovery/await_not_in_async: TextSerializationFailure
+general/error_recovery/constructor_recovery_bad_name_general.crash: TextSerializationFailure
+general/error_recovery/constructor_recovery_bad_name_get.crash: TextSerializationFailure
+general/error_recovery/constructor_recovery_bad_name_return_type.crash: TextSerializationFailure
+general/error_recovery/constructor_recovery_bad_name_set.crash: TextSerializationFailure
+general/error_recovery/constructor_recovery_get: TextSerializationFailure
+general/error_recovery/constructor_recovery_ok: TextSerializationFailure
+general/error_recovery/constructor_recovery_operator.crash: TextSerializationFailure
+general/error_recovery/constructor_recovery_return_type: TextSerializationFailure
+general/error_recovery/constructor_recovery_set: TextSerializationFailure
+general/error_recovery/empty_await_for: TextSerializationFailure
+general/error_recovery/empty_for: TextSerializationFailure
+general/error_recovery/issue_38415.crash: RuntimeError
+general/error_recovery/issue_38415.crash: TextSerializationFailure
+general/error_recovery/issue_39024.crash: RuntimeError
+general/error_recovery/issue_39026.crash: TextSerializationFailure
+general/error_recovery/issue_39026_prime.crash: TextSerializationFailure
+general/error_recovery/issue_39033.crash: TextSerializationFailure
+general/error_recovery/issue_39058.crash: RuntimeError
+general/error_recovery/issue_39058_prime.crash: RuntimeError
+general/error_recovery/issue_39060: TextSerializationFailure
+general/error_recovery/issue_39202.crash: RuntimeError
+general/error_recovery/issue_39202.crash: TextSerializationFailure
+general/error_recovery/issue_39230.crash: TextSerializationFailure
+general/error_recovery/issue_39958_01: RuntimeError
+general/error_recovery/issue_39958_01: TextSerializationFailure
+general/error_recovery/issue_39958_02: RuntimeError
+general/error_recovery/issue_39958_02: TextSerializationFailure
+general/error_recovery/issue_39958_03: RuntimeError
+general/error_recovery/issue_39958_03: TextSerializationFailure
+general/error_recovery/issue_39958_04: RuntimeError
+general/error_recovery/issue_39958_04: TextSerializationFailure
+general/error_recovery/yield_not_in_generator: TextSerializationFailure
+general/escape: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/export_test: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/expressions: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
+general/extend_with_type_variable: TextSerializationFailure
+general/external: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/external_import: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError # The native extension to import doesn't exist. This is ok.
+general/fallthrough: TextSerializationFailure
+general/ffi_sample: TextSerializationFailure
+general/fibonacci: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/for_in_scope: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/for_in_without_declaration: TextSerializationFailure
+general/forwarding_stub_for_operator: TextSerializationFailure
+general/function_in_field: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/function_type_assignments: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/function_type_is_check: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/function_type_recovery: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/functions: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/future_or_test: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/generic_function_type_in_message: TextSerializationFailure
+general/getter_call: TextSerializationFailure
+general/having_part_with_part_and_annotation: TextSerializationFailure
+general/having_part_with_parts_and_annotation: TextSerializationFailure
+general/if_null_in_cascade: TextSerializationFailure
+general/if_null_in_list_literal: TextSerializationFailure
+general/if_null_in_set_literal: TextSerializationFailure
+general/ignore_function: TextSerializationFailure
+general/illegal_named_function_expression: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/illegal_named_function_expression_scope: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/implicit_const_with_static_fields: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/implicit_new: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/implicit_scope_test: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/implicit_this: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/import_conflicting_getters: TextSerializationFailure
+general/import_conflicting_setters: TextSerializationFailure
+general/import_conflicting_type_member: TextSerializationFailure
+general/import_conflicting_types: TextSerializationFailure
+general/incomplete_field_formal_parameter: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
+general/infer_field_from_multiple: TypeCheckError
+general/infer_field_type: TextSerializationFailure
+general/infer_fixed_generic_return_type: TextSerializationFailure
+general/infer_map_literal_with_closure: TextSerializationFailure
+general/inherit_function: TextSerializationFailure
+general/interface_conflict: TextSerializationFailure
+general/interface_contravariant_from_class: TextSerializationFailure
+general/interface_covariantImpl_from_class: TextSerializationFailure
+general/interface_covariantInterface_from_class: TextSerializationFailure
+general/invalid_assignment: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/invalid_cast: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/invalid_operator2: TextSerializationFailure
+general/invalid_operator: TypeCheckError
+general/invalid_type: TextSerializationFailure
+general/invocations: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
+general/issue129167943: TextSerializationFailure
+general/issue34515: TextSerializationFailure
+general/issue34899: TextSerializationFailure
+general/issue35875: TextSerializationFailure
+general/issue37027: TextSerializationFailure
+general/issue37381: TextSerializationFailure
+general/issue37776: TextSerializationFailure
+general/issue38812: TextSerializationFailure
+general/issue38938: TextSerializationFailure
+general/issue38943: TextSerializationFailure
+general/issue38944: TextSerializationFailure
+general/issue38961: TextSerializationFailure
+general/issue39344: TextSerializationFailure
+general/issue39421: TextSerializationFailure
+general/issue39817: TextSerializationFailure
+general/issue40242: TextSerializationFailure
+general/issue40428: TextSerializationFailure
+general/issue40662: TextSerializationFailure
+general/issue40744: TextSerializationFailure
+general/issue41070: TextSerializationFailure
+general/issue41210a: TypeCheckError
+general/issue41210b/issue41210: TypeCheckError
+general/literals: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/local_generic_function: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/long_chain_of_typedefs: TextSerializationFailure
+general/magic_const: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/many_errors: TextSerializationFailure
+general/metadata_enum: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/metadata_named_mixin_application: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/micro: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
+general/missing_constructor: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/missing_toplevel: TextSerializationFailure
+general/mixin: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/mixin_application_inferred_parameter_type: TextSerializationFailure
+general/mixin_application_override: ExpectationFileMismatch
+general/mixin_application_override: TypeCheckError
+general/mixin_conflicts: TextSerializationFailure
+general/mixin_constructors_with_default_values: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/mixin_covariant: TextSerializationFailure
+general/mixin_inherited_setter_for_mixed_in_field: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/mixin_interface_conflict: TextSerializationFailure
+general/mixin_super_repeated: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/mixin_with_static_member: TextSerializationFailure
+general/named_function_scope: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/named_parameters: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/native_as_name: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/nested_implicit_const_with_env_var: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/nested_property_set: TextSerializationFailure
+general/nested_variable_set: TextSerializationFailure
+general/nested_variance: TextSerializationFailure
+general/no_such_method_private_setter: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/no_such_method_private_setter_lib: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/non_covariant_checks: TextSerializationFailure
+general/null_aware: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/null_aware_for_in: TextSerializationFailure
+general/null_aware_postfix: TextSerializationFailure
+general/null_aware_spread: TextSerializationFailure
+general/operator_method_not_found: TextSerializationFailure
+general/operators: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/optional: TypeCheckError
+general/override: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/override_check_accessor_after_inference: TypeCheckError # Issue #31620
+general/override_check_accessor_basic: TypeCheckError # Issue #31620
+general/override_check_accessor_with_covariant_modifier: TypeCheckError # Issue #31620
+general/override_check_after_inference: TypeCheckError # Issue #31620
+general/override_check_basic: TypeCheckError # Issue #31620
+general/override_check_generic_method_f_bounded: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/override_check_two_substitutions: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/override_check_with_covariant_modifier: TypeCheckError # Issue #31620
+general/override_inference_for_getters_and_setters: TextSerializationFailure
+general/override_inference_for_setters: TextSerializationFailure
+general/override_inference_named_parameters_ordering: TextSerializationFailure
+general/override_setter_with_field: TypeCheckError
+general/part_as_entry_point_lib: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/part_not_part_of: TextSerializationFailure
+general/part_not_part_of_same_named_library: TextSerializationFailure
+general/part_part_of_different_unnamed_library: TextSerializationFailure
+general/part_part_of_differently_named_library: TextSerializationFailure
+general/prefer_baseclass: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/private_method_tearoff: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/private_method_tearoff_lib: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/promoted_access: TextSerializationFailure
+general/promoted_null_aware_access: TextSerializationFailure
+general/public_method_tearoff: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/public_method_tearoff_lib: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/qualified: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/qualified_lib: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/qualified_part: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/redirecting_constructor: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/redirecting_factory: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/redirecting_factory_chain_test: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/redirecting_factory_const_inference: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/redirecting_factory_metadata: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/redirecting_factory_simple_test: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/redirecting_factory_typeargs_test: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/redirecting_factory_typeparam_test: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/redirecting_factory_typeparambounds_test: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/redirecting_initializer_arguments_assignable_test: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/redirecting_initializer_arguments_test: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/redirection_chain_type_arguments: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/redirection_chain_type_arguments_subst: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/redirection_type_arguments: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/reject_generic_function_types_in_bounds: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError # Expected
+general/return_with_unknown_type_in_context: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/sdk_diagnostic: TextSerializationFailure
+general/spread_collection: TextSerializationFailure # Should be fixed as part of implementing spread collection support
+general/spread_collection_inference: TextSerializationFailure # Should be fixed as part of implementing spread collection support
+general/statements: Crash
+general/static_setter: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/store_load: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/stringliteral: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/super_call: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/super_nsm: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/this_field_call: TextSerializationFailure
+general/three_typedefs_loop: TextSerializationFailure
+general/top_level_accessors: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/top_level_accessors_part: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/type_literal_as_metadata: TextSerializationFailure
+general/type_of_null: TextSerializationFailure
+general/type_parameter_type_named_int: TextSerializationFailure
+general/type_parameter_usage_in_static_method_in_class: TextSerializationFailure
+general/type_parameter_usage_in_static_method_in_extension: TextSerializationFailure
+general/type_variable_as_super: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
+general/type_variable_bound_access: TypeCheckError
+general/type_variable_prefix: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
+general/type_variable_uses: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/typedef: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/undefined: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/undefined_getter_in_compound_assignment: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/uninitialized_fields: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/unsound_promotion: TypeCheckError
+general/unused_methods: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/var_as_type_name: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general/vm_type_ops: TextSerializationFailure
+general/void_methods: TextSerializationFailure
+general/warn_unresolved_sends: TextSerializationFailure
+general/well_boundness_checks_in_outline: TextSerializationFailure
+general/with_dependencies/abstract_members_from_dill/main: TextSerializationFailure
+general/with_dependencies/extension_from_dill/extension_from_dill: TextSerializationFailure
+general/with_dependencies/variance_from_dill/variance_from_dill: TextSerializationFailure
+general_nnbd_opt_out/DeltaBlue: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/abstract_members: TypeCheckError
 general_nnbd_opt_out/abstract_overrides_concrete_with_no_such_method: TextSerializationFailure
 general_nnbd_opt_out/accessors: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
 general_nnbd_opt_out/all_variances: TextSerializationFailure
 general_nnbd_opt_out/ambiguous_exports: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError # Expected, this file exports two main methods.
-general_nnbd_opt_out/annotation_eof: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/annotation_on_enum_values: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/annotation_top: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general_nnbd_opt_out/annotation_typedef_formals_resolution: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/annotation_typedef_formals: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general_nnbd_opt_out/annotation_typedef_formals_resolution: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/annotation_variable_declaration: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general_nnbd_opt_out/argument_mismatch: TextSerializationFailure
 general_nnbd_opt_out/argument: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/arithmetic: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/arrow_function: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
@@ -99,8 +417,8 @@
 general_nnbd_opt_out/async_nested: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/await_complex: TextSerializationFailure
 general_nnbd_opt_out/await_in_cascade: TextSerializationFailure
+general_nnbd_opt_out/await_in_non_async: RuntimeError
 general_nnbd_opt_out/await_in_non_async: TextSerializationFailure
-general_nnbd_opt_out/await: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/bad_setter_abstract: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/bad_store: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/bad_type_variable_uses_in_supertypes: TextSerializationFailure
@@ -126,14 +444,14 @@
 general_nnbd_opt_out/casts: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/check_deferred_allocation: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/check_deferred_as_check: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general_nnbd_opt_out/check_deferred_before_args: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/check_deferred_before_args2: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general_nnbd_opt_out/check_deferred_before_args: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/check_deferred_before_call: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/check_deferred_before_write: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/check_deferred_is_check: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general_nnbd_opt_out/check_deferred_read: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/check_deferred_read_static_field: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/check_deferred_read_type: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general_nnbd_opt_out/check_deferred_read: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/check_deferred_static_method_call: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/check_deferred_type_declaration: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/circularity-via-initializing-formal: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
@@ -148,10 +466,10 @@
 general_nnbd_opt_out/constructor_cycle: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/constructor_function_types: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/constructor_initializer_invalid: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError # Fails execution after recovery
-general_nnbd_opt_out/continue_inference_after_error_lib: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/continue_inference_after_error: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general_nnbd_opt_out/control_flow_collection_inference: TextSerializationFailure
+general_nnbd_opt_out/continue_inference_after_error_lib: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/control_flow_collection: TextSerializationFailure
+general_nnbd_opt_out/control_flow_collection_inference: TextSerializationFailure
 general_nnbd_opt_out/covariant_equals: TextSerializationFailure
 general_nnbd_opt_out/covariant_generic: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
 general_nnbd_opt_out/covariant_parameter_in_superclass_of_mixin_application: TextSerializationFailure
@@ -159,16 +477,14 @@
 general_nnbd_opt_out/default_values: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/deferred_lib: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/deferred_type_annotation: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general_nnbd_opt_out/DeltaBlue: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general_nnbd_opt_out/duplicated_bad_prefix: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/duplicated_bad_prefix_lib1: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/duplicated_bad_prefix_lib2: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general_nnbd_opt_out/duplicated_bad_prefix: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general_nnbd_opt_out/duplicated_declarations: TypeCheckError
 general_nnbd_opt_out/duplicated_declarations_lib: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/duplicated_declarations_part: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general_nnbd_opt_out/duplicated_declarations: TypeCheckError
 general_nnbd_opt_out/duplicated_field_initializer: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
 general_nnbd_opt_out/duplicated_named_args_3: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general_nnbd_opt_out/dynamic_and_void: TextSerializationFailure
 general_nnbd_opt_out/error_locations/error_location_01: TextSerializationFailure
 general_nnbd_opt_out/error_locations/error_location_02: TextSerializationFailure
 general_nnbd_opt_out/error_locations/error_location_03: TextSerializationFailure
@@ -176,12 +492,11 @@
 general_nnbd_opt_out/error_locations/error_location_05: TextSerializationFailure
 general_nnbd_opt_out/error_locations/error_location_06: TextSerializationFailure
 general_nnbd_opt_out/escape: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general_nnbd_opt_out/export_main: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/export_test: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/expressions: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
 general_nnbd_opt_out/extend_with_type_variable: TextSerializationFailure
-general_nnbd_opt_out/external_import: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError # The native extension to import doesn't exist. This is ok.
 general_nnbd_opt_out/external: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general_nnbd_opt_out/external_import: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError # The native extension to import doesn't exist. This is ok.
 general_nnbd_opt_out/fallthrough: TextSerializationFailure
 general_nnbd_opt_out/ffi_sample: TextSerializationFailure
 general_nnbd_opt_out/fibonacci: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
@@ -190,7 +505,6 @@
 general_nnbd_opt_out/forwarding_stub_for_operator: TextSerializationFailure
 general_nnbd_opt_out/function_in_field: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/function_type_assignments: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general_nnbd_opt_out/function_type_default_value: TextSerializationFailure
 general_nnbd_opt_out/function_type_is_check: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/function_type_recovery: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/functions: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
@@ -198,13 +512,12 @@
 general_nnbd_opt_out/generic_function_type_in_message: TextSerializationFailure
 general_nnbd_opt_out/having_part_with_part_and_annotation: TextSerializationFailure
 general_nnbd_opt_out/having_part_with_parts_and_annotation: TextSerializationFailure
-general_nnbd_opt_out/hello: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/if_null_in_cascade: TextSerializationFailure
 general_nnbd_opt_out/if_null_in_list_literal: TextSerializationFailure
 general_nnbd_opt_out/if_null_in_set_literal: TextSerializationFailure
 general_nnbd_opt_out/ignore_function: TextSerializationFailure
-general_nnbd_opt_out/illegal_named_function_expression_scope: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/illegal_named_function_expression: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general_nnbd_opt_out/illegal_named_function_expression_scope: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/implicit_const_with_static_fields: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/implicit_new: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/implicit_scope_test: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
@@ -241,13 +554,12 @@
 general_nnbd_opt_out/long_chain_of_typedefs: TextSerializationFailure
 general_nnbd_opt_out/magic_const: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/many_errors: TextSerializationFailure
-general_nnbd_opt_out/map: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/metadata_enum: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/metadata_named_mixin_application: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/micro: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
-general_nnbd_opt_out/minimum_int: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/missing_constructor: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/missing_toplevel: TextSerializationFailure
+general_nnbd_opt_out/mixin: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/mixin_application_inferred_parameter_type: TextSerializationFailure
 general_nnbd_opt_out/mixin_application_override: ExpectationFileMismatch
 general_nnbd_opt_out/mixin_application_override: TypeCheckError
@@ -256,7 +568,6 @@
 general_nnbd_opt_out/mixin_inherited_setter_for_mixed_in_field: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/mixin_super_repeated: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/mixin_with_static_member: TextSerializationFailure
-general_nnbd_opt_out/mixin: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/named_function_scope: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/named_parameters: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/native_as_name: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
@@ -264,16 +575,17 @@
 general_nnbd_opt_out/nested_property_set: TextSerializationFailure
 general_nnbd_opt_out/nested_variable_set: TextSerializationFailure
 general_nnbd_opt_out/nested_variance: TextSerializationFailure
-general_nnbd_opt_out/no_such_method_private_setter_lib: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/no_such_method_private_setter: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general_nnbd_opt_out/no_such_method_private_setter_lib: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/non_covariant_checks: TextSerializationFailure
+general_nnbd_opt_out/null_aware: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/null_aware_for_in: TextSerializationFailure
 general_nnbd_opt_out/null_aware_postfix: TextSerializationFailure
 general_nnbd_opt_out/null_aware_spread: TextSerializationFailure
-general_nnbd_opt_out/null_aware: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/operator_method_not_found: TextSerializationFailure
 general_nnbd_opt_out/operators: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/optional: TypeCheckError
+general_nnbd_opt_out/override: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/override_check_accessor_after_inference: TypeCheckError # Issue #31620
 general_nnbd_opt_out/override_check_accessor_basic: TypeCheckError # Issue #31620
 general_nnbd_opt_out/override_check_accessor_with_covariant_modifier: TypeCheckError # Issue #31620
@@ -285,24 +597,22 @@
 general_nnbd_opt_out/override_inference_for_setters: TextSerializationFailure
 general_nnbd_opt_out/override_inference_named_parameters_ordering: TextSerializationFailure
 general_nnbd_opt_out/override_setter_with_field: TypeCheckError
-general_nnbd_opt_out/override: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/part_as_entry_point_lib: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general_nnbd_opt_out/part_as_entry_point: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general_nnbd_opt_out/part_not_part_of_same_named_library: TextSerializationFailure
 general_nnbd_opt_out/part_not_part_of: TextSerializationFailure
+general_nnbd_opt_out/part_not_part_of_same_named_library: TextSerializationFailure
 general_nnbd_opt_out/part_part_of_different_unnamed_library: TextSerializationFailure
 general_nnbd_opt_out/part_part_of_differently_named_library: TextSerializationFailure
-general_nnbd_opt_out/platform: TextSerializationFailure
 general_nnbd_opt_out/prefer_baseclass: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general_nnbd_opt_out/private_method_tearoff_lib: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/private_method_tearoff: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general_nnbd_opt_out/private_method_tearoff_lib: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/promoted_access: TextSerializationFailure
-general_nnbd_opt_out/public_method_tearoff_lib: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/public_method_tearoff: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general_nnbd_opt_out/public_method_tearoff_lib: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general_nnbd_opt_out/qualified: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/qualified_lib: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/qualified_part: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general_nnbd_opt_out/qualified: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/redirecting_constructor: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general_nnbd_opt_out/redirecting_factory: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/redirecting_factory_chain_test: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/redirecting_factory_const_inference: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/redirecting_factory_metadata: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
@@ -310,28 +620,25 @@
 general_nnbd_opt_out/redirecting_factory_typeargs_test: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/redirecting_factory_typeparam_test: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/redirecting_factory_typeparambounds_test: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general_nnbd_opt_out/redirecting_factory: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/redirecting_initializer_arguments_assignable_test: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/redirecting_initializer_arguments_test: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general_nnbd_opt_out/redirection_chain_type_arguments_subst: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/redirection_chain_type_arguments: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general_nnbd_opt_out/redirection_chain_type_arguments_subst: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/redirection_type_arguments: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/reject_generic_function_types_in_bounds: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError # Expected
 general_nnbd_opt_out/return_with_unknown_type_in_context: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/sdk_diagnostic: TextSerializationFailure
-general_nnbd_opt_out/spread_collection_inference: TextSerializationFailure # Should be fixed as part of implementing spread collection support
 general_nnbd_opt_out/spread_collection: TextSerializationFailure # Should be fixed as part of implementing spread collection support
+general_nnbd_opt_out/spread_collection_inference: TextSerializationFailure # Should be fixed as part of implementing spread collection support
 general_nnbd_opt_out/statements: Crash
 general_nnbd_opt_out/static_setter: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/store_load: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/stringliteral: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/super_call: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/super_nsm: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general_nnbd_opt_out/tabs: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/three_typedefs_loop: TextSerializationFailure
-general_nnbd_opt_out/top_level_accessors_part: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/top_level_accessors: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general_nnbd_opt_out/top_level_library_method: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general_nnbd_opt_out/top_level_accessors_part: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/type_literal_as_metadata: TextSerializationFailure
 general_nnbd_opt_out/type_of_null: TextSerializationFailure
 general_nnbd_opt_out/type_parameter_type_named_int: TextSerializationFailure
@@ -340,428 +647,36 @@
 general_nnbd_opt_out/type_variable_prefix: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
 general_nnbd_opt_out/type_variable_uses: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/typedef: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general_nnbd_opt_out/undefined_getter_in_compound_assignment: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/undefined: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+general_nnbd_opt_out/undefined_getter_in_compound_assignment: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/uninitialized_fields: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/unsound_promotion: TypeCheckError
 general_nnbd_opt_out/unused_methods: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/var_as_type_name: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 general_nnbd_opt_out/void_methods: TextSerializationFailure
 general_nnbd_opt_out/warn_unresolved_sends: TextSerializationFailure
-general/abstract_members: TypeCheckError
-general/abstract_overrides_concrete_with_no_such_method: TextSerializationFailure
-general/accessors: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
-general/all_variances: TextSerializationFailure
-general/ambiguous_exports: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError # Expected, this file exports two main methods.
-general/annotation_eof: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/annotation_on_enum_values: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/annotation_top: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/annotation_typedef_formals_resolution: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/annotation_typedef_formals: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/annotation_variable_declaration: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/argument_mismatch: TextSerializationFailure
-general/argument: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/arithmetic: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/arrow_function: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/assign_to_initializing_formal: TextSerializationFailure
-general/async_function: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/async_nested: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/await_complex: TextSerializationFailure
-general/await_in_cascade: TextSerializationFailure
-general/await_in_non_async: TextSerializationFailure
-general/await: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/bad_setter_abstract: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/bad_store: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/bad_type_variable_uses_in_supertypes: TextSerializationFailure
-general/bounds_check_depends_on_inference: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/bug21938: TypeCheckError
-general/bug30695: TypeCheckError
-general/bug31124: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError # Test has no main method (and we shouldn't add one).
-general/bug32414a: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/bug32414b: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/bug32426: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/bug32629: TextSerializationFailure
-general/bug32866: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/bug33099: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/bug33196: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/bug33206: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/bug33298: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/bug34511: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/bug35470: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/bug37476: TextSerializationFailure
-general/call: TypeCheckError
-general/candidate_found: TypeCheckError
-general/cascade: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
-general/casts: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/check_deferred_allocation: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/check_deferred_as_check: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/check_deferred_before_args: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/check_deferred_before_args2: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/check_deferred_before_call: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/check_deferred_before_write: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/check_deferred_is_check: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/check_deferred_read_static_field: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/check_deferred_read_type: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/check_deferred_read: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/check_deferred_static_method_call: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/check_deferred_type_declaration: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/circularity-via-initializing-formal: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/classes: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/clone_function_type: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/closure: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/co19_language_metadata_syntax_t04: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/complex_class_hierarchy: TextSerializationFailure
-general/compound_binary_implicit_as: TextSerializationFailure
-general/const_redirect_to_nonconst: TextSerializationFailure
-general/constant_truncate: TextSerializationFailure
-general/constructor_const_inference: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/constructor_cycle: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/constructor_function_types: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/constructor_initializer_invalid: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError # Fails execution after recovery
-general/continue_inference_after_error_lib: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/continue_inference_after_error: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/control_flow_collection_inference: TextSerializationFailure
-general/control_flow_collection: TextSerializationFailure
-general/covariant_equals: TextSerializationFailure
-general/covariant_generic: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
-general/covariant_parameter_in_superclass_of_mixin_application: TextSerializationFailure
-general/cycles: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/default_values: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/deferred_lib: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/deferred_type_annotation: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/DeltaBlue: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/demote_closure_types: TextSerializationFailure
-general/duplicated_bad_prefix_lib1: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/duplicated_bad_prefix_lib2: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/duplicated_bad_prefix: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/duplicated_declarations_lib: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/duplicated_declarations_part: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/duplicated_declarations: TypeCheckError
-general/duplicated_field_initializer: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
-general/duplicated_named_args_3: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/dynamic_and_void: TextSerializationFailure
-general/error_locations/error_location_01: TextSerializationFailure
-general/error_locations/error_location_02: TextSerializationFailure
-general/error_locations/error_location_03: TextSerializationFailure
-general/error_locations/error_location_04: TextSerializationFailure
-general/error_locations/error_location_05: TextSerializationFailure
-general/error_locations/error_location_06: TextSerializationFailure
-general/error_recovery/await_not_in_async: TextSerializationFailure
-general/error_recovery/constructor_recovery_bad_name_general.crash: TextSerializationFailure
-general/error_recovery/constructor_recovery_bad_name_get.crash: TextSerializationFailure
-general/error_recovery/constructor_recovery_bad_name_return_type.crash: TextSerializationFailure
-general/error_recovery/constructor_recovery_bad_name_set.crash: TextSerializationFailure
-general/error_recovery/constructor_recovery_get: TextSerializationFailure
-general/error_recovery/constructor_recovery_ok: TextSerializationFailure
-general/error_recovery/constructor_recovery_operator.crash: TextSerializationFailure
-general/error_recovery/constructor_recovery_return_type: TextSerializationFailure
-general/error_recovery/constructor_recovery_set: TextSerializationFailure
-general/error_recovery/empty_await_for: TextSerializationFailure
-general/error_recovery/empty_for: TextSerializationFailure
-general/error_recovery/issue_38415.crash: TextSerializationFailure
-general/error_recovery/issue_39024.crash: RuntimeError
-general/error_recovery/issue_39026_prime.crash: TextSerializationFailure
-general/error_recovery/issue_39026.crash: TextSerializationFailure
-general/error_recovery/issue_39033.crash: TextSerializationFailure
-general/error_recovery/issue_39058_prime.crash: RuntimeError
-general/error_recovery/issue_39058.crash: RuntimeError
-general/error_recovery/issue_39060: TextSerializationFailure
-general/error_recovery/issue_39202.crash: TextSerializationFailure
-general/error_recovery/issue_39230.crash: TextSerializationFailure
-general/error_recovery/issue_39958_01: TextSerializationFailure
-general/error_recovery/issue_39958_02: TextSerializationFailure
-general/error_recovery/issue_39958_03: TextSerializationFailure
-general/error_recovery/issue_39958_04: TextSerializationFailure
-general/error_recovery/yield_not_in_generator: TextSerializationFailure
-general/escape: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/export_main: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/export_test: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/expressions: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
-general/extend_with_type_variable: TextSerializationFailure
-general/external_import: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError # The native extension to import doesn't exist. This is ok.
-general/external: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/fallthrough: TextSerializationFailure
-general/ffi_sample: TextSerializationFailure
-general/fibonacci: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/for_in_scope: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/for_in_without_declaration: TextSerializationFailure
-general/forwarding_stub_for_operator: TextSerializationFailure
-general/function_in_field: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/function_type_assignments: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/function_type_default_value: TextSerializationFailure
-general/function_type_is_check: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/function_type_recovery: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/functions: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/future_or_test: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/generic_function_type_in_message: TextSerializationFailure
-general/getter_call: TextSerializationFailure
-general/having_part_with_part_and_annotation: TextSerializationFailure
-general/having_part_with_parts_and_annotation: TextSerializationFailure
-general/hello: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/if_null_in_cascade: TextSerializationFailure
-general/if_null_in_list_literal: TextSerializationFailure
-general/if_null_in_set_literal: TextSerializationFailure
-general/ignore_function: TextSerializationFailure
-general/illegal_named_function_expression_scope: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/illegal_named_function_expression: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/implicit_const_with_static_fields: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/implicit_new: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/implicit_scope_test: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/implicit_this: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/import_conflicting_getters: TextSerializationFailure
-general/import_conflicting_setters: TextSerializationFailure
-general/import_conflicting_type_member: TextSerializationFailure
-general/import_conflicting_types: TextSerializationFailure
-general/incomplete_field_formal_parameter: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
-general/infer_field_from_multiple: TypeCheckError
-general/infer_field_type: TextSerializationFailure
-general/infer_fixed_generic_return_type: TextSerializationFailure
-general/infer_map_literal_with_closure: TextSerializationFailure
-general/inherit_function: TextSerializationFailure
-general/interface_conflict: TextSerializationFailure
-general/interface_contravariant_from_class: TextSerializationFailure
-general/interface_covariantImpl_from_class: TextSerializationFailure
-general/interface_covariantInterface_from_class: TextSerializationFailure
-general/invalid_assignment: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/invalid_cast: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/invalid_operator: TypeCheckError
-general/invalid_operator2: TextSerializationFailure
-general/invalid_type: TextSerializationFailure
-general/invocations: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
-general/issue129167943: TextSerializationFailure
-general/issue34515: TextSerializationFailure
-general/issue34899: TextSerializationFailure
-general/issue35875: TextSerializationFailure
-general/issue37027: TextSerializationFailure
-general/issue37381: TextSerializationFailure
-general/issue37776: TextSerializationFailure
-general/issue38812: TextSerializationFailure
-general/issue38938: TextSerializationFailure
-general/issue38943: TextSerializationFailure
-general/issue38944: TextSerializationFailure
-general/issue38961: TextSerializationFailure
-general/issue39344: TextSerializationFailure
-general/issue39421: TextSerializationFailure
-general/issue39817: TextSerializationFailure
-general/issue40242: TextSerializationFailure
-general/issue40428: TextSerializationFailure
-general/issue40662: TextSerializationFailure
-general/issue40744: TextSerializationFailure
-general/issue41070: TextSerializationFailure
-general/issue41210a: TypeCheckError
-general/issue41210b/issue41210: TypeCheckError
-general/literals: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/local_generic_function: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/long_chain_of_typedefs: TextSerializationFailure
-general/magic_const: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/many_errors: TextSerializationFailure
-general/map: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/metadata_enum: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/metadata_named_mixin_application: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/micro: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
-general/minimum_int: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/missing_constructor: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/missing_toplevel: TextSerializationFailure
-general/mixin_application_inferred_parameter_type: TextSerializationFailure
-general/mixin_application_override: ExpectationFileMismatch
-general/mixin_application_override: TypeCheckError
-general/mixin_conflicts: TextSerializationFailure
-general/mixin_constructors_with_default_values: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/mixin_covariant: TextSerializationFailure
-general/mixin_inherited_setter_for_mixed_in_field: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/mixin_interface_conflict: TextSerializationFailure
-general/mixin_super_repeated: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/mixin_with_static_member: TextSerializationFailure
-general/mixin: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/named_function_scope: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/named_parameters: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/native_as_name: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/nested_implicit_const_with_env_var: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/nested_property_set: TextSerializationFailure
-general/nested_variable_set: TextSerializationFailure
-general/nested_variance: TextSerializationFailure
-general/no_such_method_private_setter_lib: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/no_such_method_private_setter: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/non_covariant_checks: TextSerializationFailure
-general/null_aware_for_in: TextSerializationFailure
-general/null_aware_postfix: TextSerializationFailure
-general/null_aware_spread: TextSerializationFailure
-general/null_aware: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/operator_method_not_found: TextSerializationFailure
-general/operators: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/optional: TypeCheckError
-general/override_check_accessor_after_inference: TypeCheckError # Issue #31620
-general/override_check_accessor_basic: TypeCheckError # Issue #31620
-general/override_check_accessor_with_covariant_modifier: TypeCheckError # Issue #31620
-general/override_check_after_inference: TypeCheckError # Issue #31620
-general/override_check_basic: TypeCheckError # Issue #31620
-general/override_check_generic_method_f_bounded: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/override_check_two_substitutions: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/override_check_with_covariant_modifier: TypeCheckError # Issue #31620
-general/override_inference_for_getters_and_setters: TextSerializationFailure
-general/override_inference_for_setters: TextSerializationFailure
-general/override_inference_named_parameters_ordering: TextSerializationFailure
-general/override_setter_with_field: TypeCheckError
-general/override: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/part_as_entry_point_lib: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/part_as_entry_point: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/part_not_part_of_same_named_library: TextSerializationFailure
-general/part_not_part_of: TextSerializationFailure
-general/part_part_of_different_unnamed_library: TextSerializationFailure
-general/part_part_of_differently_named_library: TextSerializationFailure
-general/platform_invalid_uris/main: TextSerializationFailure
-general/platform: TextSerializationFailure
-general/prefer_baseclass: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/private_method_tearoff_lib: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/private_method_tearoff: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/promoted_access: TextSerializationFailure
-general/promoted_null_aware_access: TextSerializationFailure
-general/public_method_tearoff_lib: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/public_method_tearoff: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/qualified_lib: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/qualified_part: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/qualified: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/redirecting_constructor: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/redirecting_factory_chain_test: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/redirecting_factory_const_inference: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/redirecting_factory_metadata: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/redirecting_factory_simple_test: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/redirecting_factory_typeargs_test: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/redirecting_factory_typeparam_test: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/redirecting_factory_typeparambounds_test: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/redirecting_factory: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/redirecting_initializer_arguments_assignable_test: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/redirecting_initializer_arguments_test: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/redirection_chain_type_arguments_subst: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/redirection_chain_type_arguments: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/redirection_type_arguments: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/reject_generic_function_types_in_bounds: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError # Expected
-general/return_with_unknown_type_in_context: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/sdk_diagnostic: TextSerializationFailure
-general/spread_collection_inference: TextSerializationFailure # Should be fixed as part of implementing spread collection support
-general/spread_collection: TextSerializationFailure # Should be fixed as part of implementing spread collection support
-general/statements: Crash
-general/static_setter: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/store_load: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/stringliteral: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/super_call: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/super_nsm: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/tabs: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/this_field_call: TextSerializationFailure
-general/three_typedefs_loop: TextSerializationFailure
-general/top_level_accessors_part: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/top_level_accessors: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/top_level_library_method: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/type_literal_as_metadata: TextSerializationFailure
-general/type_of_null: TextSerializationFailure
-general/type_parameter_type_named_int: TextSerializationFailure
-general/type_parameter_usage_in_static_method_in_class: TextSerializationFailure
-general/type_parameter_usage_in_static_method_in_extension: TextSerializationFailure
-general/type_parameters_on_dynamic: TextSerializationFailure
-general/type_parameters_on_void: TextSerializationFailure
-general/type_variable_as_super: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
-general/type_variable_bound_access: TypeCheckError
-general/type_variable_prefix: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
-general/type_variable_uses: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/typedef: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/undefined_getter_in_compound_assignment: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/undefined: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/uninitialized_fields: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/unsound_promotion: TypeCheckError
-general/unused_methods: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/var_as_type_name: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-general/vm_type_ops: TextSerializationFailure
-general/void_methods: TextSerializationFailure
-general/warn_unresolved_sends: TextSerializationFailure
-general/well_boundness_checks_in_outline: TextSerializationFailure
-general/with_dependencies/abstract_members_from_dill/main: TextSerializationFailure
-general/with_dependencies/extension_from_dill/extension_from_dill: TextSerializationFailure
-general/with_dependencies/variance_from_dill/variance_from_dill: TextSerializationFailure
 implicit_getter_calls/getter_call: TextSerializationFailure
 implicit_getter_calls/this_field_call: TextSerializationFailure
-inference_new/const_invocation: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/dependency_only_if_generic_method: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/dependency_only_if_overloaded: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/dependency_only_if_overloaded: TypeCheckError
-inference_new/do_loop: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/downwards_inference_inside_top_level_2: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/downwards_inference_inside_top_level: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/field_inference_circularity: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/for_each_identifier_downwards: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/for_each_invalid_iterable: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/for_each_outer_var_type: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/indexed_assign_combiner: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/infer_assign_to_implicit_this_upwards: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/infer_assign_to_implicit_this: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/infer_assign_to_index_full: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/infer_assign_to_index_set_vs_get: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/infer_assign_to_index_super_upwards: TypeCheckError
-inference_new/infer_assign_to_index_super: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/infer_assign_to_index_this_upwards: TypeCheckError
-inference_new/infer_assign_to_index_this: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/infer_assign_to_index_upwards: TypeCheckError
-inference_new/infer_assign_to_index: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/infer_assign_to_local_upwards: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/infer_assign_to_local: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/infer_assign_to_property_custom: TypeCheckError
-inference_new/infer_assign_to_property_full: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/infer_assign_to_property_null_aware_upwards: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/infer_assign_to_property_null_aware: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/infer_assign_to_property_super_upwards: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/infer_assign_to_property_super: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/infer_assign_to_property_upwards: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/infer_assign_to_property: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/infer_assign_to_ref: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/infer_assign_to_static_upwards: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/infer_assign_to_static: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/infer_field_getter_setter_mismatch: TextSerializationFailure
-inference_new/infer_field_override_accessors: TextSerializationFailure
-inference_new/infer_field_override_getter_overrides_setter: TextSerializationFailure
-inference_new/infer_field_override_setter_overrides_getter: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/infer_instance_accessor_ref: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/infer_instance_field_ref_circular: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/infer_instance_field_ref: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/infer_logical: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/infer_use_of_void: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/invalid_assignment_during_toplevel_inference: TypeCheckError
-inference_new/list_literals_can_infer_null_top_level: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/map_literals_can_infer_null_top_level: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/multiple_interface_inheritance: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/null_aware_property_get: TextSerializationFailure
-inference_new/property_assign_combiner: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/property_get_toplevel: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/static_assign_combiner: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/strongly_connected_component: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/strongly_connected_component: TypeCheckError
-inference_new/super_index_get_substitution: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/super_index_get: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/switch: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/top_level_field_depends_on_multiple_inheritance: ExpectationFileMismatch
-inference_new/top_level_field_depends_on_multiple_inheritance: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/unsafe_block_closure_inference_function_call_explicit_dynamic_param_via_expr2: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/unsafe_block_closure_inference_function_call_explicit_type_param_via_expr2: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/void_return_type_subtypes_dynamic: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference_new/while_loop: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/abstract_class_instantiation: TextSerializationFailure
-inference/assert_initializer: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/assert: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/assert_initializer: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/assign_local: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/async_await: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/async_closure_return_type_flatten: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/async_closure_return_type_future_or: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/async_closure_return_type_future: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/async_closure_return_type_future_or: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/block_bodied_lambdas_async_all_returns_are_futures: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/block_bodied_lambdas_async_all_returns_are_values: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/block_bodied_lambdas_async_mix_of_values_and_futures: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/block_bodied_lambdas_async_star: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/block_bodied_lambdas_basic_void: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/block_bodied_lambdas_basic: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/block_bodied_lambdas_downwards_incompatible_with_upwards_inference_top_level: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/block_bodied_lambdas_basic_void: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/block_bodied_lambdas_downwards_incompatible_with_upwards_inference: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/block_bodied_lambdas_infer_bottom_async_star: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/block_bodied_lambdas_downwards_incompatible_with_upwards_inference_top_level: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/block_bodied_lambdas_infer_bottom_async: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/block_bodied_lambdas_infer_bottom_sync_star: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/block_bodied_lambdas_infer_bottom_async_star: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/block_bodied_lambdas_infer_bottom_sync: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/block_bodied_lambdas_infer_bottom_sync_star: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/block_bodied_lambdas_lub: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/block_bodied_lambdas_nested_lambdas: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/block_bodied_lambdas_no_return: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
@@ -769,12 +684,11 @@
 inference/block_bodied_lambdas_sync_star: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/block_bodied_lambdas_void_context: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/bottom_in_closure: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/bottom: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/bug30251: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/bug30620: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/bug30620_b: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/bug30620_c: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/bug30620_d: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/bug30620: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/bug30624: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/bug31132: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/bug31133: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
@@ -784,29 +698,27 @@
 inference/call_corner_cases: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/callable_generic_class: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/circular_method_inference: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/circular_reference_via_closures_initializer_types: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/circular_reference_via_closures: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/closure_param_null_to_object: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/coerce_bottom_and_null_types: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/complex_predecrement: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/conditional_lub: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/conditional_upwards_inference: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/conflicting_fields: TextSerializationFailure
-inference/conflicts_can_happen: TextSerializationFailure
 inference/conflicts_can_happen2: TextSerializationFailure
+inference/conflicts_can_happen: TextSerializationFailure
 inference/constructors_downwards_with_constraint: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/constructors_infer_from_arguments_argument_not_assignable: TypeCheckError
-inference/constructors_infer_from_arguments_const_with_upper_bound: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/constructors_infer_from_arguments_const: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/constructors_infer_from_arguments_downwards_from_constructor: TextSerializationFailure
-inference/constructors_infer_from_arguments_factory_calls_constructor: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/constructors_infer_from_arguments_factory: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/constructors_infer_from_arguments_named_factory: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/constructors_infer_from_arguments_named: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/constructors_infer_from_arguments_redirecting_factory_to_factory: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/constructors_infer_from_arguments_redirecting_factory: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/constructors_infer_from_arguments_redirecting: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/constructors_infer_from_arguments: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/constructors_infer_from_arguments_argument_not_assignable: TypeCheckError
+inference/constructors_infer_from_arguments_const: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/constructors_infer_from_arguments_const_with_upper_bound: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/constructors_infer_from_arguments_downwards_from_constructor: TextSerializationFailure
+inference/constructors_infer_from_arguments_factory: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/constructors_infer_from_arguments_factory_calls_constructor: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/constructors_infer_from_arguments_named: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/constructors_infer_from_arguments_named_factory: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/constructors_infer_from_arguments_redirecting: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/constructors_infer_from_arguments_redirecting_factory: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/constructors_infer_from_arguments_redirecting_factory_to_factory: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/constructors_inference_f_bounded: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/constructors_reverse_type_parameters: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/constructors_too_many_positional_arguments: TextSerializationFailure
@@ -817,22 +729,22 @@
 inference/downward_inference_fixes_no_upwards_errors: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/downward_inference_miscellaneous: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/downwards_context_from_inferred_field_type: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/downwards_inference_annotations: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/downwards_inference_annotations_class_members: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/downwards_inference_annotations_for_loop_variable: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/downwards_inference_annotations_locals_referring_to_locals: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/downwards_inference_annotations_locals: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/downwards_inference_annotations_parameter_local: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/downwards_inference_annotations_locals_referring_to_locals: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/downwards_inference_annotations_parameter: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/downwards_inference_annotations_type_variable_local: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/downwards_inference_annotations_parameter_local: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/downwards_inference_annotations_type_variable: TextSerializationFailure
+inference/downwards_inference_annotations_type_variable_local: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/downwards_inference_annotations_typedef: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/downwards_inference_annotations: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/downwards_inference_assignment_statements: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/downwards_inference_async_await: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/downwards_inference_for_each: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/downwards_inference_initializing_formal_default_formal: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/downwards_inference_inside_top_level_2: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/downwards_inference_inside_top_level: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/downwards_inference_inside_top_level_2: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/downwards_inference_on_constructor_arguments_infer_downwards: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/downwards_inference_on_function_arguments_infer_downwards: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/downwards_inference_on_function_expressions: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
@@ -858,33 +770,33 @@
 inference/for_loop_initializer_expression: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/for_loop_promotion: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/future_or_subtyping: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/future_then: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/future_then_2: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/future_then_3: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/future_then_4: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/future_then_5: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/future_then_6: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/future_then_conditional: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/future_then_conditional_2: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/future_then_conditional_3: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/future_then_conditional_4: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/future_then_conditional_5: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/future_then_conditional_6: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/future_then_conditional: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/future_then_downwards_method_target: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/future_then_explicit_future: TextSerializationFailure
 inference/future_then_ifNull: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/future_then_upwards: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
 inference/future_then_upwards_2: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
 inference/future_then_upwards_3: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/future_then_upwards_from_block: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/future_then_upwards: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
-inference/future_then: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/future_union_async_conditional_2: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/future_union_async_conditional: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/future_union_async_conditional_2: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/future_union_downwards: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/future_union_downwards_2: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/future_union_downwards_3: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/future_union_downwards_4: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/future_union_downwards_generic_method_with_future_return: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/future_union_downwards_generic_method_with_generic_return: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/future_union_downwards: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/future_union_upwards_generic_methods: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/generator_closure: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/generic_functions_return_typedef: TextSerializationFailure
@@ -895,8 +807,8 @@
 inference/generic_methods_downwards_inference_affects_arguments: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/generic_methods_downwards_inference_fold: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/generic_methods_handle_override_of_non_generic_with_generic: TypeCheckError
-inference/generic_methods_infer_generic_function_parameter_type: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/generic_methods_infer_generic_function_parameter_type2: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/generic_methods_infer_generic_function_parameter_type: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/generic_methods_infer_generic_function_return_type: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/generic_methods_infer_generic_instantiation: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/generic_methods_infer_generic_method_type: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
@@ -907,34 +819,34 @@
 inference/generic_methods_uses_greatest_lower_bound: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/greatest_closure_multiple_params: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/inconsistent_overrides: TextSerializationFailure
-inference/index_assign_operator_return_type_2: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/index_assign_operator_return_type: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/index_assign_operator_return_type_2: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_accessor_from_later_inferred_field: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/infer_assign_to_implicit_this_upwards: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_assign_to_implicit_this: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/infer_assign_to_implicit_this_upwards: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_assign_to_index_full: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_assign_to_index_super: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_assign_to_index_this: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/infer_assign_to_local_upwards: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_assign_to_local: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/infer_assign_to_local_upwards: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_assign_to_property_full: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/infer_assign_to_property_null_aware_upwards: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_assign_to_property_null_aware: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/infer_assign_to_property_super_upwards: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/infer_assign_to_property_null_aware_upwards: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_assign_to_property_super: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/infer_assign_to_property_super_upwards: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_assign_to_property_upwards: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_assign_to_ref: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/infer_assign_to_static_upwards: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_assign_to_static: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/infer_assign_to_static_upwards: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_binary_custom: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_binary_double_double: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_binary_double_int: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_binary_int_double: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_binary_int_int: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_conditional: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/infer_consts_transitively_2: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_consts_transitively_2_a: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_consts_transitively_2_b: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/infer_consts_transitively_2: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_consts_transitively_b: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_correctly_on_multiple_variables_declared_together: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_field_from_later_inferred_field: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
@@ -950,20 +862,20 @@
 inference/infer_final_field_getter_only: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_final_field_setter_only: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_from_complex_expressions_if_outer_most_value_is_precise: TextSerializationFailure
-inference/infer_from_rhs_only_if_it_wont_conflict_with_overridden_fields: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_from_rhs_only_if_it_wont_conflict_with_overridden_fields2: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/infer_from_variables_in_cycle_libs_when_flag_is_on_a: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/infer_from_variables_in_cycle_libs_when_flag_is_on: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/infer_from_variables_in_cycle_libs_when_flag_is_on2_a: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/infer_from_rhs_only_if_it_wont_conflict_with_overridden_fields: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_from_variables_in_cycle_libs_when_flag_is_on2: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/infer_from_variables_in_non_cycle_imports_with_flag_a: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/infer_from_variables_in_non_cycle_imports_with_flag: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/infer_from_variables_in_non_cycle_imports_with_flag2_a: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/infer_from_variables_in_cycle_libs_when_flag_is_on2_a: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/infer_from_variables_in_cycle_libs_when_flag_is_on: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/infer_from_variables_in_cycle_libs_when_flag_is_on_a: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_from_variables_in_non_cycle_imports_with_flag2: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/infer_from_variables_in_non_cycle_imports_with_flag2_a: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/infer_from_variables_in_non_cycle_imports_with_flag: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/infer_from_variables_in_non_cycle_imports_with_flag_a: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_generic_field_types: TextSerializationFailure
 inference/infer_generic_method_type_named: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/infer_generic_method_type_positional: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_generic_method_type_positional2: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/infer_generic_method_type_positional: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_generic_method_type_required: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_getter_cross_to_setter: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_getter_from_later_inferred_getter: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
@@ -975,8 +887,8 @@
 inference/infer_method_missing_params: TypeCheckError
 inference/infer_parameter_type_setter_from_field: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_parameter_type_setter_from_setter: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/infer_prefix_expression_custom: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_prefix_expression: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/infer_prefix_expression_custom: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_rethrow: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_return_of_statement_lambda: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_return_type_for_static_setter: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
@@ -984,78 +896,77 @@
 inference/infer_setter_from_later_inferred_setter: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_setter_function_typed: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_setter_return_type_only: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/infer_statics_transitively2: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/infer_statics_transitively3: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/infer_statics_transitively3_a: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/infer_statics_transitively: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_statics_transitively_2_a: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_statics_transitively_a: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_statics_transitively_b: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/infer_statics_transitively: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/infer_statics_transitively2: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/infer_statics_transitively3_a: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/infer_statics_transitively3: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/infer_statics_with_method_invocations_a: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_statics_with_method_invocations: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/infer_throw_downwards: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/infer_statics_with_method_invocations_a: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_throw: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/infer_throw_downwards: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_type_on_overridden_fields2: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_type_on_overridden_fields4: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/infer_type_on_var2: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/infer_type_on_var: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_type_on_var_from_field: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_type_on_var_from_top_level: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/infer_type_on_var: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/infer_type_on_var2: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/infer_type_regardless_of_declaration_order_or_cycles_b: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_type_regardless_of_declaration_order_or_cycles: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
+inference/infer_type_regardless_of_declaration_order_or_cycles_b: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_typed_map_literal: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_types_on_generic_instantiations_3: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_types_on_generic_instantiations_4: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
 inference/infer_types_on_generic_instantiations_5: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/infer_types_on_generic_instantiations_in_library_cycle_a: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_types_on_generic_instantiations_in_library_cycle: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/infer_types_on_generic_instantiations_in_library_cycle_a: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_types_on_generic_instantiations_infer: TypeCheckError
-inference/infer_types_on_loop_indices_for_each_loop_async: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_types_on_loop_indices_for_each_loop: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/infer_types_on_loop_indices_for_each_loop_async: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_types_on_loop_indices_for_loop_with_inference: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/infer_use_of_void_local: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/infer_variable_void: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/inferred_initializing_formal_checks_default_value: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/inferred_nonstatic_field_depends_on_static_field_complex: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/inferred_nonstatic_field_depends_on_top_level_var_simple: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/inferred_type_block_closure_no_args_no_return_void_context: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/inferred_type_block_closure_no_args_no_return: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/inferred_type_block_closure_no_args_no_return_void_context: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/inferred_type_cascade: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/inferred_type_custom_binary_op_via_interface: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/inferred_type_custom_binary_op: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/inferred_type_custom_index_op_via_interface: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/inferred_type_custom_binary_op_via_interface: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/inferred_type_custom_index_op: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/inferred_type_custom_unary_op_via_interface: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/inferred_type_custom_index_op_via_interface: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/inferred_type_custom_unary_op: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/inferred_type_extract_method_tear_off_via_interface: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/inferred_type_custom_unary_op_via_interface: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/inferred_type_extract_method_tear_off: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/inferred_type_extract_method_tear_off_via_interface: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/inferred_type_from_top_level_executable_tear_off: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/inferred_type_invoke_method_via_interface: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/inferred_type_invoke_method: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/inferred_type_is_enum_values: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/inferred_type_invoke_method_via_interface: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/inferred_type_is_enum: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/inferred_type_is_typedef_parameterized: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/inferred_type_is_enum_values: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/inferred_type_is_typedef: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/inferred_type_is_typedef_parameterized: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/inferred_type_uses_synthetic_function_type: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/inferred_type_uses_synthetic_function_type_function_typed_param: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/inferred_type_uses_synthetic_function_type_named_param: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/inferred_type_uses_synthetic_function_type_positional_param: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/inferred_type_uses_synthetic_function_type_required_param: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/inferred_type_uses_synthetic_function_type: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/inferred_type_via_closure_multiple_levels_of_nesting: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/inferred_type_via_closure_type_depends_on_args: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/inferred_type_via_closure_type_independent_of_args_field: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/inferred_type_via_closure_type_independent_of_args_top_level: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/inheritance_does_not_imply_circularity: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/instance_creation_downwards: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/instantiate_tearoff: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/instantiate_tearoff_after_contravariance_check: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/instantiate_tearoff_of_call: TypeCheckError # Issue #31746
-inference/instantiate_tearoff: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/instantiate_to_bounds_generic_has_bound_defined_after transform: RuntimeError
-inference/instantiate_to_bounds_generic_has_bound_defined_after: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/instantiate_to_bounds_generic_has_bound_defined_before: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/instantiate_to_bounds_generic2_has_bound_defined_after: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/instantiate_to_bounds_generic2_has_bound_defined_before: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/instantiate_to_bounds_generic2_no_bound: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/instantiate_to_bounds_generic_has_bound_defined_after transform: RuntimeError
+inference/instantiate_to_bounds_generic_has_bound_defined_after: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/instantiate_to_bounds_generic_has_bound_defined_before: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/instantiate_to_bounds_invoke_constructor_no_bound: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/instantiate_to_bounds_invoke_constructor_type_args_exact: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/instantiate_to_bounds_not_generic: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
@@ -1064,18 +975,18 @@
 inference/lambda_return_type: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/lambda_void_context: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/list_literal_typed: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/list_literals: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/list_literals_can_infer_null_bottom: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/list_literals_top_level: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/list_literals: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/local_constructor_from_arguments: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/local_reference_upwards_local: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/local_return_and_yield: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/logical_or_promotion: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/map_literals: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/map_literals_can_infer_null: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/map_literals_top_level: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/map_literals: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/method_call_with_type_arguments_instance_method_identifier_sequence: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/method_call_with_type_arguments_instance_method: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/method_call_with_type_arguments_instance_method_identifier_sequence: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/method_call_with_type_arguments_static_method: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/method_call_with_type_arguments_top_level_function: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/mixin_inference_instantiate_to_bounds_1: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
@@ -1094,8 +1005,8 @@
 inference/non_inferrable_getter_setter: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/null_aware_method_invocation: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/null_aware_property_get: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/null_coalescing_operator_2: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/null_coalescing_operator: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/null_coalescing_operator_2: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/null_literal_should_not_infer_as_bottom: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/overloaded_int_operators: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/override_equals: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
@@ -1106,14 +1017,14 @@
 inference/promote_bounds: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/promote_from_logical_rhs: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/promotion_subtype_check: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/propagate_inference_to_field_in_class_dynamic_warnings: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/propagate_inference_to_field_in_class: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/propagate_inference_transitively: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/propagate_inference_to_field_in_class_dynamic_warnings: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/propagate_inference_transitively2: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/propagate_inference_transitively: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/propagate_variable_get: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/property_get_toplevel: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/property_set_bad_setter: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/property_set: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/property_set_bad_setter: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/recursive_generic_function: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/reference_to_typedef: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/refine_binary_expression_type_type_parameter_t_double: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
@@ -1127,26 +1038,26 @@
 inference/static_method_tear_off: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/string_literal: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/subexpressions_of_explicitly_typed_fields: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/super_index_set_substitution: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/super_index_set: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/super_initializer_substitution: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/super_index_set_substitution: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/super_initializer: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/super_method_invocation_substitution: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/super_initializer_substitution: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/super_method_invocation: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/super_method_invocation_substitution: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/super_property_get: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/super_property_get_invoke_function_typed: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/super_property_get_invoke_implicit_call: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/super_property_get_substitution: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/super_property_get_tearoff: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/super_property_get: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/super_property_set_substitution: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/switch_continue: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/symbol_literal: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/this_reference: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/top_level_return_and_yield: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/toplevel_inference_toplevel_var: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/try_catch: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/try_catch_finally: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/try_catch_promotion: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/try_catch: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/try_finally: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/type_cast: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/type_promotion_ignores_local_functions: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
@@ -1161,16 +1072,16 @@
 inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_constructor_call_explicit_type_param: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_constructor_call_implicit_type_param: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_constructor_call_no_type_param: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_function_call_explicit_dynamic_param: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_function_call_explicit_dynamic_param_via_expr1: TextSerializationFailure
 inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_function_call_explicit_dynamic_param_via_expr2: TextSerializationFailure
-inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_function_call_explicit_dynamic_param: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_function_call_explicit_type_param: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_function_call_explicit_type_param_via_expr1: TextSerializationFailure
 inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_function_call_explicit_type_param_via_expr2: TextSerializationFailure
-inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_function_call_explicit_type_param: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_function_call_implicit_type_param_via_expr: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_function_call_implicit_type_param: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_function_call_no_type_param_via_expr: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_function_call_implicit_type_param_via_expr: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_function_call_no_type_param: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_function_call_no_type_param_via_expr: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_in_list_dynamic: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_in_list_typed: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_in_list_untyped: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
@@ -1182,54 +1093,117 @@
 inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_method_call_implicit_type_param: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_method_call_no_type_param: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 inference/void_return_type_subtypes_dynamic: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/const_invocation: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/dependency_only_if_generic_method: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/dependency_only_if_overloaded: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/dependency_only_if_overloaded: TypeCheckError
+inference_new/do_loop: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/downwards_inference_inside_top_level: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/downwards_inference_inside_top_level_2: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/field_inference_circularity: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/for_each_identifier_downwards: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/for_each_invalid_iterable: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/for_each_outer_var_type: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/indexed_assign_combiner: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/infer_assign_to_implicit_this: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/infer_assign_to_implicit_this_upwards: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/infer_assign_to_index: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/infer_assign_to_index_full: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/infer_assign_to_index_set_vs_get: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/infer_assign_to_index_super: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/infer_assign_to_index_super_upwards: TypeCheckError
+inference_new/infer_assign_to_index_this: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/infer_assign_to_index_this_upwards: TypeCheckError
+inference_new/infer_assign_to_index_upwards: TypeCheckError
+inference_new/infer_assign_to_local: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/infer_assign_to_local_upwards: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/infer_assign_to_property: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/infer_assign_to_property_custom: TypeCheckError
+inference_new/infer_assign_to_property_full: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/infer_assign_to_property_null_aware: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/infer_assign_to_property_null_aware_upwards: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/infer_assign_to_property_super: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/infer_assign_to_property_super_upwards: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/infer_assign_to_property_upwards: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/infer_assign_to_ref: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/infer_assign_to_static: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/infer_assign_to_static_upwards: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/infer_field_getter_setter_mismatch: TextSerializationFailure
+inference_new/infer_field_override_accessors: TextSerializationFailure
+inference_new/infer_field_override_getter_overrides_setter: TextSerializationFailure
+inference_new/infer_field_override_setter_overrides_getter: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/infer_instance_accessor_ref: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/infer_instance_field_ref: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/infer_instance_field_ref_circular: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/infer_logical: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/infer_use_of_void: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/invalid_assignment_during_toplevel_inference: TypeCheckError
+inference_new/list_literals_can_infer_null_top_level: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/map_literals_can_infer_null_top_level: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/multiple_interface_inheritance: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/null_aware_property_get: TextSerializationFailure
+inference_new/property_assign_combiner: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/property_get_toplevel: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/static_assign_combiner: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/strongly_connected_component: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/strongly_connected_component: TypeCheckError
+inference_new/super_index_get: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/super_index_get_substitution: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/switch: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/top_level_field_depends_on_multiple_inheritance: ExpectationFileMismatch
+inference_new/top_level_field_depends_on_multiple_inheritance: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/unsafe_block_closure_inference_function_call_explicit_dynamic_param_via_expr2: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/unsafe_block_closure_inference_function_call_explicit_type_param_via_expr2: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/void_return_type_subtypes_dynamic: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+inference_new/while_loop: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/all_steps: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/body_generic_classes_from_dill: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-instantiate_to_bound/body_literal_list_with_generic_argument: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/body_literal_list: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+instantiate_to_bound/body_literal_list_with_generic_argument: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/body_literal_map: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/body_omitted_bound: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/body_super_bounded_type: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-instantiate_to_bound/body_typedef_literal_list_with_generic_argument: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/body_typedef_literal_list: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+instantiate_to_bound/body_typedef_literal_list_with_generic_argument: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/body_typedef_literal_map: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/body_typedef_omitted_bound: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/body_typedef_super_bounded_type: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-instantiate_to_bound/contravariant_dependence_in_literals: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/contravariant_dependence: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-instantiate_to_bound/contravariant_mutual_dependence_in_literals: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+instantiate_to_bound/contravariant_dependence_in_literals: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/contravariant_mutual_dependence: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-instantiate_to_bound/covariant_dependence_in_literals: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+instantiate_to_bound/contravariant_mutual_dependence_in_literals: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/covariant_dependence: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-instantiate_to_bound/covariant_mutual_dependence_in_literals: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+instantiate_to_bound/covariant_dependence_in_literals: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/covariant_mutual_dependence: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-instantiate_to_bound/dependence_in_literals: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+instantiate_to_bound/covariant_mutual_dependence_in_literals: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/dependence: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+instantiate_to_bound/dependence_in_literals: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/generic_classes_from_dill: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/inference_constrained_by_bound: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/inference_defaults_to_bound: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/inference_gives_input: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/inference_super_bounded_rejected: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/instantiated_in_outline: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-instantiate_to_bound/literal_list_with_generic_argument: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/literal_list: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+instantiate_to_bound/literal_list_with_generic_argument: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/literal_map: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/multiple_strongly_connected: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-instantiate_to_bound/mutual_dependence_in_literals: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/mutual_dependence: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+instantiate_to_bound/mutual_dependence_in_literals: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/non_simple_bound_due_to_non_simple: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/non_simple_bound_due_to_variables: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/non_simple_class_parametrized_typedef_cycle: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError # Expected
 instantiate_to_bound/non_simple_class_typedef_cycle: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+instantiate_to_bound/non_simple_co_inductive: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/non_simple_co_inductive_for_each: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/non_simple_co_inductive_no_dup: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-instantiate_to_bound/non_simple_co_inductive: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/non_simple_folded_regress: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/non_simple_for_each: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/non_simple_from_compiled: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/non_simple_generic_function_in_bound_regress: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError # Expected
-instantiate_to_bound/non_simple_many_libs_same_name_cycle_lib: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-instantiate_to_bound/non_simple_many_libs_same_name_cycle: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/non_simple_many: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+instantiate_to_bound/non_simple_many_libs_same_name_cycle: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+instantiate_to_bound/non_simple_many_libs_same_name_cycle_lib: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/non_simple_no_dup: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/non_simple_suppress_consequence: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/non_simple_variables_from_same: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
@@ -1239,8 +1213,8 @@
 instantiate_to_bound/super_bounded_type: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/supertypes: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/typedef_instantiated_in_outline: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-instantiate_to_bound/typedef_literal_list_with_generic_argument: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/typedef_literal_list: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+instantiate_to_bound/typedef_literal_list_with_generic_argument: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/typedef_literal_map: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/typedef_omitted_bound: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 instantiate_to_bound/typedef_raw_in_bound: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
@@ -1251,7 +1225,6 @@
 late_lowering/infer_from_late_variable: TextSerializationFailure
 late_lowering/infer_late_field_type: TextSerializationFailure
 late_lowering/initializer_rewrite: TextSerializationFailure
-late_lowering/injected_late_field_checks/main: TextSerializationFailure
 late_lowering/instance_field_with_initializer: TextSerializationFailure
 late_lowering/instance_field_without_initializer: TextSerializationFailure
 late_lowering/instance_final_field_without_initializer: TextSerializationFailure
@@ -1285,8 +1258,8 @@
 late_lowering/late_nullable_local_with_initializer: TextSerializationFailure
 late_lowering/late_nullable_local_without_initializer: TextSerializationFailure
 late_lowering/later: TextSerializationFailure
-late_lowering/override_getter_setter: TextSerializationFailure
 late_lowering/override: TextSerializationFailure
+late_lowering/override_getter_setter: TextSerializationFailure
 late_lowering/return_late: TextSerializationFailure
 late_lowering/uninitialized_non_nullable_late_fields: TextSerializationFailure
 new_const_insertion/simple: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
@@ -1301,8 +1274,8 @@
 nnbd/covariant_nnbd_top_merge: TextSerializationFailure
 nnbd/definite_assignment_and_completion: TextSerializationFailure
 nnbd/definitely_assigned: TextSerializationFailure
-nnbd/definitely_unassigned_late_local_variables: TextSerializationFailure
 nnbd/definitely_unassigned: TextSerializationFailure
+nnbd/definitely_unassigned_late_local_variables: TextSerializationFailure
 nnbd/demote_closure_types: TextSerializationFailure
 nnbd/export_from_opt_out: TextSerializationFailure
 nnbd/forbidden_supers: TextSerializationFailure
@@ -1320,10 +1293,7 @@
 nnbd/infer_method_types: TextSerializationFailure
 nnbd/inheritance_from_opt_in: TypeCheckError
 nnbd/inheritance_from_opt_out: TextSerializationFailure
-nnbd/injected_late_field_checks/main: TextSerializationFailure
 nnbd/intersection_types: TextSerializationFailure
-nnbd/issue_39286_2: TextSerializationFailure
-nnbd/issue_39286: TextSerializationFailure
 nnbd/issue39659: TextSerializationFailure
 nnbd/issue39822: TextSerializationFailure
 nnbd/issue40093: TextSerializationFailure
@@ -1340,6 +1310,14 @@
 nnbd/issue41210a/issue41210: TextSerializationFailure
 nnbd/issue41210b: TextSerializationFailure
 nnbd/issue41273: TextSerializationFailure
+nnbd/issue41496: TextSerializationFailure
+nnbd/issue41496b: TextSerializationFailure
+nnbd/issue41498: TextSerializationFailure
+nnbd/issue41498b: TextSerializationFailure
+nnbd/issue41499: TextSerializationFailure
+nnbd/issue41499b: TextSerializationFailure
+nnbd/issue_39286: TextSerializationFailure
+nnbd/issue_39286_2: TextSerializationFailure
 nnbd/late: TextSerializationFailure
 nnbd/later: TextSerializationFailure
 nnbd/lhs_of_if_null: TextSerializationFailure
@@ -1358,24 +1336,24 @@
 nnbd/never_bound: TextSerializationFailure
 nnbd/never_opt_out: TypeCheckError
 nnbd/never_receiver: TextSerializationFailure
-nnbd/nnbd_opt_out_language_version_try_to_trick: TextSerializationFailure
 nnbd/nnbd_opt_out_language_version: TextSerializationFailure
+nnbd/nnbd_opt_out_language_version_try_to_trick: TextSerializationFailure
+nnbd/no_null_shorting: TextSerializationFailure
 nnbd/no_null_shorting_explicit_extension: TextSerializationFailure
 nnbd/no_null_shorting_extension: TextSerializationFailure
-nnbd/no_null_shorting: TextSerializationFailure
 nnbd/non_nullable_field_initialization: TextSerializationFailure
 nnbd/non_nullable_optional: TextSerializationFailure
 nnbd/not_definitely_unassigned_late_local_variables: TextSerializationFailure
 nnbd/nsm_from_opt_in: TextSerializationFailure
 nnbd/null_access: TextSerializationFailure
 nnbd/null_aware_chain: TextSerializationFailure
-nnbd/null_check_context: TextSerializationFailure
 nnbd/null_check: TextSerializationFailure
+nnbd/null_check_context: TextSerializationFailure
+nnbd/null_shorting: TextSerializationFailure
 nnbd/null_shorting_cascade: TextSerializationFailure
 nnbd/null_shorting_explicit_extension: TextSerializationFailure
 nnbd/null_shorting_extension: TextSerializationFailure
 nnbd/null_shorting_index: TextSerializationFailure
-nnbd/null_shorting: TextSerializationFailure
 nnbd/nullable_access: TextSerializationFailure
 nnbd/nullable_null: TextSerializationFailure
 nnbd/nullable_object_access: TextSerializationFailure
@@ -1391,9 +1369,9 @@
 nnbd/potentially_constant_type_is: TextSerializationFailure
 nnbd/potentially_non_nullable_field: TextSerializationFailure
 nnbd/regress_null_aware: TextSerializationFailure
+nnbd/required: TextSerializationFailure
 nnbd/required_name_override: TextSerializationFailure
 nnbd/required_named_parameter: TextSerializationFailure
-nnbd/required: TextSerializationFailure
 nnbd/return_late: TextSerializationFailure
 nnbd/return_null: TextSerializationFailure
 nnbd/shorting_stop: TextSerializationFailure
@@ -1406,10 +1384,10 @@
 nnbd/tearoff_from_nullable_receiver: TextSerializationFailure
 nnbd/type_parameter_types: TextSerializationFailure
 nnbd/uninitialized_non_nullable_late_fields: TextSerializationFailure
+no_such_method_forwarders/abstract_accessors_from_field: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 no_such_method_forwarders/abstract_accessors_from_field_arent_mixed_in: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 no_such_method_forwarders/abstract_accessors_from_field_one_defined: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 no_such_method_forwarders/abstract_accessors_from_field_with_substitution: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-no_such_method_forwarders/abstract_accessors_from_field: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 no_such_method_forwarders/abstract_interface_nsm_inherited: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 no_such_method_forwarders/abstract_override_abstract_different_type: TextSerializationFailure
 no_such_method_forwarders/abstract_override_with_different_signature: TextSerializationFailure
@@ -1421,26 +1399,27 @@
 no_such_method_forwarders/interface_with_concrete: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 no_such_method_forwarders/interface_with_nsm: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 no_such_method_forwarders/multiple_abstract_setters: TextSerializationFailure
-no_such_method_forwarders/no_forwarders_for_abstract_classes_chain: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 no_such_method_forwarders/no_forwarders_for_abstract_classes: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+no_such_method_forwarders/no_forwarders_for_abstract_classes_chain: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 no_such_method_forwarders/nsm_inherited: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 no_such_method_forwarders/nsm_mixed_in: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+no_such_method_forwarders/private: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 no_such_method_forwarders/private_module: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 no_such_method_forwarders/private_same: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-no_such_method_forwarders/private: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 no_such_method_forwarders/same: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 no_such_method_forwarders/setter_not_shadowed_by_method: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 no_such_method_forwarders/subst_on_forwarder: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+nonfunction_type_aliases/issue41501: TextSerializationFailure
 rasta/abstract_constructor: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
 rasta/bad_constructor_redirection: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
 rasta/bad_continue: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
 rasta/bad_default_constructor: TextSerializationFailure
 rasta/bad_explicit_super_constructor: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
 rasta/bad_implicit_super_constructor: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
+rasta/bad_interpolation: RuntimeError
 rasta/bad_interpolation: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
 rasta/bad_redirection: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
 rasta/bad_setter_initializer: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
-rasta/bad_unicode: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 rasta/breaking_bad: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
 rasta/cascades: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 rasta/class_hierarchy: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
@@ -1450,13 +1429,13 @@
 rasta/deferred_load: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 rasta/duplicated_mixin: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError # Expected, this file has no main method.
 rasta/enum: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+rasta/export: RuntimeError
 rasta/export: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError # Expected, this file has no main method.
 rasta/external_factory_redirection: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+rasta/foo: RuntimeError
 rasta/foo: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError # Expected, this file has no main method.
 rasta/for_loop: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 rasta/generic_factory: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
-rasta/hello: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-rasta/import_export: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 rasta/issue_000001: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
 rasta/issue_000002: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 rasta/issue_000004: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
@@ -1469,19 +1448,17 @@
 rasta/issue_000026: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 rasta/issue_000031: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
 rasta/issue_000032: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
-rasta/issue_000033: TextSerializationFailure
 rasta/issue_000034: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
 rasta/issue_000035: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 rasta/issue_000035a: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+rasta/issue_000036: RuntimeError
 rasta/issue_000036: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
 rasta/issue_000039: TextSerializationFailure
 rasta/issue_000041: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
 rasta/issue_000042: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
 rasta/issue_000043: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
 rasta/issue_000044: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
-rasta/issue_000045: TextSerializationFailure
 rasta/issue_000046: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
-rasta/issue_000047: TextSerializationFailure
 rasta/issue_000048: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 rasta/issue_000052: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 rasta/issue_000053: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
@@ -1492,18 +1469,19 @@
 rasta/issue_000080: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 rasta/issue_000081: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
 rasta/malformed_const_constructor: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
-rasta/malformed_function_type: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+rasta/malformed_function: RuntimeError
 rasta/malformed_function: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
+rasta/malformed_function_type: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 rasta/mandatory_parameter_initializer: TextSerializationFailure
 rasta/mixin_library: TypeCheckError
 rasta/native_is_illegal: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
 rasta/parser_error: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
 rasta/previsit_deferred: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 rasta/static: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
+rasta/super: TypeCheckError
 rasta/super_initializer: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
 rasta/super_mixin: TypeCheckError
 rasta/super_operator: TypeCheckError
-rasta/super: TypeCheckError
 rasta/supports_reflection: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 rasta/switch_execution_case_t02: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 rasta/switch_fall_through: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
@@ -1511,22 +1489,21 @@
 rasta/try_label: TextSerializationFailure
 rasta/type_literals: TextSerializationFailure
 rasta/type_with_parse_error: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+rasta/typedef: RuntimeError
 rasta/typedef: TextSerializationFailure
+rasta/unresolved: RuntimeError
+rasta/unresolved: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
 rasta/unresolved_constructor: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
 rasta/unresolved_for_in: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
 rasta/unresolved_recovery: TypeCheckError
-rasta/unresolved: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
-rasta/unsupported_platform_library: TextSerializationFailure
 regress/issue_29937: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 regress/issue_29940: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 regress/issue_29941: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 regress/issue_29942: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-regress/issue_29943: TextSerializationFailure
 regress/issue_29944: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 regress/issue_29945: TextSerializationFailure
-regress/issue_29975: TextSerializationFailure
+regress/issue_29976: RuntimeError
 regress/issue_29976: TextSerializationFailure # Was:  RuntimeError # Tests runtime behavior of error recovery.
-regress/issue_29977: TextSerializationFailure
 regress/issue_29978: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 regress/issue_29979: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 regress/issue_29980: TextSerializationFailure
@@ -1534,25 +1511,17 @@
 regress/issue_29982: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError # Tests runtime behavior of error recovery.
 regress/issue_29983: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 regress/issue_29984: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-regress/issue_29985: TextSerializationFailure
 regress/issue_29986: TextSerializationFailure
-regress/issue_29987: TextSerializationFailure
 regress/issue_30834: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 regress/issue_30836: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError # Issue 30836.
 regress/issue_30838: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 regress/issue_30981: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-regress/issue_30994: TextSerializationFailure
 regress/issue_31155: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-regress/issue_31157: TextSerializationFailure
 regress/issue_31171: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-regress/issue_31180: TextSerializationFailure
 regress/issue_31181: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 regress/issue_31183: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 regress/issue_31184: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 regress/issue_31185: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-regress/issue_31186: TextSerializationFailure
-regress/issue_31187: TextSerializationFailure
-regress/issue_31188: TextSerializationFailure
 regress/issue_31190: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 regress/issue_31192: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 regress/issue_31198: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
@@ -1569,12 +1538,12 @@
 regress/issue_33452: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError # Test has an intentional error
 regress/issue_33672: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 regress/issue_34225: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
-regress/issue_34291_lib: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 regress/issue_34291: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-regress/issue_34403_lib: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+regress/issue_34291_lib: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 regress/issue_34403: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-regress/issue_34498_lib: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+regress/issue_34403_lib: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 regress/issue_34498: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+regress/issue_34498_lib: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 regress/issue_34563: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError # Test execution after recovery
 regress/issue_34610: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 regress/issue_34614: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
@@ -1589,18 +1558,64 @@
 regress/issue_35266: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError # Expected
 regress/issue_35900: TextSerializationFailure
 regress/issue_36400: TextSerializationFailure
-regress/issue_36647_2: TextSerializationFailure
 regress/issue_36647: TextSerializationFailure
+regress/issue_36647_2: TextSerializationFailure
 regress/issue_36669: TextSerializationFailure
 regress/issue_36793: TextSerializationFailure
 regress/issue_37285: TextSerializationFailure
 regress/issue_37681: TextSerializationFailure
+regress/issue_39035.crash: RuntimeError
 regress/issue_39035.crash: TextSerializationFailure
 regress/issue_39040: TextSerializationFailure
 regress/issue_39091_1: RuntimeError
+regress/issue_39091_2: RuntimeError
 regress/issue_39091_2: TextSerializationFailure
 regress/issue_39682: TextSerializationFailure
 regress/issue_41265.crash: TextSerializationFailure
+runtime_checks/call_kinds: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks/call_kinds_get: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks/call_kinds_set: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks/call_method_implicit_tear_off: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks/call_method_implicit_tear_off_future_or: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks/contravariant_field: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks/contravariant_generic_method_type_parameter: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks/contravariant_generic_return: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks/contravariant_generic_return_null_aware: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks/contravariant_generic_return_tear_off: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks/contravariant_getter: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks/contravariant_getter_return: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks/contravariant_getter_return_null_aware: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks/covariant_generic_method_type_parameter: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks/covariant_generic_parameter: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks/covariant_generic_parameter_complex: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks/covariant_generic_parameter_in_interface: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks/covariant_generic_parameter_in_interface_mixin: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks/covariant_generic_parameter_in_interface_super: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks/covariant_generic_parameter_in_interface_super_mixin: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks/covariant_generic_parameter_tear_off: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks/covariant_keyword: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks/covariant_keyword_field: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks/covariant_keyword_field_inherited_by_setter: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks/covariant_keyword_setter: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks/covariant_keyword_setter_inherited_by_field: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks/covariant_setter: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks/dynamic_invocation: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks/dynamic_invocation_generic: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks/dynamic_invocation_of_getter: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks/field_forwarding_stub_generic_covariant: ExpectationFileMismatch
+runtime_checks/field_forwarding_stub_generic_covariant: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks/forwarding_stub_with_default_values: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks/forwarding_stub_with_non_covariant_param: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks/generic_covariance_inheritance_setter_field: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks/generic_vs_explicit_covariance: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks/implicit_downcast_assert_initializer: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks/implicit_downcast_assert_statement: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks/implicit_downcast_constructor_initializer: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks/implicit_downcast_do: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks/implicit_downcast_for_condition: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks/implicit_downcast_if: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks/implicit_downcast_not: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks/implicit_downcast_while: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 runtime_checks_new/abstract_override_becomes_forwarding_stub: ExpectationFileMismatch
 runtime_checks_new/abstract_override_becomes_forwarding_stub: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 runtime_checks_new/call_through_this: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
@@ -1623,56 +1638,12 @@
 runtime_checks_new/mixin_forwarding_stub_setter: TypeCheckError
 runtime_checks_new/stub_checked_via_target: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 runtime_checks_new/stub_from_interface_contravariant_from_class: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks_new/stub_from_interface_covariant_from_interface: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks_new/stub_from_interface_covariant_from_super: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 runtime_checks_new/stub_from_interface_covariantImpl_from_class: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 runtime_checks_new/stub_from_interface_covariantImpl_from_interface: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 runtime_checks_new/stub_from_interface_covariantImpl_from_super: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 runtime_checks_new/stub_from_interface_covariantInterface_from_class: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks/call_kinds_get: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks/call_kinds_set: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks/call_kinds: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks/call_method_implicit_tear_off_future_or: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks/call_method_implicit_tear_off: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks/contravariant_field: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks/contravariant_generic_method_type_parameter: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks/contravariant_generic_return_null_aware: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks/contravariant_generic_return_tear_off: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks/contravariant_generic_return: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks/contravariant_getter_return_null_aware: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks/contravariant_getter_return: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks/contravariant_getter: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks/covariant_generic_method_type_parameter: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks/covariant_generic_parameter_complex: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks/covariant_generic_parameter_in_interface_mixin: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks/covariant_generic_parameter_in_interface_super_mixin: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks/covariant_generic_parameter_in_interface_super: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks/covariant_generic_parameter_in_interface: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks/covariant_generic_parameter_tear_off: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks/covariant_generic_parameter: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks/covariant_keyword_field_inherited_by_setter: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks/covariant_keyword_field: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks/covariant_keyword_setter_inherited_by_field: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks/covariant_keyword_setter: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks/covariant_keyword: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks/covariant_setter: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks/dynamic_invocation_generic: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks/dynamic_invocation_of_getter: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks/dynamic_invocation: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks/field_forwarding_stub_generic_covariant: ExpectationFileMismatch
-runtime_checks/field_forwarding_stub_generic_covariant: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks/forwarding_stub_with_default_values: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks/forwarding_stub_with_non_covariant_param: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks/generic_covariance_inheritance_setter_field: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks/generic_vs_explicit_covariance: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks/implicit_downcast_assert_initializer: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks/implicit_downcast_assert_statement: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks/implicit_downcast_constructor_initializer: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks/implicit_downcast_do: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks/implicit_downcast_for_condition: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks/implicit_downcast_if: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks/implicit_downcast_not: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
-runtime_checks/implicit_downcast_while: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks_new/stub_from_interface_covariant_from_interface: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
+runtime_checks_new/stub_from_interface_covariant_from_super: TextSerializationFailure # Was: Pass
 set_literals/disambiguation_rule: TextSerializationFailure # Was: RuntimeError
 top_level_variance_test: TextSerializationFailure
 triple_shift/invalid_operator: TextSerializationFailure
diff --git a/pkg/kernel/lib/ast.dart b/pkg/kernel/lib/ast.dart
index e51b0a8..8ee02d2 100644
--- a/pkg/kernel/lib/ast.dart
+++ b/pkg/kernel/lib/ast.dart
@@ -8454,6 +8454,8 @@
     return _mode ?? NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode.Disabled;
+  NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode get modeRaw => _mode;
       {CanonicalName nameRoot,
       List<Library> libraries,
diff --git a/pkg/kernel/lib/binary/ast_from_binary.dart b/pkg/kernel/lib/binary/ast_from_binary.dart
index 12a494a..941c5d5 100644
--- a/pkg/kernel/lib/binary/ast_from_binary.dart
+++ b/pkg/kernel/lib/binary/ast_from_binary.dart
@@ -34,6 +34,12 @@
+class CompilationModeError {
+  final String message;
+  CompilationModeError(this.message);
 class CanonicalNameError {
   final String message;
@@ -679,10 +685,22 @@
     // Read component index from the end of this ComponentFiles serialized data.
     _ComponentIndex index = _readComponentIndex(componentFileSize);
     if (compilationMode == null) {
+      compilationMode = component.modeRaw;
+    }
+    if (compilationMode == null) {
       compilationMode = index.compiledMode;
     } else if (compilationMode != index.compiledMode) {
-      throw fail("Mixed compilation mode found: $compilationMode "
-          "and ${index.compiledMode}.");
+      if (compilationMode == NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode.Agnostic) {
+        compilationMode = index.compiledMode;
+      } else if (index.compiledMode ==
+          NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode.Agnostic) {
+        // Keep as-is.
+      } else {
+        // Mixed mode where agnostic isn't involved.
+        throw new CompilationModeError(
+            "Mixed compilation mode found: $compilationMode "
+            "and ${index.compiledMode}.");
+      }
     _byteOffset = index.binaryOffsetForStringTable;
@@ -722,7 +740,7 @@
     Reference mainMethod =
         getMemberReferenceFromInt(index.mainMethodReference, allowNull: true);
-    component.setMainMethodAndMode(mainMethod, false, index.compiledMode);
+    component.setMainMethodAndMode(mainMethod, false, compilationMode);
     _byteOffset = _componentStartOffset + componentFileSize;
diff --git a/pkg/kernel/lib/text/serializer_combinators.dart b/pkg/kernel/lib/text/serializer_combinators.dart
index 45de839..9a2dda6 100644
--- a/pkg/kernel/lib/text/serializer_combinators.dart
+++ b/pkg/kernel/lib/text/serializer_combinators.dart
@@ -205,14 +205,21 @@
 // A tagged union of serializer/deserializers.
 class Case<T extends Node> extends TextSerializer<T> {
   final Tagger<T> tagger;
-  final List<String> tags;
-  final List<TextSerializer<T>> serializers;
+  final List<String> _tags;
+  final List<TextSerializer<T>> _serializers;
-  const Case(this.tagger, this.tags, this.serializers);
+  Case(this.tagger, Map<String, TextSerializer<T>> tagsAndSerializers)
+      : _tags = tagsAndSerializers.keys.toList(),
+        _serializers = tagsAndSerializers.values.toList();
-      : tags = [],
-        serializers = [];
+      : _tags = [],
+        _serializers = [];
+  void registerTags(Map<String, TextSerializer<T>> tagsAndSerializers) {
+    _tags.addAll(tagsAndSerializers.keys);
+    _serializers.addAll(tagsAndSerializers.values);
+  }
   T readFrom(Iterator<Object> stream, DeserializationState state) {
     if (stream.current is! Iterator) {
@@ -224,10 +231,10 @@
       throw StateError("expected atom, found list");
     String tag = nested.current;
-    for (int i = 0; i < tags.length; ++i) {
-      if (tags[i] == tag) {
+    for (int i = 0; i < _tags.length; ++i) {
+      if (_tags[i] == tag) {
-        T result = serializers[i].readFrom(nested, state);
+        T result = _serializers[i].readFrom(nested, state);
         if (nested.moveNext()) {
           throw StateError("extra cruft in tagged '${tag}'");
@@ -240,18 +247,18 @@
   void writeTo(StringBuffer buffer, T object, SerializationState state) {
     String tag = tagger.tag(object);
-    for (int i = 0; i < tags.length; ++i) {
-      if (tags[i] == tag) {
+    for (int i = 0; i < _tags.length; ++i) {
+      if (_tags[i] == tag) {
-        if (!serializers[i].isEmpty) {
+        if (!_serializers[i].isEmpty) {
           buffer.write(" ");
-        serializers[i].writeTo(buffer, object, state);
+        _serializers[i].writeTo(buffer, object, state);
-    throw StateError("unrecognized tag '${tag}");
+    throw StateError("unrecognized tag '${tag}'");
diff --git a/pkg/kernel/lib/text/text_serialization_verifier.dart b/pkg/kernel/lib/text/text_serialization_verifier.dart
index 4b7eff8..ead78e9 100644
--- a/pkg/kernel/lib/text/text_serialization_verifier.dart
+++ b/pkg/kernel/lib/text/text_serialization_verifier.dart
@@ -61,11 +61,18 @@
   final List<TextSerializationVerificationFailure> failures =
+  final CanonicalName root;
   Uri lastSeenUri = noUri;
   int lastSeenOffset = noOffset;
-  TextSerializationVerifier() {
+  static const bool showStackTrace = bool.fromEnvironment(
+      "text_serialization.showStackTrace",
+      defaultValue: false);
+  TextSerializationVerifier({CanonicalName root})
+      : root = root ?? new CanonicalName.root() {
@@ -85,16 +92,23 @@
     T result;
     try {
-      result = serializer.readFrom(
-          stream, new DeserializationState(null, new CanonicalName.root()));
-    } catch (exception) {
-      failures.add(
-          new TextDeserializationFailure(exception.toString(), uri, offset));
+      result =
+          serializer.readFrom(stream, new DeserializationState(null, root));
+    } catch (exception, stackTrace) {
+      String message =
+          showStackTrace ? "${exception}\n${stackTrace}" : "${exception}";
+      failures.add(new TextDeserializationFailure(message, uri, offset));
     if (stream.moveNext()) {
       failures.add(new TextDeserializationFailure(
           "unexpected trailing text", uri, offset));
+    if (result == null) {
+      failures.add(new TextDeserializationFailure(
+          "Deserialization of the following returned null: '${input}'",
+          uri,
+          offset));
+    }
     return result;
@@ -103,9 +117,10 @@
     StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
     try {
       serializer.writeTo(buffer, node, new SerializationState(null));
-    } catch (exception) {
-      failures
-          .add(new TextSerializationFailure(exception.toString(), uri, offset));
+    } catch (exception, stackTrace) {
+      String message =
+          showStackTrace ? "${exception}\n${stackTrace}" : "${exception}";
+      failures.add(new TextSerializationFailure(message, uri, offset));
     return buffer.toString();
@@ -124,6 +139,9 @@
     // Do the round trip.
     Expression deserialized =
         readNode(initial, expressionSerializer, uri, offset);
+    // The error is reported elsewhere for the case of null.
+    if (deserialized == null) return;
     String serialized =
         writeNode(deserialized, expressionSerializer, uri, offset);
@@ -140,6 +158,9 @@
     // Do the round trip.
     DartType deserialized = readNode(initial, dartTypeSerializer, uri, offset);
+    // The error is reported elsewhere for the case of null.
+    if (deserialized == null) return;
     String serialized =
         writeNode(deserialized, dartTypeSerializer, uri, offset);
@@ -162,8 +183,11 @@
     // Do the round trip.
     Statement deserialized =
         readNode(initial, statementSerializer, uri, offset);
+    // The error is reported elsewhere for the case of null.
+    if (deserialized == null) return;
     String serialized =
-        writeNode(deserialized, expressionSerializer, uri, offset);
+        writeNode(deserialized, statementSerializer, uri, offset);
     if (initial != serialized) {
       failures.add(new TextRoundTripFailure(initial, serialized, uri, offset));
@@ -758,7 +782,7 @@
   void visitBlock(Block node) {
-    makeStatementRoundTrip(node);
+    node.visitChildren(this);
diff --git a/pkg/kernel/lib/text/text_serializer.dart b/pkg/kernel/lib/text/text_serializer.dart
index 633e8c6..02dd86e 100644
--- a/pkg/kernel/lib/text/text_serializer.dart
+++ b/pkg/kernel/lib/text/text_serializer.dart
@@ -40,13 +40,8 @@
   throw UnimplementedError('deserialization of private names');
-const TextSerializer<Name> nameSerializer = const Case(const NameTagger(), [
-  "public",
-  "private",
-], [
-  publicName,
-  privateName
+TextSerializer<Name> nameSerializer = new Case(
+    const NameTagger(), {"public": publicName, "private": privateName});
 class ExpressionTagger extends ExpressionVisitor<String>
     implements Tagger<Expression> {
@@ -440,8 +435,8 @@
   return new PropertySet(tuple.first, tuple.second, tuple.third);
-const TextSerializer<SuperPropertyGet> superPropertyGetSerializer =
-    const Wrapped(unwrapSuperPropertyGet, wrapSuperPropertyGet, nameSerializer);
+TextSerializer<SuperPropertyGet> superPropertyGetSerializer =
+    new Wrapped(unwrapSuperPropertyGet, wrapSuperPropertyGet, nameSerializer);
 Name unwrapSuperPropertyGet(SuperPropertyGet expression) {
@@ -822,15 +817,11 @@
 TextSerializer<VariableDeclaration> variableDeclarationSerializer =
-    new Case(const VariableDeclarationTagger(), [
-  "var",
-  "final",
-  "const",
-], [
-  varDeclarationSerializer,
-  finalDeclarationSerializer,
-  constDeclarationSerializer,
+    new Case(const VariableDeclarationTagger(), {
+  "var": varDeclarationSerializer,
+  "final": finalDeclarationSerializer,
+  "const": constDeclarationSerializer,
 const TextSerializer<TypeParameter> typeParameterSerializer =
     const Wrapped(unwrapTypeParameter, wrapTypeParameter, const DartString());
@@ -1285,141 +1276,74 @@
 Case<Library> librarySerializer = new Case.uninitialized(const LibraryTagger());
 void initializeSerializers() {
-  expressionSerializer.tags.addAll([
-    "string",
-    "int",
-    "double",
-    "bool",
-    "null",
-    "invalid",
-    "not",
-    "&&",
-    "||",
-    "concat",
-    "symbol",
-    "this",
-    "rethrow",
-    "throw",
-    "await",
-    "cond",
-    "is",
-    "as",
-    "type",
-    "list",
-    "const-list",
-    "set",
-    "const-set",
-    "map",
-    "const-map",
-    "let",
-    "get-prop",
-    "set-prop",
-    "get-super",
-    "set-super",
-    "invoke-method",
-    "invoke-super",
-    "get-var",
-    "set-var",
-    "get-static",
-    "set-static",
-    "get-direct-prop",
-    "set-direct-prop",
-    "invoke-static",
-    "invoke-const-static",
-    "invoke-direct-method",
-    "invoke-constructor",
-    "invoke-const-constructor",
-    "fun",
-  ]);
-  expressionSerializer.serializers.addAll([
-    stringLiteralSerializer,
-    intLiteralSerializer,
-    doubleLiteralSerializer,
-    boolLiteralSerializer,
-    nullLiteralSerializer,
-    invalidExpressionSerializer,
-    notSerializer,
-    logicalAndSerializer,
-    logicalOrSerializer,
-    stringConcatenationSerializer,
-    symbolLiteralSerializer,
-    thisExpressionSerializer,
-    rethrowSerializer,
-    throwSerializer,
-    awaitExpressionSerializer,
-    conditionalExpressionSerializer,
-    isExpressionSerializer,
-    asExpressionSerializer,
-    typeLiteralSerializer,
-    listLiteralSerializer,
-    constListLiteralSerializer,
-    setLiteralSerializer,
-    constSetLiteralSerializer,
-    mapLiteralSerializer,
-    constMapLiteralSerializer,
-    letSerializer,
-    propertyGetSerializer,
-    propertySetSerializer,
-    superPropertyGetSerializer,
-    superPropertySetSerializer,
-    methodInvocationSerializer,
-    superMethodInvocationSerializer,
-    variableGetSerializer,
-    variableSetSerializer,
-    staticGetSerializer,
-    staticSetSerializer,
-    directPropertyGetSerializer,
-    directPropertySetSerializer,
-    staticInvocationSerializer,
-    constStaticInvocationSerializer,
-    directMethodInvocationSerializer,
-    constructorInvocationSerializer,
-    constConstructorInvocationSerializer,
-    functionExpressionSerializer,
-  ]);
-  dartTypeSerializer.tags.addAll([
-    "invalid",
-    "dynamic",
-    "void",
-    "bottom",
-    "->",
-    "par",
-  ]);
-  dartTypeSerializer.serializers.addAll([
-    invalidTypeSerializer,
-    dynamicTypeSerializer,
-    voidTypeSerializer,
-    bottomTypeSerializer,
-    functionTypeSerializer,
-    typeParameterTypeSerializer,
-  ]);
-  statementSerializer.tags.addAll([
-    "expr",
-    "ret",
-  ]);
-  statementSerializer.serializers.addAll([
-    expressionStatementSerializer,
-    returnStatementSerializer,
-  ]);
-  functionNodeSerializer.tags.addAll([
-    "sync",
-    "async",
-    "sync-star",
-    "async-star",
-    "sync-yielding",
-  ]);
-  functionNodeSerializer.serializers.addAll([
-    syncFunctionNodeSerializer,
-    asyncFunctionNodeSerializer,
-    syncStarFunctionNodeSerializer,
-    asyncStarFunctionNodeSerializer,
-    syncYieldingStarFunctionNodeSerializer,
-  ]);
-  procedureSerializer.tags.addAll(["static-method"]);
-  procedureSerializer.serializers.addAll([staticMethodSerializer]);
-  librarySerializer.tags.addAll(["legacy", "null-safe"]);
-  librarySerializer.serializers.addAll([
-    libraryContentsSerializer,
-    libraryContentsSerializer,
-  ]);
+  expressionSerializer.registerTags({
+    "string": stringLiteralSerializer,
+    "int": intLiteralSerializer,
+    "double": doubleLiteralSerializer,
+    "bool": boolLiteralSerializer,
+    "null": nullLiteralSerializer,
+    "invalid": invalidExpressionSerializer,
+    "not": notSerializer,
+    "&&": logicalAndSerializer,
+    "||": logicalOrSerializer,
+    "concat": stringConcatenationSerializer,
+    "symbol": symbolLiteralSerializer,
+    "this": thisExpressionSerializer,
+    "rethrow": rethrowSerializer,
+    "throw": throwSerializer,
+    "await": awaitExpressionSerializer,
+    "cond": conditionalExpressionSerializer,
+    "is": isExpressionSerializer,
+    "as": asExpressionSerializer,
+    "type": typeLiteralSerializer,
+    "list": listLiteralSerializer,
+    "const-list": constListLiteralSerializer,
+    "set": setLiteralSerializer,
+    "const-set": constSetLiteralSerializer,
+    "map": mapLiteralSerializer,
+    "const-map": constMapLiteralSerializer,
+    "let": letSerializer,
+    "get-prop": propertyGetSerializer,
+    "set-prop": propertySetSerializer,
+    "get-super": superPropertyGetSerializer,
+    "set-super": superPropertySetSerializer,
+    "invoke-method": methodInvocationSerializer,
+    "invoke-super": superMethodInvocationSerializer,
+    "get-var": variableGetSerializer,
+    "set-var": variableSetSerializer,
+    "get-static": staticGetSerializer,
+    "set-static": staticSetSerializer,
+    "get-direct-prop": directPropertyGetSerializer,
+    "set-direct-prop": directPropertySetSerializer,
+    "invoke-static": staticInvocationSerializer,
+    "invoke-const-static": constStaticInvocationSerializer,
+    "invoke-direct-method": directMethodInvocationSerializer,
+    "invoke-constructor": constructorInvocationSerializer,
+    "invoke-const-constructor": constConstructorInvocationSerializer,
+    "fun": functionExpressionSerializer,
+  });
+  dartTypeSerializer.registerTags({
+    "invalid": invalidTypeSerializer,
+    "dynamic": dynamicTypeSerializer,
+    "void": voidTypeSerializer,
+    "bottom": bottomTypeSerializer,
+    "->": functionTypeSerializer,
+    "par": typeParameterTypeSerializer,
+  });
+  statementSerializer.registerTags({
+    "expr": expressionStatementSerializer,
+    "ret": returnStatementSerializer,
+  });
+  functionNodeSerializer.registerTags({
+    "sync": syncFunctionNodeSerializer,
+    "async": asyncFunctionNodeSerializer,
+    "sync-star": syncStarFunctionNodeSerializer,
+    "async-star": asyncStarFunctionNodeSerializer,
+    "sync-yielding": syncYieldingStarFunctionNodeSerializer,
+  });
+  procedureSerializer.registerTags({"static-method": staticMethodSerializer});
+  librarySerializer.registerTags({
+    "legacy": libraryContentsSerializer,
+    "null-safe": libraryContentsSerializer,
+  });
diff --git a/pkg/kernel/test/binary/component_mode_test.dart b/pkg/kernel/test/binary/component_mode_test.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d30c99d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/kernel/test/binary/component_mode_test.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+import 'package:kernel/binary/ast_from_binary.dart';
+import 'utils.dart';
+main() {
+  setCompileMode(Component c, NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode mode) {
+    c.setMainMethodAndMode(null, true, mode);
+  }
+  verifyMode(Component c, NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode mode) {
+    if (c.mode != mode) {
+      throw "Serialized and re-read component had change in mode: "
+          "Expected $mode got ${c.mode}.";
+    }
+  }
+  const List<NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode> modes = const [
+    NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode.Disabled,
+    NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode.Weak,
+    NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode.Strong,
+    NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode.Agnostic,
+  ];
+  int combination = 0;
+  for (NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode c1Mode in modes) {
+    for (NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode c2Mode in modes) {
+      combination++;
+      print("Checking combination #$combination ("
+          "c1Mode: $c1Mode; "
+          "c2Mode: $c2Mode; "
+          ")");
+      // Try individually.
+      List<int> c1Serialized;
+      {
+        Library lib1 = new Library(Uri.parse("foo://bar.dart"));
+        Component c1 = new Component(libraries: [lib1]);
+        setCompileMode(c1, c1Mode);
+        c1Serialized = serializeComponent(c1);
+        Component c1RoundTrip = loadComponentFromBytes(c1Serialized);
+        verifyMode(c1RoundTrip, c1Mode);
+      }
+      List<int> c2Serialized;
+      {
+        Library lib2 = new Library(Uri.parse("foo://baz.dart"));
+        Component c2 = new Component(libraries: [lib2]);
+        setCompileMode(c2, c2Mode);
+        c2Serialized = serializeComponent(c2);
+        Component c2RoundTrip = loadComponentFromBytes(c2Serialized);
+        verifyMode(c2RoundTrip, c2Mode);
+      }
+      // Try with combined binary.
+      try {
+        List<int> combined = [];
+        combined.addAll(c1Serialized);
+        combined.addAll(c2Serialized);
+        Component combinedRoundTrip = loadComponentFromBytes(combined);
+        verifyMode(combinedRoundTrip, verifyOK(c1Mode, c2Mode));
+        print(" -> OK with $c1Mode and $c2Mode");
+      } on CompilationModeError catch (e) {
+        print(" -> Got $e with $c1Mode and $c2Mode");
+        verifyError(c1Mode, c2Mode);
+      }
+      // Try other order.
+      try {
+        List<int> combined = [];
+        combined.addAll(c2Serialized);
+        combined.addAll(c1Serialized);
+        Component combinedRoundTrip = loadComponentFromBytes(combined);
+        verifyMode(combinedRoundTrip, verifyOK(c1Mode, c2Mode));
+        print(" -> OK with $c1Mode and $c2Mode");
+      } on CompilationModeError catch (e) {
+        print(" -> Got $e with $c1Mode and $c2Mode");
+        verifyError(c1Mode, c2Mode);
+      }
+      // Try with individual binary, but loaded into same component.
+      try {
+        Component combinedRoundTrip = loadComponentFromBytes(c1Serialized);
+        combinedRoundTrip =
+            loadComponentFromBytes(c2Serialized, combinedRoundTrip);
+        verifyMode(combinedRoundTrip, verifyOK(c1Mode, c2Mode));
+        print(" -> OK with $c1Mode and $c2Mode");
+      } on CompilationModeError catch (e) {
+        print(" -> Got $e with $c1Mode and $c2Mode");
+        verifyError(c1Mode, c2Mode);
+      }
+      // Try other order.
+      try {
+        Component combinedRoundTrip = loadComponentFromBytes(c2Serialized);
+        combinedRoundTrip =
+            loadComponentFromBytes(c1Serialized, combinedRoundTrip);
+        verifyMode(combinedRoundTrip, verifyOK(c1Mode, c2Mode));
+        print(" -> OK with $c1Mode and $c2Mode");
+      } on CompilationModeError catch (e) {
+        print(" -> Got $e with $c1Mode and $c2Mode");
+        verifyError(c1Mode, c2Mode);
+      }
+      // Try with individual binary, but loaded into same component where
+      // component initially does not have a mode.
+      try {
+        Component combinedRoundTrip = new Component();
+        combinedRoundTrip =
+            loadComponentFromBytes(c1Serialized, combinedRoundTrip);
+        combinedRoundTrip =
+            loadComponentFromBytes(c2Serialized, combinedRoundTrip);
+        verifyMode(combinedRoundTrip, verifyOK(c1Mode, c2Mode));
+        print(" -> OK with $c1Mode and $c2Mode");
+      } on CompilationModeError catch (e) {
+        print(" -> Got $e with $c1Mode and $c2Mode");
+        verifyError(c1Mode, c2Mode);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  print("Done: Everything looks good.");
+bool isOK(NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode c1Mode,
+    NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode c2Mode) {
+  if (c1Mode == c2Mode) return true;
+  if (c1Mode == NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode.Agnostic) return true;
+  if (c2Mode == NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode.Agnostic) return true;
+  return false;
+NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode verifyOK(
+    NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode c1Mode,
+    NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode c2Mode) {
+  if (isOK(c1Mode, c2Mode)) {
+    if (c1Mode == NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode.Agnostic) return c2Mode;
+    return c1Mode;
+  }
+  throw "Not OK combination: $c1Mode and $c2Mode";
+void verifyError(NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode c1Mode,
+    NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode c2Mode) {
+  if (isOK(c1Mode, c2Mode)) {
+    throw "Unexpected error for $c1Mode and $c2Mode";
+  }
diff --git a/pkg/kernel/test/binary/utils.dart b/pkg/kernel/test/binary/utils.dart
index 28bf4be..801f322 100644
--- a/pkg/kernel/test/binary/utils.dart
+++ b/pkg/kernel/test/binary/utils.dart
@@ -14,12 +14,16 @@
 List<Library> serializationRoundTrip(List<Library> libraries) {
   Component c = new Component(libraries: libraries);
+  List<int> bytes = serializeComponent(c);
+  Component c2 = loadComponentFromBytes(bytes);
+  return c2.libraries;
+List<int> serializeComponent(Component c) {
   ByteSink byteSink = new ByteSink();
   BinaryPrinter printer = new BinaryPrinter(byteSink);
-  List<int> bytes = byteSink.builder.takeBytes();
-  Component c2 = loadComponentFromBytes(bytes);
-  return c2.libraries;
+  return byteSink.builder.takeBytes();
 /// A [Sink] that directly writes data into a byte builder.
diff --git a/pkg/nnbd_migration/lib/instrumentation.dart b/pkg/nnbd_migration/lib/instrumentation.dart
index 8689967..2ead984 100644
--- a/pkg/nnbd_migration/lib/instrumentation.dart
+++ b/pkg/nnbd_migration/lib/instrumentation.dart
@@ -17,22 +17,25 @@
   final int column;
+  final int offset;
   /// Name of the enclosing function, or `null` if not known.
   String function;
-  CodeReference(this.path, this.line, this.column, this.function);
+  CodeReference(this.path, this.offset, this.line, this.column, this.function);
   /// Creates a [CodeReference] pointing to the given [node].
   factory CodeReference.fromAstNode(AstNode node) {
     var compilationUnit = node.thisOrAncestorOfType<CompilationUnit>();
     var source = compilationUnit.declaredElement.source;
     var location = compilationUnit.lineInfo.getLocation(node.offset);
-    return CodeReference(source.fullName, location.lineNumber,
+    return CodeReference(source.fullName, node.offset, location.lineNumber,
         location.columnNumber, _computeEnclosingName(node));
   CodeReference.fromJson(dynamic json)
       : path = json['path'] as String,
+        offset = json['offset'] as int,
         line = json['line'] as int,
         column = json['col'] as int,
         function = json['function'] as String;
@@ -50,6 +53,7 @@
   Map<String, Object> toJson() {
     return {
       'path': path,
+      'offset': offset,
       'line': line,
       'col': column,
       if (function != null) 'function': function
diff --git a/pkg/nnbd_migration/lib/nnbd_migration.dart b/pkg/nnbd_migration/lib/nnbd_migration.dart
index c1c0d0f..711a751 100644
--- a/pkg/nnbd_migration/lib/nnbd_migration.dart
+++ b/pkg/nnbd_migration/lib/nnbd_migration.dart
@@ -17,21 +17,36 @@
 /// Description of fixes that might be performed by nullability migration.
 class NullabilityFixDescription {
-  /// An if-test or conditional expression needs to have its condition and
-  /// "then" branch discarded.
-  static const discardThen = const NullabilityFixDescription._(
-    appliedMessage:
-        'Discarded a condition which is always false, and the "then" branch '
-        'that follows',
-    kind: NullabilityFixKind.removeDeadCode,
-  );
   /// A variable declaration needs to be marked as "late" due to the presence of
   /// a `/*late*/` hint.
   static const addLateDueToHint = const NullabilityFixDescription._(
       appliedMessage: 'Added a late keyword, due to a hint',
       kind: NullabilityFixKind.addLateDueToHint);
+  /// An expression's value needs to be null-checked.
+  static const checkExpression = const NullabilityFixDescription._(
+    appliedMessage: 'Added a non-null assertion to nullable expression',
+    kind: NullabilityFixKind.checkExpression,
+  );
+  /// An expression's value will be null-checked due to a hint.
+  static const checkExpressionDueToHint = const NullabilityFixDescription._(
+    appliedMessage: 'Accepted a null check hint',
+    kind: NullabilityFixKind.checkExpressionDueToHint,
+  );
+  /// Informative message: a condition of an if-test or conditional expression
+  /// will always evaluate to `false` in strong checking mode.
+  static const conditionFalseInStrongMode = const NullabilityFixDescription._(
+      appliedMessage: 'Condition will always be false in strong checking mode',
+      kind: NullabilityFixKind.conditionFalseInStrongMode);
+  /// Informative message: a condition of an if-test or conditional expression
+  /// will always evaluate to `true` in strong checking mode.
+  static const conditionTrueInStrongMode = const NullabilityFixDescription._(
+      appliedMessage: 'Condition will always be true in strong checking mode',
+      kind: NullabilityFixKind.conditionTrueInStrongMode);
   /// An if-test or conditional expression needs to have its condition
   /// discarded.
   static const discardCondition = const NullabilityFixDescription._(
@@ -46,6 +61,15 @@
     kind: NullabilityFixKind.removeDeadCode,
+  /// An if-test or conditional expression needs to have its condition and
+  /// "then" branch discarded.
+  static const discardThen = const NullabilityFixDescription._(
+    appliedMessage:
+        'Discarded a condition which is always false, and the "then" branch '
+        'that follows',
+    kind: NullabilityFixKind.removeDeadCode,
+  );
   /// An if-test needs to be discarded completely.
   static const discardIf = const NullabilityFixDescription._(
     appliedMessage: 'Discarded an if-test with no effect',
@@ -57,23 +81,19 @@
     kind: NullabilityFixKind.downcastExpression,
+  /// Informative message: a null-aware access won't be necessary in strong
+  /// checking mode.
+  static const nullAwarenessUnnecessaryInStrongMode =
+      const NullabilityFixDescription._(
+          appliedMessage:
+              'Null-aware access will be unnecessary in strong checking mode',
+          kind: NullabilityFixKind.nullAwarenessUnnecessaryInStrongMode);
   static const otherCastExpression = const NullabilityFixDescription._(
     appliedMessage: 'Added a cast to an expression (non-downcast)',
     kind: NullabilityFixKind.otherCastExpression,
-  /// An expression's value needs to be null-checked.
-  static const checkExpression = const NullabilityFixDescription._(
-    appliedMessage: 'Added a non-null assertion to nullable expression',
-    kind: NullabilityFixKind.checkExpression,
-  );
-  /// An expression's value will be null-checked due to a hint.
-  static const checkExpressionDueToHint = const NullabilityFixDescription._(
-    appliedMessage: 'Accepted a null check hint',
-    kind: NullabilityFixKind.checkExpressionDueToHint,
-  );
   /// An unnecessary downcast has been discarded.
   static const removeLanguageVersionComment = const NullabilityFixDescription._(
     appliedMessage: 'Removed language version comment so that NNBD features '
@@ -182,12 +202,15 @@
 enum NullabilityFixKind {
+  addType,
+  conditionFalseInStrongMode,
+  conditionTrueInStrongMode,
-  addType,
+  nullAwarenessUnnecessaryInStrongMode,
@@ -211,12 +234,17 @@
   /// complete.  TODO(paulberry): remove this mode once the migration algorithm
   /// is fully implemented.
-  /// Optional parameter [removeViaComments] indicates whether dead code should
-  /// be removed in its entirety (the default) or removed by commenting it out.
+  /// Optional parameter [removeViaComments] indicates whether code that the
+  /// migration tool wishes to remove should instead be commenting it out.
+  ///
+  /// Optional parameter [warnOnWeakCode] indicates whether weak-only code
+  /// should be warned about or removed (in the way specified by
+  /// [removeViaComments]).
   factory NullabilityMigration(NullabilityMigrationListener listener,
       {bool permissive,
       NullabilityMigrationInstrumentation instrumentation,
-      bool removeViaComments}) = NullabilityMigrationImpl;
+      bool removeViaComments,
+      bool warnOnWeakCode}) = NullabilityMigrationImpl;
   /// Check if this migration is being run permissively.
   bool get isPermissive;
diff --git a/pkg/nnbd_migration/lib/src/edge_builder.dart b/pkg/nnbd_migration/lib/src/edge_builder.dart
index 8b82454..f2e5b91 100644
--- a/pkg/nnbd_migration/lib/src/edge_builder.dart
+++ b/pkg/nnbd_migration/lib/src/edge_builder.dart
@@ -571,7 +571,8 @@
     DecoratedType thenType;
     DecoratedType elseType;
-    // TODO(paulberry): guard anything inside the true and false branches
+    // TODO(paulberry): guard anything inside the true and false branches.
+    // See
     // Post-dominators diverge as we branch in the conditional.
     // Note: we don't have to create a scope for each branch because they can't
diff --git a/pkg/nnbd_migration/lib/src/edit_plan.dart b/pkg/nnbd_migration/lib/src/edit_plan.dart
index 25ccfef..8389313 100644
--- a/pkg/nnbd_migration/lib/src/edit_plan.dart
+++ b/pkg/nnbd_migration/lib/src/edit_plan.dart
@@ -80,10 +80,10 @@
   /// Optional argument [info] contains information about why the change was
   /// made.
-  const AtomicEdit.delete(this.length, {})
+  const AtomicEdit.delete(this.length, {, this.isInformative = false})
       : assert(length > 0),
-        replacement = '',
-        isInformative = false;
+        assert(isInformative is bool),
+        replacement = '';
   /// Initialize an edit to insert the [replacement] characters.
@@ -92,6 +92,7 @@
   const AtomicEdit.insert(this.replacement,
       {, this.isInformative: false})
       : assert(replacement.length > 0),
+        assert(isInformative is bool),
         length = 0;
   /// Initialize an edit to replace [length] characters with the [replacement]
@@ -259,6 +260,28 @@
   /// Creates a new edit plan that consists of executing [innerPlan], and then
+  /// appending the given [comment]].
+  ///
+  /// Optional argument [info] contains information about why the change was
+  /// made.
+  ///
+  /// Optional argument [isInformative] indicates whether the comment is simply
+  /// informative, or should actually be applied to the final output (the
+  /// default).
+  NodeProducingEditPlan addCommentPostfix(
+      NodeProducingEditPlan innerPlan, String comment,
+      {AtomicEditInfo info, bool isInformative = false}) {
+    var end = innerPlan.end;
+    return surround(innerPlan, suffix: [
+      AtomicEdit.insert(' '),
+      AtomicEdit.insert(comment, info: info, isInformative: isInformative),
+      if (!_isJustBefore(end, const [')', ']', '}', ';']) &&
+          !_isJustBeforeWhitespace(end))
+        AtomicEdit.insert(' ')
+    ]);
+  }
+  /// Creates a new edit plan that consists of executing [innerPlan], and then
   /// appending the given postfix [operator].  This could be used, for example,
   /// to add a null check.
@@ -504,7 +527,15 @@
   /// The created edit plan should be inserted into the list of inner plans for
   /// a pass-through plan targeted at the source node.  See [passThrough].
-  EditPlan removeNullAwareness(Expression sourceNode, {AtomicEditInfo info}) {
+  ///
+  /// Optional argument [info] contains information about why the change was
+  /// made.
+  ///
+  /// Optional argument [isInformative] indicates whether the comment is simply
+  /// informative, or should actually be applied to the final output (the
+  /// default).
+  EditPlan removeNullAwareness(Expression sourceNode,
+      {AtomicEditInfo info, bool isInformative = false}) {
     Token operator;
     if (sourceNode is MethodInvocation) {
       operator = sourceNode.operator;
@@ -517,7 +548,9 @@
     assert(operator.type == TokenType.QUESTION_PERIOD);
     return _TokenChangePlan(sourceNode, {
-      operator.offset: [AtomicEdit.delete(1, info: info)]
+      operator.offset: [
+        AtomicEdit.delete(1, info: info, isInformative: isInformative)
+      ]
@@ -710,16 +743,21 @@
     return lineInfo.lineStarts[lineNumber];
-  /// Determines whether the given source [offset] comes just after an opener
-  /// ('(', '[', or '{').
-  bool _isJustAfterOpener(int offset) =>
-      offset > 0 && const ['(', '[', '{'].contains(sourceText[offset - 1]);
+  /// Determines whether the given source [offset] comes just after one of the
+  /// characters in [characters].
+  bool _isJustAfter(int offset, List<String> characters) =>
+      offset > 0 && characters.contains(sourceText[offset - 1]);
-  /// Determines whether the given source [end] comes just before a closer
-  /// (')', ']', or '}').
-  bool _isJustBeforeCloser(int end) =>
-      end < sourceText.length &&
-      const [')', ']', '}'].contains(sourceText[end]);
+  /// Determines whether the given source [end] comes just before one of the
+  /// characters in [characters].
+  bool _isJustBefore(int end, List<String> characters) =>
+      end < sourceText.length && characters.contains(sourceText[end]);
+  /// Determines whether the given source [end] comes just before whitespace.
+  /// For the purpose of this check, the end of the file is considered
+  /// whitespace.
+  bool _isJustBeforeWhitespace(int end) =>
+      end >= sourceText.length || _isWhitespaceRange(end, end + 1);
   /// Determines if the characters between [offset] and [end] in the source text
   /// are all whitespace characters.
@@ -1351,10 +1389,12 @@
         // that we're left with just `()`, `{}`, or `[]`.
         var candidateFirstRemovalOffset =
             planner._backAcrossWhitespace(firstRemovalOffset, node.offset);
-        if (planner._isJustAfterOpener(candidateFirstRemovalOffset)) {
+        if (planner
+            ._isJustAfter(candidateFirstRemovalOffset, const ['(', '[', '{'])) {
           var candidateLastRemovalEnd =
               planner._forwardAcrossWhitespace(lastRemovalEnd, node.end);
-          if (planner._isJustBeforeCloser(candidateLastRemovalEnd)) {
+          if (planner
+              ._isJustBefore(candidateLastRemovalEnd, const [')', ']', '}'])) {
             firstRemovalOffset = candidateFirstRemovalOffset;
             lastRemovalEnd = candidateLastRemovalEnd;
diff --git a/pkg/nnbd_migration/lib/src/fix_aggregator.dart b/pkg/nnbd_migration/lib/src/fix_aggregator.dart
index da7b040..0873973 100644
--- a/pkg/nnbd_migration/lib/src/fix_aggregator.dart
+++ b/pkg/nnbd_migration/lib/src/fix_aggregator.dart
@@ -33,7 +33,9 @@
   /// refers to it.
   final Map<LibraryElement, String> _importPrefixes = {};
-  FixAggregator._(this.planner, this._changes,
+  final bool _warnOnWeakCode;
+  FixAggregator._(this.planner, this._changes, this._warnOnWeakCode,
       CompilationUnitElement compilationUnitElement) {
     for (var importElement in compilationUnitElement.library.imports) {
       // TODO(paulberry): the `??=` should ensure that if there are two imports,
@@ -175,10 +177,11 @@
   /// Runs the [FixAggregator] on a [unit] and returns the resulting edits.
   static Map<int, List<AtomicEdit>> run(
       CompilationUnit unit, String sourceText, Map<AstNode, NodeChange> changes,
-      {bool removeViaComments: false}) {
+      {bool removeViaComments = true, bool warnOnWeakCode = false}) {
     var planner = EditPlanner(unit.lineInfo, sourceText,
         removeViaComments: removeViaComments);
-    var aggregator = FixAggregator._(planner, changes, unit.declaredElement);
+    var aggregator =
+        FixAggregator._(planner, changes, warnOnWeakCode, unit.declaredElement);
     if (aggregator._plans.isEmpty) return {};
     EditPlan plan;
@@ -313,9 +316,27 @@
   /// If dead code removal is warranted for [node], returns an [EditPlan] that
   /// removes the dead code (and performs appropriate updates within any
   /// descendant AST nodes that remain).  Otherwise returns `null`.
-  EditPlan _applyConditional(
-      N node, FixAggregator aggregator, AstNode thenNode, AstNode elseNode) {
+  EditPlan _applyConditional(N node, FixAggregator aggregator,
+      AstNode conditionNode, AstNode thenNode, AstNode elseNode) {
     if (conditionValue == null) return null;
+    if (aggregator._warnOnWeakCode) {
+      List<EditPlan> innerPlans = [];
+      var conditionPlan = aggregator.innerPlanForNode(conditionNode);
+      var info = AtomicEditInfo(
+          conditionValue
+              ? NullabilityFixDescription.conditionTrueInStrongMode
+              : NullabilityFixDescription.conditionFalseInStrongMode,
+          {FixReasonTarget.root: conditionReason});
+      var commentedConditionPlan = aggregator.planner.addCommentPostfix(
+          conditionPlan, '/* == $conditionValue */',
+          info: info, isInformative: true);
+      innerPlans.add(commentedConditionPlan);
+      innerPlans.addAll(aggregator.innerPlansForNode(thenNode));
+      if (elseNode != null) {
+        innerPlans.addAll(aggregator.innerPlansForNode(elseNode));
+      }
+      return aggregator.planner.passThrough(node, innerPlans: innerPlans);
+    }
     AstNode nodeToKeep;
     NullabilityFixDescription descriptionBefore, descriptionAfter;
     if (conditionValue) {
@@ -385,8 +406,8 @@
     with NodeChangeForConditional {
   EditPlan _apply(ConditionalExpression node, FixAggregator aggregator) {
-    return _applyConditional(
-            node, aggregator, node.thenExpression, node.elseExpression) ??
+    return _applyConditional(node, aggregator, node.condition,
+            node.thenExpression, node.elseExpression) ??
         super._apply(node, aggregator);
@@ -497,8 +518,8 @@
   EditPlan _apply(IfElement node, FixAggregator aggregator) {
-    return _applyConditional(
-            node, aggregator, node.thenElement, node.elseElement) ??
+    return _applyConditional(node, aggregator, node.condition, node.thenElement,
+            node.elseElement) ??
@@ -511,8 +532,8 @@
   EditPlan _apply(IfStatement node, FixAggregator aggregator) {
-    return _applyConditional(
-            node, aggregator, node.thenStatement, node.elseStatement) ??
+    return _applyConditional(node, aggregator, node.condition,
+            node.thenStatement, node.elseStatement) ??
@@ -555,9 +576,12 @@
   /// Otherwise returns `null`.
   EditPlan _applyNullAware(N node, FixAggregator aggregator) {
     if (!removeNullAwareness) return null;
+    var description = aggregator._warnOnWeakCode
+        ? NullabilityFixDescription.nullAwarenessUnnecessaryInStrongMode
+        : NullabilityFixDescription.removeNullAwareness;
     return aggregator.planner.removeNullAwareness(node,
-        info: AtomicEditInfo(
-            NullabilityFixDescription.removeNullAwareness, const {}));
+        info: AtomicEditInfo(description, const {}),
+        isInformative: aggregator._warnOnWeakCode);
diff --git a/pkg/nnbd_migration/lib/src/nullability_migration_impl.dart b/pkg/nnbd_migration/lib/src/nullability_migration_impl.dart
index 38e69fe..ae087d2 100644
--- a/pkg/nnbd_migration/lib/src/nullability_migration_impl.dart
+++ b/pkg/nnbd_migration/lib/src/nullability_migration_impl.dart
@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@
   /// code that is removed.
   final bool removeViaComments;
+  final bool warnOnWeakCode;
   final _decoratedTypeParameterBounds = DecoratedTypeParameterBounds();
   /// If not `null`, the object that will be used to write out post-mortem
@@ -61,17 +63,22 @@
   /// complete.  TODO(paulberry): remove this mode once the migration algorithm
   /// is fully implemented.
-  /// Optional parameter [removeViaComments] indicates whether dead code should
-  /// be removed in its entirety (the default) or removed by commenting it out.
+  /// Optional parameter [removeViaComments] indicates whether code that the
+  /// migration tool wishes to remove should instead be commenting it out.
+  ///
+  /// Optional parameter [warnOnWeakCode] indicates whether weak-only code
+  /// should be warned about or removed (in the way specified by
+  /// [removeViaComments]).
   NullabilityMigrationImpl(NullabilityMigrationListener listener,
       {bool permissive: false,
       NullabilityMigrationInstrumentation instrumentation,
-      bool removeViaComments = true})
+      bool removeViaComments = true,
+      bool warnOnWeakCode = true})
       : this._(listener, NullabilityGraph(instrumentation: instrumentation),
-            permissive, instrumentation, removeViaComments);
+            permissive, instrumentation, removeViaComments, warnOnWeakCode);
   NullabilityMigrationImpl._(this.listener, this._graph, this._permissive,
-      this._instrumentation, this.removeViaComments) {
+      this._instrumentation, this.removeViaComments, this.warnOnWeakCode) {
     _instrumentation?.immutableNodes(_graph.never, _graph.always);
     _postmortemFileWriter?.graph = _graph;
@@ -106,7 +113,7 @@
       DecoratedTypeParameterBounds.current = null;
     var changes =, result.content, fixBuilder.changes,
-        removeViaComments: removeViaComments);
+        removeViaComments: removeViaComments, warnOnWeakCode: warnOnWeakCode);
     _instrumentation?.changes(source, changes);
     final lineInfo = LineInfo.fromContent(;
     var offsets = changes.keys.toList();
diff --git a/pkg/nnbd_migration/test/api_test.dart b/pkg/nnbd_migration/test/api_test.dart
index e4d7a54..92b2de1 100644
--- a/pkg/nnbd_migration/test/api_test.dart
+++ b/pkg/nnbd_migration/test/api_test.dart
@@ -50,7 +50,9 @@
     var listener = new TestMigrationListener();
     var migration = NullabilityMigration(listener,
-        permissive: _usePermissiveMode, removeViaComments: removeViaComments);
+        permissive: _usePermissiveMode,
+        removeViaComments: removeViaComments,
+        warnOnWeakCode: false);
     for (var path in input.keys) {
       if (!(await session.getFile(path)).isPart) {
         for (var unit in (await session.getResolvedLibrary(path)).units) {
@@ -528,6 +530,28 @@
     await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
+  @FailingTest(issue: '')
+  Future<void> test_conditional_expression_guard_subexpression() async {
+    var content = '''
+void f(String s, int x) {
+  s == null ? (x = null) : (x = s.length);
+    var expected = '''
+void f(String s, int x) {
+  s == null ? (x = null!) : (x = s.length);
+    await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
+  }
+  @FailingTest(issue: '')
+  Future<void> test_conditional_expression_guard_value() async {
+    var content = 'int f(String s) => s == null ? null : s.length;';
+    var expected = 'int f(String s) => s == null ? null! : s.length;';
+    await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
+  }
       test_conditional_non_null_usage_does_not_imply_non_null_intent() async {
     var content = '''
diff --git a/pkg/nnbd_migration/test/edit_plan_test.dart b/pkg/nnbd_migration/test/edit_plan_test.dart
index 99c9b49..1f9ccfa 100644
--- a/pkg/nnbd_migration/test/edit_plan_test.dart
+++ b/pkg/nnbd_migration/test/edit_plan_test.dart
@@ -242,6 +242,38 @@
         'f(x) => x = () => null;');
+  Future<void> test_addCommentPostfix_before_closer() async {
+    await analyze('f(g) => g(0);');
+    checkPlan(
+        planner.addCommentPostfix(
+            planner.passThrough(findNode.integerLiteral('0')), '/* zero */'),
+        'f(g) => g(0 /* zero */);');
+  }
+  Future<void> test_addCommentPostfix_before_other() async {
+    await analyze('f() => 0.isEven;');
+    checkPlan(
+        planner.addCommentPostfix(
+            planner.passThrough(findNode.integerLiteral('0')), '/* zero */'),
+        'f() => 0 /* zero */ .isEven;');
+  }
+  Future<void> test_addCommentPostfix_before_semicolon() async {
+    await analyze('f() => 0;');
+    checkPlan(
+        planner.addCommentPostfix(
+            planner.passThrough(findNode.integerLiteral('0')), '/* zero */'),
+        'f() => 0 /* zero */;');
+  }
+  Future<void> test_addCommentPostfix_before_space() async {
+    await analyze('f() => 0 + 1;');
+    checkPlan(
+        planner.addCommentPostfix(
+            planner.passThrough(findNode.integerLiteral('0')), '/* zero */'),
+        'f() => 0 /* zero */ + 1;');
+  }
   Future<void> test_addUnaryPostfix_inner_precedence_add_parens() async {
     await analyze('f(x) => -x;');
diff --git a/pkg/nnbd_migration/test/fix_aggregator_test.dart b/pkg/nnbd_migration/test/fix_aggregator_test.dart
index 8b15727..f3e3447 100644
--- a/pkg/nnbd_migration/test/fix_aggregator_test.dart
+++ b/pkg/nnbd_migration/test/fix_aggregator_test.dart
@@ -1114,6 +1114,58 @@
     expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), 'int x = 0;');
+  Future<void> test_warnOnDeadIf_false() async {
+    await analyze('''
+f(int i) {
+  if (i == null) print(i);
+    var previewInfo = run({
+      findNode.statement('if'): NodeChangeForIfStatement()
+        ..conditionValue = false
+    }, warnOnWeakCode: true);
+    expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code, includeInformative: true), '''
+f(int i) {
+  if (i == null /* == false */) print(i);
+  }
+  Future<void> test_warnOnDeadIf_true() async {
+    await analyze('''
+f(int i) {
+  if (i != null) print(i);
+    var previewInfo = run({
+      findNode.statement('if'): NodeChangeForIfStatement()
+        ..conditionValue = true
+    }, warnOnWeakCode: true);
+    expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code, includeInformative: true), '''
+f(int i) {
+  if (i != null /* == true */) print(i);
+  }
+  Future<void> test_warnOnNullAwareAccess() async {
+    var content = '''
+f(int i) {
+  print(i?.isEven);
+    await analyze(content);
+    var previewInfo = run({
+      findNode.propertyAccess('?.'): NodeChangeForPropertyAccess()
+        ..removeNullAwareness = true
+    }, warnOnWeakCode: true);
+    expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), content);
+    expect(previewInfo, hasLength(1));
+    var edit = previewInfo[content.indexOf('?')].single;
+    expect(edit.isInformative, isTrue);
+    expect(edit.length, '?'.length);
+  }
 class FixAggregatorTestBase extends AbstractSingleUnitTest {
@@ -1125,9 +1177,9 @@
   Map<int, List<AtomicEdit>> run(Map<AstNode, NodeChange> changes,
-      {bool removeViaComments: false}) {
+      {bool removeViaComments = false, bool warnOnWeakCode = false}) {
     return, testCode, changes,
-        removeViaComments: removeViaComments);
+        removeViaComments: removeViaComments, warnOnWeakCode: warnOnWeakCode);
diff --git a/pkg/nnbd_migration/test/instrumentation_test.dart b/pkg/nnbd_migration/test/instrumentation_test.dart
index 67cce5e..24433c5 100644
--- a/pkg/nnbd_migration/test/instrumentation_test.dart
+++ b/pkg/nnbd_migration/test/instrumentation_test.dart
@@ -133,13 +133,15 @@
   Source source;
-  Future<void> analyze(String content, {bool removeViaComments = false}) async {
+  Future<void> analyze(String content,
+      {bool removeViaComments = false, bool warnOnWeakCode = true}) async {
     var sourcePath = convertPath('/home/test/lib/test.dart');
     newFile(sourcePath, content: content);
     var listener = new TestMigrationListener();
     var migration = NullabilityMigration(listener,
         instrumentation: _InstrumentationClient(this),
-        removeViaComments: removeViaComments);
+        removeViaComments: removeViaComments,
+        warnOnWeakCode: warnOnWeakCode);
     var result = await session.getResolvedUnit(sourcePath);
     source = result.unit.declaredElement.source;
     findNode = FindNode(content, result.unit);
@@ -251,7 +253,7 @@
-    await analyze(content);
+    await analyze(content, warnOnWeakCode: false);
     var intAnnotation = findNode.typeAnnotation('int');
     var commentPos = content.indexOf('/*');
     var ifPos = content.indexOf('if');
@@ -274,7 +276,7 @@
   if (i != null) return i;
-    await analyze(content);
+    await analyze(content, warnOnWeakCode: false);
     var intAnnotation = findNode.typeAnnotation('int');
     var commentPos = content.indexOf('/*');
     var ifPos = content.indexOf('if');
@@ -296,7 +298,7 @@
-    await analyze(content);
+    await analyze(content, warnOnWeakCode: false);
     var intAnnotation = findNode.typeAnnotation('int');
     var commentPos = content.indexOf('/*');
     var ifPos = content.indexOf('if');
@@ -321,7 +323,7 @@
-    await analyze(content);
+    await analyze(content, warnOnWeakCode: false);
     var intAnnotation = findNode.typeAnnotation('int');
     var commentPos = content.indexOf('/*');
     var bodyPos = content.indexOf('i) {') + 4;
@@ -343,7 +345,7 @@
-    await analyze(content);
+    await analyze(content, warnOnWeakCode: false);
     var intAnnotation = findNode.typeAnnotation('int');
     var commentPos = content.indexOf('/*');
     var ifPos = content.indexOf('if');
@@ -368,7 +370,7 @@
-    await analyze(content);
+    await analyze(content, warnOnWeakCode: false);
     var intAnnotation = findNode.typeAnnotation('int');
     var commentPos = content.indexOf('/*');
     var bodyPos = content.indexOf('i) {') + 4;
@@ -432,7 +434,7 @@
   Future<void> test_fix_reason_remove_question_from_question_dot() async {
     var content = '_f(int/*!*/ i) => i?.isEven;';
-    await analyze(content);
+    await analyze(content, warnOnWeakCode: false);
     var commentPos = content.indexOf('/*');
     var questionDotPos = content.indexOf('?.');
     expect(changes.keys, unorderedEquals([commentPos, questionDotPos]));
@@ -444,7 +446,7 @@
       test_fix_reason_remove_question_from_question_dot_method() async {
     var content = '_f(int/*!*/ i) => i?.abs();';
-    await analyze(content);
+    await analyze(content, warnOnWeakCode: false);
     var commentPos = content.indexOf('/*');
     var questionDotPos = content.indexOf('?.');
     expect(changes.keys, unorderedEquals([commentPos, questionDotPos]));
diff --git a/pkg/test_runner/lib/src/test_suite.dart b/pkg/test_runner/lib/src/test_suite.dart
index b0cb187..6ac30e0 100644
--- a/pkg/test_runner/lib/src/test_suite.dart
+++ b/pkg/test_runner/lib/src/test_suite.dart
@@ -583,6 +583,8 @@
       _enqueueStandardTest(testFile, expectationSet, onTest);
     } else if (configuration.runtime.isBrowser) {
       _enqueueBrowserTest(testFile, expectationSet, onTest);
+    } else if (suiteName == 'service') {
+      _enqueueServiceTest(testFile, expectationSet, onTest);
     } else {
       _enqueueStandardTest(testFile, expectationSet, onTest);
@@ -616,6 +618,45 @@
+  void _enqueueServiceTest(
+      TestFile testFile, Set<Expectation> expectations, TestCaseEvent onTest) {
+    var commonArguments = _commonArgumentsFromFile(testFile);
+    var vmOptionsList = getVmOptions(testFile);
+    assert(!vmOptionsList.isEmpty);
+    bool emitDdsTest = false;
+    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
+      for (var vmOptionsVariant = 0;
+          vmOptionsVariant < vmOptionsList.length;
+          vmOptionsVariant++) {
+        var vmOptions = vmOptionsList[vmOptionsVariant];
+        var allVmOptions = vmOptions;
+        if (!extraVmOptions.isEmpty) {
+          allVmOptions = vmOptions.toList()..addAll(extraVmOptions);
+        }
+        if (emitDdsTest) {
+          allVmOptions.add('-DUSE_DDS=true');
+        }
+        var isCrashExpected = expectations.contains(Expectation.crash);
+        var commands = _makeCommands(
+            testFile,
+            vmOptionsVariant + (vmOptionsList.length * i),
+            allVmOptions,
+            commonArguments,
+            isCrashExpected);
+        var variantTestName =
+   + '/${emitDdsTest ? 'dds' : 'service'}';
+        if (vmOptionsList.length > 1) {
+          variantTestName = "${}_$vmOptionsVariant";
+        }
+        _addTestCase(testFile, variantTestName, commands, expectations, onTest);
+      }
+      emitDdsTest = true;
+    }
+  }
   List<Command> _makeCommands(TestFile testFile, int vmOptionsVariant,
       List<String> vmOptions, List<String> args, bool isCrashExpected) {
     var commands = <Command>[];
diff --git a/pkg/vm_service/ b/pkg/vm_service/
index 39645a7..292e393 100644
--- a/pkg/vm_service/
+++ b/pkg/vm_service/
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
 # Changelog
+## Unreleased
+- Fixed issue where RPC format did not conform to the JSON-RPC 2.0
+  specification.
 ## 4.0.1
 - Improved documentation.
 - Fixed analysis issues.
diff --git a/pkg/vm_service/lib/src/vm_service.dart b/pkg/vm_service/lib/src/vm_service.dart
index 03d939e..a766007 100644
--- a/pkg/vm_service/lib/src/vm_service.dart
+++ b/pkg/vm_service/lib/src/vm_service.dart
@@ -1955,13 +1955,17 @@
   Future get onDone => _onDoneCompleter.future;
-  Future<T> _call<T>(String method, [Map args]) {
+  Future<T> _call<T>(String method, [Map args = const {}]) {
     String id = '${++_id}';
     Completer<T> completer = Completer<T>();
     _completers[id] = completer;
     _methodCalls[id] = method;
-    Map m = {'id': id, 'method': method};
-    if (args != null) m['params'] = args;
+    Map m = {
+      'jsonrpc': '2.0',
+      'id': id,
+      'method': method,
+      'params': args,
+    };
     String message = jsonEncode(m);
diff --git a/pkg/vm_service/tool/dart/generate_dart.dart b/pkg/vm_service/tool/dart/generate_dart.dart
index 0e85f27..b85bc8c 100644
--- a/pkg/vm_service/tool/dart/generate_dart.dart
+++ b/pkg/vm_service/tool/dart/generate_dart.dart
@@ -118,13 +118,12 @@
   Future get onDone => _onDoneCompleter.future;
-  Future<T> _call<T>(String method, [Map args]) {
+  Future<T> _call<T>(String method, [Map args = const {}]) {
     String id = '${++_id}';
     Completer<T> completer = Completer<T>();
     _completers[id] = completer;
     _methodCalls[id] = method;
-    Map m = {'id': id, 'method': method};
-    if (args != null) m['params'] = args;
+    Map m = {'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'id': id, 'method': method, 'params': args,};
     String message = jsonEncode(m);
diff --git a/runtime/observatory/lib/service_common.dart b/runtime/observatory/lib/service_common.dart
index 66ff984..48181ff 100644
--- a/runtime/observatory/lib/service_common.dart
+++ b/runtime/observatory/lib/service_common.dart
@@ -318,8 +318,12 @@
         'params': {'id': serial, 'query': request.method}
     } else {
-      message = json.encode(
-          {'id': serial, 'method': request.method, 'params': request.params});
+      message = json.encode({
+        'jsonrpc': '2.0',
+        'id': serial,
+        'method': request.method,
+        'params': request.params
+      });
     if (request.method != 'getTagProfile' &&
         request.method != 'getIsolateMetric' &&
diff --git a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/break_on_default_constructor_test.dart b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/break_on_default_constructor_test.dart
index bc504c74..d968ca2 100644
--- a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/break_on_default_constructor_test.dart
+++ b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/break_on_default_constructor_test.dart
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
       fail("Expected to find function");
-    isolate.resume();
+    await isolate.resume();
diff --git a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/client_name_rpc_test.dart b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/client_name_rpc_test.dart
index 41cbe4f..fa20430 100644
--- a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/client_name_rpc_test.dart
+++ b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/client_name_rpc_test.dart
@@ -63,4 +63,9 @@
-main(args) async => runVMTests(args, tests);
+main(args) async => runVMTests(
+      args,
+      tests,
+      // TODO(bkonyi): client names are not yet supported in DDS.
+      enableDds: false,
+    );
diff --git a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/client_resume_approvals_approve_then_disconnect_test.dart b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/client_resume_approvals_approve_then_disconnect_test.dart
index 427706f..462e3dc4 100644
--- a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/client_resume_approvals_approve_then_disconnect_test.dart
+++ b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/client_resume_approvals_approve_then_disconnect_test.dart
@@ -60,5 +60,12 @@
-Future<void> main(args) => runIsolateTests(args, test,
-    testeeConcurrent: fooBar, pause_on_start: true, pause_on_exit: true);
+Future<void> main(args) => runIsolateTests(
+      args,
+      test,
+      testeeConcurrent: fooBar,
+      pause_on_start: true,
+      pause_on_exit: true,
+      // TODO(bkonyi): client names are not yet supported in DDS.
+      enableDds: false,
+    );
diff --git a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/client_resume_approvals_disconnect_test.dart b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/client_resume_approvals_disconnect_test.dart
index 9d23522..50c5d34 100644
--- a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/client_resume_approvals_disconnect_test.dart
+++ b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/client_resume_approvals_disconnect_test.dart
@@ -58,5 +58,12 @@
-Future<void> main(args) => runIsolateTests(args, test,
-    testeeConcurrent: fooBar, pause_on_start: true, pause_on_exit: true);
+Future<void> main(args) => runIsolateTests(
+      args,
+      test,
+      testeeConcurrent: fooBar,
+      pause_on_start: true,
+      pause_on_exit: true,
+      // TODO(bkonyi): client names are not yet supported in DDS.
+      enableDds: false,
+    );
diff --git a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/client_resume_approvals_identical_names_test.dart b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/client_resume_approvals_identical_names_test.dart
index d3a09a9..27e026c 100644
--- a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/client_resume_approvals_identical_names_test.dart
+++ b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/client_resume_approvals_identical_names_test.dart
@@ -40,5 +40,12 @@
-Future<void> main(args) => runIsolateTests(args, sameClientNamesTest,
-    testeeConcurrent: fooBar, pause_on_start: true, pause_on_exit: true);
+Future<void> main(args) => runIsolateTests(
+      args,
+      sameClientNamesTest,
+      testeeConcurrent: fooBar,
+      pause_on_start: true,
+      pause_on_exit: true,
+      // TODO(bkonyi): client names are not yet supported in DDS.
+      enableDds: false,
+    );
diff --git a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/client_resume_approvals_multiple_names_test.dart b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/client_resume_approvals_multiple_names_test.dart
index 5f26a9c..e92442c 100644
--- a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/client_resume_approvals_multiple_names_test.dart
+++ b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/client_resume_approvals_multiple_names_test.dart
@@ -58,5 +58,12 @@
-Future<void> main(args) => runIsolateTests(args, multipleClientNamesTest,
-    testeeConcurrent: fooBar, pause_on_start: true, pause_on_exit: true);
+Future<void> main(args) => runIsolateTests(
+      args,
+      multipleClientNamesTest,
+      testeeConcurrent: fooBar,
+      pause_on_start: true,
+      pause_on_exit: true,
+      // TODO(bkonyi): client names are not yet supported in DDS.
+      enableDds: false,
+    );
diff --git a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/client_resume_approvals_name_change_test.dart b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/client_resume_approvals_name_change_test.dart
index 3d33112..b20a593 100644
--- a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/client_resume_approvals_name_change_test.dart
+++ b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/client_resume_approvals_name_change_test.dart
@@ -51,5 +51,12 @@
-Future<void> main(args) => runIsolateTests(args, nameChangeTest,
-    testeeConcurrent: fooBar, pause_on_start: true, pause_on_exit: true);
+Future<void> main(args) => runIsolateTests(
+      args,
+      nameChangeTest,
+      testeeConcurrent: fooBar,
+      pause_on_start: true,
+      pause_on_exit: true,
+      // TODO(bkonyi): client names are not yet supported in DDS.
+      enableDds: false,
+    );
diff --git a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/client_resume_approvals_reload_test.dart b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/client_resume_approvals_reload_test.dart
index 250d349..50f7f45 100644
--- a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/client_resume_approvals_reload_test.dart
+++ b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/client_resume_approvals_reload_test.dart
@@ -60,5 +60,11 @@
-Future<void> main(args) => runIsolateTests(args, hotReloadTest,
-    testeeConcurrent: fooBar, pause_on_start: true);
+Future<void> main(args) => runIsolateTests(
+      args,
+      hotReloadTest,
+      testeeConcurrent: fooBar,
+      pause_on_start: true,
+      // TODO(bkonyi): client names are not yet supported in DDS.
+      enableDds: false,
+    );
diff --git a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/enable_service_port_fallback_positive_test.dart b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/enable_service_port_fallback_positive_test.dart
index ca25d5f..bbac574 100644
--- a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/enable_service_port_fallback_positive_test.dart
+++ b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/enable_service_port_fallback_positive_test.dart
@@ -21,11 +21,15 @@
 main(args) async {
   selectedPort = await _getUnusedPort();
-  await runVMTests(args, tests,
-      enable_service_port_fallback: true,
-      // Choose a port number that should always be open.
-      port: selectedPort,
-      extraArgs: []);
+  await runVMTests(
+    args, tests,
+    enable_service_port_fallback: true,
+    // Choose a port number that should always be open.
+    port: selectedPort,
+    extraArgs: [],
+    // TODO(bkonyi): investigate failure.
+    enableDds: false,
+  );
 Future<int> _getUnusedPort() async {
diff --git a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/external_service_asynchronous_invocation_test.dart b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/external_service_asynchronous_invocation_test.dart
index 2778167..58d44de 100644
--- a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/external_service_asynchronous_invocation_test.dart
+++ b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/external_service_asynchronous_invocation_test.dart
@@ -164,4 +164,8 @@
-main(args) => runIsolateTests(args, tests);
+main(args) => runIsolateTests(
+      args, tests,
+      // TODO(bkonyi): service extensions are not yet supported in DDS.
+      enableDds: false,
+    );
diff --git a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/external_service_disappear_test.dart b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/external_service_disappear_test.dart
index eafe5a6..a015686 100644
--- a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/external_service_disappear_test.dart
+++ b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/external_service_disappear_test.dart
@@ -89,4 +89,8 @@
-main(args) => runIsolateTests(args, tests);
+main(args) => runIsolateTests(
+      args, tests,
+      // TODO(bkonyi): service extensions are not yet supported in DDS.
+      enableDds: false,
+    );
diff --git a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/external_service_notification_invocation_test.dart b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/external_service_notification_invocation_test.dart
index 3b1e695..a5bfd64 100644
--- a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/external_service_notification_invocation_test.dart
+++ b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/external_service_notification_invocation_test.dart
@@ -83,4 +83,9 @@
-main(args) => runIsolateTests(args, tests);
+main(args) => runIsolateTests(
+      args,
+      tests,
+      // TODO(bkonyi): service extensions are not yet supported in DDS.
+      enableDds: false,
+    );
diff --git a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/external_service_registration_test.dart b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/external_service_registration_test.dart
index 2ec0d95..ce0aea9 100644
--- a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/external_service_registration_test.dart
+++ b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/external_service_registration_test.dart
@@ -123,4 +123,9 @@
-main(args) => runIsolateTests(args, tests);
+main(args) => runIsolateTests(
+      args,
+      tests,
+      // TODO(bkonyi): service extensions are not yet supported in DDS.
+      enableDds: false,
+    );
diff --git a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/external_service_registration_via_notification_test.dart b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/external_service_registration_via_notification_test.dart
index 333c24e..80729ce 100644
--- a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/external_service_registration_via_notification_test.dart
+++ b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/external_service_registration_via_notification_test.dart
@@ -103,4 +103,8 @@
-main(args) => runIsolateTests(args, tests);
+main(args) => runIsolateTests(
+      args, tests,
+      // TODO(bkonyi): service extensions are not yet supported in DDS.
+      enableDds: false,
+    );
diff --git a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/external_service_synchronous_invocation_test.dart b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/external_service_synchronous_invocation_test.dart
index 97917b3..45c58d8 100644
--- a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/external_service_synchronous_invocation_test.dart
+++ b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/external_service_synchronous_invocation_test.dart
@@ -126,4 +126,8 @@
-main(args) => runIsolateTests(args, tests);
+main(args) => runIsolateTests(
+      args, tests,
+      // TODO(bkonyi): service extensions are not yet supported in DDS.
+      enableDds: false,
+    );
diff --git a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/get_client_name_rpc_test.dart b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/get_client_name_rpc_test.dart
index d503a91..33f2c21 100644
--- a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/get_client_name_rpc_test.dart
+++ b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/get_client_name_rpc_test.dart
@@ -37,4 +37,10 @@
-Future<void> main(args) => runIsolateTests(args, test, testeeBefore: fooBar);
+Future<void> main(args) => runIsolateTests(
+      args,
+      test,
+      testeeBefore: fooBar,
+      // TODO(bkonyi): client names are not yet supported in DDS.
+      enableDds: false,
+    );
diff --git a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/malformed_test.dart b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/malformed_test.dart
index 5fff3fd..9e277c8 100644
--- a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/malformed_test.dart
+++ b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/malformed_test.dart
@@ -37,4 +37,11 @@
-main(args) => runIsolateTests(args, tests);
+main(args) => runIsolateTests(
+      args,
+      tests,
+      // This test hangs with DDS as package:json_rpc_2 can't parse the JSON
+      // response and is unable to determine the request ID, so the malformed
+      // JSON request will never complete.
+      enableDds: false,
+    );
diff --git a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/network_profiling_test.dart b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/network_profiling_test.dart
index c02b278..4da5995 100644
--- a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/network_profiling_test.dart
+++ b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/network_profiling_test.dart
@@ -7,8 +7,11 @@
 import 'dart:developer';
 import 'dart:io' as io;
 import 'dart:isolate';
+import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
 import 'package:observatory/service_io.dart';
 import 'package:test/test.dart';
 import 'service_test_common.dart';
 import 'test_helper.dart';
@@ -115,6 +118,9 @@
     expect(stats.length, 3);
     stats.forEach((socket) {
       expect(socket['address'], contains(localhost));
+      Expect.type<int>(socket['startTime']);
+      Expect.type<int>(socket['id']);
+      Expect.type<int>(socket['port']);
       if (socket['socketType'] == 'tcp') {
         expect(socket['writeBytes'], content.length);
         expect(socket.containsKey('lastWriteTime'), true);
diff --git a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/observatory_assets_test.dart b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/observatory_assets_test.dart
index 4b8f8e2..a78f448 100644
--- a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/observatory_assets_test.dart
+++ b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/observatory_assets_test.dart
@@ -22,4 +22,8 @@
-main(args) async => runVMTests(args, tests);
+main(args) async => runVMTests(
+      args, tests,
+      // TODO(bkonyi): DDS doesn't forward Observatory assets properly yet.
+      enableDds: false,
+    );
diff --git a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/pause_on_start_and_exit_with_child_test.dart b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/pause_on_start_and_exit_with_child_test.dart
index 1d3a8bf..cb4b288 100644
--- a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/pause_on_start_and_exit_with_child_test.dart
+++ b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/pause_on_start_and_exit_with_child_test.dart
@@ -101,12 +101,16 @@
-main(args) => runIsolateTests(args, tests,
-        testeeConcurrent: testMain,
-        pause_on_start: true,
-        pause_on_exit: true,
-        verbose_vm: true,
-        extraArgs: [
-          '--trace-service',
-          '--trace-service-verbose',
-        ]);
+main(args) => runIsolateTests(
+      args, tests,
+      testeeConcurrent: testMain,
+      pause_on_start: true,
+      pause_on_exit: true,
+      verbose_vm: true,
+      extraArgs: [
+        '--trace-service',
+        '--trace-service-verbose',
+      ],
+      // TODO(bkonyi): investigate failure.
+      enableDds: false,
+    );
diff --git a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/pause_on_unhandled_async_exceptions2_test.dart b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/pause_on_unhandled_async_exceptions2_test.dart
index 850177a..6f98284 100644
--- a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/pause_on_unhandled_async_exceptions2_test.dart
+++ b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/pause_on_unhandled_async_exceptions2_test.dart
@@ -61,7 +61,13 @@
-main(args) => runIsolateTests(args, tests,
-    pause_on_unhandled_exceptions: true,
-    testeeConcurrent: testeeMain,
-    extraArgs: extraDebuggingArgs);
+main(args) => runIsolateTests(
+      args,
+      tests,
+      pause_on_unhandled_exceptions: true,
+      testeeConcurrent: testeeMain,
+      extraArgs: extraDebuggingArgs,
+      // TODO(bkonyi): causes ASSERT in debug mode, unrelated to DDS.
+      // See
+      enableDds: false,
+    );
diff --git a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/service.status b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/service.status
index 20cc72a..cf5797a 100644
--- a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/service.status
+++ b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/service.status
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 *: SkipByDesign
 [ $system == windows ]
+*: Slow
 async_generator_breakpoint_test: Skip # Issue 29145
 dev_fs_http_put_weird_char_test: Skip # Windows disallows carriage returns in paths
 dev_fs_weird_char_test: Skip # Windows disallows question mark in paths
diff --git a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/stream_subscription_test.dart b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/stream_subscription_test.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56f8420
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/stream_subscription_test.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+import 'package:observatory/service_io.dart';
+import 'package:test/test.dart';
+import 'test_helper.dart';
+Future streamListen(VM vm, String streamId) async =>
+    await vm.invokeRpcNoUpgrade(
+      'streamListen',
+      {
+        'streamId': streamId,
+      },
+    );
+Future streamCancel(VM vm, String streamId) async =>
+    await vm.invokeRpcNoUpgrade(
+      'streamCancel',
+      {
+        'streamId': streamId,
+      },
+    );
+var tests = <VMTest>[
+  // Check double subscription fails.
+  (VM vm) async {
+    await streamListen(vm, '_Echo');
+    try {
+      await streamListen(vm, '_Echo');
+      fail('Subscribed to stream twice');
+    } on ServerRpcException catch (e) {
+      expect(e.message, 'Stream already subscribed');
+    }
+  },
+  // Check double cancellation fails.
+  (VM vm) async {
+    await streamCancel(vm, '_Echo');
+    try {
+      await streamCancel(vm, '_Echo');
+      fail('Double cancellation of stream successful');
+    } on ServerRpcException catch (e) {
+      expect(e.message, 'Stream not subscribed');
+    }
+  },
+  // Check subscription to invalid stream fails.
+  (VM vm) async {
+    try {
+      await streamListen(vm, 'Foo');
+      fail('Subscribed to invalid stream');
+    } on ServerRpcException catch (e) {
+      expect(e.message, "streamListen: invalid 'streamId' parameter: Foo");
+    }
+  }
+main(args) => runVMTests(args, tests);
diff --git a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/test_helper.dart b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/test_helper.dart
index 1dd5989..b22294d 100644
--- a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/test_helper.dart
+++ b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/test_helper.dart
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 import 'dart:async';
 import 'dart:convert';
 import 'dart:io';
+import 'package:dds/dds.dart';
 import 'package:observatory/service_io.dart';
 import 'package:test/test.dart';
 import 'service_test_common.dart';
@@ -16,6 +17,9 @@
 const bool useCausalAsyncStacks =
     const bool.fromEnvironment('dart.developer.causal_async_stacks');
+/// Determines whether DDS is enabled for this test run.
+const bool useDds = const bool.fromEnvironment('USE_DDS');
 /// The extra arguments to use
 const List<String> extraDebuggingArgs = useCausalAsyncStacks
     ? const ['--causal-async-stacks', '--no-lazy-async-stacks']
@@ -97,6 +101,8 @@
 class _ServiceTesteeLauncher {
   Process process;
   final List<String> args;
+  Future<void> get exited => _processCompleter.future;
+  final _processCompleter = Completer<void>();
   bool killedByTester = false;
   _ServiceTesteeLauncher() : args = [Platform.script.toFilePath()] {}
@@ -286,6 +292,7 @@
           throw "Testee exited with $exitCode";
         print("** Process exited");
+        _processCompleter.complete();
       // Wait for the blank line which signals that we're ready to run.
@@ -295,9 +302,16 @@
       final content = await serviceInfoFile.readAsString();
       final infoJson = json.decode(content);
-      uri = Uri.parse(infoJson['uri']);
+      String rawUri = infoJson['uri'];
+      // If rawUri ends with a /, Uri.parse will include an empty string as the
+      // last path segment. Make sure it's not there to ensure we have a
+      // consistent Uri.
+      if (rawUri.endsWith('/')) {
+        rawUri = rawUri.substring(0, rawUri.length - 1);
+      }
+      uri = Uri.parse(rawUri);
-      print('** Signaled to run test queries on $uri');
     return completer.future;
@@ -314,7 +328,7 @@
 void setupAddresses(Uri serverAddress) {
   serviceWebsocketAddress =
-      'ws://${serverAddress.authority}${serverAddress.path}ws';
+      'ws://${serverAddress.authority}${serverAddress.path}/ws';
   serviceHttpAddress = 'http://${serverAddress.authority}${serverAddress.path}';
@@ -331,78 +345,126 @@
     bool pause_on_unhandled_exceptions: false,
     bool enable_service_port_fallback: false,
     bool testeeControlsServer: false,
+    bool enableDds: true,
     int port = 0,
   }) {
     if (executableArgs == null) {
       executableArgs = Platform.executableArguments;
-    final process = new _ServiceTesteeLauncher();
-    final name = Platform.script.pathSegments.last;
+    DartDevelopmentService dds;
     WebSocketVM vm;
-    setUp(() async {
-      await process
-          .launch(
-              pause_on_start,
-              pause_on_exit,
-              pause_on_unhandled_exceptions,
-              enable_service_port_fallback,
-              testeeControlsServer,
-              port,
-              extraArgs,
-              executableArgs)
-          .then((Uri serverAddress) async {
-        if (mainArgs.contains("--gdb")) {
-          final pid =;
-          final wait = new Duration(seconds: 10);
-          print("Testee has pid $pid, waiting $wait before continuing");
-          sleep(wait);
-        }
-        setupAddresses(serverAddress);
-        vm = new WebSocketVM(new WebSocketVMTarget(serviceWebsocketAddress));
-        print('Loading VM...');
-        await vm.load();
-        print('Done loading VM');
-      });
-    });
+    _ServiceTesteeLauncher process;
+    bool testsDone = false;
-    test(
-      name,
-      () async {
-        // Run vm tests.
-        if (vmTests != null) {
-          int testIndex = 1;
-          final totalTests = vmTests.length;
-          for (var test in vmTests) {
-            vm.verbose = verbose_vm;
-            print('Running $name [$testIndex/$totalTests]');
-            testIndex++;
-            await test(vm);
-          }
+    ignoreLateException(Function f) async {
+      try {
+        await f();
+      } catch (error, stackTrace) {
+        if (testsDone) {
+          print('Ignoring late exception during process exit:\n'
+              '$error\n$stackTrace');
+        } else {
+          rethrow;
+      }
+    }
-        // Run isolate tests.
-        if (isolateTests != null) {
-          final isolate = await getFirstIsolate(vm);
-          int testIndex = 1;
-          final totalTests = isolateTests.length;
-          for (var test in isolateTests) {
-            vm.verbose = verbose_vm;
-            print('Running $name [$testIndex/$totalTests]');
-            testIndex++;
-            await test(isolate);
-          }
-        }
-      },
-      retry: 0,
-      // Some service tests run fairly long (e.g., valid_source_locations_test).
-      timeout: Timeout.none,
+    setUp(
+      () => ignoreLateException(
+        () async {
+          process = _ServiceTesteeLauncher();
+          await process
+              .launch(
+                  pause_on_start,
+                  pause_on_exit,
+                  pause_on_unhandled_exceptions,
+                  enable_service_port_fallback,
+                  testeeControlsServer,
+                  port,
+                  extraArgs,
+                  executableArgs)
+              .then((Uri serverAddress) async {
+            if (mainArgs.contains("--gdb")) {
+              final pid =;
+              final wait = new Duration(seconds: 10);
+              print("Testee has pid $pid, waiting $wait before continuing");
+              sleep(wait);
+            }
+            if (useDds) {
+              dds = await DartDevelopmentService.startDartDevelopmentService(
+                  serverAddress);
+              setupAddresses(dds.uri);
+            } else {
+              setupAddresses(serverAddress);
+            }
+            print('** Signaled to run test queries on $serviceHttpAddress'
+                ' (${useDds ? "DDS" : "VM Service"})');
+            vm =
+                new WebSocketVM(new WebSocketVMTarget(serviceWebsocketAddress));
+            print('Loading VM...');
+            await vm.load();
+            print('Done loading VM');
+          });
+        },
+      ),
-    tearDown(() {
-      print('All service tests completed successfully.');
-      process.requestExit();
-    });
+    tearDown(
+      () => ignoreLateException(
+        () async {
+          if (useDds) {
+            await dds.shutdown();
+          }
+          process.requestExit();
+        },
+      ),
+    );
+    final name = Platform.script.pathSegments.last;
+    runTest(String name) {
+      test(
+        '$name (${useDds ? 'DDS' : 'VM Service'})',
+        () => ignoreLateException(
+          () async {
+            // Run vm tests.
+            if (vmTests != null) {
+              int testIndex = 1;
+              final totalTests = vmTests.length;
+              for (var test in vmTests) {
+                vm.verbose = verbose_vm;
+                print('Running $name [$testIndex/$totalTests]');
+                testIndex++;
+                await test(vm);
+              }
+            }
+            // Run isolate tests.
+            if (isolateTests != null) {
+              final isolate = await getFirstIsolate(vm);
+              int testIndex = 1;
+              final totalTests = isolateTests.length;
+              for (var test in isolateTests) {
+                vm.verbose = verbose_vm;
+                print('Running $name [$testIndex/$totalTests]');
+                testIndex++;
+                await test(isolate);
+              }
+            }
+            print('All service tests completed successfully.');
+            testsDone = true;
+          },
+        ),
+        // Some service tests run fairly long (e.g., valid_source_locations_test).
+        timeout: Timeout.none,
+      );
+    }
+    if (useDds && !enableDds) {
+      print('Skipping DDS run for $name');
+    } else {
+      runTest(name);
+    }
   Future<Isolate> getFirstIsolate(WebSocketVM vm) async {
@@ -460,6 +522,7 @@
     bool verbose_vm: false,
     bool pause_on_unhandled_exceptions: false,
     bool testeeControlsServer: false,
+    bool enableDds: true,
     List<String> extraArgs}) async {
   assert(!pause_on_start || testeeBefore == null);
   if (_isTestee()) {
@@ -477,7 +540,8 @@
         pause_on_exit: pause_on_exit,
         verbose_vm: verbose_vm,
         pause_on_unhandled_exceptions: pause_on_unhandled_exceptions,
-        testeeControlsServer: testeeControlsServer);
+        testeeControlsServer: testeeControlsServer,
+        enableDds: enableDds);
@@ -529,6 +593,7 @@
     bool verbose_vm: false,
     bool pause_on_unhandled_exceptions: false,
     bool enable_service_port_fallback: false,
+    bool enableDds: true,
     int port = 0,
     List<String> extraArgs,
     List<String> executableArgs}) async {
@@ -549,6 +614,7 @@
       verbose_vm: verbose_vm,
       pause_on_unhandled_exceptions: pause_on_unhandled_exceptions,
       enable_service_port_fallback: enable_service_port_fallback,
+      enableDds: enableDds,
       port: port,
diff --git a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/verify_http_timeline_test.dart b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/verify_http_timeline_test.dart
index a555b11..22fae9b 100644
--- a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/verify_http_timeline_test.dart
+++ b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/verify_http_timeline_test.dart
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
 Future<HttpServer> startServer() async {
-  final server = await HttpServer.bind(InternetAddress.loopbackIPv4, 8011);
+  final server = await HttpServer.bind(InternetAddress.loopbackIPv4, 0);
   server.listen((request) async {
     final response = request.response;
diff --git a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/vm_timeline_events_test.dart b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/vm_timeline_events_test.dart
index 1b77ed1..a47bcf2 100644
--- a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/vm_timeline_events_test.dart
+++ b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/vm_timeline_events_test.dart
@@ -9,10 +9,14 @@
 import 'service_test_common.dart';
 import 'test_helper.dart';
-primeDartTimeline() {
+primeDartTimeline() async {
   while (true) {
+    // Give the VM a chance to send the timeline events. This test is
+    // significantly slower if we loop without yielding control after each
+    // iteration.
+    await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 1));
@@ -22,8 +26,8 @@
   return events.where(filter).toList();
-Completer completer = new Completer();
-int eventCount = 0;
+Completer completer;
+int eventCount;
 onTimelineEvent(ServiceEvent event) {
@@ -35,6 +39,11 @@
 var tests = <IsolateTest>[
   (Isolate isolate) async {
+    // Clear global state.
+    eventCount = 0;
+    completer = Completer<void>();
+  },
+  (Isolate isolate) async {
     // Subscribe to the Timeline stream.
     await subscribeToStream(isolate.vm, VM.kTimelineStream, onTimelineEvent);
diff --git a/runtime/vm/ b/runtime/vm/
index e3b2a7a..d7fe4a2 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/
+++ b/runtime/vm/
@@ -105,6 +105,16 @@
   sources = rebase_path(compiler_sources, ".", "./compiler/")
   include_dirs = [ ".." ]
+  if (is_fuchsia) {
+    if (using_fuchsia_sdk) {
+      extra_deps = [ "$fuchsia_sdk_root/pkg:trace-engine" ]
+    } else {
+      extra_deps = [
+        "//zircon/public/lib/fbl",
+        "//zircon/public/lib/trace-engine",
+      ]
+    }
+  }
 library_for_all_configs("libdart_lib") {
@@ -206,7 +216,9 @@
-  sources = [ "compiler/" ]
+  sources = [
+    "compiler/",
+  ]
   include_dirs = [ ".." ]
@@ -218,6 +230,8 @@
-  sources = [ "compiler/" ]
+  sources = [
+    "compiler/",
+  ]
   include_dirs = [ ".." ]
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/aot/aot_call_specializer.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/aot/aot_call_specializer.h
index 44ea0c2..a14acd2 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/aot/aot_call_specializer.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/aot/aot_call_specializer.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "vm/compiler/call_specializer.h"
 namespace dart {
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/aot/dispatch_table_generator.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/aot/dispatch_table_generator.h
index 830e122..f987606 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/aot/dispatch_table_generator.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/aot/dispatch_table_generator.h
@@ -5,11 +5,13 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_translation_helper.h"
 #include "vm/object.h"
 namespace dart {
 class ClassTable;
@@ -109,6 +111,4 @@
 }  // namespace compiler
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/aot/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/aot/
index 0854325..c9be7d3 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/aot/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/aot/
@@ -4,8 +4,6 @@
 #include "vm/compiler/aot/precompiler.h"
 #include "platform/unicode.h"
 #include "vm/class_finalizer.h"
 #include "vm/code_patcher.h"
@@ -679,10 +677,10 @@
     entry = view.Get<Code::kSCallTableFunctionTarget>();
     if (entry.IsFunction()) {
       AddFunction(Function::Cast(entry), FLAG_retain_function_objects);
-      ASSERT(view.Get<Code::kSCallTableCodeTarget>() == Code::null());
+      ASSERT(view.Get<Code::kSCallTableCodeOrTypeTarget>() == Code::null());
-    entry = view.Get<Code::kSCallTableCodeTarget>();
+    entry = view.Get<Code::kSCallTableCodeOrTypeTarget>();
     if (entry.IsCode() && Code::Cast(entry).IsAllocationStubCode()) {
       cls ^= Code::Cast(entry).owner();
@@ -896,6 +894,11 @@
+  if (instance.raw() == Object::sentinel().raw() ||
+      instance.raw() == Object::transition_sentinel().raw()) {
+    return;
+  }
   const Class& cls = Class::Handle(Z, instance.clazz());
@@ -973,14 +976,16 @@
   if (field.is_static()) {
     const Object& value = Object::Handle(Z, field.StaticValue());
-    if (value.IsInstance()) {
+    // Should not be in the middle of initialization while precompiling.
+    ASSERT(value.raw() != Object::transition_sentinel().raw());
+    if (value.raw() != Object::sentinel().raw() &&
+        value.raw() != Object::null()) {
+      ASSERT(value.IsInstance());
     if (field.has_nontrivial_initializer()) {
-      // Should not be in the middle of initialization while precompiling.
-      ASSERT(value.raw() != Object::transition_sentinel().raw());
       if (!field.HasInitializerFunction() ||
           !Function::Handle(Z, field.InitializerFunction()).HasCode()) {
         if (FLAG_trace_precompiler) {
@@ -1579,11 +1584,11 @@
         target_function_ = view.Get<Code::kSCallTableFunctionTarget>();
         if (target_function_.IsNull()) continue;
-        ASSERT(view.Get<Code::kSCallTableCodeTarget>() == Code::null());
+        ASSERT(view.Get<Code::kSCallTableCodeOrTypeTarget>() == Code::null());
         target_code_ = target_function_.CurrentCode();
-        view.Set<Code::kSCallTableCodeTarget>(target_code_);
+        view.Set<Code::kSCallTableCodeOrTypeTarget>(target_code_);
         if (FLAG_trace_precompiler) {
           THR_Print("Updated static call entry to %s in \"%s\"\n",
@@ -3127,5 +3132,3 @@
 #endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILER) && !defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
 }  // namespace dart
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/aot/precompiler.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/aot/precompiler.h
index 8de467a..24d8c8c 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/aot/precompiler.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/aot/precompiler.h
@@ -5,7 +5,9 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "vm/allocation.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/aot/dispatch_table_generator.h"
@@ -563,6 +565,4 @@
 }  // namespace dart
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
index 0886fe4..3e3957f 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
@@ -2,9 +2,6 @@
 // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 // Class for intrinsifying functions.
 #include "vm/compiler/asm_intrinsifier.h"
@@ -36,5 +33,3 @@
 }  // namespace compiler
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/asm_intrinsifier.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/asm_intrinsifier.h
index 59b3f63..01fd20d 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/asm_intrinsifier.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/asm_intrinsifier.h
@@ -6,6 +6,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "vm/allocation.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/recognized_methods_list.h"
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
index 86679cb..aff1c83 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "vm/globals.h"  // Needed here to get TARGET_ARCH_ARM.
+#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM)
@@ -2348,4 +2348,4 @@
 }  // namespace compiler
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
+#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
index aaf35b7..a8a5491 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "vm/globals.h"  // Needed here to get TARGET_ARCH_ARM64.
+#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM64)
@@ -2418,4 +2418,4 @@
 }  // namespace compiler
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM64) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
+#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM64)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
index edcc866..0f0f759 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 // Dart method was intrinsified.
 #include "vm/globals.h"  // Needed here to get TARGET_ARCH_IA32.
-#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
+#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
@@ -2355,4 +2355,4 @@
 }  // namespace compiler
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
+#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
index c4dc1b6..6ce01a9 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "vm/globals.h"  // Needed here to get TARGET_ARCH_X64.
-#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_X64) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
+#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_X64)
@@ -2386,4 +2386,4 @@
 }  // namespace compiler
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_X64) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
+#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_X64)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/assembler.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/assembler.h
index f702109..336640a 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/assembler.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/assembler.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "platform/assert.h"
 #include "vm/allocation.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/assembler/object_pool_builder.h"
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/
index 35f8ced..cac81b9 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "vm/globals.h"  // NOLINT
+#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM)
@@ -3805,4 +3805,4 @@
 }  // namespace compiler
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
+#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/assembler_arm.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/assembler_arm.h
index 81ed9f6..5f2165a 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/assembler_arm.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/assembler_arm.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #error Do not include assembler_arm.h directly; use assembler.h instead.
@@ -814,7 +818,7 @@
   void LoadWordFromPoolOffset(Register rd,
                               int32_t offset,
                               Register pp,
-                              Condition cond);
+                              Condition cond = AL);
   void LoadObject(Register rd, const Object& object, Condition cond = AL);
   void LoadUniqueObject(Register rd, const Object& object, Condition cond = AL);
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/
index a22a4fa..e418a0c 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "vm/globals.h"  // NOLINT
+#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM64)
@@ -1984,4 +1984,4 @@
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM64) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
+#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM64)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/assembler_arm64.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/assembler_arm64.h
index 071bb36..d2b5e28 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/assembler_arm64.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/assembler_arm64.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #error Do not include assembler_arm64.h directly; use assembler.h instead.
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/
index 7ad426d..9f00096 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
 // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "vm/compiler/assembler/assembler_base.h"
 #include "platform/utils.h"
@@ -389,5 +387,3 @@
 }  // namespace compiler
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/assembler_base.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/assembler_base.h
index 11f587c..419ec7d 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/assembler_base.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/assembler_base.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "platform/assert.h"
 #include "vm/allocation.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/assembler/object_pool_builder.h"
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/
index 1ef9cda..df6fe5f 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/
@@ -14,15 +14,11 @@
 namespace dart {
 DECLARE_FLAG(bool, inline_alloc);
 DECLARE_FLAG(bool, use_slow_path);
 namespace compiler {
 class DirectCallRelocation : public AssemblerFixup {
   void Process(const MemoryRegion& region, intptr_t position) {
@@ -2794,8 +2790,6 @@
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 }  // namespace compiler
 }  // namespace dart
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/assembler_ia32.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/assembler_ia32.h
index 286b6f9..b487548 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/assembler_ia32.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/assembler_ia32.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #error Do not include assembler_ia32.h directly; use assembler.h instead.
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/
index a7b9cb5..624b28e 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/
@@ -14,17 +14,13 @@
 namespace dart {
 DECLARE_FLAG(bool, check_code_pointer);
 DECLARE_FLAG(bool, inline_alloc);
 DECLARE_FLAG(bool, precompiled_mode);
 DECLARE_FLAG(bool, use_slow_path);
 namespace compiler {
 Assembler::Assembler(ObjectPoolBuilder* object_pool_builder,
                      bool use_far_branches)
     : AssemblerBase(object_pool_builder), constant_pool_allowed_(false) {
@@ -2299,8 +2295,6 @@
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 }  // namespace compiler
 }  // namespace dart
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/assembler_x64.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/assembler_x64.h
index 42a17d8..e39a7f2 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/assembler_x64.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/assembler_x64.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #error Do not include assembler_x64.h directly; use assembler.h instead.
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/
index 89e9204..8dd66a3 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/assembler/
@@ -369,13 +369,22 @@
     auto& cls = Class::Handle(zone);
     auto& kind_type_and_offset = Smi::Handle(zone);
     auto& function = Function::Handle(zone);
+    auto& object = Object::Handle(zone);
     auto& code = Code::Handle(zone);
+    auto& dst_type = AbstractType::Handle(zone);
     if (!table.IsNull()) {
       StaticCallsTable static_calls(table);
       for (auto& call : static_calls) {
         kind_type_and_offset = call.Get<Code::kSCallTableKindAndOffset>();
         function = call.Get<Code::kSCallTableFunctionTarget>();
-        code = call.Get<Code::kSCallTableCodeTarget>();
+        object = call.Get<Code::kSCallTableCodeOrTypeTarget>();
+        dst_type = AbstractType::null();
+        if (object.IsAbstractType()) {
+          dst_type = AbstractType::Cast(object).raw();
+        } else if (object.IsCode()) {
+          code = Code::Cast(object).raw();
+        }
         auto kind = Code::KindField::decode(kind_type_and_offset.Value());
         auto offset = Code::OffsetField::decode(kind_type_and_offset.Value());
@@ -389,6 +398,9 @@
           case Code::kPcRelativeCall:
             skind = "pc-relative-call";
+          case Code::kPcRelativeTTSCall:
+            skind = "pc-relative-tts-call";
+            break;
           case Code::kPcRelativeTailCall:
             skind = "pc-relative-tail-call";
@@ -398,7 +410,10 @@
-        if (function.IsNull()) {
+        if (!dst_type.IsNull()) {
+          THR_Print("  0x%" Px ": type testing stub %s, (%s)%s\n",
+                    base + offset, dst_type.ToCString(), skind, s_entry_point);
+        } else if (function.IsNull()) {
           cls ^= code.owner();
           if (cls.IsNull()) {
             THR_Print("  0x%" Px ": %s, (%s)%s\n", base + offset,
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/block_builder.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/block_builder.h
index afca0e8..7cf8b86 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/block_builder.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/block_builder.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/il.h"
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
index 0d84725..9807a19 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
 // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/block_scheduler.h"
 #include "vm/allocation.h"
@@ -304,5 +302,3 @@
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/block_scheduler.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/block_scheduler.h
index 4bcdf15..305cbf3 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/block_scheduler.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/block_scheduler.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "vm/allocation.h"
 namespace dart {
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
index 1f9e9f3..3c58635 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
 // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/branch_optimizer.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph.h"
@@ -349,5 +347,3 @@
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/branch_optimizer.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/branch_optimizer.h
index 8d8136d..ca91b16 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/branch_optimizer.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/branch_optimizer.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "vm/allocation.h"
 namespace dart {
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/code_statistics.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/code_statistics.h
index cfc4cd95e..75d3274 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/code_statistics.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/code_statistics.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "vm/compiler/assembler/assembler.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/il.h"
 #include "vm/object.h"
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/compile_type.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/compile_type.h
index d6477b1..f72eb52 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/compile_type.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/compile_type.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "vm/allocation.h"
 #include "vm/class_id.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/runtime_api.h"
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
index ca953b5..11b1099 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
 // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/constant_propagator.h"
 #include "vm/bit_vector.h"
@@ -596,7 +594,11 @@
       const intptr_t right_cid = instr->right()->Type()->ToCid();
       // If exact classes (cids) are known and they differ, the result
       // of strict compare can be computed.
+      // The only exception is comparison with special sentinel value
+      // (used for lazy initialization) which can be compared to a
+      // value of any type. Sentinel value has kNeverCid.
       if ((left_cid != kDynamicCid) && (right_cid != kDynamicCid) &&
+          (left_cid != kNeverCid) && (right_cid != kNeverCid) &&
           (left_cid != right_cid)) {
         const bool result = (instr->kind() != Token::kEQ_STRICT);
         SetValue(instr, Bool::Get(result));
@@ -1674,5 +1676,3 @@
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/constant_propagator.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/constant_propagator.h
index dd32d16..6150081 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/constant_propagator.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/constant_propagator.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/il.h"
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
index f6adab3..e61c9d7 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
 // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/evaluator.h"
 namespace dart {
@@ -237,5 +235,3 @@
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/evaluator.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/evaluator.h
index 8c8e814..13590f9 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/evaluator.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/evaluator.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "vm/allocation.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/il.h"
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
index 5cde585..2ad41c6 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
 // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph.h"
 #include "vm/bit_vector.h"
@@ -2703,5 +2701,3 @@
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph.h
index 03a2239..67c1fed 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "vm/bit_vector.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/il.h"
 #include "vm/growable_array.h"
@@ -156,11 +160,10 @@
   intptr_t CurrentContextEnvIndex() const {
     if (function().HasBytecode()) {
       return -1;
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
     return EnvIndex(parsed_function().current_context_var());
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
index 7814dd1..5b753ce 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
 // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 #if defined(DEBUG)
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph_checker.h"
@@ -474,4 +473,3 @@
 }  // namespace dart
 #endif  // defined(DEBUG)
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph_checker.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph_checker.h
index c86fab8..0079d98 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph_checker.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph_checker.h
@@ -5,7 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #if defined(DEBUG)
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph.h"
@@ -69,6 +72,5 @@
 }  // namespace dart
 #endif  // defined(DEBUG)
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
index f9f22ba..bfc7d5b 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
@@ -44,8 +44,6 @@
 DEFINE_FLAG(bool, enable_peephole, true, "Enable peephole optimization");
@@ -775,17 +773,17 @@
   const auto entry_point = entry_kind == Code::EntryKind::kUnchecked
                                ? Code::kUncheckedEntry
                                : Code::kDefaultEntry;
-  static_calls_target_table_.Add(
-      new (zone()) StaticCallsStruct(Code::kPcRelativeCall, entry_point,
-                                     assembler()->CodeSize(), &function, NULL));
+  static_calls_target_table_.Add(new (zone()) StaticCallsStruct(
+      Code::kPcRelativeCall, entry_point, assembler()->CodeSize(), &function,
+      nullptr, nullptr));
 void FlowGraphCompiler::AddPcRelativeCallStubTarget(const Code& stub_code) {
   ASSERT(stub_code.IsZoneHandle() || stub_code.IsReadOnlyHandle());
   static_calls_target_table_.Add(new (zone()) StaticCallsStruct(
-      Code::kPcRelativeCall, Code::kDefaultEntry, assembler()->CodeSize(), NULL,
-      &stub_code));
+      Code::kPcRelativeCall, Code::kDefaultEntry, assembler()->CodeSize(),
+      nullptr, &stub_code, nullptr));
 void FlowGraphCompiler::AddPcRelativeTailCallStubTarget(const Code& stub_code) {
@@ -793,7 +791,16 @@
   static_calls_target_table_.Add(new (zone()) StaticCallsStruct(
       Code::kPcRelativeTailCall, Code::kDefaultEntry, assembler()->CodeSize(),
-      nullptr, &stub_code));
+      nullptr, &stub_code, nullptr));
+void FlowGraphCompiler::AddPcRelativeTTSCallTypeTarget(
+    const AbstractType& dst_type) {
+  ASSERT(dst_type.IsZoneHandle() || dst_type.IsReadOnlyHandle());
+  ASSERT(!dst_type.IsNull());
+  static_calls_target_table_.Add(new (zone()) StaticCallsStruct(
+      Code::kPcRelativeTTSCall, Code::kDefaultEntry, assembler()->CodeSize(),
+      nullptr, nullptr, &dst_type));
 void FlowGraphCompiler::AddStaticCallTarget(const Function& func,
@@ -803,14 +810,15 @@
                                ? Code::kUncheckedEntry
                                : Code::kDefaultEntry;
   static_calls_target_table_.Add(new (zone()) StaticCallsStruct(
-      Code::kCallViaCode, entry_point, assembler()->CodeSize(), &func, NULL));
+      Code::kCallViaCode, entry_point, assembler()->CodeSize(), &func, nullptr,
+      nullptr));
 void FlowGraphCompiler::AddStubCallTarget(const Code& code) {
   ASSERT(code.IsZoneHandle() || code.IsReadOnlyHandle());
-  static_calls_target_table_.Add(
-      new (zone()) StaticCallsStruct(Code::kCallViaCode, Code::kDefaultEntry,
-                                     assembler()->CodeSize(), NULL, &code));
+  static_calls_target_table_.Add(new (zone()) StaticCallsStruct(
+      Code::kCallViaCode, Code::kDefaultEntry, assembler()->CodeSize(), nullptr,
+      &code, nullptr));
 void FlowGraphCompiler::AddDispatchTableCallTarget(
@@ -1220,11 +1228,17 @@
     const Object* target = nullptr;
     if (entry->function != nullptr) {
-      view.Set<Code::kSCallTableFunctionTarget>(*calls[i]->function);
+      target = entry->function;
+      view.Set<Code::kSCallTableFunctionTarget>(*entry->function);
-    if (entry->code != NULL) {
+    if (entry->code != nullptr) {
       ASSERT(target == nullptr);
-      view.Set<Code::kSCallTableCodeTarget>(*calls[i]->code);
+      target = entry->code;
+      view.Set<Code::kSCallTableCodeOrTypeTarget>(*entry->code);
+    }
+    if (entry->dst_type != nullptr) {
+      ASSERT(target == nullptr);
+      view.Set<Code::kSCallTableCodeOrTypeTarget>(*entry->dst_type);
@@ -2360,8 +2374,9 @@
   // We "dereference" the type parameter for the TTS call but leave the type
   // parameter in the TypeTestABI::kDstTypeReg for fallback into
   // SubtypeTestCache.
-  ASSERT(dst_type.IsTypeParameter() ==
-         (TypeTestABI::kDstTypeReg != dst_type_reg_to_call));
+  ASSERT(dst_type_reg_to_call == kNoRegister ||
+         (dst_type.IsTypeParameter() ==
+          (TypeTestABI::kDstTypeReg != dst_type_reg_to_call)));
   // We can handle certain types very efficiently on the call site (with a
   // bailout to the normal stub, which will do a runtime call).
@@ -2788,6 +2803,5 @@
 #undef __
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 }  // namespace dart
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph_compiler.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph_compiler.h
index 0097fcd..8b42dc0 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph_compiler.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph_compiler.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include <functional>
 #include "vm/allocation.h"
@@ -973,6 +977,7 @@
                                Code::EntryKind entry_kind);
   void AddPcRelativeCallStubTarget(const Code& stub_code);
   void AddPcRelativeTailCallStubTarget(const Code& stub_code);
+  void AddPcRelativeTTSCallTypeTarget(const AbstractType& type);
   void AddStaticCallTarget(const Function& function,
                            Code::EntryKind entry_kind);
@@ -1150,21 +1155,27 @@
     Code::CallKind call_kind;
     Code::CallEntryPoint entry_point;
     const intptr_t offset;
-    const Function* function;  // Can be NULL.
-    const Code* code;          // Can be NULL.
+    const Function* function;      // Can be nullptr.
+    const Code* code;              // Can be nullptr.
+    const AbstractType* dst_type;  // Can be nullptr.
     StaticCallsStruct(Code::CallKind call_kind,
                       Code::CallEntryPoint entry_point,
                       intptr_t offset_arg,
                       const Function* function_arg,
-                      const Code* code_arg)
+                      const Code* code_arg,
+                      const AbstractType* dst_type)
         : call_kind(call_kind),
-          code(code_arg) {
-      ASSERT((function == NULL) || function->IsZoneHandle());
-      ASSERT((code == NULL) || code->IsZoneHandle() ||
+          code(code_arg),
+          dst_type(dst_type) {
+      ASSERT(function == nullptr || function->IsZoneHandle());
+      ASSERT(code == nullptr || code->IsZoneHandle() ||
+      ASSERT(dst_type == nullptr || dst_type->IsZoneHandle() ||
+             dst_type->IsReadOnlyHandle());
+      ASSERT(code == nullptr || dst_type == nullptr);
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
index 2d5388c..f2e8e44 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "vm/globals.h"  // Needed here to get TARGET_ARCH_ARM.
+#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM)
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph_compiler.h"
@@ -763,8 +763,16 @@
     const AbstractType& dst_type,
     const String& dst_name,
     LocationSummary* locs) {
+  // If the dst_type is instantiated we know the target TTS stub at
+  // compile-time and can therefore use a pc-relative call.
+  const bool use_pc_relative_call = dst_type.IsInstantiated() &&
+                                    FLAG_precompiled_mode &&
+                                    FLAG_use_bare_instructions;
   const Register kRegToCall =
-      dst_type.IsTypeParameter() ? R9 : TypeTestABI::kDstTypeReg;
+      use_pc_relative_call
+          ? kNoRegister
+          : (dst_type.IsTypeParameter() ? R9 : TypeTestABI::kDstTypeReg);
   const Register kScratchReg = R4;
   compiler::Label done;
@@ -788,14 +796,19 @@
   ASSERT((sub_type_cache_index + 1) == dst_name_index);
   ASSERT(__ constant_pool_allowed());
-  __ LoadField(
-      R9,
-      compiler::FieldAddress(
-          kRegToCall,
-          compiler::target::AbstractType::type_test_stub_entry_point_offset()));
-  __ LoadWordFromPoolOffset(TypeTestABI::kSubtypeTestCacheReg,
-                            sub_type_cache_offset, PP, AL);
-  __ blx(R9);
+  if (use_pc_relative_call) {
+    __ LoadWordFromPoolOffset(TypeTestABI::kSubtypeTestCacheReg,
+                              sub_type_cache_offset, PP);
+    __ GenerateUnRelocatedPcRelativeCall();
+    AddPcRelativeTTSCallTypeTarget(dst_type);
+  } else {
+    __ LoadField(R9, compiler::FieldAddress(
+                         kRegToCall, compiler::target::AbstractType::
+                                         type_test_stub_entry_point_offset()));
+    __ LoadWordFromPoolOffset(TypeTestABI::kSubtypeTestCacheReg,
+                              sub_type_cache_offset, PP);
+    __ blx(R9);
+  }
   EmitCallsiteMetadata(token_pos, deopt_id, RawPcDescriptors::kOther, locs);
   __ Bind(&done);
@@ -1871,4 +1884,4 @@
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
+#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
index 051740f..3f42db3 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "vm/globals.h"  // Needed here to get TARGET_ARCH_ARM64.
+#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM64)
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph_compiler.h"
@@ -725,8 +725,16 @@
     const AbstractType& dst_type,
     const String& dst_name,
     LocationSummary* locs) {
+  // If the dst_type is instantiated we know the target TTS stub at
+  // compile-time and can therefore use a pc-relative call.
+  const bool use_pc_relative_call = dst_type.IsInstantiated() &&
+                                    FLAG_precompiled_mode &&
+                                    FLAG_use_bare_instructions;
   const Register kRegToCall =
-      dst_type.IsTypeParameter() ? R9 : TypeTestABI::kDstTypeReg;
+      use_pc_relative_call
+          ? kNoRegister
+          : (dst_type.IsTypeParameter() ? R9 : TypeTestABI::kDstTypeReg);
   const Register kScratchReg = R4;
   compiler::Label done;
@@ -749,12 +757,19 @@
   ASSERT((sub_type_cache_index + 1) == dst_name_index);
   ASSERT(__ constant_pool_allowed());
-  __ LoadField(
-      R9, compiler::FieldAddress(
-              kRegToCall, AbstractType::type_test_stub_entry_point_offset()));
-  __ LoadWordFromPoolOffset(TypeTestABI::kSubtypeTestCacheReg,
-                            sub_type_cache_offset);
-  __ blr(R9);
+  if (use_pc_relative_call) {
+    __ LoadWordFromPoolOffset(TypeTestABI::kSubtypeTestCacheReg,
+                              sub_type_cache_offset);
+    __ GenerateUnRelocatedPcRelativeCall();
+    AddPcRelativeTTSCallTypeTarget(dst_type);
+  } else {
+    __ LoadField(
+        R9, compiler::FieldAddress(
+                kRegToCall, AbstractType::type_test_stub_entry_point_offset()));
+    __ LoadWordFromPoolOffset(TypeTestABI::kSubtypeTestCacheReg,
+                              sub_type_cache_offset);
+    __ blr(R9);
+  }
   EmitCallsiteMetadata(token_pos, deopt_id, RawPcDescriptors::kOther, locs);
   __ Bind(&done);
@@ -1794,4 +1809,4 @@
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM64) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
+#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM64)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
index d982292..2c7eac4 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "vm/globals.h"  // Needed here to get TARGET_ARCH_IA32.
-#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
+#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph_compiler.h"
@@ -1602,4 +1602,4 @@
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
+#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
index cade733..e75ab34 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "vm/globals.h"  // Needed here to get TARGET_ARCH_X64.
-#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_X64) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
+#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_X64)
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph_compiler.h"
@@ -730,11 +730,17 @@
     const AbstractType& dst_type,
     const String& dst_name,
     LocationSummary* locs) {
-  compiler::Label done;
-  const Register kRegToCall =
+  // If the dst_type is instantiated we know the target TTS stub at
+  // compile-time and can therefore use a pc-relative call.
+  const bool use_pc_relative_call = dst_type.IsInstantiated() &&
+                                    FLAG_precompiled_mode &&
+                                    FLAG_use_bare_instructions;
+  const Register kScratchReg =
       dst_type.IsTypeParameter() ? RSI : TypeTestABI::kDstTypeReg;
-  const Register kScratchReg = kRegToCall;
+  const Register kRegToCall = use_pc_relative_call ? kNoRegister : kScratchReg;
+  compiler::Label done;
   GenerateAssertAssignableViaTypeTestingStub(receiver_type, dst_type, dst_name,
                                              kRegToCall, kScratchReg, &done);
@@ -756,8 +762,13 @@
   __ movq(TypeTestABI::kSubtypeTestCacheReg,
           compiler::Address(PP, sub_type_cache_offset));
-  __ call(compiler::FieldAddress(
-      kRegToCall, AbstractType::type_test_stub_entry_point_offset()));
+  if (use_pc_relative_call) {
+    __ GenerateUnRelocatedPcRelativeCall();
+    AddPcRelativeTTSCallTypeTarget(dst_type);
+  } else {
+    __ call(compiler::FieldAddress(
+        kRegToCall, AbstractType::type_test_stub_entry_point_offset()));
+  }
   EmitCallsiteMetadata(token_pos, deopt_id, RawPcDescriptors::kOther, locs);
   __ Bind(&done);
@@ -1763,4 +1774,4 @@
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_X64) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
+#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_X64)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
index eca6a6c..8b9836a 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
 // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/il.h"
 #include "vm/bit_vector.h"
@@ -6152,5 +6150,3 @@
 #undef __
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/il.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/il.h
index e635815..a0816ba 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/il.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/il.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include <memory>
 #include <utility>
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
index 5e3faea..71bb295 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "vm/globals.h"  // Needed here to get TARGET_ARCH_ARM.
+#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM)
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/il.h"
@@ -7491,4 +7491,4 @@
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
+#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
index 7393059..10bac83 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "vm/globals.h"  // Needed here to get TARGET_ARCH_ARM64.
+#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM64)
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/il.h"
@@ -6434,4 +6434,4 @@
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM64) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
+#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM64)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
index c8d0916..abc152e 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
 // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/il_deserializer.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/il_serializer.h"
@@ -2485,5 +2483,3 @@
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/il_deserializer.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/il_deserializer.h
index 9e8d40b..3959d37 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/il_deserializer.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/il_deserializer.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "platform/assert.h"
 #include "vm/allocation.h"
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
index 745c44ea..57c00db 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 #include "platform/globals.h"
 #include "vm/globals.h"  // Needed here to get TARGET_ARCH_IA32.
-#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
+#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/il.h"
@@ -6340,4 +6340,4 @@
 #undef __
-#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
+#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/il_printer.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/il_printer.h
index becdf59..96268c8 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/il_printer.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/il_printer.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "platform/text_buffer.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/il.h"
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
index bdd8812..cfab7bb 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
 // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/il_serializer.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph.h"
@@ -1484,5 +1482,3 @@
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/il_serializer.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/il_serializer.h
index 0e02cd2..eb7795e 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/il_serializer.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/il_serializer.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "platform/assert.h"
 #include "platform/text_buffer.h"
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
index 0ab1b74..1109aff 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "vm/globals.h"  // Needed here to get TARGET_ARCH_X64.
-#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_X64) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
+#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_X64)
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/il.h"
@@ -6720,4 +6720,4 @@
 #undef __
-#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_X64) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
+#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_X64)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
index c124196..1daefa0 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
 // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/inliner.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/aot/aot_call_specializer.h"
@@ -4267,5 +4265,3 @@
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/inliner.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/inliner.h
index 5aa3c1a..c31a954 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/inliner.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/inliner.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "vm/allocation.h"
 #include "vm/growable_array.h"
 #include "vm/token_position.h"
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
index 9bcd928..2aa6944 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
 // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/linearscan.h"
 #include "vm/bit_vector.h"
@@ -2991,5 +2989,3 @@
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/linearscan.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/linearscan.h
index 4bb868b..740e489 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/linearscan.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/linearscan.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/il.h"
 #include "vm/growable_array.h"
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
index 2153fac..f5853c2 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
 // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/locations.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/assembler/assembler.h"
@@ -394,5 +392,3 @@
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/locations.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/locations.h
index 117092a..a270ad8 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/locations.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/locations.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "vm/allocation.h"
 #include "vm/bitfield.h"
 #include "vm/bitmap.h"
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/locations_helpers.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/locations_helpers.h
index 5e7969a..6b62e40 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/locations_helpers.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/locations_helpers.h
@@ -43,6 +43,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/locations.h"
 namespace dart {
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/locations_helpers_arm.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/locations_helpers_arm.h
index 6eecc9f..4a651cc 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/locations_helpers_arm.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/locations_helpers_arm.h
@@ -9,6 +9,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 namespace dart {
 // QRegisterView is a wrapper around QRegister that provides helpers for
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
index b8edbc0..21a4a77 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
 // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/loops.h"
 #include "vm/bit_vector.h"
@@ -1192,5 +1190,3 @@
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/loops.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/loops.h
index 26875ab..704508b 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/loops.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/loops.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include <utility>
 #include "vm/allocation.h"
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
index 7ab4dc2..f81e017 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
 // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/range_analysis.h"
 #include "vm/bit_vector.h"
@@ -3045,5 +3043,3 @@
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/range_analysis.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/range_analysis.h
index 720103b..0ed4936 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/range_analysis.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/range_analysis.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/il.h"
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
index 01e5c51..45c4b24 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
 // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/redundancy_elimination.h"
 #include "vm/bit_vector.h"
@@ -3840,5 +3838,3 @@
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/redundancy_elimination.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/redundancy_elimination.h
index fd9b9c8..84fc7d2 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/redundancy_elimination.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/redundancy_elimination.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/il.h"
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
index 8b33ea5..12006b4 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
 // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/sexpression.h"
 #include <ctype.h>
@@ -687,5 +685,3 @@
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/sexpression.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/sexpression.h
index 461e3eb..40b79a3 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/sexpression.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/sexpression.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "platform/text_buffer.h"
 #include "vm/allocation.h"
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
index 3ebb148..bab1c7a 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
@@ -4,8 +4,6 @@
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/slot.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/compiler_state.h"
 #include "vm/hash_map.h"
 #include "vm/parser.h"
@@ -227,11 +225,6 @@
     is_nullable = false;
-  if (field.is_late()) {
-    // TODO( Extend CompileType to handle lateness.
-    is_nullable = true;
-  }
   const Slot& slot = SlotCache::Instance(thread).Canonicalize(Slot(
       IsImmutableBit::encode((field.is_final() && !field.is_late()) ||
@@ -323,5 +316,3 @@
 }  // namespace dart
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/slot.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/slot.h
index 6f6faa8..8115c6a 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/slot.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/slot.h
@@ -24,6 +24,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/compile_type.h"
 #include "vm/thread.h"
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
index 39e92e5..dc47a68 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
 // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/type_propagator.h"
 #include "platform/text_buffer.h"
@@ -1750,5 +1748,3 @@
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/type_propagator.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/type_propagator.h
index 65ef9f4..5c27420 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/type_propagator.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/type_propagator.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/il.h"
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
index e074143..9f1ef36 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
 // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "vm/compiler/call_specializer.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph_compiler.h"
@@ -1794,4 +1793,3 @@
 }  // namespace dart
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/call_specializer.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/call_specializer.h
index da606b0..c1be9a2 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/call_specializer.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/call_specializer.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/il.h"
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
index 53e2480..b7307f6 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
 // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "vm/compiler/cha.h"
 #include "vm/class_table.h"
 #include "vm/flags.h"
@@ -173,5 +171,3 @@
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/cha.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/cha.h
index c132f10..dd1d5b3 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/cha.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/cha.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "vm/allocation.h"
 #include "vm/growable_array.h"
 #include "vm/thread.h"
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
index ed13b59..9bef093 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
@@ -4,8 +4,6 @@
 #include "vm/compiler/compiler_pass.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/block_scheduler.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/branch_optimizer.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/constant_propagator.h"
@@ -575,5 +573,3 @@
 }  // namespace dart
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/compiler_pass.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/compiler_pass.h
index a5d4cdd..ffda7a6 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/compiler_pass.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/compiler_pass.h
@@ -5,7 +5,9 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include <initializer_list>
@@ -201,6 +203,4 @@
 }  // namespace dart
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/compiler_sources.gni b/runtime/vm/compiler/compiler_sources.gni
index 6b59f94..9445dfb 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/compiler_sources.gni
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/compiler_sources.gni
@@ -154,6 +154,9 @@
+  "",
+  "",
+  "",
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/compiler_state.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/compiler_state.h
index 619f25b..9baaceb 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/compiler_state.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/compiler_state.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "vm/compiler/api/deopt_id.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/cha.h"
 #include "vm/heap/safepoint.h"
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/abi.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/abi.h
index 623374f..fb6f937 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/abi.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/abi.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include <platform/globals.h>
 namespace dart {
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/
index b13af64..40a4e6e 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/
@@ -12,8 +12,6 @@
 namespace ffi {
 // TODO( Cache the trampolines.
 RawFunction* TrampolineFunction(const Function& dart_signature,
                                 const Function& c_signature) {
@@ -55,8 +53,6 @@
   return function.raw();
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 }  // namespace ffi
 }  // namespace compiler
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/call.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/call.h
index 3680481..86a986b 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/call.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/call.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include <platform/globals.h>
 #include "vm/raw_object.h"
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/
index 94abfb8..6bd722a 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/
@@ -12,8 +12,6 @@
 namespace ffi {
 RawFunction* NativeCallbackFunction(const Function& c_signature,
                                     const Function& dart_target,
                                     const Instance& exceptional_return) {
@@ -66,8 +64,6 @@
   return function.raw();
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 }  // namespace ffi
 }  // namespace compiler
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/callback.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/callback.h
index ff432e6..4113ffa 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/callback.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/callback.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include <platform/globals.h>
 #include "vm/raw_object.h"
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/
index cc12a56..ee035ac 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
 // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "vm/compiler/ffi/frame_rebase.h"
 namespace dart {
@@ -47,5 +45,3 @@
 }  // namespace compiler
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/frame_rebase.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/frame_rebase.h
index 33d8683..ba58a5c 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/frame_rebase.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/frame_rebase.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/locations.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/ffi/native_location.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/ffi/native_type.h"
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/
index 53d1e21..009e031 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/
@@ -17,8 +17,6 @@
 namespace ffi {
 Location CallMarshaller::LocInFfiCall(intptr_t arg_index) const {
   if (arg_index == kResultIndex) {
     return Location(arg_index).AsLocation();
@@ -154,8 +152,6 @@
                                                                  zone_)) {}
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 }  // namespace ffi
 }  // namespace compiler
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/marshaller.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/marshaller.h
index 19009bb..01704c7 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/marshaller.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/marshaller.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include <platform/globals.h>
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/locations.h"
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/
index 13b01f3..032f583 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/
@@ -16,8 +16,6 @@
 namespace ffi {
 // Argument #0 is the function pointer.
 const intptr_t kNativeParamsStartAt = 1;
@@ -303,8 +301,6 @@
   return Utils::RoundUp(max_height_in_bytes, compiler::target::kWordSize);
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 }  // namespace ffi
 }  // namespace compiler
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/native_calling_convention.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/native_calling_convention.h
index 459be7f..1524b6f 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/native_calling_convention.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/native_calling_convention.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include <platform/globals.h>
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/locations.h"
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/
index 918f341..27c0388 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
 // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "vm/compiler/ffi/native_location.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/il_printer.h"
@@ -340,5 +338,3 @@
 }  // namespace compiler
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/native_location.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/native_location.h
index a50872f..7db24e6 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/native_location.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/native_location.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/locations.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/ffi/native_type.h"
 #include "vm/growable_array.h"
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/recognized_method.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/recognized_method.h
index 0bd7dab..8cbfca8 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/recognized_method.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/ffi/recognized_method.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include <platform/globals.h>
 #include "vm/compiler/method_recognizer.h"
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
index 53a60de..a60eb07 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
@@ -11,8 +11,6 @@
 #include "vm/growable_array.h"
 #include "vm/object_store.h"
 namespace dart {
 namespace kernel {
@@ -1146,5 +1144,3 @@
 }  // namespace kernel
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/base_flow_graph_builder.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/base_flow_graph_builder.h
index 8fed8b0..67448f0 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/base_flow_graph_builder.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/base_flow_graph_builder.h
@@ -5,14 +5,16 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include <initializer_list>
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/il.h"
 #include "vm/object.h"
 namespace dart {
 class InlineExitCollector;
@@ -451,5 +453,4 @@
 }  // namespace kernel
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
index 8a42a1e..78d621e 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
@@ -8,8 +8,6 @@
 #include "vm/constants_kbc.h"
 #include "vm/hash.h"
 namespace dart {
 namespace kernel {
@@ -207,5 +205,3 @@
 }  // namespace kernel
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/bytecode_fingerprints.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/bytecode_fingerprints.h
index ea79a92..78dbcff 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/bytecode_fingerprints.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/bytecode_fingerprints.h
@@ -5,11 +5,13 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "platform/allocation.h"
 #include "vm/object.h"
 namespace dart {
 namespace kernel {
@@ -21,5 +23,4 @@
 }  // namespace kernel
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
index 1d16d3b..5bcc3d8 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
@@ -13,8 +13,6 @@
 #include "vm/stack_frame.h"
 #include "vm/stack_frame_kbc.h"
 #define B (flow_graph_builder_)
 #define Z (zone_)
@@ -2348,5 +2346,3 @@
 }  // namespace kernel
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/bytecode_flow_graph_builder.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/bytecode_flow_graph_builder.h
index 822a55e..c98d743 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/bytecode_flow_graph_builder.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/bytecode_flow_graph_builder.h
@@ -5,13 +5,15 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/il.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/frontend/base_flow_graph_builder.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_translation_helper.h"  // For InferredTypeMetadata
 #include "vm/constants_kbc.h"
 namespace dart {
 namespace kernel {
@@ -247,5 +249,4 @@
 }  // namespace kernel
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
index fbc1a7e..d205058 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
@@ -24,8 +24,6 @@
 #include "vm/stack_frame_kbc.h"
 #include "vm/timeline.h"
 #define Z (zone_)
 #define H (translation_helper_)
 #define I (translation_helper_.isolate())
@@ -2054,14 +2052,7 @@
-    if (has_nontrivial_initializer) {
-      if (field.is_late() && !is_static) {
-        // Late fields are initialized to Object::sentinel, which is a flavor of
-        // null. So we need to record that store so that the field guard doesn't
-        // prematurely optimise out the late field's sentinel checking logic.
-        field.RecordStore(Object::null_object());
-      }
-    } else {
+    if (!has_nontrivial_initializer) {
       value ^= ReadObject();
       if (is_static) {
         if (field.is_late() && !has_initializer) {
@@ -3732,5 +3723,3 @@
 }  // namespace kernel
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/bytecode_reader.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/bytecode_reader.h
index 2afd9dd..81abc86 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/bytecode_reader.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/bytecode_reader.h
@@ -5,12 +5,14 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_translation_helper.h"
 #include "vm/constants_kbc.h"
 #include "vm/object.h"
 namespace dart {
 namespace kernel {
@@ -582,5 +584,4 @@
 }  // namespace kernel
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
index e7283f6..af47f51 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
@@ -6,8 +6,6 @@
 #include "vm/compiler/frontend/bytecode_reader.h"
 namespace dart {
 namespace kernel {
@@ -189,5 +187,3 @@
 }  // namespace kernel
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/bytecode_scope_builder.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/bytecode_scope_builder.h
index 4436565..8f96b87 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/bytecode_scope_builder.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/bytecode_scope_builder.h
@@ -5,7 +5,9 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "vm/object.h"
 #include "vm/parser.h"  // For ParsedFunction.
@@ -36,5 +38,4 @@
 }  // namespace kernel
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
index 23a30d3..08fd420 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
@@ -4,8 +4,6 @@
 #include "vm/compiler/frontend/constant_reader.h"
 namespace dart {
 namespace kernel {
@@ -328,5 +326,3 @@
 }  // namespace kernel
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/constant_reader.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/constant_reader.h
index c5a7574..8e7a519 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/constant_reader.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/constant_reader.h
@@ -5,7 +5,9 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_translation_helper.h"
 #include "vm/hash_table.h"
@@ -80,5 +82,4 @@
 }  // namespace kernel
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
index 9d8855f..4a13620 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
 // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "vm/compiler/frontend/flow_graph_builder.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/branch_optimizer.h"
@@ -390,5 +388,3 @@
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/flow_graph_builder.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/flow_graph_builder.h
index 71e573c..f2d5364 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/flow_graph_builder.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/flow_graph_builder.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "platform/assert.h"
 #include "platform/globals.h"
 #include "vm/allocation.h"
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
index b0dd414..61f3c73 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
@@ -13,8 +13,6 @@
 #include "vm/object_store.h"
 #include "vm/stack_frame.h"
 namespace dart {
 DECLARE_FLAG(bool, enable_interpreter);
@@ -5270,5 +5268,3 @@
 }  // namespace kernel
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_binary_flowgraph.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_binary_flowgraph.h
index d782e5d..4a383ad 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_binary_flowgraph.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_binary_flowgraph.h
@@ -5,7 +5,9 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "vm/compiler/frontend/bytecode_reader.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/frontend/constant_reader.h"
@@ -382,5 +384,4 @@
 }  // namespace kernel
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
index 4247dae..b20ba94 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
@@ -5,8 +5,6 @@
 #include "vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_fingerprints.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_translation_helper.h"
 #define H (translation_helper_)
 #define I Isolate::Current()
@@ -880,5 +878,3 @@
 }  // namespace kernel
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_fingerprints.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_fingerprints.h
index 601a488a..588d51f 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_fingerprints.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_fingerprints.h
@@ -5,11 +5,13 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "platform/allocation.h"
 #include "vm/object.h"
 namespace dart {
 namespace kernel {
@@ -23,5 +25,4 @@
 }  // namespace kernel
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
index 138d13d..7f0f7a1 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
@@ -24,8 +24,6 @@
 #include "vm/resolver.h"
 #include "vm/stack_frame.h"
 namespace dart {
 namespace kernel {
@@ -3023,5 +3021,3 @@
 }  // namespace kernel
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_to_il.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_to_il.h
index a61c5b1..9e798c8 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_to_il.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_to_il.h
@@ -5,7 +5,9 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "vm/growable_array.h"
 #include "vm/hash_map.h"
@@ -669,5 +671,4 @@
 }  // namespace kernel
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
index c56e34a..c9aa6d8 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
@@ -14,8 +14,6 @@
 #include "vm/parser.h"  // for ParsedFunction
 #include "vm/symbols.h"
 #define Z (zone_)
 #define H (translation_helper_)
 #define T (type_translator_)
@@ -3525,5 +3523,3 @@
 }  // namespace kernel
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_translation_helper.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_translation_helper.h
index 9fb8301..6192f88 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_translation_helper.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_translation_helper.h
@@ -5,13 +5,15 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/il.h"  // For CompileType.
 #include "vm/kernel.h"
 #include "vm/kernel_binary.h"
 #include "vm/object.h"
 namespace dart {
 namespace kernel {
@@ -1505,5 +1507,4 @@
 }  // namespace kernel
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
index 71fff65..ea3375b 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
 #include "vm/resolver.h"
 #include "vm/stack_frame.h"
 namespace dart {
 namespace kernel {
@@ -530,5 +529,3 @@
 }  // namespace kernel
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/prologue_builder.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/prologue_builder.h
index 3f58e13..2d2d502 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/prologue_builder.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/prologue_builder.h
@@ -5,7 +5,9 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "vm/compiler/frontend/base_flow_graph_builder.h"
@@ -90,5 +92,4 @@
 }  // namespace kernel
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
index 81157c7..ed32087 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
@@ -7,8 +7,6 @@
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/il.h"  // For CompileType.
 #include "vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_translation_helper.h"
 namespace dart {
 namespace kernel {
@@ -1858,5 +1856,3 @@
 }  // namespace kernel
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/scope_builder.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/scope_builder.h
index 391f971..4f53fbd 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/scope_builder.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/scope_builder.h
@@ -5,7 +5,9 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "vm/compiler/frontend/constant_reader.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_translation_helper.h"
@@ -237,5 +239,4 @@
 }  // namespace kernel
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
index af792ff..994b5c7 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
@@ -3,8 +3,6 @@
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 // Class for intrinsifying functions.
 #include "vm/compiler/graph_intrinsifier.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/block_builder.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph.h"
@@ -1074,5 +1072,3 @@
 }  // namespace compiler
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/graph_intrinsifier.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/graph_intrinsifier.h
index 3e398f1..c122b5c 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/graph_intrinsifier.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/graph_intrinsifier.h
@@ -6,6 +6,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "vm/allocation.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/recognized_methods_list.h"
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
index 39b30c2..cc8dc4c 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "vm/globals.h"  // Needed here to get TARGET_ARCH_ARM.
+#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM)
 #include "vm/compiler/assembler/assembler.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/graph_intrinsifier.h"
@@ -42,4 +42,4 @@
 }  // namespace compiler
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
+#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
index 0dc98a7..9bd2ae5 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "vm/globals.h"  // Needed here to get TARGET_ARCH_ARM64.
+#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM64)
 #include "vm/compiler/assembler/assembler.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/graph_intrinsifier.h"
@@ -47,4 +47,4 @@
 }  // namespace compiler
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM64) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
+#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM64)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
index e89c176..6e29ff5 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "vm/globals.h"  // Needed here to get TARGET_ARCH_IA32.
-#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
+#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
 #include "vm/compiler/assembler/assembler.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/graph_intrinsifier.h"
@@ -34,4 +34,4 @@
 }  // namespace compiler
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
+#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
index 46a8004..58c02b2 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "vm/globals.h"  // Needed here to get TARGET_ARCH_X64.
-#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_X64) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
+#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_X64)
 #include "vm/compiler/assembler/assembler.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/graph_intrinsifier.h"
@@ -42,4 +42,4 @@
 }  // namespace compiler
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_X64) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
+#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_X64)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
index 73daa5b..7c6d764 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
@@ -3,8 +3,6 @@
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 // Class for intrinsifying functions.
 #include "vm/compiler/intrinsifier.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/assembler/assembler.h"
@@ -76,7 +74,6 @@
   return true;
 struct IntrinsicDesc {
   const char* class_name;
   const char* function_name;
@@ -172,7 +169,6 @@
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 // Returns true if fall-through code can be omitted.
 bool Intrinsifier::Intrinsify(const ParsedFunction& parsed_function,
@@ -238,5 +234,3 @@
 }  // namespace compiler
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/intrinsifier.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/intrinsifier.h
index 3aa9148..f8895a4 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/intrinsifier.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/intrinsifier.h
@@ -6,6 +6,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "vm/allocation.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/asm_intrinsifier.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/graph_intrinsifier.h"
@@ -26,9 +30,8 @@
   static bool Intrinsify(const ParsedFunction& parsed_function,
                          FlowGraphCompiler* compiler);
   static void InitializeState();
   static bool CanIntrinsify(const Function& function);
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/jit/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/jit/
index cfff542..688084b 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/jit/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/jit/
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 // Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
 // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "vm/compiler/jit/jit_call_specializer.h"
 #include "vm/bit_vector.h"
@@ -279,4 +278,3 @@
 }  // namespace dart
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/jit/jit_call_specializer.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/jit/jit_call_specializer.h
index ea35fa9..8c743ed 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/jit/jit_call_specializer.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/jit/jit_call_specializer.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "vm/compiler/call_specializer.h"
 namespace dart {
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
index 99d186f..9fb302e 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
@@ -194,7 +194,6 @@
   return "?";
 void MethodRecognizer::InitializeState() {
   GrowableArray<Library*> libs(3);
@@ -257,7 +256,6 @@
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 Token::Kind MethodTokenRecognizer::RecognizeTokenKind(const String& name_) {
   Thread* thread = Thread::Current();
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/method_recognizer.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/method_recognizer.h
index 1cf5d5b..7a34c46 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/method_recognizer.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/method_recognizer.h
@@ -55,12 +55,10 @@
   static intptr_t MethodKindToReceiverCid(Kind kind);
   static const char* KindToCString(Kind kind);
   static void InitializeState();
   static void Libraries(GrowableArray<Library*>* libs);
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 // Recognizes token corresponding to a method name.
@@ -69,13 +67,11 @@
   static Token::Kind RecognizeTokenKind(const String& name);
 #define CHECK_FINGERPRINT2(f, p0, p1, fp)                                      \
   ASSERT(f.CheckSourceFingerprint(#p0 ", " #p1, fp))
 #define CHECK_FINGERPRINT3(f, p0, p1, p2, fp)                                  \
   ASSERT(f.CheckSourceFingerprint(#p0 ", " #p1 ", " #p2, fp))
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 // Class that recognizes factories and returns corresponding result cid.
 class FactoryRecognizer : public AllStatic {
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
index 3835d55..e72a3b1 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
                              GrowableArray<RawCode*>* code_objects,
                              GrowableArray<ImageWriterCommand>* commands)
     : StackResource(thread),
+      thread_(thread),
@@ -103,7 +104,7 @@
 void CodeRelocator::FindInstructionAndCallLimits() {
-  Zone* zone = Thread::Current()->zone();
+  auto zone = thread_->zone();
   auto& current_caller = Code::Handle(zone);
   auto& call_targets = Array::Handle(zone);
@@ -131,19 +132,14 @@
         if (kind == Code::kCallViaCode) {
-        num_calls++;
-        // The precompiler should have already replaced all function entries
-        // with code entries.
-        ASSERT(call.Get<Code::kSCallTableFunctionTarget>() == Function::null());
-        target_ = call.Get<Code::kSCallTableCodeTarget>();
-        ASSERT(target_.IsCode());
-        destination_ = Code::Cast(target_).raw();
+        destination_ = GetTarget(call);
+        num_calls++;
         // A call site can decide to jump not to the beginning of a function but
         // rather jump into it at a certain (positive) offset.
         int32_t offset_into_target = 0;
-        if (kind == Code::kPcRelativeCall) {
+        if (kind == Code::kPcRelativeCall || kind == Code::kPcRelativeTTSCall) {
           const intptr_t call_instruction_offset =
               return_pc_offset - PcRelativeCallPattern::kLengthInBytes;
           PcRelativeCallPattern call(current_caller.PayloadStart() +
@@ -251,19 +247,14 @@
-    // The precompiler should have already replaced all function entries
-    // with code entries.
-    ASSERT(call.Get<Code::kSCallTableFunctionTarget>() == Function::null());
-    target_ = call.Get<Code::kSCallTableCodeTarget>();
-    ASSERT(target_.IsCode());
-    destination_ = Code::Cast(target_).raw();
+    destination_ = GetTarget(call);
     // A call site can decide to jump not to the beginning of a function but
     // rather jump into it at a certain offset.
     int32_t offset_into_target = 0;
     bool is_tail_call;
     intptr_t call_instruction_offset;
-    if (kind == Code::kPcRelativeCall) {
+    if (kind == Code::kPcRelativeCall || kind == Code::kPcRelativeTTSCall) {
       call_instruction_offset =
           return_pc_offset - PcRelativeCallPattern::kLengthInBytes;
       PcRelativeCallPattern call(code.PayloadStart() + call_instruction_offset);
@@ -431,6 +422,51 @@
+RawCode* CodeRelocator::GetTarget(const StaticCallsTableEntry& call) {
+  // The precompiler should have already replaced all function entries
+  // with code entries.
+  ASSERT(call.Get<Code::kSCallTableFunctionTarget>() == Function::null());
+  target_ = call.Get<Code::kSCallTableCodeOrTypeTarget>();
+  if (target_.IsAbstractType()) {
+    target_ = AbstractType::Cast(target_).type_test_stub();
+    destination_ = Code::Cast(target_).raw();
+    // The AssertAssignableInstr will emit pc-relative calls to the TTS iff
+    // dst_type is instantiated. If we happened to not install an optimized
+    // TTS but rather a default one, it will live in the vm-isolate (to
+    // which we cannot make pc-relative calls).
+    // Though we have "equivalent" isolate-specific stubs we can use as
+    // targets instead.
+    //
+    // (We could make the AOT compiler install isolate-specific stubs
+    // into the types directly, but that does not work for types which
+    // live in the "vm-isolate" - such as `Type::dynamic_type()`).
+    if (destination_.InVMIsolateHeap()) {
+      auto object_store = thread_->isolate()->object_store();
+      if (destination_.raw() == StubCode::DefaultTypeTest().raw()) {
+        destination_ = object_store->default_tts_stub();
+      } else if (destination_.raw() ==
+                 StubCode::DefaultNullableTypeTest().raw()) {
+        destination_ = object_store->default_nullable_tts_stub();
+      } else if (destination_.raw() == StubCode::TopTypeTypeTest().raw()) {
+        destination_ = object_store->top_type_tts_stub();
+      } else if (destination_.raw() == StubCode::UnreachableTypeTest().raw()) {
+        destination_ = object_store->unreachable_tts_stub();
+      } else if (destination_.raw() == StubCode::SlowTypeTest().raw()) {
+        destination_ = object_store->slow_tts_stub();
+      } else {
+        UNREACHABLE();
+      }
+    }
+  } else {
+    ASSERT(target_.IsCode());
+    destination_ = Code::Cast(target_).raw();
+  }
+  ASSERT(!destination_.InVMIsolateHeap());
+  return destination_.raw();
 static void MarkAsFreeListElement(uint8_t* trampoline_bytes,
                                   intptr_t trampoline_length) {
   uint32_t tags = 0;
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/relocation.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/relocation.h
index b373989..7094c94 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/relocation.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/relocation.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "vm/allocation.h"
 #include "vm/image_snapshot.h"
 #include "vm/intrusive_dlist.h"
@@ -189,9 +193,12 @@
   bool IsTargetInRangeFor(UnresolvedCall* unresolved_call,
                           intptr_t target_text_offset);
+  RawCode* GetTarget(const StaticCallsTableEntry& entry);
   // The code relocation happens during AOT snapshot writing and operates on raw
   // objects. No allocations can be done.
   NoSafepointScope no_savepoint_scope_;
+  Thread* thread_;
   const GrowableArray<RawCode*>* code_objects_;
   GrowableArray<ImageWriterCommand>* commands_;
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/runtime_api.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/runtime_api.h
index c7f3303..d3c21b9 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/runtime_api.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/runtime_api.h
@@ -973,6 +973,7 @@
   static word allocate_object_entry_point_offset();
   static word allocate_object_parameterized_entry_point_offset();
   static word allocate_object_slow_entry_point_offset();
+  static word slow_type_test_entry_point_offset();
   static word write_barrier_entry_point_offset();
   static word vm_tag_offset();
   static uword vm_tag_compiled_id();
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/runtime_offsets_extracted.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/runtime_offsets_extracted.h
index b956285..7288034 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/runtime_offsets_extracted.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/runtime_offsets_extracted.h
@@ -191,11 +191,11 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word String_length_offset = 4;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word SubtypeTestCache_cache_offset = 4;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_AllocateArray_entry_point_offset = 364;
+    Thread_AllocateArray_entry_point_offset = 368;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_active_exception_offset =
-    684;
-static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_active_stacktrace_offset =
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_active_stacktrace_offset =
+    692;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_array_write_barrier_code_offset = 128;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -223,16 +223,16 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_async_stack_trace_offset =
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_auto_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 324;
+    Thread_auto_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 328;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_bool_false_offset = 120;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_bool_true_offset = 116;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_bootstrap_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 316;
+    Thread_bootstrap_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 320;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_call_to_runtime_entry_point_offset = 264;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_call_to_runtime_stub_offset = 148;
-static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_dart_stream_offset = 720;
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_dart_stream_offset = 724;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_dispatch_table_array_offset = 48;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_optimize_entry_offset =
@@ -243,14 +243,14 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_deoptimize_stub_offset =
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_double_abs_address_offset =
-    344;
+    348;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_double_negate_address_offset = 340;
+    Thread_double_negate_address_offset = 344;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_end_offset = 56;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_enter_safepoint_stub_offset = 244;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_execution_state_offset =
-    704;
+    708;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_exit_safepoint_stub_offset = 248;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -262,17 +262,17 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_fix_callers_target_code_offset = 132;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_float_absolute_address_offset = 356;
+    Thread_float_absolute_address_offset = 360;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_float_negate_address_offset = 352;
+    Thread_float_negate_address_offset = 356;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_float_not_address_offset =
-    348;
+    352;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_float_zerow_address_offset = 360;
+    Thread_float_zerow_address_offset = 364;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_global_object_pool_offset =
-    692;
+    696;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_interpret_call_entry_point_offset = 328;
+    Thread_interpret_call_entry_point_offset = 332;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_invoke_dart_code_from_bytecode_stub_offset = 144;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_switchable_call_miss_stub_offset = 204;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_no_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 320;
+    Thread_no_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 324;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_null_error_shared_with_fpu_regs_stub_offset = 156;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -310,14 +310,16 @@
     Thread_range_error_shared_without_fpu_regs_stub_offset = 168;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_object_null_offset = 112;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_predefined_symbols_address_offset = 332;
-static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_resume_pc_offset = 696;
+    Thread_predefined_symbols_address_offset = 336;
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_resume_pc_offset = 700;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_saved_shadow_call_stack_offset = 700;
+    Thread_saved_shadow_call_stack_offset = 704;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_safepoint_state_offset =
-    708;
+    712;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_slow_type_test_stub_offset = 236;
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
+    Thread_slow_type_test_entry_point_offset = 316;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_stack_limit_offset = 36;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_saved_stack_limit_offset =
@@ -346,7 +348,7 @@
     Thread_write_barrier_entry_point_offset = 256;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_write_barrier_mask_offset =
-static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_callback_code_offset = 712;
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_callback_code_offset = 716;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word TimelineStream_enabled_offset = 8;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word TwoByteString_data_offset = 12;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Type_arguments_offset = 16;
@@ -384,7 +386,7 @@
     4, 12, 8, 16};
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_write_barrier_wrappers_thread_offset[] = {
-        652, 656, 660, 664, 668, -1, 672, -1, 676, 680, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
+        656, 660, 664, 668, 672, -1, 676, -1, 680, 684, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word ApiError_InstanceSize = 8;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Array_InstanceSize = 12;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Array_header_size = 12;
@@ -667,11 +669,11 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word String_length_offset = 8;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word SubtypeTestCache_cache_offset = 8;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_AllocateArray_entry_point_offset = 712;
+    Thread_AllocateArray_entry_point_offset = 720;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_active_exception_offset =
-    1376;
-static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_active_stacktrace_offset =
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_active_stacktrace_offset =
+    1392;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_array_write_barrier_code_offset = 240;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -699,16 +701,16 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_async_stack_trace_offset =
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_auto_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 632;
+    Thread_auto_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 640;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_bool_false_offset = 224;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_bool_true_offset = 216;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_bootstrap_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 616;
+    Thread_bootstrap_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 624;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_call_to_runtime_entry_point_offset = 512;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_call_to_runtime_stub_offset = 280;
-static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_dart_stream_offset = 1448;
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_dart_stream_offset = 1456;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_dispatch_table_array_offset = 96;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_optimize_entry_offset =
@@ -719,14 +721,14 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_deoptimize_stub_offset =
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_double_abs_address_offset =
-    672;
+    680;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_double_negate_address_offset = 664;
+    Thread_double_negate_address_offset = 672;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_end_offset = 112;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_enter_safepoint_stub_offset = 472;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_execution_state_offset =
-    1416;
+    1424;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_exit_safepoint_stub_offset = 480;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -738,17 +740,17 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_fix_callers_target_code_offset = 248;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_float_absolute_address_offset = 696;
+    Thread_float_absolute_address_offset = 704;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_float_negate_address_offset = 688;
+    Thread_float_negate_address_offset = 696;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_float_not_address_offset =
-    680;
+    688;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_float_zerow_address_offset = 704;
+    Thread_float_zerow_address_offset = 712;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_global_object_pool_offset =
-    1392;
+    1400;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_interpret_call_entry_point_offset = 640;
+    Thread_interpret_call_entry_point_offset = 648;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_invoke_dart_code_from_bytecode_stub_offset = 272;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -771,7 +773,7 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_switchable_call_miss_stub_offset = 392;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_no_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 624;
+    Thread_no_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 632;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_null_error_shared_with_fpu_regs_stub_offset = 296;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -786,14 +788,16 @@
     Thread_range_error_shared_without_fpu_regs_stub_offset = 320;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_object_null_offset = 208;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_predefined_symbols_address_offset = 648;
-static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_resume_pc_offset = 1400;
+    Thread_predefined_symbols_address_offset = 656;
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_resume_pc_offset = 1408;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_saved_shadow_call_stack_offset = 1408;
+    Thread_saved_shadow_call_stack_offset = 1416;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_safepoint_state_offset =
-    1424;
+    1432;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_slow_type_test_stub_offset = 456;
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
+    Thread_slow_type_test_entry_point_offset = 616;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_stack_limit_offset = 72;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_saved_stack_limit_offset =
@@ -823,7 +827,7 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_write_barrier_mask_offset =
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_callback_code_offset =
-    1432;
+    1440;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word TimelineStream_enabled_offset =
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word TwoByteString_data_offset = 16;
@@ -862,8 +866,8 @@
     8, 24, 16, 32};
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_write_barrier_wrappers_thread_offset[] = {
-        1288, 1296, 1304, 1312, -1,   -1,   1320, 1328,
-        1336, 1344, 1352, -1,   1360, 1368, -1,   -1};
+        1296, 1304, 1312, 1320, -1,   -1,   1328, 1336,
+        1344, 1352, 1360, -1,   1368, 1376, -1,   -1};
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word ApiError_InstanceSize = 16;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Array_InstanceSize = 24;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Array_header_size = 24;
@@ -1144,11 +1148,11 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word String_length_offset = 4;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word SubtypeTestCache_cache_offset = 4;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_AllocateArray_entry_point_offset = 364;
+    Thread_AllocateArray_entry_point_offset = 368;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_active_exception_offset =
-    652;
-static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_active_stacktrace_offset =
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_active_stacktrace_offset =
+    660;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_array_write_barrier_code_offset = 128;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -1176,16 +1180,16 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_async_stack_trace_offset =
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_auto_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 324;
+    Thread_auto_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 328;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_bool_false_offset = 120;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_bool_true_offset = 116;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_bootstrap_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 316;
+    Thread_bootstrap_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 320;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_call_to_runtime_entry_point_offset = 264;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_call_to_runtime_stub_offset = 148;
-static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_dart_stream_offset = 688;
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_dart_stream_offset = 692;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_dispatch_table_array_offset = 48;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_optimize_entry_offset =
@@ -1196,14 +1200,14 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_deoptimize_stub_offset =
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_double_abs_address_offset =
-    344;
+    348;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_double_negate_address_offset = 340;
+    Thread_double_negate_address_offset = 344;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_end_offset = 56;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_enter_safepoint_stub_offset = 244;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_execution_state_offset =
-    672;
+    676;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_exit_safepoint_stub_offset = 248;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -1215,17 +1219,17 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_fix_callers_target_code_offset = 132;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_float_absolute_address_offset = 356;
+    Thread_float_absolute_address_offset = 360;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_float_negate_address_offset = 352;
+    Thread_float_negate_address_offset = 356;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_float_not_address_offset =
-    348;
+    352;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_float_zerow_address_offset = 360;
+    Thread_float_zerow_address_offset = 364;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_global_object_pool_offset =
-    660;
+    664;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_interpret_call_entry_point_offset = 328;
+    Thread_interpret_call_entry_point_offset = 332;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_invoke_dart_code_from_bytecode_stub_offset = 144;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -1248,7 +1252,7 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_switchable_call_miss_stub_offset = 204;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_no_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 320;
+    Thread_no_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 324;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_null_error_shared_with_fpu_regs_stub_offset = 156;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -1263,14 +1267,16 @@
     Thread_range_error_shared_without_fpu_regs_stub_offset = 168;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_object_null_offset = 112;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_predefined_symbols_address_offset = 332;
-static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_resume_pc_offset = 664;
+    Thread_predefined_symbols_address_offset = 336;
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_resume_pc_offset = 668;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_saved_shadow_call_stack_offset = 668;
+    Thread_saved_shadow_call_stack_offset = 672;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_safepoint_state_offset =
-    676;
+    680;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_slow_type_test_stub_offset = 236;
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
+    Thread_slow_type_test_entry_point_offset = 316;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_stack_limit_offset = 36;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_saved_stack_limit_offset =
@@ -1299,7 +1305,7 @@
     Thread_write_barrier_entry_point_offset = 256;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_write_barrier_mask_offset =
-static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_callback_code_offset = 680;
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_callback_code_offset = 684;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word TimelineStream_enabled_offset = 8;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word TwoByteString_data_offset = 12;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Type_arguments_offset = 16;
@@ -1617,11 +1623,11 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word String_length_offset = 8;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word SubtypeTestCache_cache_offset = 8;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_AllocateArray_entry_point_offset = 712;
+    Thread_AllocateArray_entry_point_offset = 720;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_active_exception_offset =
-    1448;
-static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_active_stacktrace_offset =
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_active_stacktrace_offset =
+    1464;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_array_write_barrier_code_offset = 240;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -1649,16 +1655,16 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_async_stack_trace_offset =
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_auto_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 632;
+    Thread_auto_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 640;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_bool_false_offset = 224;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_bool_true_offset = 216;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_bootstrap_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 616;
+    Thread_bootstrap_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 624;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_call_to_runtime_entry_point_offset = 512;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_call_to_runtime_stub_offset = 280;
-static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_dart_stream_offset = 1520;
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_dart_stream_offset = 1528;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_dispatch_table_array_offset = 96;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_optimize_entry_offset =
@@ -1669,14 +1675,14 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_deoptimize_stub_offset =
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_double_abs_address_offset =
-    672;
+    680;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_double_negate_address_offset = 664;
+    Thread_double_negate_address_offset = 672;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_end_offset = 112;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_enter_safepoint_stub_offset = 472;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_execution_state_offset =
-    1488;
+    1496;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_exit_safepoint_stub_offset = 480;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -1688,17 +1694,17 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_fix_callers_target_code_offset = 248;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_float_absolute_address_offset = 696;
+    Thread_float_absolute_address_offset = 704;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_float_negate_address_offset = 688;
+    Thread_float_negate_address_offset = 696;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_float_not_address_offset =
-    680;
+    688;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_float_zerow_address_offset = 704;
+    Thread_float_zerow_address_offset = 712;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_global_object_pool_offset =
-    1464;
+    1472;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_interpret_call_entry_point_offset = 640;
+    Thread_interpret_call_entry_point_offset = 648;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_invoke_dart_code_from_bytecode_stub_offset = 272;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -1721,7 +1727,7 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_switchable_call_miss_stub_offset = 392;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_no_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 624;
+    Thread_no_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 632;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_null_error_shared_with_fpu_regs_stub_offset = 296;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -1736,14 +1742,16 @@
     Thread_range_error_shared_without_fpu_regs_stub_offset = 320;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_object_null_offset = 208;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_predefined_symbols_address_offset = 648;
-static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_resume_pc_offset = 1472;
+    Thread_predefined_symbols_address_offset = 656;
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_resume_pc_offset = 1480;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_saved_shadow_call_stack_offset = 1480;
+    Thread_saved_shadow_call_stack_offset = 1488;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_safepoint_state_offset =
-    1496;
+    1504;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_slow_type_test_stub_offset = 456;
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
+    Thread_slow_type_test_entry_point_offset = 616;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_stack_limit_offset = 72;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_saved_stack_limit_offset =
@@ -1773,7 +1781,7 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_write_barrier_mask_offset =
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_callback_code_offset =
-    1504;
+    1512;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word TimelineStream_enabled_offset =
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word TwoByteString_data_offset = 16;
@@ -1812,9 +1820,9 @@
     8, 24, 16, 32};
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_write_barrier_wrappers_thread_offset[] = {
-        1288, 1296, 1304, 1312, 1320, 1328, 1336, 1344, 1352, 1360, 1368,
-        1376, 1384, 1392, 1400, -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   1408, 1416, -1,
-        -1,   1424, 1432, 1440, -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1};
+        1296, 1304, 1312, 1320, 1328, 1336, 1344, 1352, 1360, 1368, 1376,
+        1384, 1392, 1400, 1408, -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   1416, 1424, -1,
+        -1,   1432, 1440, 1448, -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1};
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word ApiError_InstanceSize = 16;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Array_InstanceSize = 24;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Array_header_size = 24;
@@ -2094,11 +2102,11 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word String_length_offset = 4;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word SubtypeTestCache_cache_offset = 4;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_AllocateArray_entry_point_offset = 364;
+    Thread_AllocateArray_entry_point_offset = 368;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_active_exception_offset =
-    684;
-static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_active_stacktrace_offset =
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_active_stacktrace_offset =
+    692;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_array_write_barrier_code_offset = 128;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -2126,16 +2134,16 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_async_stack_trace_offset =
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_auto_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 324;
+    Thread_auto_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 328;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_bool_false_offset = 120;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_bool_true_offset = 116;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_bootstrap_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 316;
+    Thread_bootstrap_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 320;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_call_to_runtime_entry_point_offset = 264;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_call_to_runtime_stub_offset = 148;
-static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_dart_stream_offset = 720;
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_dart_stream_offset = 724;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_dispatch_table_array_offset = 48;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_optimize_entry_offset =
@@ -2146,14 +2154,14 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_deoptimize_stub_offset =
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_double_abs_address_offset =
-    344;
+    348;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_double_negate_address_offset = 340;
+    Thread_double_negate_address_offset = 344;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_end_offset = 56;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_enter_safepoint_stub_offset = 244;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_execution_state_offset =
-    704;
+    708;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_exit_safepoint_stub_offset = 248;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -2165,17 +2173,17 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_fix_callers_target_code_offset = 132;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_float_absolute_address_offset = 356;
+    Thread_float_absolute_address_offset = 360;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_float_negate_address_offset = 352;
+    Thread_float_negate_address_offset = 356;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_float_not_address_offset =
-    348;
+    352;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_float_zerow_address_offset = 360;
+    Thread_float_zerow_address_offset = 364;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_global_object_pool_offset =
-    692;
+    696;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_interpret_call_entry_point_offset = 328;
+    Thread_interpret_call_entry_point_offset = 332;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_invoke_dart_code_from_bytecode_stub_offset = 144;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -2198,7 +2206,7 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_switchable_call_miss_stub_offset = 204;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_no_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 320;
+    Thread_no_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 324;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_null_error_shared_with_fpu_regs_stub_offset = 156;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -2213,14 +2221,16 @@
     Thread_range_error_shared_without_fpu_regs_stub_offset = 168;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_object_null_offset = 112;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_predefined_symbols_address_offset = 332;
-static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_resume_pc_offset = 696;
+    Thread_predefined_symbols_address_offset = 336;
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_resume_pc_offset = 700;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_saved_shadow_call_stack_offset = 700;
+    Thread_saved_shadow_call_stack_offset = 704;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_safepoint_state_offset =
-    708;
+    712;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_slow_type_test_stub_offset = 236;
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
+    Thread_slow_type_test_entry_point_offset = 316;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_stack_limit_offset = 36;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_saved_stack_limit_offset =
@@ -2249,7 +2259,7 @@
     Thread_write_barrier_entry_point_offset = 256;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_write_barrier_mask_offset =
-static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_callback_code_offset = 712;
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_callback_code_offset = 716;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word TimelineStream_enabled_offset = 8;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word TwoByteString_data_offset = 12;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Type_arguments_offset = 16;
@@ -2284,7 +2294,7 @@
     4, 12, 8, 16};
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_write_barrier_wrappers_thread_offset[] = {
-        652, 656, 660, 664, 668, -1, 672, -1, 676, 680, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
+        656, 660, 664, 668, 672, -1, 676, -1, 680, 684, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word ApiError_InstanceSize = 8;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Array_InstanceSize = 12;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Array_header_size = 12;
@@ -2564,11 +2574,11 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word String_length_offset = 8;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word SubtypeTestCache_cache_offset = 8;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_AllocateArray_entry_point_offset = 712;
+    Thread_AllocateArray_entry_point_offset = 720;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_active_exception_offset =
-    1376;
-static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_active_stacktrace_offset =
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_active_stacktrace_offset =
+    1392;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_array_write_barrier_code_offset = 240;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -2596,16 +2606,16 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_async_stack_trace_offset =
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_auto_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 632;
+    Thread_auto_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 640;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_bool_false_offset = 224;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_bool_true_offset = 216;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_bootstrap_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 616;
+    Thread_bootstrap_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 624;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_call_to_runtime_entry_point_offset = 512;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_call_to_runtime_stub_offset = 280;
-static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_dart_stream_offset = 1448;
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_dart_stream_offset = 1456;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_dispatch_table_array_offset = 96;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_optimize_entry_offset =
@@ -2616,14 +2626,14 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_deoptimize_stub_offset =
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_double_abs_address_offset =
-    672;
+    680;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_double_negate_address_offset = 664;
+    Thread_double_negate_address_offset = 672;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_end_offset = 112;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_enter_safepoint_stub_offset = 472;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_execution_state_offset =
-    1416;
+    1424;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_exit_safepoint_stub_offset = 480;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -2635,17 +2645,17 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_fix_callers_target_code_offset = 248;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_float_absolute_address_offset = 696;
+    Thread_float_absolute_address_offset = 704;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_float_negate_address_offset = 688;
+    Thread_float_negate_address_offset = 696;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_float_not_address_offset =
-    680;
+    688;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_float_zerow_address_offset = 704;
+    Thread_float_zerow_address_offset = 712;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_global_object_pool_offset =
-    1392;
+    1400;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_interpret_call_entry_point_offset = 640;
+    Thread_interpret_call_entry_point_offset = 648;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_invoke_dart_code_from_bytecode_stub_offset = 272;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -2668,7 +2678,7 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_switchable_call_miss_stub_offset = 392;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_no_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 624;
+    Thread_no_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 632;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_null_error_shared_with_fpu_regs_stub_offset = 296;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -2683,14 +2693,16 @@
     Thread_range_error_shared_without_fpu_regs_stub_offset = 320;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_object_null_offset = 208;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_predefined_symbols_address_offset = 648;
-static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_resume_pc_offset = 1400;
+    Thread_predefined_symbols_address_offset = 656;
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_resume_pc_offset = 1408;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_saved_shadow_call_stack_offset = 1408;
+    Thread_saved_shadow_call_stack_offset = 1416;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_safepoint_state_offset =
-    1424;
+    1432;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_slow_type_test_stub_offset = 456;
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
+    Thread_slow_type_test_entry_point_offset = 616;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_stack_limit_offset = 72;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_saved_stack_limit_offset =
@@ -2720,7 +2732,7 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_write_barrier_mask_offset =
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_callback_code_offset =
-    1432;
+    1440;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word TimelineStream_enabled_offset =
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word TwoByteString_data_offset = 16;
@@ -2756,8 +2768,8 @@
     8, 24, 16, 32};
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_write_barrier_wrappers_thread_offset[] = {
-        1288, 1296, 1304, 1312, -1,   -1,   1320, 1328,
-        1336, 1344, 1352, -1,   1360, 1368, -1,   -1};
+        1296, 1304, 1312, 1320, -1,   -1,   1328, 1336,
+        1344, 1352, 1360, -1,   1368, 1376, -1,   -1};
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word ApiError_InstanceSize = 16;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Array_InstanceSize = 24;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Array_header_size = 24;
@@ -3035,11 +3047,11 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word String_length_offset = 4;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word SubtypeTestCache_cache_offset = 4;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_AllocateArray_entry_point_offset = 364;
+    Thread_AllocateArray_entry_point_offset = 368;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_active_exception_offset =
-    652;
-static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_active_stacktrace_offset =
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_active_stacktrace_offset =
+    660;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_array_write_barrier_code_offset = 128;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -3067,16 +3079,16 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_async_stack_trace_offset =
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_auto_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 324;
+    Thread_auto_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 328;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_bool_false_offset = 120;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_bool_true_offset = 116;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_bootstrap_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 316;
+    Thread_bootstrap_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 320;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_call_to_runtime_entry_point_offset = 264;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_call_to_runtime_stub_offset = 148;
-static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_dart_stream_offset = 688;
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_dart_stream_offset = 692;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_dispatch_table_array_offset = 48;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_optimize_entry_offset =
@@ -3087,14 +3099,14 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_deoptimize_stub_offset =
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_double_abs_address_offset =
-    344;
+    348;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_double_negate_address_offset = 340;
+    Thread_double_negate_address_offset = 344;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_end_offset = 56;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_enter_safepoint_stub_offset = 244;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_execution_state_offset =
-    672;
+    676;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_exit_safepoint_stub_offset = 248;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -3106,17 +3118,17 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_fix_callers_target_code_offset = 132;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_float_absolute_address_offset = 356;
+    Thread_float_absolute_address_offset = 360;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_float_negate_address_offset = 352;
+    Thread_float_negate_address_offset = 356;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_float_not_address_offset =
-    348;
+    352;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_float_zerow_address_offset = 360;
+    Thread_float_zerow_address_offset = 364;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_global_object_pool_offset =
-    660;
+    664;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_interpret_call_entry_point_offset = 328;
+    Thread_interpret_call_entry_point_offset = 332;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_invoke_dart_code_from_bytecode_stub_offset = 144;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -3139,7 +3151,7 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_switchable_call_miss_stub_offset = 204;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_no_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 320;
+    Thread_no_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 324;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_null_error_shared_with_fpu_regs_stub_offset = 156;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -3154,14 +3166,16 @@
     Thread_range_error_shared_without_fpu_regs_stub_offset = 168;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_object_null_offset = 112;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_predefined_symbols_address_offset = 332;
-static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_resume_pc_offset = 664;
+    Thread_predefined_symbols_address_offset = 336;
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_resume_pc_offset = 668;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_saved_shadow_call_stack_offset = 668;
+    Thread_saved_shadow_call_stack_offset = 672;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_safepoint_state_offset =
-    676;
+    680;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_slow_type_test_stub_offset = 236;
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
+    Thread_slow_type_test_entry_point_offset = 316;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_stack_limit_offset = 36;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_saved_stack_limit_offset =
@@ -3190,7 +3204,7 @@
     Thread_write_barrier_entry_point_offset = 256;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_write_barrier_mask_offset =
-static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_callback_code_offset = 680;
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_callback_code_offset = 684;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word TimelineStream_enabled_offset = 8;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word TwoByteString_data_offset = 12;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Type_arguments_offset = 16;
@@ -3502,11 +3516,11 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word String_length_offset = 8;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word SubtypeTestCache_cache_offset = 8;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_AllocateArray_entry_point_offset = 712;
+    Thread_AllocateArray_entry_point_offset = 720;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_active_exception_offset =
-    1448;
-static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_active_stacktrace_offset =
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_active_stacktrace_offset =
+    1464;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_array_write_barrier_code_offset = 240;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -3534,16 +3548,16 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_async_stack_trace_offset =
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_auto_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 632;
+    Thread_auto_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 640;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_bool_false_offset = 224;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_bool_true_offset = 216;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_bootstrap_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 616;
+    Thread_bootstrap_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 624;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_call_to_runtime_entry_point_offset = 512;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_call_to_runtime_stub_offset = 280;
-static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_dart_stream_offset = 1520;
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_dart_stream_offset = 1528;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_dispatch_table_array_offset = 96;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_optimize_entry_offset =
@@ -3554,14 +3568,14 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_deoptimize_stub_offset =
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_double_abs_address_offset =
-    672;
+    680;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_double_negate_address_offset = 664;
+    Thread_double_negate_address_offset = 672;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_end_offset = 112;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_enter_safepoint_stub_offset = 472;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_execution_state_offset =
-    1488;
+    1496;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_exit_safepoint_stub_offset = 480;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -3573,17 +3587,17 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_fix_callers_target_code_offset = 248;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_float_absolute_address_offset = 696;
+    Thread_float_absolute_address_offset = 704;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_float_negate_address_offset = 688;
+    Thread_float_negate_address_offset = 696;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_float_not_address_offset =
-    680;
+    688;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_float_zerow_address_offset = 704;
+    Thread_float_zerow_address_offset = 712;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_global_object_pool_offset =
-    1464;
+    1472;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_interpret_call_entry_point_offset = 640;
+    Thread_interpret_call_entry_point_offset = 648;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_invoke_dart_code_from_bytecode_stub_offset = 272;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -3606,7 +3620,7 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_switchable_call_miss_stub_offset = 392;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_no_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 624;
+    Thread_no_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 632;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_null_error_shared_with_fpu_regs_stub_offset = 296;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -3621,14 +3635,16 @@
     Thread_range_error_shared_without_fpu_regs_stub_offset = 320;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_object_null_offset = 208;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_predefined_symbols_address_offset = 648;
-static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_resume_pc_offset = 1472;
+    Thread_predefined_symbols_address_offset = 656;
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_resume_pc_offset = 1480;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    Thread_saved_shadow_call_stack_offset = 1480;
+    Thread_saved_shadow_call_stack_offset = 1488;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_safepoint_state_offset =
-    1496;
+    1504;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_slow_type_test_stub_offset = 456;
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
+    Thread_slow_type_test_entry_point_offset = 616;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_stack_limit_offset = 72;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_saved_stack_limit_offset =
@@ -3658,7 +3674,7 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_write_barrier_mask_offset =
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Thread_callback_code_offset =
-    1504;
+    1512;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word TimelineStream_enabled_offset =
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word TwoByteString_data_offset = 16;
@@ -3694,9 +3710,9 @@
     8, 24, 16, 32};
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     Thread_write_barrier_wrappers_thread_offset[] = {
-        1288, 1296, 1304, 1312, 1320, 1328, 1336, 1344, 1352, 1360, 1368,
-        1376, 1384, 1392, 1400, -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   1408, 1416, -1,
-        -1,   1424, 1432, 1440, -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1};
+        1296, 1304, 1312, 1320, 1328, 1336, 1344, 1352, 1360, 1368, 1376,
+        1384, 1392, 1400, 1408, -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   1416, 1424, -1,
+        -1,   1432, 1440, 1448, -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1};
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word ApiError_InstanceSize = 16;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Array_InstanceSize = 24;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word Array_header_size = 24;
@@ -3991,11 +4007,11 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_SubtypeTestCache_cache_offset = 4;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_AllocateArray_entry_point_offset = 364;
+    AOT_Thread_AllocateArray_entry_point_offset = 368;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_active_exception_offset = 684;
+    AOT_Thread_active_exception_offset = 688;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_active_stacktrace_offset = 688;
+    AOT_Thread_active_stacktrace_offset = 692;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_array_write_barrier_code_offset = 128;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -4023,18 +4039,18 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_async_stack_trace_offset = 96;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_auto_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 324;
+    AOT_Thread_auto_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 328;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_bool_false_offset =
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_bool_true_offset = 116;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_bootstrap_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 316;
+    AOT_Thread_bootstrap_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 320;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_call_to_runtime_entry_point_offset = 264;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_call_to_runtime_stub_offset = 148;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_dart_stream_offset =
-    720;
+    724;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_dispatch_table_array_offset = 48;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_optimize_entry_offset =
@@ -4046,14 +4062,14 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_deoptimize_stub_offset = 224;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_double_abs_address_offset = 344;
+    AOT_Thread_double_abs_address_offset = 348;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_double_negate_address_offset = 340;
+    AOT_Thread_double_negate_address_offset = 344;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_end_offset = 56;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_enter_safepoint_stub_offset = 244;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_execution_state_offset = 704;
+    AOT_Thread_execution_state_offset = 708;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_exit_safepoint_stub_offset = 248;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -4065,17 +4081,17 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_fix_callers_target_code_offset = 132;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_float_absolute_address_offset = 356;
+    AOT_Thread_float_absolute_address_offset = 360;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_float_negate_address_offset = 352;
+    AOT_Thread_float_negate_address_offset = 356;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_float_not_address_offset = 348;
+    AOT_Thread_float_not_address_offset = 352;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_float_zerow_address_offset = 360;
+    AOT_Thread_float_zerow_address_offset = 364;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_global_object_pool_offset = 692;
+    AOT_Thread_global_object_pool_offset = 696;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_interpret_call_entry_point_offset = 328;
+    AOT_Thread_interpret_call_entry_point_offset = 332;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_invoke_dart_code_from_bytecode_stub_offset = 144;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -4098,7 +4114,7 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_switchable_call_miss_stub_offset = 204;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_no_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 320;
+    AOT_Thread_no_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 324;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_null_error_shared_with_fpu_regs_stub_offset = 156;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -4114,14 +4130,16 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_object_null_offset =
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_predefined_symbols_address_offset = 332;
-static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_resume_pc_offset = 696;
+    AOT_Thread_predefined_symbols_address_offset = 336;
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_resume_pc_offset = 700;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_saved_shadow_call_stack_offset = 700;
+    AOT_Thread_saved_shadow_call_stack_offset = 704;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_safepoint_state_offset = 708;
+    AOT_Thread_safepoint_state_offset = 712;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_slow_type_test_stub_offset = 236;
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
+    AOT_Thread_slow_type_test_entry_point_offset = 316;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_stack_limit_offset =
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -4153,7 +4171,7 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_write_barrier_mask_offset = 40;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_callback_code_offset =
-    712;
+    716;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_TimelineStream_enabled_offset = 8;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_TwoByteString_data_offset =
@@ -4198,7 +4216,7 @@
     4, 12, 8, 16};
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_write_barrier_wrappers_thread_offset[] = {
-        652, 656, 660, 664, 668, -1, 672, -1, 676, 680, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
+        656, 660, 664, 668, 672, -1, 676, -1, 680, 684, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_ApiError_InstanceSize = 8;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Array_InstanceSize = 12;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Array_header_size = 12;
@@ -4508,11 +4526,11 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_SubtypeTestCache_cache_offset = 8;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_AllocateArray_entry_point_offset = 712;
+    AOT_Thread_AllocateArray_entry_point_offset = 720;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_active_exception_offset = 1376;
+    AOT_Thread_active_exception_offset = 1384;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_active_stacktrace_offset = 1384;
+    AOT_Thread_active_stacktrace_offset = 1392;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_array_write_barrier_code_offset = 240;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -4540,18 +4558,18 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_async_stack_trace_offset = 192;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_auto_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 632;
+    AOT_Thread_auto_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 640;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_bool_false_offset =
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_bool_true_offset = 216;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_bootstrap_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 616;
+    AOT_Thread_bootstrap_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 624;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_call_to_runtime_entry_point_offset = 512;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_call_to_runtime_stub_offset = 280;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_dart_stream_offset =
-    1448;
+    1456;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_dispatch_table_array_offset = 96;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_optimize_entry_offset =
@@ -4563,14 +4581,14 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_deoptimize_stub_offset = 432;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_double_abs_address_offset = 672;
+    AOT_Thread_double_abs_address_offset = 680;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_double_negate_address_offset = 664;
+    AOT_Thread_double_negate_address_offset = 672;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_end_offset = 112;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_enter_safepoint_stub_offset = 472;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_execution_state_offset = 1416;
+    AOT_Thread_execution_state_offset = 1424;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_exit_safepoint_stub_offset = 480;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -4582,17 +4600,17 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_fix_callers_target_code_offset = 248;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_float_absolute_address_offset = 696;
+    AOT_Thread_float_absolute_address_offset = 704;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_float_negate_address_offset = 688;
+    AOT_Thread_float_negate_address_offset = 696;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_float_not_address_offset = 680;
+    AOT_Thread_float_not_address_offset = 688;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_float_zerow_address_offset = 704;
+    AOT_Thread_float_zerow_address_offset = 712;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_global_object_pool_offset = 1392;
+    AOT_Thread_global_object_pool_offset = 1400;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_interpret_call_entry_point_offset = 640;
+    AOT_Thread_interpret_call_entry_point_offset = 648;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_invoke_dart_code_from_bytecode_stub_offset = 272;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -4615,7 +4633,7 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_switchable_call_miss_stub_offset = 392;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_no_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 624;
+    AOT_Thread_no_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 632;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_null_error_shared_with_fpu_regs_stub_offset = 296;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -4631,15 +4649,17 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_object_null_offset =
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_predefined_symbols_address_offset = 648;
+    AOT_Thread_predefined_symbols_address_offset = 656;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_resume_pc_offset =
-    1400;
+    1408;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_saved_shadow_call_stack_offset = 1408;
+    AOT_Thread_saved_shadow_call_stack_offset = 1416;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_safepoint_state_offset = 1424;
+    AOT_Thread_safepoint_state_offset = 1432;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_slow_type_test_stub_offset = 456;
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
+    AOT_Thread_slow_type_test_entry_point_offset = 616;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_stack_limit_offset =
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -4671,7 +4691,7 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_write_barrier_mask_offset = 80;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_callback_code_offset =
-    1432;
+    1440;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_TimelineStream_enabled_offset = 16;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_TwoByteString_data_offset =
@@ -4716,8 +4736,8 @@
     8, 24, 16, 32};
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_write_barrier_wrappers_thread_offset[] = {
-        1288, 1296, 1304, 1312, -1,   -1,   1320, 1328,
-        1336, 1344, 1352, -1,   1360, 1368, -1,   -1};
+        1296, 1304, 1312, 1320, -1,   -1,   1328, 1336,
+        1344, 1352, 1360, -1,   1368, 1376, -1,   -1};
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_ApiError_InstanceSize = 16;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Array_InstanceSize = 24;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Array_header_size = 24;
@@ -5031,11 +5051,11 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_SubtypeTestCache_cache_offset = 8;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_AllocateArray_entry_point_offset = 712;
+    AOT_Thread_AllocateArray_entry_point_offset = 720;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_active_exception_offset = 1448;
+    AOT_Thread_active_exception_offset = 1456;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_active_stacktrace_offset = 1456;
+    AOT_Thread_active_stacktrace_offset = 1464;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_array_write_barrier_code_offset = 240;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -5063,18 +5083,18 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_async_stack_trace_offset = 192;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_auto_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 632;
+    AOT_Thread_auto_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 640;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_bool_false_offset =
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_bool_true_offset = 216;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_bootstrap_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 616;
+    AOT_Thread_bootstrap_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 624;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_call_to_runtime_entry_point_offset = 512;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_call_to_runtime_stub_offset = 280;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_dart_stream_offset =
-    1520;
+    1528;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_dispatch_table_array_offset = 96;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_optimize_entry_offset =
@@ -5086,14 +5106,14 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_deoptimize_stub_offset = 432;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_double_abs_address_offset = 672;
+    AOT_Thread_double_abs_address_offset = 680;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_double_negate_address_offset = 664;
+    AOT_Thread_double_negate_address_offset = 672;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_end_offset = 112;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_enter_safepoint_stub_offset = 472;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_execution_state_offset = 1488;
+    AOT_Thread_execution_state_offset = 1496;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_exit_safepoint_stub_offset = 480;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -5105,17 +5125,17 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_fix_callers_target_code_offset = 248;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_float_absolute_address_offset = 696;
+    AOT_Thread_float_absolute_address_offset = 704;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_float_negate_address_offset = 688;
+    AOT_Thread_float_negate_address_offset = 696;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_float_not_address_offset = 680;
+    AOT_Thread_float_not_address_offset = 688;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_float_zerow_address_offset = 704;
+    AOT_Thread_float_zerow_address_offset = 712;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_global_object_pool_offset = 1464;
+    AOT_Thread_global_object_pool_offset = 1472;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_interpret_call_entry_point_offset = 640;
+    AOT_Thread_interpret_call_entry_point_offset = 648;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_invoke_dart_code_from_bytecode_stub_offset = 272;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -5138,7 +5158,7 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_switchable_call_miss_stub_offset = 392;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_no_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 624;
+    AOT_Thread_no_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 632;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_null_error_shared_with_fpu_regs_stub_offset = 296;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -5154,15 +5174,17 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_object_null_offset =
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_predefined_symbols_address_offset = 648;
+    AOT_Thread_predefined_symbols_address_offset = 656;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_resume_pc_offset =
-    1472;
+    1480;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_saved_shadow_call_stack_offset = 1480;
+    AOT_Thread_saved_shadow_call_stack_offset = 1488;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_safepoint_state_offset = 1496;
+    AOT_Thread_safepoint_state_offset = 1504;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_slow_type_test_stub_offset = 456;
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
+    AOT_Thread_slow_type_test_entry_point_offset = 616;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_stack_limit_offset =
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -5194,7 +5216,7 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_write_barrier_mask_offset = 80;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_callback_code_offset =
-    1504;
+    1512;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_TimelineStream_enabled_offset = 16;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_TwoByteString_data_offset =
@@ -5239,9 +5261,9 @@
     8, 24, 16, 32};
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_write_barrier_wrappers_thread_offset[] = {
-        1288, 1296, 1304, 1312, 1320, 1328, 1336, 1344, 1352, 1360, 1368,
-        1376, 1384, 1392, 1400, -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   1408, 1416, -1,
-        -1,   1424, 1432, 1440, -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1};
+        1296, 1304, 1312, 1320, 1328, 1336, 1344, 1352, 1360, 1368, 1376,
+        1384, 1392, 1400, 1408, -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   1416, 1424, -1,
+        -1,   1432, 1440, 1448, -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1};
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_ApiError_InstanceSize = 16;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Array_InstanceSize = 24;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Array_header_size = 24;
@@ -5550,11 +5572,11 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_SubtypeTestCache_cache_offset = 4;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_AllocateArray_entry_point_offset = 364;
+    AOT_Thread_AllocateArray_entry_point_offset = 368;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_active_exception_offset = 684;
+    AOT_Thread_active_exception_offset = 688;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_active_stacktrace_offset = 688;
+    AOT_Thread_active_stacktrace_offset = 692;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_array_write_barrier_code_offset = 128;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -5582,18 +5604,18 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_async_stack_trace_offset = 96;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_auto_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 324;
+    AOT_Thread_auto_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 328;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_bool_false_offset =
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_bool_true_offset = 116;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_bootstrap_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 316;
+    AOT_Thread_bootstrap_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 320;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_call_to_runtime_entry_point_offset = 264;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_call_to_runtime_stub_offset = 148;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_dart_stream_offset =
-    720;
+    724;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_dispatch_table_array_offset = 48;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_optimize_entry_offset =
@@ -5605,14 +5627,14 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_deoptimize_stub_offset = 224;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_double_abs_address_offset = 344;
+    AOT_Thread_double_abs_address_offset = 348;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_double_negate_address_offset = 340;
+    AOT_Thread_double_negate_address_offset = 344;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_end_offset = 56;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_enter_safepoint_stub_offset = 244;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_execution_state_offset = 704;
+    AOT_Thread_execution_state_offset = 708;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_exit_safepoint_stub_offset = 248;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -5624,17 +5646,17 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_fix_callers_target_code_offset = 132;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_float_absolute_address_offset = 356;
+    AOT_Thread_float_absolute_address_offset = 360;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_float_negate_address_offset = 352;
+    AOT_Thread_float_negate_address_offset = 356;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_float_not_address_offset = 348;
+    AOT_Thread_float_not_address_offset = 352;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_float_zerow_address_offset = 360;
+    AOT_Thread_float_zerow_address_offset = 364;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_global_object_pool_offset = 692;
+    AOT_Thread_global_object_pool_offset = 696;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_interpret_call_entry_point_offset = 328;
+    AOT_Thread_interpret_call_entry_point_offset = 332;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_invoke_dart_code_from_bytecode_stub_offset = 144;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -5657,7 +5679,7 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_switchable_call_miss_stub_offset = 204;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_no_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 320;
+    AOT_Thread_no_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 324;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_null_error_shared_with_fpu_regs_stub_offset = 156;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -5673,14 +5695,16 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_object_null_offset =
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_predefined_symbols_address_offset = 332;
-static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_resume_pc_offset = 696;
+    AOT_Thread_predefined_symbols_address_offset = 336;
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_resume_pc_offset = 700;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_saved_shadow_call_stack_offset = 700;
+    AOT_Thread_saved_shadow_call_stack_offset = 704;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_safepoint_state_offset = 708;
+    AOT_Thread_safepoint_state_offset = 712;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_slow_type_test_stub_offset = 236;
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
+    AOT_Thread_slow_type_test_entry_point_offset = 316;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_stack_limit_offset =
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -5712,7 +5736,7 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_write_barrier_mask_offset = 40;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_callback_code_offset =
-    712;
+    716;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_TimelineStream_enabled_offset = 8;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_TwoByteString_data_offset =
@@ -5754,7 +5778,7 @@
     4, 12, 8, 16};
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_write_barrier_wrappers_thread_offset[] = {
-        652, 656, 660, 664, 668, -1, 672, -1, 676, 680, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
+        656, 660, 664, 668, 672, -1, 676, -1, 680, 684, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_ApiError_InstanceSize = 8;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Array_InstanceSize = 12;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Array_header_size = 12;
@@ -6060,11 +6084,11 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_SubtypeTestCache_cache_offset = 8;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_AllocateArray_entry_point_offset = 712;
+    AOT_Thread_AllocateArray_entry_point_offset = 720;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_active_exception_offset = 1376;
+    AOT_Thread_active_exception_offset = 1384;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_active_stacktrace_offset = 1384;
+    AOT_Thread_active_stacktrace_offset = 1392;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_array_write_barrier_code_offset = 240;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -6092,18 +6116,18 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_async_stack_trace_offset = 192;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_auto_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 632;
+    AOT_Thread_auto_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 640;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_bool_false_offset =
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_bool_true_offset = 216;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_bootstrap_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 616;
+    AOT_Thread_bootstrap_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 624;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_call_to_runtime_entry_point_offset = 512;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_call_to_runtime_stub_offset = 280;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_dart_stream_offset =
-    1448;
+    1456;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_dispatch_table_array_offset = 96;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_optimize_entry_offset =
@@ -6115,14 +6139,14 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_deoptimize_stub_offset = 432;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_double_abs_address_offset = 672;
+    AOT_Thread_double_abs_address_offset = 680;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_double_negate_address_offset = 664;
+    AOT_Thread_double_negate_address_offset = 672;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_end_offset = 112;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_enter_safepoint_stub_offset = 472;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_execution_state_offset = 1416;
+    AOT_Thread_execution_state_offset = 1424;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_exit_safepoint_stub_offset = 480;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -6134,17 +6158,17 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_fix_callers_target_code_offset = 248;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_float_absolute_address_offset = 696;
+    AOT_Thread_float_absolute_address_offset = 704;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_float_negate_address_offset = 688;
+    AOT_Thread_float_negate_address_offset = 696;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_float_not_address_offset = 680;
+    AOT_Thread_float_not_address_offset = 688;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_float_zerow_address_offset = 704;
+    AOT_Thread_float_zerow_address_offset = 712;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_global_object_pool_offset = 1392;
+    AOT_Thread_global_object_pool_offset = 1400;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_interpret_call_entry_point_offset = 640;
+    AOT_Thread_interpret_call_entry_point_offset = 648;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_invoke_dart_code_from_bytecode_stub_offset = 272;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -6167,7 +6191,7 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_switchable_call_miss_stub_offset = 392;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_no_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 624;
+    AOT_Thread_no_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 632;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_null_error_shared_with_fpu_regs_stub_offset = 296;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -6183,15 +6207,17 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_object_null_offset =
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_predefined_symbols_address_offset = 648;
+    AOT_Thread_predefined_symbols_address_offset = 656;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_resume_pc_offset =
-    1400;
+    1408;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_saved_shadow_call_stack_offset = 1408;
+    AOT_Thread_saved_shadow_call_stack_offset = 1416;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_safepoint_state_offset = 1424;
+    AOT_Thread_safepoint_state_offset = 1432;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_slow_type_test_stub_offset = 456;
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
+    AOT_Thread_slow_type_test_entry_point_offset = 616;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_stack_limit_offset =
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -6223,7 +6249,7 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_write_barrier_mask_offset = 80;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_callback_code_offset =
-    1432;
+    1440;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_TimelineStream_enabled_offset = 16;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_TwoByteString_data_offset =
@@ -6265,8 +6291,8 @@
     8, 24, 16, 32};
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_write_barrier_wrappers_thread_offset[] = {
-        1288, 1296, 1304, 1312, -1,   -1,   1320, 1328,
-        1336, 1344, 1352, -1,   1360, 1368, -1,   -1};
+        1296, 1304, 1312, 1320, -1,   -1,   1328, 1336,
+        1344, 1352, 1360, -1,   1368, 1376, -1,   -1};
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_ApiError_InstanceSize = 16;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Array_InstanceSize = 24;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Array_header_size = 24;
@@ -6576,11 +6602,11 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_SubtypeTestCache_cache_offset = 8;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_AllocateArray_entry_point_offset = 712;
+    AOT_Thread_AllocateArray_entry_point_offset = 720;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_active_exception_offset = 1448;
+    AOT_Thread_active_exception_offset = 1456;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_active_stacktrace_offset = 1456;
+    AOT_Thread_active_stacktrace_offset = 1464;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_array_write_barrier_code_offset = 240;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -6608,18 +6634,18 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_async_stack_trace_offset = 192;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_auto_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 632;
+    AOT_Thread_auto_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 640;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_bool_false_offset =
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_bool_true_offset = 216;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_bootstrap_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 616;
+    AOT_Thread_bootstrap_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 624;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_call_to_runtime_entry_point_offset = 512;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_call_to_runtime_stub_offset = 280;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_dart_stream_offset =
-    1520;
+    1528;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_dispatch_table_array_offset = 96;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_optimize_entry_offset =
@@ -6631,14 +6657,14 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_deoptimize_stub_offset = 432;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_double_abs_address_offset = 672;
+    AOT_Thread_double_abs_address_offset = 680;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_double_negate_address_offset = 664;
+    AOT_Thread_double_negate_address_offset = 672;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_end_offset = 112;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_enter_safepoint_stub_offset = 472;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_execution_state_offset = 1488;
+    AOT_Thread_execution_state_offset = 1496;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_exit_safepoint_stub_offset = 480;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -6650,17 +6676,17 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_fix_callers_target_code_offset = 248;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_float_absolute_address_offset = 696;
+    AOT_Thread_float_absolute_address_offset = 704;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_float_negate_address_offset = 688;
+    AOT_Thread_float_negate_address_offset = 696;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_float_not_address_offset = 680;
+    AOT_Thread_float_not_address_offset = 688;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_float_zerow_address_offset = 704;
+    AOT_Thread_float_zerow_address_offset = 712;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_global_object_pool_offset = 1464;
+    AOT_Thread_global_object_pool_offset = 1472;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_interpret_call_entry_point_offset = 640;
+    AOT_Thread_interpret_call_entry_point_offset = 648;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_invoke_dart_code_from_bytecode_stub_offset = 272;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -6683,7 +6709,7 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_switchable_call_miss_stub_offset = 392;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_no_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 624;
+    AOT_Thread_no_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset = 632;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_null_error_shared_with_fpu_regs_stub_offset = 296;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -6699,15 +6725,17 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_object_null_offset =
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_predefined_symbols_address_offset = 648;
+    AOT_Thread_predefined_symbols_address_offset = 656;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_resume_pc_offset =
-    1472;
+    1480;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_saved_shadow_call_stack_offset = 1480;
+    AOT_Thread_saved_shadow_call_stack_offset = 1488;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
-    AOT_Thread_safepoint_state_offset = 1496;
+    AOT_Thread_safepoint_state_offset = 1504;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_slow_type_test_stub_offset = 456;
+static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
+    AOT_Thread_slow_type_test_entry_point_offset = 616;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_stack_limit_offset =
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
@@ -6739,7 +6767,7 @@
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_write_barrier_mask_offset = 80;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Thread_callback_code_offset =
-    1504;
+    1512;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_TimelineStream_enabled_offset = 16;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_TwoByteString_data_offset =
@@ -6781,9 +6809,9 @@
     8, 24, 16, 32};
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word
     AOT_Thread_write_barrier_wrappers_thread_offset[] = {
-        1288, 1296, 1304, 1312, 1320, 1328, 1336, 1344, 1352, 1360, 1368,
-        1376, 1384, 1392, 1400, -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   1408, 1416, -1,
-        -1,   1424, 1432, 1440, -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1};
+        1296, 1304, 1312, 1320, 1328, 1336, 1344, 1352, 1360, 1368, 1376,
+        1384, 1392, 1400, 1408, -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   1416, 1424, -1,
+        -1,   1432, 1440, 1448, -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1};
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_ApiError_InstanceSize = 16;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Array_InstanceSize = 24;
 static constexpr dart::compiler::target::word AOT_Array_header_size = 24;
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/runtime_offsets_list.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/runtime_offsets_list.h
index 6294726..007a84a 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/runtime_offsets_list.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/runtime_offsets_list.h
@@ -211,6 +211,7 @@
   FIELD(Thread, saved_shadow_call_stack_offset)                                \
   FIELD(Thread, safepoint_state_offset)                                        \
   FIELD(Thread, slow_type_test_stub_offset)                                    \
+  FIELD(Thread, slow_type_test_entry_point_offset)                             \
   FIELD(Thread, stack_limit_offset)                                            \
   FIELD(Thread, saved_stack_limit_offset)                                      \
   FIELD(Thread, stack_overflow_flags_offset)                                   \
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
index bd3fdc4..7d91690 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
@@ -9,8 +9,6 @@
 #include "vm/compiler/stub_code_compiler.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/assembler/assembler.h"
 #define __ assembler->
@@ -83,5 +81,3 @@
 }  // namespace compiler
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/stub_code_compiler.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/stub_code_compiler.h
index 35f23fd..9eb4098 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/stub_code_compiler.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/stub_code_compiler.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 #include "vm/allocation.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/runtime_api.h"
 #include "vm/constants.h"
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
index 8a6858b..4967874 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 #include "vm/compiler/stub_code_compiler.h"
+#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM)
 #include "vm/class_id.h"
 #include "vm/code_entry_kind.h"
@@ -1349,9 +1349,11 @@
 //   R3 : current thread.
 void StubCodeCompiler::GenerateInvokeDartCodeFromBytecodeStub(
     Assembler* assembler) {
-  __ Stop("Not using interpreter");
+  if (FLAG_precompiled_mode) {
+    __ Stop("Not using interpreter");
+    return;
+  }
   __ Push(LR);  // Marker for the profiler.
   __ EnterFrame((1 << FP) | (1 << LR), 0);
@@ -1482,7 +1484,6 @@
   __ LeaveFrame((1 << FP) | (1 << LR));
   __ Drop(1);
   __ Ret();
-#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 // Helper to generate space allocation of context stub.
@@ -2712,9 +2713,10 @@
 // R4: Arguments descriptor.
 // R0: Function.
 void StubCodeCompiler::GenerateInterpretCallStub(Assembler* assembler) {
-  __ Stop("Not using interpreter")
+  if (FLAG_precompiled_mode) {
+    __ Stop("Not using interpreter");
+    return;
+  }
   __ EnterStubFrame();
 #if defined(DEBUG)
@@ -2780,7 +2782,6 @@
   __ LeaveStubFrame();
   __ Ret();
-#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 // R9: Contains an ICData.
@@ -3154,6 +3155,10 @@
 void StubCodeCompiler::GenerateSlowTypeTestStub(Assembler* assembler) {
   Label done, call_runtime;
+  if (!(FLAG_precompiled_mode && FLAG_use_bare_instructions)) {
+    __ ldr(CODE_REG,
+           Address(THR, target::Thread::slow_type_test_stub_offset()));
+  }
   __ EnterStubFrame();
   // If the subtype-cache is null, it needs to be lazily-created by the runtime.
@@ -3772,4 +3777,4 @@
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
+#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
index ced8835..49004b6 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 #include "vm/compiler/stub_code_compiler.h"
+#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM64)
 #include "vm/class_id.h"
 #include "vm/code_entry_kind.h"
@@ -1446,9 +1446,11 @@
 //   R3 : current thread.
 void StubCodeCompiler::GenerateInvokeDartCodeFromBytecodeStub(
     Assembler* assembler) {
-  __ Stop("Not using interpreter");
+  if (FLAG_precompiled_mode) {
+    __ Stop("Not using interpreter");
+    return;
+  }
   // Copy the C stack pointer (CSP/R31) into the stack pointer we'll actually
   // use to access the stack (SP/R15) and set the C stack pointer to near the
   // stack limit, loaded from the Thread held in R3, to prevent signal handlers
@@ -1576,7 +1578,6 @@
   __ Drop(1);
   __ RestoreCSP();
   __ ret();
-#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 // Helper to generate space allocation of context stub.
@@ -2841,9 +2842,11 @@
 // R4: Arguments descriptor.
 // R0: Function.
 void StubCodeCompiler::GenerateInterpretCallStub(Assembler* assembler) {
-  __ Stop("Not using interpreter")
+  if (FLAG_precompiled_mode) {
+    __ Stop("Not using interpreter");
+    return;
+  }
   __ SetPrologueOffset();
   __ EnterStubFrame();
@@ -2919,7 +2922,6 @@
   __ LeaveStubFrame();
   __ ret();
-#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 // R5: Contains an ICData.
@@ -3276,6 +3278,10 @@
 void StubCodeCompiler::GenerateSlowTypeTestStub(Assembler* assembler) {
   Label done, call_runtime;
+  if (!(FLAG_precompiled_mode && FLAG_use_bare_instructions)) {
+    __ ldr(CODE_REG,
+           Address(THR, target::Thread::slow_type_test_stub_offset()));
+  }
   __ EnterStubFrame();
   // If the subtype-cache is null, it needs to be lazily-created by the runtime.
@@ -3909,4 +3915,4 @@
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM64) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
+#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM64)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
index 15a5c89..1bfc1d5 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 #include "vm/compiler/stub_code_compiler.h"
-#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
+#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
 #include "vm/class_id.h"
 #include "vm/code_entry_kind.h"
@@ -3029,4 +3029,4 @@
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
+#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
index 9a2b2c7..2f662a4 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/locations.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/stub_code_compiler.h"
-#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_X64) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
+#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_X64)
 #include "vm/class_id.h"
 #include "vm/code_entry_kind.h"
@@ -1338,9 +1338,11 @@
 //   RCX : current thread.
 void StubCodeCompiler::GenerateInvokeDartCodeFromBytecodeStub(
     Assembler* assembler) {
-  __ Stop("Not using interpreter");
+  if (FLAG_precompiled_mode) {
+    __ Stop("Not using interpreter");
+    return;
+  }
   __ pushq(Address(RSP, 0));  // Marker for the profiler.
   __ EnterFrame(0);
@@ -1484,7 +1486,6 @@
   __ popq(RCX);
   __ ret();
-#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 // Helper to generate space allocation of context stub.
@@ -2761,9 +2762,11 @@
 // R10: Arguments descriptor.
 // RAX: Function.
 void StubCodeCompiler::GenerateInterpretCallStub(Assembler* assembler) {
-  __ Stop("Not using interpreter");
+  if (FLAG_precompiled_mode) {
+    __ Stop("Not using interpreter");
+    return;
+  }
   __ EnterStubFrame();
 #if defined(DEBUG)
@@ -2833,7 +2836,6 @@
   __ LeaveStubFrame();
   __ ret();
-#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 // RBX: Contains an ICData.
@@ -3205,6 +3207,10 @@
 void StubCodeCompiler::GenerateSlowTypeTestStub(Assembler* assembler) {
   Label done, call_runtime;
+  if (!(FLAG_precompiled_mode && FLAG_use_bare_instructions)) {
+    __ movq(CODE_REG,
+            Address(THR, target::Thread::slow_type_test_stub_offset()));
+  }
   __ EnterStubFrame();
   // If the subtype-cache is null, it needs to be lazily-created by the runtime.
@@ -3798,4 +3804,4 @@
 }  // namespace dart
-#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_X64) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
+#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_X64)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed1ace2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "vm/globals.h"
+#include "vm/type_testing_stubs.h"
+#define __ assembler->
+namespace dart {
+void TypeTestingStubGenerator::BuildOptimizedTypeTestStub(
+    compiler::Assembler* assembler,
+    compiler::UnresolvedPcRelativeCalls* unresolved_calls,
+    const Code& slow_type_test_stub,
+    HierarchyInfo* hi,
+    const Type& type,
+    const Class& type_class) {
+  BuildOptimizedTypeTestStubFastCases(assembler, hi, type, type_class);
+  if (!compiler::IsSameObject(
+          compiler::NullObject(),
+          compiler::CastHandle<Object>(slow_type_test_stub))) {
+    __ GenerateUnRelocatedPcRelativeTailCall();
+    unresolved_calls->Add(new compiler::UnresolvedPcRelativeCall(
+        __ CodeSize(), slow_type_test_stub, /*is_tail_call=*/true));
+  } else {
+    __ Branch(compiler::Address(
+        THR, compiler::target::Thread::slow_type_test_entry_point_offset()));
+  }
+}  // namespace dart
+#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0540b01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "vm/globals.h"
+#include "vm/type_testing_stubs.h"
+#define __ assembler->
+namespace dart {
+void TypeTestingStubGenerator::BuildOptimizedTypeTestStub(
+    compiler::Assembler* assembler,
+    compiler::UnresolvedPcRelativeCalls* unresolved_calls,
+    const Code& slow_type_test_stub,
+    HierarchyInfo* hi,
+    const Type& type,
+    const Class& type_class) {
+  BuildOptimizedTypeTestStubFastCases(assembler, hi, type, type_class);
+  if (!compiler::IsSameObject(
+          compiler::NullObject(),
+          compiler::CastHandle<Object>(slow_type_test_stub))) {
+    __ GenerateUnRelocatedPcRelativeTailCall();
+    unresolved_calls->Add(new compiler::UnresolvedPcRelativeCall(
+        __ CodeSize(), slow_type_test_stub, /*is_tail_call=*/true));
+  } else {
+    __ ldr(TMP,
+           compiler::Address(
+               THR,
+               compiler::target::Thread::slow_type_test_entry_point_offset()));
+    __ br(TMP);
+  }
+}  // namespace dart
+#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM64) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7a974c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "vm/globals.h"
+#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_X64) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
+#include "vm/type_testing_stubs.h"
+#define __ assembler->
+namespace dart {
+void TypeTestingStubGenerator::BuildOptimizedTypeTestStub(
+    compiler::Assembler* assembler,
+    compiler::UnresolvedPcRelativeCalls* unresolved_calls,
+    const Code& slow_type_test_stub,
+    HierarchyInfo* hi,
+    const Type& type,
+    const Class& type_class) {
+  BuildOptimizedTypeTestStubFastCases(assembler, hi, type, type_class);
+  if (!compiler::IsSameObject(
+          compiler::NullObject(),
+          compiler::CastHandle<Object>(slow_type_test_stub))) {
+    __ GenerateUnRelocatedPcRelativeTailCall();
+    unresolved_calls->Add(new compiler::UnresolvedPcRelativeCall(
+        __ CodeSize(), slow_type_test_stub, /*is_tail_call=*/true));
+  } else {
+    __ jmp(compiler::Address(
+        THR, compiler::target::Thread::slow_type_test_entry_point_offset()));
+  }
+}  // namespace dart
+#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_X64) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/write_barrier_elimination.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/write_barrier_elimination.h
index 88109e7..b4d200f 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/write_barrier_elimination.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/write_barrier_elimination.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
+#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
+#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 namespace dart {
 class FlowGraph;
diff --git a/runtime/vm/ b/runtime/vm/
index 6ab6eee..c9dcdc5 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/
+++ b/runtime/vm/
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
 #include "vm/cpu.h"
 #include "vm/cpu_arm.h"
-#include "vm/compiler/assembler/assembler.h"
 #include "vm/cpuinfo.h"
 #include "vm/heap/heap.h"
 #include "vm/isolate.h"
diff --git a/runtime/vm/ b/runtime/vm/
index 545d5eb..37f4113 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/
+++ b/runtime/vm/
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
 #include "vm/instructions.h"
 #include "vm/instructions_arm.h"
-#include "vm/compiler/assembler/assembler.h"
 #include "vm/constants.h"
 #include "vm/cpu.h"
 #include "vm/object.h"
@@ -452,13 +451,23 @@
 intptr_t TypeTestingStubCallPattern::GetSubtypeTestCachePoolIndex() {
   // Calls to the type testing stubs look like:
+  //   ldr R9, ...
   //   ldr R3, [PP+idx]
   //   blx R9
+  // or
+  //   ldr R3, [PP+idx]
+  //   blx pc+<offset>
   // Ensure the caller of the type testing stub (whose return address is [pc_])
-  // branched via the `blx R9` instruction.
-  ASSERT(*reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(pc_ - Instr::kInstrSize) == 0xe12fff39);
-  const uword load_instr_end = pc_ - Instr::kInstrSize;
+  // branched via `blx R9` or a pc-relative call.
+  uword pc = pc_ - Instr::kInstrSize;
+  const uword blx_r9 = 0xe12fff39;
+  if (*reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(pc) != blx_r9) {
+    PcRelativeCallPattern pattern(pc);
+    RELEASE_ASSERT(pattern.IsValid());
+  }
+  const uword load_instr_end = pc;
   Register reg;
   intptr_t pool_index = -1;
diff --git a/runtime/vm/instructions_arm.h b/runtime/vm/instructions_arm.h
index 92f8acf..6933278 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/instructions_arm.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/instructions_arm.h
@@ -11,10 +11,13 @@
 #include "vm/allocation.h"
-#include "vm/compiler/assembler/assembler.h"
 #include "vm/constants.h"
 #include "vm/native_function.h"
+#include "vm/compiler/assembler/assembler.h"
+#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 namespace dart {
 class ICData;
diff --git a/runtime/vm/ b/runtime/vm/
index f308138..c83b9e2 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/
+++ b/runtime/vm/
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
 #include "vm/instructions.h"
 #include "vm/instructions_arm64.h"
-#include "vm/compiler/assembler/assembler.h"
 #include "vm/constants.h"
 #include "vm/cpu.h"
 #include "vm/object.h"
@@ -558,13 +557,23 @@
 intptr_t TypeTestingStubCallPattern::GetSubtypeTestCachePoolIndex() {
   // Calls to the type testing stubs look like:
+  //   ldr R9, ...
   //   ldr R3, [PP+idx]
   //   blr R9
+  // or
+  //   ldr R3, [PP+idx]
+  //   blr pc+<offset>
   // Ensure the caller of the type testing stub (whose return address is [pc_])
-  // branched via the `blr R9` instruction.
-  ASSERT(*reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(pc_ - Instr::kInstrSize) == 0xd63f0120);
-  const uword load_instr_end = pc_ - Instr::kInstrSize;
+  // branched via `blr R9` or a pc-relative call.
+  uword pc = pc_ - Instr::kInstrSize;
+  const uword blr_r9 = 0xd63f0120;
+  if (*reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(pc) != blr_r9) {
+    PcRelativeCallPattern pattern(pc);
+    RELEASE_ASSERT(pattern.IsValid());
+  }
+  const uword load_instr_end = pc;
   Register reg;
   intptr_t pool_index = -1;
diff --git a/runtime/vm/instructions_arm64.h b/runtime/vm/instructions_arm64.h
index ab8bff9..2c1b62b 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/instructions_arm64.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/instructions_arm64.h
@@ -11,14 +11,18 @@
 #include "vm/allocation.h"
-#include "vm/compiler/assembler/assembler.h"
 #include "vm/constants.h"
 #include "vm/native_function.h"
+#include "vm/compiler/assembler/assembler.h"
+#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 namespace dart {
 class Code;
 class ICData;
+class Object;
 class ObjectPool;
 class RawCode;
 class RawICData;
diff --git a/runtime/vm/ b/runtime/vm/
index 2225a3e..cbeba5f 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/
+++ b/runtime/vm/
@@ -86,21 +86,37 @@
 intptr_t TypeTestingStubCallPattern::GetSubtypeTestCachePoolIndex() {
+  static int16_t indirect_call_pattern[] = {
+      0xff, -1 /* 0x53 or 0x56 */, 0x07,  // callq [RBX/RSI + 0x7]
+  };
+  static int16_t direct_call_pattern[] = {
+      0xe8, -1, -1, -1, -1,  // callq [PC + <offset>]
+  };
   static int16_t pattern_disp8[] = {
       0x4d, 0x8b, 0x4f, -1,               // movq R9, [PP + offset]
-      0xff, -1 /* 0x53 or 0x56 */, 0x07,  // callq [RBX/RSI + 0x7]
   static int16_t pattern_disp32[] = {
       0x4d, 0x8b, 0x8f, -1, -1, -1, -1,   // movq R9, [PP + offset]
-      0xff, -1 /* 0x53 or 0x56 */, 0x07,  // callq [RBX/RSI + 0x7]
-  if (MatchesPattern(pc_, pattern_disp8, ARRAY_SIZE(pattern_disp8))) {
-    return IndexFromPPLoadDisp8(pc_ - 4);
-  } else if (MatchesPattern(pc_, pattern_disp32, ARRAY_SIZE(pattern_disp32))) {
-    return IndexFromPPLoadDisp32(pc_ - 7);
+  uword pc = pc_;
+  if (MatchesPattern(pc, direct_call_pattern,
+                     ARRAY_SIZE(direct_call_pattern))) {
+    pc -= ARRAY_SIZE(direct_call_pattern);
+  } else if (MatchesPattern(pc, indirect_call_pattern,
+                            ARRAY_SIZE(indirect_call_pattern))) {
+    pc -= ARRAY_SIZE(indirect_call_pattern);
   } else {
     FATAL1("Failed to decode at %" Px, pc_);
+  if (MatchesPattern(pc, pattern_disp8, ARRAY_SIZE(pattern_disp8))) {
+    return IndexFromPPLoadDisp8(pc - 1);
+  } else if (MatchesPattern(pc, pattern_disp32, ARRAY_SIZE(pattern_disp32))) {
+    return IndexFromPPLoadDisp32(pc - 4);
+  } else {
+    FATAL1("Failed to decode at %" Px, pc);
+  }
 }  // namespace dart
diff --git a/runtime/vm/ b/runtime/vm/
index 754d2e5..b4fea2c 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/
+++ b/runtime/vm/
@@ -2182,14 +2182,6 @@
-  if (field.is_late() && !field.is_static() &&
-      field.has_nontrivial_initializer()) {
-    // Late fields are initialized to Object::sentinel, which is a flavor of
-    // null. So we need to record that store so that the field guard doesn't
-    // prematurely optimise out the late field's sentinel checking logic.
-    field.RecordStore(Object::null_object());
-  }
   const String& getter_name = H.DartGetterName(field_helper->canonical_name_);
   const Object& script_class =
       ClassForScriptAt(klass, field_helper->source_uri_index_);
diff --git a/runtime/vm/ b/runtime/vm/
index aac5f8b..db8ab2a 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/
+++ b/runtime/vm/
@@ -780,21 +780,21 @@
-  // Allocate and initialize the sentinel values of Null class.
+  // Allocate and initialize the sentinel values.
     *sentinel_ ^=
-        Object::Allocate(kNullCid, Instance::InstanceSize(), Heap::kOld);
+        Object::Allocate(kNeverCid, Instance::InstanceSize(), Heap::kOld);
     *transition_sentinel_ ^=
-        Object::Allocate(kNullCid, Instance::InstanceSize(), Heap::kOld);
+        Object::Allocate(kNeverCid, Instance::InstanceSize(), Heap::kOld);
   // Allocate and initialize optimizing compiler constants.
     *unknown_constant_ ^=
-        Object::Allocate(kNullCid, Instance::InstanceSize(), Heap::kOld);
+        Object::Allocate(kNeverCid, Instance::InstanceSize(), Heap::kOld);
     *non_constant_ ^=
-        Object::Allocate(kNullCid, Instance::InstanceSize(), Heap::kOld);
+        Object::Allocate(kNeverCid, Instance::InstanceSize(), Heap::kOld);
   // Allocate the remaining VM internal classes.
@@ -15717,7 +15717,7 @@
   StaticCallsTable entries(array);
   ASSERT(code.IsNull() ||
          (code.function() == entries[i].Get<kSCallTableFunctionTarget>()));
-  return entries[i].Set<kSCallTableCodeTarget>(code);
+  return entries[i].Set<kSCallTableCodeOrTypeTarget>(code);
@@ -15737,7 +15737,7 @@
            (code.function() == entries[i].Get<kSCallTableFunctionTarget>()));
-  return entries[i].Set<kSCallTableCodeTarget>(code);
+  return entries[i].Set<kSCallTableCodeOrTypeTarget>(code);
diff --git a/runtime/vm/object.h b/runtime/vm/object.h
index 8c2c21b..fad2bef 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/object.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/object.h
@@ -6043,8 +6043,9 @@
   enum CallKind {
     kPcRelativeCall = 1,
-    kPcRelativeTailCall = 2,
-    kCallViaCode = 3,
+    kPcRelativeTTSCall = 2,
+    kPcRelativeTailCall = 3,
+    kCallViaCode = 4,
   enum CallEntryPoint {
@@ -6054,7 +6055,7 @@
   enum SCallTableEntry {
     kSCallTableKindAndOffset = 0,
-    kSCallTableCodeTarget = 1,
+    kSCallTableCodeOrTypeTarget = 1,
     kSCallTableFunctionTarget = 2,
     kSCallTableEntryLength = 3,
@@ -6064,11 +6065,11 @@
-  class KindField : public BitField<intptr_t, CallKind, 0, 2> {};
+  class KindField : public BitField<intptr_t, CallKind, 0, 3> {};
   class EntryPointField
       : public BitField<intptr_t, CallEntryPoint, KindField::kNextBit, 1> {};
   class OffsetField
-      : public BitField<intptr_t, intptr_t, EntryPointField::kNextBit, 27> {};
+      : public BitField<intptr_t, intptr_t, EntryPointField::kNextBit, 26> {};
   void set_static_calls_target_table(const Array& value) const;
   RawArray* static_calls_target_table() const {
@@ -11189,7 +11190,9 @@
                       std::tuple<String, Array, Function>>;
 using StaticCallsTable =
-    ArrayOfTuplesView<Code::SCallTableEntry, std::tuple<Smi, Code, Function>>;
+    ArrayOfTuplesView<Code::SCallTableEntry, std::tuple<Smi, Object, Function>>;
+using StaticCallsTableEntry = StaticCallsTable::TupleView;
 using SubtypeTestCacheTable = ArrayOfTuplesView<SubtypeTestCache::Entries,
diff --git a/runtime/vm/object_store.h b/runtime/vm/object_store.h
index ecffe42..e2381e9 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/object_store.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/object_store.h
@@ -196,6 +196,11 @@
   RW(Code, instance_of_stub)                                                   \
   RW(Code, init_static_field_stub)                                             \
   RW(Code, call_closure_no_such_method_stub)                                   \
+  RW(Code, default_tts_stub)                                                   \
+  RW(Code, default_nullable_tts_stub)                                          \
+  RW(Code, top_type_tts_stub)                                                  \
+  RW(Code, unreachable_tts_stub)                                               \
+  RW(Code, slow_tts_stub)                                                      \
   R_(Code, megamorphic_call_miss_code)                                         \
   R_(Function, megamorphic_call_miss_function)                                 \
   RW(Array, dispatch_table_code_entries)                                       \
@@ -228,6 +233,11 @@
   DO(allocate_object_parametrized_stub, AllocateObjectParameterized)           \
   DO(clone_context_stub, CloneContext)                                         \
   DO(call_closure_no_such_method_stub, CallClosureNoSuchMethod)                \
+  DO(default_tts_stub, DefaultTypeTest)                                        \
+  DO(default_nullable_tts_stub, DefaultNullableTypeTest)                       \
+  DO(top_type_tts_stub, TopTypeTypeTest)                                       \
+  DO(unreachable_tts_stub, UnreachableTypeTest)                                \
+  DO(slow_tts_stub, SlowTypeTest)                                              \
   DO(write_barrier_wrappers_stub, WriteBarrierWrappers)                        \
   DO(array_write_barrier_stub, ArrayWriteBarrier)                              \
   DO(throw_stub, Throw)                                                        \
diff --git a/runtime/vm/ b/runtime/vm/
index b6f364f..087c701 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/
+++ b/runtime/vm/
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
-        static_call_code_(Code::Handle(zone)),
+        static_calls_table_entry_(Object::Handle(zone)),
         worklist_entry_(Object::Handle(zone)) {}
   ~ProgramWalker() { heap_->ResetObjectIdTable(); }
@@ -180,8 +180,10 @@
     if (static_calls_array_.IsNull()) return;
     StaticCallsTable static_calls(static_calls_array_);
     for (auto& view : static_calls) {
-      static_call_code_ = view.Get<Code::kSCallTableCodeTarget>();
-      AddToWorklist(static_call_code_);
+      static_calls_table_entry_ = view.Get<Code::kSCallTableCodeOrTypeTarget>();
+      if (static_calls_table_entry_.IsCode()) {
+        AddToWorklist(Code::Cast(static_calls_table_entry_));
+      }
@@ -196,7 +198,7 @@
   Code& class_code_;
   Code& function_code_;
   Array& static_calls_array_;
-  Code& static_call_code_;
+  Object& static_calls_table_entry_;
   Object& worklist_entry_;
@@ -349,15 +351,17 @@
         kind_and_offset_ = view.Get<Code::kSCallTableKindAndOffset>();
         auto const kind = Code::KindField::decode(kind_and_offset_.Value());
         if (kind != Code::kCallViaCode) {
-          ASSERT(!FLAG_precompiled_mode || kind == Code::kPcRelativeCall ||
-                 kind == Code::kPcRelativeTailCall);
+          ASSERT(kind == Code::kPcRelativeCall ||
+                 kind == Code::kPcRelativeTailCall ||
+                 kind == Code::kPcRelativeTTSCall);
           only_call_via_code = false;
         target_ = view.Get<Code::kSCallTableFunctionTarget>();
         if (target_.IsNull()) {
-          target_ = view.Get<Code::kSCallTableCodeTarget>();
+          target_ =
+              Code::RawCast(view.Get<Code::kSCallTableCodeOrTypeTarget>());
           // Allocation stub or AllocateContext or AllocateArray or ...
diff --git a/runtime/vm/ b/runtime/vm/
index 871aa0b1..c2270e0 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/
+++ b/runtime/vm/
@@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
     case kNullCid:
+    case kNeverCid:
       size = HeapSize();
diff --git a/runtime/vm/ b/runtime/vm/
index 8a38f5d..9502b49 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/
+++ b/runtime/vm/
@@ -7,10 +7,13 @@
 #include "vm/runtime_entry.h"
-#include "vm/compiler/assembler/assembler.h"
 #include "vm/simulator.h"
 #include "vm/stub_code.h"
+#include "vm/compiler/assembler/assembler.h"
+#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 namespace dart {
 #define __ assembler->
diff --git a/runtime/vm/ b/runtime/vm/
index 83ba08d..129dae3 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/
+++ b/runtime/vm/
@@ -7,10 +7,13 @@
 #include "vm/runtime_entry.h"
-#include "vm/compiler/assembler/assembler.h"
 #include "vm/simulator.h"
 #include "vm/stub_code.h"
+#include "vm/compiler/assembler/assembler.h"
+#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 namespace dart {
 #define __ assembler->
diff --git a/runtime/vm/ b/runtime/vm/
index 64ba0ee..4410cfb 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/
+++ b/runtime/vm/
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
 #include "vm/simulator.h"
-#include "vm/compiler/assembler/assembler.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/assembler/disassembler.h"
 #include "vm/constants.h"
 #include "vm/cpu.h"
diff --git a/runtime/vm/ b/runtime/vm/
index b1fef2f..3ab2750 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/
+++ b/runtime/vm/
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
 #include "vm/simulator.h"
-#include "vm/compiler/assembler/assembler.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/assembler/disassembler.h"
 #include "vm/constants.h"
 #include "vm/native_arguments.h"
diff --git a/runtime/vm/ b/runtime/vm/
index 21b71d5..8f84851 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/
+++ b/runtime/vm/
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
-static RawArray* BuildStaticCallsTable(
+RawArray* compiler::StubCodeCompiler::BuildStaticCallsTable(
     Zone* zone,
     compiler::UnresolvedPcRelativeCalls* unresolved_calls) {
   if (unresolved_calls->length() == 0) {
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
     auto view = entries[i];
-    view.Set<Code::kSCallTableCodeTarget>(unresolved_call->target());
+    view.Set<Code::kSCallTableCodeOrTypeTarget>(unresolved_call->target());
   return static_calls_table.raw();
@@ -201,7 +201,8 @@
     const auto& static_calls_table =
-        Array::Handle(zone, BuildStaticCallsTable(zone, &unresolved_calls));
+        Array::Handle(zone, compiler::StubCodeCompiler::BuildStaticCallsTable(
+                                zone, &unresolved_calls));
     auto mutator_fun = [&]() {
       stub = Code::FinalizeCode(nullptr, &assembler, pool_attachment,
@@ -318,6 +319,14 @@
       return entries_[i].name;
+  auto object_store = Isolate::Current()->object_store();
+#define DO(member, name)                                                       \
+  if (entry_point == Code::EntryPointOf(object_store->member())) {             \
+    return "_iso_stub_" #name "Stub";                                          \
+  }
+#undef DO
   return nullptr;
diff --git a/runtime/vm/thread.h b/runtime/vm/thread.h
index 077fa83..bee44edb 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/thread.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/thread.h
@@ -198,7 +198,9 @@
   V(uword, optimize_entry_, StubCode::OptimizeFunction().EntryPoint(), 0)      \
   V(uword, deoptimize_entry_, StubCode::Deoptimize().EntryPoint(), 0)          \
   V(uword, call_native_through_safepoint_entry_point_,                         \
-    StubCode::CallNativeThroughSafepoint().EntryPoint(), 0)
+    StubCode::CallNativeThroughSafepoint().EntryPoint(), 0)                    \
+  V(uword, slow_type_test_entry_point_, StubCode::SlowTypeTest().EntryPoint(), \
+    0)
 #define CACHED_ADDRESSES_LIST(V)                                               \
   CACHED_VM_STUBS_ADDRESSES_LIST(V)                                            \
diff --git a/runtime/vm/ b/runtime/vm/
index b55430a..ca27574 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/
+++ b/runtime/vm/
@@ -180,6 +180,7 @@
 RawCode* TypeTestingStubGenerator::BuildCodeForType(const Type& type) {
   auto thread = Thread::Current();
+  auto zone = thread->zone();
   HierarchyInfo* hi = thread->hierarchy_info();
   ASSERT(hi != NULL);
@@ -191,9 +192,20 @@
   const Class& type_class = Class::Handle(type.type_class());
+  auto& slow_tts_stub = Code::ZoneHandle(zone);
+  if (FLAG_precompiled_mode && FLAG_use_bare_instructions) {
+    slow_tts_stub = thread->isolate()->object_store()->slow_tts_stub();
+  }
   // To use the already-defined __ Macro !
   compiler::Assembler assembler(nullptr);
-  BuildOptimizedTypeTestStub(&assembler, hi, type, type_class);
+  compiler::UnresolvedPcRelativeCalls unresolved_calls;
+  BuildOptimizedTypeTestStub(&assembler, &unresolved_calls, slow_tts_stub, hi,
+                             type, type_class);
+  const auto& static_calls_table =
+      Array::Handle(zone, compiler::StubCodeCompiler::BuildStaticCallsTable(
+                              zone, &unresolved_calls));
   const char* name = namer_.StubNameForType(type);
   const auto pool_attachment = FLAG_use_bare_instructions
@@ -204,6 +216,9 @@
   auto install_code_fun = [&]() {
     code = Code::FinalizeCode(nullptr, &assembler, pool_attachment,
                               /*optimized=*/false, /*stats=*/nullptr);
+    if (!static_calls_table.IsNull()) {
+      code.set_static_calls_target_table(static_calls_table);
+    }
   // We have to ensure no mutators are running, because:
diff --git a/runtime/vm/type_testing_stubs.h b/runtime/vm/type_testing_stubs.h
index 2b1279c..345ef31 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/type_testing_stubs.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/type_testing_stubs.h
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@
 #include "vm/compiler/assembler/assembler.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/il.h"
+#include "vm/compiler/stub_code_compiler.h"
 #endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 namespace dart {
 class TypeTestingStubNamer {
@@ -58,10 +58,13 @@
 #if !defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
   RawCode* BuildCodeForType(const Type& type);
-  static void BuildOptimizedTypeTestStub(compiler::Assembler* assembler,
-                                         HierarchyInfo* hi,
-                                         const Type& type,
-                                         const Class& type_class);
+  static void BuildOptimizedTypeTestStub(
+      compiler::Assembler* assembler,
+      compiler::UnresolvedPcRelativeCalls* unresolved_calls,
+      const Code& slow_type_test_stub,
+      HierarchyInfo* hi,
+      const Type& type,
+      const Class& type_class);
   static void BuildOptimizedTypeTestStubFastCases(
       compiler::Assembler* assembler,
diff --git a/runtime/vm/ b/runtime/vm/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b176ce..0000000
--- a/runtime/vm/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "vm/globals.h"
-#include "vm/type_testing_stubs.h"
-#define __ assembler->
-namespace dart {
-void TypeTestingStubGenerator::BuildOptimizedTypeTestStub(
-    compiler::Assembler* assembler,
-    HierarchyInfo* hi,
-    const Type& type,
-    const Class& type_class) {
-  BuildOptimizedTypeTestStubFastCases(assembler, hi, type, type_class);
-  __ ldr(CODE_REG,
-         compiler::Address(
-             THR, compiler::target::Thread::slow_type_test_stub_offset()));
-  __ Branch(compiler::FieldAddress(
-      CODE_REG, compiler::target::Code::entry_point_offset()));
-}  // namespace dart
-#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/ b/runtime/vm/
deleted file mode 100644
index bc2df7f..0000000
--- a/runtime/vm/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "vm/globals.h"
-#include "vm/type_testing_stubs.h"
-#define __ assembler->
-namespace dart {
-void TypeTestingStubGenerator::BuildOptimizedTypeTestStub(
-    compiler::Assembler* assembler,
-    HierarchyInfo* hi,
-    const Type& type,
-    const Class& type_class) {
-  BuildOptimizedTypeTestStubFastCases(assembler, hi, type, type_class);
-  __ ldr(CODE_REG,
-         compiler::Address(THR, Thread::slow_type_test_stub_offset()));
-  __ ldr(R9, compiler::FieldAddress(CODE_REG, Code::entry_point_offset()));
-  __ br(R9);
-}  // namespace dart
-#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM64) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/ b/runtime/vm/
deleted file mode 100644
index a942eb0..0000000
--- a/runtime/vm/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "vm/globals.h"
-#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_X64) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
-#include "vm/type_testing_stubs.h"
-#define __ assembler->
-namespace dart {
-void TypeTestingStubGenerator::BuildOptimizedTypeTestStub(
-    compiler::Assembler* assembler,
-    HierarchyInfo* hi,
-    const Type& type,
-    const Class& type_class) {
-  BuildOptimizedTypeTestStubFastCases(assembler, hi, type, type_class);
-  __ movq(CODE_REG,
-          compiler::Address(THR, Thread::slow_type_test_stub_offset()));
-  __ jmp(compiler::FieldAddress(CODE_REG, Code::entry_point_offset()));
-}  // namespace dart
-#endif  // defined(TARGET_ARCH_X64) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/vm_sources.gni b/runtime/vm/vm_sources.gni
index a02d69b..d3560f0 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/vm_sources.gni
+++ b/runtime/vm/vm_sources.gni
@@ -343,9 +343,6 @@
-  "",
-  "",
-  "",
diff --git a/sdk/lib/_internal/js_dev_runtime/private/ddc_runtime/types.dart b/sdk/lib/_internal/js_dev_runtime/private/ddc_runtime/types.dart
index ef5fcd6..22d9d3d 100644
--- a/sdk/lib/_internal/js_dev_runtime/private/ddc_runtime/types.dart
+++ b/sdk/lib/_internal/js_dev_runtime/private/ddc_runtime/types.dart
@@ -900,17 +900,18 @@
         JS('', '#[2]', parts), JS('', '#[3]', parts));
-  List instantiateTypeBounds(List typeArgs) {
+  List<Object> instantiateTypeBounds(List typeArgs) {
     if (!hasTypeBounds) {
-      // We ommit the a bound to represent Object*. Other bounds are explicitly
+      // We omit the a bound to represent Object*. Other bounds are explicitly
       // represented, including Object, Object? and dynamic.
       // TODO(nshahan) Revisit this representation when more libraries have
       // migrated to null safety.
-      return List.filled(formalCount, legacy(unwrapType(Object)));
+      return List<Object>.filled(formalCount, legacy(unwrapType(Object)));
     // Bounds can be recursive or depend on other type parameters, so we need to
     // apply type arguments and return the resulting bounds.
-    return JS('List', '#.apply(null, #)', _instantiateTypeBounds, typeArgs);
+    return JS<List<Object>>(
+        '!', '#.apply(null, #)', _instantiateTypeBounds, typeArgs);
   toString() {
@@ -936,10 +937,30 @@
   /// See the issue for the algorithm description:
   /// <>
   List instantiateDefaultBounds() {
+    /// Returns `true` if the default value for the type bound should be
+    /// `dynamic`.
+    ///
+    /// Dart 2 with null safety uses dynamic as the default value for types
+    /// without explicit bounds.
+    ///
+    /// This is similar to [_isTop] but removes the check for `void` (it can't
+    /// be written as a bound) and adds a check of `Object*` in weak mode.
+    bool defaultsToDynamic(type) {
+      // Technically this is wrong, only implicit bounds of `Object?` and
+      // `Object*` should default to dynamic but code that observes the
+      // difference is rare.
+      if (_equalType(type, dynamic)) return true;
+      if (_jsInstanceOf(type, NullableType) ||
+          (!_strictSubtypeChecks && _jsInstanceOf(type, LegacyType))) {
+        return _equalType(JS('!', '#.type', type), Object);
+      }
+      return false;
+    }
     var typeFormals = this.typeFormals;
     // All type formals
-    var all = HashMap<Object, int>.identity();
+    var all = HashMap<TypeVariable, int>.identity();
     // ground types, by index.
     // For each index, this will be a ground type for the corresponding type
@@ -955,8 +976,11 @@
       var typeFormal = typeFormals[i];
       var bound = typeBounds[i];
       all[typeFormal] = i;
-      if (identical(bound, _dynamic)) {
-        defaults[i] = bound;
+      if (defaultsToDynamic(bound)) {
+        // TODO(nshahan) Persist the actual default values into the runtime so
+        // they can be used here instead of using dynamic for all top types
+        // implicit or explicit.
+        defaults[i] = _dynamic;
       } else {
         defaults[i] = typeFormal;
         partials[typeFormal] = bound;
@@ -964,11 +988,12 @@
     bool hasFreeFormal(t) {
+      if (partials.containsKey(t)) return true;
       // Ignore nullability wrappers.
       if (_jsInstanceOf(t, LegacyType) || _jsInstanceOf(t, NullableType)) {
         return hasFreeFormal(JS<Object>('!', '#.type', t));
-      if (partials.containsKey(t)) return true;
       // Generic classes and typedefs.
       var typeArgs = getGenericArgs(t);
       if (typeArgs != null) return typeArgs.any(hasFreeFormal);
diff --git a/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/rti.dart b/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/rti.dart
index 22af777..ae12f72 100644
--- a/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/rti.dart
+++ b/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/rti.dart
@@ -991,20 +991,50 @@
 /// Specialization for 'as bool?'.
 /// Called from generated code.
-bool /*?*/ _asBoolNullable(object) {
+bool _asBool(object) {
+  if (_isBool(object)) return _Utils.asBool(object);
+  throw _TypeError.forType(object, 'bool');
+/// Specialization for 'as bool*'.
+/// Called from generated code.
+bool /*?*/ _asBoolS(object) {
   if (_isBool(object)) return _Utils.asBool(object);
   if (object == null) return object;
   throw _TypeError.forType(object, 'bool');
-/// Specialization for 'as double?'.
+/// Specialization for 'as bool?'.
 /// Called from generated code.
-double /*?*/ _asDoubleNullable(object) {
+bool /*?*/ _asBoolQ(object) {
+  if (_isBool(object)) return _Utils.asBool(object);
+  if (object == null) return object;
+  throw _TypeError.forType(object, 'bool?');
+/// Specialization for 'as double'.
+/// Called from generated code.
+double /*?*/ _asDouble(object) {
+  if (_isNum(object)) return _Utils.asDouble(object);
+  throw _TypeError.forType(object, 'double');
+/// Specialization for 'as double*'.
+/// Called from generated code.
+double /*?*/ _asDoubleS(object) {
   if (_isNum(object)) return _Utils.asDouble(object);
   if (object == null) return object;
   throw _TypeError.forType(object, 'double');
+/// Specialization for 'as double?'.
+/// Called from generated code.
+double /*?*/ _asDoubleQ(object) {
+  if (_isNum(object)) return _Utils.asDouble(object);
+  if (object == null) return object;
+  throw _TypeError.forType(object, 'double?');
 /// Specialization for 'is int'.
 /// Called from generated code.
 bool _isInt(object) {
@@ -1012,14 +1042,29 @@
       JS('bool', 'Math.floor(#) === #', object, object);
-/// Specialization for 'as int?'.
+/// Specialization for 'as int'.
 /// Called from generated code.
-int /*?*/ _asIntNullable(object) {
+int _asInt(object) {
+  if (_isInt(object)) return _Utils.asInt(object);
+  throw _TypeError.forType(object, 'int');
+/// Specialization for 'as int*'.
+/// Called from generated code.
+int /*?*/ _asIntS(object) {
   if (_isInt(object)) return _Utils.asInt(object);
   if (object == null) return object;
   throw _TypeError.forType(object, 'int');
+/// Specialization for 'as int?'.
+/// Called from generated code.
+int /*?*/ _asIntQ(object) {
+  if (_isInt(object)) return _Utils.asInt(object);
+  if (object == null) return object;
+  throw _TypeError.forType(object, 'int?');
 /// Specialization for 'is num' and 'is double'.
 /// Called from generated code.
 bool _isNum(object) {
@@ -1028,26 +1073,56 @@
 /// Specialization for 'as num?'.
 /// Called from generated code.
-num /*?*/ _asNumNullable(object) {
+num _asNum(object) {
+  if (_isNum(object)) return _Utils.asNum(object);
+  throw _TypeError.forType(object, 'num');
+/// Specialization for 'as num*'.
+/// Called from generated code.
+num /*?*/ _asNumS(object) {
   if (_isNum(object)) return _Utils.asNum(object);
   if (object == null) return object;
   throw _TypeError.forType(object, 'num');
+/// Specialization for 'as num?'.
+/// Called from generated code.
+num /*?*/ _asNumQ(object) {
+  if (_isNum(object)) return _Utils.asNum(object);
+  if (object == null) return object;
+  throw _TypeError.forType(object, 'num?');
 /// Specialization for 'is String'.
 /// Called from generated code.
 bool _isString(object) {
   return JS('bool', 'typeof # == "string"', object);
-/// Specialization for 'as String?'.
+/// Specialization for 'as String'.
 /// Called from generated code.
-String /*?*/ _asStringNullable(object) {
+String _asString(object) {
+  if (_isString(object)) return _Utils.asString(object);
+  throw _TypeError.forType(object, 'String');
+/// Specialization for 'as String*'.
+/// Called from generated code.
+String /*?*/ _asStringS(object) {
   if (_isString(object)) return _Utils.asString(object);
   if (object == null) return object;
   throw _TypeError.forType(object, 'String');
+/// Specialization for 'as String?'.
+/// Called from generated code.
+String /*?*/ _asStringQ(object) {
+  if (_isString(object)) return _Utils.asString(object);
+  if (object == null) return object;
+  throw _TypeError.forType(object, 'String?');
 String _rtiArrayToString(Object array, List<String> genericContext) {
   String s = '', sep = '';
   for (int i = 0; i < _Utils.arrayLength(array); i++) {
diff --git a/sdk/lib/_internal/vm/bin/process_patch.dart b/sdk/lib/_internal/vm/bin/process_patch.dart
index 2c5ae51..89e7c14 100644
--- a/sdk/lib/_internal/vm/bin/process_patch.dart
+++ b/sdk/lib/_internal/vm/bin/process_patch.dart
@@ -357,6 +357,9 @@
   String _windowsArgumentEscape(String argument) {
+    if (argument.isEmpty) {
+      return '""';
+    }
     var result = argument;
     if (argument.contains('\t') ||
         argument.contains(' ') ||
diff --git a/sdk/lib/io/network_profiling.dart b/sdk/lib/io/network_profiling.dart
index 8edaeac..f23ed37 100644
--- a/sdk/lib/io/network_profiling.dart
+++ b/sdk/lib/io/network_profiling.dart
@@ -228,8 +228,8 @@
     final map = <String, dynamic>{
       'id': id,
-    _setIfNotNull(map, 'startTime', startTime.toString());
-    _setIfNotNull(map, 'endTime', endTime.toString());
+    _setIfNotNull(map, 'startTime', startTime);
+    _setIfNotNull(map, 'endTime', endTime);
     _setIfNotNull(map, 'address', address);
     _setIfNotNull(map, 'port', port);
     _setIfNotNull(map, 'socketType', socketType);
diff --git a/sdk/lib/vmservice/vmservice.dart b/sdk/lib/vmservice/vmservice.dart
index 6943f13..81a2ac7 100644
--- a/sdk/lib/vmservice/vmservice.dart
+++ b/sdk/lib/vmservice/vmservice.dart
@@ -49,7 +49,8 @@
 final Map<int, IsolateEmbedderData> isolateEmbedderData =
     new Map<int, IsolateEmbedderData>();
-// These must be kept in sync with the declarations in vm/json_stream.h.
+// These must be kept in sync with the declarations in vm/json_stream.h and
+// pkg/dds/lib/src/stream_manager.dart.
 const kParseError = -32700;
 const kInvalidRequest = -32600;
 const kMethodNotFound = -32601;
diff --git a/sdk_nnbd/lib/_internal/js_dev_runtime/private/ddc_runtime/types.dart b/sdk_nnbd/lib/_internal/js_dev_runtime/private/ddc_runtime/types.dart
index 8f4647c..e0c6c15 100644
--- a/sdk_nnbd/lib/_internal/js_dev_runtime/private/ddc_runtime/types.dart
+++ b/sdk_nnbd/lib/_internal/js_dev_runtime/private/ddc_runtime/types.dart
@@ -898,17 +898,18 @@
         JS('', '#[2]', parts), JS('', '#[3]', parts));
-  List instantiateTypeBounds(List typeArgs) {
+  List<Object> instantiateTypeBounds(List typeArgs) {
     if (!hasTypeBounds) {
-      // We ommit the a bound to represent Object*. Other bounds are explicitly
+      // We omit the a bound to represent Object*. Other bounds are explicitly
       // represented, including Object, Object? and dynamic.
       // TODO(nshahan) Revisit this representation when more libraries have
       // migrated to null safety.
-      return List.filled(formalCount, legacy(unwrapType(Object)));
+      return List<Object>.filled(formalCount, legacy(unwrapType(Object)));
     // Bounds can be recursive or depend on other type parameters, so we need to
     // apply type arguments and return the resulting bounds.
-    return JS('List', '#.apply(null, #)', _instantiateTypeBounds, typeArgs);
+    return JS<List<Object>>(
+        '!', '#.apply(null, #)', _instantiateTypeBounds, typeArgs);
   toString() {
@@ -934,10 +935,30 @@
   /// See the issue for the algorithm description:
   /// <>
   List instantiateDefaultBounds() {
+    /// Returns `true` if the default value for the type bound should be
+    /// `dynamic`.
+    ///
+    /// Dart 2 with null safety uses dynamic as the default value for types
+    /// without explicit bounds.
+    ///
+    /// This is similar to [_isTop] but removes the check for `void` (it can't
+    /// be written as a bound) and adds a check of `Object*` in weak mode.
+    bool defaultsToDynamic(type) {
+      // Technically this is wrong, only implicit bounds of `Object?` and
+      // `Object*` should default to dynamic but code that observes the
+      // difference is rare.
+      if (_equalType(type, dynamic)) return true;
+      if (_jsInstanceOf(type, NullableType) ||
+          (!_strictSubtypeChecks && _jsInstanceOf(type, LegacyType))) {
+        return _equalType(JS('!', '#.type', type), Object);
+      }
+      return false;
+    }
     var typeFormals = this.typeFormals;
     // All type formals
-    var all = HashMap<Object, int>.identity();
+    var all = HashMap<TypeVariable, int>.identity();
     // ground types, by index.
     // For each index, this will be a ground type for the corresponding type
@@ -953,8 +974,11 @@
       var typeFormal = typeFormals[i];
       var bound = typeBounds[i];
       all[typeFormal] = i;
-      if (identical(bound, _dynamic)) {
-        defaults[i] = bound;
+      if (defaultsToDynamic(bound)) {
+        // TODO(nshahan) Persist the actual default values into the runtime so
+        // they can be used here instead of using dynamic for all top types
+        // implicit or explicit.
+        defaults[i] = _dynamic;
       } else {
         defaults[i] = typeFormal;
         partials[typeFormal] = bound;
@@ -962,11 +986,12 @@
     bool hasFreeFormal(t) {
+      if (partials.containsKey(t)) return true;
       // Ignore nullability wrappers.
       if (_jsInstanceOf(t, LegacyType) || _jsInstanceOf(t, NullableType)) {
         return hasFreeFormal(JS<Object>('!', '#.type', t));
-      if (partials.containsKey(t)) return true;
       // Generic classes and typedefs.
       var typeArgs = getGenericArgs(t);
       if (typeArgs != null) return typeArgs.any(hasFreeFormal);
diff --git a/sdk_nnbd/lib/_internal/js_dev_runtime/private/js_array.dart b/sdk_nnbd/lib/_internal/js_dev_runtime/private/js_array.dart
index c92b73d..4538120 100644
--- a/sdk_nnbd/lib/_internal/js_dev_runtime/private/js_array.dart
+++ b/sdk_nnbd/lib/_internal/js_dev_runtime/private/js_array.dart
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@
         throw ConcurrentModificationError(this);
-    if (matchFound) return match!;
+    if (matchFound) return match as E;
     if (orElse != null) return orElse();
     throw IterableElementError.noElement();
@@ -488,15 +488,15 @@
     return -1;
-  int lastIndexOf(Object? element, [int? _startIndex]) {
+  int lastIndexOf(Object? element, [int? startIndex]) {
-    int startIndex = _startIndex ?? this.length - 1;
-    if (startIndex >= this.length) {
-      startIndex = this.length - 1;
-    } else if (startIndex < 0) {
+    int start = startIndex ?? this.length - 1;
+    if (start >= this.length) {
+      start = this.length - 1;
+    } else if (start < 0) {
       return -1;
-    for (int i = startIndex; i >= 0; i--) {
+    for (int i = start; i >= 0; i--) {
       if (this[i] == element) {
         return i;
diff --git a/sdk_nnbd/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/js_array.dart b/sdk_nnbd/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/js_array.dart
index e7e4332..d131658 100644
--- a/sdk_nnbd/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/js_array.dart
+++ b/sdk_nnbd/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/js_array.dart
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@
         throw new ConcurrentModificationError(this);
-    if (matchFound) return match!;
+    if (matchFound) return match as E;
     if (orElse != null) return orElse();
     throw IterableElementError.noElement();
@@ -428,8 +428,8 @@
     List<E> otherList;
     int otherStart;
     // TODO(floitsch): Make this accept more.
-    if (iterable is List<E>) {
-      otherList = iterable;
+    if (iterable is List) {
+      otherList = JS<List<E>>('', '#', iterable);
       otherStart = skipCount;
     } else {
       otherList = iterable.skip(skipCount).toList(growable: false);
@@ -527,7 +527,7 @@
   static int _compareAny(a, b) {
-    return as Comparable, b as Comparable);
+    return, b);
   void shuffle([Random? random]) {
@@ -559,15 +559,15 @@
     return -1;
-  int lastIndexOf(Object? element, [int? _startIndex]) {
-    int startIndex = _startIndex ?? this.length - 1;
-    if (startIndex < 0) {
+  int lastIndexOf(Object? element, [int? startIndex]) {
+    int start = startIndex ?? this.length - 1;
+    if (start < 0) {
       return -1;
-    if (startIndex >= this.length) {
-      startIndex = this.length - 1;
+    if (start >= this.length) {
+      start = this.length - 1;
-    for (int i = startIndex; i >= 0; i--) {
+    for (int i = start; i >= 0; i--) {
       if (this[i] == element) {
         return i;
diff --git a/sdk_nnbd/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/native_helper.dart b/sdk_nnbd/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/native_helper.dart
index 4cbeed7..f5f40b7 100644
--- a/sdk_nnbd/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/native_helper.dart
+++ b/sdk_nnbd/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/native_helper.dart
@@ -159,8 +159,9 @@
   // [initNativeDispatch].
   var interceptorClass = lookupInterceptor(tag);
   if (interceptorClass == null) {
-    tag = alternateTagFunction!(obj, tag);
-    if (tag != null) {
+    String? altTag = alternateTagFunction!(obj, tag);
+    if (altTag != null) {
+      tag = altTag;
       // Fast path for instance and uncached tags again.
       record = propertyGet(dispatchRecordsForInstanceTags, tag);
       if (record != null) return patchInstance(obj, record);
diff --git a/sdk_nnbd/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/rti.dart b/sdk_nnbd/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/rti.dart
index cb06c90..eb34fca 100644
--- a/sdk_nnbd/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/rti.dart
+++ b/sdk_nnbd/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/rti.dart
@@ -1086,22 +1086,52 @@
 // TODO(fishythefish): Change `dynamic` to `Object?` below once promotion works.
-/// Specialization for 'as bool?'.
+/// Specialization for 'as bool'.
 /// Called from generated code.
-bool? _asBoolNullable(dynamic object) {
+bool _asBool(Object? object) {
+  if (_isBool(object)) return _Utils.asBool(object);
+  throw _TypeError.forType(object, 'bool');
+/// Specialization for 'as bool*'.
+/// Called from generated code.
+bool? _asBoolS(dynamic object) {
   if (_isBool(object)) return _Utils.asBool(object);
   if (object == null) return object;
   throw _TypeError.forType(object, 'bool');
-/// Specialization for 'as double?'.
+/// Specialization for 'as bool?'.
 /// Called from generated code.
-double? _asDoubleNullable(dynamic object) {
+bool? _asBoolQ(dynamic object) {
+  if (_isBool(object)) return _Utils.asBool(object);
+  if (object == null) return object;
+  throw _TypeError.forType(object, 'bool?');
+/// Specialization for 'as double'.
+/// Called from generated code.
+double _asDouble(Object? object) {
+  if (_isNum(object)) return _Utils.asDouble(object);
+  throw _TypeError.forType(object, 'double');
+/// Specialization for 'as double*'.
+/// Called from generated code.
+double? _asDoubleS(dynamic object) {
   if (_isNum(object)) return _Utils.asDouble(object);
   if (object == null) return object;
   throw _TypeError.forType(object, 'double');
+/// Specialization for 'as double?'.
+/// Called from generated code.
+double? _asDoubleQ(dynamic object) {
+  if (_isNum(object)) return _Utils.asDouble(object);
+  if (object == null) return object;
+  throw _TypeError.forType(object, 'double?');
 /// Specialization for 'is int'.
 /// Called from generated code.
 bool _isInt(Object? object) {
@@ -1109,42 +1139,87 @@
       JS('bool', 'Math.floor(#) === #', object, object);
-/// Specialization for 'as int?'.
+/// Specialization for 'as int'.
 /// Called from generated code.
-int? _asIntNullable(dynamic object) {
+int _asInt(Object? object) {
+  if (_isInt(object)) return _Utils.asInt(object);
+  throw _TypeError.forType(object, 'int');
+/// Specialization for 'as int*'.
+/// Called from generated code.
+int? _asIntS(dynamic object) {
   if (_isInt(object)) return _Utils.asInt(object);
   if (object == null) return object;
   throw _TypeError.forType(object, 'int');
+/// Specialization for 'as int?'.
+/// Called from generated code.
+int? _asIntQ(dynamic object) {
+  if (_isInt(object)) return _Utils.asInt(object);
+  if (object == null) return object;
+  throw _TypeError.forType(object, 'int?');
 /// Specialization for 'is num' and 'is double'.
 /// Called from generated code.
 bool _isNum(Object? object) {
   return JS('bool', 'typeof # == "number"', object);
-/// Specialization for 'as num?'.
+/// Specialization for 'as num'.
 /// Called from generated code.
-num? _asNumNullable(dynamic object) {
+num _asNum(Object? object) {
+  if (_isNum(object)) return _Utils.asNum(object);
+  throw _TypeError.forType(object, 'num');
+/// Specialization for 'as num*'.
+/// Called from generated code.
+num? _asNumS(dynamic object) {
   if (_isNum(object)) return _Utils.asNum(object);
   if (object == null) return object;
   throw _TypeError.forType(object, 'num');
+/// Specialization for 'as num?'.
+/// Called from generated code.
+num? _asNumQ(dynamic object) {
+  if (_isNum(object)) return _Utils.asNum(object);
+  if (object == null) return object;
+  throw _TypeError.forType(object, 'num?');
 /// Specialization for 'is String'.
 /// Called from generated code.
 bool _isString(Object? object) {
   return JS('bool', 'typeof # == "string"', object);
-/// Specialization for 'as String?'.
+/// Specialization for 'as String'.
 /// Called from generated code.
-String? _asStringNullable(dynamic object) {
+String _asString(Object? object) {
+  if (_isString(object)) return _Utils.asString(object);
+  throw _TypeError.forType(object, 'String');
+/// Specialization for 'as String*'.
+/// Called from generated code.
+String? _asStringS(dynamic object) {
   if (_isString(object)) return _Utils.asString(object);
   if (object == null) return object;
   throw _TypeError.forType(object, 'String');
+/// Specialization for 'as String?'.
+/// Called from generated code.
+String? _asStringQ(dynamic object) {
+  if (_isString(object)) return _Utils.asString(object);
+  if (object == null) return object;
+  throw _TypeError.forType(object, 'String?');
 String _rtiArrayToString(Object? array, List<String>? genericContext) {
   String s = '', sep = '';
   for (int i = 0; i < _Utils.arrayLength(array); i++) {
diff --git a/sdk_nnbd/lib/_internal/vm/bin/process_patch.dart b/sdk_nnbd/lib/_internal/vm/bin/process_patch.dart
index 467bdc6..16e866c 100644
--- a/sdk_nnbd/lib/_internal/vm/bin/process_patch.dart
+++ b/sdk_nnbd/lib/_internal/vm/bin/process_patch.dart
@@ -328,6 +328,9 @@
   String _windowsArgumentEscape(String argument) {
+    if (argument.isEmpty) {
+      return '""';
+    }
     var result = argument;
     if (argument.contains('\t') ||
         argument.contains(' ') ||
diff --git a/sdk_nnbd/lib/io/network_profiling.dart b/sdk_nnbd/lib/io/network_profiling.dart
index 87d6527..59c47f4 100644
--- a/sdk_nnbd/lib/io/network_profiling.dart
+++ b/sdk_nnbd/lib/io/network_profiling.dart
@@ -221,8 +221,8 @@
     final map = <String, dynamic>{
       'id': id,
-    _setIfNotNull(map, 'startTime', startTime.toString());
-    _setIfNotNull(map, 'endTime', endTime.toString());
+    _setIfNotNull(map, 'startTime', startTime);
+    _setIfNotNull(map, 'endTime', endTime);
     _setIfNotNull(map, 'address', address);
     _setIfNotNull(map, 'port', port);
     _setIfNotNull(map, 'socketType', socketType);
diff --git a/sdk_nnbd/lib/vmservice/vmservice.dart b/sdk_nnbd/lib/vmservice/vmservice.dart
index f5a176e..807fd00 100644
--- a/sdk_nnbd/lib/vmservice/vmservice.dart
+++ b/sdk_nnbd/lib/vmservice/vmservice.dart
@@ -46,7 +46,8 @@
 // the cleanup method will be invoked after being removed from the map.
 final isolateEmbedderData = <int, IsolateEmbedderData>{};
-// These must be kept in sync with the declarations in vm/json_stream.h.
+// These must be kept in sync with the declarations in vm/json_stream.h and
+// pkg/dds/lib/src/stream_manager.dart.
 const kParseError = -32700;
 const kInvalidRequest = -32600;
 const kMethodNotFound = -32601;
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/generic_methods/function_type_variable_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/generic_methods/function_type_variable_test.dart
index b82a36d1..9daeca3 100644
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/generic_methods/function_type_variable_test.dart
+++ b/tests/compiler/dart2js/generic_methods/function_type_variable_test.dart
@@ -69,32 +69,45 @@
     var types = env.types;
+    var options = env.compiler.options;
+    String printType(DartType type) => type.toStructuredText(
+        printLegacyStars: options.printLegacyStars,
+        useNullSafety: options.useNullSafety,
+        useLegacySubtyping: options.useLegacySubtyping);
+    List<String> printTypes(List<DartType> types) =>
     testToString(FunctionType type, String expectedToString) {
-      Expect.equals(expectedToString, type.toString());
+      Expect.equals(expectedToString, printType(type));
     testBounds(FunctionType type, List<DartType> expectedBounds) {
       Expect.equals(expectedBounds.length, type.typeVariables.length,
-          "Unexpected type variable count in $type.");
+          "Unexpected type variable count in ${printType(type)}.");
       for (int i = 0; i < expectedBounds.length; i++) {
         Expect.equals(expectedBounds[i], type.typeVariables[i].bound,
-            "Unexpected ${i}th bound in $type.");
+            "Unexpected ${i}th bound in ${printType(type)}.");
     testInstantiate(FunctionType type, List<DartType> instantiation,
         String expectedToString) {
       DartType result = types.instantiate(type, instantiation);
-      Expect.equals(expectedToString, result.toString(),
-          "Unexpected instantiation of $type with $instantiation: $result");
+      String resultString = printType(result);
+      Expect.equals(
+          expectedToString,
+          resultString,
+          "Unexpected instantiation of ${printType(type)} with $instantiation: "
+          "$resultString");
     void testSubst(List<DartType> arguments, List<DartType> parameters,
         DartType type1, String expectedToString) {
       DartType subst = types.subst(arguments, parameters, type1);
-      Expect.equals(expectedToString, subst.toString(),
-          "$type1.subst($arguments,$parameters)");
+      Expect.equals(expectedToString, printType(subst),
+          "${printType(type1)}.subst(${printTypes(arguments)},${printTypes(parameters)})");
     testRelations(DartType a, DartType b,
@@ -102,19 +115,21 @@
       if (areEqual) {
         isSubtype = true;
+      String aString = printType(a);
+      String bString = printType(b);
           a == b,
-          "Expected `$a` and `$b` to be ${areEqual ? 'equal' : 'non-equal'}, "
-          "but they are not.");
+          "Expected `$aString` and `$bString` to be "
+          "${areEqual ? 'equal' : 'non-equal'}, but they are not.");
           env.isSubtype(a, b),
-          "Expected `$a` ${isSubtype ? '' : 'not '}to be a subtype of `$b`, "
-          "but it is${isSubtype ? ' not' : ''}.");
+          "Expected `$aString` ${isSubtype ? '' : 'not '}to be a subtype of "
+          "`$bString`, but it is${isSubtype ? ' not' : ''}.");
       if (isSubtype) {
         Expect.isTrue(env.isPotentialSubtype(a, b),
-            '$a <: $b but not a potential subtype.');
+            '$aString <: $bString but not a potential subtype.');
@@ -289,7 +304,7 @@
           "Function type variables found on constructor $constructor: "
-          "$functionTypeVariables");
+          "${printTypes(functionTypeVariables)}");
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/as.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/as.dart
index efe5dd4..0efa63a 100644
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/as.dart
+++ b/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/as.dart
@@ -11,14 +11,92 @@
-/*member: explicitAs:dynamic=[String.length],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,param:String]*/
+/*member: explicitAs:
+ dynamic=[String.length],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  param:String]
 explicitAs(String i) {
   // ignore: unnecessary_cast
   return i as String;
-/*member: implicitAs:dynamic=[String.length],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,param:String]*/
+/*member: implicitAs:
+ dynamic=[String.length],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  param:String]
 String implicitAs(String i) {
   dynamic j = i;
@@ -26,7 +104,47 @@
   return j;
-/*member: promoted:dynamic=[String.length],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:JSNull,is:String]*/
+/*member: promoted:
+ dynamic=[String.length],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  is:String]
 String promoted(dynamic i) {
   if (i is! String) return null;
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/async.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/async.dart
index c4f1a10..af7463f 100644
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/async.dart
+++ b/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/async.dart
@@ -219,13 +219,116 @@
   return () async* {};
-/*member: testAsyncForIn:dynamic=[_StreamIterator.cancel(0),_StreamIterator.current,_StreamIterator.moveNext(0)],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),StreamIterator.(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_asyncAwait(2),_asyncRethrow(2),_asyncReturn(2),_asyncStartSync(2),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),_makeAsyncAwaitCompleter<dynamic>(0),_wrapJsFunctionForAsync(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[impl:Stream<dynamic>,inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:JSNull,inst:Null]*/
+/*member: testAsyncForIn:
+ dynamic=[
+  _StreamIterator.cancel(0),
+  _StreamIterator.current,
+  _StreamIterator.moveNext(0)],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  StreamIterator.(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _asyncAwait(2),
+  _asyncRethrow(2),
+  _asyncReturn(2),
+  _asyncStartSync(2),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  _makeAsyncAwaitCompleter<dynamic>(0),
+  _wrapJsFunctionForAsync(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  impl:Stream<dynamic>,
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  inst:Null]
 testAsyncForIn(o) async {
   await for (var e in o) {}
-/*member: testAsyncForInTyped:dynamic=[_StreamIterator.cancel(0),_StreamIterator.current,_StreamIterator.moveNext(0)],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),StreamIterator.(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_asyncAwait(2),_asyncRethrow(2),_asyncReturn(2),_asyncStartSync(2),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),_makeAsyncAwaitCompleter<dynamic>(0),_wrapJsFunctionForAsync(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[impl:Stream<dynamic>,impl:int,inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:JSNull,inst:Null]*/
+/*member: testAsyncForInTyped:
+ dynamic=[
+  _StreamIterator.cancel(0),
+  _StreamIterator.current,
+  _StreamIterator.moveNext(0)],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  StreamIterator.(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _asyncAwait(2),
+  _asyncRethrow(2),
+  _asyncReturn(2),
+  _asyncStartSync(2),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  _makeAsyncAwaitCompleter<dynamic>(0),
+  _wrapJsFunctionForAsync(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  impl:Stream<dynamic>,
+  impl:int,
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  inst:Null]
 testAsyncForInTyped(o) async {
   await for (int e in o) {}
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/classes.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/classes.dart
index 4ba507b..443975a 100644
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/classes.dart
+++ b/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/classes.dart
@@ -139,7 +139,46 @@
 testForwardingConstructor() => new ForwardingConstructorClass(null);
 class ForwardingConstructorTypedSuperClass {
-  /*member: ForwardingConstructorTypedSuperClass.:static=[Object.(0),Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,param:int]*/
+  /*member: ForwardingConstructorTypedSuperClass.:
+   static=[
+    Object.(0),
+    Rti._bind(1),
+    Rti._eval(1),
+    _arrayInstanceType(1),
+    _asBool(1),
+    _asBoolQ(1),
+    _asBoolS(1),
+    _asDouble(1),
+    _asDoubleQ(1),
+    _asDoubleS(1),
+    _asInt(1),
+    _asIntQ(1),
+    _asIntS(1),
+    _asNum(1),
+    _asNumQ(1),
+    _asNumS(1),
+    _asObject(1),
+    _asString(1),
+    _asStringQ(1),
+    _asStringS(1),
+    _asTop(1),
+    _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+    _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+    _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+    _instanceType(1),
+    _isBool(1),
+    _isInt(1),
+    _isNum(1),
+    _isObject(1),
+    _isString(1),
+    _isTop(1),
+    findType(1),
+    instanceType(1)],
+   type=[
+    inst:Closure,
+    inst:JSBool,
+    param:int]
+  */
   ForwardingConstructorTypedSuperClass(int arg);
@@ -153,7 +192,58 @@
 testForwardingConstructorTyped() => new ForwardingConstructorTypedClass(null);
 class ForwardingConstructorGenericSuperClass<T> {
-  /*member: ForwardingConstructorGenericSuperClass.:static=[Object.(0),Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),checkSubtype(4),checkSubtypeOfRuntimeType(2),findType(1),getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),instanceType(1),setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSArray<dynamic>,inst:JSBool,inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,param:ForwardingConstructorGenericSuperClass.T]*/
+  /*member: ForwardingConstructorGenericSuperClass.:
+   static=[
+    Object.(0),
+    Rti._bind(1),
+    Rti._eval(1),
+    _arrayInstanceType(1),
+    _asBool(1),
+    _asBoolQ(1),
+    _asBoolS(1),
+    _asDouble(1),
+    _asDoubleQ(1),
+    _asDoubleS(1),
+    _asInt(1),
+    _asIntQ(1),
+    _asIntS(1),
+    _asNum(1),
+    _asNumQ(1),
+    _asNumS(1),
+    _asObject(1),
+    _asString(1),
+    _asStringQ(1),
+    _asStringS(1),
+    _asTop(1),
+    _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+    _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+    _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+    _instanceType(1),
+    _isBool(1),
+    _isInt(1),
+    _isNum(1),
+    _isObject(1),
+    _isString(1),
+    _isTop(1),
+    checkSubtype(4),
+    checkSubtypeOfRuntimeType(2),
+    findType(1),
+    getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),
+    getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),
+    getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),
+    getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),
+    instanceType(1),
+    setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],
+   type=[
+    inst:Closure,
+    inst:JSArray<dynamic>,
+    inst:JSBool,
+    inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,
+    inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,
+    inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,
+    inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,
+    param:ForwardingConstructorGenericSuperClass.T]
+  */
   ForwardingConstructorGenericSuperClass(T arg);
@@ -183,7 +273,59 @@
 testEnum() => Enum.A;
-/*member: staticGenericMethod:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),checkSubtype(4),checkSubtypeOfRuntimeType(2),findType(1),getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),instanceType(1),setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSArray<dynamic>,inst:JSBool,inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,inst:List<staticGenericMethod.T>,param:Object,param:staticGenericMethod.T]*/
+/*member: staticGenericMethod:
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  checkSubtype(4),
+  checkSubtypeOfRuntimeType(2),
+  findType(1),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),
+  getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),
+  getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),
+  instanceType(1),
+  setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:List<staticGenericMethod.T>,
+  param:Object,
+  param:staticGenericMethod.T]
 List<T> staticGenericMethod<T>(T arg) => [arg];
 /*member: testStaticGenericMethod:
@@ -230,7 +372,60 @@
 class GenericClass<X, Y> {
   const GenericClass.generative();
-  /*member: GenericClass.genericMethod:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),checkSubtype(4),checkSubtypeOfRuntimeType(2),findType(1),getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),instanceType(1),setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSArray<dynamic>,inst:JSBool,inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSNull,inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,inst:Map<GenericClass.X,genericMethod.T>,param:Object,param:genericMethod.T]*/
+  /*member: GenericClass.genericMethod:
+   static=[
+    Rti._bind(1),
+    Rti._eval(1),
+    _arrayInstanceType(1),
+    _asBool(1),
+    _asBoolQ(1),
+    _asBoolS(1),
+    _asDouble(1),
+    _asDoubleQ(1),
+    _asDoubleS(1),
+    _asInt(1),
+    _asIntQ(1),
+    _asIntS(1),
+    _asNum(1),
+    _asNumQ(1),
+    _asNumS(1),
+    _asObject(1),
+    _asString(1),
+    _asStringQ(1),
+    _asStringS(1),
+    _asTop(1),
+    _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+    _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+    _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+    _instanceType(1),
+    _isBool(1),
+    _isInt(1),
+    _isNum(1),
+    _isObject(1),
+    _isString(1),
+    _isTop(1),
+    checkSubtype(4),
+    checkSubtypeOfRuntimeType(2),
+    findType(1),
+    getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),
+    getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),
+    getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),
+    getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),
+    instanceType(1),
+    setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],
+   type=[
+    inst:Closure,
+    inst:JSArray<dynamic>,
+    inst:JSBool,
+    inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,
+    inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,
+    inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,
+    inst:JSNull,
+    inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,
+    inst:Map<GenericClass.X,genericMethod.T>,
+    param:Object,
+    param:genericMethod.T]
+  */
   Map<X, T> genericMethod<T>(T arg) => {null: arg};
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/constants/lib.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/constants/lib.dart
index 3f0a149..47c5760 100644
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/constants/lib.dart
+++ b/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/constants/lib.dart
@@ -44,7 +44,58 @@
 const typeLiteralField = String;
-/*member: id:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),checkSubtype(4),checkSubtypeOfRuntimeType(2),findType(1),getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),instanceType(1),setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSArray<dynamic>,inst:JSBool,inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,param:Object,param:id.T]*/
+/*member: id:
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  checkSubtype(4),
+  checkSubtypeOfRuntimeType(2),
+  findType(1),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),
+  getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),
+  getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),
+  instanceType(1),
+  setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,
+  param:Object,
+  param:id.T]
 T id<T>(T t) => t;
 const int Function(int) _instantiation = id;
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/constructors.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/constructors.dart
index 3ffff0b..fc06869 100644
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/constructors.dart
+++ b/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/constructors.dart
@@ -154,7 +154,46 @@
   /*member: GenericClass.generative:static=[Object.(0)]*/
   const GenericClass.generative();
-  /*member: GenericClass.fact:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:JSNull,param:Object]*/
+  /*member: GenericClass.fact:
+   static=[
+    Rti._bind(1),
+    Rti._eval(1),
+    _arrayInstanceType(1),
+    _asBool(1),
+    _asBoolQ(1),
+    _asBoolS(1),
+    _asDouble(1),
+    _asDoubleQ(1),
+    _asDoubleS(1),
+    _asInt(1),
+    _asIntQ(1),
+    _asIntS(1),
+    _asNum(1),
+    _asNumQ(1),
+    _asNumS(1),
+    _asObject(1),
+    _asString(1),
+    _asStringQ(1),
+    _asStringS(1),
+    _asTop(1),
+    _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+    _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+    _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+    _instanceType(1),
+    _isBool(1),
+    _isInt(1),
+    _isNum(1),
+    _isObject(1),
+    _isString(1),
+    _isTop(1),
+    findType(1),
+    instanceType(1)],
+   type=[
+    inst:Closure,
+    inst:JSBool,
+    inst:JSNull,
+    param:Object]
+  */
   factory GenericClass.fact() => null;
   const factory GenericClass.redirect() = GenericClass<X, Y>.generative;
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/effectively_final.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/effectively_final.dart
index d2677d7..71b9cc5 100644
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/effectively_final.dart
+++ b/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/effectively_final.dart
@@ -69,7 +69,55 @@
 /*member: _method1:type=[inst:JSNull]*/
 num _method1() => null;
-/*member: effectivelyFinalPromoted:dynamic=[int.+,num.+],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),_method1(0),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:JSDouble,inst:JSInt,inst:JSNumber,inst:JSPositiveInt,inst:JSUInt31,inst:JSUInt32,is:int]*/
+/*member: effectivelyFinalPromoted:
+ dynamic=[
+  int.+,
+  num.+],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  _method1(0),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSDouble,
+  inst:JSInt,
+  inst:JSNumber,
+  inst:JSPositiveInt,
+  inst:JSUInt31,
+  inst:JSUInt32,
+  is:int]
 effectivelyFinalPromoted() {
   dynamic c = _method1();
   c + 0;
@@ -81,7 +129,56 @@
 /*member: _method2:type=[inst:JSNull]*/
 String _method2() => null;
-/*member: effectivelyFinalPromotedInvalid:dynamic=[String.+,int.+],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),_method2(0),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:JSDouble,inst:JSInt,inst:JSNumber,inst:JSPositiveInt,inst:JSString,inst:JSUInt31,inst:JSUInt32,is:int]*/
+/*member: effectivelyFinalPromotedInvalid:
+ dynamic=[
+  String.+,
+  int.+],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  _method2(0),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSDouble,
+  inst:JSInt,
+  inst:JSNumber,
+  inst:JSPositiveInt,
+  inst:JSString,
+  inst:JSUInt31,
+  inst:JSUInt32,
+  is:int]
 effectivelyFinalPromotedInvalid() {
   dynamic c = _method2();
   c + '';
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/expressions.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/expressions.dart
index 3f2ef46..513f538 100644
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/expressions.dart
+++ b/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/expressions.dart
@@ -107,58 +107,809 @@
 testPreDec(o) => --o;
-/*member: testIs:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:JSNull,is:Class]*/
+/*member: testIs:
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  is:Class]
 testIs() => null is Class;
-/*member: testIsGeneric:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),checkSubtype(4),findType(1),getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),instanceType(1),setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSArray<dynamic>,inst:JSBool,inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSNull,inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,is:GenericClass<int,String>]*/
+/*member: testIsGeneric:
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  checkSubtype(4),
+  findType(1),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),
+  getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),
+  getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),
+  instanceType(1),
+  setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,
+  is:GenericClass<int,String>]
 testIsGeneric() => null is GenericClass<int, String>;
-/*member: testIsGenericRaw:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:JSNull,is:GenericClass<dynamic,dynamic>]*/
+/*member: testIsGenericRaw:
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  is:GenericClass<dynamic,dynamic>]
 testIsGenericRaw() => null is GenericClass;
-/*member: testIsGenericDynamic:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:JSNull,is:GenericClass<dynamic,dynamic>]*/
+/*member: testIsGenericDynamic:
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  is:GenericClass<dynamic,dynamic>]
 testIsGenericDynamic() => null is GenericClass<dynamic, dynamic>;
-/*member: testIsNot:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:JSNull,is:Class]*/
+/*member: testIsNot:
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  is:Class]
 testIsNot() => null is! Class;
-/*member: testIsNotGeneric:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),checkSubtype(4),findType(1),getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),instanceType(1),setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSArray<dynamic>,inst:JSBool,inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSNull,inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,is:GenericClass<int,String>]*/
+/*member: testIsNotGeneric:
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  checkSubtype(4),
+  findType(1),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),
+  getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),
+  getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),
+  instanceType(1),
+  setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,
+  is:GenericClass<int,String>]
 testIsNotGeneric() => null is! GenericClass<int, String>;
-/*member: testIsNotGenericRaw:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:JSNull,is:GenericClass<dynamic,dynamic>]*/
+/*member: testIsNotGenericRaw:
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  is:GenericClass<dynamic,dynamic>]
 testIsNotGenericRaw() => null is! GenericClass;
-/*member: testIsNotGenericDynamic:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:JSNull,is:GenericClass<dynamic,dynamic>]*/
+/*member: testIsNotGenericDynamic:
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  is:GenericClass<dynamic,dynamic>]
 testIsNotGenericDynamic() => null is! GenericClass<dynamic, dynamic>;
-/*member: testIsTypedef:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),checkSubtype(4),findType(1),getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),instanceType(1),setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSArray<dynamic>,inst:JSBool,inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSNull,inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,is:dynamic Function()]*/
+/*member: testIsTypedef:
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  checkSubtype(4),
+  findType(1),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),
+  getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),
+  getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),
+  instanceType(1),
+  setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,
+  is:dynamic Function()]
 testIsTypedef() => null is Typedef;
-/*member: testIsTypedefGeneric:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),checkSubtype(4),findType(1),getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),instanceType(1),setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSArray<dynamic>,inst:JSBool,inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSNull,inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,is:int Function(String)]*/
+/*member: testIsTypedefGeneric:
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  checkSubtype(4),
+  findType(1),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),
+  getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),
+  getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),
+  instanceType(1),
+  setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,
+  is:int Function(String)]
 testIsTypedefGeneric() => null is GenericTypedef<int, String>;
-/*member: testIsTypedefGenericRaw:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),checkSubtype(4),findType(1),getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),instanceType(1),setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSArray<dynamic>,inst:JSBool,inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSNull,inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,is:dynamic Function(dynamic)]*/
+/*member: testIsTypedefGenericRaw:
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  checkSubtype(4),
+  findType(1),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),
+  getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),
+  getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),
+  instanceType(1),
+  setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,
+  is:dynamic Function(dynamic)]
 testIsTypedefGenericRaw() => null is GenericTypedef;
-/*member: testIsTypedefGenericDynamic:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),checkSubtype(4),findType(1),getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),instanceType(1),setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSArray<dynamic>,inst:JSBool,inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSNull,inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,is:dynamic Function(dynamic)]*/
+/*member: testIsTypedefGenericDynamic:
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  checkSubtype(4),
+  findType(1),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),
+  getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),
+  getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),
+  instanceType(1),
+  setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,
+  is:dynamic Function(dynamic)]
 testIsTypedefGenericDynamic() => null is GenericTypedef<dynamic, dynamic>;
-/*member: testIsTypedefDeep:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),checkSubtype(4),findType(1),getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),instanceType(1),setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSArray<dynamic>,inst:JSBool,inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSNull,inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,is:List<int Function(dynamic Function(dynamic))>]*/
+/*member: testIsTypedefDeep:
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  checkSubtype(4),
+  findType(1),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),
+  getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),
+  getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),
+  instanceType(1),
+  setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,
+  is:List<int Function(dynamic Function(dynamic))>]
 testIsTypedefDeep() => null is List<GenericTypedef<int, GenericTypedef>>;
-/*member: testAs:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1),throwRuntimeError(1)],type=[as:Class,inst:Closure,inst:JSBool]*/
+/*member: testAs:
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1),
+  throwRuntimeError(1)],
+ type=[
+  as:Class,
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool]
 testAs(dynamic o) => o as Class;
-/*member: testAsGeneric:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),checkSubtype(4),findType(1),getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),instanceType(1),setRuntimeTypeInfo(2),throwRuntimeError(1)],type=[as:GenericClass<int,String>,inst:Closure,inst:JSArray<dynamic>,inst:JSBool,inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>]*/
+/*member: testAsGeneric:
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  checkSubtype(4),
+  findType(1),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),
+  getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),
+  getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),
+  instanceType(1),
+  setRuntimeTypeInfo(2),
+  throwRuntimeError(1)],
+ type=[
+  as:GenericClass<int,String>,
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>]
 testAsGeneric(dynamic o) => o as GenericClass<int, String>;
-/*member: testAsGenericRaw:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1),throwRuntimeError(1)],type=[as:GenericClass<dynamic,dynamic>,inst:Closure,inst:JSBool]*/
+/*member: testAsGenericRaw:
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1),
+  throwRuntimeError(1)],
+ type=[
+  as:GenericClass<dynamic,dynamic>,
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool]
 testAsGenericRaw(dynamic o) => o as GenericClass;
-/*member: testAsGenericDynamic:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1),throwRuntimeError(1)],type=[as:GenericClass<dynamic,dynamic>,inst:Closure,inst:JSBool]*/
+/*member: testAsGenericDynamic:
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1),
+  throwRuntimeError(1)],
+ type=[
+  as:GenericClass<dynamic,dynamic>,
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool]
 testAsGenericDynamic(dynamic o) => o as GenericClass<dynamic, dynamic>;
@@ -170,7 +921,49 @@
 /*member: testIfNotNull:dynamic=[Object.==,foo],type=[inst:JSNull]*/
 testIfNotNull(o) => o?.foo;
-/*member: testTypedIfNotNull:dynamic=[Class.==,Class.field],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:JSNull,param:Class]*/
+/*member: testTypedIfNotNull:
+ dynamic=[
+  Class.==,
+  Class.field],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  param:Class]
 testTypedIfNotNull(Class o) => o?.field;
 /*member: testIfNotNullSet:dynamic=[Object.==,foo=],type=[inst:JSBool,inst:JSNull]*/
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/extract_type_arguments.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/extract_type_arguments.dart
index dcdb613..78bcadf 100644
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/extract_type_arguments.dart
+++ b/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/extract_type_arguments.dart
@@ -14,10 +14,116 @@
 /*member: C.:static=[Object.(0)]*/
 class C implements A<int>, B<String, bool> {}
-/*member: testA:dynamic=[call<A.T>(0)],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),checkSubtype(4),extractTypeArguments<A<dynamic>>(2),findType(1),getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),instanceType(1),setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],type=[impl:A<dynamic>,impl:Function,inst:Closure,inst:JSArray<dynamic>,inst:JSBool,inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,is:A<A.T>]*/
+/*member: testA:
+ dynamic=[call<A.T>(0)],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  checkSubtype(4),
+  extractTypeArguments<A<dynamic>>(2),
+  findType(1),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),
+  getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),
+  getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),
+  instanceType(1),
+  setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],
+ type=[
+  impl:A<dynamic>,
+  impl:Function,
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,
+  is:A<A.T>]
 testA(c, f) => extractTypeArguments<A>(c, f);
-/*member: testB:dynamic=[call<B.S,B.U>(0)],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),checkSubtype(4),extractTypeArguments<B<dynamic,dynamic>>(2),findType(1),getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),instanceType(1),setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],type=[impl:B<dynamic,dynamic>,impl:Function,inst:Closure,inst:JSArray<dynamic>,inst:JSBool,inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,is:B<B.S,B.U>]*/
+/*member: testB:
+ dynamic=[call<B.S,B.U>(0)],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  checkSubtype(4),
+  extractTypeArguments<B<dynamic,dynamic>>(2),
+  findType(1),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),
+  getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),
+  getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),
+  instanceType(1),
+  setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],
+ type=[
+  impl:B<dynamic,dynamic>,
+  impl:Function,
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,
+  is:B<B.S,B.U>]
 testB(c, f) => extractTypeArguments<B>(c, f);
 /*member: main:static=[C.(0),testA(2),testB(2)],type=[inst:JSNull]*/
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/initializers.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/initializers.dart
index 755036c..3a7c734 100644
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/initializers.dart
+++ b/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/initializers.dart
@@ -30,10 +30,86 @@
-/*member: testDefaultValuesPositional:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,param:bool]*/
+/*member: testDefaultValuesPositional:
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  param:bool]
 testDefaultValuesPositional([bool value = false]) {}
-/*member: testDefaultValuesNamed:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,param:bool]*/
+/*member: testDefaultValuesNamed:
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  param:bool]
 testDefaultValuesNamed({bool value: false}) {}
 class ClassFieldInitializer1 {
@@ -86,7 +162,45 @@
 /*member: ClassInstanceFieldWithInitializer.:static=[Object.(0)]*/
 class ClassInstanceFieldWithInitializer {
-  /*member: ClassInstanceFieldWithInitializer.field:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,param:bool]*/
+  /*member: ClassInstanceFieldWithInitializer.field:
+   static=[
+    Rti._bind(1),
+    Rti._eval(1),
+    _arrayInstanceType(1),
+    _asBool(1),
+    _asBoolQ(1),
+    _asBoolS(1),
+    _asDouble(1),
+    _asDoubleQ(1),
+    _asDoubleS(1),
+    _asInt(1),
+    _asIntQ(1),
+    _asIntS(1),
+    _asNum(1),
+    _asNumQ(1),
+    _asNumS(1),
+    _asObject(1),
+    _asString(1),
+    _asStringQ(1),
+    _asStringS(1),
+    _asTop(1),
+    _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+    _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+    _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+    _instanceType(1),
+    _isBool(1),
+    _isInt(1),
+    _isNum(1),
+    _isObject(1),
+    _isString(1),
+    _isTop(1),
+    findType(1),
+    instanceType(1)],
+   type=[
+    inst:Closure,
+    inst:JSBool,
+    param:bool]
+  */
   var field = false;
@@ -95,7 +209,46 @@
 /*member: ClassInstanceFieldTyped.:static=[Object.(0)]*/
 class ClassInstanceFieldTyped {
-  /*member: ClassInstanceFieldTyped.field:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:JSNull,param:int]*/
+  /*member: ClassInstanceFieldTyped.field:
+   static=[
+    Rti._bind(1),
+    Rti._eval(1),
+    _arrayInstanceType(1),
+    _asBool(1),
+    _asBoolQ(1),
+    _asBoolS(1),
+    _asDouble(1),
+    _asDoubleQ(1),
+    _asDoubleS(1),
+    _asInt(1),
+    _asIntQ(1),
+    _asIntS(1),
+    _asNum(1),
+    _asNumQ(1),
+    _asNumS(1),
+    _asObject(1),
+    _asString(1),
+    _asStringQ(1),
+    _asStringS(1),
+    _asTop(1),
+    _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+    _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+    _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+    _instanceType(1),
+    _isBool(1),
+    _isInt(1),
+    _isNum(1),
+    _isObject(1),
+    _isString(1),
+    _isTop(1),
+    findType(1),
+    instanceType(1)],
+   type=[
+    inst:Closure,
+    inst:JSBool,
+    inst:JSNull,
+    param:int]
+  */
   int field;
@@ -122,7 +275,58 @@
 testSuperInitializer() => new ClassSuperInitializer();
 class ClassGeneric<T> {
-  /*member: ClassGeneric.:static=[Object.(0),Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),checkSubtype(4),checkSubtypeOfRuntimeType(2),findType(1),getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),instanceType(1),setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSArray<dynamic>,inst:JSBool,inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,param:ClassGeneric.T]*/
+  /*member: ClassGeneric.:
+   static=[
+    Object.(0),
+    Rti._bind(1),
+    Rti._eval(1),
+    _arrayInstanceType(1),
+    _asBool(1),
+    _asBoolQ(1),
+    _asBoolS(1),
+    _asDouble(1),
+    _asDoubleQ(1),
+    _asDoubleS(1),
+    _asInt(1),
+    _asIntQ(1),
+    _asIntS(1),
+    _asNum(1),
+    _asNumQ(1),
+    _asNumS(1),
+    _asObject(1),
+    _asString(1),
+    _asStringQ(1),
+    _asStringS(1),
+    _asTop(1),
+    _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+    _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+    _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+    _instanceType(1),
+    _isBool(1),
+    _isInt(1),
+    _isNum(1),
+    _isObject(1),
+    _isString(1),
+    _isTop(1),
+    checkSubtype(4),
+    checkSubtypeOfRuntimeType(2),
+    findType(1),
+    getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),
+    getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),
+    getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),
+    getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),
+    instanceType(1),
+    setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],
+   type=[
+    inst:Closure,
+    inst:JSArray<dynamic>,
+    inst:JSBool,
+    inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,
+    inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,
+    inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,
+    inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,
+    param:ClassGeneric.T]
+  */
   ClassGeneric(T arg);
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/injected_cast.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/injected_cast.dart
index 08fb66f..3ebf374 100644
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/injected_cast.dart
+++ b/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/injected_cast.dart
@@ -16,11 +16,90 @@
 /*member: Class1.:static=[Object.(0)]*/
 class Class1 {
-  /*member: Class1.field1:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:JSNull,param:A]*/
+  /*member: Class1.field1:
+   static=[
+    Rti._bind(1),
+    Rti._eval(1),
+    _arrayInstanceType(1),
+    _asBool(1),
+    _asBoolQ(1),
+    _asBoolS(1),
+    _asDouble(1),
+    _asDoubleQ(1),
+    _asDoubleS(1),
+    _asInt(1),
+    _asIntQ(1),
+    _asIntS(1),
+    _asNum(1),
+    _asNumQ(1),
+    _asNumS(1),
+    _asObject(1),
+    _asString(1),
+    _asStringQ(1),
+    _asStringS(1),
+    _asTop(1),
+    _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+    _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+    _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+    _instanceType(1),
+    _isBool(1),
+    _isInt(1),
+    _isNum(1),
+    _isObject(1),
+    _isString(1),
+    _isTop(1),
+    findType(1),
+    instanceType(1)],
+   type=[
+    inst:Closure,
+    inst:JSBool,
+    inst:JSNull,
+    param:A]
+  */
   A field1;
-/*member: method1:dynamic=[Class1.field1=],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[impl:A,inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,is:Class1]*/
+/*member: method1:
+ dynamic=[Class1.field1=],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  impl:A,
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  is:Class1]
 method1(dynamic o, dynamic value) {
   if (o is! Class1) return;
   o.field1 = value;
@@ -50,11 +129,94 @@
 /*member: Class3.:static=[Object.(0)]*/
 class Class3 {
-  /*member: Class3.method3:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:JSNull,param:A,param:B,param:C]*/
+  /*member: Class3.method3:
+   static=[
+    Rti._bind(1),
+    Rti._eval(1),
+    _arrayInstanceType(1),
+    _asBool(1),
+    _asBoolQ(1),
+    _asBoolS(1),
+    _asDouble(1),
+    _asDoubleQ(1),
+    _asDoubleS(1),
+    _asInt(1),
+    _asIntQ(1),
+    _asIntS(1),
+    _asNum(1),
+    _asNumQ(1),
+    _asNumS(1),
+    _asObject(1),
+    _asString(1),
+    _asStringQ(1),
+    _asStringS(1),
+    _asTop(1),
+    _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+    _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+    _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+    _instanceType(1),
+    _isBool(1),
+    _isInt(1),
+    _isNum(1),
+    _isObject(1),
+    _isString(1),
+    _isTop(1),
+    findType(1),
+    instanceType(1)],
+   type=[
+    inst:Closure,
+    inst:JSBool,
+    inst:JSNull,
+    param:A,
+    param:B,
+    param:C]
+  */
   method3(A a, [B b, C c]) {}
-/*member: method3:dynamic=[Class3.method3(3)],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[impl:A,impl:C,inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,is:Class3,param:B]*/
+/*member: method3:
+ dynamic=[Class3.method3(3)],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  impl:A,
+  impl:C,
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  is:Class3,
+  param:B]
 method3(dynamic o, dynamic a, B b, dynamic c) {
   if (o is! Class3) return;
   o.method3(a, b, c);
@@ -62,11 +224,94 @@
 /*member: Class4.:static=[Object.(0)]*/
 class Class4 {
-  /*member: Class4.method4:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:JSNull,param:A,param:B,param:C]*/
+  /*member: Class4.method4:
+   static=[
+    Rti._bind(1),
+    Rti._eval(1),
+    _arrayInstanceType(1),
+    _asBool(1),
+    _asBoolQ(1),
+    _asBoolS(1),
+    _asDouble(1),
+    _asDoubleQ(1),
+    _asDoubleS(1),
+    _asInt(1),
+    _asIntQ(1),
+    _asIntS(1),
+    _asNum(1),
+    _asNumQ(1),
+    _asNumS(1),
+    _asObject(1),
+    _asString(1),
+    _asStringQ(1),
+    _asStringS(1),
+    _asTop(1),
+    _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+    _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+    _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+    _instanceType(1),
+    _isBool(1),
+    _isInt(1),
+    _isNum(1),
+    _isObject(1),
+    _isString(1),
+    _isTop(1),
+    findType(1),
+    instanceType(1)],
+   type=[
+    inst:Closure,
+    inst:JSBool,
+    inst:JSNull,
+    param:A,
+    param:B,
+    param:C]
+  */
   method4(A a, {B b, C c}) {}
-/*member: method4:dynamic=[Class4.method4(1,b,c)],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[impl:A,impl:C,inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,is:Class4,param:B]*/
+/*member: method4:
+ dynamic=[Class4.method4(1,b,c)],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  impl:A,
+  impl:C,
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  is:Class4,
+  param:B]
 method4(dynamic o, dynamic a, B b, dynamic c) {
   if (o is! Class4) return;
   o.method4(a, c: c, b: b);
@@ -144,7 +389,49 @@
   A Function(A) get f => null;
-/*member: method7:dynamic=[Class7.f(1),call(1)],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[impl:A,inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,is:Class7]*/
+/*member: method7:
+ dynamic=[
+  Class7.f(1),
+  call(1)],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  impl:A,
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  is:Class7]
 method7(dynamic o, dynamic a) {
   if (o is! Class7) return;
@@ -172,7 +459,49 @@
   return g.method(iterable);
-/*member: method9:dynamic=[G.field=],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[impl:int,inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:JSNull,is:G,param:num]*/
+/*member: method9:
+ dynamic=[G.field=],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  impl:int,
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  is:G,
+  param:num]
 method9(dynamic g, num value) {
   if (g is! G) return null;
   return g.field = value;
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/invokes.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/invokes.dart
index 41ca532..045a41c 100644
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/invokes.dart
+++ b/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/invokes.dart
@@ -117,13 +117,144 @@
   topLevelFunction3(15, c: 16, b: 17);
-/*member: topLevelFunction1Typed:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,param:int]*/
+/*member: topLevelFunction1Typed:
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  param:int]
 void topLevelFunction1Typed(int a) {}
-/*member: topLevelFunction2Typed:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:JSNull,param:String,param:double,param:num]*/
+/*member: topLevelFunction2Typed:
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  param:String,
+  param:double,
+  param:num]
 int topLevelFunction2Typed(String a, [num b, double c]) => null;
-/*member: topLevelFunction3Typed:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),checkSubtype(4),findType(1),getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),instanceType(1),setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSArray<dynamic>,inst:JSBool,inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSNull,inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,param:List<int>,param:Map<String,bool>,param:bool]*/
+/*member: topLevelFunction3Typed:
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  checkSubtype(4),
+  findType(1),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),
+  getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),
+  getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),
+  instanceType(1),
+  setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,
+  param:List<int>,
+  param:Map<String,bool>,
+  param:bool]
 double topLevelFunction3Typed(bool a, {List<int> b, Map<String, bool> c}) {
   return null;
@@ -164,16 +295,212 @@
   topLevelFunction3Typed(false, c: {'16': false}, b: [17]);
-/*member: topLevelFunctionTyped1:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),checkSubtype(4),findType(1),getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),instanceType(1),setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSArray<dynamic>,inst:JSBool,inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,param:void Function(num)]*/
+/*member: topLevelFunctionTyped1:
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  checkSubtype(4),
+  findType(1),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),
+  getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),
+  getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),
+  instanceType(1),
+  setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,
+  param:void Function(num)]
 topLevelFunctionTyped1(void a(num b)) {}
-/*member: topLevelFunctionTyped2:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),checkSubtype(4),findType(1),getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),instanceType(1),setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSArray<dynamic>,inst:JSBool,inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,param:void Function(num,[String])]*/
+/*member: topLevelFunctionTyped2:
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  checkSubtype(4),
+  findType(1),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),
+  getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),
+  getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),
+  instanceType(1),
+  setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,
+  param:void Function(num,[String])]
 topLevelFunctionTyped2(void a(num b, [String c])) {}
-/*member: topLevelFunctionTyped3:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),checkSubtype(4),findType(1),getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),instanceType(1),setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSArray<dynamic>,inst:JSBool,inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,param:void Function(num,{String c,int d})]*/
+/*member: topLevelFunctionTyped3:
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  checkSubtype(4),
+  findType(1),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),
+  getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),
+  getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),
+  instanceType(1),
+  setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,
+  param:void Function(num,{String c,int d})]
 topLevelFunctionTyped3(void a(num b, {String c, int d})) {}
-/*member: topLevelFunctionTyped4:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),checkSubtype(4),findType(1),getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),instanceType(1),setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSArray<dynamic>,inst:JSBool,inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,param:void Function(num,{int c,String d})]*/
+/*member: topLevelFunctionTyped4:
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  checkSubtype(4),
+  findType(1),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),
+  getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),
+  getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),
+  instanceType(1),
+  setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,
+  param:void Function(num,{int c,String d})]
 topLevelFunctionTyped4(void a(num b, {String d, int c})) {}
 /*member: testTopLevelFunctionTyped:
@@ -212,7 +539,45 @@
 /*member: testTopLevelSetterSet:static=[set:topLevelSetter],type=[inst:JSNull]*/
 testTopLevelSetterSet() => topLevelSetter = null;
-/*member: topLevelSetterTyped=:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,param:int]*/
+/*member: topLevelSetterTyped=:
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  param:int]
 void set topLevelSetterTyped(int value) {}
 /*member: testTopLevelSetterSetTyped:static=[set:topLevelSetterTyped],type=[inst:JSNull]*/
@@ -241,25 +606,192 @@
 /*member: testTopLevelFieldFinal:static=[topLevelFieldFinal]*/
 testTopLevelFieldFinal() => topLevelFieldFinal;
-/*member: topLevelFieldTyped:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:JSNull,param:int]*/
+/*member: topLevelFieldTyped:
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  param:int]
 int topLevelFieldTyped;
 /*member: testTopLevelFieldTyped:static=[topLevelFieldTyped]*/
 testTopLevelFieldTyped() => topLevelFieldTyped;
-/*member: topLevelFieldGeneric1:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:JSNull,param:GenericClass<dynamic,dynamic>]*/
+/*member: topLevelFieldGeneric1:
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  param:GenericClass<dynamic,dynamic>]
 GenericClass topLevelFieldGeneric1;
 /*member: testTopLevelFieldGeneric1:static=[topLevelFieldGeneric1]*/
 testTopLevelFieldGeneric1() => topLevelFieldGeneric1;
-/*member: topLevelFieldGeneric2:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:JSNull,param:GenericClass<dynamic,dynamic>]*/
+/*member: topLevelFieldGeneric2:
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  param:GenericClass<dynamic,dynamic>]
 GenericClass<dynamic, dynamic> topLevelFieldGeneric2;
 /*member: testTopLevelFieldGeneric2:static=[topLevelFieldGeneric2]*/
 testTopLevelFieldGeneric2() => topLevelFieldGeneric2;
-/*member: topLevelFieldGeneric3:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),checkSubtype(4),findType(1),getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),instanceType(1),setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSArray<dynamic>,inst:JSBool,inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSNull,inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,param:GenericClass<int,String>]*/
+/*member: topLevelFieldGeneric3:
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  checkSubtype(4),
+  findType(1),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),
+  getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),
+  getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),
+  instanceType(1),
+  setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,
+  param:GenericClass<int,String>]
 GenericClass<int, String> topLevelFieldGeneric3;
 /*member: testTopLevelFieldGeneric3:static=[topLevelFieldGeneric3]*/
@@ -384,7 +916,57 @@
   localFunction() {}
-/*member: testLocalFunctionTyped:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),computeSignature(3),def:localFunction,findType(1),getRuntimeTypeArguments(3),getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),instanceType(1),setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:Function,inst:JSArray<dynamic>,inst:JSBool,inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSNull,inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,param:String]*/
+/*member: testLocalFunctionTyped:
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  computeSignature(3),
+  def:localFunction,
+  findType(1),
+  getRuntimeTypeArguments(3),
+  getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),
+  instanceType(1),
+  setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:Function,
+  inst:JSArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,
+  param:String]
 testLocalFunctionTyped() {
   // ignore: UNUSED_ELEMENT
   int localFunction(String a) => null;
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/jsinterop.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/jsinterop.dart
index 98f8cee..b997a3e 100644
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/jsinterop.dart
+++ b/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/jsinterop.dart
@@ -61,7 +61,57 @@
 /*member: GenericClass.:static=[JavaScriptObject.(0)]*/
 class GenericClass<T> {
-  /*member: GenericClass.method:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),checkSubtype(4),findType(1),getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),instanceType(1),setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSArray<dynamic>,inst:JSBool,inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSNull,inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,param:void Function(GenericClass.T)]*/
+  /*member: GenericClass.method:
+   static=[
+    Rti._bind(1),
+    Rti._eval(1),
+    _arrayInstanceType(1),
+    _asBool(1),
+    _asBoolQ(1),
+    _asBoolS(1),
+    _asDouble(1),
+    _asDoubleQ(1),
+    _asDoubleS(1),
+    _asInt(1),
+    _asIntQ(1),
+    _asIntS(1),
+    _asNum(1),
+    _asNumQ(1),
+    _asNumS(1),
+    _asObject(1),
+    _asString(1),
+    _asStringQ(1),
+    _asStringS(1),
+    _asTop(1),
+    _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+    _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+    _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+    _instanceType(1),
+    _isBool(1),
+    _isInt(1),
+    _isNum(1),
+    _isObject(1),
+    _isString(1),
+    _isTop(1),
+    checkSubtype(4),
+    findType(1),
+    getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),
+    getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),
+    getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),
+    getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),
+    instanceType(1),
+    setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],
+   type=[
+    inst:Closure,
+    inst:JSArray<dynamic>,
+    inst:JSBool,
+    inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,
+    inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,
+    inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,
+    inst:JSNull,
+    inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,
+    param:void Function(GenericClass.T)]
+  */
   external GenericClass method([Callback<T> callback]);
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/jsinterop_setter1.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/jsinterop_setter1.dart
index 18db4e3..3f78563 100644
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/jsinterop_setter1.dart
+++ b/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/jsinterop_setter1.dart
@@ -11,11 +11,106 @@
 import 'package:js/js.dart';
-/*member: foo=:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,native:ApplicationCacheErrorEvent,native:DomError,native:DomException,native:ErrorEvent,native:MediaError,native:NavigatorUserMediaError,native:OverconstrainedError,native:PositionError,native:SensorErrorEvent,native:SpeechRecognitionError,native:SqlError,param:Function]*/
+/*member: foo=:
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  native:ApplicationCacheErrorEvent,
+  native:DomError,
+  native:DomException,
+  native:ErrorEvent,
+  native:MediaError,
+  native:NavigatorUserMediaError,
+  native:OverconstrainedError,
+  native:PositionError,
+  native:SensorErrorEvent,
+  native:SpeechRecognitionError,
+  native:SqlError,
+  param:Function]
 external set foo(Function f);
-/*member: _doStuff:dynamic=[File.==,],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),defineProperty(3),findType(1),instanceType(1),print(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:JSNull,inst:JSString,param:File,param:String]*/
+/*member: _doStuff:
+ dynamic=[
+  File.==,
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  defineProperty(3),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1),
+  print(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  inst:JSString,
+  param:File,
+  param:String]
 void _doStuff(String name, File file) {
   if (file == null) {
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/jsinterop_setter2.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/jsinterop_setter2.dart
index ebd83d7..8ece87e 100644
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/jsinterop_setter2.dart
+++ b/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/jsinterop_setter2.dart
@@ -11,11 +11,118 @@
 import 'package:js/js.dart';
-/*member: foo=:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),checkSubtype(4),findType(1),getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),instanceType(1),setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSArray<dynamic>,inst:JSBool,inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,native:ApplicationCacheErrorEvent,native:DomError,native:DomException,native:ErrorEvent,native:File,native:MediaError,native:NavigatorUserMediaError,native:OverconstrainedError,native:PositionError,native:SensorErrorEvent,native:SpeechRecognitionError,native:SqlError,param:void Function(String,File)]*/
+/*member: foo=:
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  checkSubtype(4),
+  findType(1),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),
+  getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),
+  getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),
+  instanceType(1),
+  setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,
+  native:ApplicationCacheErrorEvent,
+  native:DomError,
+  native:DomException,
+  native:ErrorEvent,
+  native:File,
+  native:MediaError,
+  native:NavigatorUserMediaError,
+  native:OverconstrainedError,
+  native:PositionError,
+  native:SensorErrorEvent,
+  native:SpeechRecognitionError,
+  native:SqlError,
+  param:void Function(String,File)]
 external set foo(void Function(String, File) f);
-/*member: _doStuff:dynamic=[File.==,],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),defineProperty(3),findType(1),instanceType(1),print(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:JSNull,inst:JSString,param:File,param:String]*/
+/*member: _doStuff:
+ dynamic=[
+  File.==,
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  defineProperty(3),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1),
+  print(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  inst:JSString,
+  param:File,
+  param:String]
 void _doStuff(String name, File file) {
   if (file == null) {
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/native.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/native.dart
index f700202..3909b77 100644
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/native.dart
+++ b/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/native.dart
@@ -58,7 +58,52 @@
 class NativeClass {
-  /*member: NativeClass.field:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:JSNull,native:JSExtendableArray<JSExtendableArray.E>,native:Object,native:String,native:bool,native:double,native:int,param:Object]*/
+  /*member: NativeClass.field:
+   static=[
+    Rti._bind(1),
+    Rti._eval(1),
+    _arrayInstanceType(1),
+    _asBool(1),
+    _asBoolQ(1),
+    _asBoolS(1),
+    _asDouble(1),
+    _asDoubleQ(1),
+    _asDoubleS(1),
+    _asInt(1),
+    _asIntQ(1),
+    _asIntS(1),
+    _asNum(1),
+    _asNumQ(1),
+    _asNumS(1),
+    _asObject(1),
+    _asString(1),
+    _asStringQ(1),
+    _asStringS(1),
+    _asTop(1),
+    _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+    _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+    _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+    _instanceType(1),
+    _isBool(1),
+    _isInt(1),
+    _isNum(1),
+    _isObject(1),
+    _isString(1),
+    _isTop(1),
+    findType(1),
+    instanceType(1)],
+   type=[
+    inst:Closure,
+    inst:JSBool,
+    inst:JSNull,
+    native:JSExtendableArray<JSExtendableArray.E>,
+    native:Object,
+    native:String,
+    native:bool,
+    native:double,
+    native:int,
+    param:Object]
+  */
   final Object field;
@@ -67,5 +112,45 @@
-/*member: testNativeField:dynamic=[NativeClass.field],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),defineProperty(3),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,param:NativeClass]*/
+/*member: testNativeField:
+ dynamic=[NativeClass.field],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  defineProperty(3),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  param:NativeClass]
 testNativeField(NativeClass c) => c.field;
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/promotion.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/promotion.dart
index 04fec9f..9341be1 100644
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/promotion.dart
+++ b/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/promotion.dart
@@ -39,17 +39,135 @@
-/*member: positiveTyped:dynamic=[SubClass.method(0)],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,is:SubClass,param:Class]*/
+/*member: positiveTyped:
+ dynamic=[SubClass.method(0)],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  is:SubClass,
+  param:Class]
 positiveTyped(Class cls) {
   if (cls is SubClass) cls.method();
-/*member: positiveDynamic:dynamic=[SubClass.method(0)],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,is:SubClass]*/
+/*member: positiveDynamic:
+ dynamic=[SubClass.method(0)],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  is:SubClass]
 positiveDynamic(dynamic cls) {
   if (cls is SubClass) cls.method();
-/*member: negativeDynamic:dynamic=[SubClass.method(0)],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,is:SubClass]*/
+/*member: negativeDynamic:
+ dynamic=[SubClass.method(0)],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  is:SubClass]
 negativeDynamic(dynamic cls) {
   if (cls is! SubClass) return;
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/runtime_type.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/runtime_type.dart
index 9efa562..bb1703f 100644
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/runtime_type.dart
+++ b/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/runtime_type.dart
@@ -62,88 +62,1415 @@
 /*member: Class4.:static=[Object.(0)]*/
 class Class4 {}
-/*member: toString1:dynamic=[Class2.runtimeType,toString(0)],runtimeType=[string:Class2<int>],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),S(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),checkSubtype(4),findType(1),getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),instanceType(1),setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSArray<dynamic>,inst:JSBool,inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSString,inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,param:Class2<int>]*/
+/*member: toString1:
+ dynamic=[
+  Class2.runtimeType,
+  toString(0)],
+ runtimeType=[string:Class2<int>],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  S(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  checkSubtype(4),
+  findType(1),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),
+  getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),
+  getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),
+  instanceType(1),
+  setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSString,
+  inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,
+  param:Class2<int>]
 toString1(Class2<int> c) => '${c.runtimeType}';
-/*member: toString2:dynamic=[Class2.==,Class2.runtimeType,toString(0)],runtimeType=[string:Class2<int>],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),S(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),checkSubtype(4),findType(1),getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),instanceType(1),setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSArray<dynamic>,inst:JSBool,inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSNull,inst:JSString,inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,param:Class2<int>]*/
+/*member: toString2:
+ dynamic=[
+  Class2.==,
+  Class2.runtimeType,
+  toString(0)],
+ runtimeType=[string:Class2<int>],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  S(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  checkSubtype(4),
+  findType(1),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),
+  getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),
+  getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),
+  instanceType(1),
+  setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  inst:JSString,
+  inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,
+  param:Class2<int>]
 toString2(Class2<int> c) => '${c?.runtimeType}';
-/*member: toString3:dynamic=[Class2.runtimeType,Type.toString(0)],runtimeType=[string:Class2<int>],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),checkSubtype(4),findType(1),getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),instanceType(1),setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSArray<dynamic>,inst:JSBool,inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,param:Class2<int>]*/
+/*member: toString3:
+ dynamic=[
+  Class2.runtimeType,
+  Type.toString(0)],
+ runtimeType=[string:Class2<int>],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  checkSubtype(4),
+  findType(1),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),
+  getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),
+  getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),
+  instanceType(1),
+  setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,
+  param:Class2<int>]
 toString3(Class2<int> c) => c.runtimeType.toString();
-/*member: toString4:dynamic=[Class2.runtimeType,Type.==,Type.toString(0)],runtimeType=[string:Class2<int>],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),checkSubtype(4),findType(1),getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),instanceType(1),setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSArray<dynamic>,inst:JSBool,inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSNull,inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,param:Class2<int>]*/
+/*member: toString4:
+ dynamic=[
+  Class2.runtimeType,
+  Type.==,
+  Type.toString(0)],
+ runtimeType=[string:Class2<int>],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  checkSubtype(4),
+  findType(1),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),
+  getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),
+  getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),
+  instanceType(1),
+  setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,
+  param:Class2<int>]
 toString4(Class2<int> c) => c.runtimeType?.toString();
-/*member: toString5:dynamic=[Class2.==,Class2.runtimeType,Type.==,Type.toString(0)],runtimeType=[string:Class2<int>],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),checkSubtype(4),findType(1),getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),instanceType(1),setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSArray<dynamic>,inst:JSBool,inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSNull,inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,param:Class2<int>]*/
+/*member: toString5:
+ dynamic=[
+  Class2.==,
+  Class2.runtimeType,
+  Type.==,
+  Type.toString(0)],
+ runtimeType=[string:Class2<int>],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  checkSubtype(4),
+  findType(1),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),
+  getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),
+  getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),
+  instanceType(1),
+  setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,
+  param:Class2<int>]
 toString5(Class2<int> c) => c?.runtimeType?.toString();
-/*member: toString6:dynamic=[Class2.==,Class2.runtimeType,Type.toString(0)],runtimeType=[string:Class2<int>],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),checkSubtype(4),findType(1),getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),instanceType(1),setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSArray<dynamic>,inst:JSBool,inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSNull,inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,param:Class2<int>]*/
+/*member: toString6:
+ dynamic=[
+  Class2.==,
+  Class2.runtimeType,
+  Type.toString(0)],
+ runtimeType=[string:Class2<int>],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  checkSubtype(4),
+  findType(1),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),
+  getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),
+  getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),
+  instanceType(1),
+  setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,
+  param:Class2<int>]
 toString6(Class2<int> c) => c?.runtimeType.toString();
-/*member: unknown:dynamic=[Class2.runtimeType],runtimeType=[unknown:Class2<int>],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),checkSubtype(4),findType(1),getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),instanceType(1),setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSArray<dynamic>,inst:JSBool,inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,param:Class2<int>]*/
+/*member: unknown:
+ dynamic=[Class2.runtimeType],
+ runtimeType=[unknown:Class2<int>],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  checkSubtype(4),
+  findType(1),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),
+  getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),
+  getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),
+  instanceType(1),
+  setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,
+  param:Class2<int>]
 unknown(Class2<int> c) => c.runtimeType;
-/*member: equals1:dynamic=[Class1a.==,Class1a.runtimeType,Class1d.==,Class1d.runtimeType,Type.==],runtimeType=[equals:Class1a<int>/Class1d<int>],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),checkSubtype(4),findType(1),getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),instanceType(1),setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSArray<dynamic>,inst:JSBool,inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,inst:JSNull,inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,param:Class1a<int>,param:Class1d<int>]*/
+/*member: equals1:
+ dynamic=[
+  Class1a.==,
+  Class1a.runtimeType,
+  Class1d.==,
+  Class1d.runtimeType,
+  Type.==],
+ runtimeType=[equals:Class1a<int>/Class1d<int>],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  checkSubtype(4),
+  findType(1),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgument(3),
+  getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(4),
+  getRuntimeTypeInfo(1),
+  getTypeArgumentByIndex(2),
+  instanceType(1),
+  setRuntimeTypeInfo(2)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSExtendableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSFixedArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSMutableArray<dynamic>,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  inst:JSUnmodifiableArray<dynamic>,
+  param:Class1a<int>,
+  param:Class1d<int>]
 equals1(Class1a<int> a, Class1d<int> b) => a?.runtimeType == b?.runtimeType;
-/*member: almostEquals1:dynamic=[Class3.runtimeType,Type.==],runtimeType=[unknown:Class3],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:JSNull,param:Class3]*/
+/*member: almostEquals1:
+ dynamic=[
+  Class3.runtimeType,
+  Type.==],
+ runtimeType=[unknown:Class3],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  param:Class3]
 almostEquals1(Class3 a) => a.runtimeType == null;
-/*member: almostEquals2:dynamic=[Class3.==,Class3.runtimeType,Type.==],runtimeType=[unknown:Class3],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:JSNull,param:Class3]*/
+/*member: almostEquals2:
+ dynamic=[
+  Class3.==,
+  Class3.runtimeType,
+  Type.==],
+ runtimeType=[unknown:Class3],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  param:Class3]
 almostEquals2(Class3 a) => a?.runtimeType == null;
-/*member: almostEquals3:dynamic=[Class3.runtimeType,Null.==],runtimeType=[unknown:Class3],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:JSNull,param:Class3]*/
+/*member: almostEquals3:
+ dynamic=[
+  Class3.runtimeType,
+  Null.==],
+ runtimeType=[unknown:Class3],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  param:Class3]
 almostEquals3(Class3 a) => null == a.runtimeType;
-/*member: almostEquals4:dynamic=[Class3.==,Class3.runtimeType,Null.==],runtimeType=[unknown:Class3],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:JSNull,param:Class3]*/
+/*member: almostEquals4:
+ dynamic=[
+  Class3.==,
+  Class3.runtimeType,
+  Null.==],
+ runtimeType=[unknown:Class3],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  param:Class3]
 almostEquals4(Class3 a) => null == a?.runtimeType;
-/*member: almostEquals5:dynamic=[Class3.field,Class3.runtimeType,Type.==],runtimeType=[unknown:Class3],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,param:Class3]*/
+/*member: almostEquals5:
+ dynamic=[
+  Class3.field,
+  Class3.runtimeType,
+  Type.==],
+ runtimeType=[unknown:Class3],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  param:Class3]
 almostEquals5(Class3 a) => a.runtimeType == a.field;
-/*member: almostEquals6:dynamic=[Class3.==,Class3.field,Class3.runtimeType,Type.==],runtimeType=[unknown:Class3],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:JSNull,param:Class3]*/
+/*member: almostEquals6:
+ dynamic=[
+  Class3.==,
+  Class3.field,
+  Class3.runtimeType,
+  Type.==],
+ runtimeType=[unknown:Class3],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  param:Class3]
 almostEquals6(Class3 a) => a?.runtimeType == a.field;
-/*member: almostEquals7:dynamic=[Class3.==,Class3.field,Class3.runtimeType,Type.==],runtimeType=[unknown:Class3],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:JSNull,param:Class3]*/
+/*member: almostEquals7:
+ dynamic=[
+  Class3.==,
+  Class3.field,
+  Class3.runtimeType,
+  Type.==],
+ runtimeType=[unknown:Class3],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  param:Class3]
 almostEquals7(Class3 a) => a.runtimeType == a?.field;
-/*member: almostEquals8:dynamic=[Class3.==,Class3.field,Class3.runtimeType,Type.==],runtimeType=[unknown:Class3],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:JSNull,param:Class3]*/
+/*member: almostEquals8:
+ dynamic=[
+  Class3.==,
+  Class3.field,
+  Class3.runtimeType,
+  Type.==],
+ runtimeType=[unknown:Class3],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  param:Class3]
 almostEquals8(Class3 a) => a?.runtimeType == a?.field;
-/*member: almostEquals9:dynamic=[Class3.field,Class3.runtimeType,Object.==],runtimeType=[unknown:Class3],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,param:Class3]*/
+/*member: almostEquals9:
+ dynamic=[
+  Class3.field,
+  Class3.runtimeType,
+  Object.==],
+ runtimeType=[unknown:Class3],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  param:Class3]
 almostEquals9(Class3 a) => a.field == a.runtimeType;
-/*member: almostEquals10:dynamic=[Class3.==,Class3.field,Class3.runtimeType,Object.==],runtimeType=[unknown:Class3],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:JSNull,param:Class3]*/
+/*member: almostEquals10:
+ dynamic=[
+  Class3.==,
+  Class3.field,
+  Class3.runtimeType,
+  Object.==],
+ runtimeType=[unknown:Class3],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  param:Class3]
 almostEquals10(Class3 a) => a?.field == a.runtimeType;
-/*member: almostEquals11:dynamic=[Class3.==,Class3.field,Class3.runtimeType,Object.==],runtimeType=[unknown:Class3],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:JSNull,param:Class3]*/
+/*member: almostEquals11:
+ dynamic=[
+  Class3.==,
+  Class3.field,
+  Class3.runtimeType,
+  Object.==],
+ runtimeType=[unknown:Class3],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  param:Class3]
 almostEquals11(Class3 a) => a.field == a?.runtimeType;
-/*member: almostEquals12:dynamic=[Class3.==,Class3.field,Class3.runtimeType,Object.==],runtimeType=[unknown:Class3],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:JSNull,param:Class3]*/
+/*member: almostEquals12:
+ dynamic=[
+  Class3.==,
+  Class3.field,
+  Class3.runtimeType,
+  Object.==],
+ runtimeType=[unknown:Class3],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  param:Class3]
 almostEquals12(Class3 a) => a?.field == a?.runtimeType;
-/*member: almostToString1:dynamic=[Class3.runtimeType,Type.toString],runtimeType=[unknown:Class3],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,param:Class3]*/
+/*member: almostToString1:
+ dynamic=[
+  Class3.runtimeType,
+  Type.toString],
+ runtimeType=[unknown:Class3],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  param:Class3]
 almostToString1(Class3 a) => a.runtimeType.toString;
-/*member: almostToString2:dynamic=[Class3.==,Class3.runtimeType,Type.==,Type.toString],runtimeType=[unknown:Class3],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:JSNull,param:Class3]*/
+/*member: almostToString2:
+ dynamic=[
+  Class3.==,
+  Class3.runtimeType,
+  Type.==,
+  Type.toString],
+ runtimeType=[unknown:Class3],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  param:Class3]
 almostToString2(Class3 a) => a?.runtimeType?.toString;
-/*member: almostToString3:dynamic=[Class3.runtimeType,Type.noSuchMethod(1)],runtimeType=[unknown:Class3],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:JSNull,param:Class3]*/
+/*member: almostToString3:
+ dynamic=[
+  Class3.runtimeType,
+  Type.noSuchMethod(1)],
+ runtimeType=[unknown:Class3],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  param:Class3]
 almostToString3(Class3 a) => a.runtimeType.noSuchMethod(null);
-/*member: almostToString4:dynamic=[Class3.==,Class3.runtimeType,Type.noSuchMethod(1)],runtimeType=[unknown:Class3],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:JSNull,param:Class3]*/
+/*member: almostToString4:
+ dynamic=[
+  Class3.==,
+  Class3.runtimeType,
+  Type.noSuchMethod(1)],
+ runtimeType=[unknown:Class3],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  param:Class3]
 almostToString4(Class3 a) => a?.runtimeType.noSuchMethod(null);
-/*member: notEquals1:dynamic=[Class3.runtimeType,Class4.runtimeType,Type.==],runtimeType=[equals:Class3/Class4],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,param:Class3,param:Class4]*/
+/*member: notEquals1:
+ dynamic=[
+  Class3.runtimeType,
+  Class4.runtimeType,
+  Type.==],
+ runtimeType=[equals:Class3/Class4],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  param:Class3,
+  param:Class4]
 notEquals1(Class3 a, Class4 b) => a.runtimeType != b.runtimeType;
-/*member: notEquals2:dynamic=[Class3.==,Class3.runtimeType,Class4.runtimeType,Type.==],runtimeType=[equals:Class3/Class4],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:JSNull,param:Class3,param:Class4]*/
+/*member: notEquals2:
+ dynamic=[
+  Class3.==,
+  Class3.runtimeType,
+  Class4.runtimeType,
+  Type.==],
+ runtimeType=[equals:Class3/Class4],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  param:Class3,
+  param:Class4]
 notEquals2(Class3 a, Class4 b) => a?.runtimeType != b.runtimeType;
-/*member: notEquals3:dynamic=[Class3.runtimeType,Class4.==,Class4.runtimeType,Type.==],runtimeType=[equals:Class3/Class4],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:JSNull,param:Class3,param:Class4]*/
+/*member: notEquals3:
+ dynamic=[
+  Class3.runtimeType,
+  Class4.==,
+  Class4.runtimeType,
+  Type.==],
+ runtimeType=[equals:Class3/Class4],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  param:Class3,
+  param:Class4]
 notEquals3(Class3 a, Class4 b) => a.runtimeType != b?.runtimeType;
-/*member: notEquals4:dynamic=[Class3.==,Class3.runtimeType,Class4.==,Class4.runtimeType,Type.==],runtimeType=[equals:Class3/Class4],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:JSNull,param:Class3,param:Class4]*/
+/*member: notEquals4:
+ dynamic=[
+  Class3.==,
+  Class3.runtimeType,
+  Class4.==,
+  Class4.runtimeType,
+  Type.==],
+ runtimeType=[equals:Class3/Class4],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  param:Class3,
+  param:Class4]
 notEquals4(Class3 a, Class4 b) => a?.runtimeType != b?.runtimeType;
 /*member: main:dynamic=[exact:Class1a.==],static=[Class1a.(0),Class1b.(0),Class1c.(0),Class1d.(0),Class2.(0),Class3.(0),Class4.(0),almostEquals1(1),almostEquals10(1),almostEquals11(1),almostEquals12(1),almostEquals2(1),almostEquals3(1),almostEquals4(1),almostEquals5(1),almostEquals6(1),almostEquals7(1),almostEquals8(1),almostEquals9(1),almostToString1(1),almostToString2(1),almostToString3(1),almostToString4(1),checkTypeBound(4),equals1(2),notEquals1(2),notEquals2(2),notEquals3(2),notEquals4(2),print(1),throwTypeError(1),toString1(1),toString2(1),toString3(1),toString4(1),toString5(1),toString6(1),unknown(1)]*/
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/statements.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/statements.dart
index 57bb512a..4d94691 100644
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/statements.dart
+++ b/tests/compiler/dart2js/impact/data/statements.dart
@@ -67,13 +67,104 @@
     return 1;
-/*member: testForIn:dynamic=[Iterator.current,Iterator.iterator,Iterator.moveNext(0)],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),checkConcurrentModificationError(2),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[impl:Iterable<dynamic>,inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:JSNull,inst:Null]*/
+/*member: testForIn:
+ dynamic=[
+  Iterator.current,
+  Iterator.iterator,
+  Iterator.moveNext(0)],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  checkConcurrentModificationError(2),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  impl:Iterable<dynamic>,
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  inst:Null]
 testForIn(o) {
   for (var e in o) {}
-/*member: testForInTyped:dynamic=[Iterator.current,Iterator.iterator,Iterator.moveNext(0)],static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),checkConcurrentModificationError(2),findType(1),instanceType(1)],type=[impl:Iterable<dynamic>,impl:int,inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:JSNull,inst:Null]*/
+/*member: testForInTyped:
+ dynamic=[
+  Iterator.current,
+  Iterator.iterator,
+  Iterator.moveNext(0)],
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  checkConcurrentModificationError(2),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1)],
+ type=[
+  impl:Iterable<dynamic>,
+  impl:int,
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:JSNull,
+  inst:Null]
 testForInTyped(o) {
   for (int e in o) {}
@@ -89,7 +180,48 @@
   try {} catch (e) {}
-/*member: testTryCatchOn:static=[Rti._bind(1),Rti._eval(1),_arrayInstanceType(1),_asBoolNullable(1),_asDoubleNullable(1),_asIntNullable(1),_asNumNullable(1),_asObject(1),_asStringNullable(1),_asTop(1),_generalAsCheckImplementation(1),_generalIsTestImplementation(1),_installSpecializedIsTest(1),_instanceType(1),_isBool(1),_isInt(1),_isNum(1),_isObject(1),_isString(1),_isTop(1),findType(1),instanceType(1),unwrapException(1)],type=[catch:String,inst:Closure,inst:JSBool,inst:PlainJavaScriptObject,inst:UnknownJavaScriptObject]*/
+/*member: testTryCatchOn:
+ static=[
+  Rti._bind(1),
+  Rti._eval(1),
+  _arrayInstanceType(1),
+  _asBool(1),
+  _asBoolQ(1),
+  _asBoolS(1),
+  _asDouble(1),
+  _asDoubleQ(1),
+  _asDoubleS(1),
+  _asInt(1),
+  _asIntQ(1),
+  _asIntS(1),
+  _asNum(1),
+  _asNumQ(1),
+  _asNumS(1),
+  _asObject(1),
+  _asString(1),
+  _asStringQ(1),
+  _asStringS(1),
+  _asTop(1),
+  _generalAsCheckImplementation(1),
+  _generalIsTestImplementation(1),
+  _installSpecializedIsTest(1),
+  _instanceType(1),
+  _isBool(1),
+  _isInt(1),
+  _isNum(1),
+  _isObject(1),
+  _isString(1),
+  _isTop(1),
+  findType(1),
+  instanceType(1),
+  unwrapException(1)],
+ type=[
+  catch:String,
+  inst:Closure,
+  inst:JSBool,
+  inst:PlainJavaScriptObject,
+  inst:UnknownJavaScriptObject]
 testTryCatchOn() {
   try {} on String catch (e) {}
diff --git a/tests/corelib/collection_length_test.dart b/tests/corelib/collection_length_test.dart
index 984f30e..2bc1f18 100644
--- a/tests/corelib/collection_length_test.dart
+++ b/tests/corelib/collection_length_test.dart
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@
   testCollection(new ListQueue(), N);
   testCollection(new DoubleLinkedQueue(), N);
   testList([]..length = N, N);
+  testList(new List.filled(0, null, growable: true)..length = N, N);
   testList(new List.filled(N, null), N);
diff --git a/tests/corelib/list_concurrent_modify_test.dart b/tests/corelib/list_concurrent_modify_test.dart
index 0111063..df62919 100644
--- a/tests/corelib/list_concurrent_modify_test.dart
+++ b/tests/corelib/list_concurrent_modify_test.dart
@@ -8,10 +8,8 @@
 void main() {
   // Growable lists. Initial length 0.
-  testConcurrentModification(new List());
-  testConcurrentModification(new List<int>().toList());
-  testConcurrentModification(new List<int?>(0).toList());
-  testConcurrentModification(new List.filled(0, null, growable: true));
+  testConcurrentModification(<int>[].toList());
+  testConcurrentModification(new List.filled(0, 0, growable: true));
   testConcurrentModification(new List.from(const []));
   testConcurrentModification(new MyList([]));
@@ -28,7 +26,7 @@
   testConcurrentAddSelf([1, 2, 3]);
-void testConcurrentModification(List<int?> list) {
+void testConcurrentModification(List<int> list) {
   // add, removeLast.
   list.addAll([1, 2, 3, 2, 7, 9, 9, 7, 2, 3, 2, 1]);
@@ -93,6 +91,10 @@
     _source.length = length;
+  void add(E element) {
+    _source.add(element);
+  }
   E operator [](int index) => _source[index];
   void operator []=(int index, E value) {
     _source[index] = value;
diff --git a/tests/corelib/list_removeat_test.dart b/tests/corelib/list_removeat_test.dart
index 6fedda8..a1657c2 100644
--- a/tests/corelib/list_removeat_test.dart
+++ b/tests/corelib/list_removeat_test.dart
@@ -25,7 +25,10 @@
   // Index must be integer and in range.
   Expect.throwsRangeError(() => l1.removeAt(-1), "negative");
   Expect.throwsRangeError(() => l1.removeAt(5), "too large");
-  Expect.throwsArgumentError(() => l1.removeAt(null), "too large");
+  Expect.throws(() => l1.removeAt(null),
+      // With --null-safety a TypeError is thrown
+      // With --no-null-safety an ArgumentError is thrown
+      (e) => e is TypeError || e is ArgumentError, "is null");
   Expect.equals(2, l1.removeAt(2), "l1-remove2");
   Expect.equals(1, l1[1], "l1-1[1]");
@@ -47,7 +50,7 @@
   testModifiableList(new MyList([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]));
   // Fixed size list.
-  var l2 = new List(5);
+  var l2 = new List<int?>.filled(5, null);
   for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) l2[i] = i;
   Expect.throwsUnsupportedError(() => l2.removeAt(2), "fixed-length");
diff --git a/tests/corelib/list_test.dart b/tests/corelib/list_test.dart
index 18f2749..aa18a79 100644
--- a/tests/corelib/list_test.dart
+++ b/tests/corelib/list_test.dart
@@ -22,17 +22,21 @@
   testTypedList(new Int32List(4).toList(growable: false));
   // Fixed length lists, length 4.
-  testFixedLengthList(<T>() => new List<T?>(4));
-  testFixedLengthList(<T>() => new List<T?>(4).toList(growable: false));
-  testFixedLengthList(<T>() => (new List<T?>()..length = 4).toList(growable: false));
+  testFixedLengthList(<T>() => new List<T?>.filled(4, null));
+  testFixedLengthList(
+      <T>() => new List<T?>.filled(4, null).toList(growable: false));
+  testFixedLengthList(<T>() => (<T?>[]..length = 4).toList(growable: false));
+  testFixedLengthList(<T>() => (new List<T?>.filled(0, null, growable: true)
+        ..length = 4)
+      .toList(growable: false));
   // ListBase implementation of List.
-  testFixedLengthList(<T>() => new MyFixedList(new List<T?>(4)));
-  testFixedLengthList(<T>() => new MyFixedList<T?>(new List<T?>(4)).toList(growable: false));
+  testFixedLengthList(<T>() => new MyFixedList(new List<T?>.filled(4, null)));
+  testFixedLengthList(<T>() => new MyFixedList<T?>(new List<T?>.filled(4, null))
+      .toList(growable: false));
   // Growable lists. Initial length 0.
-  testGrowableList(<T>() => new List());
-  testGrowableList(<T>() => new List<T?>().toList());
-  testGrowableList(<T>() => new List<T?>(0).toList());
+  testGrowableList(<T>() => <T?>[].toList());
+  testGrowableList(<T>() => new List<T?>.filled(0, null).toList());
   testGrowableList(<T>() => new List<T?>.filled(0, null, growable: true));
   testGrowableList(<T>() => []);
   testGrowableList(<T>() => new List.from(const []));
@@ -118,7 +122,7 @@
   // Empty lists.
   testRangeErrors([], "list");
-  testRangeErrors(new List(0), "fixed-list");
+  testRangeErrors(new List.filled(0, null), "fixed-list");
   testRangeErrors(const [], "const-list");
   testRangeErrors(new List.unmodifiable([]), "unmodifiable");
   testRangeErrors(new Uint8List(0), "typed-list");
@@ -126,7 +130,7 @@
   testRangeErrors([1, 2, 3].sublist(1, 1), "sub-list");
   // Non-empty lists.
   testRangeErrors([1, 2, 3], "list");
-  testRangeErrors(new List(3), "fixed-list");
+  testRangeErrors(new List.filled(3, null), "fixed-list");
   testRangeErrors(const [1, 2, 3], "const-list");
   testRangeErrors(new List.unmodifiable([1, 2, 3]), "unmodifiable");
   testRangeErrors(new Uint8List(3), "typed-list");
@@ -279,8 +283,8 @@
 void testLengthInvariantOperations(List<int?> list) {
-  Expect.throwsTypeError(() => testUntypedListTests(list),
-      'List<int> cannot store non-ints');
+  Expect.throwsTypeError(
+      () => testUntypedListTests(list), 'List<int> cannot store non-ints');
   // Argument errors on bad indices. List is still [0, 1, 2, 3].
@@ -568,11 +572,11 @@
 void testListConstructor() {
   // Is fixed-length.
-  Expect.throws(() => new List(0).add(4));
-  Expect.throws(() => new List(-2));  // Not negative. //# 01: ok
+  Expect.throws(() => new List<int?>.filled(0, null).add(4));
+  Expect.throws(() => new List.filled(-2, null)); // Not negative. //# 01: ok
   // Not null.
-  Expect.throws(() => new List(null));
-  Expect.listEquals([4], new List()..add(4));
+  Expect.throws(() => new List.filled(null, null));
+  Expect.listEquals([4], <int>[]..add(4));
   // Is fixed-length.
   Expect.throws(() => new List.filled(0, 42).add(4));
   // Not negative.
diff --git a/tests/language/control_flow_collections/await_for_null_test.dart b/tests/language/control_flow_collections/await_for_null_test.dart
index 492e153..a8f4154 100644
--- a/tests/language/control_flow_collections/await_for_null_test.dart
+++ b/tests/language/control_flow_collections/await_for_null_test.dart
@@ -8,14 +8,14 @@
   Stream<int>? nullStream;
   var a = <int>[await for (var i in nullStream) 1];
   //                                ^^^^^^^^^^
   // [cfe] The type 'Stream<int>?' used in the 'for' loop must implement 'Stream<dynamic>'.
   var b = <int, int>{await for (var i in nullStream) 1: 1};
   //                                     ^^^^^^^^^^
   // [cfe] The type 'Stream<int>?' used in the 'for' loop must implement 'Stream<dynamic>'.
   var c = <int>{await for (var i in nullStream) 1};
   //                                ^^^^^^^^^^
   // [cfe] The type 'Stream<int>?' used in the 'for' loop must implement 'Stream<dynamic>'.
diff --git a/tests/language/control_flow_collections/for_downcast_test.dart b/tests/language/control_flow_collections/for_downcast_test.dart
index e16067e..f857295 100644
--- a/tests/language/control_flow_collections/for_downcast_test.dart
+++ b/tests/language/control_flow_collections/for_downcast_test.dart
@@ -117,14 +117,14 @@
   Iterable<int>? nullIterable = null;
   var a = <int>[for (var i in nullIterable) 1];
   //                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^
   // [cfe] The type 'Iterable<int>?' used in the 'for' loop must implement 'Iterable<dynamic>'.
   var b = {for (var i in nullIterable) 1: 1};
   //                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^
   // [cfe] The type 'Iterable<int>?' used in the 'for' loop must implement 'Iterable<dynamic>'.
   var c = <int>{for (var i in nullIterable) 1};
   //                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^
   // [cfe] The type 'Iterable<int>?' used in the 'for' loop must implement 'Iterable<dynamic>'.
diff --git a/tests/language/control_flow_collections/for_null_condition_test.dart b/tests/language/control_flow_collections/for_null_condition_test.dart
index e88d665..31b02b9 100644
--- a/tests/language/control_flow_collections/for_null_condition_test.dart
+++ b/tests/language/control_flow_collections/for_null_condition_test.dart
@@ -9,14 +9,14 @@
   bool? nullBool = null;
   var a = <int>[for (; nullBool;) 1];
   //                   ^^^^^^^^
   // [cfe] A value of type 'bool?' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'bool'.
   var b = <int, int>{for (; nullBool;) 1: 1};
   //                        ^^^^^^^^
   // [cfe] A value of type 'bool?' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'bool'.
   var c = <int>{for (; nullBool;) 1};
   //                   ^^^^^^^^
   // [cfe] A value of type 'bool?' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'bool'.
diff --git a/tests/language/control_flow_collections/if_null_condition_test.dart b/tests/language/control_flow_collections/if_null_condition_test.dart
index 4e613c2..667c6bd 100644
--- a/tests/language/control_flow_collections/if_null_condition_test.dart
+++ b/tests/language/control_flow_collections/if_null_condition_test.dart
@@ -6,16 +6,16 @@
   bool? nullBool;
   var a = <int>[if (nullBool) 1];
   //                ^^^^^^^^
   // [cfe] A value of type 'bool?' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'bool'.
   var b = <int, int>{if (nullBool) 1: 1};
   //                     ^^^^^^^^
   // [cfe] A value of type 'bool?' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'bool'.
   var c = <int>{if (nullBool) 1};
   //                ^^^^^^^^
   // [cfe] A value of type 'bool?' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'bool'.
diff --git a/tests/language/nnbd/resolution/null_aware_subscript_produces_nullable_type_test.dart b/tests/language/nnbd/resolution/null_aware_subscript_produces_nullable_type_test.dart
index c4f6385..43472fd 100644
--- a/tests/language/nnbd/resolution/null_aware_subscript_produces_nullable_type_test.dart
+++ b/tests/language/nnbd/resolution/null_aware_subscript_produces_nullable_type_test.dart
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 void f2(NotGeneric? x) {
   x?[0] + 1;
 // [cfe] unspecified
   x?[0] = 1;
   useNonNullable(x?[0] = 1);
@@ -46,14 +46,14 @@
 void f3<T extends num>(Generic<T>? x) {
   x?[0] + 1;
 // [cfe] unspecified
 void f4<T extends num>(Generic<T?> x) {
   x[0] + 1;
 // [cfe] unspecified
diff --git a/tests/language/nnbd/resolution/question_question_lub_test.dart b/tests/language/nnbd/resolution/question_question_lub_test.dart
index b050b2a..830c848 100644
--- a/tests/language/nnbd/resolution/question_question_lub_test.dart
+++ b/tests/language/nnbd/resolution/question_question_lub_test.dart
@@ -16,13 +16,13 @@
   (nullableInt ?? nonNullInt) + 1;
   (nullableInt ?? nullableInt) + 1;
 // [cfe] unspecified
   (nonNullInt ?? nullableInt) + 1;
 //               ^^^^^^^^^^^
 // [cfe] unspecified
   (nonNullInt ?? nonNullInt) + 1;
 //               ^^^^^^^^^^
diff --git a/tests/standalone/io/process_check_arguments_test.dart b/tests/standalone/io/process_check_arguments_test.dart
index f6bfd0b..9922dc1 100644
--- a/tests/standalone/io/process_check_arguments_test.dart
+++ b/tests/standalone/io/process_check_arguments_test.dart
@@ -36,4 +36,5 @@
   test([scriptFile.path, '4', '0', 'a\tb', 'a']);
   test([scriptFile.path, '4', '0', 'a\tb', 'a\t\t\t\tb']);
   test([scriptFile.path, '4', '0', 'a\tb', 'a    b']);
+  test([scriptFile.path, '5', '0', 'a\tb', 'a    b', '']);
diff --git a/tests/standalone_2/io/process_check_arguments_test.dart b/tests/standalone_2/io/process_check_arguments_test.dart
index c79c00e..366223d 100644
--- a/tests/standalone_2/io/process_check_arguments_test.dart
+++ b/tests/standalone_2/io/process_check_arguments_test.dart
@@ -36,4 +36,5 @@
   test([scriptFile.path, '4', '0', 'a\tb', 'a']);
   test([scriptFile.path, '4', '0', 'a\tb', 'a\t\t\t\tb']);
   test([scriptFile.path, '4', '0', 'a\tb', 'a    b']);
+  test([scriptFile.path, '5', '0', 'a\tb', 'a    b', '']);
diff --git a/tools/VERSION b/tools/VERSION
index 8909bf9..fe4153b 100644
--- a/tools/VERSION
+++ b/tools/VERSION
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
diff --git a/tools/bots/test_matrix.json b/tools/bots/test_matrix.json
index e4602d8..c549bb6 100644
--- a/tools/bots/test_matrix.json
+++ b/tools/bots/test_matrix.json
@@ -327,6 +327,7 @@
+      "pkg/dds/",
@@ -412,6 +413,7 @@
+      "pkg/dds/",
diff --git a/tools/generate_package_config.dart b/tools/generate_package_config.dart
index 3d415c3..19e9c94 100755
--- a/tools/generate_package_config.dart
+++ b/tools/generate_package_config.dart
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
+    packageDirectory('pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/'),
   var packages = [