blob: 459be7f45ceb91d1e993ede84724caa66b962476 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include <platform/globals.h>
#include "vm/compiler/backend/locations.h"
#include "vm/compiler/ffi/native_location.h"
#include "vm/compiler/ffi/native_type.h"
namespace dart {
namespace compiler {
namespace ffi {
using NativeLocations = ZoneGrowableArray<const NativeLocation*>;
// Values below 0 index result (result might be multiple if composite).
const intptr_t kResultIndex = -1;
// Calculates native calling convention, is not aware of Dart calling
// convention constraints.
// This class is meant to be extended or embedded in a class that is aware
// of Dart calling convention constraints.
class NativeCallingConvention : public ZoneAllocated {
NativeCallingConvention(Zone* zone, const Function& c_signature);
// Excluding the #0 argument which is the function pointer.
intptr_t num_args() const;
// The C Type (expressed in a Dart Type) of the argument at `arg_index`.
// Excluding the #0 argument which is the function pointer.
RawAbstractType* CType(intptr_t arg_index) const;
// The location of the argument at `arg_index`.
const NativeLocation& Location(intptr_t arg_index) const {
if (arg_index == kResultIndex) {
return result_loc_;
return *arg_locs_.At(arg_index);
intptr_t StackTopInBytes() const;
Zone* const zone_;
// Contains the function pointer as argument #0.
const Function& c_signature_;
const NativeLocations& arg_locs_;
const NativeLocation& result_loc_;
} // namespace ffi
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace dart