blob: 7b984a049903df02be93ce20aa704109e6c644e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2024, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
class TestResultOutcome {
// This encoder must generate each output element on its own line.
final _encoder = JsonEncoder();
final String configuration;
final String suiteName;
final String testName;
late Duration elapsedTime;
final String expectedResult;
late bool matchedExpectations;
String testOutput;
required this.configuration,
this.suiteName = 'tests/reload',
required this.testName,
this.expectedResult = 'Pass',
this.testOutput = '',
String toRecordJson() => _encoder.convert({
'name': '$suiteName/$testName',
'configuration': configuration,
'suite': suiteName,
'test_name': testName,
'time_ms': elapsedTime.inMilliseconds,
'expected': expectedResult,
'result': matchedExpectations ? 'Pass' : 'Fail',
'matches': expectedResult == expectedResult,
String toLogJson() => _encoder.convert({
'name': '$suiteName/$testName',
'configuration': configuration,
'result': matchedExpectations ? 'Pass' : 'Fail',
'log': testOutput,
/// Escapes backslashes in [unescaped].
/// Used for wrapping Windows-style paths.
String escapedString(String unescaped) {
return unescaped.replaceAll(r'\', r'\\');
enum RuntimePlatforms {
chrome('chrome', true),
d8('d8', true),
vm('vm', false);
const RuntimePlatforms(this.text, this.emitsJS);
final String text;
final bool emitsJS;
/// Encodes information provided in a hot_reload test's configuration file.
/// Example structure:
/// {
/// "exclude": ["vm", "chrome"]
/// }
class ReloadTestConfiguration {
final Map<String, dynamic> _values;
final Set<RuntimePlatforms> excludedPlaforms;
final String? expectedError;
this._values, this.excludedPlaforms, this.expectedError);
factory ReloadTestConfiguration() => ReloadTestConfiguration._(
const <String, dynamic>{}, <RuntimePlatforms>{}, null);
factory ReloadTestConfiguration.fromJsonFile(Uri file) {
final Map<String, dynamic> jsonData =
final excludedPlaforms = <RuntimePlatforms>{};
var rawExcludedPlatforms = jsonData['exclude'];
if (rawExcludedPlatforms != null) {
for (final String platform in rawExcludedPlatforms) {
final runtimePlatform = RuntimePlatforms.values.byName(platform);
return ReloadTestConfiguration._(
jsonData, excludedPlaforms, jsonData['expectedError']);
String toJson() {
return JsonEncoder().convert(_values);